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Tubing-Conveyed Perforating:

Operating Experience
o.y. Bowler, * SPE, and Dadang Suparman, * SPE, Huffco Indonesia

Summary. In 1981, Huffco Indonesia, a production-sharing contractor to Pertamina, was the first company in Indonesia to use tubing-
conveyed perforating (TCP) in its well completions. This paper draws conclusions on the benefits of using a TCP technique over wire-
line perforating techniques. Of the 75 TCP jobs done, less than 10% can be considered failures. The results achieved with various
amounts of underbalance are compared with published results. TCP is considered the most effective perforating technique currently available.

Huffco Indonesia is the operator of an onshore production-sharing the amount of underbalance generally is limited to hundreds of
contract with Pertamina, the national oil company of Indonesia, pounds per square inch, compared with thousands for TCP.
in the Sanga-Sanga block in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The dis- With wireline perforating, the interval size is limited to 30 ft [9
covery well, Badak WeIll, was drilled in late 1971. The well dem- m] per run. No limit exists with TCP. This advantage is especially
onstrated that the anticlinal Badak field structure contained multiple useful in perforating commingled zones: the TCP technique can
stacked, deltaic gas and oil sandstone reservoirs between 4,500 and perforate the zones simultaneously, while wireline requires multi-
11,000 ft [1370 and 3350 m]. Subsequent discoveries have resulted ple runs if the zones fall outside the gun length. While it may be
in three additional fields being brought to production: Nilam, possible to make additional runs when the well is flowing, suffi-
Mutiara, and Wailawi. Total production is about 37,000 BID [5880 dent control of the well flow must exist to enable the wireline to
m 3 /d] of oil and condensate and exceeds 1 Bcf [28.3 x 10 6 m3 ] be lowered into the hole without getting balled up. In wireline per-
of gas. The natural gas is supplied to the Bontang liquefied natural forating, firing is confirmed by inspection of the charge carrier when
gas plant and to the Kaltim fertilizer plant. Currently, there are 111 the gun is pulled, out of the hole. With TCP, this confirmation can-
wells in Badak and 95 wells in Nilam, with each field containing not be made because the guns remain in the hole. Usually, because
some 300 reservoirs. of the tremendous surge forces, especially with high underbalance,
If the completion/recompletion process is carried out effectively confirmation of firing is possible. This is not always the case, how-
by minimizing damage at the wellbore, then the work necessary ever, especially in a multizone completion when some zone charges
(and therefore the cost) to maintain plant deliverability requirements may have fired, thereby masking failed charges. A technique to
can be minimized. The adoption of the TCP technique for comple- resolve this problem is to put a radioactive tag on a charge for each
tion is a key factor in achieving this objective. gun section. The guns can then be dropped off the tubing string
after firing and a gamma ray log run.
Comparison of Perforating Techniques Another major advantage of the TCP technique is the larger charge
Two distinct perforating techniques are available: wireline and size and the depth of penetration achievable. Standard charts show
tubing-conveyed. With the wireline technique, the charges are low- the available charge size in grams, the hole diameter, and the depth
ered into the well in a frame or carrier on a wire1ine and fired by of penetration. For example, a 37-g charge can provide a 26-in.
a signal passing through the wireline. The wireline technique can [66-cm] penetration and a 0.56-in. [l.4-cm] hole diameter in 7-in.
be "through-tubing," meaning that the completion equipment is [17-cm] casing. By comparison, a 2 Ys-in. [5A-cm] enerjet provides
in place and the charges are lowered through the production string 18.5-in. [47-cm] penetration and a 0.34-in. [0.9-cm] hole diameter
and out of the bottom, opposite where the interval is to be perfo- in 5\-2-in. [14-cm] casing.
rated. Alternatively, a casing gun, which is capable of using a larger
carrier and therefore a larger charge, can be used to perforate the TCP Firing-Mechanism Preference
casing before the completion equipment is run. In TCP techniques, The selection of the firing mechanism depends on the completion
the perforating guns are attached to the bottom of the production design and objective. For Huffco Indonesia, drop bar is now used
string of the completion equipment or· drillstem-test (DST) tools. almost exclusively for completions, with annular pressure firing
The TCP guns are fired after running the completion equipment, used for DST's.
setting the packer, and activating the firing head by applying an- Table 2 illustrates both the failure and trouble associated with
nular pressure (Fig. 1), by dropping an impact bar (Fig. 2), or by each of the firing mechanisms expressed as a percentage of jobs
using a "wet connect" (Fig. 3) where a wireline connection on run. In this case, "failure" means that the guns did not fire; "trou-
the guns is used to place a timing device to activate the guns. ble" means that the guns fired, but only after repeated attempts.
Table 1 compares TCP and wireline perforating. Underbalance For wet connects, the trouble was associated with the production
is the amount of differential pressure exerted by the reservoir for- logging tool or wireline used in association with the wet connect.
mation into the wellbore. It can be adjusted by filling the produc- The fewest failures and least trouble were associated with the
tion or test string with completion fluid or by emptying it by drop bar. About 62% (47) of the samples selected were drop bar.
swabbing to a level where the required amount of underbalance is Of the failures, three-fourths were caused by the firing pin design;
achieved. when redesigned, the system proved more reliable. To confirm this
For TCP, the underbalance limitation is the mechanical integri- reliability, 17 consecutive drop-bar jobs carried out by another serv-
ty of the equipment, where up to 5,OOO-psi [34.5-MPal differen- ice company resulted in no failures or trouble. The remaining
tial pressure can be achieved. Advantages are that no completion failures were the result of primacord. The trouble for the drop bar
fluid enters the 'formation when the TCP is fired and the charge involved multiple drops of the bar. Multiple drops were necessary
debris is expelled quickly from the formation, resulting in an ef- not only because of the poor firing-mechanism design but occa-
fective cleanup. For wireline perforating, it is possible, with sionally because of debris on the firing head, possibly resulting from
through-tubing perforating guns, to perforate with a limited amount the underbalance swabbing operation.
of underbalance. The danger, however, is that a productive zone For annular-pressure firing, the limited number of jobs carried
would carry the perforating tool up the tubing. To offset this prob- out (11, or 15% of the sample) probably do not provide a reliable
lem, weight can be added to the bottom of the tool. For wirelines, data base for extrapolation. In one case, the guns failed to fire; in
• Now with Virginia indonesia Co. a second, the guns fired after the packer was reset, which was clas-
Copyright 1991 Society of Petroleum Engineers sified as trouble.
SPE Production Engineering, May 1991 195
TOOl.. STRING ---+-

~ [)< PACKER

~ACICER - - -



BULLNOSE - - + - ' \ - /
' / / / / '/ FIRING HEAD
Fig. 1-Typlcal annular-pressure firing method. 0 0 0

Almost 23 % (17) of the samples were wet connect. A modified 0 0 0

production logging tool was combined with- the firing actuator to

obtain early-time pressure and flow data. Generally, the wet-connect SPACER-
mechanism worked adequately for firing the guns but frequently 0 0 0
failed to provide the real-time data needed for evaluating the zone. 0 0 0
In one case of wet-connect system failure, the guns partially fired, CARRIER GUN
0 0 0
and in a second, the guns had been on bottom at approximately
300 0 P [422 K] for too long. (This is easily remedied by using higher-
temperature-rated caps.) The trouble associated with the wet con-
nect made obvious the impact of the surge forces acting on the guns C_I BULLNOSE
and completion system.

Amount of Underbalance Fig. 2-Typlcal drop-bar firing method.

No clear, unequivocal guidance on the correct amount of under-
balance exists in the literature. Our experience in maintaining me-
chanical integrity in the wellbore with TCP led us to settle on an grains. Another factor is the potential movement of clay fines, re-
"operational" maximum underbalance of 3,000 psi [20.7 MPa]. sulting in blocked pore throats. Subsequent reservoir-rock thin-
While we have perforated successfully at higher underbalance, we section studies have shown that our reservoirs can be classified into •
also have noticed a greater frequency of mechanical problems at five pore types, ranging in mean pore intermediate radii from 1
the higher underbalance. In some cases, the completion packer has to 25 /-tm. While some potentially movable kaolinite clay exists in
sheared free. certain reservoir samples, it is believed that the particle damage
The degree of formation consolidation is another factor. Our for- incurred will be offset by open perforation tunnels clear of debris.
mations are well-consolidated with silica cementation of the sand The presence of micropores results in an overestimation of porosi-



Feature TCP Wireline

Very limited Failure Trouble Total
Underbalance Up to 500 psi
Interval size Mechanical limit 30 Wrun Drop bar 8 6 14
Commingled zones Single run Multiple run Annular pressure 9 9 18
Shot detection Limited Inspect gun Wet connect 12 29 41
Charge size Up to 37 g Through-tubing limit

196 SPE Production Engineering, May 1991



o ~~________________~"'~I'~_~~=D:DU~~~T~ION~______~

§ '\"

j to KINe's \

L IlELATION HIP -~ " ' ,
~ ~
'f"'. o.Ij,----------..;..I'RO.;...;..;D;..;U..;..C-TI;..;.o.c;.N--+--------------------.I



FIg. 4-Underbalance pressure used on TCP In sandstone gas
WIRELINE CABLE zones (after KIng et a/. 1).


'/.'// / /, FIRING HEAD
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0


FIg. 5-Comparlson of TCP and wlrellne results. TCP more

FIg. 3-lYplcal wet-connect fIrIng method. effectIve wIth skIn factor as the measure.

ty from logs, often leading to poor estimates of expected permea- in apparently-similar-quality zones. Therefore, using a random data
bility from a porosity-permeability correlation. set of some 20 points in each case, it can be seen that the skin fac-
King et al. 1 established an empirical relationship between the tor is markedly less for TCP than for wireline.
amount of underbalance and the permeability of sandstone forma- Fig. 5 shows the cumulative frequency of occurrence of skin factor
tions for both oil and gas reservoirs. They developed the relation- within the ranges shown. The skin factor was calculated from the
ship by evaluating whether acid improved the production from a results of the well tests after TCP and wireline perforating. Be-
perforated zone by 10% or more. If it did, additional underbalance cause the TCP completions have been carried out with underbalance
was required until no improvement could be seen. Using a less and the wireline completions have not, the results demonstrate the
rigorous approach by relying on the calculated skin factor on the effectiveness of underbalance perforating. Of all TCP completions,
formation as an indicator of clean perforations gives the results for 76% had a skin factor 2::5, compared with 22% for wireline com-
gas that are overlaid on King et al.'s results in Fig. 4. The infer- pletions. Indeed, 50% of the wireline completions have a skin fac-
ence for gas is that, at < 4O-md permeability, higher underbalance tor > 20, with no equivalent valid cases for TCP completions.
than King et al. derived is necessary, and at > 40 md, less under-
balance is required. One supposition may be that, if acid had been Review
applied as King et al. did, the slope of the line would agree more TCP is an excellent technique for obtaining high-underbalance,
closely with King et at. 's. A second supposition may be that different maximum-penetration perforations necessary for low-permeability
environments have different empirical relationships. More work gas reservoirs. Comparison with wireline alternatives in which un-
is required in this area, but a prima facie relationship exists. These derbalance was not used shows that the TCP completions are su-
data, however, do not confirm a slope change below 2-md perme- perior, resulting in considerably less skin at the wellbore. TCP
ability. firing-mechanism alternatives are a matter of preference dictated
by the completion or test design attempted.
Comparison of TCP and Wlrellne Drop bar has proved to be a very reliable method for permanent
Completion Results completions. The amount of underbalance to be applied in the TCP
Unfortunately, the variable-quality sands and the multiple reser- technique is constrained by the mechanical integrity of the equip-
voirs do not allow a direct comparison of the perforating techniques ment. Evidence of the very severe forces in the wellbore imrnedi-

SPE Production Engineering, May 1991 197

Authors Conclusions
1. TCP is a valid, successful method for obtaining undamaged
Grant V. Bowler Is completions with advantages over wireline perforating.
the technical 2. Drop-bar firing has proved to be the most trouble-free firing
studies manager mechanism for completions.
for Virginia Indone- 3. A prima facie relationship exists between the amount of un-
sia Co., operator of derbalance required for perforating and the permeability of the for-
the fields formerly mation to be perforated.
operated by Huffco
Indonesia. He has Acknowledgments
worked almost 7
years on the fields We thank the managements of PertaminalBKKA and of Huffco in-
described, prevl- donesia, a division of Roy M. Huffmgton Inc., for their approval
Bowler Suparman ously as engineer- to publish this paper.
Ing manager. He
holds a as honors degree In chemical engineering from the Reference
U. College of Swanaea, Wales. Dadanll Suparman Is the 1. King, G.E., Anderson, A.R., and Bingham, M.: "A Field Study of Un-
technical data management supervisor for Virginia Indone- derbalance Pressures Necessary To Obtain Clean Perforations Using
sia Co., which he Joined In 1982 as a field engineer. He holds Tubing-Conveyed Perforating," JPT(June 1986) 662-64; Trans., AlME,
a as degree In petroleum engineering from the Inst. of Tech- 281.
nology of aandung.
51 Metric Conversion Factors
ft x 3.048* E-Ol m
ately after perforation was confirmed. As a result, such factors as md x 9.869233 E-04 /L m2
reservoir consolidation, fines movement, and mechanical strength psi x 6.894 757 E+OO kPa
of the completion system must also be considered. The expected
permeability of the formation appears to be a good guide for deter- ·Conversion factor is exact. SPEPE
Original SPE manuscript received for review Feb. 5. 1988. Paper accepted for publication
mining how much underbalance should be attempted, and an em- Dec. 5, 1990. Revised manuscript received June 8, 1990. Paper (SPE 17667) first preeent-
pirical relationship can be developed. ed at the 1988 SPE Offshore South East Asia Conference held In Singapore, Feb. 2-5.

198 SPE Production Engineering, May 1991

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