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‘STEEL, AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED 18 1796:2008 ‘BURGAPUR STEEL PLANT DURGAPUR = 713203 @& (Registered Offcelspat Bhawan Lodi Road,New Delhi-t10 003), tal) ‘(Liverce No: CM/L-0193441) ‘HST CERTIFICATE “est Create Number: 0120008681 DA Number soraio70 ‘Test Cerificate Date: 31.01.2020 aba, DA Date 31.01.2020 WanwTmekNonier | WONTCKIDS — Sy gy gap TaulDAWeWkt —:26910MT Branch carcurma V8 DA Type Stockyard STRENGTH DEFORMED STEEL BARS AND WIRES FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT BRAND: SAIL TMT EQR To; BM BSO KOLKATA Consignce Name & Address WHM KOLKATA, ‘CHIRICAND, JANAI ROAD, DANKUNIDISTT = HCOGHLY Hooghly West Bengal - 712304 “TuSr CERTIFICATE FOR I Ini cvifid that material described below ally conforms to 1S 1786:2008. Chemical composition and mechanical ‘rovers ofthe prac, ag tested in gegordance with the scheme of esting and ingpection cortsined inthe BIS Bichitcation Mas Licence No. CMIL-OI98441 areas indicated below against cach order number. (lease refer to 1S 1786:2008 for details of specication requirement) TEST RESULT [Produce [sPiGrer No [Weiggmin a nak OOS ass e010 ie Te oe on ~ Sema fom [Dos [oiss| 70 ied [ad Fr Le Tiras rN Fo ATT sem [ema [ar | oe [rs { s66_| ors | a9 | 201 [a2 | pms [Poss spe [io Pe [ae [ra [rs [cw Chemical Analysis (Ladle) | c[epe te pataye fo l[s [vp Pele [ele =[e[e>ete ps pst « ts te] «fate | arrow [o-Lomo[oene Foon ns Dass [xs [oo as Dre as Ton Lae} ‘Nin rina cc be ier et “eng Ee nmin (Gaumya Pat S fur CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (Qaip) DDURGAPUR STEEL PLANT STEEL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED 1517862008 & ‘DURGAPUR STEEL PLANT DURGAPUR 713203 (iG) asa (Registered Ottcetspat Bhawan,Loai Road, New Delhi-110 003) (cence No: OL-D193441) Test Cestiiate Number : 0120003680 DA Numnbor 80720971 Test Ceritiste Date 31.01.2020 DA Date 31.01.2020, Wagon Trick Number : WE1iB2443 ‘Total DA Weight 26960 MT Branch CALCUTTA, DA Type Stockyard HGH STRENGTH DEFORMED STEEL BARS AND WIRES FOR CONCEETE REINFORCEMENT BRAND: SAIL TMTEQR ‘To: BM BSO KOLKATA CConsignee Name & Address WHIM KOLKATA CHIRKAND, JANATROAD, DANKUNIDISTT : HCOGHLY Hooghly West Bengal 712304 ‘nis certifi that mari dscribed below ily conforms to IS 1786:2008 . Chemie! composition and mca! roperies fhe prods 5 este in acordane withthe sce of tetng snd inspection coained in the BIS ection Mas Licebo No. CM/LOID34a1 ares neta below api ack ode ube, (ease refer to 15 1786-2008 for deals of spcifeation requirements) ‘TEST RESULT. [rate [upiorerns Waa [TMT BARTS Te FESDOD IS 0013055 2690 nt ‘eae pari cn [8 [ais [ures] ec [met | oot [Re Taree * oa] — a0] sao [oe ae ene | re BARS Tae FOGG ies ac sao [as [8 79 | Pas ss [one a7 | Pas 6 _| ous a2 | Pas Gat ‘heel Am alo) — Cpm[s[P[s[alolo[m[v]m] w]e [else «[*}*[w)[=[*[=[=|«|[=l« [xf [x Tours o20-| 079 | pane [ome | oa [ws | ws | ws | wg [oor | Ns sns oa Lose nt [06 [our Toon oa. [ns xs [ns [xs [ooo [ns [vs [xs [0357 [aos Te ial pla ens oes eg Ss Sogeentsay cnn otessty th {EC Eins Te Engi somo oe — ‘or CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (Quy) ‘DURGAPUR STEEL PLANT STBEL, AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED 1 17862208 ‘BURGAPUR STEEL PLANT DURGAPUR 713203 G7) (Resistered Offcetpat Bhawan,Ladi Road New Delhi-t10 003) (Licence No: ENL-0193441) ‘esr centinicate “Test Cisse Number : 020003678 DA Number sora4srs TeaCeretebac 31012000 © QSAR aus Noize Wagon Tk Naber | Bt D913 GIO TemDawen — | E5s0NT Bn caueursa "A Daltye Satan "TST CERTIFICATE FOR HIGH STRENGTH DEFORMED STEEL BARS AND WIRES FOR CONCEETE REINFORCEMENT TMT EQR ‘To: BM BSO KOLKATA CConsignoe Name & Address WHIM KOLKATA CHIRKAND, JANAT ROAD, DANKUNIDISTT : HOOGHLY Hooghly West ‘Bengal - 712804 RAND : SA Its certified hat material desribed below fll conforms to 1S 1786:2008 . Chemical composition and mechanical Dpropeties ofthe produc, as ested in accordance wit the achame of testing and inspection cousined ite BIS CCntfcation Marks Licence No, CM/L-0193441 areas indicated below aasint each onder mune (Pease refer to 1S 1786-2008 for details of specification requirements) ‘TEST RESULT. aie [uoiraerne [agen [rer nag nero ao0136855 230 Trai ca | ey Tisanial open om [Ws [un [oievs| a | ma | ta [Rete oes ara % | %, TUT BAR Te FEIOOD IS uses] sels saa [99 [ra a f sis 119 [22 [a7 [Pas Po 6 819 [a1 a2 | Pa |e 0 [6c [119 [ano [ae] Pa TACT BARS GESTED IS FOE TE ses oss [ts | 0s [5 | as | Pas 566 os [has [92 [| aes] Pa cg eT eae c[m[s[r[s[alola[u|[v[ wm] w[s]@]sr *f*[x}%luf«[«|*}«[x[s>ep® rensosi| oan | 079 [eos [ome [oa | ws [as [ws [as [oo | ws [ws [ns [eae [ane istisoos| 021 076 [oor [o0zt [oz | xs [ns ns xs [ooo fxs Dns Dns Losi? Loose ‘woke Wet nin NS Not Speci gee (Soumya Pal) {or CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (Quy) DDURGAPLE STEEL PLANT Sai ToT BOR _ ‘pas Cenc npn repre Ld pa 15.03.2020 soso EST BENGAL, WAGON'TRAILER NO, “ONCRETE REINFORCEMENT ropes of te pac, 25 tet in sscodce wi he pin enh Orit No akas CERTIFICATE NO. (ee NAME & ADDRESS = WHM KOLKATA ° {RKAND, JANAT ® STEPL AUTHORITY OF INDIA LIMITED cme wT 22 om, Length: 12m Sait TAT EOR a

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