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KFC Sales Performance

Rapid U.S. economic development and the arrival of Today's Generation have proved to be two-edged
swords for the food service sector in recent years. KFC isn't an exception to this rule either. Due to the current crisis,
many Americans are searching for lower-cost menu choices while dining out, even though they have a greater
discretionary income than other customers worldwide. The fast food industry's continuous expansion is blamed by
experts. With a greater Return on assets (ROA) than the industrial average, KFC beats out the competition ( Chang
et al., 2018). Despite the fact that KFC's ROIC is much higher than the industry average of 5.2 percent, it's not
appealing when compared to other sectors. Fast food is a reliable business that meets a basic human need: a steady
supply of nourishment. Firms, on the other hand, must adapt to PESTLE developments in the market in order to
survive in this fiercely competitive business environment. KFC has made a name for itself by being flexible and
accommodating at the same time. KFC is able to make money by selling a large volume of product at a low profit
margin by providing unique and healthier menu options at a cheap cost. Given KFC's market position and industry
developments, the company could experience comparable growth in the years to come.

Sales of KFC have increased significantly in recent years, as seen in the graph below. As KFC grows in
popularity, the company's management begins to place less importance on its workers and shifts its attention to areas
where it believes it can make even more money and sales (Husna et al., 2020). The company's top executives have
already neglected that their workers and the effectiveness of the operations play a critical part in their success. The
business should look for additional methods to enhance its financial stability, but it should not disregard the strategy
that helped it achieve the current level of success. KFC's top management must reevaluate their objectives and deal
with the issue as quickly as feasible with its workers. KFC is clearly one of the food service industry's most
successful businesses, based on the data. The restaurant chain has locations all over the globe, as well as a robust
franchise network.
Chang, Q., Peng, Y., & Berger, P. D. (2018). The impact of social-media performance on sales of retail-
food brands. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 6(2), 1-12.

Husna, N., Kee, D. M. H., Amirah, N. W., Syazreeza, R., Fatihah, N. A., Pandey, S., ... & Pandey, R.
(2020). How organizational management affect employees’ motivation and service quality: A
study of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). International Journal of Applied Business and
International Management (IJABIM), 5(2), 73-81.

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