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Name: Sitti Shayra V.

Landasan Date: October 26, 2021

Year and Section: BSN-2A

Learning Evaluation

Assessment Task

Topic: Then Primary Health Care


Case Analysis:


Mang Ambo, 56 years old and a provider live in a certain local squatter community. He lives with his wife
and children and grandchildren in a small, shunted house. One day, Mang Ambo got sick and couldn’t
submit for consultation due to lack of financial capability. Since Mang Ambo, is the provider of the
family, his children and grandchildren must leave home and look for a job to sustain for their food and

In this scenario, how would you apply the elements of primary health care? What solutions will
you provide to the family especially for Mang Ambo? Discuss and support your answers.


 Giving a program or health education to Mang Ambo will help him be aware of the
proper ways how he will maintain and sustain his health and his family. Also, this will
help him know that there are free consultations or checkups that government provides
in the community health center. And in the future, he will be able to avoid disease or
such because he has prior knowledge regarding maintaining and sustaining his optimum
health, also his children will be educated.
 This is significant for him since this will assist him with keeping away from such more
terrible conditions and help him from recuperating from what he is feeling. Likewise,
this is essential to be accomplished by his family to shield them from creating
undesirable conditions and reinforce their resistant reaction or invulnerable framework.


 This will help Mang Ambo and his family to prevent them from any microorganisms that
could cause major health illnesses. With this, his family will avoid developing the worst
condition and he will improve his health. Such that, he and his family will make sure to
clean up their surroundings and always practice proper hygiene.
 His children and grandchildren are the future of his family, in that said idea, protecting
him and his family’s health is important to protect his future clan. Thus, his health
should matter first.
 Ensuring his get inoculation like polio, measles, and so forth that is a hazardous
infection. Besides, having this will assist him with ensuring his and his family's well-
being. Likewise, instruct him that it is free.
 He is experiencing now a sickness; consequently, controlling this illness is significant for
him not to taint his family or some other individuals.
 Mang Ambo should approach treatment since he is experiencing a condition. This is a
way for him to recuperate and keep away from the deteriorating of his condition.
Additionally, there is a local area wellbeing focus that is giving consideration free of
 This assumes a significant part in Mang Ambo's recuperation since he is experiencing a
disease from the scenario. With the presence of medication accessibility or
arrangement, Mang Ambo's condition will improve.

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