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8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media

Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception
and Behavior
Participants Information
* Required

1. Full Name *

2. Age *

3. Level of Education *

Mark only one oval.


Diploma or related

Degree or related

Masters Degree/PHD


4. Current Occupation/Pekerjaan Terkini * 1/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

5. Number of Years using Social Media *

Mark only one oval.

0-1 years

2-3 years

4-5 years

More than 5 years

What is the perception of Propaganda is the act of generating messages as a way to gather
support and change public opinion towards an ideology or agenda of
Malaysian public towards individuals or organisations. Propagandas can be used by politicians,
activist and companies among many others. Visual rhetoric is the
the usage of visual
images and texts used within the propagandas.
rhetoric in the
approach of social media

6. What are the propagandas in social media that you have noticed recently?

7. What is the use of social media propaganda in your opinion? 2/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

8. What are visual elements in social media propagandas that stood out to you?

(Range from 1- 5, from neutral,

What was the impact and response evoked in the
poor, fair, moderately affected
audience in relation to visual rhetoric on the and heavily affected)
persuasive function of social media propaganda? 3/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

9. What is the impact of visuals in social media propaganda on your perception of the

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected 4/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

10. What is the impact of visuals in social media propaganda on your perception of the

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected 5/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

11. What is the impact of visuals in social media propaganda on your perception of the

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected 6/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

12. What is the impact of visuals in social media propaganda on your perception of the

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected 7/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

13. What is the impact of visuals in social media propaganda on your perception of the

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected 8/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

14. What is the impact of visuals in social media propaganda on your perception of the

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected

(Range from 1- 5, from neutral, poor, fair,

What was the emotional impact that these moderately affected and heavily affected)
social media propagandas have left on you? 9/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

15. #PulangMengundi

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected 10/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

16. #BlackLivesMatter

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected 11/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

17. #AustraliaForestFire

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5 12/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

18. #IsraelPalestine

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Neutral Heavily Affected

What was the degree of change in attitude from before you have seen the social
media propagandas to after seeing them?

19. #BenderaHitam

Mark only one oval.

No changes

Reshare or Repost

Actively involve in campaign 13/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

20. #BenderaPutih

Mark only one oval.

No changes

Reshare or Repost

Actively involve in campaign

21. #PulangMengundi

Mark only one oval.

No changes

Reshare or Repost

Actively involve in campaign

22. #BlackLivesMatter

Mark only one oval.

No changes

Reshare or Repost

Actively involve in campaign

23. #AustraliaForestFire

Mark only one oval.

No changes

Reshare or Repost

Actively involve in campaign 14/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

24. #IsraelPalestine

Mark only one oval.

No changes

Reshare or Repost

Actively involve in campaign

What is the effect on audience behaviour from the visual rhetoric of social media

25. Have you ever taken steps or actions after seeing the social media propagandas?

Mark only one oval.



26. What actions did you take after seeing the Bendera Hitam Campaign on social

Mark only one oval.

No action

Reshare or repost

Invite others to raise awareness

Share own idea about campaign

Physically involved in campaign 15/16
8/9/2021 The Visual Rhetoric in Social Media Propaganda Towards Malaysia Perception and Behavior

27. What actions did you take after seeing the Bendera Putih Campaign on social

Mark only one oval.

No action

Reshare or repost

Invite others to raise awareness

Share own idea about campaign

Physically involved in campaign

28. Do you think the visuals in the social media propagandas impact your behaviour on
social media?

Mark only one oval.




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 Forms 16/16

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