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Lesson Plan (Daring)

Name : Muhammad Riandy

Group : 52
Class / Semester : VII / 1
School Year : 2021 / 2022
Topic : Greeting And Leave Taking
Method : CLT
Time : 1 x 15 minutes
Skill : Speaking
Learning Model : Distance Learning (Daring)
Media : Google Meet, PPT, Laptop
A. Learning Objectives
. After this lesson, students will be able to:
 Understand how to do greeting and leave taking
 Apply it in daily activities
Preliminary Activities

 The teacher greets students, and invites students to pray together, and checks the
attendance of students.
 The teacher motivates the students to always maintain cleanliness, wash hands and
wear masks
Core Activities
Observe :
 The teacher does the brainstorming about Greeting and Leave Taking.
 The teacher asks the student what material that they want to learn today
 The teacher explains the material about greeting and leave taking so the student can
understand more about the materials
 The teacher shows some expression about greeting and leave-taking, and ask the
students to determine which are the expressions of greeting and leave-taking
 The students will practice short conversations about greeting and leave taking
 The students conclude the material that has been taught
Closing Activities
 The teacher allows students to ask if there is something they still do not understand
 The teacher gives homework
 The learning activity was closed by saying Hamdalah and prayers together.

C. Assessment
1. Assesment : Writen Evaluations
2. Speaking Assesment : See Attachment

Kuala Pembuang, 19th October 2021

Supervisor Subject Teacher

M. Arinal Rahman, M.Ed Muhammad Riandy

Attachment 1 :
Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue below
Adam: (1) . . . sir. I got up late this morning.
Teacher: Well, you must get up early every morning, Adam.
Adam: Yes, sir. I promise not to come late again sir.
Teacher: Good. You may join your friends now.
Adam: (2) . . . sir.

1. A. I’m sorry for coming late.

B. Good morning.
C. Thank you.
D. Well done.

2. A. I’m late.
B. Join you.
C. I’m sorry.
D. Thank you.

The following text is for questions 4 and 5.

To. Adrian
Sorry for leaving so soon. My flight will depart at 6pm. I hope to see you again someday.

3.  Abi writes the text for . . .

A.      meeting again someday.
B.      departing at 6pm.
C.      leaving the flight.
D.     saying goodbye.
4.   Why is Abi in a hurry?
A.      He is saying goodbye.
B.      He is leaving so soon.
C.      He hopes to see Adrian soon.
D.     The flight will depart at 6pm.

5.  Arrange the following utterances into a good dialogue. (2-3-4-1)

1.      Very well, ma’am. What about you.
2.      Good morning, ma’am.
3.      Morning, Aldi. How’s everything?
4.      I’m fines. Thanks.

Attachment 2
Type Perfect Good Sufficient Less
Score 4 Score 3 Score 2 Score 1

Clear, Fluency, Clear, Fluency, Clear, fluency, Not clear, not

Speaking no error little error many error flency, many
pronunciation pronunciation, pronunciation, error
and no and littel and many pronunciation,
gramatical error. gramatical error gramatical error and many
gramatical error
Include in ppt :

Make a dialogue using the greeting and leave-taking expression based on the following situations :
1. you meet your teacher at the street on Sunday morning 
2. you meet your friend at the funfair 
and practices with your friends

Think of the most suitable responses to the following phrases.

a.How are you doing?

b.How do you do?
c.Pleased to meet you.
d.It was nice meeting you.
e.Have a nice day.
f.See you next week.
g.I hope to see you again.

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