RPP PPL 1 Nurjannah.M.Hayati

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Name : Nurjannah Mahmudatul Hayati

Group : 52
School : SMAN-1 Muara Teweh
Class/semester : X/1
School Year : 2021/2022
Material : Congratulating and Complimenting Others
Time : 1 x 15 minutes
Learning Model : Online Learning
Skill : Speaking and writing
Approach/Method : Communicative approach/Community Language
Media Use : Google Meet, Power Point, Google Form,

A. Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:
 Analyze expressions of congratulating and complimenting others
 Develope/improve their writing skills ability
 Apply expressions in everyday life

B. Learning Steps

Activity Explanation Time

Pre-Activity - The teacher and students enter google meet 3 minute
- The teacher opens the lesson by greeting the
- The teacher asks students to fill in attendance
via google form sent in the chat room
- The teacher and students start learning
activities by reciting Basmallah
While-Activity Observe: 10 minutes
- Doing brainstorming (asks if students have ever
done or heard people say congratulating and
complimenting and explain about it) as

- Asks students to read the meaning and
expressions of congratulating and

- The teacher explaining via ppt.
- The teacher plays a sample
- Ask students to read the
- The teacher reads the sample
dialogue and students to repeat it
- Asks students to do writing exercises
- Asks students if there is any question.

- Asks the students about what they have learned and
re-explain the meaning and expressions of
congratulating and complimenting others

Post-Activity - The teacher asks the students about what they have 2 minute
learned and re-explain the meaning and
expressions of congratulating and complimenting
- Ending the learning activity by reciting Hamdalah
- Greeting from both of teacher and students.

C. Assesment
Assesment of Knowledge: Asks students to analyze and write down examples of
expressions about congratulating and complimenting others (See attachment 1)
Asessment of speaking and writing skills (See attachment 2)

Banjarmasin, 30th October 2021

Supervisor Teacher,

M. Arinal Rahman, M. Ed Nurjannah Mahmudatul Hayati

SRN: 190101030070
Attachment 1

Attachment 2
Rubric assesment of skill

Type P G S L
e o u e
r o f s
f d f s
e S i S
c c c c
t o i o
S r e r
c e n e
o t 1
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4 r

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Type P G S L
e o u e
r o f s
f d f s
e S i S
c c c c
t o i o
S r e r
c e n e
o 3 t 1
r S
e c
4 r
Writin N N M M
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s n
m m s y
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s s o m
s s m i
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w o w s
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s e
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