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Pimp Your Project Management

1 2015
Pimp Your Project Management; A Simple Guide
to Managing Projects in a Creative Agency
End-to-end agency management software
loved by 2000+ agencies
Pimp Your Project Management

Tools for Tools for Tools for Tools for

Sales Manager Account Manager/Creatives Finance/Operations Manager Business Owner

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2 2015
Integration Staff Scheduling Xero Accounting Integration Client/Project
Custom Branded Quotes Client login Profitability Reporting
Contacts Management Custom Report Builder

25 world-class software products integrate with

WorkflowMax, including HubSpot
Want to get early access?
You’re a creative.
You get Pantone swatches,
Adobe software, and vision
boards. Your day isn’t complete
Pimp Your Project Management

until you’ve had your coffee

and artisanal bread. You go
loopy with glee when someone
makes a new kind of font.
But when it comes to

3 2015
organising, admin, and all
that stuff, you’re lost. You’d
rather be doing anything else.
Seriously, folding laundry is
looking good to you right now. This guide isn’t about
If you want to run a teaching you a rigid
successful, thriving formula for managing
creative studio, then your team. Instead,
you’re going to have it offers some tips to
to get smart about help you facilitate the
project management. creative process better.
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1. Rocking Your Client Meetings
Pimp Your Project Management

2. Get Your Team Jiving Together

3. Avoid Client Collaborating Pitfalls

4 2015
4. Manage Projects Like a Pro

5. Getting to Grips with Freelancers

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Part 1:
Rocking your
client meetings
Pimp Your Project Management

Meeting a new client for the Luckily, you don’t have to date
first time is a bit like a blind your clients (unless they’re
date. You put on your cleanest, really cute) but you do have
most flattering clothes. Your to impress them. They want
heart pounds nervously and to see an agency that’s

5 2015
your palms sweat as you turn experienced, professional,
over the meeting in your head. organised, and highly
attuned to their needs.
What are you going to say? Will
you like them? Will they like If you find yourself striking out
you? in those initial meetings more
than you’d like, then take a few
of these tips and tricks to your
next meeting, and you may just
find yourself winning that big

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Client tip 1: Client tip 2: Client tip 3:
Control The Set the Tone from Be Prepared
Meeting Place the First Glance
* Meet potential clients in a place * You want your client to walk * Think of client meeting prep as
where you feel comfortable, away from the meeting feeling similar to the prep you’d do for a
and have some control over confident that you’re the right job interview. You are trying to
the elements of the room. agency for the job. What they want show you’re the best candidate
Pimp Your Project Management

to see is a professional, friendly for the job by going above

* Usually, this will mean a room firm with a real creative streak. and beyond what is expected.
in your office, but if you operate The key is being prepared.
virtually - or your office doesn’t have * Dress appropriately, but don’t
meeting space - rent a room from a be afraid to let your personality * When a client sits down for a
business hub or co-working space. show. You’re a creative after all. meeting with you, and you should
That way you can arrive early, not only talk authoritatively
prepare the space, and figure out * Tidy the meeting room and about their company (which

6 2015
how to work any equipment. arrange all your materials you’ve googled) but are aware
ready for the client. Check of a recent news story about
* This is better than meeting at a that any digital equipment them (from their blog).
client’s office, where you can’t you need is a) working, and b)
control the surroundings. This can switched on and ready to go. * Then, you pull out a selection of
become frustrating if, for example, mockups, concepts or samples
you bring along a USB stick of * When your client arrives, make that demonstrate what you
samples but there’s no available eye contact and shake their can do, while talking about how
computer to demonstrate them. hand. Take a few minutes to a competitor (who you’ve also
get comfortable and establish googled) is using a particular
a rapport. Small talk can be technique and how the client might
difficult for some people, but employ it in a more effective way.
it’s an important part of making
your client feel at ease.

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Client tip 4: Client tip 5: Client tip 6:
Don’t Waste Focus on Their Practice your
Anybody’s Time Needs Pitch
* At an initial meeting, it’s important * Often in an initial meeting, it can * If you’re feeling particularly
to get the gist of the project out in be easy to get carried away nervous about a meeting, then
Pimp Your Project Management

the open ASAP. Hopefully, you’ll have selling your agency as the best practice pitching your ideas
had some discussion with the client in the biz. The client might ask and chatting to the client.
before the meeting. You will have a you about some of your recent
fair idea of the project parameters projects and before you know it, * You may feel silly, but practising
and what the client wants. an hour’s up and you haven’t even your pitch in advance is a great
talked about their project. Oops! way to grow your confidence.
* But sometimes you go into a client You’ll be able to focus on getting to
meeting completely blind. Many * Instead, start by establishing know the client (instead of worrying

7 2015
clients can misunderstand what the client’s pain points. What what you’re going to say next).
different creative agencies offer, are they looking for? What is
so it’s vital to understand from the problem they are looking
the get-go if you’re the right to solve? Every time you find
agency for the job. There’s no yourself talking, ask yourself if
sense wasting anyone’s time if you’re focusing on the client’s
they need branding experts and needs? Ask more questions than
you’re a digital marketing shop. you answer, and I guarantee
you’ll win over more clients.

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Client tip 7:
Prepare your
* Prepare a small selection of When the meeting is over, you’ll
papers or samples to send head back to the office and nervously
away with the client. This will wait by the phone, hoping the client
Pimp Your Project Management

help them to remember your will call, all the while replaying the
ideas when they’re back at their whole thing over in your head, trying
office and making up their mind. to figure out what you did wrong.
Wooing clients is a lot like dating.
* You might include a “welcome to
the agency!” document, outlining
some useful info about the company
and your creative processes.

8 2015
Some samples of your work,
or notes on your pitch, would
also be handy. Don’t forget to
attach your business card. If all goes well, that
client will call you
the next day, and
you’ll get the go-
ahead to make a
start on the project.

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Pimp Your Project Management

9 2015
How much time does your If your company culture,

Part 2:
team spend collaborating? workplace design and
Do you love to get together leadership style subconsciously

T e a m
to throw out ideas for a client discourages workplace

G e t Y o u r project, or throw out concepts

with the client to find the
collaboration, your team may
be missing out on a wealth

Jivi n g T o ge t h e r perfect solution?

Or, does your team prefer to

of knowledge and creative
sit at their desks, heads down, Here are three simple steps
headphones jammed on their you can do to improve
ears, muddling through as best communication, and
they can? therefore collaboration,
among your team.
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Step 1: Step 2:
You Gotta Walk Not Another Meeting!
the Walk Get Rid of Meeting-Itis
* As a leader, the onus lies with * Meetings are a part of life at a * Ask quieter members of the
you to set the example for creative agency, but they can be team to speak up, or even
collaboration. You can’t expect emotionally and physically draining. allow them to submit ideas
your team to collaborate if you’re Contrary to popular belief, just to you in writing beforehand
Pimp Your Project Management

locked away in your office and because you have a meeting to (many shy people prefer this).
refuse to delegate any tasks. “brainstorm” ideas, doesn’t
mean you’re collaborating * At any project meeting, you need
* You can’t just say to the team, in the most useful way. to decide upfront who will be
“Collaborate more!” You need to responsible for what aspect of
follow up this goal with some action. * Your first order of business is to each project. With this blueprint
make sure time spent in meetings in place, you know exactly what’s
* Take the initiative in opening is as productive as possible. going on throughout the project.

10 2015
up conversations, suggesting two Ensure all attendees understand
people work together on a project, what the meeting is about, and send
encouraging the free expression out materials and objectives prior to
of ideas, and by keeping your door the meeting, ideally with the invite.
open and your presence visible.
* Set clear goals and objectives
* With you leading the direction for a meeting, and steer
and setting the example, the conversation toward
employees will be able to focusing on those goals.
interact with each other
respectfully and professionally.

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Step 3:
Celebrate the Wins,
Learn from the Fails
* Ensure that awesome work * When something goes wrong,
and collaborative efforts don’t jump on the blame-train.
are highlighted, so that your Instead, ask the team what can
team can see their efforts are be learned from the incident.
noticed and appreciated. Actively seek their input on
areas that can be analyzed and
Pimp Your Project Management

* When milestones are reached, potentially avoided in the future.

congratulate the team and when
a particularly difficult project * Progress tracking using your
is in the bag, take them out to project management system Is it time to get rid of the
celebrate. Everyone should feel as can also help you to identify cubicles, come out of your
if their contributions are valued. areas for improvement. office, or simply buy the
team a plate of cupcakes
* Use a project management to say ‘thanks’?

11 2015
system that alerts the team
to deadlines and milestones,
it helps the team to feel invested
in the project when they can
see that their work contributes
to a successful outcome.
Ask yourself...
What can you, as a leader
within your agency, im-
prove on right now to help
your team collaborate and
communicate better?

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Part 3:
Avoid Client
Pimp Your Project Management

Agencies are hubs of It is how you handle these

collaboration. Between issues that will determine
account managers, creatives, whether your agency has a

12 2015
the client, contractors and successful collaborative culture.
external stakeholders, there can
be hundreds of eyes on a single Here are some of the most
project. This can be awesome, common client collaboration
as experts in different areas disasters that can befall a
can lend their expertise, and project, and how you can
new ideas can be implemented handle them to get the
for the benefit of all. project back on track.

Unfortunately, people being

people, a highly collaborative
environment will eventually
breed some issues between
your agency and the client.
What you can do!
Issue 1: * Approach someone else in the client’s
The Client Doesn’t company and see if they can help.

Want to Collaborate * Ask the client specific questions,

such as “do you prefer the blue or
* You’ve got a great collaboration the red background?” instead of
system set up, with plenty of “what is your favourite design?”
Pimp Your Project Management

opportunity for the client to

take ownership for the creative * Understand that your client’s
direction. The only problem is ambivalence probably stems from the
… the client isn’t interested. fact that he feels he doesn’t actually
understand what you’re doing or
* He seems to believe his role is over how it impacts his bottom line.
as soon as he signs the first cheque.
You can’t even get him to give * Decrease the number of queries
you address to the client and the

13 2015
feedback on your drafts, let alone
suggest a direction for the copy number of contacts he has to
or answer any of your questions. deal with from your company.

* Present your client with the options

and tell him which one you’d choose
and why. This will usually prompt him
to agree with you, meaning you’re
able to reach a decision and move
to the next stage of the project.

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Issue 2:
So how do you reverse
Client & Agency roles
these roles?
become reversed
* If the client presents that idea,
* This is a really common situation
Pimp Your Project Management

immediately hand that idea

when clients and agencies start to off to the creative team and
talk together. The client will start to get them to expand on it.
offer some suggestions for solutions
to the brief. The agency team will * Ask the client if they have
cut in with a list of all the problems any concerns.
and issues with the client’s ideas.
* Structure initial meetings and client
* This isn’t a great way to start an onboarding to avoid this situation.

14 2015
agency/client relationship. The client Have the agency team go away and
spends all their time defending come back to present different options.
their idea against the agency
naysayers, and the agency staff
are being confrontational, instead
of creative. These roles should be
reversed - with the agency coming
up with the ideas, and the client Client! Mutual nt You!
trying to figure out how those ideas Agreeme
could work with their brand.

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Issue 3:
So how do you prevent
* Just like eating too much ice-cream
will give you a stomach ache, * Be clear about what you want to
there is such a thing as too much achieve through collaboration from
collaboration. Not every activity the onset. What are the goals?
on a project needs a crowdsourced What is the purpose of bringing
Pimp Your Project Management

solution. Overcollaborating different people together?

can stall projects or derail
* Limit collaboration activities to
focus from the original brief.
certain steps in the process.
* Such environments typically
* Ask specific questions and force
emerge because managers are
decisions to make progress.
not clear what it is they want to

15 2015
achieve from people working
together, so end up collaborating
for the sake of collaborating.
The results are seldom good.
So how do you get a
Issue 4: collaboration back
Loss of Focus on focus?
* Take the initiative. Someone is going
* Often when people get into a to have to. It might as well be you.
discussion and are sharing ideas
Pimp Your Project Management

- whether they agree or don’t * Ask specific questions to bring

agree - they can get completely the conversation back to the
sidetracked from the main focus topic at hand. Ask, “so how can
of a collaboration - which is, in we apply this to the project?”
your agency’s case, the production
of collateral your client needs * Suggest alternative ways to
for marketing or branding. discuss off-topic subjects, such
as opening a Google Hangout.

16 2015
* If everyone gets caught up
in wider issues or off-topic * Dig deep to the heart of the problem.
discussions, it can be easy to If discussions are stalled because of
feel as if you’re working while not an issue, you’re going to need to dig
actually achieving anything. deep to find out what the underlying
problem IS. For example, often a client
will get confrontational if they are
worried about the project outcomes.
The project won’t get back on track
till that underlying issue is solved.

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Collaboration is definitely an
important part of the agency
process, but the more room you
have for collaboration, the more
Pimp Your Project Management

you invite these types of issues.

Getting through tough
collaboration issues is all

17 2015
about bringing the focus
back to the project and
ensuring everyone else
is on the same page.

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Pimp Your Project Management

18 2015
Part 4:
Manage Projects
So we’ve dealt with meetings and teamwork and clients. But what about the
actually nitty-gritty of project management? How do you keep track of each
stage of each project in your agency? And most importantly, what other

Like a Pro
benefits could you gain from a robust project management process?
Forget spreadsheets.
You need an online project
management system.
Too many agencies are still using spreadsheets to manage details about a job, and
manually creating quotes and invoices. These methods are time-intensive, not to
mention tedious beyond belief! That’s a huge amount of effort that could be spent
Pimp Your Project Management

on creative projects or growing the company! Here are some of the benefits to
your agency of using project management software like WorkflowMax:

1. You’ll instantly cut hours per 4. Use your data – get visibility in your 7. Manage globally – clients and
month off your administration business with the click of a button by freelancers can log in to the system
time – as information is carried from running reports on your project data. from anywhere in the world.

19 2015
one stage of the project to the next. Run a truly global company.
5. Totally integrated – merge your
2. No more paperwork – every step of project management with your 8. Get the gossip – use the data in the
your project process is done online, accounting, payroll, collaboration, system to gain insights to improve
from leads and estimates, right through marketing or CMS software to create a your agency, such as learning which
to time tracking and invoicing. complete end-to-end agency solution. types of projects are most profitable.

3. It’s cheap – no costly overheads, just 6. Work anywhere – manage your

a small monthly subscription fee. agency projects from anywhere,
including the beach, the ski slopes,
or the comfort of your couch.

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A better project management system is also awesome for your customers. It leads to
improved customer service and ultimately increased customer retention and referrals.
Here are five reasons why your agency needs project management software:
Pimp Your Project Management

More accurate Total Better service Improved Adding value

quotes transparency delivery communication

* Use job and task * Accurate time-tracking * Your creative team can * Your team has instant * Use custom reports
templates to quote means you can offer your log on and collaborate access to a project’s to slice your data
on a job in minutes. clients total transparency. on a project from due dates, notes, any way you like.
wherever they are. milestones, workloads,

20 2015
* Break down a job into * In WorkflowMax, your emails and documents. * Which types of jobs are
associated costs, staff have six options * Notifications let you know most profitable? Which
so clients can see for tracking time, when a project is about to * Use notifications to clients haven’t paid their
exactly where their including a time tracker go over budget or over time. keep the team informed bill? See all this, and more!
money is going. that works from within about changes.
the Creative Suite. * WorkflowMax stores * Give clients an annual
* Use data from previous every part of a project * Client wants a status review and demonstrate
jobs to see if you’re * Instantly provide including job data, update? They can log the continued value you
undercharging for your clients with documents, proofs, and in themselves and see add to their brand.
certain types of tasks. accurate breakdowns email correspondence. where their project is at.
of time and cost.

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But don’t just take our word for it: find out why WorkflowMax
could revolutionise project management at your agency.

Pimp Your Project Management

“Instead of having to deal with

a lot of fragmented information,
you’ve got it all there in one

21 2015
place. I’ve not come across
another piece of cloud software
that’s so financially powerful.”

Click to viedwy!
the case stu
Pimp Your Project Management

22 2015
Part 5: Outsourcing some of your But if you’ve never hired or

Getting to grips
agency work to freelancers managed contractors before,
can be an excellent idea. it can be difficult to know
Freelance creatives can handle where to begin. How do you

with freelancers
work overflow during busy find the perfect candidate?
periods, preventing you from What skills do they need?
needing to hire more staff. A How do you approach them
freelancer might also have about a project? How do you
special skills required for a deal with copyright? On the
job that you can’t fill in-house, next page, we’ve outlined the
such as content-writing and top 7 considerations you
web development at a graphic need to make when hiring a
design studio, or video skills for freelancer.
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One. Two. Three.
Get a Choosing Your Define the Project
Recommendation Freelancer Parameters
* Freelancers are a dime a dozen * With a few recommendations in * The agency/freelancer relationship
these days, and it can be hand, you contact three freelancers works more symbiotically if you
difficult to tell the awesome and start the conversation about the take the time to outline the
from the mediocre in an initial project. They all seem competent parameters of the job. This
meeting. Sure, their work might with good portfolios. Which one do means having an idea of your key
be stunning, but how will you you choose? milestones, all the details of the
Pimp Your Project Management

know about their work habits? Do deliverables (things like format,

they meet deadlines? How much What you’re looking for dimensions, colour scheme, word
handholding do they need? is a good combination of count, etc), and the in-house
price, style, personality, resources the freelancer can utilize.
* Ask other contacts in the and process.
agency or business world for a
recommendation. Not only will * A short in-person conversation,
they be able to point you in the phone call or Skype convo will give

23 2015
direction of a skilled freelancer, you a good idea of which candidate
but they’ll also be able to give you’d like to work with. Come
you anecdotal evidence of their prepared with a list of questions
work habits and talent. - you should strive to find out how
the freelancer deals with feedback,
* Google their name, check what their process is like, and how
out their Linkedin profile effectively they communicate.
for recommendations and
their background. Linkedin
recommendations are extremely
trustworthy and can help you in
picking the right freelancer.

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Four. Five. Six.
Discuss the Clear Communication Freelancers and
Budget Process Copyright
* Freelance pricing can be an * Communication is key to * Copyright ownership and
elusive beast - every freelancer a successful freelancer/ transfer of rights is a vital
prices their services differently, agency relationship. Set up part of any agency/freelancer
and it can often seem as if a single communication point contract. As the agency, you
Pimp Your Project Management

they have no rhyme or reason through the agency; one person can’t sell a copyright on to a client
for how they set prices. liaises with the contractor. unless the freelancer has signed
over rights to you. Ignorance about
* Know the amount you have * Make sure both parties understand copyright on the sides of both
to spend before you go into the guidelines for communication, parties can result in costly legal
the project. Find out how the such as when replies to emails fees for the client down the road.
freelancer charges - do they work are expected. Problems arise
on an hourly rate, or charge a when expectations aren’t set * Copyright law varies state-to-state

24 2015
per-project fee? What does their properly and there isn’t good and country-to-country, but it pays
fee include? Be upfront from the communication through the project. to have a (hopefully short and not
beginning about your budget, but too expensive) conversation with
be prepared to negotiate on what an intellectual property lawyer
you will get for that money. so that you understand the law
as it applies to your situation.
* Alternatively, you could set
the rate and payment method,
and pitch the job to multiple
freelancers. Look into the
industry standards, and be
prepared to negotiate to get
the right person for the job.

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Create a Style
* A style guide is a short document Main Brand Colours Secondary font
created for each project that
outlines the formatting, language,
colour scheme, brand elements, Lexia Black
Pimp Your Project Management

and other style aspects of the

project. This is essential reading for Secondary Colours
Lexia Italic
all freelancers, as it ensures that
what they’re working on is aligned
with the work being done in-house.

25 2015
In short...
Working with a freelancer can
be a joy, or a nightmare. The
key to a symbiotic relationship
is communication - taking the
time to carefully outline the
project parameters, come up
with an action plan, and openly
discuss all aspects of the job,
including price and copyright.

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Is your agency ready to pimp your
project management?
offers a complete end-to-end project management solution for creative, marketing
and digital agencies. Here are the top 6 reasons agencies love WorkflowMax:
Pimp Your Project Management

One. Two. Three.

Don’t break Stay on Access anytime,
the flow brand anywhere
Stay in “the zone” Manage staff and Use your company
with six simple time projects from branding to send

26 2015
tracking options. anywhere, on beautiful custom
any device. quotes and invoices.

Four. Five. Six

Full Know thy Collaborate
transparency business effectively
Assign jobs to your team, Reporting answers Get staff and clients
track project timelines and your pressing working together
keep tabs on deadlines. business questions. with awesome
collaboration tools.


This e-book was
written and designed by
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Pimp Your Project Management

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Steff Green Mallika Goel
Steff Green is one of Mallika Goel is the newest
WorkflowMax’s resident addition to the WorkflowMax

27 2015
wordsmiths, writing everything team, fresh from the agency
from website pages to blog world! She brings with her four
posts, ebooks, emails and years of experience working
everything in between. Steff is with some of New Zealand’s Visit for more
also an award-winning author, largest brands as well as more
with several fantasy novels boutique ones. Life’s really information and see how it can help
available on Amazon. When too short to do one thing, she
she’s not writing up a storm, says, so keeps herself busy transform your project management!
Steff lives on a lifestyle block pursuing her many interests:
with her musician husband, an obsessive love of writing/
two cantankerous cats, several blogging, fitness and design.
sheep and chickens and her
medieval sword collection.

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