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The design of a fifth order low

pass in order to study the whale

Carlos Bueno Topke

Signal and systems, fall 2019. Universidad de las Américas Puebla, México
is a fifth order equation which has a structure very similar
to the next equation:
Abstract. In this work, we present a design of a fifth 1
order low pass filter with a 20 Hz cutoff frequency using 𝐻(𝑠) =
the Butterworth approximation. In this work is presented ( as5 + bs4 + cs3 + ds2 + es + f)
how poles are found, the expression of the transfer And is a Butterworth filter due to the fact that we use
function H(s) and the implementation of the filter using the Butterworth approximation to design the filter, and
an active implementation. the reasons are the following
 Is the most common approximation
Key words: Fifth order filter, cut off frequency, low pass
 The curve has a constant decrease
 The curve is flat in the passing band

Introduction. Due to the system is a fifth order Butterworth filter we

The purpose of this work is the design of a fifth order know that the system has five poles which define if the
filter with a 20 Hz cutoff frequency with the finality of is system will has a stable or unstable configuration
isolate the song of the wales which is a infrasound that is depending of the position of the poles in the complex
produce in a range of frequency between 15 to 25 Hz that plane. For example, to build a stable system, all the poles
is used by the cetaceans to communicate with each other have to be in the left half plane, on the same
from long distances like the sing of a whale which can circumference that the magnitude of the radio represents
reach a 100 of kilometers of distance (as cited in the the cutoff frequency and have the same distance between
National Geographic web site).Welch, C. (2018). And poles
delete the noise that has a bigger frequency than twenty
hertz of frequency that could be produce by all the
environment on the sea like fishes, the tides, some
shorebirds and the boat. Methodology
The idea of develop this filter is to reduce the time The first thing we made was define which would be
spent in identify and isolate the target frequencies and the cut off frequency, then using the Butterworth
help the researchers to focus on investigate the approximation we know that the poles are located, in a
properties, patrons, notes and motives of the song circle, in the complex plane, which has a radio who
represents the magnitude of the cut off frequency and the
distance between a pole to another is the same for all of
Theoretical Framework. them. And the distance is determined by the order of the
To start with this work is important to explain what a system. With the next equation:
low pass filter is. Like the name of this type of circuits 180° 180°
= = 36°
says this type of filters has the property of let go throw 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 5
them without any resistance the signals with a frequency The 36 degrees represents the distance between each
lower than the cutoff frequency and block the pass of the pole and the poles are the following:
signals with higher frequencies. This kind of filters have  𝑃1 = 𝑒 𝑗108°
a different classification depending of the number of
 𝑃2 = 𝑒 −𝑗108°
integrators that are in the design, the behavior and the
 𝑃3 = 𝑒 𝑗144°
approximation, for the case of the filter of this project is
a Butterworth fifth-order low pass filter which means  𝑃4 = 𝑒 −𝑗144°
that the filter has five integrators in the design and the  𝑃5 = −20
importance of this fact is that the transfer function [H(s)]
After determine the poles, the next step is generate
the transfer function.

𝐻(𝑠) =
(𝑠 − 20𝑒 𝑗108° )(𝑠 − 20𝑒 −𝑗108° )(𝑠 − 20𝑒 𝑗144° )(𝑠 − 20𝑒 −𝑗144° )(𝑠 + 20)

In order to manipulate the equation more easily we

decide to split the transfer function y three different
functions, two of them are a second order function a one
is a first order function.
𝐻1 (𝑠) = 𝑗108°
(𝑠 − 20𝑒 )(𝑠 − 20𝑒−𝑗108° )
1 Results
𝐻2 (𝑠) = 𝑗144° −𝑗144° The final result of this work is filter low pass with a
(𝑠 − 20𝑒 )(𝑠 − 20𝑒 )
1 20 hertz cut off frequency, to corroborate that the cut off
𝐻3 (𝑠) = frequency is in 20 hertz, we decide to plot a graph using
(𝑠 + 20) the software Matlab
Now we have three filters and like the equations two
are second order filters and one are a first order filter.
After this, is important to developing the multiplication
of the denominator of the second order filters (H1(s) and
𝐻1 (𝑠) = 2 𝑗108°
𝑠 − 20𝑒 − 20𝑒−𝑗108° + 400

𝐻2 (𝑠) =
𝑠2 − 20𝑒𝑗144° − 20𝑒−𝑗144° + 400

𝐻3 (𝑠) =
𝑠 + 20
Simplifying the equations and applying the properties
of the convolution, we obtain the next equation: As we can see in the graph, the w is in the 20 hertz.
Which is the expected behavior.
400 400 20
𝐻(𝑠) = ∗ ∗
𝑠 2 + 12.36𝑠 + 400 𝑠 2 + 32.36𝑠 + 400 𝑠 + 20
With this transfer function we can do the design of the With this work we develop a low pass filter with the
filter using the following symbology finality to help in the research of the whale songs due to
the fact that the filter will block all the sounds whit
Symbol Circuit frequencies higher than 20 hertz, isolating the sounds
produced by the whales, making easier to the researchers
to study the patrons, notes, periodicity and the purpose to
understand a litter bit more this incredible creatures,
because nowadays this creatures are very hard to find in
the surface of the sea, especially the great blue whale,
letting a only one way to study this animals, the sound
that they produce to communicate to each other.
The implementation of the Butterworth
approximation in this case is very useful due to the
characteristic of the method, which is the maximum flat
transfer band pass that allows the filter to pass more
information near to the cut off frequency.


Catarina. (2009). aproximación de filtros. december 2,

2019, de UDLAP Sitio web:
S.A. (2018). Butterworth filter design. december 2, 2019,
de Electronicstutorials Sitio web:
Welch, C. (2018). El canto de la ballena azul revela su
comportamiento elusivo. December 01, 2019,
by National Geographic, Web site:


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