Will Intelligent Learning Machines Redefine Human Cognitive Faculties

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Will Intelligent Learning Machines redefine Human Cognitive Faculties ?

Products and Services globally are in a rat race to provide Personalized experiences and
unknowingly we have given them permission to invade our privacy (Remember the “I
Agree” button we press without reading the end user licence agreement).

Machines / gadgets we use today are continuously collecting data and are learning our
behaviour patterns at an exponential rate and thanks to automation which is enabling
machine to machine communication negating the human touch. While the Intelligent
technologies come with promises of improved quality of life and windfall gains and
operational efficiency in all facets of life, one should not forget the increased risk of harm
associated with machines that today are driving the human behaviours.

Today companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, IBM etc.., release tons
of new guidelines, datasets, models, libraries, frameworks, research papers, tool kits etc…
one striking feature that is common to all is their work in deep learning.

Facebook AI Research (FAIR) has relayed on the “Labelled Data” for long time but realizes
that it’s impossible to label everything in the world. How is it that a human takes less than a
week to learn driving whereas it’s been more than a decade for successful Autonomous car
to to drive like humans, yet not successful. Facebooks Self-supervised learning (SSL)
algorithms try to find answers to such questions and deduce that human have developed
the cognition on how the world works based on acquired knowledge whereas machines are
trying to learn with data. A small kid can recognize a cat after seeing a few pictures whereas
a computer needs thousands of images to classify and recognize. Ask of the hour is to
increase the dark matter within the intelligence ecosystem that’s called common sense.

DeepMind draws a lot of emphasis on reinforcement learning. AlphaGo, MuZero, AlphaFold,

AlphaStar, AlphaZero, DQN, GQN etc… the company has been championing breakthroughs
in reinforcement learning reaching new heights. DeepMind powered with Google since 2014
helped accelerate their programs, today DeepMind has successfully demonstrated ability to
diagnose eye diseases as effectively as the world’s top doctors, saved 30% of the energy
used to keep data centres cool, and the best of the breakthroughs come with the ability to
predict complex 3D shapes of proteins – this will one day transform how drugs are invented.

Google is advancing AutoML, the Self-Paced context evaluation, Multi-fedility optimization

algorithms, the ability of Hyperparameter optimization and algorithm configuration provide
methods to automate the tedious, time-consuming and error-prone process of tuning
hyperparameters to new tasks.

Apple, in the last few years, has ventured into federated learning in the areas of
accessibility, human computer interaction, speech and natural language processing,
computer vision to name a few. Remarkable use of AI can be understood how Apple uses AI
in its iPhone cameras which are not more than 15 mega pixel and the clarity is much better
than the 100 mega pixel cameras offered by its competitors
Microsoft Research is pioneering machine teaching research and technology that is enabling
engineers to build AI Powered automation powered with Azzure AI suite.

AWS offers the most complete set of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)
services to meet the business needs. Amazon has become one of the leading research hubs
for transfer learning methods due to its exceptional work in the Alexa digital
assistant. Intelligent Contact Centre, Personalization, Intelligent Document Processing,
Intelligent Search, Fraud detection, Media Intelligence, Business Forecasting etc… to name a
few are widely uses applications of AWS that have resulted in proven benefits for the
business community.

IBM is pushing its research boundaries in quantum machine learning. Quantum computing is

a field full of promise but has yet to prove many of its supposed advantages. Quantum
algorithms are currently capable of delivering a provable quantum advantage over classical
machine learning algorithms taking the learning to new heights.

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