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Quinidine TABLET Used to treat abnormal heart >10% Complete AV block (w/o functional pacemaker), Assessment & Drug Effects
200mg (as sulfate) rhythm. This medicine may also Diarrhea (35%) myasthenia gravis, history of quinidine/quinine-
300mg (as sulfate) be used to treat malaria. associated thrombocytopenic purpura. Observe cardiac monitor and report
Stomach cramping (22%) immediately the following indications for
TABLET, EXTENDED-RELEASE Depresses myocardial Hypersensitivity or idiosyncrasy to quinine or stopping quinidine: (1) sinus rhythm, (2)
300mg (as sulfate) excitability, conduction velocity, Lightheadedness (15%) Cinchona derivatives; pregnancy (category C), widening QRS complex in excess of 25% (i.e.,
324mg (as gluconate) and irregularity of nerve impulse lactation. Thrombocytopenic purpura resulting >0.12 sec), (3) changes in QT interval or
conduction. QTc prolongation (modest from prior use of quinidine; intraventricular refractory period, (4) disappearance of P
INJECTABLE SOLUTION prolongation common; excessive conduction defects, complete AV block, ectopic waves, (5) sudden onset of or increase in
80mg/mL (as gluconate) - prolongation rare & indicates toxicity) impulses and rhythms due to escape ectopic ventricular beats (extrasystoles, PVCs),
discontinued from U.S. market (>10%) mechanisms; thyrotoxicosis; acute rheumatic (6) decrease in heart rate to 120 bpm. Also
fever; subacute bacterial endocarditis, extensive report immediately any worsening of minor
Anorexia (>10%) myocardial damage, frank CHF, hypotensive side effects.
states; myasthenia gravis; digitalis intoxication. Continuous monitoring of ECG and BP is
Bitter taste (>10%) required. Observe patient closely (check
sensorium and be alert for any sign of toxicity);
Diarrhea (>10%) determine plasma quinidine concentrations
frequently when large doses (more than 2 g/d)
Upper GI distress (>10%) are used or when quinidine is given
parenterally (i.e., quinidine gluconate).
Nausea (>10%) Observe patient closely following each
parenteral dose. Amount of subsequent dose is
Vomiting (>10%) gauged by response to preceding dose.
Monitor vital signs q1–2h or more often as
1-10% needed during acute treatment. Count apical
Syncope (1-8%) pulse for a full minute. Report any change in
pulse rate, rhythm, or quality or any fall in BP.
Palpitation (7%), new or worsened Severe hypotension is most likely to occur in
arrhythmias (proarrhythmic effect), patients receiving high oral doses or parenteral
quinidine (i.e., quinidine gluconate).
Headache (7%) Be aware: Reversion to sinus rhythm in long-
standing fibrillation or when fibrillation is
Fatigue (7%) complicated by CHF involves some risk of
embolization from dislodgment of atrial mural
Angina (6%) emboli.
Quinidine can cause unpredictable rhythm
Rash (5%) abnormalities in the digitalized heart. Patients
with atrial flutter or fibrillation may be
Weakness (5%) pretreated with digitalis (until ventricular rate
is 100 bpm) to increase AV nodal block and
Sleep disturbance (3%) thus reduce possibility of paradoxic
Nervousness (2%) Lab tests: Periodic blood counts, serum
electrolyte determinations, and kidney and
Tremor (2%) liver function during long-term therapy.
Monitor I&O. Diarrhea occurs commonly
Incoordination (1%) during early therapy; most patients become
tolerant to this side effect. Evaluate serum
Blurred vision electrolytes, acid-base, and fluid balance when
symptoms become severe; dosage adjustment
Tinnitus may be required.

Wheezing Patient & Family Education

Report feeling of faintness to physician.

"Quinidine syncope" is caused by quinidine-
induced changes in ventricular rhythm
resulting in decreased cardiac output and
Note: Hypersensitivity reactions usually appear
3–20 d after drug is started. Fever occurs
commonly and may or may not be
accompanied by other symptoms. Inform
physician if these S&S occur.
Eat a balanced diet with no excesses in fruit or
fruit juices, milk, or a vegetarian diet. A diet
high in alkaline ash foods (vegetables, citrus
fruit, milk) may prolong half-life of quinidine by
decreasing its excretion and increasing danger
of toxicity.
Do not self-medicate with OTC drugs without
advice from physician.
Do not increase, decrease, skip, or discontinue
doses without consulting physician.
Notify physician immediately of disturbances
in vision, ringing in ears, sense of
breathlessness, onset of palpitations, and
unpleasant sensation in chest. Be sure to note
the time of occurrence and duration of chest
Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
Flecainide Life-threatening Ventricular Clinically, causes both CNS: Dizziness, headache, light- Hypersensitivity to flecainide; preexisting Assessment & Drug Effects
Arrhythmias hypotension and negative headedness, unsteadiness, second- or third-degree AV block, right bundle
Adult: PO 100 mg q12h, may entropy (in higher dose ranges) paresthesias, fatigue. branch block when associated with a left Correct preexisting hypokalemia or
increase by 50 mg b.i.d. q4d and is an effective suppressant hemiblock unless a pacemaker is present; hyperkalemia before treatment is initiated.
(max: 400 mg/d) of PVCs and a variety of atrial CV: Arrhythmias, chest pain, cardiogenic shock, significant hepatic Note: ECG monitoring, including Holter
Child: PO 1–3 mg/kg/d in 3 and ventricular arrhythmias. worsening of CHF. impairment. Safety during pregnancy (category monitor for ambulating patients, is essential
divided doses (max: 8 C), lactation, or in children <18 y is not because of the possibility of drug-induced
mg/kg/d) Special Senses: Blurred vision, established. arrhythmias.
difficulty in focusing, spots before Determine pacing threshold for patients with
Oral eyes. pacemakers before initiation of therapy, after 1
Do not increase dosage more wk of therapy, and at regular intervals
frequently than every 4 d. GI: Nausea, constipation, change in thereafter.
Store in tightly covered, light- taste perception. Body as a Whole: Monitor plasma level recommended, especially
resistant containers at 15°– Dyspnea, fever, edema. in patients with severe CHF or renal failure
30° C (59°–86° F) unless because drug elimination may be delayed in
otherwise directed. these patients.
Note: Effective trough plasma levels are
between 0.7–1 mcg/mL. The probability of
adverse reactions increases when trough levels
exceed 1 mcg/mL.
Attempt dosage reduction with caution after
arrhythmia is controlled.

Patient & Family Education

Note: It is VERY important to take this drug at

the prescribed times.
Report visual disturbances to physician.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Propanolol Hypertension Blocks cardiac effects of beta- Body as a Whole: Fever; pharyngitis; Greater than first-degree heart block; CHF, right Assessment & Drug Effects
(Inderal) Adult: PO 40 mg b.i.d., usually adrenergic stimulation; as a respiratory distress, weight gain, LE-ventricular failure secondary to pulmonary
need 160–480 mg/d in result, reduces heart rate, like reaction, cold extremities, leg hypertension; ventricular dysfunction; sinus Obtain careful medical history to rule out
divided doses; InnoPran XL myocardial irritability (Class II fatigue, arthralgia, bradycardia, cardiogenic shock, significant aortic allergies, asthma, and obstructive pulmonary
dose 80 mg q hs, may increase antiarrhythmic) and force of anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions. or mitral valvular disease; bronchial asthma or disease. Propranolol can cause bronchiolar
to 120 mg hs contraction, depresses bronchospasm, severe COPD, pulmonary edema, constriction even in normal subjects.
Child: PO 1 mg/kg/d in 2 automaticity of sinus node and Urogenital: Impotence or decreased allergic rhinitis during pollen season; concurrent Monitor apical pulse, respiration, BP, and
divided doses (1–5 mg/kg/d) ectopic pacemaker, and libido. use with adrenergic-augmenting psychotropic circulation to extremities closely throughout
Neonate: PO 0.25 mg/kg q6– decreases AV and drugs or within 2 wk of MAO inhibition therapy; period of dosage adjustment. Consult
8h (max: 5 mg/kg/d) IV 0.01 intraventricular conduction Skin: Erythematous, psoriasis-like abrupt discontinuation; major depression; physician for acceptable parameters.
mg/kg slow IV push over 10 velocity. Hypotensive effect is eruptions; pruritus, Stevens-Johnson peripheral vascular disease, Raynaud's disease; Evaluate adequate control or dosage interval
min q6–8h prn (max: 0.15 associated with decreased syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, pregnancy (category C). for patients being treated for hypertension by
mg/kg q6–8h) cardiac output, suppressed renin erythema multiforme, exfoliative checking blood pressure near end of dosage
activity, as well as beta- dermatitis, urticaria. Reversible interval or before administration of next dose.
Angina blockade. Also decreases alopecia, hyperkeratoses of scalp, Be aware that adverse reactions occur most
Adult: PO 10–20 mg b.i.d. or platelet aggregability. palms, feet; nail changes, dry skin. frequently following IV administration soon
t.i.d., may need 160–320 after therapy is initiated; however, incidence is
mg/d in divided doses CNS: Drug-induced psychosis, sleep also high following oral use in the older adult
disturbances, depression, confusion, and in patients with impaired kidney function.
Arrhythmias agitation, giddiness, light- Reactions may or may not be dose related.
Adult: PO 10–30 mg t.i.d. or headedness, fatigue, vertigo, Lab tests: Obtain periodic hematologic, kidney,
q.i.d. IV 0.5–3 mg q4h prn syncope, weakness, drowsiness, liver, and cardiac functions when propranolol is
Child: PO 1–4 mg/kg/d in 4 insomnia, vivid dreams, visual given for prolonged periods.
divided doses (max: 16 hallucinations, delusions, reversible Monitor I&O ratio and daily weight as
mg/kg/d) IV 10–20 organic brain syndrome. significant indexes for detecting fluid retention
mcg/kg/min over 10 min and developing heart failure.
CV: Palpitation, profound Consult physician regarding allowable salt
Acute MI bradycardia, AV heart block, cardiac intake. Drug plasma volume may increase with
Adult: PO 180–240 mg/d in standstill, hypotension, angina consequent risk of CHF if dietary sodium is not
divided doses pectoris, tachyarrhythmia, acute CHF, restricted in patients not receiving
peripheral arterial insufficiency concomitant diuretic therapy.
Migraine Prophylaxis resembling Raynaud's disease, Fasting for more than 12 h may induce
Adult: PO 80 mg/d in divided myotonia, paresthesia of hands. hypoglycemic effects fostered by propranolol.
doses, may need 160–240 If patient complains of cold, painful, or tender
mg/d Special Senses: Dry eyes (gritty feet or hands, examine carefully for evidence
sensation), visual disturbances, of impaired circulation. Peripheral pulses may
conjunctivitis, tinnitus, hearing loss, still be present even though circulation is
nasal stuffiness. impaired. Caution patient to avoid prolonged
exposure of extremities to cold.
GI: Dry mouth, cheilostomatitis,
nausea, vomiting, heartburn, Patient & Family Education
diarrhea, constipation, flatulence,
abdominal cramps, mesenteric Learn usual pulse rate and take radial pulse
arterial thrombosis, ischemic colitis, before each dose. Report to physician if pulse
pancreatitis. Hematologic: Transient is below the established parameter or
eosinophilia, thrombocytopenic or becomes irregular.
nonthrombocytopenic purpura, Be aware that propranolol suppresses clinical
agranulocytosis. Metabolic: signs of hypoglycemia (e.g., BP changes,
Hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, increased pulse rate) and may prolong
hypocalcemia (patients with hypoglycemia.
hyperthyroidism). Respiratory: Understand importance of compliance. Do not
Dyspnea, laryngospasm, alter established regimen (i.e., do not omit,
bronchospasm. increase, or decrease dosage or change dosage
Do not discontinue abruptly; can precipitate
withdrawal syndrome (e.g., tremulousness,
sweating, severe headache, malaise,
palpitation, rebound hypertension, MI, and
life-threatening arrhythmias in patients with
angina pectoris).
Be aware that drug may cause mild
hypotension (experienced as dizziness or
lightheadedness) in normotensive patients on
prolonged therapy. Make position changes
slowly and avoid prolonged standing. Notify
physician if symptoms persist.
Do not drive or engage in potentially
hazardous activities until response to drug is
Consult physician before self-medicating with
OTC drugs.
Inform dentist, surgeon, or ophthalmologist
that you are taking propranolol (drug lowers
normal and elevated intraocular pressure).
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Acebutolol (Sectral) Hypertension Decreases both systolic and Body as a Whole: Fatigue. Overt CHF, second- or third-degree AV block, Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 400–800 mg/d in 1– diastolic BP at rest and during severe bradycardia, cardiogenic shock; lactation;
2 divided doses (max: 1200 exercise. CNS: Dizziness, insomnia, drowsiness, children <12 y. Monitor BP and cardiac status throughout
mg/d) confusion, fainting. therapy. Observe for and report marked
Geriatric: PO 200–400 mg/d bradycardia or hypotension, especially when
(max: 800 mg/d) CV: Bradycardia, hypotension, CHF. patient is also receiving a catecholamine-
depleting drug (e.g., reserpine).
Ventricular Arrhythmias GI: Nausea, diarrhea, constipation, Monitor I&O ratio and pattern and report
Adult: PO 200 mg b.i.d. flatulence. changes to physician (e.g., dysuria, nocturia,
increased to 600–1200 mg/d oliguria, weight change).
Hematologic: Agranulocytosis, Monitor for S&S of CHF, especially peripheral
Angina Pectoris antinuclear antibodies (ANA). edema, dyspnea, activity intolerance.
Adult: PO 300–400 mg t.i.d. Lab tests: Monitor for drug-induced positive
Metabolic: hypoglycemia (may mask ANA titer during long-term therapy, especially
Renal Impairment symptoms of a hypoglycemic in women and older adults; periodic CBC with
Clcr <50 mL/min: reduce dose reaction). long-term therapy.
by 50%; <25 mL/min: reduce
dose by 75% Respiratory: Bronchospasm, Patient & Family Education
pulmonary edema, dyspnea.
Urogenital: Decreased libido; Know parameters for withholding drug (e.g.,
impotence. pulse less than 60).
Note: Common adverse effects include
insomnia, drowsiness, and confusion.
Do not drive or engage in potentially
hazardous activities until response to drug is
Do not increase, decrease, omit, or discontinue
drug regimen without advice from the
physician. Abrupt withdrawal may worsen
angina or precipitate MI in patient with heart
Contact physician promptly at the first signs or
symptoms of CHF (see Appendix F).
Report muscle and joint pain to physician.
Discontinuation of drug therapy usually
reverses these adverse effects.
Monitor for loss of glycemic control if diabetic.
Note: Drug may mask symptoms of
hypoglycemia (see Appendix F) and potentiate
insulin-induced hypoglycemia in diabetics.
Avoid use of OTC oral cold preparations and
topical nasal decongestants unless approved
by the physician.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Bretylium (Bretylol) Ventricular Fibrillation Suppresses arrhythmias with a CV: Both supine and postural No contraindications for use in life-threatening Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: IV 5 mg/kg rapid IV reentry mechanism and hypotension with dizziness, vertigo, refractory ventricular arrhythmias. Safety during
injection, may increase to 10 decreases dispersion of ectopic lightheadedness, faintness, syncope, pregnancy (category C), lactation, or in children Anticipate vomiting. IV administration is
mg/kg and repeat q15–30 min foci. PR, QT, and QRS intervals transitory hypertension, bradycardia, is not established. associated with a high incidence of nausea and
(max: 30 mg/kg/d); may also are unchanged. Because onset increased frequency of PVCs, vomiting. These side effects can be minimized
give by continuous infusion at of desired action is delayed, exacerbation of digitalis-induced by slow administration of drug (10 min).
1–2 mg/min IM 5–10 mg/kg, bretylium is not a first-line arrhythmias. GI: Nausea, vomiting Establish baseline readings and monitor BP and
may repeat in 1–2 h if antiarrhythmic agent. (particularly with rapid IV). ECG when drug is administered. Observe for
arrhythmia persists, then 5– Respiratory: Respiratory depression. initial transient rise in BP, increased heart rate,
10 mg/kg q6–8h for PVCs and other arrhythmias, or worsening of
maintenance existing arrhythmias, which may occur within a
few minutes to 1 h after drug administration.
Child: IV 5 mg/kg, may repeat Keep physician informed. Initial effect of
q10–20min (max: 30 mg/kg) hypertension is usually followed within 1 h by a
IM 2–5 mg/kg as single dose fall in supine BP and by orthostatic
Use supine position until patient develops
tolerance to hypotensive effect of bretylium
(generally in several days). Hypotension can
occur in the supine position, particularly in
patients with severely compromised cardiac
function. It may not readily respond to therapy
(e.g., vasopressors, fluids); early reporting is
Raise or lower head of bed slowly; advise
patient to make position changes slowly in
order to prevent orthostatic hypotension.
Monitor I&O, particularly in patients with
impaired renal function.

Patient & Family Education

Make position changes slowly. If allowed to be

out of bed, dangle legs for a few minutes
before standing, but do not stand still for
prolonged periods. Men should sit on toilet to
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Arrhythmias By direct action on smooth CNS: Peripheral neuropathy (muscle Hypersensitivity to amiodarone, or benzyl Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO Loading Dose 800– muscle, decreases peripheral weakness, wasting numbness, alcohol; cardiogenic shock, severe sinus
1600 mg/d in 1–2 doses for 1– resistance and increases tingling), fatigue, abnormal gait, bradycardia, advanced AV block unless a Monitor BP carefully during infusion and slow
3 wk PO Maintenance Dose coronary blood flow. Blocks dyskinesias, dizziness, paresthesia, pacemaker is available, severe sinus-node the infusion if significant hypotension occurs;
400–600 mg/d in 1–2 doses IV effects of sympathetic headache. dysfunction or sick sinus syndrome, bradycardia, bradycardia should be treated by slowing the
Loading Dose 150 mg over 10 stimulation. congenital or acquired QR prolongation infusion or discontinuing if necessary. Monitor
min followed by 360 mg over CV: Bradycardia, hypotension (IV), syndromes, or history of torsade de pointes; heart rate and rhythm and BP until drug
next 6 h IV Maintenance Dose sinus arrest, cardiogenic shock, CHF, severe liver disease, children. Safety during response has stabilized; report promptly
540 mg over 18 h (0.5 arrhythmias; AV block. pregnancy (category D) or lactation is not symptomatic bradycardia. Sustained
mg/min), may continue at 0.5 established. monitoring is essential because drug has an
mg/min Convert IV to PO Special Senses: Corneal unusually long half-life.
Duration of infusion <1 wk use microdeposits, blurred vision, optic Monitor for S&S of: Adverse effects,
800–1600 mg PO, 1–3 wk use neuritis, optic neuropathy, particularly conduction disturbances and
600–800 mg PO, >3 wk use permanent blindness, corneal exacerbation of arrhythmias, in patients
400 mg PO degeneration, macular degeneration, receiving concomitant antiarrhythmic therapy
Child: PO Loading Dose 10–15 photosensitivity. (reduce dosage of previous agent by 30–50%
mg/kg/d or 600–800 mg/1.73 several days after amiodarone therapy is
m2/d, in 1–2 divided doses for GI: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, started); drug-induced hypothyroidism or
4–14 d cycle or until adequate constipation, hepatotoxicity. hyperthyroidism (see Appendix F), especially
control of arrhythmia PO during early treatment period; pulmonary
Maintenance Dose 5 mg/kg/d Metabolic: Hyperthyroidism or toxicity (progressive dyspnea, fatigue, cough,
or 200–400 mg/1.73 m2/d hypothyroidism; may cause neonatal pleuritic pain, fever) throughout therapy.
once daily, may be able to hypo- or hyperthyroidism if taken Lab tests: Baseline and periodic assessments
reduce to 2–5 mg/kg/d 5 d during pregnancy. should be made of liver, lung, thyroid,
per week neurologic, and GI function. Drug may cause
Respiratory: (Pulmonary toxicity) thyroid function test abnormalities in the
Alveolitis, pneumonitis (fever, dry absence of thyroid function impairment.
cough, dyspnea), interstitial Monitor for elevations of AST and ALT. If
pulmonary fibrosis, fatal gasping elevations persist or if they are 2–3 times
syndrome with IV in children. above normal baseline readings, reduce
dosage or withdraw drug promptly to prevent
Skin: Slate-blue pigmentation, hepatotoxicity and liver damage.
photosensitivity, rash. Auscultate chest periodically or when patient
complains of respiratory symptoms. Check for
Other: With chronic use, diminished breath sounds, rales, pleuritic
angioedema. friction rub; observe breathing pattern. Drug-
induced pulmonary function problems must be
distinguished from CHF or pneumonia. Keep
physician informed.
Anticipate possible CNS symptoms within a
week after amiodarone therapy begins.
Proximal muscle weakness, a common side
effect, intensified by tremors presents a great
hazard to the ambulating patient. Assess
severity of symptoms. Supervision of
ambulation may be indicated.

Patient & Family Education

Check pulse daily once stabilized, or as

prescribed. Report a pulse <60.
Take oral drug consistently with respect to
Become familiar with potential adverse
reactions and report those that are
bothersome to the physician.
Use dark glasses to ease photophobia; some
patients may not be able to go outdoors in the
daytime even with such protection.
Follow recommendation for regular
ophthalmic exams, including funduscopy and
slit-lamp exam.
Wear protective clothing and a barrier-type
sunscreen that physically blocks penetration of
skin by ultraviolet light (e.g., titanium oxide or
zinc formulations) to prevent a photosensitivity
reaction (erythema, pruritus); avoid exposure
to sun and sunlamps.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Losartan (Cozaar) TABLET Selectively blocks the binding of CNS: Dizziness, insomnia, headache. Selectively blocks the binding of angiotensin II to Assessment & Drug Effects
25mg angiotensin II to the GI: Diarrhea, dyspepsia. the AT1 receptors found in many tissues (e.g.,
50mg AT1 receptors found in many Musculoskeletal: Muscle cramps, vascular smooth muscle, adrenal glands). Monitor BP at drug trough (prior to a
100mg tissues (e.g., vascular smooth myalgia, back or leg pain. Respiratory: Antihypertensive effect results from blocking the scheduled dose).
muscle, adrenal glands). Nasal congestion, cough, upper vasoconstricting and aldosterone-secreting Monitor drug effectiveness, especially in
HTN 50 mg once daily, may be Antihypertensive effect results respiratory infection, sinusitis. effects of angiotensin II. African-Americans when losartan is used as
increased to 100 mg once from blocking the monotherapy.
daily. Patient w/ intravascular vasoconstricting and Inadequate response may be improved by
vol-depletion 25 mg once aldosterone-secreting effects of splitting the daily dose into twice-daily dose.
daily. Reduction in the risk of angiotensin II. Lab tests: Monitor CBC, electrolytes, liver &
CV morbidity & mortality in kidney function with long-term therapy.
patient w/ left ventricular
hypertrophy 50 mg once daily. Patient & Family Education
A low dose of
hydrochlorothiazide should be Notify physician of symptoms of hypotension
added &/or the dose of (e.g., dizziness, fainting).
losartan K should be Notify physician immediately of pregnancy.
increased to 100 mg once Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
daily based on BP response.
Nephropathy in type 2
diabetic patient w/
proteinuria 50 mg once daily,
may be increased to 100 mg
once daily.
Valsartan (Diovan) TABLET Blocks angiotensin II, which Body as a Whole: Arthralgia. CNS: Hypersensitivity to valsartan or losartan; Assessment & Drug Effects
40mg results in vasodilation and Headache, dizziness. pregnancy [(category C) first trimester, (category
80mg blocking of the aldosterone- GI: Diarrhea, nausea. D) second and third trimesters], lactation; severe Monitor BP periodically; take trough readings,
160mg secreting effects of angiotensin Respiratory: Cough, sinusitis. heart failure with compromised renal function. just prior to the next scheduled dose, when
320mg II, thus resulting in an Metabolic: Hyperkalemia. possible.
antihypertensive effect. Lab tests: Monitor liver function tests, BUN
Adult HTN 80 or 160 mg once and creatinine, serum potassium, and CBC with
daily. May be increased to differential, periodically.
320 mg once daily or add Patient & Family Education
another antihypertensive (eg,
diuretic) if BP reduction is Inform physician immediately if you become
inadequate. Heart failure pregnant.
Initially 40 mg bid, up-titrated Note: Maximum pressure lowering effect is
to 80 & 160 mg bid as usually evident between 2 and 4 wk after
tolerated. Max: 320 mg daily initiation of therapy.
in divided doses. Post-MI Notify physician of episodes of dizziness,
Initially 20 mg bid, up-titrated especially those that occur when making
to a max of 160 mg bid as position changes.
tolerated. Hypertensive Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
patients w/ IGT at CV risk
Progression of type 2 diabetes
80 or 160 mg once daily.
When started on 80 mg, up-
titrate to 160 mg as tolerated.
Childn & adolescents 6-18 yr
HTN Initially 40 mg (<35 kg)
or 80 mg (≥35 kg) once daily.
Atenolol 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg Reduces rate and force of CNS: Dizziness, vertigo, light- Sinus bradycardia, greater than first-degree AV Assessment & Drug Effects
(Tenormin) tablets; 5 mg/10 mL vial cardiac contractions (negative headedness, syncope, fatigue or heart block, uncompensated heart failure,
Oral inotropic action); cardiac output weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, cardiogenic shock, peripheral vascular disease, Neonates born to mothers who are receiving
Crush tablets, if necessary, is reduced, as well as systolic insomnia, mental changes, Raynaud's disease, hypotension; abrupt atenolol at parturition or breast–feeding may
before administration and and diastolic BP. Atenolol depression discontinuation, pulmonary edema. Safety be at risk for hypoglycemia.
give with fluid of patient's decreases peripheral vascular CV: Bradycardia, hypotension, CHF, during pregnancy (category D), or lactation is not Check apical pulse before giving oral drug,
choice. resistance both at rest and with cold extremities, leg pains, established. especially in patients receiving digitalis (both
exercise. dysrhythmias. drugs slow AV conduction). If below 60 bpm
Intravenous GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. (or other ordered parameter), withhold dose
PREPARE: Direct: Use Respiratory: Pulmonary edema, and consult physician.
undiluted or diluted in 10–50 dyspnea, bronchospasm. Other: May Monitor apical pulse, BP, respirations, and
mL of NS, D5W, D5/NS, mask symptoms of hypoglycemia; peripheral circulation throughout dosage
D5/0.45NS, or 0.45NS. decreased sexual ability. adjustment period. Consult physician for
acceptable parameters.
ADMINISTER: Direct: Give
over 5 min. Patient & Family Education

Store in tightly closed, light- Adhere rigidly to dose regimen. Sudden

resistant container at 15°–30° discontinuation of drug can exacerbate angina
C (59°–86° F) unless otherwise and precipitate tachycardia or MI in patients
directed. with coronary artery disease, and thyroid
storm in patients with hyperthyroidism.
Make position changes slowly and in stages,
particularly from recumbent to upright
Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
Bisoprolol (Zebeta) 20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg, 120 Reduces heart rate and cardiac Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity Bronchial asthma, severe COPD, inadequate Assessment & Drug Effects
mg, 160 mg tablets output at rest and during (rash, pruritus, laryngospasm, myocardial function, sinus bradycardia, greater
exercise, and also decreases respiratory disturbances). CV: than first-degree conduction block, overt cardiac Assess heart rate and BP before administration
Oral conduction velocity through AV Bradycardia, peripheral vascular failure, cardiogenic shock. Safety during of each dose. Withhold drug and notify
Do not discontinue abruptly; node and myocardial insufficiency (Raynaud's type), pregnancy (category C), lactation, and in children physician if apical pulse drops below 60 bpm or
reduce dosage over a 1–2-wk automaticity. Decreases both palpitation, postural hypotension, <18 y is not established. systolic BP below 90 mm Hg.
period. Abrupt withdrawal systolic and diastolic BP at rest conduction or rhythm disturbances, Monitor weight. Advise patient to report
can precipitate MI or thyroid and during exercise. Suppression CHF. GI: Dry mouth. CNS: Dizziness, weight gain of 1–1.5 kg (2–3 lb) in a day and
storm in susceptible patients. of beta2-adrenergic receptors in fatigue, sedation, headache, any other possible signs of CHF (e.g., cough,
Store at 15°–30° C (59°–86° bronchial and vascular smooth paresthesias, behavioral changes. fatigue, dyspnea, rapid pulse, edema).
F); protect drug from light. muscle can cause bronchospasm Special Senses: Blurred vision, dry Evaluate effectiveness for patients with angina
and a Raynaud's-like eyes. Skin: Dry skin. Urogenital: by reduction in frequency of anginal attacks
phenomenon. Impotence. and improved exercise tolerance. Improvement
should coincide with steady state serum
concentration reached within 6–9 d. Keep
physician informed of drug effect.
Monitor patients with diabetes mellitus
closely. Beta-adrenergic blockade produced by
nadolol may prevent important clinical
manifestations of hypoglycemia (e.g.,
tachycardia, BP changes).
Monitor I&O ratio and creatinine clearance in
patients with impaired kidney function or with
cardiac problems. Dosage intervals will be
lengthened with decreases in creatinine

Patient & Family Education

Check pulse before taking each dose. Do not

take your medication if pulse rate drops below
60 (or other parameter set by physician) or
becomes irregular. Consult your physician right
Do not stop taking your medication or alter
dosage without consulting your physician.
Do not drive or engage in potentially
hazardous activities until response to drug is
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Amlodipine NORVASC is a type of medicine Cardiovascular: arrhythmia (including NORVASC is contraindicated in patients with Assessment & Drug Effects
(Norvasc) Adults known as a calcium channel ventricular tachycardia and atrial known sensitivity to amlodipine.
blocker (CCB). It is used to fibrillation), bradycardia, chest pain, Neonates born to mothers who are receiving
The usual initial treat high blood peripheral ischemia, syncope, atenolol at parturition or breast–feeding may
antihypertensive oral dose of pressure (hypertension) and a tachycardia, vasculitis. be at risk for hypoglycemia.
NORVASC is 5 mg once daily, type of chest pain called angina. Central and Peripheral Nervous Check apical pulse before giving oral drug,
and the maximum dose is 10 It can be used by itself or with System: hypoesthesia, neuropathy especially in patients receiving digitalis (both
mg once daily. other medicines to treat these peripheral, paresthesia, tremor, drugs slow AV conduction). If below 60 bpm
Small, fragile, or elderly conditions. vertigo. (or other ordered parameter), withhold dose
patients, or patients with Gastrointestinal: anorexia, and consult physician.
hepatic insufficiency may be constipation, dysphagia, diarrhea, Monitor apical pulse, BP, respirations, and
started on 2.5 mg once daily flatulence, pancreatitis, vomiting, peripheral circulation throughout dosage
and this dose may be used gingival hyperplasia. adjustment period. Consult physician for
when adding NORVASC to General: allergic reaction,1 asthenia, acceptable parameters.
other antihypertensive back pain, hot flushes, malaise, pain,
therapy. rigors, weight gain, weight decrease. Patient & Family Education
Adjust dosage according to Musculoskeletal System: arthralgia,
blood pressure goals. In arthrosis, muscle cramps,1 myalgia. Adhere rigidly to dose regimen. Sudden
general, wait 7 to 14 days Psychiatric: sexual dysfunction discontinuation of drug can exacerbate angina
between titration steps. (male1 and female), insomnia, and precipitate tachycardia or MI in patients
Titrate more rapidly, however, nervousness, depression, abnormal with coronary artery disease, and thyroid
if clinically warranted, dreams, anxiety, depersonalization. storm in patients with hyperthyroidism.
provided the patient is Respiratory Make position changes slowly and in stages,
assessed frequently. System: dyspnea,1 epistaxis. particularly from recumbent to upright
Angina Skin and Appendages: angioedema, posture.
The recommended dose for erythema multiforme, Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
chronic stable or vasospastic pruritus,1 rash,1 rash erythematous,
angina is 5–10 mg, with the rash maculopapular.
lower dose suggested in the Special Senses: abnormal vision,
elderly and in patients with conjunctivitis, diplopia, eye pain,
hepatic insufficiency. Most tinnitus.
patients will require 10 mg for Urinary System: micturition
adequate effect. frequency, micturition disorder,
Coronary Artery Disease nocturia.
The recommended dose Autonomic Nervous System: dry
range for patients with mouth, sweating increased.
coronary artery disease is 5– Metabolic and
10 mg once daily. In clinical Nutritional: hyperglycemia, thirst.
studies, the majority of Hemopoietic: leukopenia, purpura,
patients required 10 mg thrombocytopenia.
[see Clinical Studies].


The effective antihypertensive

oral dose in pediatric patients
ages 6–17 years is 2.5 mg to 5
mg once daily. Doses in excess
of 5 mg daily have not been
studied in pediatric patients

Diltiazem Tiazac® (diltiazem hydrochloride) Cardiovascular: Angina, arrhythmia, AV block Assessment & Drug Effects
(Cardizem, is a calcium ion cellular influx Hypertension (second- or third-degree), bundle branch
Tiazac) inhibitor (slow channel blocker). block, congestive heart failure, ECG Neonates born to mothers who are receiving
Chemically, diltiazem Dosage needs to be adjusted by abnormalities, hypotension, palpitations, syncop atenolol at parturition or breast–feeding may
hydrochloride is 1,5- titration to individual patient needs. e, tachycardia, ventricular extrasystoles. be at risk for hypoglycemia.
Benzothiazepin-4(5H)-one, 3- When used as monotherapy, usual Nervous System: Abnormal dreams, amnesia, Check apical pulse before giving oral drug,
(acetyloxy)-5-[2- starting doses are 120 to 240 mg depression, gait abnormality, hallucinations, especially in patients receiving digitalis (both
(dimethylamino)ethyl]-2, 3- once daily. Maximum insomnia, nervousness, paresthesia, personality drugs slow AV conduction). If below 60 bpm
dihydro-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, antihypertensive effect is usually change, somnolence, tinnitus, tremor. (or other ordered parameter), withhold dose
monohydrochloride, (+)-cis-. observed by 14 days of chronic Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, constipation, and consult physician.
therapy; therefore, dosage diarrhea, dry mouth, dysgeusia, mild elevations Monitor apical pulse, BP, respirations, and
adjustments should be scheduled of SGOT, SGPT, LDH, and alkaline phosphatase peripheral circulation throughout dosage
accordingly. The usual dosage range (see WARNINGS, Acute Hepatic Injury), nausea, adjustment period. Consult physician for
studied in clinical trials was 120 to thirst, vomiting, weight increase. acceptable parameters.
540 mg once daily. Current clinical Dermatological: Petechiae, photosensitivity, pru
experience with 540 mg dose is ritus. Patient & Family Education
limited; however, the dose may be Other: Albuminuria, allergic
increased to 540 mg once daily. reaction, amblyopia, asthenia, CPK increase, Adhere rigidly to dose regimen. Sudden
crystalluria, dyspnea, edema, epistaxis, eye discontinuation of drug can exacerbate angina
irritation, and precipitate tachycardia or MI in patients
Dosages for the treatment of angina headache, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, impot with coronary artery disease, and thyroid
should be adjusted to each patient's ence, muscle cramps, nasal congestion, neck storm in patients with hyperthyroidism.
needs, starting with a dose of 120 mg rigidity, nocturia, osteoarticular pain, Make position changes slowly and in stages,
to 180 mg once daily. Individual pain, polyuria, rhinitis, sexual particularly from recumbent to upright
patients may respond to higher doses difficulties, gynecomastia. posture.
of up to 540 mg once daily. When In addition, the following postmarketing events Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
necessary, titration should be carriedhave been reported infrequently in patients
out over 7 to 14 days. receiving diltiazem hydrochloride: acute
generalized exanthematous
Concomitant Use With Other pustulosis, alopecia, erythema multiforme,
Cardiovascular Agents exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis,
1. Sublingual Nitroglycerin extrapyramidal symptoms, gingival
(NTG). May be taken as hyperplasia, hemolytic anemia, increased
required to abort acute anginal bleeding time, photosensitivity (including
attacks during diltiazem lichenoid keratosis and hyperpigmentation at
hydrochloride therapy. sun-exposed skin
2. Prophylactic Nitrate areas), leukopenia, purpura, retinopathy,
Therapy. Diltiazem and thrombocytopenia. In addition, events such
hydrochloride may be safely as myocardial infarction have been observed
coadministered with short- and which are not readily distinguishable from the
long-acting nitrates. natural history of the disease in these patients. A
3. Beta-blockers (see WARNINGS
number of well-documented cases of generalized
and PRECAUTIONS.) rash, characterized as leukocytoclastic vasculitis,
4. Antihypertensives. Diltiazem have been reported. However, a definitive cause
hydrochloride has an additive and effect relationship between these events
antihypertensive effect when and diltiazem hydrochloride therapy is yet to be
used with other established.
antihypertensive agents.
Therefore, the dosage of
diltiazem hydrochloride or the
concomitant antihypertensives
may need to be adjusted when
adding one to the other.

Hypertensive or anginal patients who

are treated with other formulations
of diltiazem can safely be switched to
Tiazac capsules at the nearest
equivalent total daily dose.
Subsequent titration to higher or
lower doses may, however, be
necessary and should be initiated as
clinically indicated.

Sprinkling The Capsule Contents On


Tiazac (diltiazem hydrochloride)

Extended-release Capsules may also
be administered by carefully opening
the capsule and sprinkling the
capsule contents on a spoonful of
applesauce. The applesauce should
be swallowed immediately without
chewing and followed with a glass of
cool water to ensure complete
swallowing of the capsule contents.
The applesauce should not be hot,
and it should be soft enough to be
swallowed without chewing. Any
capsule contents/applesauce mixture
should be used immediately and not
stored for future use. Subdividing the
contents of a Tiazac (diltiazem
hydrochloride) Extended-release
Capsule is not recommended.


Methyldopa Hypertension Lowers standing and supine BP, Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity Active liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis); Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 250 mg b.i.d. or and unlike adrenergic blockers, (Fever, skin eruptions, ulcerations of pheochromocytoma; blood dyscrasias. Safety
t.i.d., may be increased up to is not so prone to produce soles of feet, flu-like symptoms, during pregnancy (category C) is not established. Check BP and pulse at least q30min until
3 g/d in divided doses IV 250– orthostatic hypotension, diurnal lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia). stabilized during IV infusion and observe for
500 mg q6h, may be increased BP variations, or exercise CNS: Sedation, drowsiness, adequacy of urinary output.
up to 1 g q6h hypertension. Reduces renal sluggishness, headache, weakness, Take BP taken at regular intervals in lying,
Geriatric: PO 125 mg b.i.d. or vascular resistance; maintains fatigue, dizziness, vertigo, decrease in sitting, and standing positions during period of
t.i.d., may increase gradually cardiac output without mental acuity, inability to dosage adjustment if physician requests.
(max: 3 g/d) acceleration, but may slow heart concentrate, amnesia-like syndrome, Be aware that transient sedation, drowsiness,
Child: PO 10–65 mg/kg/d in rate; tends to support sodium parkinsonism, mild psychoses, mental depression, weakness, and headache
2–4 divided doses (max: 3 and water retention. depression, nightmares. commonly occur during first 24–72 h of
g/d) IV 20–65 mg/kg/d in 4 CV: Orthostatic hypotension, therapy or whenever dosage is increased.
divided doses syncope, bradycardia, myocarditis, Symptoms tend to disappear with continuation
edema, weight gain (sodium and of therapy or dosage reduction.
water retention), paradoxic Supervision of ambulation in older adults and
hypertensive reaction (especially with patients with impaired kidney function; both
IV administration). are particularly likely to manifest orthostatic
GI: Diarrhea, constipation, hypotension with dizziness and light-
abdominal distension, malabsorption headedness during period of dosage
syndrome, nausea, vomiting, dry adjustment.
mouth, sore or black tongue, Monitor fluid and electrolyte balance and I&O.
sialadenitis, abnormal liver function Report oliguria and changes in I&O ratio.
tests, jaundice, hepatitis, hepatic Weigh patient daily, and check for edema
necrosis (rare). because methyldopa favors sodium and water
Hematologic: Positive direct Coombs' retention.
test (common especially in African- Lab tests: Schedule baseline and periodic
Americans), granulocytopenia. blood counts and liver function tests especially
Special Senses: Nasal stuffiness. during first 6–12 wk of therapy or if patient
Endocrine: Gynecomastia, lactation, develops unexplained fever; periodic serum
decreased libido, impotence, electrolytes.
hypothermia (large doses), positive Be alert to and report symptoms of mental
tests for lupus and rheumatoid depression (e.g., anorexia, insomnia,
factors. inattention to personal hygiene, withdrawal).
Skin: Granulomatous skin lesions. Drug-induced depression may persist after
drug is withdrawn.
Be alert that rising BP indicating tolerance to
drug effect may occur during week 2 or 3 of

Patient & Family Education

Exercise caution with hot baths and showers,

prolonged standing in one position, and
strenuous exercise that may enhance
orthostatic hypotension. Make position
changes slowly, particularly from lying down to
upright posture; dangle legs a few minutes
before standing.
Avoid potentially hazardous tasks such as
driving until response to drug is known; drug
may affect ability to perform activities
requiring concentrated mental effort,
especially during first few days of therapy or
whenever dosage is increased.
Do not to take OTC medications unless
approved by physician.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Clonidine Hypertension Decreases systolic and diastolic CV: Hypotension (epidural), postural Pregnancy (category C), lactation. Use of Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 0.1 mg b.i.d. or BP and heart rate. Orthostatic hypotension (mild), peripheral clonidine patch in polyarteritis nodosa,
t.i.d., may increase by 0.1–0.2 effects tend to be mild and occur edema, ECG changes, tachycardia, scleroderma, SLE. Monitor BR closely. Determine positional
mg/d until desired response is infrequently. Reportedly bradycardia, flushing, rapid increase changes (supine, sitting, standing).
achieved (max: 2.4 mg/d) minimizes or eliminates many of in BP with abrupt withdrawal. With epidural administration, frequently
Transdermal 0.1 mg patch the common clinical S&S GI: Dry mouth, constipation, monitor BP and HR. Hypotension is a common
once q7d, may increase by 0.1 associated with withdrawal of abdominal pain, pseudo-obstruction side effect that may require intervention.
mg q1–2 wk heroin, methadone, or other of large bowel, altered taste, nausea, Monitor BP closely whenever a drug is added
Geriatric: PO Start with 0.1 opiates. vomiting, hepatitis, to or withdrawn from therapeutic regimen.
mg once daily hyperbilirubinemia, weight gain Monitor I&O during period of dosage
Child: PO 5–10 mcg/kg/d (sodium retention). adjustment. Report change in I&O ratio or
divided q8–12h, may increase CNS: Drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, change in voiding pattern.
to 5–25 mcg/kg/d divided q6h headache, fatigue, weakness, Determine weight daily. Patients not receiving
(max: 0.9 mg/d) sluggishness, dyspnea, vivid dreams, a concomitant diuretic agent may gain weight,
nightmares, insomnia, behavior particularly during first 3 or 4 d of therapy,
Severe Pain changes, agitation, hallucination, because of marked sodium and water
Adult: Epidural Start infusion nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, retention.
at 30 mcg/h and titrate to mental depression. Supervise closely patients with history of
response. Use rates >40 Skin: Rash, pruritus, thinning of hair, mental depression, as they may be subject to
mcg/h with caution exacerbation of psoriasis; with further depressive episodes.
Child: Epidural Start infusion transdermal patch:
at 0.5 mcg/kg/h and titrate to hyperpigmentation, recurrent herpes Patient & Family Education
response simplex, skin irritation, contact
dermatitis, mild erythema. Although postural hypotension occurs
ADDH Special Senses: Dry eyes. infrequently, make position changes slowly,
Child: PO 5 mcg/kg/d in 4 Urogenital: Impotence, loss of libido. and in stages, particularly from recumbent to
divided doses (average dose, upright position, and dangle and move legs a
0.15–0.2 mg/d) Transdermal few minutes before standing. Lie down
0.2–0.3 mg/d q5–7d immediately if faintness or dizziness occurs.
Avoid potentially hazardous activities until
reaction to drug has been determined due to
possible sedative effects.
Do not omit doses or stop the drug without
consulting the physician.
Do not take OTC medications, alcohol, or other
CNS depressants without prior discussion with
Examine site when transdermal patch is
removed and report to physician if erythema,
rash, irritation, or hyperpigmentation occurs.
If transdermal patch loosens, tape it in place
with adhesive. The patch should never be cut
or trimmed.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
Oral competitively inhibits Significant: Angina, CNS depression, – Obtain baseline vital signs
Prazosin Benign prostatic hyperplasia, postsynaptic alpha1- floppy iris syndrome, orthostatic Conditions: • BP and HR
Raynaud's syndrome adrenoreceptors in vascular hypotension, syncope, loss of – Check for respiratory problems
Adult: 500 mcg bid for 3-7 smooth muscles, resulting to consciousness, priapism. ● orthostatic hypotension – Check urine output
days, adjust dose according to vasodilation, and decrease in Cardiac disorders: Dyspnoea, ● a form of low blood pressure – Advise not to ABRUPTLY stop beta blockers
response. Max maintenance total peripheral resistance and palpitations, tachycardia. as REBOUND hypertension, tachycardia, and
dose: 2 mg bid. blood pressure. Ear and labyrinth disorders: Tinnitus. ● cataract surgery angina attack may occur
Eye disorders: Reddened sclera, ● floppy iris during eye surgery – Monitor blood sugar
Oral blurred vision, eye pain. – Teach measures to avoid orthostatic
Heart failure Gastrointestinal disorders: Vomiting, hypotension
Adult: Initially, 500 mcg 2-4 diarrhoea, constipation, dry mouth, – Mood changes may occur with beta blockers
times daily, gradually increase abdominal pain. – Beta blockers may cause impotence or
according to response. General disorders and administration decreased libido
Maintenance: 4-20 mg daily in site conditions: Asthenia.
divided doses. Metabolism and nutrition
disorders: Oedema.
Oral Nervous system
Hypertension disorders: Paraesthesia, vertigo.
Adult: Initially, 500 mcg bid or Psychiatric disorders: Insomnia,
tid for 3-7 days, then depression, nervousness.
increased to 1 mg bid or tid Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal
for the next 3-7 days if disorders: Nasal congestion.
tolerated, then gradually Skin and subcutaneous tissue
increase thereafter according disorders: Rash.
to patient's response. Max: 20 Vascular disorders: Epistaxis, flushing,
mg daily in divided doses. vasculitis.

Oral It competitively inhibits post- Significant: First-dose hypotensive History of micturition syncope in the treatment – Obtain baseline vital signs
Terazosin Benign prostatic hyperplasia synaptic α-receptors resulting to episodes (e.g. postural hypotension, of BPH. • BP and HR
Adult: Initially, 1 mg at relaxation of peripheral blood syncope), orthostatic hypotension, – Check for respiratory problems
bedtime, increased gradually vessels leading to gradual priapism, floppy iris syndrome during – Check urine output
at weekly intervals according decrease in blood pressure cataract surgery, drowsiness, – Advise not to ABRUPTLY stop beta blockers
to patient’s response. followed by sustained somnolence. as REBOUND hypertension, tachycardia, and
Maintenance: 5-10 mg once antihypertensive action. Blood and lymphatic system angina attack may occur
daily. disorders: Thrombocytopenia. – Monitor blood sugar
Cardiac disorders: Palpitations, – Teach measures to avoid orthostatic
Oral tachycardia, arrythmia, atrial hypotension
Hypertension fibrillation, chest pain. – Mood changes may occur with beta blockers
Adult: As monotherapy or in Endocrine disorders: Tinnitus. – Beta blockers may cause impotence or
combination with diuretics or Eye disorders: Blurred vision, decreased libido
other antihypertensive amblyopia, visual impairment,
agents: Initially, 1 mg at conjunctivitis.
bedtime, increased gradually General disorders and administration
at weekly intervals according site conditions: Asthenia, pyrexia, flu
to patient’s response. symptoms.
Maintenance: 2-10 mg once Immune system
daily. Max: 20 mg daily in 1 or disorders: Anaphylactoid reaction,
2 divided doses. angioedema, face oedema.
Investigations: Weight increased,
decreased hematocrit, decreased Hb,
decreased WBC count, decreased
total protein, decreased blood
Metabolism and nutrition
disorders: Peripheral oedema,
Musculoskeletal and connective
tissue disorders: Back pain, pain in
extremity, neck pain, shoulder pain,
gout, arthralgia, arthritis, joint
disorders, myalgia.
Nervous system disorders: Headache,
paraesthesia, vertigo.
Psychiatric disorders: Depression,
nervousness, anxiety, insomnia.
Renal and urinary
disorders: Pollakiuria, UTI, urinary
Reproductive system and breast
disorders: Libido decreased, erectile
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal
disorders: Nasal congestion, rhinitis,
dyspnea, sinusitis, bronchitis,
pharyngitis, cold symptoms, cough.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue
disorders: Pruritus, rash,
Vascular disorders: Vasodilation,
Guanethidine Hypertension It is more effective in lowering CV: Marked orthostatic and exertional Pheochromocytoma, frank CHF (not due to Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 10 mg once/d, may orthostatic than supine BP. hypotension with dizziness, light- hypertension). Safe use during pregnancy
be increased by 10 mg q5–7d Antihypertensive effect results headedness; bradycardia, (category C) is not established. Take BP first in supine position and then again
up to 300 mg/d (start with from venous dilatation with symptomatic sick sinus syndrome after patient has been standing for 10 min.
25–50 mg/d in hospitalized peripheral pooling, decreased (weakness, dizziness, blurred vision); Ideal dosage reduces standing BP to within
patients, increase by 25–50 venous return, and decreased angina, edema with weight gain, CHF, normal range without faintness, dizziness,
mg q1–3d) cardiac output. complete heart block. weakness, or fatigue.
Geriatric: PO Start with 5 mg Monitor I&O, especially in older adults and
once daily Special Senses: Blurred vision, ptosis patients with limited cardiac reserve or
Child: PO 0.2 mg/kg/d, may of eyelids, parotid tenderness, nasal impaired renal function. Report changes in I&O
increase by 0.2 mg/kg q1–3wk congestion. ratio.
if needed (max: 1–1.6 Observe for evidence of edema and weight
mg/kg/d) GI: Severe diarrhea, nausea, gain. Sudden weight gain of 1 kg (2 lb) in 24 h
vomiting, constipation, dry mouth. or more should be reported to physician.
Patients with limited cardiac reserve are
Urogenital: Nocturia, urinary particularly susceptible to guanethidine-
retention, incontinence, inhibition of induced sodium and water retention, with
ejaculation, impotence. resulting edema, CHF, and drug resistance.
Observe patients on antidiabetic therapy
Skin: Skin eruptions, loss of scalp hair. closely for signs of hypoglycemia.

Other: Dyspnea, psychic depression, Patient & Family Education

weakness, fatigue, myalgia, tremor,
chest paresthesias, asthma, rise in Do not stop drug without consulting physician.
BUN, polyarteritis nodosa. Ask for assistance with walking; older adults
are prone to develop orthostatic hypotension.
Understand that orthostatic hypotension is
most prominent shortly after arising from sleep
and when too rapid changes are made to
sitting or upright positions. Move gradually to
sitting position and make all position changes
slowly and in stages. Flex arms and legs slowly
before standing to augment venous return.
Orthostatic hypotension is intensified by
prolonged standing, hot baths or showers, hot
weather, alcohol ingestion, and strenuous
physical exercise (particularly if followed by
Lie down or sit down (in head-low position)
immediately at the onset of dizziness,
weakness, or faintness.
Consult physician regarding allowable salt
Reduced dosage in presence of febrile
illnesses. Report fever to physician.
Consult physician or pharmacist before taking
any OTC drug; guanethidine may sensitize the
patient to some sympathomimetic agents
found in OTC cold remedies and cause
hypertensive crisis.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
Guanadrel Hypertension Blocking the release of Body as a Whole: Musculoskeletal Pheochromocytoma, CHF, patients taking MAO Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 5 mg b.i.d., may norepinephrine leads to aches, pains, or inflammation; INHIBITORS. Safe use during pregnancy (category
increase up to 20–75 mg/d in catecholamine depletion with excessive weight gain or loss, B), lactation, or in children is not established. Monitor and record BP in supine position and
2–4 divided doses resulting relaxation of vascular peripheral edema. after standing 2–20 min. Record baseline
Geriatric: PO Start with 5 mg smooth muscle, reduction of measurements for future comparison
once daily peripheral vascular resistance, CNS: Fatigue, headache, drowsiness, purposes.
lowering of systolic and diastolic paresthesias, tremors, confusion, Evaluate the full effect of guanadrel on
BP, and a relative increase in depression or other psychologic standing (orthostatic) BP carefully before
parasympathetic tone. problems, sleep disorders. discharging the hospitalized patient. For
Decreases standing more than ambulatory patients, take BP measurements
supine BP and is more effective CV: Morning orthostatic hypotension following exercise for complete assessment.
in lowering systolic than diastolic (light-headedness, weakness), Monitor patients closely with cerebrovascular,
BP. orthostatic hypotension during the coronary artery, or peripheral vascular disease
day, palpitation, chest pain. because they are particularly prone to
orthostatic hypotension.
GI: Diarrhea, or increased number of Monitor weight gain and assess for edema
stools, indigestion, constipation, dry formation. Guanadrel tends to enhance
mouth and thirst, anorexia, glossitis, sodium and water retention, but these effects
nausea, vomiting, abdominal distress are generally controlled by concurrent diuretic
or pain. therapy.

Urogenital: Nocturia, urine retention, Patient & Family Education

urinary urgency or frequency,
hematuria, impaired ejaculation, Be aware of the possibility of orthostatic
impotence. hypotension; do not get out of bed without
assistance during initial dosage adjustment
Special Senses: Visual disturbances, period. Make position changes slowly and in
nasal stuffiness. stages, especially from recumbent to upright
posture throughout drug therapy.
Respiratory: Cough, shortness of Lie down immediately at first hint of faintness,
breath at rest or with exercise. dizziness, weakness, or light-headedness. All
are possible manifestations of orthostatic
Monitor weight, check legs and ankles for
edema, and note if rings or shoes suddenly
seem too tight. Notify physician of peripheral
edema or unexpected weight gain of 1 kg (2
Take drug at the same time(s) each day, in
relation to a daily routine activity.
Note: Most adverse effects disappear or at
least diminish in intensity after about 8 wk of
Do not use OTC drugs for treatment of colds,
allergy, asthma, or appetite suppressants
without consulting the physician or
pharmacist. Many of these products contain
adrenergic (sympathomimetic) amines, which
may interfere with hypotensive action of
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Isosorbide dinitrate As noted under CLINICAL Isordil (isosorbide dinitrate) is a Adverse reactions to isosorbide Isordil Titradose is contraindicated in patients Assessment & Drug Effects
(Isordil) PHARMACOLOGY, multiple- nitrate indicated for the dinitrate are generally dose-related, who are allergic to isosorbide dinitrate or any of
dose studies with ISDN and prevention of angina due and almost all of these reactions are its ingredients. Neonates born to mothers who are receiving
other nitrates have shown to coronary artery the result of isosorbide dinitrate’s Do not use Isordil Titradose in patients who are atenolol at parturition or breast–feeding may
that maintenance of disease and congestive heart activity as a vasodilator. Headache, taking certain drugs for erectile be at risk for hypoglycemia.
continuous 24-hour plasma failure. Isordil is available which may be severe, is the most dysfunction (phosphodiesterase inhibitors), such Check apical pulse before giving oral drug,
levels results in generic form. commonly reported side effect. as sildenafil, tadalafil, or vardenafil. Concomitant especially in patients receiving digitalis (both
in refractory tolerance. Every Headache may be recurrent with use can cause severe hypotension, syncope, or drugs slow AV conduction). If below 60 bpm
dosing regimen for Isordil each daily dose, especially at higher myocardial ischemia. (or other ordered parameter), withhold dose
Titradose tablets must doses. Transient episodes of Do not use Isordil Titradose in patients who are and consult physician.
provide a daily dose-free lightheadedness, occasionally related taking the soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator Monitor apical pulse, BP, respirations, and
interval to minimize the to blood pressure changes, may also riociguat. Concomitant use can cause peripheral circulation throughout dosage
development of this occur. Hypotension occurs hypotension. adjustment period. Consult physician for
tolerance. With immediate- infrequently, but in some patients it acceptable parameters.
release ISDN, it appears that may be severe enough to warrant
one daily dose-free interval discontinuation of therapy. Syncope, Patient & Family Education
must be at least 14 hours crescendo angina, and rebound
long. hypertension have been reported but Adhere rigidly to dose regimen. Sudden
As also noted under CLINICAL are uncommon. discontinuation of drug can exacerbate angina
PHARMACOLOGY, the effects and precipitate tachycardia or MI in patients
of the second and later doses with coronary artery disease, and thyroid
have been smaller and storm in patients with hyperthyroidism.
shorter-lasting than the Make position changes slowly and in stages,
effects of the first. particularly from recumbent to upright
Large controlled studies with posture.
other nitrates suggest that no Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
dosing regimen with Isordil
Titradose tablets should be
expected to provide more
than about 12 hours of
continuous anti-anginal
efficacy per day.
As with all titratable drugs, it
is important to administer the
minimum dose which
produces the desired clinical
effect. The usual starting dose
of Isordil Titradose is 5 mg to
20 mg, two or three times
daily. For maintenance
therapy, 10 mg to 40 mg, two
or three times daily is
recommended. Some patients
may require higher doses. A
daily dose-free interval of at
least 14 hours is advisable to
minimize tolerance. The
optimal interval will vary with
the individual patient, dose
and regimen.

Hydralazine Initiate therapy in gradually Apresoline is a prescription Adverse reactions with Apresoline Hypersensitivity to hydralazine; coronary artery Assessment & Drug Effects
(Apresoline) increasing dosages; adjust medicine used to treat the (hydralazine) are usually reversible disease; mitral valvular rheumatic heart disease.
according to individual symptoms of when dosage is reduced. However, in Neonates born to mothers who are receiving
response. Start with 10 mg Severe Essential Hypertension, some cases it may be necessary to atenolol at parturition or breast–feeding may
four times daily for the first 2- chronic high blood discontinue the drug. The following be at risk for hypoglycemia.
4 days, increase to 25 mg four pressure, Hypertensive Crisis, adverse reactions have been Check apical pulse before giving oral drug,
times daily for the balance of and Congestive Heart Failure. observed, but there has not been especially in patients receiving digitalis (both
the first week. For the second Apresoline may be used alone or enough systematic collection of data drugs slow AV conduction). If below 60 bpm
and subsequent weeks, with other medications. to support an estimate of their (or other ordered parameter), withhold dose
increase dosage to 50 mg four Apresoline belongs to a class of frequency. and consult physician.
times daily. For maintenance, drugs called Vasodilators. Monitor apical pulse, BP, respirations, and
adjust dosage to the lowest peripheral circulation throughout dosage
effective levels. adjustment period. Consult physician for
The incidence of toxic acceptable parameters.
reactions, particularly the L.E.
cell syndrome, is high in the Patient & Family Education
group of patients receiving
large doses of Apresoline Adhere rigidly to dose regimen. Sudden
(hydralazine) . discontinuation of drug can exacerbate angina
In a few resistant patients, up and precipitate tachycardia or MI in patients
to 300 mg of Apresoline with coronary artery disease, and thyroid
(hydralazine) daily may be storm in patients with hyperthyroidism.
required for a significant Make position changes slowly and in stages,
antihypertensive effect. In particularly from recumbent to upright
such cases, a lower dosage of posture.
Apresoline (hydralazine) Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
combined with a thiazide
and/or reserpine or a beta
blocker may be considered.
However, when combining
therapy, individual titration is
essential to ensure the lowest
possible therapeutic dose of
each drug.


Labetalol Hypertension Acts as an adrenergic receptor CNS: Dizziness, fatigue/malaise, Bronchial asthma; uncontrolled cardiac failure, Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 100 mg b.i.d., may blocking agent that combines headache, tremors, transient heart block (greater than first degree),
gradually increase to 200–400 selective alpha activity and paresthesias (especially scalp cardiogenic shock, severe bradycardia. Safe use Monitor BP and pulse during dosage
mg b.i.d. (max: 1200–2400 nonselective beta-adrenergic tingling), hypoesthesia (numbness) during pregnancy (category C), lactation, or in adjustment period. Use standing BP as
mg/d). IV 20 mg slowly over 2 blocking actions. Both actions following IV, mental depression, children is not established. indicator for making dosage adjustments for
min, with 40–80 mg q10min if contribute to blood pressure drowsiness, sleep disturbances, oral drugs and assessing patient's tolerance of
needed up to 300 mg total or reduction. nightmares. dosage increases. Take after patient stands for
2 mg/min continuous infusion 10 min. Clarify with physician.
(max: 300 mg total dose) CV: Postural hypotension, angina Monitor BP at 5 min intervals for 30 min after
Geriatric: PO Start with 100 pectoris, palpitation, bradycardia, IV administration; then at 30 min intervals for 2
mg daily IV 20 mg slowly over syncope, pedal or peripheral edema, h; then hourly for about 6 h; and as indicated
2 min, with 40–80 mg q10min pulmonary edema, CHF, flushing, cold thereafter.
if needed up to 300 mg total extremities, arrhythmias (following Monitor diabetic patients closely; drug may
or 2 mg/min continuous IV), paradoxical hypertension mask usual cardiovascular response to acute
infusion (max: 300 mg total (patients with pheochromocytoma). hypoglycemia (e.g., tachycardia).
dose) Convert from IV to PO therapy only when
Special Senses: Dry eyes, vision supine diastolic pressure rises about 10 mm
disturbances, nasal stuffiness, Hg.
rhinorrhea. Maintain patient in supine position for at least
3 h after IV administration. Then determine
GI: Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, patient's ability to tolerate elevated and
constipation, diarrhea, taste upright positions before allowing ambulation.
disturbances, cholestasis with or Manage this slowly.
without jaundice, increases in serum
transaminases, dry mouth. Patient & Family Education

Urogenital: Acute urinary retention, Note: Postural hypotension is most likely to

difficult micturition, impotence, occur during peak plasma levels (i.e., 2–4 h
ejaculation failure, loss of libido, after drug administration).
Peyronie's disease Make all position changes slowly and in stages,
particularly from lying to upright position.
Respiratory: Dyspnea, Older adult patients are especially sensitive to
bronchospasm. hypotensive effects.
Do not drive or engage in other potentially
Skin: Rashes of various types, hazardous activities until response to drug is
increased sweating, pruritus. known.
Note: Most adverse effects (e.g., scalp tingling)
Body as a Whole: Myalgia, muscle are mild, transient, and dose related and occur
cramps, toxic myopathy, early in therapy.
antimitochondrial antibodies, positive Be sure to keep follow-up appointments. Get
antinuclear antibodies (ANA), SLE liver and kidney function tests periodically
syndrome, pain at IV injection site. during therapy.
Discontinue drug gradually over 1–2 wk period
after chronic administration. Close monitoring
during this time is very important.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Carteolol Hypertension Effective antihypertensive agent Body as a Whole: Rash, muscle Sinus bradycardia, greater than first-degree heart Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 2.5 mg once/d, may by reducing BP to normotensive cramps, bronchospasm. block, cardiogenic shock, CHF secondary to
increase to 5–10 mg if needed range and useful in mananging tachycardia treatable with beta-blockers, overt Assess heart rate prior to administration. If
(max: 10 mg/d) some angina, dysrhythmias, and CV: Increased angina, hypotension, cardiac failure, hypersensitivity to beta-blocking pulse is less than 50 bpm, withhold drug and
CHF by decreasing myocardial CHF, bradycardia. agents, persistent severe bradycardia, bronchial notify physician.
Open-Angle Glaucoma oxygen demand and lowering asthma or bronchospasm, and severe COPD; Monitor BP and pulse frequently during period
Adult: Ophthalmic 1 drop in cardiac work load. GI: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. pregnancy (category C). of adjustment and periodically throughout
affected eye b.i.d. Endocrine: Hyperglycemia. therapy.
If hypotension (systolic BP <90 mm Hg) occurs,
CNS: Headache, dizziness, discontinue the drug and carefully assess the
drowsiness, insomnia, anxiety, hemodynamic status of the patient.
tremor, paresthesia, weakness. Monitor daily weight and assess for evidence
of fluid overload since drug may precipitate
CHF (see Signs & Symptoms, Appendix F).
Monitor mental status. Mental depression may
be increased by use of this drug.
Assess respiratory status closely if the patient
has history of bronchitis or emphysema, assess
for respiratory difficulty.
Monitor diabetic for loss of diabetic control.
Drug may prevent the appearance of early S&S
of acute hypoglycemia (see Appendix F).
Drug may reduce tolerance to cold
temperatures in older adults or in those who
have circulatory problems.

Patient & Family Education

Report the first sign or symptom of impending

CHF (see Signs & Symptoms, Appendix F) or
unexplained respiratory symptoms.
Do not discontinue medication abruptly, since
sudden withdrawal may precipitate or
exacerbate angina.
Do not use any OTC products such as nasal
decongestants and cold preparations without
Report slow pulse rate, confusion or
depression, dizziness or light-headedness, skin
rash, fever, sore throat, or unusual bleeding or
Be cautious while driving or performing other
hazardous activities until response to drug is
Continue to take this medication as instructed
by your physician no matter how well you feel.
Take your BP at least twice a week and report
significant changes.
Take your pulse before and after taking the
medication. If it is much slower than normal
rate (or less than 50 bpm), check with your
Do not breast feed while taking this drug
without consulting physician.
Captopril Hypertension Effective in stepped protocol Body as a Whole: Hypersensitivity Angioedema, hypersensitivity to captopril or ACE Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 6.25–25 mg t.i.d., management of hypertension to reactions, serum sickness-like inhibitors; hypotension; pregnancy (category D),
may increase to 50 mg t.i.d. convert to normotensive range, reaction, arthralgia, skin eruptions. lactation. Monitor BP closely following the first dose. A
(max: 450 mg/d) and in congestive heart failure sudden exaggerated hypotensive response may
Child: PO 0.3–12.5 mg/kg with resulting decreases in CV: Slight increase in heart rate, first occur within 1–3 h of first dose, especially in
q12–24h, may titrate up to dyspnea and improved exercise dose hypotension, dizziness, fainting. those with high BP or on a diuretic and
max of 6 mg/kg/d in 2–4 tolerance. restricted salt intake.
divided doses GI: Altered taste sensation (loss of Advise bed rest and BP monitoring for the first
Infant: PO 0.15–0.3 mg/kg, taste perception, persistent salt or 3 h after the initial dose.
may titrate up to 6 mg/kg/d in metallic taste); weight loss, intestinal Monitor therapeutic effectiveness. At least 2
1–4 divided doses angioedema. wk of therapy may be required before full
Neonate: PO 0.05–0.1 mg/kg therapeutic effects are achieved.
q8–24 h, may titrate up to 0.5 Hematologic: Hyperkalemia, Lab tests: Establish baseline urinary protein
mg/kg q6–24 h neutropenia, agranulocytosis (rare). levels before initiation of therapy and check at
Premature infant: PO 0.01 monthly intervals for the first 8 mo of
mg/kg q8–12h Respiratory: cough. Skin: treatment and then periodically thereafter.
Maculopapular rash, urticaria, Perform WBC and differential counts before
Congestive Heart Failure pruritus, angioedema, therapy is begun and at approximately 2-wk
Adult: PO 6.25–12.5 mg t.i.d., photosensitivity. intervals for the first 3 mo of therapy and then
may increase to 100 mg t.i.d. periodically thereafter.
(max: 450 mg/d) Urogenital: Azotemia, impaired renal
function, nephrotic syndrome, Patient & Family Education
Renal Insufficiency membranous glomerulonephritis.
Clcr 10–50 mL/min = 75% of Report to physician without delay the onset of
dose, Clcr <10 mL/min = 50% Other: Positive antinuclear antibody unexplained fever, unusual fatigue, sore mouth
of dose (ANA) titers. or throat, easy bruising or bleeding
(pathognomonic of agranulocytosis).
Mild skin eruptions are most likely to appear
during the first 4 wk of therapy and may be
accompanied by fever and eosinophilia.
Consult physician promptly if vomiting or
diarrhea occur.
Report darkening or crumbling of nailbeds
(reversible with dosage reduction).
Taste impairment occurs in 5–10% of patients
and generally reverses in 2–3 mo even with
continued therapy.
Use OTC medications only with approval of the
physician. Inform surgeon or dentist that
captopril is being taken. Alert diabetic patient
that captopril may produce hypoglycemia.
Monitor blood glucose and HbA1c closely
during first few weeks of therapy.
Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
Lisinopril Hypertension Improved cardiac output and CNS: Headache, dizziness, fatigue. Patients with a history of angioedema related to Assessment & Drug Effects
Adult: PO 10 mg once/d, may exercise tolerance due to treatment with an ACE inhibitor, ACE inhibitor
increase up to 20–40 mg 1–2 inhibition of ACE also decreases CV: Hypotension, chest pain. hypersensitivity; pregnancy (category D), Place patient in supine position and notify
times/d (max: 80 mg/d) circulating aldosterone, which is children <6 y; lactation. physician if sudden and severe hypotension
Child: PO 6–16 y, Start at 0.07 normally released in response to GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, occurs within the first 1–5 h after initial drug
mg/kg (max 5 mg) once/d angiotensin II stimulation. anorexia, constipation, intestinal dose; possible particularly in patients who are
(max: 40 mg/d) Reduced aldosterone is angioedema. sodium- or volume-depleted because of
Geriatric: PO Initial 2.5–5 associated with a potassium- diuretic therapy.
mg/d, may increase by 2.5–5 sparing effect. Also decreases Hematologic: Neutropenia. Measure BP just prior to dosing to determine
mg/d every 1–2 wk (max: 40 peripheral resistance (afterload) whether satisfactory control is being
mg/d). and pulmonary vascular Respiratory: Dyspnea, cough. maintained for 24 h. If the antihypertensive
resistance. effect is diminished in less than 24 h, an
Heart Failure Skin: Rash. Metabolic: Azotemia, increase in dosage may be necessary.
Adult: PO 5–40 mg/d hyperkalemia, increased BUN, and Monitor closely for angioedema of extremities,
creatinine levels. face, lips, tongue, glottis, and larynx.
Discontinue drug promptly and notify physician
if such symptoms appear; carefully monitor for
airway obstruction until swelling is relieved.
Monitor serum sodium and serum potassium
levels for hyponatremia and hyperkalemia.
Lab tests: Determine WBC count prior to
initiation of treatment, every month for the
first 3–6 mo of therapy, and at periodic
intervals for 1 y. Withhold therapy and notify
physician if neutropenia (neutrophil count
<1000/mm3) develops; kidney function tests at
periodic intervals, especially in patients with
severe volume or sodium replacement or those
with severe CHF.

Patient & Family Education

Discontinue drug and contact physician

immediately for severe hypersensitivity
reaction (e.g., hoarseness, swelling of the face,
mouth, hands, or feet, or sudden trouble
Be aware of importance of proper diet,
including sodium and potassium restrictions.
Do NOT use salt substitute containing
Continued compliance with high BP medication
is very important. If a dose is missed, take it as
soon as possible but not too close to next
Do not drive or engage in other potentially
hazardous activities until response to the drug
is known.
With concomitant therapy, lisinopril increases
the risk of lithium toxicity.
Notify physician promptly of any indication of
infection (e.g., sore throat, fever).
Do not store drug in a moist area. Heat and
moisture may cause the medicine to break
Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
Losartan (Cozaar) TABLET Selectively blocks the binding of CNS: Dizziness, insomnia, headache. Selectively blocks the binding of angiotensin II to Assessment & Drug Effects
25mg angiotensin II to the GI: Diarrhea, dyspepsia. the AT1 receptors found in many tissues (e.g.,
50mg AT1 receptors found in many Musculoskeletal: Muscle cramps, vascular smooth muscle, adrenal glands). Monitor BP at drug trough (prior to a
100mg tissues (e.g., vascular smooth myalgia, back or leg pain. Respiratory: Antihypertensive effect results from blocking the scheduled dose).
muscle, adrenal glands). Nasal congestion, cough, upper vasoconstricting and aldosterone-secreting Monitor drug effectiveness, especially in
HTN 50 mg once daily, may be Antihypertensive effect results respiratory infection, sinusitis. effects of angiotensin II. African-Americans when losartan is used as
increased to 100 mg once from blocking the monotherapy.
daily. Patient w/ intravascular vasoconstricting and Inadequate response may be improved by
vol-depletion 25 mg once aldosterone-secreting effects of splitting the daily dose into twice-daily dose.
daily. Reduction in the risk of angiotensin II. Lab tests: Monitor CBC, electrolytes, liver &
CV morbidity & mortality in kidney function with long-term therapy.
patient w/ left ventricular
hypertrophy 50 mg once daily. Patient & Family Education
A low dose of
hydrochlorothiazide should be Notify physician of symptoms of hypotension
added &/or the dose of (e.g., dizziness, fainting).
losartan K should be Notify physician immediately of pregnancy.
increased to 100 mg once Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
daily based on BP response.
Nephropathy in type 2
diabetic patient w/
proteinuria 50 mg once daily,
may be increased to 100 mg
once daily.
Valsartan (Diovan) TABLET Blocks angiotensin II, which Body as a Whole: Arthralgia. CNS: Hypersensitivity to valsartan or losartan; Assessment & Drug Effects
40mg results in vasodilation and Headache, dizziness. pregnancy [(category C) first trimester, (category
80mg blocking of the aldosterone- GI: Diarrhea, nausea. D) second and third trimesters], lactation; severe Monitor BP periodically; take trough readings,
160mg secreting effects of angiotensin Respiratory: Cough, sinusitis. heart failure with compromised renal function. just prior to the next scheduled dose, when
320mg II, thus resulting in an Metabolic: Hyperkalemia. possible.
antihypertensive effect. Lab tests: Monitor liver function tests, BUN
Adult HTN 80 or 160 mg once and creatinine, serum potassium, and CBC with
daily. May be increased to differential, periodically.
320 mg once daily or add Patient & Family Education
another antihypertensive (eg,
diuretic) if BP reduction is Inform physician immediately if you become
inadequate. Heart failure pregnant.
Initially 40 mg bid, up-titrated Note: Maximum pressure lowering effect is
to 80 & 160 mg bid as usually evident between 2 and 4 wk after
tolerated. Max: 320 mg daily initiation of therapy.
in divided doses. Post-MI Notify physician of episodes of dizziness,
Initially 20 mg bid, up-titrated especially those that occur when making
to a max of 160 mg bid as position changes.
tolerated. Hypertensive Do not breast feed while taking this drug.
patients w/ IGT at CV risk
Progression of type 2 diabetes
80 or 160 mg once daily.
When started on 80 mg, up-
titrate to 160 mg as tolerated.
Childn & adolescents 6-18 yr
HTN Initially 40 mg (<35 kg)
or 80 mg (≥35 kg) once daily.
CHLORTHALIDONE Hypertension Antihypertensive effect is correlated to CV: Orthostatic hypotension. GI: Anorexia, Hypersensitivity to sulfonamide derivatives; anuria,
the decrease in extracellular and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, hypokalemia; pregnancy (category B), lactation.  Establish baseline BP measurements and check
Adult: PO 12.5–25 mg/d,
intracellular volumes. Decreased cramping, at regular intervals during period of dosage
may be increased to 100
volume results in reduced cardiac jaundice. Hematologic: Agranulocytosis, adjustment when chlorthalidone is used for
mg/d if needed
output with subsequent decrease in thrombocytopenia, aplastic hypertension.
Child: PO 2 mg/kg 3 peripheral resistance. anemia. CNS: Dizziness, vertigo,  Be alert to signs of hypokalemia (see Appendix
times/wk paresthesias, F). Older adult patients are more sensitive to
headache. Metabolic: Hypokalemia, hypona adverse effects of drug-induced diuresis because
Edema tremia, hypochloremia, hypercalcemia, of age-related changes in the cardiovascular and
Adult: PO 50–100 mg/d, glycosuria, hyperglycemia, exacerbation of renal systems.
may be increased to 200 gout. Skin: Rash, urticaria, photosensitivity,  Lab tests: Baseline and periodic: serum
mg/d if needed vasculitis. Urogenital: Impotence. electrolytes (particularly K, Mg, Ca), serum uric
acid, creatinine, BUN, and uric acid and blood
glucose (especially in patients with diabetes).
 Monitor lithium and digoxin levels closely when
either of these drugs is used concurrently.

METOLAZONE Edema Produces a decrease in the systolic and GI: Cholestatic jaundice. Body as a Anuria, hypokalemia; hepatic coma or precoma;
Adult: PO 5–20 mg/d diastolic BPs, and reduces edema in Whole: Vertigo, orthostatic hypersensitivity to metolazone and sulfonamides;  Anticipate overdosage and adverse reactions in
Child: PO 0.2–0.4 mg/kg/d CHF and kidney failure patients. hypotension. Hematologic: Venous pregnancy (category D), lactation. geriatric patients; may be more sensitive to
divided q12–24h Appears to be more effective as a thrombosis, effects of usual adult dose.
diuretic than thiazides in patients with leukopenia. Metabolic: Dehydration, hypok  Terminate therapy when adverse reactions are
Hypertension severe kidney failure. alemia, hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia. moderate to severe.
 Expect possible antihypertensive effects in 3 or
Adult: PO 2.5–5 mg/d;
4 d, but 3–4 wk are required for maximum
(Mykrox) 0.5–1 mg/d
 Lab tests: Determine serum potassium at regular
intervals. Prolonged treatment and inadequate
potassium intake increase potential for
hypokalemia (see Appendix F). Periodic plasma
glucose and urinalysis determinations.

BUMETANIDE Edema Inhibits sodium and chloride Body as a Whole: Sweating, Hypersensitivity to bumetanide or to other sulfonamides;
Adult: PO 0.5–2 mg reabsorption by direct action on hyperventilation, anuria, markedly elevated BUN; hepatic coma; severe  Monitor I&O and report onset of oliguria or
once/d, may repeat at 4–5 proximal ascending limb of the loop of glycosuria. CNS: Dizziness, headache, electrolyte deficiency; lactation. Safety during pregnancy other changes in I&O ratio and pattern
h intervals if needed Henle. Also appears to inhibit weakness, fatigue. CV: Hypotension, ECG (category C) is not established. promptly.
(max: 10 mg/d) IV/IM 0.5– phosphate and bicarbonate changes, chest  Monitor weight, BP, and pulse rate. Assess for
1 mg over 1–2 min, reabsorption. Produces only mild pain, hypovolemia. GI: Nausea, vomiting, hypovolemia by taking BP and pulse rate while
hypotensive effects at usual diuretic abdominal or stomach pain, GI distress, patient is lying, sitting, and standing. Older
repeated q2–3h prn (max:
doses. diarrhea, dry adults are particularly at risk for hypovolemia
10 mg/d)
mouth. Metabolic: Hypokalemia, hyponatre with resulting thrombi and emboli.
Neonate: PO/IM/IV 0.01–
mia, hyperuricemia,  Lab tests: Serum electrolytes, blood studies,
0.05 mg/kg q24–48h hyperglycemia; hypomagnesemia; decreased liver and kidney function tests, uric acid
Infant/Child: PO/IM/IV calcium, chloride. Musculoskeletal: Muscle (particularly patients with history of gout), and
0.015–0.1 mg/kg q6–24h cramps, muscle pain, stiffness or tenderness; blood glucose. Determine values initially and at
(max: 10 mg/d) arthritic pain. Special Senses: Ear regular intervals; measurements are especially
discomfort, ringing or buzzing in ears, important in patients receiving prolonged
impaired hearing. treatment, high doses, or who are on sodium
 Monitor for S&S of hypomagnesemia and
hypokalemia (see Appendix F) especially in
those receiving digitalis or who have CHF,
hepatic cirrhosis, ascites, diarrhea, or
potassium-depleting nephropathy.
 Monitor patients with hepatic disease carefully
for fluid and electrolyte imbalances which can
precipitate encephalopathy (inappropriate
behavior, altered mood, impaired judgment,
confusion, drowsiness, coma).
 Question patient about hearing difficulty or ear
discomfort. Patients at risk of ototoxic effects
include those receiving the drug IV, especially at
high doses, those with severely impaired renal
function, and those receiving other potentially
ototoxic or nephrotoxic drugs (see Appendix F).
 Monitor diabetics for loss of glycemic control.

ETHACRYNIC ACID Edema Rapid and potent diuretic effect. Fluid CNS: Headache, fatigue, apprehension, History of hypersensitivity to ethacrynic acid; increasing
Adult: PO 50–100 mg 1–2 and electrolyte loss may exceed that confusion. CV: Postural azotemia, anuria; hepatic coma; severe diarrhea,  Observe closely when receiving the drug by IV
times/d, may increase by caused by thiazides. Hypotensive hypotension (dizziness, light- dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, hypotension; infusion. Rapid, copious diuresis following IV
25–50 mg prn up to 400 effect may be due to hypovolemia headedness). Metabolic: Hyponatremia, hyp lactation, infants, parenteral use in pediatric patients. administration can produce hypotension.
mg/d IV 0.5–1 mg/kg or secondary to diuresis and in part to okalemia, hypochloremic alkalosis,  Monitor IV site closely. Extravasation of IV
50 mg up to 100 mg, may decreased vascular resistance. hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia, drug causes local pain and tissue irritation from
hypercalciuria, hyperuricemia, hypovolemia, dehydration and blood volume depletion.
repeat if necessary
hematuria, glycosuria, hyperglycemia,  Monitor BP during initial therapy. Because
Child: PO 1 mg/kg q.d.,
gynecomastia, elevated BUN, creatinine, and orthostatic hypotension can occur, supervise
may increase to 3
urate levels. Special Senses: Vertigo, ambulation.
mg/kg/d tinnitus, sense of fullness in ears, temporary  Monitor BP and pulse throughout therapy in
or permanent deafness. GI: Anorexia, patients with impaired cardiac function.
diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dysphagia, Diuretic-induced hypovolemia may reduce
abdominal discomfort or pain, GI bleeding cardiac output, and electrolyte loss promotes
(IV use), abnormal liver function cardiotoxicity in those receiving digitalis
tests. Hematologic: Thrombocytopenia, (cardiac) glycosides.
agranulocytosis (rare), severe  Establish baseline weight prior to start of
neutropenia (rare). Skin: Skin rash, therapy; weigh patient under standard
pruritus. Body as a Whole: Fever, chills, conditions. Keep physician informed of weight
acute gout; local irritation and loss or gain in excess of 1 kg (2 lb)/d.
thrombophlebitis with IV injection.  Monitor I&O ratio. Drug should be
discontinued if excessive diuresis, oliguria,
hematuria, or sudden profuse diarrhea occurs.
Report signs to physician.
 Lab tests: Determine baseline and periodic
blood count, serum electrolytes, CO2, BUN,
creatinine, blood glucose, uric acid, and liver
 Observe for and report S&S of electrolyte
imbalance: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, thirst,
dry mouth, polyuria, oliguria, weakness, fatigue,
dizziness, faintness, headache, muscle cramps ,
paresthesias, drowsiness, mental confusion.
Instruct patient to report these symptoms
promptly to physician.
 Report immediately possible signs of
thromboembolic complications (see Appendix
 Impaired glucose tolerance with hyperglycemia
and glycosuria has occurred in patients
receiving doses in excess of 200 mg/d.

MANNITOL Acute Kidney Induces diuresis by raising osmotic CNS: Headache, tremor, convulsions, Anuria; marked pulmonary congestion or edema; severe
pressure of glomerular filtrate, thereby dizziness, transient muscle CHF; metabolic edema; organic CNS disease, intracranial  Take care to avoid extravasation. Observe
Failure inhibiting tubular reabsorption of rigidity. CV: Edema, CHF, angina-like pain, bleeding; shock, severe dehydration, history of allergy; injection site for signs of inflammation or
Adult: IV Test Dose 0.2 water and solutes. Reduces elevated hypotension, hypertension, pregnancy (category C), lactation; concomitantly with edema.
g/kg or 12.5 g as a 15– intraocular and cerebrospinal pressures thrombophlebitis. Eye: Blurred blood.  Lab tests: Monitor closely serum and urine
20% solution over 3–5 by increasing plasma osmolality, thus vision. GI: Dry mouth, nausea, electrolytes and kidney function during therapy.
min Positive inducing diffusion of water from these vomiting. Urogenital: Marked diuresis,  Measure I&O accurately and record to achieve
Response 30–50 mL of fluids back into plasma and urinary retention, nephrosis, proper fluid balance.
urine over next 2–3 h, extravascular space. uricosuria. Metabolic: Fluid and electrolyte  Monitor vital signs closely. Report significant
may repeat test dose 1 imbalance, especially hyponatremia; changes in BP and signs of CHF.
time. If still negative, do dehydration, acidosis. Other: With  Monitor for possible indications of fluid and
extravasation (local edema, skin necrosis; electrolyte imbalance (e.g., thirst, muscle
not use. Treatment 50–
chills, fever, allergic reactions). cramps or weakness, paresthesias, and signs of
100 g as 15–20% solution
over 90 min to several
 Be alert to the possibility that a rebound
hours increase in ICP sometimes occurs about 12 h
Child: IV Test Dose 200 after drug administration. Patient may complain
mg/kg (max: 12.5 g) over of headache or confusion.
3–5 min Positive  Take accurate daily weight.
Response Urine flow of 1
mL/kg/h for 1–2
h Maintenance 0.25–0.5
g/kg q4–6 h

Edema, Ascites
Adult: IV 100 g as a 10–
20% solution over 2–6 h

Elevated IOP or
Adult: IV 1.5–2 mg/kg as
a 15–25% solution over
30–60 min

Acute Chemical
Adult: IV 100–200 g
depending on urine

Measurement of
Adult: IV 100 mL of 20%
solution diluted with 180
mL NaCl injection infused
at a rate of 20 mL/min
UREA Reduction of Intracranial Volume and rate of urine flow is CNS: Somnolence (prolonged use in patients
or Intraocular Pressure, increased. Increased blood toxicity with kidney dysfunction), headache, acute Severely impaired liver or kidney function; CHF; active  Monitor I&O. If diuresis does not occur within
Diuresis results in transudation of fluid from psychosis, confusion, disorientation, intracranial bleeding; marked dehydration; IV injection 6–12 h following administration or if BUN
Adult: IV 1–1.5 g/kg of tissue, including brain, cerebrospinal, nervousness. CV: Tachycardia, hypotension, into lower extremities, especially in older adult patients; exceeds 75 mg/dL, withhold drug and notify
30% solution infused and intraocular fluid into the blood. syncope. GI: Nausea, vomiting, increased topical use for viral skin diseases or impaired circulation. physician so that kidney function may be
slowly over 1–2.5 h at a When used as an abortifacient, urea thirst. Metabolic: Fluid and electrolyte (Contraindications for intraamniotic urea: impaired evaluated.
rate not to exceed 4 (in dextrose) is injected into amniotic imbalance, dehydration. Special kidney function, frank liver failure, active intracranial  Monitor vital signs and mental status; promptly
sac, followed by IV oxytocin at a rate Senses: Intraocular hemorrhage (rapid bleeding; marked dehydration, diabetes mellitus, sickle report any changes.
mL/min (max: 120 g/24 h)
of about 400 mU/min or prostaglandin IV). Skin: Skin rash, pain, irritation, cell anemia.)  Observe postoperative patients closely for signs
Child: IV >2 y, 0.5–1.5
F2. sloughing, venous thrombosis, chemical of hemorrhage. Urea reportedly may increase
g/kg of 30% solution phlebitis at injection site. Body as a prothrombin time and promote internal oozing
infused slowly over 1–2.5 Whole: Hyperthermia. Hematologic: Hemo at suture sites.
h at a rate not to exceed lysis (rapid IV).  Withhold oral fluids and consult physician for
4 mL/min; <2 y, 0.1–0.5 hydration parameters if patient complains of a
g/kg of 30% solution headache.
infused slowly over 1–2.5  Lab tests: Serum electrolytes and urinary
h at a rate not to exceed sodium q12h. Frequent kidney function studies
4 mL/min are advised, particularly in patients suspected of
having kidney dysfunction.
Hydration of Dry Skin  Watch for S&S of hyponatremia, hypokalemia,
Adult: Topical Apply 2– dehydration, or transient overhydration (due to
40% cream or lotion to hyperosmotic activity) (see Appendix F).
 Monitor for complaints of lower abdominal pain
affected area 1–3 times/d
following intraamniotic instillation. If patient
complains of lower abdominal pain, it may be
Second-Trimester Abortion
that drug is going into abdomen rather than into
Adult: Intraamniotic Instill the amniotic sac.
40–50% urea solution in  See mannitol for additional nursing
5% dextrose in volumes implications.
equal to amount of
amniotic fluid removed
(max: 200–250 mL)
DORZOLAMIDE Glaucoma, Ocular Lowers IOP in glaucoma or ocular CNS: Headache. GI: Bitter taste, Previous hypersensitivity to dorzolamide; pregnancy
Hypertension hypertension. nausea. Special Senses: Transient burning (category C).  Inquire about previous hypersensitivity to
Adult/Child: Ophthalmic 1 or stinging, transient blurred sulfonamides prior to therapy.
drop in affected eye t.i.d. vision, superficial punctate keratitis, tearing,  Withhold drug and notify physician if S&S of
dryness, photophobia, ocular allergic local or systemic hypersensitivity occur (see
reaction. Skin: Rash. Appendix F).
 Withhold the drug and notify the physician if
ocular irritation occurs.
 Lab tests: Monitor CBC, serum electrolytes, and
renal and liver function tests periodically with
long-term therapy.

DICLOFENAC Rheumatoid Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug CNS: Dizziness, headache, Hypersensitivity to diclofenac, patients in whom asthma,
(NSAID) with analgesic and antipyretic drowsiness. Special urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, severe rhinitis,  Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness. Up to 3
SODIUM Arthritis activity. Senses: Tinnitus. Skin: Rash, shock, or other sensitivity reaction is precipitated by wks may be needed for beneficial effects with
Adult: PO 150–200 mg/d pruritus. GI: Dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, aspirin or other NSAIDS, pregnancy (category B), rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.
in 3–4 divided doses abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, lactation.  Lab tests: Periodic liver function, serum uric
Child: PO 25 mg b.i.d. or diarrhea, indigestion, abdominal distension, acid concentrations Hct, PT/INR, and blood
t.i.d. flatulence, peptic ulcer; liver enzymes, glucose.
transaminases increased, liver test  Observe and report signs of bleeding (e.g.,
Osteoarthritis abnormalities. CV: Fluid retention, petechiae, ecchymoses, bleeding gums, bloody
Adult: PO 100–150 mg/d hypertension, or black stools, cloudy or bloody urine).
in 3–4 divided doses 100 CHF. Respiratory: Asthma. Body as a  Monitor BP for hypertension and blood sugar
mg sustained release q.d. Whole: Back, leg, or joint for hyperglycemia.
pain. Endocrine: Hyperglycemia. Hematol  Monitor diabetics closely for loss of diabetic
ogic: Prolonged bleeding time; inhibits control.
Ankylosing platelet aggregation.  Monitor for increased serum sodium and
Spondylitis potassium in patients receiving potassium-
Adult: PO 25 mg q.i.d. sparing diuretics.
and 25 mg h.s.  Monitor weight and report gains greater than 1
kg (2 lb)/24 h.
Cataract Surgery  Monitor for signs and symptoms of GI irritation
and ulceration.
Adult: Ophthalmic 1 drop
of 0.1% solution in
affected eye q.i.d.
beginning 24 h after
surgery and continuing for
2 wk

Actinic Keratosis
Adult: Topical Apply to
affected area b.i.d. for 60–
90 d
METOLAZONE Edema Produces a decrease in the systolic and GI: Cholestatic jaundice. Body as a Anuria, hypokalemia; hepatic coma or precoma;
Adult: PO 5–20 mg/d diastolic BPs, and reduces edema in Whole: Vertigo, orthostatic hypersensitivity to metolazone and sulfonamides;  Anticipate overdosage and adverse reactions in
Child: PO 0.2–0.4 mg/kg/d CHF and kidney failure patients. hypotension. Hematologic: Venous pregnancy (category D), lactation. geriatric patients; may be more sensitive to
divided q12–24h Appears to be more effective as a thrombosis, effects of usual adult dose.
diuretic than thiazides in patients with leukopenia. Metabolic: Dehydration, hypok  Terminate therapy when adverse reactions are
Hypertension severe kidney failure. alemia, hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia. moderate to severe.
 Expect possible antihypertensive effects in 3 or
Adult: PO 2.5–5 mg/d;
4 d, but 3–4 wk are required for maximum
(Mykrox) 0.5–1 mg/d
 Lab tests: Determine serum potassium at regular
intervals. Prolonged treatment and inadequate
potassium intake increase potential for
hypokalemia (see Appendix F). Periodic plasma
glucose and urinalysis determinations.

HYDROCHLOROTHI Edema It has hypotensive action, elevates CNS: Mood changes, unusual tiredness or Hypersensitivity to thiazides or other sulfonamides;
AZIDE Adult: PO 25–200 mg/d in plasma renin activity, and precipitates weakness, dizziness, light-headedness, anuria, pregnancy (category B), lactation.  Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness.
1–3 divided doses diabetes in the prediabetic patient. paresthesias. CV: Irregular heartbeat, weak Antihypertensive effects may be noted in 3–4 d;
pulse, orthostatic hypotension. GI: Dry maximal effects may require 3–4 wk.
Hypertension mouth, increased thirst, nausea, vomiting,  Lab tests: Baseline and periodic determinations
Adult: PO 12.5–100 mg/d anorexia, diarrhea, pancreatitis, of serum electrolytes, blood counts, BUN, blood
in 1–2 divided doses jaundice. Hematologic: Agranulocytosis, glucose, uric acid, CO2, are recommended.
thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia,  Check BP before initiation of therapy and at
Child: PO 2.2 mg/kg/d in 2
leukopenia. Metabolic: Hyperglycemia, glyc regular intervals.
divided doses
osuria, hyperuricemia,  Monitor closely for hypokalemia; it increases
Neonate: PO <6 mo, 2–4 hypokalemia. Other: Hypersensitivity the risk of digoxin toxicity.
mg/kg/d in 2 divided reactions, photosensitivity, blurred vision,  Monitor I&O and check for edema.
doses yellow vision (xanthopsia), muscle spasm.  Note: Drug may cause hyperglycemia and loss
of glycemic control in diabetics.
 Note: Drug may cause orthostatic hypotension,

CHOLESTYRAMINE Hypercholesterolemia The resin anion-exchange agent Adverse Contra
(QUESTRAN) Adult: PO 4 g b.i.d. to increases fecal loss of bile acids which  Monitor therapeutic effect. Serum cholesterol
q.i.d. a.c. and h.s., may leads to lowered serum total GI: Constipation, fecal impaction, Complete biliary obstruction, hypersensitivity to bile acid levels are reduced within 24–48 h after
need up to 24 g/d cholesterol by decreasing (LDL) hemorrhoids, abdominal pain and sequestrants; pregnancy (category C), lactation. Safe use treatment starts and may continue to decline for
Child: PO 240 mg/kg/d in cholesterol, and reducing bile acid distension, flatulence, bloating sensation, in children 6 y not established. a year. After withdrawal of cholestyramine,
3 divided doses deposit in dermal tissues (decreasing belching, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, cholesterol levels usually return to baseline level
pruritus). Serum triglyceride levels anorexia, diarrhea, in about 2 to 4 wk.
may increase or remain unchanged.  Be alert to early symptoms of
Hyperlipoproteinemia steatorrhea. Endocrine: Increased
hypoprothrombinemia (petechiae, ecchymoses,
Adult: PO 4–8 g b.i.d. to libido. Metabolic: Weight loss or gain, iron,
abnormal bleeding from mucous membranes,
q.i.d. a.c. and h.s. (32 g/d) calcium, vitamin A, D, and K deficiencies
tarry stools) and report their occurrence
(from poor absorption);
hypoprothrombinemia, hyperchloremic promptly. Long-term use of cholestyramine
Pruritus resin can increase bleeding tendency.
Adult: PO 4 g b.i.d. to acidosis, decreased erythrocyte folate
levels. Skin: Rash, irritations of skin,  Preexisting constipation may be worsened in the
q.i.d. a.c. and h.s. (16 g/d) older adult, women, and in those taking >24 g/d.
tongue, and perianal areas. Special
Senses: Arcus juvenilis, uveitis.
 Consult physician regarding supplemental
vitamins A and D and folic acid that may be
required by patient on long-term therapy.
 Lab tests: Periodic CBC, platelet count, serum
electrolytes, and lipid profile.

COLESTIPOL Hypercholesterolemia Binds with bile acids in Body as a Whole: Joint and muscle pain, Complete biliary obstruction, hypersensitivity to bile acid
(COLESTID) Adult: PO 15–30 g/d in 2–4 intestinal tract to form an arthritis, shortness of sequestrants; pregnancy (category C), lactation. Safe use  Watch for changes in bowel elimination pattern.
doses a.c. and h.s., or 1–2insoluble complex that is breath. GI: Constipation, abdominal pain or in children not established. Constipation should not be allowed to persist
tabs 1–2 times/d excreted in the feces, thus distention, belching, flatulence, nausea, without medical attention.
reducing circulating vomiting, diarrhea. Metabolic: Transient  Lab test: Monitor serum sodium and potassium
Digitalis Toxicity cholesterol and increasing increases in liver enzyme tests, serum levels. Monitor for and report S&S of
phosphorus and chloride; decreases in serum hyponatremia and hypokalemia (see Appendix
Adult: PO 10 g followed by serum LDL removal rate.
sodium and potassium. Skin: Dermatitis, F).
5 g q6–8h as needed Serum triglycerides are not
affected or are minimally
CLOFIBRATE Hyperlipidemia Reduces very low density lipoproteins CV: Increase or decrease in angina, CHF, Impaired renal or hepatic function, primary biliary
Adult: PO 2 g/d in 2–4 (VLDL) to a greater extent than it arrhythmias. GI: Nausea, vomiting, loose cirrhosis; pregnancy (category C), lactation. Safe use in  Lab tests: Baseline and periodic lipid profile;
divided doses reduces low density lipoproteins stools, diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal children <14 y not established. periodic liver function tests, CBC, renal
(LDL). distress, gastritis, stomatitis, function tests, and determinations of plasma and
Diabetes Insipidus cholelithiasis. Hematologic: Neutropenia, urine steroid levels, serum electrolyte levels, and
Adult: PO 1.5–2 g/d in 2–4 leukopenia, anemia, blood glucose.
eosinophilia, agranulocytosis, potentiation  Therapeutic response generally occurs during
divided doses
of anticoagulant effect. Metabolic: Elevated the first or second month of therapy. Rebound
AST and ALT. Musculoskeletal: Flu-like may occur in second or third month, followed by
symptoms. CNS: Drowsiness, dizziness, a further decrease, and may also occur with
headache. Skin: Swelling and phlebitis at sudden withdrawal of drug.
xanthoma sites, skin rash, allergy, urticaria,  Clofibrate therapy for increased serum
pruritus. Urogenital: Renal insufficiency, cholesterol and triglycerides is generally
impotence, decreased libido. withdrawn after 3 mo if the response is not

FENOFIBRATE Hypertriglyceridemia Indicated by reduction in the level of Body as a Whole: Asthenia, fatigue, Hypersensitivity to fenofibrate or other fibric acid
Adult: PO 54 mg q.d. serum triglycerides; interferes with infections, flu-like syndrome, localized pain, derivatives (e.g., clofibrate, benzofibrate); liver or severe  Lab tests: Periodically monitor lipid levels, liver
(max: 160 mg/d) synthesis of serum triglycerides. arthralgia. CNS: Headache, paresthesia, kidney dysfunction; unexplained liver function functions, and CBC with differential.
dizziness, abnormality; primary biliary cirrhosis; preexisting  Discontinue therapy after 2 mo if adequate lipid
insomnia. CV: Arrhythmia. GI: Dyspepsia, gallbladder disease; pregnancy (category C); lactation; reduction is not achieved with the maximum
eructation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, thrombocytopenia. Safety and efficacy in children are not dose of 201 mg/d.
abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, established.  Assess for muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness
increased appetite. Respiratory: Cough, and, if present, monitor CPK level. Withdraw
rhinitis, sinusitis. Skin: Pruritus, drug with marked elevations of CPK or if
rash. Special Senses: Earache, eye floaters, myopathy is suspected.
blurred vision, conjunctivitis, eye  Monitor patients on coumarin-type drugs
irritation, Urogenital: Decreased libido, closely for prolongation of PT/INR.
polyuria, vaginitis.

NIACIN (B2) Niacin Deficiency Produces vasodilation by direct action CNS: Transient headache, tingling of Hypersensitivity to niacin; hepatic impairment; severe
Adult: PO 10–20 mg/d on vascular smooth muscles. Inhibits extremities, syncope. With chronic use: hypotension; hemorrhaging or arterial bleeding; active  Monitor therapeutic effectiveness and record
IV/IM/SC 25–100 mg 2–5 hepatic synthesis of VLDL, nervousness, panic, toxic amblyopia, peptic ulcer; pregnancy (category C), lactation, and effect of therapy on clinical manifestations of
times/d cholesterol and triglyceride, and, proptosis, blurred vision, loss of central children <16 y. deficiency (fiery red tongue, excessive saliva
indirectly, LDL. Large doses vision. CV: Generalized flushing with secretion and infection of oral membranes,
Pellagra effectively reduce elevated serum sensation of warmth, postural hypotension, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion).
cholesterol and total lipid levels in vasovagal attacks, arrhythmias Therapeutic response usually begins within 24
Adult: PO 300–500 mg/d
hypercholesterolemia and (rare). GI: Abnormalities of liver function h.
in divided doses
hyperlipidemic states. tests; jaundice, bloating, flatulence,  Lab tests: Obtain baseline and periodic tests of
Child: PO 50–100 mg t.i.d.
nausea, vomiting, GI disorders, activation of blood glucose and liver function in patients
peptic ulcer, xerostomia. Skin: Increased receiving prolonged high dose therapy.
Hyperlipidemia sebaceous gland activity, dry skin, skin  Monitor diabetics and patients on high doses
Adult: PO 1.5–3 g/d in rash, pruritus, keratitis closely. Hyperglycemia, glycosuria, ketonuria,
divided doses, may nigricans. Metabolic: Hyperuricemia, and increased insulin requirements have been
increase up to 6 g/d if hyperglycemia, glycosuria, reported.
necessary hypoprothrombinemia, hypoalbuminemia.  Observe patients closely for evidence of liver
Child: PO 100–250 mg/d dysfunction (jaundice, dark urine, light-colored
in 3 divided doses, may stools, pruritus) and hyperuricemia in patients
predisposed to gout (flank, joint, or stomach
increase by 250 mg/d q2–
pain; altered urine excretion pattern).
3 wk as tolerated


EZETIMIBE Hypercholesterolemia Lowers both total cholesterol and low- Body as a Whole: Fatigue, arthralgia, back Hypersensitivity to ezetimibe; concurrent use with HMG-
Adult: PO 10 mg q.d. density lipid (LDL) cholesterol; its pain, myalgia, angioedema, CoA reductase inhibitor in patients with active liver  Lab tests: Monitor baseline and periodic lipid
mechanism of action is complimentary myopathy. CNS: Dizziness, disease or elevated serum transaminases; hepatic profile; periodic Hgb & Hct and platelet count.
to statins. headache. GI: Abdominal pain, insufficiency; concurrent administration with fibrates; Monitor baseline LFTs and when used with a
diarrhea. Respiratory: Pharyngitis, lactation; pregnancy (category C); children <10 y. statin, monitor periodic LFTs in accordance
sinusitis, with the monitoring schedule for that statin.
cough. Hematologic: Thrombocytopenia. S  Assess for and report unexplained muscle pain,
kin: Rash. Other: Hepatitis, pancreatitis, especially when used in combination with a
rhabdomyolysis. statin drug.
 Monitor closely patients who take both
ezetimibe and cyclosporine.

ATORVASTATIN Hypercholesterolemia Atorvastatin reduces LDL and total Body as a Whole: Back pain, asthenia, Hypersensitivity to atorvastatin, myopathy, active liver
Adult: PO Start with 10–40 triglyceride (TG) production as well as hypersensitivity reaction, myalgia, disease, unexplained persistent transaminase elevations,  Monitor for therapeutic effectiveness which is
mg q.d., may increase up increases the plasma level of high- rhabdomyolysis. CNS: Headache. GI: Abdo pregnancy (category X), lactation. indicated by reduction in the level of LDL-C.
to 80 mg/d density lipids (HDL). minal pain, constipation, diarrhea,  Lab tests: Monitor lipid levels within 2–4 wk
Child/Adolescent: PO 10– dyspepsia, flatulence, increased liver after initiation of therapy or upon change in
17 y: Start with 10 mg function tests. Respiratory: Sinusitis, dosage; monitor liver functions at 6 and 12 wk
pharyngitis. Skin: Rash. after initiation or elevation of dose, and
q.d., may increase up to
periodically thereafter.
20 mg/d
 Assess for muscle pain, tenderness, or
weakness; and, if present, monitor CPK level
(discontinue drug with marked elevations of
CPK or if myopathy is suspected).
 Monitor carefully for digoxin toxicity with
concurrent digoxin use.

ROSUVASTATIN Hyperlipidemia Reduces total cholesterol and LDL Body as a Whole: Asthenia, back pain, flu Hypersensitivity to any component of the product, active
Adult: PO 10 mg once cholesterol, and also lowers plasma syndrome, chest pain, infection, pain, liver disease, pregnancy (category X), women of child-  Monitor for and report promptly S&S of
daily (5–40 mg/d), max triglycerides and apolipoprotein B peripheral edema. CNS: Headache, bearing potential not using appropriate contraceptive myopathy (e.g., skeletal muscle pain).
dose 40 mg/d. If taking while increasing HDL. dizziness, insomnia, hypertonia, paresthesia, measures, lactation.  Withhold drug and notify physician if CPK
cyclosporine, start with 5 depression, anxiety, vertigo, levels are markedly elevated ( 10xULN) or if
mg/d. neuralgia. CV: Hypertension, angina, myopathy is diagnosed or suspected.
vasodilatation, palpitations. GI: Diarrhea,  Lab tests: CPK levels for S&S of myopathy;
Geriatric: Initial dose of 5
dyspepsia, nausea, abdominal pain, periodic LFTs; more frequent INR values with
constipation, gastroenteritis, vomiting, concomitant warfarin therapy.
flatulence,  Monitor CV status, especially with a known
Renal Impairment gastritis. Endocrine: Diabetes. Hematologi history of hypertension or heart disease.
Clcr <30 mL/min: 5 mg c: Anemia,  Monitor diabetics for loss of glycemic control.
once daily (max: 10 mg/d) ecchymosis. Musculoskeletal: Myalgia,
arthritis, arthralgia, rhabdomyolysis
(especially with dose >40
mg). Respiratory: Pharyngitis, rhinitis,
sinusitis, bronchitis, increased cough,
dyspnea, pneumonia, asthma. Skin: Rash,
pruritus. Urogenital: UTI.


● RobHolland

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