8 Steam Power Plant Updated

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Steam Power Plant

The steam power plant is the important source to produce the electricity. It is also called as
thermal power plant. A generating station which converts heat energy of coal combustion into electrical
energy is known as a steam power station. Steam power station basically works on Rankine Cycle.
Working principle:
Steam is produced in the boiler by utilizing the heat of coal combustion. Steam is then expanded in the
prime mover (i.e. steam turbine) and is condensed in a condenser to be fed into the boiler again. Steam
turbine drives the alternator which converts mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy.
1) Rankine Cycle; 2) Carnot Steam; 3)Reheat Cycle; 4)Regenerative Cycle; 5)Reheat Regenerative Cycle

A. Rankine Cycle
The Rankine cycle or Rankine Vapor Cycle is the process widely used by power plants such as
coal-fired power plants or nuclear reactors. Rankine Cycle is the ideal cycle used as the standard
of comparison for steam power plants. In a Rankine Cycle, water enters the pump as saturated
liquid and is compressed isentropically to the operating pressure of the boiler.



4 s1 = s2

3 m2 2

Processes of Rankine Cycle:
1-2: Isentropic expansion in the turbine
2-3: Constant pressure rejection of heat in the condenser
3-4: Adiabatic pumping
4-1: Constant pressure addition of heat in the boiler
1. Heat added in the boiler, QA
By energy balance
QA= h1 – h4 ; KJ/kg boiler
QA= m(h1 – h4 ) ; KW QA
Where: m = mass flow rate of steam (kg/s)
with boiler efficiency:
m(h1−h 4 )

Boiler conditions:
1. Changes in Kinetic and potential energy are negligible.
2. There is no work crossing the control surface.
3. The process is constant pressure heat addition.

2. Heat Rejected in the Condenser, QR

By energy balance
QR= h2 – h3 ; KJ/kg
QR= m(h2 – h3 ) ; KW

4. Turbine work, Wt h2
By energy balance water in
Wt= h1 – h2 ; KJ/kg
Wt= m(h1 – h2 ) ; KW QR
Note: If change in kinetic energy is given: condenser
Wt= h1 – h2 +∆ KE ; KJ/kg water out

Wt= m[(h1 – h2)+(KE1 – KE2)] ; KW

with turbine efficiency: h1
Wt= m(h1 – h2) x ղ t
5. Pump Work, Wp
By energy balance Wt
Wp = h4 – h3 ; KJ/kg
Wp = m(h4 – h3) ; KW h2
Approximate Pump work:
Wp = V13(P4 – P3) ; KJ/kg
Wp = mV13(P4 – P3) ; KJ/kg

Enthalpy calculations@ point 4:

h4 = h3 + v3 (P4 – P3) h3
with pump efficiency:
m(h4 −h3 )
Wp =
6. Net work cycle, Wnet
Wnet = Wt - Wp = QA - QR
Wnet = h1 – h2 - Wp

7. Thermal Efficiency/Cycle efficiency/Rankine Cycle efficiency; ŋth

W net
h1−h 2−W p
h1−h 3−W p

1. In an ideal Rankine cycle, the steam throttle condition is 4.10MPa and 440°C. If turbine exhaust
is 0.105MPa, determine the pump work in KJ/kg.
@ 1.05MPa, h3 = hf = 423.24 KJ/kg v3 = 0.0010443 m3/kg
Pump Work, Wp = h4 – h3
Solving for h4:
h4 = h3 + v3 (P4 – P3)
= 423.24 KJ/kg + 0.0010443 m3/kg (4100-105) = 427.412 KJ/kg

Therefore: Pump Work, Wp = 427.412 – 423.24 = 4.172 KJ/kg.

2. A thermal power plant generates 5MW has also 300KW power needed for auxiliaries. If the heat
generated by fuel is 13,000 KJ/sec, determine the net thermal efficiency.
W net W net Turbine work− pump work 5,000−300
ŋth= = = = = 36.15%
QA QA Heat added 13,000

3. In a Rankine Cycle, steam enters the turbine at 2.5MPa and condenser of 50KPa. What is the
thermal efficiency of the cycle?
h1 @ 2.5MPa, hg = 2803.1 KJ/kg Sg = 6.2575 KJ/kg-K
h2 @ 50KPa, sf = 1.0910 KJ/kg-K Sfg = 6.5029 KJ/kg-K
hf = 340.49 KJ/kg hfg = 2305.4 KJ/kg
vf = 0.0010300 m /kg

3 50 KPa 2

W net ( h1−h2 )−(h4 −h3 )

ŋth= Q =
A h1−h4
where: h1 = hg = 2803.1 KJ/kg
h3 = hf = 340.49 KJ/kg
Solving for h2 = h4:
S = sf+ xsfg
6.2575 KJ/kg-K = 1.0910 KJ/kg-K + x(6.5029 KJ/kg-K)
X = 0.7945
h2 = hf + xhfg
= 340.49 KJ/kg + 0.7945(2305.4 KJ/kg)
= 2172.13 KJ/kg
h4 = hf + vf (P2 – P1)
= 340.49 KJ/kg + 0.0010300 m3/kg (2500-50)
= 342.98 KJ/kg

W net ( 2803.1−2172.11 ) −(342.98−340.49)

ŋth= = = 25.55%
QA 2803.1−342.98
The most efficient thermodynamic steam cycle. Practically, it is very difficult to add or reject heat to
or from the working fluid at constant temperature. But, it is comparatively easy to add or reject heat to
or from the working fluid at constant pressure. Therefore, Carnot cycle is not used as an idealized
cycle for steam power plants. However, ideal cycle for steam power plant is Rankine cycle in which
heat addition and rejection takes place at constant pressure process.

Processes of Carnot Cycle:

Process 1-2: Reversible adiabatic expansion process from P1 to P2.
Process 2-3: Reversible isothermal heat rejection process at constant temperature T2.
Process 3-4: Reversible adiabatic compression process from P3 to P4.
Process 4-1: Reversible isothermal heat addition process at constant temperature T1.



T1 = T4 4 T= c 1
1. Heat Added in the boiler W
V1 V1
QA = T1(S1-S4) = P4V4 ln = mRT 4 ln S=C S= C
V4 V4

2. Heat Rejected in the condeser

QR = T2(S2-S3) = T2(S1-S4) 3 T2=T3 2
V2 V2
= P2V2 ln = mRT 2 ln QR
V3 V3
3. Work Output S
W = QA – QR

4. Cycle Efficiency, ŋth

ŋth= Q = Q = W +QR

In terms of Temperature:
T 1−T 2
ŋth= T1
where: T1 = temperature source(highest absolute temp)
and T2 = temperature sink, abs (lowest absolute temperature)

C. Reheat Cycle

In a reheat cycle, the optimum reheat pressure is about one-fourth of the maximum cycle pressure. The
purpose of a reheating cycle is to remove/reduce the moisture carried by the steam at the final stages of
the expansion process. In this variation, two turbines work in series. The first accepts vapor from the
boiler at high pressure.

Steam reheating used in steam power plants as a means for raising the thermal efficiency of the plant.
The advantage claimed by the reheat cycle are higher thermal efficiency, reduced feed water
pump power, smaller condenser, smaller boiler, long life of the turbine and less handling of the fuel and
firing requirement.

Disadvantages of Reheat Cycle in Thermal Power Plant

 The cost of the extra pipes, equipment and controls make the cycle more expensive than the
normal Rankine cycle. 
 The greater floor space is reduced to accommodate the longer turbine and reheat piping
 The complexity of the operation and control increases with the adoption of the reheat cycle in
thermal power plant.
 All the lighter loads, the steam passing through the last blade rows to the condenser are seriously
super-heated if the same reheat is maintained. Feed water is sometimes sprayed into the low
pressure cylinders as low steam flows as a precaution against over-heating of blades.

The efficiency of the plant sometimes can be increased by withdrawing the steam from the turbine after it
has partially expanded and piping the steam back to the steam generator for reheating. This also has the
effect of reducing the moisture content of the steam in the turbine limiting the amount of moisture to 10 or
12%. This is important because water can cause increased turbine-blade corrosion.

steam 1
1 3

QA reheater
4 6

5 4

1. Heat added in the boiler, QA
By energy balance 1
QA= (h1 – h6) +(h3 – h2) ;KJ/kg 2
QA= m(h1 – h6) + (h3 – h2) ;KW QA reheater
Where: m = mass flow rate of steam (kg/s) Boiler
2. Heat Rejected in the Condenser, QR
By energy balance
QR= h4 – h5 ; KJ/kg 6
QA= m(h4 – h5 ) ; KW

3. Turbine work, Wt
By energy balance 1
Wt= (h1 – h2) + (h3 – h4 ) ; KJ/kg Wt
Wt= m(h1 – h2 )+(h3 – h4) ; KW 2

4. Pump Work, Wp
By energy balance 3 4
Wp = h6 – h5 ; KJ/kg
Wp = m(h6 – h5) ; KW
Approximate Pump work:
Wp = V15(P6 – P5) ; KJ/kg 6
Wp = mV15(P6 – P5) ; KJ/kg 5

5. Net work cycle, Wnet

Wnet = Wt - Wp = h1 – h2 +h3 – h4 - Wp
6. Thermal Efficiency; ŋth
W net
ŋth= Q

D. Regenerative Cycle:
The regeneration process occurs between the stages of turbine and pump respectively. Using
regeneration, the efficiencies of thermodynamic cycles can be improved. Regeneration also provides a
convenient means of dearating the feedwater to prevent corrosion in the boiler.
Cycle efficiency can be increased by bleeding a fraction of steam from the turbine and using this
steam for regenerative heating of the feedwater. This steam may be fed either to an open heater in which
the bled steam comes into direct contact with the feedwater to be heated or to a closed heater that is a
shell and tube type heat exchanger
Advantages of Regeneration cycle: Heat supplied to boiler becomes reduced. Thermal efficiency is
increased since the average temperature of heat addition to the cycle is increased. Due to bleeding in the
turbine, erosion of turbine due to moisture is reduced.
E. Reheat Regenerative Cycle
The reheat regenerative steam power plant employs a reheater, one open feed water heater (OWH) and
one closed feed water heater (CWH). The remaining steam is reheated to the original superheated
temperature for further expansion in the steam turbine. The Reheat and Regenerative cycles are combined
to further improved the overall thermal efficiency and further reduced the moisture content of steam to
minimize corrosion. The reheat regenerative steam power plantemploys a reheater, one open feed
water heater (OWH) and one closed feed water heater (CWH). The remaining steam is reheated to the
original superheated temperature for further expansion in the steam turbine.

The Four major components of a steam power plant:

1. Steam Generators (Boilers)
2. Steam Turbines
3. Steam Condenser
4. Feedwater pumps


- An integrated assembly of several essential components the function of which is to produce steam
at a predetermined pressure and temperature:
1. Water tube (Tubulous) boiler – type of boiler which the water circulates within tubes and heat is
applied from outside the tubes to generate steam.
2. Fire tube (Tubular) boiler- type of boiler in which hot gaseous products of combustion pass
through tubes surrounded by boiler water.
Boiler Auxiliaries and Accessories
1. Air preheater – heat exchanger which utilizes the heat of the flue gases to preheat the air needed
for combustion.
2. Breeching – the duct that connects the boiler and the chimney.
3. Blowdown valve – valve through which the impurities that settle in the mud drum are remove.
Sometimes called blow off valve.
4. Stoker – combustion equipment for firing solid fuels (used in water tube boilers)
5. Burner – combustion equipment for firing liquid and gaseous fuels (used in fire-tube boilers)
6. Feedwater pump – a device used to deliver water into the boiler
7. Feedwater heater – pre-heating device which utilizes steam mixed with the feedwater.
8. Economizer – feedwater pre-heating device which utilizes the heat of the flue gases
9. Pressure gauge – indicates the pressure of the steam in the boiler.
10. Safety Valve – a safety device which automatically releases the steam in case of over-pressure.
11. Temperature gauge – indicates the temperature of the steam in the boiler.
12. Fusible plug – a metal plug with a definite melting point through which the steam is released in
case of excessive temperature which is usually caused by low water level.
13. Water walls – water tubes installed in the furnace to protect the furnace against high temperature
and also serve as extension of heat transfer area for the feedwater.
14. Gage glass (Water column) – indicates the water level existing in the boiler.
15. Baffles – direct the flow of the hot gases to effect efficient heat transfer between the hot gases and
the heated water.
16. Furnace – a device that encloses the combustion equipment so that the heat generated will be
utilized effectively.
17. Soot blower – device which uses steam or compressed air to remove the soot that has accumulated
in the boiler tubes and drums.
18. Draft fans – supply air needed for combustion and create the draft required for the flow of gases in
the boiler.
19. Air register – to deliver the correct amount of air for good combustion.

1. Pitting – a local corrosion usually found along the water lines.
2. Grooving – a corrosion usually found around seams or where metal has been bent or strained.
3. Salinometer – instrument made of brass or glass, it consists of a stream with a hollow bulb firmed
on it about 1/3 from the lowest end which is weighted.
4. Priming – carry over of entrained water with the steam into the engines.
5. Carry-over – consists of particles of water leaving the boiler with the steam.
6. Try cock – attached to the shell or to the water column, and are used to prove the reading
indicated by the gauge glass.
7. Salinometer cock – a small valve placed on the boiler below the water level for the purpose of
drawing off samples of boiler water for testing.
8. Downcomer – a large tube or pipe connecting the water space of the drum to the water drum.


Steam, hs
ms kg/hr

Feedwater, hf

Fuel furnace
mf kg/hr
Qh kJ/kg

1. Heat Supplied or Heat Generated by fuel , Qs:
Qs = mf Qh
where: mf = mass of fuel
Qh = higher heating value of fuel

2. Boiler Heating Surface, HS.

It is the total area in m2 through which the heated water and hot gases exchange heat.

3. Rate Boiler Horsepower, RBH

It is the manufacturer’s rating equivalent to the Heating Surface in m2 divided by 0.91 for
water tube and 1.1 for Fire tube.
RBH = ( for water tube) RBH =
0.91 10
RBH = ( for fire tube) RBH =
1.1 12

4. Developed Boiler Horsepower, DBH

It is the actual heat absorption divided by 35, 322.
m (h −h ) m (h −h )
DBH = s s f DBH = s s f
35,322 33,500
1 boiler HP = 35, 322 KJ/hr
ms = mass of steam in kg/hr
hs = enthalpy of steam in KJ/kg
hf = enthalpy of feedwater in KJ/kg
5. Percent rating
The ratio of the developed boiler horsepower to the rated boiler horsepower expressed in
Developed Boiler∈HP
Percent Rating =
Rated Boiler ∈ HP
always >100%

6. ASME Evaporation units

It is the heat output of the boiler or the rate at which heat is transformed.

ASME Evaporation units = m s ( hs−hf ) ; KJ/kg

7. Factor of Evaporation, FE
It is the actual heat absorption per kg of steam generated divided by 2257 (hfg from and at
(h s−h f ) (h s−h f )
FE = FE =
2257 970.3

8. Equivalent Evaporation
The product of the rate of evaporation of steam and factor of evaporation.

Equivalent Evaporation = ms x FE ; kg/hr from and at 100°C)

9. Actual Specific Evaporation or Boiler Economy; BE

The ratio of the mass of steam to the mass of fuel.

ms kg steam
Actual Specific Evaporation or Boiler Economy = = kg fuel

10. Equivalent Specific Evaporation

It is the product of the Actual Specific Evaporation and the factor of Evaporation
Equivalent Specific Evaporation = BE x FE = x FE

11. Boiler Efficiency or Overall Thermal Efficiency; ŋbo

It is the measure of ability of a boiler or steam generator to transfer the heat given it by the
furnace to the water and steam.

m s ( hs −hf )
ŋbo = mf Q A
ms = amount of steam
hs = enthalpy of steam
hf = enthalpy of feedwater

12. Net Boiler Efficiency; ŋbo net

It is the boiler efficiency less the energy consumed by accessories

m s ( hs −hf )−energy consumed by accessories

ŋbo net = mf Q A


- Is a heat engine in which potential, kinetic energy and enthalpy of a steam is change into useful
work. It is a prime mover for the conversion of heat energy of steam into work on a revolving
shaft, utilizing fluid acceleration principles in jet and vane machinery. It is a heat engine in which
the potential, kinetic energy and enthalpy of a steam is change into useful work. All heat engines
are prime movers such as steam engines and turbines
Two basic types of steam turbines:
a. Impulse steam turbine – the steam expands in the nozzle, losing its pressure but gaining velocity.
b. Reaction steam turbine – the steam expands in the blading

Generator output
hf turbine

t2 Turbine output
Condenser (Brake power)
hf2 mw t1
Cooling water
1. If Kinetic Energy and Heat loss is considered:
Wt = ms (h1 – h2) + ½ ms (V12 – V22) - Q
2. Ideal turbine work, Wt (KE and Q are neglected)
Wt = ms (h1 – h2) where: h1 = enthalpy of steam entering
h1 = enthalpy after ideal (isentropic) expansion
3. Actual turbine Work, Wta
Wta = ms (h1 – h2)ŋst where; ŋst =stage efficiency
Wta = ms (h1 – h2a) where: h2a =enthalpy after expansion



S 1 = S2 2 2a

W ta h 1 – h 2a
ŋst = W t = h 1 – h 2

4. Turbine Power Output;Pt

Pt = ms (h1 – h2)ŋt = ms (h1 – h2)ŋt ŋm
where; ŋt = turbine efficiency
ŋm= mechanical efficiency

5. Electrical or generator efficiency; ŋgen

generator output
ŋgen =
Turbine ouptut
Generator output = turbine output x ŋgen
= ms (h1 – h2) x ŋgen x ŋt

6. Thermal Efficiency
A. Brake Thermal Efficiency; ŋtb
turbine output m s(h1 – h2)ŋt
ntb = m (h −h ) =
s 1 f2 m s (h1−h f 2)
B. Combined or over-all thermal efficiency; ntc =
generator output ( h 1 – h 2 ) ŋ t x ŋ gen
ntc = ms (h1 −hf 2)
(h1−hf 2 )

C. Ideal Rankine Thermal efficiency ; nR

h1 – h 2
ŋR = (h −h )
1 f2

7. Engine Efficiency of Turbine

A. Brake engine efficiency; ŋeb
Brake Power
ŋeb = m (h −h )
s 1 2

B. Combined or overall engine efficiency; ŋec

Generator output
ŋec = ms (h 1−h2 )

8. Cooling Water requirement in Condenser

QR = Qwater
mw = mass flow of cooling water
ms (h2−hf 2 )
mw =
C p (t 2−t 1)

9. William’s Line:
It is a straight line which shows the relation between the steam consumption (ms, kg/hr) and the
load (L , KW) of a steam turbine generator unit.

Steam consumption
ms , kg/hr

ms = kx + b

no load Load full load

William’s Law:
When the power is varied by throttling only, the mass of steam used by the engine varies proportionally as
the indicated power.
- A device used to maintain vacuum conditions on the exhaust of a steam prime mover by transfer
of heat to circulating water or air at the lowest ambient temperature.
1. To create vacuum at turbine exhaust and to increase the turbine power.
2. To convert steam to liquid so that it can be pumped back to the boiler.

Classification of Steam Condenser:

1. Surface Condenser – is a heat transfer device used to condense a steam under vacuum, by
absorbing its latent heat in cooling fluid, ordinarily water. It is a type of condenser in which
steam and cooling water do not mix; commonly used design is the shell- and – tube.
Heat Balance in Condenser:
mwCp(t2-t1) = ms(hs-hf)E
Cp= 4.187 hs
kg−℃ Cooling water In

E = heat extraction factor

Vacuum Efficiency, ղv t1, mw

P atm −P cond
Ղv =
Patm −P sat Cooling water Out
Patm = atmpspheric pressure
Pcond = absolute condense pressure
Psat = saturation pressure condensate

2. Contact (Jet) Condenser – is a heat transfer device in which the steam is brought into direct
contact with a cooling liquid such as water and is condensed by giving up its latent heat to the
liquid. It is a type of condenser in which steam and cooling water are mixed.


- A device used to pump boiler feedwater.

m kg/s
h1 P1

1. Pump work, Wp
Wp = m (h2 – h1)
Wp = mV1 (P2 – P1)
= mgh; watt
Where: m = mass of flow ; kg/sec
V1 = specific volume ; m3/kg
P1 = entrance pressure; KPa
P2 = exit pressure ; KPa
h = head ; meters

2. Pump input Power(Brake power of the pump); Wp in

Pump work
Wp in =
pump efficiency
m( h 2 – h 1)
Wp in =
pump efficiency

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