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Families can have a major impact on the wellbeing of gender diverse young individual.

If they happened
to experience conflict and rejection from their family, most likely, they will be prone to higher risk of
developing depression and anxiety, they are also more at risk of homelessness, economic instability,
self-harm and suicide. On the contrary, if the family accept their member who belongs to third sex, and
accepted them without prejudice, acknowledge their difference, consider them as normal individual and
let them feel that it is not a curse and God created them for who they are, they will surely develop
greater self-esteem, confidence, social support and general health status. Gender equality is a human
right. Acceptance is a journey but respect is necessary. The most important thing we can do is to tell
your child how much you love them and reassures that you are there for them no matter what the
course is, the family should stay connected and still grow together. Coming out will not always be
positive, some will accept, others will reject but what matter most is if the family started their path with
your love and acceptance can help them develop a sense of self-worth and confidence to face future
challenges and to lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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