Els LT Adm 2

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Directions for the User

Here are some reminders to guide as you go through this module:

1. Read and follow each directions carefully;
2. Answer the pre-test before proceeding to the activity;
3. Take down notes and record points for clarification;
4. Always aim to get at least 80% of the total number of items given;
5. Be sure to answer the post test at the end of the module.

We live in a planet, Earth, which we knew as the only planet where life may
exists. But, how did life exist? How did everything start? These are the questions which
most of us need answers. Brought by curious minds of the different scientists they were
able to formulate theories and perform experiments that will explain the origin of life.
The theories include: Creation Theory, Panspermia, Theory of Abiogenesis, Theory of
Biogenesis, Theory of Catastrophism, and Primordial Soup Theory.
This module will expound clearly through various activities how life began as
explained by the scientists who formulated it.

Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade the
circle that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. What theory proposes that meteors transported bacterial life forms
A B C D from space to earth?
A. Abiogenesis B. Biogenesis
C. Creation Theory D. Panspermia
2. Which of the following best describes the theory of Abiogenesis?
A B C D A. Life began by the creation of a superior super natural entity
B. Life evolved from microscopic life forms that were expelled into
C. Life originated from animate objects
D. Life started from inanimate objects.
3. The findings of this experiment showed the occurrence of living
A B C D organisms from other living organism.
A. Francesco Redi’s experiment B. Harold Urey’s experiment
C. Stanley Miller’s experiment D. The choices are correct
4. Which of the following theories led to the hypothesis that formation
A B C D of amino acids signify possible formation of building block of protein?
A. Pasteur’s experiment B. Primordial Soup Theory
C. Redi’s experiment D. Theory of catastrophism
5. Book of Genesis states that everything on the universe was

created for 6 days by a supreme being called God. It is explained by
the ____ theory.
A. Creation Theory B. Biogenesis
C. Catastrophism D. Primordial Soup Theory

Competency: 1. Describe classic experiments that model conditions which may have
enabled the first life forms to evolve.

1. Analyze a laboratory experiment
2. Explain the experiments that hypothesize how first life form existed
3. Identify the different theories of the origin of life

Procedure / Learning Experience

Activity 1. LAB on LIFE
Directions: Read and analyze the scenario. Answer the questions briefly.
A group of Grade 11 learners performed an experiment entitled “New Life in a
Jar”. They prepared the following materials: 3 jars (1 without cover, 1 with gauze cover ,
1 with lid cover), 6 pieces of dead fish, rubber band and a magnifying glass. They
started the set-up. First, they put 2 pieces of dead fish in each jar. Next, they left the first
jar uncovered, The second jar was covered with gauze and secured with a rubber band
while the third jar was tightly covered with lid. They left the jar after 24 hours, 3 days
and 5 days. They observed the occurrence of tiny worms after 3 days. They drew and
recorded their observations.

After 24 hours


After 3 days


After 5 days


1. What jar contains the tiny maggots/worms?

2. What jar did not contain tiny worm or maggots?

3. What jar contains eggs or fruit flies on top of it?
4. Where did the worms originated?

Activity 2. Let’s Try This!
Direction: Explain the experiment performed by Louis Pasteur, Francesco Redi,
and Stanley Miller and Harold Urey based from the illustrations/diagrams given. Predict
if the origin of life comes from non-living or living organism .

1. Louis Pasteur’s Experiment

After sterilizing,
one of the three
Prepared 3 flasks flasks broke, while
with broth and exposing the The other two
exposed it to contents to air, remaining set up
heat and allowed became turbid were clear .
to boil (indicates the
presence of
microbial life)

2. Urey-Miller’s Experiment
Synthesis Reactions of
Earth's atmosphere

Variety of organic molecules formed

including amino acid that are
common in living things
3. Francesco
1st jar- open maggots were observed

2nd jar- cork-

no formation of maggots
container in meat

3rd jar- no formation of

gauzed maggots on meat but
covered maggots are present on
container gauze
Redi’s Experiment

Activity 3:
Based from the experiments presented give the two major origin of living
organisms using the given graphic organizer.

Activity 4:
Identify the Theory of Origin of Life described in the given concept map by
arranging the given jumbled letters that will suit the given boxes.

being, Living Book of
the Organism Genesis
6 Days of
meteors or cosmic dust that hit the
earth transported significant amount
of such complicated organic molecules,
which started the evolution of life

microscopic life forms
that survived debris that was expelled
the effects of space into space after strong
became trapped in collision between planets

Living things arise

Simple organic compounds may be
one of the origin
Living things
created from non-
living things


Living Living Living

thing thing thing

Experiment was carried out by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey in 1952. They simulated the
early earth’s atmosphere in the laboratory. They designed an apparatus which held a mix
of gases similar to those found in Earth's early atmosphere over a pool of water,
representing Earth's early ocean

Electrodes delivered an electric current, simulating lightning, into the gas-filled

chamber. After allowing the experiment to run for one week, they analyzed the
contents of the liquid pool.

They found that several organic amino acids had formed spontaneously from
inorganic raw materials. The formation of amino acids signifies the creation of the
building blocks of protein.


Each Brought new

Several living encountered a creation consisted
creations from catastrophe, of new life forms
God which which were different
completely from the previous
destroyed them one.
Activity 5.
Direction: Complete the table by giving the theories/experiments that explain
origin of life as living or non-living organisms. (Note: You may read the texts (Notes to
Read) below as your guide in answering this activity)
Origin of Life Theories/Experiments
Living Organisms

Non-Living Organisms
Notes to Read: (For clarification of the concepts)
Theories on the Origin of Life
1. Creation Theory
- The concept of divine creation is that all life forms existing today on Earth have
been created by a supreme being.
2. Panspermia
- This hypothesis proposes that microscopic life forms that survived the effects of
space became trapped in debris that was expelled into space after strong collision
between planets. Like meteors or cosmic dust that hit the earth transported significant
amount of such complicated organic molecules, which started the evolution of life.
3. Theory of Abiogenesis
- This is also called the spontaneous generation theory that states that living
things were created from non-living things like simple organic compounds.
Theory of Biogenesis
- This theory states that living things came from living things or animate objects.
4. Primordial Soup Theory
- An experiment was carried out by Stanley Miller and Harold Urey in 1952.
- They simulated the early earth’s atmosphere in the laboratory. They designed
an apparatus which held a mix of gases similar to those found in Earth's early
atmosphere over a pool of water, representing Earth's early ocean.
- Electrodes delivered an electric current, simulating lightning, into the gas-filled
chamber. After allowing the experiment to run for one week, they analyzed the contents
of the liquid pool.
- They found that several organic amino acids had formed spontaneously from
inorganic raw materials. The formation of amino acids signifies the creation of the
building blocks of protein.
5. Theory of Catastrophism
- This theory states that there have been several living creations from God, each
encountered a catastrophe, which completely destroyed them. Each new creation
consisted of new life forms that are different from the previous one.

Activity 6.
Give the theories described.

Explanations Theories
1. They found that several organic amino
acids had formed spontaneously from
inorganic raw materials, which was
present in living organisms.
2. Meteors or cosmic dust that hit the
earth transported significant amount of
such complicated organic molecules,
which started the evolution of life.
3. Theory states that there have been
several living creations from God, each
encountered a catastrophe, which
completely destroyed them, and later
produced new creations different from
4. Living things arise from pre-existing
cells/living organism.
5. Living things arise from non-living
6. God is the creator of everything

Activity 7
Direction: Illustrate/create a diagram which you think will explain the origin of life
and the importance of studying it.

Direction: Identify the theory described in each statement.

_______________1. Life started from in animate objects. .

_______________2. Life originated from animate objects .
_______________3. Life began through the creation of a superior super natural entity.
_______________4 New life forms were created after a catastrophe.
_______________5. Life evolved from microscopic life forms that were expelled into
Direction: Answer the following questions:
1. What topic is discussed?
2. Why it was discussed?
3. What did I learn today?
4. What questions do I have about it?

Directions: Read each statement and choose the letter of the correct answer. Shade the
circle that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. What theory proposes that life forms existed through the meteors
A B C D which transported organic compounds on earth?
A. Abiogenesis B. Biogenesis
C. Creation Theory D. Panspermia
2. Which of the following best describes the theory of Biogenesis?
A B C D A. Life began by the creation of a superior super natural entity
B. Life evolved from dust that were expelled into space.
C. Life originated from inanimate objects
D. Life started from pre-existing cells.
3. The findings of this experiment showed the occurrence of living
A B C D organisms from non-living organism.
A. Francesco Redi’s experiment B. Louis Pasteur
C. Miller-Urey’s experiment D. The choices are correct
4. Which of the following theories led to the hypothesis that new
A B C D creation were formed after the catastrophe that living organisms were
A. Pasteur’s experiment B. Primordial Soup Theory
C. Redi’s experiment D. Theory of catastrophism
5. According to this theory, everything was created by Creator, the
A B C D A. Biogenesis B. Creation
C. Catastrophism D. Primordial Soup Theory
Competency 2
Answer Key

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
A. Engage
Activity 1
1. Jar 1 which is an opened jar.
2. Jar 3 which is properly sealed.
3. Jar 2 contains tiny worms or maggots.
4. From the flies alighted in the meat and the cover of the jar
B. Explore
Activity 2
1. Louis Pasteur’s explained how an open flask exposed to air acquired the presence of
microbial life compared to the other set ups which did not contain microbial life.
- Living organism arise from living organism
2. Lightning allowed the synthesis of reactions which include the production of organic
molecules found in living organisms.
- Living organism arise from non-living organism.
3. Three jars were used. One is an open jar, second one is properly covered and the
last one is covered by gauze. It was observed that jar one which is uncovered contained
maggots on the meat and the other two were not.
- Living things arise from living things
Activity 3

LivingLife non-living
organism organism

Activity 4
1. Creation Theory
2. Panspermia
3. Abiogenesis Theory
4. Biogenesis
5. Primordial Soup Theory
6. Catastrophism
Activity 5
Origin of Life Theories/Experiments
Living Organisms 1. Francesco Redi’s experiment
2. Louis Pasteur’s experiment
3. Panspermia
4. Biogenesis
5. Catastrophism
Non-Living 1. Primordial Soup Theory (Urey-Miller
Organisms Hypothesis)
Activity 6
1. Primordial
2. Panspermia
3. Catastrophism
4. Biogenesis
5. Creation
Activity 7
(Student’s answer may vary depending on what they believe in).
1. Biogenesis
2. Abiogenesis
3. Creation Theory
4. Catastrophism
5. Panspermia
Reflection (Answers may vary also)
1. Origin of Life
2. To gain knowledge on where we originated
3. Explanations/discussion of the different theories
4. Which is true?
Post Test
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B

Rea, M.A.D and N.H.A Dagamac. GENERAL BIOLOGY 2. Manila: Rex Book Store Inc.,2017.
Sia, S.R.D. and L.A.S. Cortez. Earth and Life Science.Quezon City. Sibs Publishing House, Inc., 2016



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