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Student Name/ID Number: Thae Thae Han Thu/2021B0333

Unit Number and Title: 3, Human Resource Management

Academic Year: 2021

Unit Assessor: U Myo Htet Naing

Assignment title: Ninety plus

Issue date: TBC

Submission Date (Draft preview): 1st Nov 2021

Feedback: TBC

Submission Date (Summative): 22 Nov 2021

Internal Verifier Name: Daw Yin Myo Aye

Date: 4 Oct 2021

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The usefulness of HRM in Ninety Plus Organization

Functions of HRM

Human resource management is the mix of various approaches, strategic structures,

and designs to improve and maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of people's performances
in companies as well as organizations to gain the organization's success and objectives.

The ongoing process of strategic and systematic planning to provide manpower

resources (which is the most valuable and important resource) for the organization's success is
called HRP (human resource planning). An HR manager's role and responsibilities in HR planning
are to make sure to hire and place the right employees that are fit for the job positions while
dodging shortages of manpower.

Job analysis is a process of identifying and observing a job to decide which

occupations and responsibilities are included in certain positions, pointing out the necessary
qualifications for the working conditions for the performed work. The role and responsibilities
of the HR manager in job analysis are to view and analyze it for employee's development and
training processes, selection process, performance appraisal, and rewarding process and to
supervise employees.

The process of recruiting great candidates for vacant positions and picking out
the right employees from them is called recruitment and selection. The role and
responsibilities of the HR manager in recruitment and selection include forecasting employee
needs, building the applicant pool, and attracting and selecting the right candidates for needed

Induction training is the introduction of workplace and cultures for new

employees. The role and responsibilities of the HR manager in this position are to strengthen
the understanding and communication between the employee and their managers so that they
can have a sustainable and effective relationship while at work.

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The general explanations of the key roles and responsibilities of the HR manager in
operating HR functions that are relevant to workforce planning and resourcing for Ninety Plus's
organizational success are as shown above. The cause of the rising employee turnover rates and
current HR problems of Ninety Plus company are illegal long hours of work, Incorrect methods
of recruitment and selection process, Not understanding and disobeying labor laws also
including lack of employee benefits and salaries. The point is they hire low-educated youngsters
in customer service by using employee referrals and asking them to do extremely long hours of
work which is illegal. A bonus one time per year based on service length of employees as well as
evaluating the employees' performance based on the obedience to the company's rules are not
fair for hardworking and creative employees with short service time. Thus, Ninety Plus must
perform the better HR functions that provide talent and skills considering the following points
to fix the current HR problems or to improve current HR practices to achieve their business
objective with these HR functions.

Different approaches to recruitment and selection

Recruitment is the systematic process of searching the talented employees that are fit
for available job positions, mostly through advertisements to obtain the organization's
objectives and persuade them to apply for that position. The two methods of recruitment are
internal and external recruitment.

Internal recruitment is the faster way to recruit employees than external recruitment,
increment in loyalty and productivity along with reduced training are the primary advantages of
internal recruitment. Consequently, saving time, effort, and overall cost for the company but
the organization will need to recruit externally in the end since the previous positions of the
promoted employees will be vacant.

The advantages of external recruitment are acquiring fresh ideas and talents individually
from the newcomers although sometimes the organizations face the disadvantages of external

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recruitments such as the lack of motivation to perform their positions and unsatisfying job

The selection process means selecting the best candidates from the applicant's pool
which was obtained by the recruitment process and providing them the job position. Interview
and testing are the mainly used selection methods.

The HR managers use various kinds of interviews. The strength of performing interviews
is that it allows applicants to speak from their heart and letting know what kind of people are
they. Thus, the managers can know if they are the right people for the position which they
applied for. As for the weakness of interviewing, it consumes time and energy for both
applicants and the employer.

There are many testing methods but commonly they can be classified into skill tests,
competency assessments, and culture tests. Applicants can give false statements in interviews
but can't in tests. That is why the testing method is used for but the people who are conducting
tests may be biased towards certain applicants. Therefore, tests may also give unreliable results
and the ability of an applicant can't be judged with test results.

Ninety Plus recruit low educated young employees from rural areas who don't have any
work experience as well as work knowledge by using employee referrals. Furthermore, they
hired the employees through informal selection procedures. They are quite a successful firm
but penurious on wages, salaries, and compensations deducting the accommodations, meal
costs, and benefits costs from advertised salary. Hence, they need to raise employee
engagement, motivation, and commitment for the organization. There are numerous different
approaches to recruitment and selection for acquiring a skillful and talented workforce to use in
Ninety Plus. (Example: traditional recruitment approach, employee participation approach,
employee empowerment approach, theoretical approaches such as socio-structural
perspective, psychological approach, and the critical perspective.) Some recommendations for
Ninety Plus are the traditional recruitment approach, employee participation approach, and
employee empowerment approach.

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The traditional recruitment and selection approach is when job-seekers have to apply
for the job with traditional paper applications and join face-to-face interaction interviews with
managers. After the selection process, employees will be well-informed about the organization
and can make their own decisions and know well if they want that job. On the other hand, the
managers get to know the employees if they fit for the position and employee engagement also

The employee participation approach is almost the same as the traditional approach but
focuses on the employees who are the most valuable and Important assets in an organization
which is also similar to the employee empowerment approach. By performing respectful
welcome gestures such as being professionally friendly with the applicants, holding welcome
parties, and sending welcome emails. Those kinds of small touches can make employees feel
comfortable and fun at work as well as make them increase dedication and loyalty for the
organization. Additionally, this approach will make employee engagement and relations
increase throughout the employees' service period at Ninety Plus. The organization should let
the employees involved in the decision-making process in a group approach to achieve a
common goal which can lead to unionize the employees and let them know they are a matter
for organization and cared for instead of letting managers make all the decisions and let
employees follow the rules and orders. Yet, it can sometimes create coordination problems
because the boundaries of authority will be ignored and focused on equally in all levels of

Effective HR practices

The training and development means training the employees to become more efficient
and beneficial for the organization. The training and development process is one of the most
important field for retaining employees and reducing the turnover rates for Ninety Plus. By
giving proper training and self-development programs, there will be an increase in employee
engagement, job satisfaction, morale, motivation, and productivity for employees because they
feel like the organization is not using them but helping them to achieve their individual goals.

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On the other hand, the employer and organization will improve in financial performance and
gain double profits.

Performance management is a strategic approach that outlines the

organization's objectives and tries to improve the employee's performance, skillsets, and
activities. The benefits of functional performance management for employees are saving time,
improving workforce planning, improving motivation, and boosting productivity individually.
Thus, it reduces the employee turnover rate. Furthermore, performing this can show the
employer and organization a clear direction of where the training and developments are
needed and help find out which employees deserve promotions and more.

Employees appreciate feeling recognized and proud of the organization they're working
for therefore rewards and programs give them the major boost to work under their
organization and increase employee retention. Likewise, these reward programs are not a great
deal for the employers but significantly get backs the most out of their workforce and reduce
expensive employee turnovers for the organization.

Ninety Plus has weak performance management and no incentives for current
employees and job seekers. That's why the potential employees left the company once they get
enough money and connection to work in other places or they didn't even interest in Ninety
Plus in the first place. Ninety Plus doesn't have any training and self-development programs
too. They only give promotions, bonuses, and salary increments to the employees
recommended by the managers which can cause workplace bias problems. Moreover, the
managers only appraise employees' performances based on how much they can follow and
obey the company's rules and policies without considering how well employees can perform in
their assigned tasks. Employee suggestion, perspectives, and ideas matter for the organization
because it is highly beneficial for the organization. (Example: unlimited idea resources, know
what are employee's needs and wants.) First, Ninety Plus should construct an efficient
performance management system which they have to carry on continually throughout the next
years to strategically plan training, development, orientation plans, and better performance
appraisal along with desirable rewards for the sake of the employees. The implementation of

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suggested HR practices will have tons of great positive impacts for Ninety Plus and will also
bring employment satisfaction, commitment, and an enjoyable workplace for employees to
perform well in their assigned duties. Thus, Ninety Plus needs to try using the different HRM
practices; training and development, performance management, and reward systems as shown
above which benefit both the employees, employer, and organization in terms of achieving
organizational success in a competitive marketplace.

Importance of employee relation

Employee relation is a fatal and most important aspect in today's business world
since there are a lot of new organizations and entrepreneurs. Having good employee relations
with employees means having mutual understanding together with trust, mutual fostering, and
care, sharing responsibilities and ideas, and together having a meaningful and enjoyable
working environment.

The industry and workplace are a portion of a large group of individuals with
unsimilar backgrounds, personalities, education, and individual values. Therefore, different
approaches of employee relation methods are needed to use for those unique individuals to
reduce conflicts as well as to maintain a good employee relation depending on the situation of
the organization.

Some popular employee relation approaches are power-sharing approach (agreement

between employer and employees to follow the rules, partnership approach (employers,
employees, and trade unions working together and make employees involvement in
organization matters), employee voice approach (letting the employees suggest and speak up
their ideas) including psychological and sociological approach. In conclusion, by using the
suitable employee relation approaches, organizations will result in many benefits such as
increased loyalty, mental health, motivation, and confidence of employees, increase in
employee engagement, decrease in turnover rates along with fewer chances of conflict in the

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Currently, Ninety Plus is facing high employee turnover rates and the employees
don't put a sufficient workforce in the organization. Ninety Plus also couldn't create a
pleasurable workplace for the employees. That's because Ninety Plus is poorly managing the
employee relations of their organization. The company seems like there are a lot of conflicts
happening in the organization judging by the rising turnover rates. Firstly, Ninety Plus must take
employee suggestions and comments on what's their individual needs and wants to create
more employee involvement and engagement within the organization because the employees'
perspective of working conditions, the organization culture, and dissatisfactions with salaries,
wages, and compensations of Ninety Plus are important to find out. Ninety plus seems to use
the power-sharing approach which is a traditional and common approach used in most
organization but Ninety Plus also need to try out other different approaches that can raise
employee engagement with an organization like the examples mentioned above. In conclusion,
Using the better employee relation approaches will lead to greater employee relations and
performance along with positive financial outcomes for Ninety Plus.

Employment legislation

The main purpose of employee legislation is to help protect the employees and
create a safe workplace for them since a lack of status as well as money can cause them danger
and mistreats. Some of the employees don't even know the labor laws and try to take
advantage of the workers. That is why every job seeker, employee, and employer should learn
at least about basic employment laws. So that the employees will know their rights and think
before signing in the employee contract. Some of the basic labor laws are working hours,
minimum wages and salary, leaves and holidays, employment age, employee health, and

Usually, most of the companies ask the employees to work between 9 am to 5 pm and
that is 8 hours of work. Hence, the average working hours are 40 hours a week with the
Saturday and Sunday weekends. If an employer of an organization asks to work over the
permitted working hours, they have to give overtime fees if the employee agrees.

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The national minimum wages and salary of Myanmar for basic workers are 4,800mmks
(US$3.26) per day and 600mmks per hour. The wages for workers can't be paid lower than that
or the employer will get sued due to existing labor laws and have to pay at least 2000,000mmks
as punishment in the court. Furthermore, the employer has to pay the earnings the employee

Leaves and holidays include family leave, funeral leave, maternity leave, military, and
public holidays. The employers have to pay wages and salaries fully to the employees for these

The legal employment age in Myanmar is 14 years old, as from the child rights and
national labor laws. No one can hire children that are younger than 18 years old in heavy labor
together with dangerous forms of work except for light labor and artistic works.

All industries and companies have to have employee health and safety policies to
protect employees' physical wellbeing and reduce risks in the workplace. General employee
health and safety policies include arranging doctors for medical checkups, enforcing the
employees to wear the appropriate safety wear for industrial factories, construction sites, and
chemical labs along with giving employees full introduction on how to use machinery.

According to Ninety Plus, the company provides employee benefits such as meals,
accommodation, and yearly trips for employees but Ninety Plus deducts the expenses from
employees' salaries. The employer can't deduct more than 50% of the salaries that employees
get paid. Besides the working hour from Ninety Plus is from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every day
without rest days(weekends). Therefore, it adds up to 12 hours a day and 84 hours a week. So,
the working hours of Ninety Plus are more than double of what the existing labor laws of
Myanmar limit. In addition to this point, employees from Ninety Plus have to perform extreme
overwork and Ninety Plus also doesn't pay overtime fees. Ninety Plus gives just only three off-
days per month and 36 off-days in a whole year. Besides, Ninety Plus hire young people from
rural areas. If Ninety Plus doesn't change their existing policies and laws, the company will get
sued and have to take court's sentence together with punishments both financially and
physically(imprisonment) as from existing Myanmar labor laws. These are the key areas of

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employment legislation that Ninety Plus must fix to work in accordance with Myanmar labor
laws and to build a legal and safe working environment for Ninety Plus employees.

Job Title: HR manager Location: Yangon

Department: HR department Date: 10.30.2021
Supervisor: General manager
Supervisee: staffs
Salary: Negotiate

Job summary
This position is to supervise staff and improve the Ninety Plus's HR functions at the Ninety Plus main
office situated in Yangon. It has to do job analysis for the staff's work performances and progress to pay
bonus as well as promotions. This position is highly responsible for staff. Thus, the applicant has, to be
honest, hardworking, and masters the relationship with other employees.

Working relationships
This position will have to interact with managements, staffs and with other companies occasionally if

Job duties and responsibilities

- Monitor the employees and Plan job analysis for them
- Understand the HR practices of business organizations and provide advice as well as guidelines in
making business strategies for managers.
- Enforce recruitment and selection process, reward and compensation along with arranging
development programs for staffs.
- Make sure to compliance the labor law, the local law and regulations also the company’s policies.

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Working condition
- Work from 9 am to 6pm
- 1 hour break time at lunch time
- 2 days off per week
- Indoor office work
- Have to work overtime if needed

Job specification
- At least 3 years of working experience as HR manager
- Bachelor degree in Human resource management or other related business degrees
- Strong work ethic and good organizing skills
- Great communication skills
- Have to be patient and hardworking
- Extremely important to be a team-worker
- Leadership skills

The above information is correct and proved by

Job analyst manager in charge

( ) ( )

Interview questions

1. Why do you choose to work with our organization?

2. How will you describe yourself?
3. What are your passions?
4. What can you possibly bring to our organization?

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5. What makes you think we should hire you?
6. Tell us how do you usually manage the staffs you supervise?
7. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
8. What are your passions?
9. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
10. Tell me about the time when you demonstrate leadership skills?

By performing these practices of recruitment and selection process, as shown above, it

is possible to obtain sustainable and outstanding employees. Impact on conducting the great
interviews practices for HR matters are Ninety Plus will get to find out which applicants are
talented and will be suitable for the Ninety Plus based on the company's culture. On the other
hand, Ninety Plus will develop an awesome employer brand. Employee branding is what makes
Ninety Plus different from other companies and point out why the applicants should participate
in the interview and work for Ninety Plus. This is an important impact since most of the people
became self-employed nowadays and Ninety Plus have to compete with other companies in
getting talented and outstanding employees. Ninety Plus can't keep using the same employee
referral method because it is the same as living in a small circle of society. Hence, it is important
to create a great and clear job post like the one above which reflects Ninety Plus company's
value, objectives, and culture for the job-seekers. Besides, the company's job posts will get
more attention if Ninety Plus advertises on social media, busy places, and collages. The other
impacts that can have on conducting these practical recruitment and selection practices are
saving money, saving time, the fair treatment for applicants, getting to hire the right
employees, and many more.


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