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Concept of Nutrition

1. Re – read the concept of nutrition found in your Fundamentals in Nursing book.
2. Analyze the case study and do the following:
a. Answer the given question and provide a rationale
b. Create Nursing care plan appropriate to the client given
c. Produce Client health teaching plan.

Case study

Carlyn Lim is an 84 year old woman who was admitted with a diagnosis of Cerebro Vascular
Accident. she is 70 inches tall and weighs 153 lbs with a usual weight of 180 lbs. Her family
reports that she has a long history of alcoholism. After the first 36 hours of admission, her
voluntary intake is reported to be very poor. She is unable to communicate with caregivers and
family and has marked difficulty swallowing. Her latest order is Isocal HCN is ordered at 65
ml/hr.because of the abdominal distension and excess residuals,

She has the following lab reports:

Pertinent admission labs
Value Normal

5 to 25
BUN 42 mg/dl
0.5 to 1.5
Creatinine 1.9 mg/dl
135 to 145
Sodium 151 mEq/dl
3.5 to 5.0
Potassium 5.1 mEq/dl
3.5 to 5.0
Albumin 3.1 g/dl


What are her initial estimated calorie, protein, and fluid requirements?

- 1600 – 2000 kcal/day

- 90 – 100 g/day protein

- 1600 – 3000 ml/day

What metabolic problem is she at risk of developing?

- refeeding syndrome

multiple risk factors:


-chronic malnutrition


What mechanical problem is she at risk of experiencing?

- aspiration

multiple risk factors:



-ng tube

-abdominal distension

-excess residuals

Does the latest order meet all of the patient's nutrition needs?

- protein is okay

-calories are too much

- fluid is insufficient

What is a better option at this point?

stay with 1 kcal/ml formula

keep at 65ml/hr to avoid over feeding

consider advancing tube into duodenum

What is a long term solution?

- consider a HN formula to correct chronic protein malnutrition.

- stay with 1 kcal/ml formula to provide adequate fluid.

-insert PEG or J tube to decrease aspiration risk.

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