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Province Government

Karnali Province
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Infrastructure Development Directorate
Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office
Khalanga, Salyan


Detailed Feasibility Study

Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Tribeni Rural Municipality
Ward – 03

Submitted By:
Yashaswi Engineering and Reasearch

FY : 2076-77
प्रदेश सरकार
कर्ााली प्रदेश
पुर्ााधार वर्कास विदेशिालय
खािेपािी, वसचिं ाई तथा उर्ाा वर्कास कायाालय
खलगािं, सल्याि
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Water supply and sanitation is a basic need of the people. Periodic plans and policy documents
of the government have therefore advocated for improving the access to the basic but safe water
supply services adopting a policy of all-inclusive ethnic groups, economic strata, gender,
religion, disability and geographical location, on the principle of cost sharing and full operation
and maintenance by the beneficiary group in the community.

The sustainable access to safe drinking water supply and appropriate sanitation facilities, in
addition to lessening the drudgery of the people in fetching water, especially of women and
girls children, will improve the health of the people. It helps to reduce medical expenses and
provides an opportunity to additional economic activity and ultimately to improve the living

The Final Report of Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Rikhe Bazar
Water Supply Project, Tribeni Rural Municipality, Ward – 03, Salyan is prepared under
an agreement signed between Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office,
Salyan and Yashaswi Engineering and Reasearch Center, Panchakumari Marg
,Kathmandu. It includes detailed cost and quantity estimates of the components.

We would also like to express our thanks to all staff of the Water Supply, Irrigation &
Energy Development Office, Salyan for providing us their kind support and help in some way
or other during field study as well as during design and preparation of the report.

Yashaswi Engineering and Reasearch Center,

Panchakumari Marg ,Kathmandu

Salient Features of Project

District: Salyan
1 Name of Project Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
2 Name of Rural Municipality Tribeni
3 Wards Covered 3
4 Number of scheme 1
Rikhe Bazar Water
5 Name of Scheme
Supply Project
Sn Parameters Unit Total
A. Household/Population
1 Households(Survey year:2077) No. 104 104
2 Population(Survey year:2077) No. 548 548
3 Households(Base year:2080) No. 108 108
4 Population(Base year:2080) No. 576 576
5 Households(Design year:2100) No. 139 139
6 Population(Design year:2100) No. 751 751
7 Design Period Yrs. 20 20
8 Annual growth rate % 1.27 1.27
B. Source Information -

1 Source Name Khodepani Khodepani

2 Source Type & Number Type/No. Spring-1 Spring-1
3 Tapped Discharge source - Lps 0.85 0.85
4 Approximate Distance from Project Site km 1.00 1.00
5 Water Quality of Source Good Good
C. Water provision & Demand -
1 Provision for Domestic use lpcd 48,815 48,815
2 Provision for Institutional use lpcd - -
3 Provision for Live Stock lpcd 9,763 9,763
4 Provision for Wastage lpcd 5,858 5,858
5 Total Water Demand (Design Year) lpcd 64,436 64,436
D. Project Components -
1 Actual Length of Transmission Main Km 0.91 0.91
2 Actual Length of Distribution Pipe Line Km 3.25 3.25
3 Total Number of Institutional Connection No. 0 -
4 Number of Private Connection Provided No. 104 104
1 / 14 m³ FRT,1/ 1 / 14 m³ FRT,1/
5 Reservoir Number/ Capacity no/m³
30m³ RCT 30m³ RCT
6 Total Number of CC, DC, IC & BPT No. 0, 1, 0, 0 0, 1, 0, 0
7 Total Number of VC, WVC & AVC No. 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0
8 GI Crossing No./m 0 -
9 Institutional latrine No. NO NO
E. Project Cost Data -
Total Estimated Cost(with physical
1 & price adjustment contingencies NRs. 87 03 575.54 8,703,575.54
2 Average Per Capita Cost at Base Year (E1/A4) NRs. 15 110.37 15,110
3 Average Per Capita Cost at Design Year (E1/A6) NRs. 11 589.31 11,589
4 Community Contribution Amount as per Estimate NRs. 34 00 352.55 3,400,353
5 Community Contribution as per % of Estimate % 39.07 39.07
6 Number of WUSC Members/VMW No. - -

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Table of Contents
Salient Features of Project
Summary of Project Cost
Community Contribution

1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Objective of the Assignment ....................................................................................... 2
1.3. Scope of the Assignment ............................................................................................. 2
1.4. Methodology ............................................................................................................... 3
2. PROJECT AREA............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Location and Accessibility .......................................................................................... 5
2.2 Topography, Climate and Vegetation ......................................................................... 5
2.3 Population and Educational Institutions ...................................................................... 6
2.4 Economic Characteristics ............................................................................................ 6
3. TECHNICAL ASPECTS ................................................................................................ 7
3.1. Existing Water Supply and Sanitary Situation ............................................................ 7
3.2. Proposed Project .......................................................................................................... 7
3.3. Water Quality .............................................................................................................. 7
3.4. Design Criteria ............................................................................................................ 8
3.4.1. Coverage and Population ..................................................................................... 8
3.4.2. Service Level ....................................................................................................... 8
3.4.3. Water Demand ..................................................................................................... 9
3.4.4. Peak Factor........................................................................................................... 9
3.4.5. Domestic Demand ................................................................................................ 9
3.4.6. Wastage and Leakage .......................................................................................... 9
3.4.7. Total Water Demand ............................................................................................ 9
3.4.8. Consumption Pattern.......................................................................................... 10
3.4.9. Pipe Materials .................................................................................................... 10
3.4.10. Pressure and Velocity ..................................................................................... 10
3.5. Components of the Project ........................................................................................ 11
3.6. Sanitation................................................................................................................... 12
3.7. Environmental Consideration .................................................................................... 12
Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

3.8. Community Education and Awareness Program ...................................................... 12

4. FINANCIAL ASPECTS ................................................................................................ 14
4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Construction Materials .............................................................................................. 14
4.3 Unit Rates .................................................................................................................. 14
4.4 Summary of Cost Estimates ...................................................................................... 14
4.5 Operation and Maintenance Costs............................................................................. 14
4.6 Water Tariff ............................................................................................................... 15
5. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT ......................................................................... 16
5.1 Implementation Schedule .......................................................................................... 16
5.2 Justification for Implementation ............................................................................... 16

Annex-A : Quantity & Cost Estimate

Annex-B : Rate Analysis

Annex-C : Design

Annex-D : D1: Layout, Schematic Diagrams & Pipeline Profiles

D2: Typical Drawings of Structures

Summary of Cost
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Scheme - 1
Sn Items Unit Unit Rate
Qty Amount
A Community Education Awareness
1 Pre-construction Training no 18,500.00 100% 18,500.00
2 Appraisal & Comm. Preparation no 7,000.00 100% 7,000.00
3 VMWs Training no 3,000.00 100% 3,000.00
4 Account/Meter Reader's Training no 10,000.00 100% 10,000.00
5 Pre-Handover Training no 9,000.00 100% 9,000.00
6 Motivators/Volunteers Training no 3,000.00 100% 3,000.00
Total A 50,500.00
B Water Supply & Sanitation
B1 Civil Works
1 Detailed Survey & Design Work % 150,000.00 100.00% 150,000.00
2 Intake
Spring Intake-II no 160,780.72 1 160,780.72
3 Reservoir Tank - -
RVT_Ferro-14 cum. 479,533.40 1 479,533.40
RVT_RCT_REC-30 cum. 1,128,755.73 1 1,128,755.73
4 Private Tap Connection no 10,274.53 104 1,068,551.12
5 Distribution Chamber (Two chamber) no 86,979.05 1 86,979.05
6 Gabion Protection (2x1x1) no 12,215.32 25 305,383.00
7 Thrust Block (Pipe Anchor) RCC Pillar no 8,470.40 10 84,704.00
8 Pipeline works ( E/W and jointing )
i. Transmission Km 0.91 650,418.44
ii. Distribution Km 3.25 2,331,801.43
Transportation of Pipes, Fittings & Tools from
9 store to site) % 1,840.72
Sub-Total (B1) 6,448,747.61
B2 Materials & Equipments
1 Procurement of Pipes km 4.57 326,041.77
2 Procurement of Pipes Fittings % 100,873.43 100% 100,873.43
3 Procurement of Tool and Plants % 92,849.73 100% 92,849.73
Sub-Total (B2) 519,764.93
Total B (B1+B2) 6,968,512.54
Total (A+B) 7,019,012.54
C Contingencies & Overhead
1 Contingencies 2 % of (A+B) 140,380.25
2 Overhead 2 % of (A+B) 140,380.25
Total C 280,760.50
Total Cost of Scheme (A+B+C) 7,299,773.04
Add Physical Contingencies @10% (A+B) 701,901.25
Add Price Escalation @10% (A+B) 701,901.25
Total Cost of Project : 8,703,575.54

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Contribution of Community and Cost to be Borne by GON
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Cost of earthwork in pipeline works GON Contribution Village Contribution
Cost of other Extra Cost need to
Cost of transmission
Cost of other Cost of earth works to be be upfront by
Name of Scheme Total Cost line(earth work only) Percentage
Transmission Distribution Total works except % work in done Community Total
dist. Line Length distribution line
Cost Private Con.
Rikhe Bazar
Water Supply
Project 87 03 575.54 6 50 418.44 23 31 801.43 29 82 219.87 53 03 222.99 60.93 - 23 31 801.43 10 68 551.12 34 00 352.55 39.07 Greater than 20%, OK

Total 87 03 575.54 6 50 418.44 23 31 801.43 29 82 219.87 53 03 222.99 60.93 23 31 801.43 10 68 551.12 34 00 352.55 39.07 Greater than 20%, OK

Notes :
1. The distribution line should always be contributed by people and it ( Village contribution ) should always be more than 20% of total cost.
2. If it is less than 20%, some part, or whole as whatever the case be, the transmission line should also be considered for village contribution.
3. Here about Private Tap connection work should be done by village contribution (as shown in Table).

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project


1.1. Background

Poverty alleviation is the overriding objective of development efforts in Nepal. The tenth Plan
(2002-2007) document of the Government of Nepal has renewed in commitment towards this
objective. Equitable access to social and economic infrastructure for the poor and marginalized
groups is regarded as one of the four pillars towards achieving this overriding goal of poverty
alleviation. The government has acknowledged that development of water supply and
sanitation is an important link towards achieving this social equity. Periodic plans and policy
documents of the government have therefore advocated for improving the access to safe water
supply and sanitation facilities in order to improve the quality of life and productivity,
especially in rural areas, which will ultimately lead to poverty reduction.

The water supply and sanitation sector has received a well-deserved priority from both the
governmental and non-governmental sector and several international funding / aid agencies
have supported this endeavor. The vision of this sub-sector is to provide safe drinking water
and adequate sanitation services to the entire population in a sustainable manner and at an
affordable cost by mobilizing resources and communities and applying appropriate technology.

The development of this sector, in addition to saving time in fetching water, will improve the
health of the people and therefore create a healthy manpower that will contribute to productive
economy of the country. The 10th plan aims to develop healthy manpower with additional
economic productivity, reduce medical expenses, and ultimately achieve the target of poverty
alleviation through development of the water supply and sanitation sector which is expected to
play a critical role in this process.

Department of Water Supply & Sewerage is the lead agency in the water and sanitation sector
under the Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation. The department facilitates and executes
water supply and sanitation projects through users committees under the supervision of its
district based division and sub-division offices to achieve the sector goals set by the

Detailed Engineering Study and Design (DESD) of a project is to be carried out after the project
is selected for implementation. The study will be conducted for all new projects, and for all
existing projects to be selected for rehabilitation. The detailed study reports are produced as
the outcome of the detail survey and design of the projects so that immediate actions could be
undertaken for their implementation

Now, Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Khalanga, Salyan has a
goal to carry out detailed survey and estimate of water supply projects in Salyan district of

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

Karnali Province as per 2076/77 annual program. Due to the limited appropriate technical
manpower, the office seeks for consultancy service (consultant) to conduct following job.

 Preparation of Detail Engineering Survey, Design, Cost Estimation & Report

Preparation of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project, Tribeni Rural Municipality,
Ward – 03.

1.2. Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of this project is to support interested potential and qualified user
associations/ communities for improvement in the living standard of the people by providing
safe, reliable, adequate and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. The overall
objective of the study is to formulate technically sound and cost-effective water supply and
sanitation projects. Specific objectives are:

a) To ascertain population and coverage area,

b) Project cost,
c) Community contribution,
d) Detailed construction works, and
e) Operation and Maintenance requirements.
f) Support Water User and Sanitation Association (WUSA) of the selected project to
operate and maintain the project on commercial and sustainable manner by enhancing
their knowledge, skills, capacity and efficiency.
g) Support and involve WUSA and private sector to create enabling environment and
opportunities for extension of service area and improve service level in water supply
and sanitation sector.
h) To raise awareness and trigger the users towards the importance of water quality and
sanitation on healthy life.
i) To support implementation of Water Safety Plan to meet water quality standards.

1.3. Scope of the Assignment

The detailed scope of the work mostly includes, but not necessarily limited to the following:
 To assess existing situation of water supply and sanitation in the project area;
 To carry out detailed engineering and socio-economic survey, prepare checklist for
environment parameters of the project area. The survey will determine existing
levels of services and coverage, income and other poverty indicators, vulnerable
groups and willingness to pay.
 To verify the source yield, water quality, intake/deep tube well boring site, reservoir
site, pipe alignment and number and location of public taps and other major

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

 To clarify the community enthusiasm on the execution of the project and willingness
to contribute for construction and undertake operation and maintenance
responsibility upon commissioning;
 To identify appropriate interventions required to promote sanitation at personal,
household and community level, within the project area.
 Assessment of electro-mechanical component in order to calculate capital cost as
well as estimated annual power cost & its operation and Maintenance cost.
 Prepare detailed Layout Plan and Flow Diagram, name of remarkable places, major
civil components, hydraulic parameter, working drawing and cost estimate etc.

1.4. Methodology

A survey team consisting of Water Supply Engineer and an Overseer with necessary supporting
professionals were assigned for the field study. This team in close consultation with WSIEDO
personal and users thoroughly studied the project area and carried out detailed survey of the
proposed project.

The new DWSS standardization is used for the adoption of design criteria and design of all the
system components. Cost estimation is carried out according to GON Norms adopting
approved district rate and prevailing market rate of materials. Available secondary information
and relevant data from the Central Bureau of Statistics has been used where found necessary.

Final report has been prepared and presented compiling the drawings and quantity estimates
on the basis of designs, and cost estimates based on the detailed analysis of DWSS and
incorporated accordingly in the Final Report.

The consulting services mainly consist of detailed engineering design for Water Supply
components. On the basis of the scope of work, gathering additional information during the
desk study phase, field visit and reconnaissance survey of the sites and the task to be carried
out in the consulting services are identified and listed below in brief.

The following activities have been carried-out necessary during detailed engineering phase:

 Field visit, field verification, preparation and submission of detail design Draft

 Field Investigations, Field verification of survey works, Mobilization of personnel

to carry out collect relevant information of the project; Cross verification of Socio
economic/ demographic Survey: Confirmation of Service Area Delineation; Source
Study; Water quality testing and selection of type of treatment plant to treat the
water to meet the approved quality required by Nepal Drinking Water Quality
Standards (NDWQS) or WHO guidelines proposed for drinking water. Field
verification/ confirmation of Engineering survey; address Land Acquisition and
Resettlement if required for the construction of water supply facilities.

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

 Population growth rate, Design Year and Population Projection

 Water demand calculation and Nodal Water Demand

 Intake design

 Reservoir sizing and peak factor

 Pipeline design, tools and pipe materials and household connection

 Preparation of drawings, rate analysis and cost estimate

 Preparation of bill of quantities with specifications

 Final design report preparation

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project


2.1 Location and Accessibility

Salyan District (Nepali: स यान िज ला), a part of Karnali province, is one of the seventy-seven
districts of Nepal. Salyan covers an area of 1,462 km2 (564 sq mi) with a population of 213,500
in 2001 and 241,716 in 2011. The district's administrative center is named Salyan or Salyan
Khalanga, today it is part of Shaarda Municipality.

The district is known for its Hindu temples including Shiva temples in Chhayachhetra and
Laxmipur, and the Devi temple at Khairabang in Sarda municipality, one of nine in Nepal.

Tribeni is a rural municipality in Salyan District in the Rapti Zone of western-central Nepal.
At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 3789 people living in 710 individual

1. General Information
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
District : Salyan
RMP/MP : Tribeni Rural Municipality
Ward : 03
Community : Rikhe Bazar

2. Accessibility
Distance from district headquarter to project area (Avg.) : 25 km
Name of the nearest market for construction materials : Luham Bazar
Distance from project area to nearest market (Avg.) : 5 km
Name of the place of nearest all weather roadhead from the project area : Luham- Rikhe Site

2.2 Topography, Climate and Vegetation

Although Salyan is considered a hilly district, its southwest salient is actually outside the
Pahari-inhabited hill region, in the lower Siwalik Hills that are more an extension of the Terai.

The Babai River flows through the southwestern Siwaliks section after draining Dang Valley.
A tributary Sharad Khola drains the eastern half of Salyan's hill region—including the district
center, then exits these hills by cutting through the Mahabharat Range to its confluence with
the Babai. The western half of Salyan's hill region is drained by the Bheri.

The soil in the project area is gravel and boulder mixed type. The area has moderate vegetation
with sub-tropical forest species. Main crops are maize, wheat and paddy, potato, sugarcane etc.

The climatic zones found in the district comprise:

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

Climate zone Elevation range % of area

300 to 1,000 meters
Upper tropical 28.6%
1,000 to 3,300 ft.
1,000 to 2,000 meters
Subtropical 68.3%
3,300 to 6,600 ft.
2,000 to 3,000 meters
Temperate 3.0%
6,400 to 9,800 ft.

2.3 Population and Educational Institutions

The project area includes ward-03 of the Tribeni Rural Municipality of which the population
in 2077 B.S. according to the survey is 548 distributed in 104 households with 5.2 people in
average per household.

Source District Census data

2.4 Economic Characteristics

The sample survey results show that the Business, Government officers, Abroad, agriculture
and farming are the dominant occupation in all of the households. Some of the residents are
engaged in local trade and business and service. Farming and livestock are closely linked as
livestock provides manure for fertilizer, milk and meat.

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project


3.1. Existing Water Supply and Sanitary Situation

Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Khalanga, Salyan had decided to
provide water supply facilities in the village because the existing systems are quite insufficient
and miss-functional to meet the present demand of the area due to increase as well as migration
of the population. As the area is located in the hill, scattered settlement and based on demand
of local people, a new setup of system, we had to propose separate pipe supply for different
location system. Comparatively, the sanitary condition of the area is quite good.

Source:, 2011 Census

3.2. Proposed Project

In the Project area, gravity water supply schemes are proposed to the newly implementation
for providing water supply facilities in the identified area. The schemes include intakes,
distribution chamber, water storage tanks, and transmission and distribution pipelines with
necessary appurtenances in the system. The consumers in the village area will be served
through private tab connection.

The Proposed Projects are:

1 Name of Project Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

2 Name of Municipality Tribeni
3 Wards Covered 3
4 Number of Scheme 1

3.3. Water Quality

Water quality of selected sources is good with pleasant taste with no visual turbidity was found.
Chemical tests of the water samples were not done however, physically the selected sources
are acceptable.

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

3.4. Design Criteria

The water supply systems are designed based on criteria of the DWSS Design Guidelines unless
specific site conditions demand otherwise. Design Guidelines are adopted for design period of
the project is taken as

 For Gravity System: - 20 years from base year and 23 years from survey year assuming
3 years as construction period.
 For Lift System: - 15 years from base year and 18 years from survey year assuming 3
years as construction period

3.4.1. Coverage and Population

The population in the year 2077 B.S. in the proposed service area is 548 in 104 HHs. The
permanent population will be 751 at the end of design year 2100 of 20 years has been
calculated and found as with average annual growth rate 1.27%. The population of the year
2077 is based upon the social survey.

The following formula is used for determining the design population.

 R 
PN  P 1  
 100 


P = Present Population

R = Annual population growth rate in percentage

N = Number of years

PN = Projected population at the end of the Nth year.

3.4.2. Service Level

The service level should be in accordance with the consumer needs, desires and willingness to
pay. The tenth plan approach paper also highlights the need for the improvement of service
level in emerging towns. Service level improvement means essentially providing reliable and
efficient supply predominantly through house connections (fully plumbed), yard connections
and a few community connections for very poor disadvantaged groups. The type of connection
is based on social survey i.e. monthly income of each HH and choice of the type of tap. The
system is designed for optimum water demand. The per capita demand of 65 lpcd is proposed.
Majority of the households will obtain water through private house connections. The main
features associated with the improvement on service level are continuous 24 hours supply of
collected water, with a minimum of 5-15 meter of residual head at house connection point as
far as possible. In most of the places the residual head is maintained more than 10m.

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

3.4.3. Water Demand

Water demand is one of the key factors in the formulation of any water supply project, which
implicates in project cost. Factors affecting the water demand are personal habits,
industrialization and climatic condition, reliability of supply, cost of water and availability of
supplementary sources. The water demand is calculated based on the present population,
population growth rate of the town, non-domestic demand of water for other purposes to cover
the water demand such as for rental population, hotels, cinema hall, restaurant, schools,
governments and non-government offices, firefighting, filter backwash etc. Hence, the total
water demand includes domestic, institutional and industrial/ commercial demand, fire
demand, filter backwash. The domestic demand has been determined based upon optimum use
of water i.e. 65 lpcd (48,815 Lpd).

Other demands to be considered are Livestock demand i.e. 20 % of domestic demand, leakage
and wastage from the system by 10 %.

3.4.4. Peak Factor

The peak demand in each pipe has been determined with peak factor 2.4 as for private
connection. This has been determined from reservoir consumption pattern.

3.4.5. Domestic Demand

The daily demand primarily consists of daily household needs i.e. drinking, washing, cooking
and hygienic needs.

Each type of tap connection has different rate of water consumption. The percentage of the
population served by each category has been estimated through socio-economic survey. Rate
of consumption per person is based on the design guidelines and discussion with Rural
Municipal Officers & Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Khalanga,
Salyan. However, domestic water demand is determined considering optimum water use i.e.
65 lpcd. and also, water yield capacity of sources.

Water demand has been based also on the living standard of the people. The change in the types
of connection from community connection to yard connection to fully plumbed connection will
reflect the increase in their living standard of the beneficiaries. The percentage of different
types of tap connection is based on the present situation of the community.

3.4.6. Wastage and Leakage

In a W/S system there is a certain amount of water that is lost or unaccounted for because of
meter & pump slippage, leakages through the system components & unauthorized connections.
Provision in the design for the unaccounted system losses is generally made in the range of 8-
15 percent of the total demand. For the design purpose, 10% of total daily demand has been
considered for wastage, leakage or uncounted water use as guidelines.

3.4.7. Total Water Demand

The total water demand for the project is calculated as 64,436 litres per day supply in the
distribution system. Hence, the min. design flow 0.1lps has been adopted in the design. The
detail calculation of water demand for various uses is presented in Annex-C. The Table:

Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

Water Demand and Tap Flow Calculation Sheet shows the total water demand in different

Table: Total water demand in different uses

S.N. Water provision & Demand

1 Provision for Domestic use lpcd 48,815
2 Provision for Institutional use lpcd -
3 Provision for Live Stock lpcd 9,763
4 Provision for Wastage lpcd 5,858
5 Total Water Demand (Design Year) lpcd 64,436

3.4.8. Consumption Pattern

The capacity of distribution system to meet the designed water demand at the desired time is
determined by the service area consumption pattern. This consumption pattern is used to
determine the balancing storage tank capacity. The storage tanks have been built in elevated
ground in hill. It is essential to establish the type of consumption pattern. The service area is in
hilly area. The consumption patterns of a typical Mid-hill system recommended by the design
guidelines have been used in detail design of the scheme. The recommended consumption
pattern for hill system is presented in following Table.

Table: - Consumption pattern

Time Period Percentage of daily
From To demand
5:00 AM 7:00 AM 25.0%
7:00 AM 12:00 PM 35.0%
12:00 PM 5:00 PM 20.0%
5:00 PM 7:00 PM 20.0%
7:00 PM 5:00 AM 0.0%
Total 100%

Based upon the above consumption pattern, the peak factor has been calculated and found as
2.4 and is applied for the design of distribution system.

3.4.9. Pipe Materials

GI and HDPE of PE-100 pipes are used in transmission and distribution system. The HDPE
pipe of 40-50 mm dia are used in transmission main. The HDPE pipe of 20 mm – 50mm dia
have been used in the distribution main. The design considerations and choose of pipe materials
are based upon velocity, pressure, type of road section, minimum maintenance requirement,
reliable water supply etc. The types and size of pipe vary depending upon the field terrain,
gradient, head, distances and water carrying capacity.

3.4.10. Pressure and Velocity

Adequate residual head or pressure should be maintained at all the connection points and
service nodes of a water supply system to provide desired water level during operation. As per

10 | P a g e
Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

DWSS guidelines, a minimum residual head of 5-10 meters has been maintained at all service
nodes as far as possible.

Similarly, there should be minimum cleansing velocity in the pipe sections. An attempt had
been made to have at least 0.3 m/sec velocity in all pipe sections. However, the pipe size
governs the velocity at dead end in few stretches of pipe length. Slightly, higher residual heads
are provided in the design for better service in most of the places. In a few places the residual
head is below 5m but can be managed to flow water by repositioning of structure.

The minimum self-cleaning velocity has been maintained in distribution system wherever
possible. The velocities are non-scoring and are enough for self-cleaning. In some cases, the
size of the pipe governs the nominal velocity.

3.5. Components of the Project

The water supply components proposed in the project are as follows:

a. Intakes
DWSS approved standard type of Sump well, Spring intake & Stream intake are proposed to
tap water from selected sources for distribution. Safety of intake structures as well as protection
of sources from pollution is taken into consideration in selecting the intake location.

b. Transmission and Distribution Pipeline

Lengths and sizes of transmission and distribution pipelines are calculated based on the detailed
survey and the hydraulic designs. Distribution systems are designed to discharge peak flow
with adequate pressure in the systems. Hydraulic designs of the transmission and distribution
pipelines is carried out using Hazen-William’s formula for head-loss calculations.

c. Storage Tank (Service Reservoir)

Ferro Tank & RCC water storage tanks of different capacities is proposed in the systems as
required to the scheme. The capacity of storage tanks is determined on the basis of

i) Design demand;
ii) Supply from source; and
iii) Water consumption pattern.

Location of the proposed reservoirs is selected at geographically stable, centrally located and
easily accessible sites.

d. Connection Point/ Tap Stands

Numbers and locations of tap stands/ connection points are fixed according to the guidelines,
settlement pattern and in consultation with members of WUSC and users during detailed survey
of the project area. The household shall connect the tap to their household by making a Tee in
distribution main to avoid frequent hole in distribution main.

The average 10m length of 15mm dia. medium class GI pipe has been estimated up to meter
for each public connection. The meter shall be kept near and adjoining the compound of the
public Tap. The necessary fittings have been designed.

11 | P a g e
Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

e. System Appurtenances
Necessary appurtenances such as collection and distribution chambers, brake pressure
chambers required along the pipelines are provided for proper functioning of the system as
needed. Control valves are provided in each private tap to regulate and control the flow. Some
other components have been proposed for the project in addition to components explained
above. Appurtenances such as wash out, air valve, control valve etc. are provided as needed.
Control valves/ pipe valve box have been designed in suitable distribution junction having more
than two mains or in required place to regulate the design flow in the main. The design flow is
based on design population, non-domestic demand. The future demand in the main may vary
from the demand envisaged during design phase. The control valve is necessary to regulate the
flow in the distribution system and is useful to deliver the required flow in pipeline.

The guard/pump house is also included in the design and project cost estimate.

f. Flow Chart
Schematic flow diagram of the schemes showing intakes, storage tanks, tap stands and designed
pipe sizes and lengths with designed flow in the pipelines is submitted.

3.6. Sanitation

The survey shows that about 90 percent of households have proper latrines in their houses.
Sanitation and domestic latrines in the remaining households shall be promoted as per the
principle of School Led Total Sanitation (SLTS) approved by the DWSS. Provision has been
made in the cost of the project to cover all households of the project area during implementation
of the systems.

Source:, 2011 Census

3.7. Environmental Consideration

No major adverse effects on agriculture land, forest, vegetation, ground water will be caused
due to the implementation of the proposed system. It will not create the problem of wastewater
disposal and drainage. No potential threat could be anticipated even in the long-term
perspective. There would not be any major threat to the agricultural land and other
infrastructure because of excavation.

3.8. Community Education and Awareness Program

Appropriate training to the VMWs, WUSC members, teachers, rural municipal officers and
female CHVs are necessary for the sustainability of the water supply systems. Several

12 | P a g e
Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

categories of training area routinely held at district, regional and national levels. Training of
VMWs and WUSCs are regular activities of the WSS district-based offices. Provisions of
necessary training are made in the project cost estimate.

13 | P a g e
Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project


4.1 General

For estimation of the project cost, unit rates of relevant work items have been developed. The
cost of proposed components such as civil structures, pipe laying and jointing, trench
excavation and backfilling, etc. were estimated using the worked-out unit rates.

4.2 Construction Materials

All the construction materials, except those available locally, are to be procured and transported
from outside district. Rates of all construction materials have been worked out adopting
approved district rates for materials and labors summing up the procurement cost and
transportation cost. HDPE pipes required are to be procured and transported directly from the

4.3 Unit Rates

Unit rates of civil works are developed as per GoN norms. Unit rates of the items are worked
out adding 15% contractor’s overhead in the material and labor cost. 13% VAT is added
separately in the total of component costs.

4.4 Summary of Cost Estimates

The project cost comprises of the cost of civil works of water supply and sanitation components
including the cost of detail survey and design work and cost of materials and equipment like
pipe, fittings, and tools. The total cost of the project is worked out adding up 4% for the
contingencies required for the miscellaneous minor expenses and 10% price contingencies and
10% physical contingencies on the total project costs.

The total cost of the project is estimated at Rs. 8,703,575.54. The communities’ contribution
of this project is of greater than 20 percent of total cost with providing labor for excavation and
refiling of trench in distribution and/or transmission pipelines.

The ownership of the schemes is transferred to the local user committees after completion,
which takes over the responsibility of regular operation and maintenance of the system.

4.5 Operation and Maintenance Costs

The operation and maintenance cost include the remuneration of VMW (personnel) and the
maintenance cost. The remuneration of VMW is left to decide by the WUSC and maintenance
cost may be taken as 0.4% of total investment cost. The operation and maintenance cost are
escalated at the rate of 10% per annum.

14 | P a g e
Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

4.6 Water Tariff

Water tariff should be adequate to pay the salaries to the operation and maintenance staff, pay
for small repairs and replacement of parts and build reserve fund to finance minor
improvements in the system. The WUSC should make decisions on water tariff taking into
consideration the regular and sustainable operation and maintenance of the project.

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Final Report of Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project


5.1 Implementation Schedule

The overall schedule shall include three major activities, which are tendering, procurement and
transportation of materials, and construction. The planning of the schedule should be based on
the nature and scope of work, availability of local manpower during slack seasons of
agricultural works, beneficiary’s preferences, budget allocations, and inter-relation of different

5.2 Justification for Implementation

The proposed project area is far away from the district headquarters, which lies relatively in
the remote area. The present supply of drinking water in the area is highly unreliable and
inadequate. To improve the health and sanitary condition of the people and to enhance the
development, it is necessary to provide reliable and adequate water supply service in the
identified area. Beneficiaries are quite enthusiastic about the project and have agreed to
participate in the implementation of the project. If any, and make the land available free of cost
necessary for water supply components. WUSC has also assured to provide full co-operation
during implementation.

16 | P a g e
Quantity & Cost Estimate
Procurement of Pipes
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity Rate Amount

1 HDPE pipes

50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² m 588.50 91.04 53 577.04

32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² m 841.50 58.65 49 353.98
40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² m 896.50 90.02 80 702.93
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² m 121.00 138.47 16 754.87
25 mmØ 12.5 kg/cm² m 1,776.50 43.1 76 567.15
20 mmØ 16 kg/cm² m 346.50 33.41 11 576.57
Subtotal 4,570.50 Rs. 2 88 532.54
Add transportation cost @ 0.00 % 0.00
Total 2 88 532.54
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 37 509.23
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 3 26 041.77
2 GI pipes
15 mmØ GI (Medium) m - 180 0.00
20 mmØ GI (Medium) m - 225 0.00
25 mmØ GI (Medium) m - 340 0.00
32 mmØ GI (Medium) m - 440 0.00
40 mmØ GI (Medium) m - 500 0.00
50 mmØ GI (Medium) m - 680 0.00
65 mmØ GI (Medium) m - 870 0.00
Total cost of GI pipes - 0.00
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 0.00
Total Cost of GI Pipes With VAT 0.00
Total cost of HDPE and GI pipes 4,570.50 Rs. 3 26 041.77

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Procurement of Pipes
Detailed Quantities of Pipes & Fittings and Transportation
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Total weight (
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Actual length Unit weight
kg )
Scheme No - 1
1 HDPE pipes
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² m 588.5 0.357 210.09
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² m 841.5 0.23 193.55
40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² m 896.5 0.353 316.46
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² m 121 0.543 65.70
25 mmØ 12.5 kg/cm² m 1776.5 0.169 300.23
20 mmØ 16 kg/cm² m 346.5 0.131 45.39

Subtotal 4570.5 1131.42

2 GI pipes
15 mmØ GI (Medium) m 0 1.284 0.00
20 mmØ GI (Medium) m 0 1.658 0.00
25 mmØ GI (Medium) m 0 2.53 0.00
32 mmØ GI (Medium) m 0 3.279 0.00
40 mmØ GI (Medium) m 0 3.788 0.00
50 mmØ GI (Medium) m 0 5.319 0.00
65 mmØ GI (Medium) m 0 6.349 0.00

Subtotal 0 0.00

Total Pipe Length 4570.5

Weigt of tools 336.11
Total weight of pipe and fittings for transportation 1467.53

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Abstract of costs
Pipeline Works

Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

Sn Description Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

A Transmission line
1 E/W in excavation in BM soil 905.00 0.45 0.90 366.53 m3 1,130.01 4 14 182.57
2 E/W in backfilling with BM soil 905.00 0.45 0.90 366.53 m 426.42 1 56 295.72

3 Laying & Jointing of Pipes

40,50 mmØ HDPE pipe 905.00 905.00 m 5.65 5 113.25

Sub-total 905.00 905 5 75 591.54

Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 74 826.90
Total cost of transmission pipe line works Rs. 6 50 418.44
B Distribution line

1 E/W in excavation in BM soil 3250.00 0.45 0.90 1316.25 m³ 1,130.01 14 87 375.66

2 E/W in backfilling with BM soil 3250.00 0.45 0.90 1316.25 m³ 426.42 5 61 275.33

3 Laying & Jointing of Pipes

20,25 mmØ HDPE pipe 1930.00 1930.00 m 4.16 8 028.80
32 mmØ HDPE pipe 765.00 765.00 m 4.87 3 725.55
40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe 555.00 555.00 m 5.65 3 135.75

Sub-total 3250 3250 m Rs. 20 63 541.09

Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 2 68 260.34
Total cost of distribution pipeline works Rs. 23 31 801.43
Total cost of pipeline works 4155.00 m Rs. 29 82 219.87

Transportation Cost of Pipes and fittings

S.No. Description of items Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Transportation Cost of Pipes and fittings from store to site
1467.53 kg 1.11 1628.9583
Sub Total 1467.53 kg 1628.9583
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 211.76
Total transportation cost Rs 1 840.72

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Procurement of Tools & Plants
Scheme Size in km : 3-5 Km.
Total Unit Price Amount
Sn Type of Tools Unit Qty Wt/Unit Wt 2076/77
kg kg (Rs) (Rs)

1 Shovel no 6 2.40 14.40 525.00 3 150.00

2 Pick Axe no 6 5.00 30.00 450.00 2 700.00
3 Hoe no 10 2.00 20.00 425.00 4 250.00
4 Crowbar 1" x 5" no 2 3.50 7.00 1 000.00 2 000.00
5 Sledge Hammer 10 lbs no 1 4.55 4.55 900.00 900.00
6 Stone Chisel 1" x 6" no 1 1.00 1.00 350.00 350.00
7 Stone Chisel 1" x 12" no 1 2.00 2.00 450.00 450.00
8 Tools Box with locking set no 1 10.00 10.00 3 200.00 3 200.00
9 Heating Plate (100 mm dia.) no 1 2.50 2.50 1 150.00 1 150.00
10 Teflon Cover (12cm x 12cm - 2 bag) no 2 0.01 0.02 3 425.00 6 850.00
11 Thermocrome Crayon no 1 0.01 0.01 265.00 265.00
12 Blow Torch no 1 1.00 1.00 1 045.00 1 045.00
13 Thread seal tape no 25 0.40 0.40 1 350.00 33 750.00
14 Pipe Wrench 14" no 1 1.50 1.50 790.00 790.00
15 Pipe Wrench 18" no 1 2.40 2.40 1 350.00 1 350.00
16 Hacksaw Frame no 2 0.60 1.20 235.00 470.00
17 Hacksaw Blade dz. 5 0.50 2.50 19.58 97.90
18 Adjustable Spanner 18" no 1 0.40 0.40 720.00 720.00
19 Iron Pan (medium size) no 2 1.00 2.00 355.00 710.00
20 Building Trowel no 1 0.25 0.25 115.00 115.00
21 Pointing Trowel no 1 0.10 0.10 85.00 85.00
22 Iron Brush no 1 0.50 0.50 130.00 130.00
23 Die Set ½"-1" with teeth set 1 0.80 0.80 5 000.00 5 000.00
24 Die Set 1½"-2" with teeth set 1 1.00 1.00 7 500.00 7 500.00
25 Spare Die Teeth (½"-2") set 1 0.50 0.50 1 850.00 1 850.00
26 Die Teeth Oil with cane L 1 1.50 1.50 2 020.00 2 020.00
27 Measuring Tape 5 m. no 2 0.20 0.40 150.00 300.00
28 Measuring Tape 30 m. no 1 0.75 0.75 970.00 970.00

Sub-Total 108.68 82 167.90

VAT @ 13% 10 681.83
Total 92 849.73
Spring Intake ( Type II )
(Without valve chamber )
Total length of wing walls 3.00 m Size of C.C 0.80 x 0.80
Height of structure 0.80 m
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Site Clearance 5.00 3.00 15.00 m2 110.40 1 656.00
2 Earthwork in excavation in foundation (BM Soil)

Wing Wall 3.45 0.45 1.00 1.55

Catchment portion 1.70 1.70 0.80 2.31
Pipe trench for washout 10.00 0.45 1.00 4.50
water diversion and drainage ditch 10.00 0.50 0.50 2.50
10.86 m³ 1,130.01 12 271.91
3 Plain Cement Concrete (1:2:4)
Wing Walls 3.45 0.45 0.10 0.155
Catchment Portion 1.70 1.70 0.10 0.289
At the top of Wing Wall 3.45 0.45 0.05 0.078
Lintel over drywall 0.70 0.45 0.10 0.032
Pipe Embeddment blocks 3.00 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.054
For cover slab 1.70 1.70 0.10 0.289
Deduct :
Manhole Cover 1.00 0.60 0.60 0.05 -0.018
Total 0.879 m³ 14,259.66 12 534.24
4 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Wing Wall 3.45 0.45 0.90 1.40
Walls of CC 5.00 0.45 0.80 1.80
for embeddment block 3.00 0.45 0.20 0.20 -0.05
for dry wall 0.50 0.45 0.30 -0.07
Total 3.08 m³ 11,050.03 34 034.09
5 Dry stone masonary 0.50 0.45 0.3 0.07 m³ 4,340.33 303.82

6 Steel reinforcement
8mm f bars @ 150c/c both ways
for cover slab 12 1.75 @ 0.395 kg/m 8.30
12 1.75 @ 0.395 kg/m 8.30
Deduction for Manhole Opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90
Total 14.70 kg 125.06 1 838.38

7 Centering & shuttering works for RCC/PCC

edge of slab 2.00 1.70 - 0.10 0.34
2.00 0.64 - 0.10 0.13
Slab Cover - of CC 0.80 0.80 - 0.64
Top of wing wall 2 3.45 - 0.05 0.35
Total 1.46 m² 725.14 1 058.70

8 12.5mm thick 1:3 cement sand plaster

inside of wing walls 4.70 - 0.90 4.23 m²
Inside of CC walls 3.20 0.80 2.56
Floor of CC 0.80 0.80 - 0.64
Outside of CC 5.10 1.00 5.10
Total plastering work 12.53 m² 384.99 4 823.92

9 3mm 1:1cement sand punnig as plastering work 12.53

Deduct for outside of walls 5.10 1.00 -5.10
7.43 m² 242.43 1 801.25

10 Boulder Packing 1.00 2.76 0.60 0.50 0.83 m³ 3,135.36 2 602.35

11 Standard Manhole Cover 60cm*60cm size 1 set 2631.97 2 631.97
12 Barbed Wire fencing (Type - A) 1.00 21.00 - - 21.00 rm 2279.87 47 877.27
13 Entrance Gate (Type-A) 1 - - - 1 no. 16,849.92 16 849.92
14 Dewatering 1.00 job 1000.00 1 000.00
15 Installation of Pipes & Fittings 1.00 job 1000.00 1 000.00
Subtotal 1 42 283.82
Add VAT @13% 18 496.90
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 1 60 780.72

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Distribution Chamber
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Inner size of CC portion: 2.00 x 0.80 Total height 1.00 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Site clearance 3 2 6 m² 110.40 662.40

2 Earthwork in excavation for fondation work in hard soil
1 2.90 1.70 1.00 4.93 m³ 888.38 4 379.71
3 Dry stone soling 1 2.90 1.70 0.15 0.74 m³ 3135.36 2 320.17
4 Plain Cement Concrete (1:2:4)
in foundation 1 2.90 1.70 0.10 0.493
Pipe embeddment block 6 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.108
Cover slab 1 2.90 1.70 0.08 0.394
-Manhole cover 2 0.60 0.60 0.05 -0.113
Total 0.882 m³ 14259.66 12 577.02
5 Stone masonry work in 1:4 c-s mortar
CC portion 1 7.40 0.45 1.00 3.33
Partition wall 1 0.80 0.35 1.00 0.28
Total 3.61 m³ 11050.03 39 890.61
6 Centering & shuttering work for PCC/RCC
Bottom of cover slab - CC portion 1 1.65 0.80 1.32
-Outer edge of cover slab 1 9.20 - 0.08 0.74
Total form work 2.06 m² 725.14 1 493.79

7 Steel reinforcement
8 mm ø @ 175 mm c/c bothways 18 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 12.09
12 2.90 @ 0.395 kg/m 13.75
Deduct for man hole 16 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -3.79
Net reinforcement 22.05 kg 125.06 2 757.57

8 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster

floor of CC 1 1.65 0.80 1.32
Inner sides of Walls of CC 2 1.65 - 1.00 3.30
2 0.80 - 1.00 1.60
Side of partition wall 2 0.80 1.00 1.60
Outer Portion of all walls above GL 1 9.20 - 0.30 2.76
Total 10.58 m² 372.59 3 942.00
9 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning
as per plaster 10.58
Deduct for outer portion -2.76
Total 7.82 m² 242.43 1 895.80
10 Supply and installation of standard man hole
cover - 600×600 mm² 2 2 set 3026.77 6 053.54

11 Installation of pipes and fittings 1 job 1000.00 1 000.00

Subtotal 76 972.61
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 10 006.44
Total Amount 86 979.05

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Ferrocement Storage Tank
14 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 3.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.7 m
Dome height, = 0.6 m
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project Rs. 4 79 533.40
S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount
1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 8.00 6.00 48.00 m² 110.40 5 299.20
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in BM soil
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32
Storage tank π 2.55 2.55 - 1.60 32.69
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75
Total 36.01 m³ 1130.01 40 691.66
3 Earthwork in back filling with
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.55 2.55 - 1.10 22.47 m³
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.80 1.80 - 1.10 -11.20 m³
Net backfilling work 11.27 m³ 426.42 4 805.75
4 Stone soling work
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38
Storage tank π 2.05 2.05 - 0.20 2.64
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14
Total 2.88 m³ 3135.36 9 029.84
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 10081.04 20 262.89
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4)
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30)
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140
Total 0.395 m³ 14259.66 5 632.57
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3)
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.90 1.90 - 0.125 1.418 m³ 16070.56 22 788.05

8 Steel reinforcement
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90
Total 12.60 kg 125.06 1 575.76
9 Shuttering works for RCC
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283
Total 1.16 m² 725.14 841.16
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.78 - 1.70 19.01
- Roof portion 2π 2.93 0.60 11.05
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28
Total form work 29.78 m² 4562.91 1 35 883.46

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Ferrocement Storage Tank
14 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 3.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.7 m
Dome height, = 0.6 m

RT size: 14.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 29.78 m² 1043.04 31 061.73

12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster

4 layers for ferrocement
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.78 1.70 76.05
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.93 0.600 44.18
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30)
Total plaster 119.10 m² 436.31 51 964.52
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
sand mortar for
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.75 1.75 9.62 m² 384.99 3 703.60
(Q = p x r², r = d/2)

14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14
Total plaster 4.94 m² 372.59 1 840.59

15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning

- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.75 1.75 9.62
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.75 1.70 18.69
Total punning 28.31 m² 242.43 6 863.19
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.80 1.30 14.70 m² 77.54 1 139.84

17 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank

- Wall portion 2π 1.80 0.40 4.52
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05)
- Roof portion 2π 3.00 0.60 11.31
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height)
Total 15.83 m² 152.77 2 418.35

18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2748.44 5 496.88

19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 1500.00 1 500.00

20 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 24.00 24.00 m 2279.87 54 716.88

21 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No 16849.92 16 849.92

Total Amount without VAT 4 24 365.84

Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 55 167.56
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 4 79 533.40

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Abstract of Cost
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
30 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 50.41 m² 110.40 5565.26

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in BM soil 65.79 m³ 1130.01 74343.36
3 Earthwork in back filling with BM soil 36.24 m³ 426.42 15453.46
4 Stone soling work 5.92 m³ 3135.36 18561.33
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 2.61 m³ 11050.03 28840.58
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation 2.60 m³ 12367.17 32154.64
7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work with 2% WPC 13.79 m³ 16582.82 228677.09
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work 3.15 m³ 16122.66 50786.38
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls 104.53 m² 725.14 75798.88
10 Steel reinforcement 2295.18 kg 125.06 287035.21
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 56.07 m² 384.99 21586.39
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 56.07 m² 242.43 13593.05
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 71.59 m² 372.59 26673.72
14 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 18.00 m² 77.54 1395.72
15 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank 43.65 m² 190.96 8335.40
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 41.28 m 150.00 6192.00
17 32 mmØ GI pipe ladderof 45 cm width and 3.3 m length 1.00 no 8000.00 8000.00
18 Water Level indicator 1.00 no 1500.00 1500.00
19 Standard manhole cover set 75×75 cm size 2.000 set 3000.00 6000.00
20 Installation of pipes & fittings 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
22 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 27.000 m 2279.87 61556.49
23 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No 16849.92 16849.92
Subtotal 998898.88
Add VAT @ % 13.00 129856.85
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate 1128755.73
30 m capacity

Inner side of tank = 4.10 m × = 4.10 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.125 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Site clearance(L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 7.10 7.10 50.41 m²

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 7.10 7.10 1.00 25.21
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 5.50 5.50 1.00 30.25
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 1.20 4.33
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.00 6.00
Total earth work 65.79 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 36.00 1.00 1.00 36.00
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.00 6.00
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 38.40 0.30 0.50 -5.76
Net backfilling work 36.24 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 5.10 5.10 0.20 5.20
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.72
Total soling work 5.92 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.80 0.45 1.00 2.61 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 5.10 5.10 0.10 2.60 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work with 2% WPC

for tank base slab 1 5.10 5.10 0.20 5.202
- for wall portion 1 17.2 0.20 2.30 7.912
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 17.2 0.20 0.20 0.344
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 4.10 4.1 0.04 0.336
Total PCC for RCC works 13.794 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
- T-beam 1 4.100 0.23 0.23 0.217
cover slab 1 4.5 4.5 0.13 2.633
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 0.10 0.361
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.08 -0.058
Total PCC works 3.153 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 16.40 2.30 37.72
- outer portion 1 18 2.30 41.40
cover slab 1 4.1 4.1 16.81
-T-beam sides 2 4.1 0.23 1.89
Outer edge of slab 1 18 0.13 2.34
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 3.61
edge of cover slab 1 7.6 0.10 0.76
Total shuttering works 104.53 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 10 @ 125 mm C/C -2 directions 2 5.1 42 no 0.617 kg/m 264.32
top main bars 12 @ 100 mm C/C -2 directions 2 5.10 52 no 0.888 kg/m 471.00
total reinforcement in base slab 735.32
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 115 3.30 @ 0.617 kg/m 234.15
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 115 3.30 @ 0.617 kg/m 234.15
Inner hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 110 mm c/c upto 1 m height 10 25.20 @ 0.888 kg/m 223.78
Inner hr. bars of 12 mmØ bars 140 mm c/c for next 1.3 m height 10 25.200 @ 0.888 kg/m 223.78
Outer hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 17.800 @ 0.888 kg/m 126.45
Outer hor.bars of 12 mmØ bars 180 mm c/c for next 1.3 m height 8 17.800 @ 0.888 kg/m 126.45
30 m capacity

Inner side of tank = 4.10 m × = 4.10 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.125 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 87 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 79.44
total reinforcement in wall 1248.20
Cover slab
T-beam- main bar 12 mmØ 8 4.7 @ 0.888 kg/m 33.39
2 legged strirrups 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 31 1.05 @ 0.395 kg/m 12.86
main bars 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 4.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 38.62
main bars at flange 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 1.86 @ 0.395 kg/m 15.28
top main bars at edges 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 0.74 @ 0.395 kg/m 6.08
26 0.74 @ 0.395 kg/m 6.08
distribution bars 8 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 24 4.30 @ 0.395 kg/m 40.76
for T-beam flange 10 4.3 @ 0.395 kg/m 16.99
for edge reinforcement 5 4.3 @ 0.395 kg/m 8.49
5 4.3 @ 0.395 kg/m 8.49
for cover slab of VC - 8 mmØ bars @ 150 mm c/c 14 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 10.51
14 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 10.51
total reinforcement in cover slab 208.060
Deduct for manhole 2 nos: 24 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -5.69
total reinforcement 2185.89
add 5% for splice length etc. 109.29
Total reinforcement work 2295.18 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 4.10 4.10 16.81
- fillet portion 1 17.20 0.28 4.82
- inner wall portion 1 16.40 2.10 34.44
Total plaster work 56.07 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 56.07 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 18.00 2.43 43.74
Top of slab 1 4.50 4.50 20.25
inner side of VC 1 7.60 1.00 7.60
Total 71.59 m²
14 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 18.00 1.00 18.00 m²
15 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 18.00 1.30 23.40
Top of slab 1 4.50 4.50 20.25
Total 43.65 m²
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 20.64 41.28 m
17 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 3.3 m long -for tank inside 1.00 no
18 Water Level indicator 1.00 no
19 Standard Manhole cover set 75×75 cm size 2.00 set
20 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
21 Site levelling work 1.00 job
22 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 27.00 m
23 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
Barbed Wire Fencing & Gate
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Barbed Wire Fencing ( Type - A)
Total length of fencing = 24 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation
17 0.35 0.35 0.60 1.25 m³ 1,130.01 1 412.51
2 PCC (1:2:4) for anchor blocks 17 0.35 0.35 0.60 1.25 m³ 14,259.66 17 824.58

MS angle post(40*40*6mm
size and 2.1m long) 17 2.10 @ 3.50 kg/m 124.95 kg 139.09 17 379.30
4 Barbed wire fencing
- horizontal ( 7 layers) 7 24.00 168.00
- Diagonals 32 1.82 58.24
Total 226.24 m 74.52 16 859.40

5 Enamel painting on MS angle 17 1.50 0.16 4.08 m² 304.20 1 241.14

Total Amount ( Without VAT ) Rs. 54 716.93

Rate per metre ( Without VAT ) Rs. 2 279.87

Entrance Gate
For barbed wire fencing Type-A
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rates Amount

1 Earthwork in excavation in foundation

2 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.24 m³ 1,130.01 271.20
2 Stone soling 2 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.06 m³ 3,135.36 188.12
3 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar for support pillars
In foundation 2 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.18
Above Ground 2 0.45 0.45 1.60 0.65
Deduct for holdfast PCC blocks 3 0.45 0.45 0.20 -0.12
Total 0.71 m³ 10,081.04 7 157.54
4 PCC (1:2:4) for holdfast blocks 3 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.122
on top of pillar 2 0.45 0.45 0.10 0.041
Total 0.163 m³ 14,259.66 2 324.32
5 12.5mm 1:4 c - s plaster -Pillars 8 0.45 - 1.60 5.76
-On top 2 0.45 0.45 - 0.41
Total 6.17 m² 372.59 2 298.88
6 Mild Steel angle ( 25 x 25 x 3 mm Size ) framed gate with Iron Grill shutter
(0.95 x 1.5 m size) all complete including fixing
1.00 no 4,174.85 4 174.85
7 Enamel Painting 1 0.95 - 1.50 1.43 m² 304.20 435.01
Total Amount ( Without VAT ) Rs. 16 849.92

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Quantity and Cost Estimate
Name of the works:-Pipeline Protection Work by RCC Pillar

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
A. Pipe Protection by RCC Pillar 1 nos
1 Site Clearance 1 1 1 1 m² 110.40 110.40
2 Earthwork excavation in BMS 1 0.45 0.45 0.30 0.06 m³ 1130.01 67.80
3 Boulder soling without sand 1 0.45 0.45 0.10 0.02 m³ 3135.36 62.71

4 RCC (1:2:4) work for

Pillar Below GL 1 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.04
Above GL 1 0.45 0.45 1.30 0.26
0.30 m³ 14259.66 4277.90
Reinforcement work for Gi pipe anchorage blocks
12 mm dia Vertical main bar 4 1.50 .89kg/m 5.34
Strrips 6mm dia @15cm clc 10 1.25 .22kg/m 2.81
8.15 kg 125.06 1019.24

6 Formwork 4 0.45 1.50 2.70 m² 725.14 1957.88

Subtotal Rs. 7 495.93
Add VAT @ 13% Rs. 974.47
Total Amount Rs. 8 470.40
Quantity & Cost Estimate
Gabion Work
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Earthwork in Excavation in BMS 1 2.5 1.5 0.5 1.875 m3 1,130.01 2118.7688

2 Gabion Box (2 m*1 m*1 m size) 1 1 nos 4150.59 4150.59

3 Dry Stone work 1 2 1 1 2 m3 2270.33 4540.66

Subtotal : Rs. 10,810.02
Added Tax : 13% 1,405.30
Total Amount : Rs. 12,215.32
Quantity Estimate
House Connections
Total nos. of connections -- 104
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rates Amount
A Earth works for pipe laying
1 E/W in excavation in BM soil 104 15 0.3 0.5 234.00 m³ 1,130.01 2 64 422.34
2 E/W in backfilling in BM soil 104 15 0.3 0.5 234.00 m³ 781.77 1 82 934.18
Sub Total 4 47 356.52
Quantity of Pipe and fittings

1 GI pipe 1/2" 104 10 1040 m 174 1 80 960.00

2 Water Meter 104 1 104 no 1500 1 56 000.00
3 Elbow 1/2" 104 3 312 no 45 14 040.00
4 Socket 1/2" 104 2 208 no 34 7 072.00
5 Nipple 1/2" 104 3 312 no 48 14 976.00
6 Ferrule 1/2" 104 1 104 no 380 39 520.00
7 Union 1/2" 104 1 104 no 119 12 376.00
8 Brass Pillar cock 1/2" 104 1 104 no 705 73 320.00
Sub Total 4 98 264.00
Total 9 45 620.52
VAT @ 13% 1 22 930.67
Total With Vat 10 68 551.19
Rate Per HH Connection 10 274.53

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Summary of structurewise fittings

SN Description ItemCode Units DiC-0 RCT-30 RVT-Ferro-14 SINT-01 TotalQty UnitWt(kg) TotalWt(Kg) Rate(Rs) TotalAmount(Rs)
1 Brass Flange Set 40 mm dia BFS-40 no 1 1 1 1 1671 1671
2 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) BU-32 no 3 1 2 6 0.37 2.22 1086 6516
3 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) BU-40 no 1 1 2 0.5 1 1658 3316
4 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) GEL-15 no 1 1 2 1 5 0.1 0.5 45 225
5 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) GEL-32 no 7 3 5 15 0.3 4.5 173 2595
6 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) GEL-40 no 2 3 5 0.4 2 249 1245
7 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) GEL-50 no 1 1 2 0.68 1.36 368 736
8 GI Equal Tee (15 mmØ) GET-15 no 1 1 0.13 0.13 70 70
9 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) GET-32 no 1 1 0.4 0.4 234 234
10 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) GET-40 no 1 1 0.5 0.5 280 280
11 GI Nipple (15 mmØ) GNI-15 no 1 1 0.13 0.13 47 47
12 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) GNI-32 no 8 1 4 13 0.28 3.64 109 1417
13 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) GNI-40 no 3 5 3 11 0.3 3.3 137 1507
14 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC GPM-15 m 3 3 2.76 1.5 10.26 1.28 13.17 180 1846.8
15 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC GPM-32 m 7.55 4.5 4.21 16.26 3.28 53.32 440 7154.4
16 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC GPM-40 m 3.5 1.7 4.76 1.5 11.46 3.79 43.41 500 5730
17 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC GPM-50 m 2.75 1.75 4.5 5.32 23.94 680 3060
18 GI Plug (40 mmØ) GIP-40 no 2 2 1 2 96 192
19 GI Plug (50 mmØ) GIP-50 no 1 1 2 1 2 121 242
20 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) GRS-40x32 no 2 1 3 0.65 1.95 302 906
21 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmØ) GRS-50x40 no 1 1 2 0.65 1.3 447 894
22 GI Socket 15 mmØ GS-15 no 1 1 0.08 0.08 40 40
23 GI Socket 32 mmØ GS-32 no 1 1 0.2 0.2 125 125
24 GI Socket 40 mmØ GS-40 no 2 1 3 0.25 0.75 168 504
25 GI Socket 50 mmØ GS-50 no 1 1 2 0.5 1 216 432
26 GI Strainer (40 mmØ) GST-40 no 2 1 3 2.27 6.81 1050 3150
27 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) GST-50 no 1 1 2 3.19 6.38 1418 2836
28 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) GUT-32x15 no 2 1 3 0.23 0.69 250 750
29 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) GUT-40x15 no 1 1 2 0.4 0.8 324 648
30 GI Union (15 mmØ) GUN-15 no 1 1 0.22 0.22 121 121
Summary of structurewise fittings

SN Description ItemCode Units DiC-0 RCT-30 RVT-Ferro-14 SINT-01 TotalQty UnitWt(kg) TotalWt(Kg) Rate(Rs) TotalAmount(Rs)
31 GI Union (32 mmØ) GUN-32 no 4 2 6 0.5 3 352 2112
32 GI Union (40 mmØ) GUN-40 no 2 2 2 6 0.65 3.9 429 2574
33 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) GMGAV-32 no 4 1 1 6 0.95 5.7 2515 15090
34 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) GMGAV-40 no 1 1 1 3 1.25 3.75 3349 10047
35 HDPE Pipe(63mm)-6Kg/cm2 HP6-63 m 5 5 5 5 20 0.58 11.7 142 2840
Total Total 206.75 81153.2
Miscel. Fittings @ 10% 20.68 8115.32
Total 227.43 89268.52
VAT@13% 11604.91
Grand Total 227.43 100873.43
Rate Analysis
Item Rates for Estimating
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Rate Per Unit
Sn. Norms no Items Unit
( without VAT
Earth Works
1 1-8 Site clearance m2 110.40
2 2-9 Earthwork in Excavation in ordinary soil m3 710.70
3 2-12 Earthwork in Excavation in hard soil m 888.38
4 2-14 Earthwork in Excavation in boulder mixed soil m 1,130.01
5 2-15a Earthwork in Excavation in soft rock m 2,132.10
6 2-15b Earthwork in Excavation in medium rock m3 3,198.15
7 2-16b Earthwork in Excavation in hard rock with chiselling m3 17,909.64
8 2-25a Earthwork in backfilling in ordinary soil m3 355.35
9 2-39c Earthwork in backfilling with hard soil m 447.74
10 2-39d Earthwork in backfilling with boulder mixed soil m 426.42
11 2-39e Earthwork in backfilling with soft rock m3 781.77
Stone Works
12 6-5 Stone soling work m3 3,135.36
13 11-16 Stone Pitching with sand m 7,067.12
14 6-2.1 Dry stone masonry work m 4,340.33
15 6-2.2 Stone masonry in mud mortar m3 4,947.53
16 6-3.1 R.R. masonry in 1:3 cement mortar m3 11,649.91
17 6-3.2 R.R. masonry in 1:4cement mortar m3 11,050.03
18 6-3.3 R.R. masonry in 1:6cement mortar m 10,081.04
Brick Work
19 Brick bat filling m3 11,919.75
20 Flat Brick soling with sand (m2) m2 1,204.25
21 Dry Brick masonry work m3 14,605.92
22 Brick masonry in mud mortar m3 14,833.62
23 (5-1Ka1) Brick masonry in 1:3 cement mortar m 18,398.44
24 (5-1Ka2) Brick masonry in 1:4cement mortar m 17,846.80
25 (5-1Ka3) Brick masonry in 1:6cement mortar m3 17,319.00
Concrete Works
26 7-2c Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) in sub Structure m3 12,367.17
27 7-2d Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) sub Structure m 14,259.66
28 7-4 b Plain cement concrete (1:1:5:3) sub Structure m 16,070.56
29 7-2 d Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) in super structure m3 16,122.66
30 7-4 b Plain cement concrete (1:1.5:3) in super structure m3 17,933.56
31 7-2d Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) substructure with 2% WPC m3 14,669.46
32 7-4 b Plain cement concrete (1:1:5:3) substructure with 2% WPC m 16,582.82
Miscelleneous Works
33 7-5 Mild steel reinforcement kg 125.06
34 8-2a Form work for concrete work in simple slab and structure m2 725.14
Form work for concrete work in arch,dome,etc ( Assuming form work
canbe used 4 times) m2 1,393.31
35 DWSS HDPE pipe formwork for ferro-cement works m 4,562.91

36 DWSS Bar binding works including chicken wire, MS rods, GI plain wires etc m2 1,043.04
37 24-6 Barbed wire fencing m 74.52
Barbed wire fencing on wooden posts (2 diagonals & 5 horizontals) @
38 24-7 3m c\c m 561.03
Item Rates for Estimating
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Rate Per Unit
Sn. Norms no Items Unit
( without VAT
39 10-17 Wood works for door window frame m3 77,848.16

40 38 mm thick wooden shutter with 24 SWG plain sheet on one side m2 5,318.24
38 mm thick panelled wooden shutter m 7,005.86
38 mm thick Salwood framed glazed shutter for windows- m 9,650.90
41 9-1 CGI sheet roofing m 1,059.52
42 Laying of one layer of 500 G of Polythene sheet m2 170.78
43 16-2a+14-5a ds no 4,150.59
44 16-11 Filling of Gabion box with stone m3 2,270.33
45 Gravel packing 20,25 mm dia m 7,263.29
46 10-17 Wood work for beams, rafters,etc. m 55,776.18
47 10-19 25 mm thick eavesboard m² 1,133.92
Plastering, Punning and Pointing works
48 12-1a 12.5 mm thick 1:2 c-s plaster m2 436.31
49 12-1b 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster m 384.99
50 12-1c 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster m 372.59
51 12-4a 20 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster m2 506.61
52 12-4b 20 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster m2 483.79
53 12-4c 20 mm thick 1:6 c-s plaster m2 441.34
12-1a 12.5 mm thick 1:2 c-s plaster with 2% WPC m 447.83
12-1b 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster with 2% WPC m 393.31
12-4a 20 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster with 2% WPC m 518.78
54 13-10 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning m2 242.43
55 14-2c 1:3 c-s Flush ruled pointing work m2 273.80
Painting Works
56 13-5 Two coats of enamel painting with one coat of primer m2 304.20
57 13-12b Two coats snowcem painting m 152.77
58 13-10 Two coats of bitumen painting m2 77.54
Pipe Jointing Works
HDPE Pipes

59 17-2 Laying and joining of 20,25 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 4.16

60 17-2 Laying and joining of 32 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 4.87

61 17-2 Laying and joining of 40,50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 5.65

62 17-2 Laying and joining of 63-90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 83.80

17-2 Laying and joining of 110,125 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 113.57

17-2 Laying and joining of 140-180 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 167.61

63 DWSS Laying and joining of 200-250 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 228.41
GI Pipes
64 17-4a Laying and joining of 15,20 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 68.46
65 17-4a Laying and joining of 25,32 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 95.41
66 17-4a Laying and joining of 40,50 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 129.65
67 17-4a Laying and joining of 65,80 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 170.07
17-4a Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 210.50
Item Rates for Estimating
Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Rate Per Unit
Sn. Norms no Items Unit
( without VAT
68 17-4a Laying and joining of 125 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 257.67
Standard mild steel angle ( 25×25×3 mm size ) framed grill gate 4,174.85
Supply and fixing of standard manhole cover ( 45×45 cm) 1,821.20
Supply and fixing of standard manhole cover of 60cm diameter 2,389.95
Supply and fixing of standard manhole cover ( 60×60 cm) 3,026.77
Fly proof net fixing 278.14
Transportation work
69 Convenient load from store to site kg 0.78
70 Transportation of pipes and fittings from store to project site kg 1.28
Analysis of Rates
Name of Project/Scheme : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Density of sand = 1600.00 kg/m³
Density of rubble stone = 2200.00 kg/m³
Density of aggregate = 1600.00 kg/m³
Density of Sal Wood = 860.00 kg/m³
Density of 1st class brick (1cum=500nos) 1600.00 kg/m³
Name of market : Luham
Name of roadhead : Luham-Rikhe Bazar Site
Distance of project site from market on :
- Foot = 0.05 kosh
-Earthen road = 0.00 km
- Gravel road = 0.00 km
-Metalled road = 5.00 km
Sand is available in Luham
Distance of river from project site for sand collection
for head load = 0.20 km
If there is tractor/ truck road distance of haulage for sand transportation on :
-Earthen road = 0.00 km
- Gravel road = 0.00 km
-Metalled road = 5.00 km
Stone is available in Locally Available
Distance of quary site from project site for stone collection
for head load = 0.20 km
If there is tractor/ truck road distance of haulage for sand transportation on :
-Earthen road = 0.00 km
- Gravel road = 0.00 km
-Metalled road = 1.00 km
Aggregate is available in Locally Available
Distance of quary site from project site for stone collection
for head load = 0.20 km
If there is tractor/ truck road distance of haulage for sand transportation on :
-Earthen road = 0.00 km
- Gravel road = 0.00 km
-Metalled road = 1.00 km
Cost of sand per m³ for purchase 0.00 Rs.
District Rates :
District rate of transportation by head load for :
-convenient load = 7.24 Rs./kg.kosh
-inconvenient load as bars, ms angle, etc. = 12.31 Rs./kg.kosh
- GI & HDPE pipes 14.48 Rs./kg.kosh
District rate of transportation by truck for convenient load on : Truck
-Earthen road = 6.75 Rs./km.quintal
- Gravel road = 3.40 Rs./km.quintal
-Metalled road = 2.00 Rs./km.quintal
District rate of transportation by truck for inconvenient load on : Truck
-Earthen road = 11.48 Rs./km.quintal
- Gravel road = 5.78 Rs./km.quintal
-Metalled road = 3.40 Rs./km.quintal
Estimated by Checked by Approved by
Analysis of Rates
Name of Project/Scheme : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Rate of load / unload = 10.85 Rs./quintal
District rate of Skilled labour = 900.00 Rs./d
District rate of unskilled labour = 600.00 Rs./d
District rate of plumber = 675.00 Rs./d

Rate of some local materials

1 Sand for 1 m³
If it is to be purchased, cost/m³ 1600.00 Rs.
Distance from site to Road head = 0.20 km
Labour required for collection, screening and stacking of river sand 0.00 nos
Labour required for transportation upto 13 km by headload 40.00 nos
Hence,Labour required for transportation upto site 0.20 km = 0.62 nos
Total labour required to collect and transport 1 m³ of sand upto site = 0.62 nos
Cost of labour for collection and transportation 372.00
Cost of transportation by truck -Earthen road 0.00 km = 0.00
- Gravel road 0.00 km = 0.00
-Metalled road 5.00 km = 100.00
Rate 1 m³ of sand at site ( transporation cost +collection or purchase cost) = 2 072.00 Rs.

2 Stone for 1 m³
i Cost of stone per m³ for purchase 950.00 Rs.
ii Distance from site to Road head = 0.20 km
Labour required for collection, screening and stacking of Stone/m3 0.00 nos
Labour required for transportation upto 13 km by headload 60.00 nos
Hence,Labour required for transportation upto site 0.20 km = 0.92 nos
Total labour required to collect and transport 1 m³ of stone upto site = 0.92 nos
Cost of labour for collection and transportation 552.00
iii Cost of transportation by truck -Earthen road 0.00 km = 0.00
- Gravel road 0.00 km = 0.00
-Metalled road 1.00 km = 20.00
Rate 1 m³ of stone at site ( transporation cost +collection or purchase cost) = 1 522.00 Rs.

3 Aggregates (20-40 mm size) for 1m³

Cost of Aggregate per m³ for purchase 2400.00 Rs.
Distance from site to Road head = 0.20 km
Labour required for Collection, breaking, screening and stacking of 1 m³ 0.00 nos
Labour required for transportation upto 13 km by headload 80.00 nos
Hence,Labour required for transportation upto site 0.20 km = 1.23 nos
Total labour required to collect and transport 1 m³ of Aggregate upto site = 1.23 nos
Cost of labour for collection and transportation 738.00
Cost of transportation by truck -Earthen road 0.00 km = 0.00
- Gravel road 0.00 km = 0.00
-Metalled road 1.00 km = 20.00
Rate 1 m³ of Agg. at site ( transporation cost +collection or purchase cost) = 3 158.00 Rs.

4 Aggregates (10-20 mm size) for 1m³

Cost of Aggregate per m³ for purchase 2500.00 Rs.
Distance from site to Road head = 0.20 km
Labour required for Collection, breaking, screening and stacking of 1 m³ 0.00 nos
Estimated by Checked by Approved by
Analysis of Rates
Name of Project/Scheme : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
Labour required for transportation upto 13 km by headload 120.00 nos
Hence,Labour required for transportation upto site 0.20 km = 1.85 nos
Total labour required to collect and transport 1 m³ of Aggregate upto site = 1.85 nos
Cost of labour for collection and transportation 1 110.00
Cost of transportation by truck -Earthen road 0.00 km = 0.00
- Gravel road 0.00 km = 0.00
-Metalled road 1.00 km = 20.00
Rate 1 m³ of Agg. at site ( transporation cost +collection or purchase cost) = 3 630.00 Rs.

5 Rate of Transportation :
Road type Distance Convenient Inconvenient GI & HDPE pipe
-Earthen road 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rs/kg
- Gravel road 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rs/kg
-Metalled road 5.00 0.10 0.17 0.17 Rs/kg
-For head load 0.05 0.36 0.62 0.72 Rs/kg
Loading - unloading 0.22 0.22 0.22 Rs/kg
Rate of transportation per kg : 0.68 1.01 Rs/kg 1.11 Rs/kg
Rate of transportation of inconvenient load with CO ( Without VAT ) 1.28 Rs/kg

6 Local Wood per 1 m³

If it is to be purchased, cost/m³ = 28268.55 Rs.
District rate of sawing per cft. = 0.00 Rs/cft.
Royalty per cft = 65.00 Rs/cft.
Value Added Tax @ 10 % of royalty = 6.50 Rs/cft.
Sub total 0.00 Rs/cft.
Asuming that prepared wood is 70% of trunk wood ,
Total rate = 0.00 Rs/cft.
Transportation cost, per cft. = 45.93 Rs/cft.
Sub total = 45.93 Rs/cft.
Miscelleneous expenses @ 5% of subtotal = 4.59 Rs/cft.
Total cost of local wood for 1 cft = 50.52 Rs.
Rate of local wood per 1 m³ = 30 052.41 Rs/m³

7 Salwood per 1 m³
District rate of salwood, per m³ = 176678.45
Transportation rate per m³ upto site (from nearest market) = 584.80
District rate of salwood, per m³ = 1 77 263.25 Rs/m³

8 Mud [per m³]

District rate of mud = 400.00 Rs/m³
[ If ther is no specific district rate of mud, it will be obtained as "1.5×labour cost]

9 Bricks (Chimney made 1st class)

Approved District Rate/1000 nos 3200 kg 16750.00
Cost of transportation 3200 0.68 2176.00
Total cost for 1000 pcs of brick at site ( transporation cost + purchase cost) = 18926.00 Rs.
Rate per no 18.93

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Unit Rate of Non-local Materials at Site
Rate of VAT
Sn Item Unit Maket rate of material Unit Transportation cost Rate of
Without VAT weight Rate Amount material at site
Rs./unit kg Rs. Rs. Without VAT(Rs)
1 2 3 4 6 7 (6 x 7) =8 5+8
1 Cement Bag 800.00 50.00 0.68 34.00 834.00
Rate per kg 16.68
2 Brick (First Class) no 16.75 3.20 0.68 2.18 18.93
3 Brick Ballast m3 2,900.00 2,900.00
4 4 mm thick Plain Glass m2 545.00 1.01 - 545.00
5 M.S. Bar kg 84.50 1.00 1.01 1.01 85.51
6 Binding Wire kg 95.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 95.68
7 GI Plain Wire kg 100.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 100.68
8 Nails kg 100.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 100.68
9 Chicken wire mesh m 105.00 0.40 0.68 0.27 105.27
10 Fly proof net m² 230.00 0.50 0.68 0.34 230.34
11 M.S. Angle, kg kg 120.00 1.40 0.68 0.95 120.95
12 Barbed wire 12 SWG kg 110.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 111.01
Rate per metre ( Assuming weight per metre as 0.17 kg ) 18.87
13 GI plain sheet ( 26 SWG ) m 420.57 4.50 0.68 3.06 423.63
14 CGI sheet ( 26 SWG ) m 536.17 5.10 1.01 5.15 541.32
15 Primer L 350.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 350.68
16 Enamel Paint L 500.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 500.68
17 Bitumen Paint L 70.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 70.68
18 Weathercoat paint kg 880.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 880.68
19 White glass 5mm m 600.00 0.68 - 600.00
20 Weathercoat Aster Lit 360.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 360.68
21 Silica Admixture Kg 325.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 325.68
22 Snowcem paint kg 70.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 70.68
23 Polythene Sheet m 135.00 0.68 - 135.00
24 Water proofing compound kg 55.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 55.68
25 Fuel (Petrol) L 110.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 111.01
26 Holdfast No 19.00 1.00 0.68 0.68 19.68
27 Screw No 1.00 0.02 0.68 0.01 1.01
28 Hinge 150 mm No 55.00 0.20 0.68 0.14 55.14
29 Tower bolt 150mm No 65.00 0.20 0.68 0.14 65.14
30 Tower bolt 300mm No 125.00 0.20 0.68 0.14 125.14
31 Lockset 250 mm No 200.00 0.30 0.68 0.20 200.20
32 Handle No 35.00 0.20 0.68 0.14 35.14
33 Nut & Bolts kg 11.56 0.10 0.68 0.07 11.63
34 J-Hook No 25.00 0.20 0.68 0.14 25.14
35 U-Hook No 31.25 0.10 0.68 0.07 31.32
36 Bitumen Washer No. 0.55 0.05 0.68 0.03 0.58
37 Water seal pan set 2,100.00 3.00 1.01 3.03 2,103.03
38 MS angle grill gate, of 30 kg No 3 600.00 30.00 1.01 30.30 3,630.30
39 MS angle manhole cover 75×75cm set 2 610.00 21.75 1.01 21.97 2,631.97
40 MS angle manhole cover 60 cmØ set 2 370.00 19.75 1.01 19.95 2,389.95
41 MS angle manhole cover 45×45cm set 1 806.00 15.05 1.01 15.20 1,821.20
42 10 mm Suspender Cable m 181.25 0.60 1.01 0.61 181.86
43 14 mm Suspender Cable m 253.08 1.20 1.01 1.21 254.29
44 Pidifin 2k Anti Leakage paint kg 200.00 1.00 1.01 1.01 201.01

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Unit Rate of Non-local Materials at Site
Rate of VAT
Sn Item Unit Maket rate of material Unit Transportation cost Rate of
Without VAT weight Rate Amount material at site
Rs./unit kg Rs. Rs. Without VAT(Rs)
1 2 3 4 6 7 (6 x 7) =8 5+8
45 Cost of truck no 29 00 000.00 2,900,000.00
46 Cost of tyre no 23 000.00 23,000.00
47 H.S.D. L 77.00 77.00
48 Mobil L 500.00 500.00
49 Gear oil L 480.00 480.00
50 Grease L 330.00 330.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Unit Rate of Local Materials
and Labours

Sn Item Unit Rate

Local materials
1 Block Stone m 1,522.00
2 Bond Stone m 1,522.00
3 10 - 20 mm Aggregate m 3,630.00
4 20 - 40 mm Aggregate m 3,158.00
5 Sand m 2,072.00
6 Mud ( 1.5md of coolie) m 900.00
7 Sal Wood m 177,263.25
8 Local Wood m 30,052.41
9 Bamboo no 300.00


10 Skilled labour ( for all works ) md 900.00

11 Unskilled labour ( for all works ) md 600.00
12 Plumber md 675.00
13 Helper md 650.00
14 Driver md 675.00
15 Asistant to driver md 575.00
16 Tools & Plants for Jointing md 1,000.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

A. Earthworks ( for 1 m³ ) and Site clearance ( for 1 m² )

Earthwork in excavation with 10m lead and 1.5 m lift in pipeline trench in :

Hard soil Boulder/Gravel mixedsoil Ordinary Soil Soft rock Medium rock
Materials and labours Unit (Norms No 2-12) (Norms No 2-14) (Norms No 2-9) (Norms No 2-15a) (Norms No 2-15b)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Unskilled Rs/day 600.00 1.25 750.00 1.59 954.00 1.00 600.00 3.00 1800.00 4.50 2700.00
Tools and plants % 3.00% 22.50 3.00% 28.62 3.00% 18.00 3.00% 54.00 3.00% 81.00
Subtotal 772.50 982.62 618.00 1854.00 2781.00
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 115.88 147.39 92.70 278.10 417.15
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 888.38 1130.01 710.7 2132.1 3198.15

Earthwork in excavation with 10m lead and 1.5 m lift in pipeline trench in :
Hard rock
Materials and labours Unit (Norms No. 2-16b)
Quantity Cost Rs.
Unskilled Rs/day 600.00 25.20 15 120.00
Tools and plants % 3.00% 453.60
Subtotal 15 573.60
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 2 336.04
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 17 909.64

Earthwork in back filling for pipe line trench with compaction in layers of 20cm with water sprinkling and site clearance
Hard soil Boulder/Gravel mixed soil Ordinary Soil Soft rock (Norms Site clearance per m²
Materials and labours Unit (Norms No 2-39c) (Norms No 2-39d) (Norms No ) No 2-39e) N(1-8)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Unskilled Rs/day 600.00 0.63 378.00 0.6 360.00 0.5 300.00 1.1 660.00 0.16 96.00
Tools and plants % 3.00% 11.34 3.00% 10.80 3.00% 9.00 3.00% 19.80 0.00
Subtotal 389.34 370.80 309.00 679.80 96.00
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 58.40 55.62 46.35 101.97 14.40
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 447.74 426.42 355.35 781.77 110.4

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

B. Stone Works ( for 1m³ ) : With a lead of 30 m and upto height 5 m.

Dry stone soling in Stone masonary in RR Stone masonary RR stone masonary in 1:6
Dry stone masonary
Rate foundation mud mortar in 1:4 cs mortar (N6- cs mortar (N6-
Materials and labours Unit (N6-2a)
Rs/unit (N 6-5) (N6- 2b) 1b) 1c)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 - - - 159 2652.12 106 1768.08
Sand m³ 2072.00 - - 0.45 932.40 0.47 973.84
Block Stone m³ 1522.00 1.20 1826.40 1.10 1674.20 1.10 1674.20 1.10 1674.20 1.10 1674.20
Mud m³ 900.00 - - 0.42 378.00 - -
Mason no 900.00 - 1.00 900.00 1.00 900.00 1.50 1350.00 1.50 1350.00
Unskilled no 600.00 1.50 900.00 2.00 1200.00 2.25 1350.00 5.00 3000.00 5.00 3000.00
Subtotal 2 726.40 3 774.20 4 302.20 9 608.72 8 766.12
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 408.96 566.13 645.33 1 441.31 1 314.92
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 3 135.36 4 340.33 4 947.53 11 050.03 10 081.04

C. Concrete work in substructure and super structure (for 1m³ )

(With a lead of 30 m and all materials supplied )
P.C.C (1:3:6) work in sub P.C.C (1:2:4) work in sub P.C.C(1:1.5:3) work in sub P.C.C1:2:4) work In P.C.C(1:1.5:3) work In
Rate structure structure structure ( superstructure superstructure
Materials and labours Unit
Rs/unit (N 7-2c) (N 7-2d) N7-2d +N7-4b) (N 7-4a) (N 7-4b)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 220 3669.60 320 5337.6 400 6672.00 320 5337.60 400 6672
Sand m³ 2072.00 0.47 973.84 0.445 922.04 0.425 880.60 0.445 922.04 0.425 880.6
Aggregate-10-20mm m³ 3630.00 0.33 1197.90 0.86 3121.80 0.33 1197.90 0.86 3121.80
Aggregate-20-40mm m³ 3158.00 0.89 2810.62 0.52 1642.16 0.52 1642.16
W.P.C @2% kg 55.68
Skiled Labour no 900.00 1 900.00 1.00 900.00 1.00 900.00 0.80 720.00 0.80 720.00
Unskilled no 600.00 4.00 2400.00 4.00 2400.00 4.00 2400.00 7.00 4200.00 7.00 4200.00
Subtotal 10 754.06 12 399.70 13 974.40 14 019.70 15 594.40
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 1 613.11 1 859.96 2 096.16 2 102.96 2 339.16
Rate/m ³ ( Without VAT ) 12 367.17 14 259.66 16 070.56 16 122.66 17 933.56

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
D. Steel reinforcement (kg), form work (m²) ,Ferrocement work(per m²), and wood work(per m³) for door-window frame etc.

Steel rein for cement Barbinding work for

Shuttering work for HDPE Formwork for Wood work for door/
cutting,bending &placing fe-c,including chicken
Rate slabs,etc(per m²) N8- ferrocement works per m² window frame per m³
Materials and labours Unit in place,etc,per kg wire,plain GI wire,M.S.bars
Rs/unit 2a (DWSS-Standard) N10-I7
(N7-5) etc. per m² (DWSS)

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Steel bar kg 85.51 1.05 89.79 - 2.593 221.73
Binding wire kg 95.68 0.01 0.96 - 0.083 7.94 0.111 10.62
GI Plain wire kg 100.68 - - 2.083 209.72
Chicken wire m 105.27 - - 1.806 190.12
Nail kg 100.68 - 0.25 25.17 0.014 1.41
Hold fast no 19.68 92 1810.56
Screw no 1.01 184 185.84
Wood m³ 30052.41 - 0.0526/4x0.75 296.39 1.1 33057.65
Bamboo no 300.00 - - 0.333 99.9
32mmf HDP pipe m 91.04 40.00 3641.6
Skiled labour no 900.00 0.012 10.8 0.172 154.8 0.167 150.3 0.25 225 34 30600
Unskilled no 600.00 0.012 7.2 0.257 154.2 0.111 66.6 0.083 49.8 3.4 2040
Subtotal 108.75 630.56 3967.75 906.99 67694.05
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 16.31 94.58 595.16 136.05 10154.11
Rate / Unit ( Without VAT ) 125.06 725.14 4562.91 1043.04 77848.16

E. Plastering Work (for 1m²)

12.5mm thick 1:2 c-s 12.5mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 12.5mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 20mm 1:3 c-s plaster 20mm 1:4 c-s plaster
Materials and labours Unit plaster( N12-1a) (N12-1b) (N12-1c) (N12-4a) (N12-4b)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 9.00 150.12 6.25 104.25 5.38 89.74 9.60 160.13 8.10 135.11
Sand m3 2072.00 0.0122 25.28 0.0128 26.52 0.0146 30.25 0.0195 40.40 0.022 45.58
W.P.C. kg 55.68
Skilled labour no 900.00 0.12 108.00 0.12 108.00 0.12 108.00 0.14 126.00 0.14 126.00
Unskilled no 600.00 0.16 96.00 0.16 96.00 0.16 96.00 0.19 114.00 0.19 114.00
Subtotal 379.40 334.77 323.99 440.53 420.69
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 56.91 50.22 48.60 66.08 63.10
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 436.31 384.99 372.59 506.61 483.79

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
F . Pointing ,Punning ,Barbed wire fencing, C.G.I. sheet roofing
G.I barbed wire fencing G.I barbed wire fencing on
3mm 1:1 c-s Punning 1:3 c-s Flush ruled Pointing C.G.Isheet roofing (1m²)
Rate (1m) wooden posts (5 horz.,2
Materials and labours Unit (for 1m²) (N14 -6) (m²) (N14 -26) N -9 -1
Rs/unit N24 -6 diagonals)@3mc/c for 1m

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 3.36 56.04 3.06 51.04
Sand m3 2072.00 0.0023 4.77 0.0063 13.05
GI Barbed wire m 18.87 - 1.1 20.76 8.333 157.24
Local wood m3 30052.41 0.006 180.31
CGI sheet-26G m2 541.32 - 1.20 649.58
Nuts & bolts no 11.63 - 3.00 34.89
J - hook no 25.14 - 2.50 62.85
U - hook no 31.32 LS 2.08 2.567 80.40
Skilled labours no 900.00 0.10 90.00 0.1 90.00 0.01076 9.68 0.033 29.70 0.11 99.00
Collies no 600.00 0.10 60.00 0.14 84.00 0.0538 32.28 0.067 40.20 0.125 75.00
Subtotal 210.81 238.09 64.80 487.85 921.32
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 31.62 35.71 9.72 73.18 138.20
Rate / Unit ( Without VAT ) 242.43 273.80 74.52 561.03 1 059.52

G. Enamel & Bitumen Paints and white washing (For 1m²)

Two coats of enamel paint Two coats of Bitumen paint Two coats of Snowcem paint Making gabion boxes Filling of Gabion crate
N-13-5 N-13-10 N-13-12 including cutting, wire, with block stone for 1 m3
netting etc. and placing in
site and tying all complete :
Rate Mesh size: hex.
Materials and labours Unit
Rs/unit 100×120mm, Mesh wire-
10SWG, selvedge wire-7
SWG) : size 2×1×1 m(N 16-
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Primer L 350.68 0.081 28.41
Enamel L 500.68 0.16 80.11
Bitumen L 70.68 - 0.19 13.43
Snowcem L 70.68 - 0.5 35.34
GI Plain wire (10 SWG) kg 100.68 24.15 2431.42
Selvage wire (7 SWG) kg 100.68 3.15 317.14
Tying wire (12 SWG) kg 100.68 0.95 95.65
Block Stone m³ 1522.00 1.1 1674.20
Skilled labours no 900.00 0.12 108.00 0.04 36.00 0.065 58.50 0.45 405.00
Collies no 600.00 0.08 48.00 0.03 18.00 0.065 39.00 0.6 360.00 0.5 300.00
Subtotal 264.52 67.43 132.84 3609.21 1974.2
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 39.68 10.11 19.93 541.38 296.13
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 304.20 77.54 152.77 4150.59 2270.33
Estimated by Checked by Approved by
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
H. HDPE Pipe Jointing (For 1m) Norms No 17 - 2
20,25mm dia HDPE For 32 mm dia HDPE For (1000m) 40,50mm dia HDPE For 63,75,90 mm dia HDPE For 110,125 mm dia HDPE
Materials and labours Unit (1000m) (1000m) (50m) For (50m)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 675.00 1.00 675.00 1.00 675.00 1.50 1012.50 1.00 675.00 1.50 1012.50
Helper no. 650.00 1.00 650.00 1.00 650.00 1.50 975.00 1.00 650.00 1.50 975.00
Coolis no. 600.00 2.00 1200.00 3.00 1800.00 3.00 1800.00 2.00 1200.00 3.00 1800.00
Sub total - 2525.00 3125.00 3787.50 2525.00 3787.50
Contingencies 2.50% 63.13 78.13 94.69 63.13 94.69
Tools & plants day 1000.00 1 1000.00 1 1000.00 1 1000.00 1 1000.00 1 1000.00
Petrol L 111.01 0.25 27.75 0.25 27.75 0.25 27.75 0.5 55.51 0.5 55.51
Subtotal 3615.88 4230.88 4909.94 3643.64 4937.70
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 542.38 634.63 736.49 546.55 740.66
Grand Total 4158.26 4865.51 5646.43 4190.19 5678.36
Rate /m 4.16 4.87 5.65 83.8 113.57

I. GI Pipe jointing work (For 1m) N - 17- 4 a

15,20 mm dia GI 25,32 mm dia GI For 40,50mm dia GI For 65,80 mm dia GI 100 mm dia GI
Materials and labours Unit For (30m) (30m) (30m) For (30m) For (30m)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 675.00 0.50 337.50 0.50 337.50 0.75 506.25 1.25 843.75 1.75 1181.25
Helper no. 650.00 1 650.00 1.5 975.00 2 1300.00 2 1300.00 2 1300.00
Coolis no. 600.00 1 600.00 1.5 900.00 2 1200.00 3 1800.00 4 2400.00
Sub total 1587.50 2212.50 3006.25 3943.75 4881.25
Red lead , Hemp etc. 10% 158.75 221.25 300.63 394.38 488.13
Contingencies 2.50% 39.69 55.31 75.16 98.59 122.03
Subtotal 1785.94 2489.06 3382.04 4436.72 5491.41
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 267.89 373.36 507.31 665.51 823.71
Grand Total 2053.83 2862.42 3889.35 5102.23 6315.12
Rate /m 68.46 95.41 129.65 170.07 210.50

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

J. Gravel Packing and door shutter

38 mm thick wooden shutter 38 mm thick panelled Wood work for beams, 25 mm thick eavesboard.
3 2 2 rafters,etc. per m³ per m² N10-
Rate Gravel packing for 1 m with GI plain sheet for 1 m wooden shutter for 1 m [
Materials and labours Unit
Rs/unit [ Norms no 10-9) Norms no 10-2) N10-I7 I9
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Aggregate - 40mm m 3158.00 1.05 3315.90 - - - -
Local wood m 30,052.41 0.017 510.89 0.040 1202.10 1.050 31555.03 0.0275 826.44
Nails kg 100.68 - LS 5.00 LS 5.00 LS 50.00 LS 25.00
Hinges no 55.14 - 1.34 73.89 2.84 156.60 0.00 0.00
Locking set no 200.2 - 0.45 90.09 0.47 94.09 0.00 0.00
Tower bolt 150mm no 65.14 - 0.89 57.97 0.95 61.88 0.00 0.00
Handle no 35.14 - 0.45 15.81 0.95 33.38 0.00 0.00
GI plain sheet no 423.63 2.07 876.91 0.00 0.00 0.00
Skilled labour no 900.00 1 900.00 3.12 2808.00 4.73 4257.00 17.60 15840.00 0.14 126.00
Unskilled no 600.00 3.5 2100.00 0.31 186.00 0.47 282.00 1.76 1056.00 0.0143 8.58
Total 6315.9 4624.56 6092.05 48501.03 986.02
C.P&VAT 15.00% 947.39 693.68 913.81 7275.15 147.90
Rate /Unit 7263.29 5318.24 7005.86 55776.18 1133.92

K. Brick Works ( for 1m³ ) : With a lead of 30 m and upto height 5 m.

Brick masonary in Brick masonary Brick masonary in 1:6 cs

Rate Brick bat filling For-1 m3 Dry Brick masonary
Materials and labours Unit mud mortar in 1:4 cs mortar mortar
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 0 0.00 0 - 100 1668.00 70 1167.60
Sand m³ 2072.00 0.00 0 0.28 580.16 0.3 621.60
1st Brick no. 18.93 500.00 9465.00 560.00 10600.80 560.00 10600.80 560.00 10600.80 560.00 10600.80
Mud m³ 900.00 0.00 0 0.42 378.00 0 -
Mason no 900.00 1.00 900.00 1.00 900.00 1.00 900.00 1.50 1350.00 1.50 1350.00
Unskilled no 600.00 0 0.00 2.00 1200.00 1.70 1020.00 2.20 1320.00 2.20 1320.00
Subtotal 10 365.00 12 700.80 12 898.80 15 518.96 15 060.00
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 1 554.75 1 905.12 1 934.82 2 327.84 2 259.00
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 11 919.75 14 605.92 14 833.62 17 846.80 17 319.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

B.1 Stone Works ( for 1m ) : With a lead of 30 m and upto height 5 m.
RR stone masonary
Stone pitching with sand (N
Rate in 1:3 cs mortar (N6- Sand Filling per Cum
Materials and labours Unit 11-16)
Rs/unit 1c)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 0.00 194 3235.92 0.00
Sand m3 2072.00 0.71 1471.12 0.42 870.24 1.1 2279.20
Block Stone m3 1522.00 1.10 1674.20 1.10 1674.20 0.00
Mud m3 900.00 0.00 0.00
Mason No 900.00 1.00 900.00 1.50 1350.00 0.00
Unskilled No 600.00 3.50 2100.00 5.00 3000.00 0.65 390.00
Subtotal 6145.32 10130.36 2669.20
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 921.80 1519.55 400.38
Rate/m ³ ( Without VAT ) 7067.12 11649.91 3069.58

C.1 Concrete work in substructure with 2% WPC(for 1m )
(With a lead of 30 m and all materials supplied )
P.C.C (1:2:4) work in sub P.C.C(1:1.5:3) work in sub
Rate structure with 2% W.P.C(N structure with 2% W.P.C (
Materials and labours Unit
Rs/unit 7-2d) N7-2d +N7-4b)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 320.00 5337.60 400.00 6672.00
Sand m3 2072.00 0.445 922.04 0.425 880.60
Aggregate-10-20mm m3 3630.00 0.33 1197.90 0.86 3121.80
Aggregate-20-40mm m3 3158.00 0.52 1642.16
W.P.C @2% Kg 55.68 6.40 356.35 8.00 445.44
Skiled Labour no 900.00 1.00 900.00 1.00 900.00
Unskilled no 600.00 4.00 2400.00 4.00 2400.00
Subtotal 12756.05 14419.84
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 1913.41 2162.98
Rate/m ³ ( Without VAT ) 14669.46 16582.82

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

D.1 Form work (m )

38 x 75 mm size Salwood
Shuttering work for staging work for culvert, Wood work for beams,
frame using 4 mm thick
Materials and labours Unit
Rate arch,dome,etc(per m2) bridge, dome, etc.(per m³) rafters,etc. per m³
glass for glazed shutter for
Rs/unit N8-2a N15-31a N10-I7

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Nail kg 100.68 0.25 25.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wood for formwork m3 30052.41 0.0526/4x0.75 296.39 1.05 1.05
Wood for scaffolding m3 30052.41 0.075/4x0.75 422.61
Skiled labour no 900.00 0.26 234.00 0.5 450.00 0.5 450.00 0.5 450.00
Unskilled no 600.00 0.389 233.40 0.5 300.00 0.5 300.00 0.5 300.00

Subtotal 1211.57 750.00 750.00 750.00

Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 181.74 112.50 112.50 112.50
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 1393.31 862.5 862.5 862.5

E.1 Plastering Work with 2% WPC (for 1m )
12.5mm thick 1:2 c-s 12.5mm thick 1:3 c-s 20mm 1:3 c-s plaster 20mm 1:6 c-s plaster
plasterwith 2% W.P.C ( plaster with 2% with 2% W.P.C (N12- (N12-4c)
Materials and labours Unit N12-1a) W.P.C(N12-1b) 4a)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 9.00 150.12 6.25 104.25 9.60 160.13 5.70 95.08
Sand m3 2072.00 0.0122 25.28 0.0128 26.52 0.0195 40.40 0.0235 48.69
W.P.C. kg 55.68 0.18 10.02 0.13 7.24 0.19 10.58 0.00
Skilled labour no 900.00 0.12 108.00 0.12 108.00 0.14 126.00 0.14 126.00
Unskilled no 600.00 0.16 96.00 0.16 96.00 0.19 114.00 0.19 114.00
Subtotal 389.42 342.01 451.11 383.77
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 58.41 51.30 67.67 57.57
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 447.83 393.31 518.78 441.34

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

H.1 HDPE Pipe Jointing (For 1m) Norms No 17 - 2
Material and labour Unit Rate Rs/unit 140-180 mm dia HDPE For 200-250 mm dia HDPE For
(50m) (50m)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 675.00 2.00 1350.00 3.00 2025.00
Helper no. 650.00 2.00 1300.00 3.00 1950.00
Coolis no. 600.00 4.00 2400.00 6.00 3600.00
Sub total 5050.00 7575.00
Contingencies 2.50% 126.25 189.38
Tools & plants day 1000.00 2.00 2000.00 2.00 2000.00
Petrol L 111.01 1.00 111.01 1.50 166.52
Total 7287.26 9930.90
C.P&VAT 15.00% 1093.09 1489.64
Grand Total 8380.35 11420.54
Rate /m 167.61 228.41

I.1 GI Pipe jointing work (For 1m) N - 17- 4 a

Material and labour Unit Rate 125 mm dia GI For
Rs/unit (30m)
Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 675.00 2 1350.00
Helper no. 650.00 2.5 1625.00
Coolis no. 600.00 5 3000.00
Subtotal 5975.00
Red lead , Hemp etc. 10% 597.50
Contingencies 2.50% 149.38
Total 6721.88
C.P 15.00% 1008.28
Grand Total 7730.16
Rate /m 257.67

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

K.1 Brick Works ( for 1m ) : With a lead of 30 m and upto height 5 m.

Flat Brick soling with sand Brick masonary in

Materials and labours Unit (m2) 1:3 cs mortar (N6-1c)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.68 0 0.00 130 2168.40
Sand m3 2072.00 0.071 147.11 0.27 559.44
Block Stone m3 18.93 42.00 795.06 560.00 10600.80
Mud m3 900.00 0 0.00
Mason No 900.00 0.05 45.00 1.50 1350.00
Unskilled No 600.00 0.1 60.00 2.20 1320.00
Subtotal 1047.17 15998.64
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00% 157.08 2399.80
Rate/m ³ ( Without VAT ) 1204.25 18398.44

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Analysis of Item Rates
Labor (L) Materials (M) Item rate
Total cost Total (L+M) Item rate , Contractor's
S.No. / Rate per Unit rate Cost VAT @13% including CP,
Description of Work excluding Including Rs. (with profit (CP)
Norms Category Quantity unit Cost Rs. Type Unit Quantity excluding excluding Amount Rs. (without
VAT, Rs. VAT VAT) @ 15%, Rs.
Rs. VAT, Rs. VAT, Rs. VAT)
1 38 x 75 mm size Salwood frame using 4
(10-3) mm thick glass for glazed shutter for 1
Shutter size : 1.89 x 122 Carpenter 9.00 900 8100 Salwood m3 0.049 177263.25 8685.90 1129.2
= 2.23m2 Labourer 0.90 600 540 Glass 4mm m2 1.085 545.00 591.33 76.9
Hinge 0.00
150 mm No. 8.00 55.14 441.12 57.3
Tower bolt 0.00
150 mm No. 4.00 65.14 260.56 33.9
Handle No. 2.00 35.14 70.28 9.1
Screw & 0.25 100.68 25.17 3.3
8640 10074.36 18714.36 1309.7 20024.06 8979.40 21521.51 9650.90
m2 m2

Preparation including sand
papering, painting with aluminium
paint and fixing inclusive of labour
cost of iron grills for 1m2

(24-1 Ka) for 3 x 20 mm grill 3 x 20 mm grill m2 1 1814 1814.00 235.8

1814.00 1814 235.8 2049.80 2049.80 2086.10 2086.10
m2 m2

3 Paving Porcelin Glazzed tile in 1:4 C/M

for 1 m2 Mason 1.30 900 1170 Cement M.T. 0.0056 16680.00 93.41 12.1
Labourer 0.45 600 270 Sand m3 0.0152 2072.00 31.49
White cement Kg 0.3228 20.85 6.73 0.9
Glazzesd tile sqm 1.1000 1005.91 1106.50 143.8
1440 1238.13 2678.1300 156.8 2834.93 2834.93 3079.85 3079.85
m2 m2
Table:1 Description of Sources

Discharge Date Yield Remarks

Location of source
S.No. Name of Source Type of Source measured of Safe Tapped to RVT
RVT No Tank Size Tank Type RVT Location
Place, RMP/MP-wards Lps Measurement Lps Lps

0.30 RVT-1_FRT 14.00 FRT

1 Khodepani Tribeni RMP-05 Spring 0.95 2077 - Ashadh 0.86
0.55 RVT-2_RCT_REC 30.00 RCT_REC
Total 0.95 0.86 0.85
Table: 2 Water Demand and Tap Flow Calculation Sheet
SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
SUPPORT ORGANIZATION : Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Salyan
CONSULTANT : Yashaswi Engineering and Reasearch Center,Panchakumari Marg
LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan
Name of Community : 0
Required Datas: Base Period (n1) 3 yrs.
Peak Factor: 2.4 Design Period (n) 20 yrs.
Per Capita Demand : 65 lpcd District Pop Growth Rate (r) 1.27 %
Per Capita Demand for Students: 10 lpcd Minimum flow rate 0.10 lps
Population per Household 5.2
Description of Tap Population forecast Institutional Water Demand Live Total Wastage Tap Flow Calculation
Cluster Name Ward Nos Present Year Base Year Design Year Total No. of Other Total Stock Water @10% Average Peak Peak Design Adjusted
Total Remarks
S.N. Cluster/Section or No. of 2077 BS 2080 BS 2100 BS Domestic Pupil in Institutional Institutional Demand Demand of Tap Factor Flow flow Peak
Locality HH (P) (Po) (Pn) Demand School Demand Demand @20% of [11] [13] Demand Flow factor
From To (Nos) (Nos) P(1+r)^n1 P(1+r)^(n1+n) (lpd) (Nos) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lps) (Factor) (lps) (lps) (lps)
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [16] [17] [18]

RVT-1 -
1 J1 P13 Cluster-1 3 6 32 34 44 2,860 - 572 3,432 343 3,775 0.05 2.40 0.12 0.15 3.00

2 J2 P12 Cluster-2 3 9 47 49 64 4,160 - 832 4,992 499 5,491 0.07 2.40 0.17 0.20 2.86

3 J3 P11 Cluster-3 3 7 37 39 51 3,315 - 663 3,978 398 4,376 0.06 2.40 0.14 0.15 2.50

4 J4 P10 Cluster-4 3 6 32 34 44 2,860 - 572 3,432 343 3,775 0.05 2.40 0.12 0.15 3.00

5 J5 P9 Cluster-5 3 7 37 39 51 3,315 - 663 3,978 398 4,376 0.06 2.40 0.14 0.15 2.50

Total 35 185 195 254 16,510 - - - 3,302 19,812 1,981 21,793 0.29 12.00 0.69 0.80 13.86

1 of 2
Table: 2 Water Demand and Tap Flow Calculation Sheet
SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project
SUPPORT ORGANIZATION : Water Supply, Irrigation & Energy Development Office, Salyan
CONSULTANT : Yashaswi Engineering and Reasearch Center,Panchakumari Marg
LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan
Name of Community : 0
Required Datas: Base Period (n1) 3 yrs.
Peak Factor: 2.4 Design Period (n) 20 yrs.
Per Capita Demand : 65 lpcd District Pop Growth Rate (r) 1.27 %
Per Capita Demand for Students: 10 lpcd Minimum flow rate 0.10 lps
Population per Household 5.2
Description of Tap Population forecast Institutional Water Demand Live Total Wastage Tap Flow Calculation
Cluster Name Ward Nos Present Year Base Year Design Year Total No. of Other Total Stock Water @10% Average Peak Peak Design Adjusted
Total Remarks
S.N. Cluster/Section or No. of 2077 BS 2080 BS 2100 BS Domestic Pupil in Institutional Institutional Demand Demand of Tap Factor Flow flow Peak
Locality HH (P) (Po) (Pn) Demand School Demand Demand @20% of [11] [13] Demand Flow factor
From To (Nos) (Nos) P(1+r)^n1 P(1+r)^(n1+n) (lpd) (Nos) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lpd) (lps) (Factor) (lps) (lps) (lps)
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [16] [17] [18]

6 J9 P2 Cluster-6 3 11 58 61 79 5,135 - 1,027 6,162 616 6,778 0.08 2.40 0.19 0.20 2.50

7 J9 P1 Cluster-7 3 7 37 39 51 3,315 - 663 3,978 398 4,376 0.06 2.40 0.14 0.15 2.50

8 J9 J10 Cluster-8 3 9 47 49 64 4,160 - 832 4,992 499 5,491 0.07 2.40 0.17 0.20 2.86

9 J10 P3 Cluster-9 3 8 42 44 57 3,705 - 741 4,446 445 4,891 0.06 2.40 0.14 0.15 2.50

J10 TO P7 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10 J8 J6 Cluster-10 3 4 21 22 29 1,885 - 377 2,262 226 2,488 0.03 2.40 0.07 0.10 3.33

11 J6 P7 Cluster-11 3 4 21 22 29 1,885 - 377 2,262 226 2,488 0.03 2.40 0.07 0.10 3.33

12 J6 P6 Cluster-12 3 2 11 12 16 1,040 - 208 1,248 125 1,373 0.02 2.40 0.05 0.10 5.00

13 J8 J7 Cluster-13 3 4 21 22 29 1,885 - 377 2,262 226 2,488 0.03 2.40 0.07 0.10 3.33

14 J7 P5 Cluster-14 3 11 58 61 79 5,135 - 1,027 6,162 616 6,778 0.08 2.40 0.19 0.20 2.50

15 J7 P4 Cluster-15 3 9 47 49 64 4,160 - 832 4,992 499 5,491 0.07 2.40 0.17 0.20 2.86

Total 69 363 381 497 32,305 - - - 6,461 38,766 3,877 42,643 0.53 24.00 1.26 1.50 30.71

Grand Total 104 548 576 751 48,815 - - - 9,763 58,578 5,858 64,436 0.82 36.00 1.95 2.30 44.57

NOTE : 1 Peak factor of 2.4 has been adopted

2 Design Tap Flow has been adjusted for the Peak flow by rounding off to nearest 0.05lps.
3 If flow is less than 0.1 lps then it has been adjusted to 0.1 lps and if flow is greater than 0.25 lps provide additional tapstand.

2 of 2
Table: 3.1 Reservoir Tank Sizing

SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan

a) Scheme Information
a.1 Reservoir Tank No: RVT-1_FRT 0
a.2 Served Clusters 1 to 5
a.3 Average Design Demand to be Supplied through Reservoir 0.25 l/s = 21793 l/day
a.4 Available Minimum flow from the Source (Safe Yield) 0.86 l/s

a.5 Adjusted/Optimized supply to Reservoir from Source 0.30 l/s = 25920 l/day
a.6 Total Design Flows of all Standposts : 0.80 l/s
b) Reservoir sizing assuming Continuous System using Consumption Patterns

Time Period Hours Water Cummu. Cummu. Surplus Deficit

From To Consumption Supply Demand
(%) (lt) (lt) (lt) (lt)
5:00 AM 7:00 AM 2 25.0% 2160 5448 3288
7:00 AM 12:00 PM 5 35.0% 7560 13076 5516
12:00 PM 5:00 PM 5 20.0% 12960 17435 4475
5:00 PM 7:00 PM 2 20.0% 15120 21793 6673
7:00 PM 5:00 AM 10 0.0% 25920 21793 4127
Maximum Deficit 10800 lt
Minimum required Reservoir capacity 10.80 cum
Provide Reservoir of capacity 12.00 cum 55% of Average Demand
Check if Reservoir gets filled during night (7:00 PM - 5:00 AM)
Volume of water collected during night 10.80 cum







12:00 AM

04:48 AM

09:36 AM

02:24 PM

07:12 PM

12:00 AM

04:48 AM

09:36 AM

Supply Demand

Provide Reservoir Capacity of according to Type Design 14.00 cum

c) Recommended Reservoir Size

Recommended Size for RVT RVT-1_FRT = 14.00 cum Time to Fill the RVT 12.96 Hr
Table: 3.2 Reservoir Tank Sizing

SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project

LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan

a) Scheme Information
a.1 Reservoir Tank No: RVT-2_RCT_REC
a.2 Served Clusters 5 to 15
a.3 Average Design Demand to be Supplied through Reservoir 0.49 l/s = 42643 l/day
a.4 Available Minimum flow from the Source (Safe Yield) 0.86 l/s

a.5 Adjusted/Optimized supply to Reservoir from Source 0.55 l/s = 47520 l/day
a.6 Total Design Flows of all Standposts : 1.50 l/s
b) Reservoir sizing assuming Continuous System using Consumption Patterns

Time Period Hours Water Cummu. Cummu. Surplus Deficit

From To Consumption Supply Demand
(%) (lt) (lt) (lt) (lt)
5:00 AM 7:00 AM 2 25.0% 3960 10661 6701
7:00 AM 12:00 PM 5 35.0% 13860 25586 11726
12:00 PM 5:00 PM 5 20.0% 23760 34114 10354
5:00 PM 7:00 PM 2 20.0% 27720 42643 14923
7:00 PM 5:00 AM 10 0.0% 47520 42643 4877
Maximum Deficit 19800 lt
Minimum required Reservoir capacity 19.80 cum
Provide Reservoir of capacity 20.00 cum 47% of Average Demand
Check if Reservoir gets filled during night (7:00 PM - 5:00 AM)
Volume of water collected during night 19.80 cum

12:00 AM

04:48 AM

09:36 AM

02:24 PM

07:12 PM

12:00 AM

04:48 AM

09:36 AM

Supply Demand

Provide Reservoir Capacity of according to Type Design 30.00 cum

c) Recommended Reservoir Size

Recommended Size for RVT RVT-2_RCT_REC = 30.00 cum Time to Fill the RVT 15.15 Hr
SCHEME TYPE : Gravity System Pipe Class abbreviation HC Soil CodesGMS OS
SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project MC HR BMS Sheet No. : 1 of 5
Supply Project
NAME : Khodepani SAFE YEILD : 0.86 DI SR MR
LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan CI HS SS Pipe Line Design from CW
. HS Steel Method
PIPE USED Hydraulic Gradient
S. Pipe Line Length Design Direction Reduced Level Level New Total Max. Friction Head Residual Flow Soil
No. Dis. (UL/UR Diff. Static Head Static HDPE G.I. Factor Loss Head Velocity Type
From To Actual Design Q /DL/DR) From To Level Available Pressure O.D. Class I.D. N.B. Class From To Remarks
(m) (m) (lps) (L/R/U/D) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (kg/cm²) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m/s) (m) (m)
[0] [1] [2] [3] 0 [5] (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)


1 INTAKE 1 50 55 0.85 D 920.00 917.73 2.27 920.00 2.27 2.27 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 1.71 0.54 920.00 919.44 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 0.85 D 917.73 915.45 2.27 920.00 3.99 4.55 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 3.43 0.54 919.44 918.88 BMS

3 2 3 50 55 0.85 D 915.45 913.18 2.27 920.00 5.70 6.82 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 5.14 0.54 918.88 918.32 BMS

4 3 4 50 55 0.85 D 913.18 910.91 2.27 920.00 7.41 9.09 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 6.85 0.54 918.32 917.76 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.85 D 910.91 908.64 2.27 920.00 9.12 11.36 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 8.56 0.54 917.76 917.20 BMS

6 5 6 50 55 0.85 D 908.64 906.36 2.27 920.00 10.84 13.64 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 10.28 0.54 917.20 916.64 BMS

7 6 7 50 55 0.85 D 906.36 904.09 2.27 920.00 12.55 15.91 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 11.99 0.54 916.64 916.08 BMS

8 7 8 50 55 0.85 D 904.09 901.82 2.27 920.00 14.26 18.18 50 6.0 44.90 0.0305 0.56 13.70 0.54 916.08 915.52 BMS

9 8 9 50 55 0.85 D 901.82 899.55 2.27 920.00 15.97 20.45 40 10.0 33.50 0.0306 2.36 13.61 0.96 915.52 913.16 BMS

10 9 10 50 55 0.85 D 899.55 897.27 2.27 920.00 15.89 22.73 40 10.0 33.50 0.0306 2.36 13.53 0.96 913.16 910.80 BMS

11 10 11 50 55 0.85 D 897.27 895.00 2.27 920.00 15.80 25.00 40 10.0 33.50 0.0306 2.36 13.44 0.96 910.80 908.44 BMS

12 11 12 50 55 0.85 D 895.00 892.73 2.27 920.00 15.71 27.27 40 10.0 33.50 0.0306 2.36 13.35 0.96 908.44 906.08 BMS

13 12 13 40 44 0.85 D 892.73 890.91 1.82 920.00 15.17 29.09 40 10.0 33.50 0.0306 1.89 13.28 0.96 906.08 904.19 BMS

14 13 DC 20 22 0.85 D 890.91 890.00 0.91 920.00 14.19 30.00 40 10.0 33.50 0.0306 0.95 13.24 0.96 904.19 903.24 BMS


1 DC RVT-1 25 27.5 0.30 DL 890.00 887.00 3.00 890.00 3.00 3.00 40 10.0 33.50 0.0361 0.17 2.83 0.34 890.00 889.83 BMS


1 DC 1 50 55 0.55 DR 890.00 887.05 2.95 890.00 2.95 2.95 40 10.0 33.50 0.0325 1.05 1.90 0.62 890.00 888.95 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 0.55 DR 887.05 884.09 2.95 890.00 4.86 5.91 40 10.0 33.50 0.0325 1.05 3.81 0.62 888.95 887.90 BMS

3 2 3 50 55 0.55 DR 884.09 881.14 2.95 890.00 6.76 8.86 40 10.0 33.50 0.0325 1.05 5.71 0.62 887.90 886.85 BMS

4 3 4 50 55 0.55 DR 881.14 878.18 2.95 890.00 8.67 11.82 40 10.0 33.50 0.0325 1.05 7.62 0.62 886.85 885.80 BMS

5 4 RVT-2 20 22 0.55 DR 878.18 877.00 1.18 890.00 8.80 13.00 40 10.0 33.50 0.0325 0.42 8.38 0.62 885.80 885.38 BMS

RVT-1 TO P13

1 RVT-1 1 50 55 0.80 D 887.00 881.75 5.25 887.00 5.25 5.25 40 10.0 33.50 0.0308 2.14 3.11 0.91 887.00 884.86 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 0.80 D 881.75 876.50 5.25 887.00 8.36 10.50 40 10.0 33.50 0.0308 2.14 6.22 0.91 884.86 882.72 BMS

3 2 3 50 55 0.80 D 876.50 871.25 5.25 887.00 11.47 15.75 40 10.0 33.50 0.0308 2.14 9.33 0.91 882.72 880.58 BMS

4 3 J1 50 55 0.80 D 871.25 866.00 5.25 887.00 14.58 21.00 40 10.0 33.50 0.0308 2.14 12.44 0.91 880.58 878.44 BMS

5 J1 5 50 55 0.15 D 866.00 864.48 1.52 887.00 13.96 22.52 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 12.67 0.48 878.44 877.15 BMS

6 5 6 50 55 0.15 D 864.48 862.97 1.52 887.00 14.18 24.03 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 12.89 0.48 877.15 875.86 BMS
SCHEME TYPE : Gravity System Pipe Class abbreviation HC Soil CodesGMS OS
SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project MC HR BMS Sheet No. : 2 of 5
Supply Project
NAME : Khodepani SAFE YEILD : 0.86 DI SR MR
LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan CI HS SS Pipe Line Design from CW
. HS Steel Method
PIPE USED Hydraulic Gradient
S. Pipe Line Length Design Direction Reduced Level Level New Total Max. Friction Head Residual Flow Soil
No. Dis. (UL/UR Diff. Static Head Static HDPE G.I. Factor Loss Head Velocity Type
From To Actual Design Q /DL/DR) From To Level Available Pressure O.D. Class I.D. N.B. Class From To Remarks
(m) (m) (lps) (L/R/U/D) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (kg/cm²) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m/s) (m) (m)
[0] [1] [2] [3] 0 [5] (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

7 6 7 40 44 0.15 D 862.97 861.76 1.21 887.00 14.10 25.24 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.03 13.07 0.48 875.86 874.83 BMS

8 7 P13 25 27.5 0.15 D 861.76 861.00 0.76 887.00 13.83 26.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 0.64 13.19 0.48 874.83 874.19 BMS

J1 TO P12

1 J1 1 50 55 0.65 L 866.00 859.64 6.36 887.00 18.80 27.36 32 10.0 26.70 0.0320 4.52 14.28 1.16 878.44 873.92 BMS

2 1 2 40 44 0.65 L 859.64 854.55 5.09 887.00 19.37 32.45 32 10.0 26.70 0.0320 3.62 15.75 1.16 873.92 870.30 BMS

3 2 J2 20 22 0.65 L 854.55 852.00 2.55 887.00 18.30 35.00 32 10.0 26.70 0.0320 1.81 16.49 1.16 870.30 868.49 BMS

4 J2 4 50 55 0.20 L 852.00 851.39 0.61 887.00 17.10 35.61 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 14.92 0.64 868.49 866.31 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.20 L 851.39 850.79 0.61 887.00 15.52 36.21 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 13.34 0.64 866.31 864.13 BMS

6 5 6 40 44 0.20 L 850.79 850.30 0.48 887.00 13.83 36.70 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 1.75 12.08 0.64 864.13 862.38 BMS

7 6 P12 25 27.5 0.20 L 850.30 850.00 0.30 887.00 12.38 37.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 1.09 11.29 0.64 862.38 861.29 BMS

J2 TO P11

1 J2 1 50 55 0.45 D 852.00 851.09 0.91 887.00 17.40 35.91 32 10.0 26.70 0.0335 2.25 15.15 0.80 868.49 866.24 BMS

2 1 2 40 44 0.45 D 851.09 850.36 0.73 887.00 15.88 36.64 32 10.0 26.70 0.0335 1.80 14.08 0.80 866.24 864.44 BMS

3 2 J3 20 22 0.45 D 850.36 850.00 0.36 887.00 14.44 37.00 32 10.0 26.70 0.0335 0.90 13.54 0.80 864.44 863.54 BMS

4 J3 4 50 55 0.15 D 850.00 849.70 0.30 887.00 13.84 37.30 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 12.55 0.48 863.54 862.25 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.15 D 849.70 849.39 0.30 887.00 12.86 37.61 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 11.57 0.48 862.25 860.96 BMS

6 5 6 40 44 0.15 D 849.39 849.15 0.24 887.00 11.81 37.85 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.03 10.78 0.48 860.96 859.93 BMS

7 6 P11 25 27.5 0.15 D 849.15 849.00 0.15 887.00 10.93 38.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 0.64 10.29 0.48 859.93 859.29 BMS

J3 TO P10

1 J3 1 50 55 0.30 L 850.00 848.64 1.36 887.00 14.90 38.36 32 10.0 26.70 0.0355 1.09 13.81 0.54 863.54 862.45 BMS

2 1 2 40 44 0.30 L 848.64 847.55 1.09 887.00 14.90 39.45 32 10.0 26.70 0.0355 0.87 14.03 0.54 862.45 861.58 BMS

3 2 J4 20 22 0.30 L 847.55 847.00 0.55 887.00 14.58 40.00 32 10.0 26.70 0.0355 0.43 14.15 0.54 861.58 861.15 BMS

4 J4 4 50 55 0.15 L 847.00 846.55 0.45 887.00 14.60 40.45 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 13.31 0.48 861.15 859.86 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.15 L 846.55 846.09 0.45 887.00 13.77 40.91 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 12.48 0.48 859.86 858.57 BMS

6 5 6 50 55 0.15 L 846.09 845.64 0.45 887.00 12.93 41.36 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 11.64 0.48 858.57 857.28 BMS

7 6 7 50 55 0.15 L 845.64 845.18 0.45 887.00 12.10 41.82 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 10.81 0.48 857.28 855.99 BMS

8 7 P10 20 22 0.15 L 845.18 845.00 0.18 887.00 10.99 42.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 0.51 10.48 0.48 855.99 855.48 BMS

J4 TO P9

1 J4 1 50 55 0.15 DL 847.00 846.09 0.91 887.00 15.06 40.91 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 13.77 0.48 861.15 859.86 BMS
SCHEME TYPE : Gravity System Pipe Class abbreviation HC Soil CodesGMS OS
SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project MC HR BMS Sheet No. : 3 of 5
Supply Project
NAME : Khodepani SAFE YEILD : 0.86 DI SR MR
LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan CI HS SS Pipe Line Design from CW
. HS Steel Method
PIPE USED Hydraulic Gradient
S. Pipe Line Length Design Direction Reduced Level Level New Total Max. Friction Head Residual Flow Soil
No. Dis. (UL/UR Diff. Static Head Static HDPE G.I. Factor Loss Head Velocity Type
From To Actual Design Q /DL/DR) From To Level Available Pressure O.D. Class I.D. N.B. Class From To Remarks
(m) (m) (lps) (L/R/U/D) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (kg/cm²) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m/s) (m) (m)
[0] [1] [2] [3] 0 [5] (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

2 1 2 40 44 0.15 DL 846.09 845.36 0.73 887.00 14.50 41.64 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.03 13.47 0.48 859.86 858.83 BMS

3 2 P9' 20 22 0.15 DL 845.36 845.00 0.36 887.00 13.83 42.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 0.51 13.32 0.48 858.83 858.32 BMS

4 P9' J5 55 60.5 0.15 DL 845.00 845.00 0.00 887.00 13.32 42.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.42 11.90 0.48 858.32 856.90 BMS

5 J5 5 50 55 0.15 DL 845.00 844.09 0.91 887.00 12.81 42.91 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 11.52 0.48 856.90 855.61 BMS

6 5 6 40 44 0.15 DL 844.09 843.36 0.73 887.00 12.25 43.64 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.03 11.22 0.48 855.61 854.58 BMS

7 6 P9' 20 22 0.15 DL 843.36 843.00 0.36 887.00 11.58 44.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 0.51 11.07 0.48 854.58 854.07 BMS


1 RVT-2 1 50 55 1.50 D 877.00 870.70 6.30 877.00 6.30 6.30 50 6.0 44.90 0.0283 1.59 4.71 0.95 877.00 875.41 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 1.50 D 870.70 864.41 6.30 877.00 11.00 12.59 50 6.0 44.90 0.0283 1.59 9.41 0.95 875.41 873.82 BMS

3 2 J9 35 38.5 1.50 D 864.41 860.00 4.41 877.00 13.82 17.00 50 6.0 44.90 0.0283 1.11 12.71 0.95 873.82 872.71 BMS

4 J9 4 50 55 0.20 D 860.00 858.15 1.85 877.00 14.56 18.85 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 12.38 0.64 872.71 870.53 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.20 D 858.15 856.30 1.85 877.00 14.23 20.70 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 12.05 0.64 870.53 868.35 BMS

6 5 P2 35 38.5 0.20 D 856.30 855.00 1.30 877.00 13.35 22.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 1.53 11.82 0.64 868.35 866.82 BMS

J9 TO P1

1 J9 1 50 55 0.15 R 860.00 861.85 -1.85 877.00 10.86 17.00 32 10.0 26.70 0.0405 0.31 10.55 0.27 872.71 872.40 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 0.15 R 861.85 863.70 -1.85 877.00 8.70 15.15 32 10.0 26.70 0.0405 0.31 8.39 0.27 872.40 872.09 BMS

3 2 P1 35 38.5 0.15 R 863.70 865.00 -1.30 877.00 7.09 13.30 32 10.0 26.70 0.0405 0.22 6.87 0.27 872.09 871.87 BMS

J9 TO P3

1 J9 1 50 55 1.15 DR 860.00 856.82 3.18 877.00 15.89 20.18 50 10.0 42.00 0.0293 1.35 14.54 0.83 872.71 871.36 BMS

2 1 2 40 44 1.15 DR 856.82 854.27 2.55 877.00 17.09 22.73 50 10.0 42.00 0.0293 1.08 16.01 0.83 871.36 870.28 BMS

3 2 J10 20 22 1.15 DR 854.27 853.00 1.27 877.00 17.28 24.00 50 10.0 42.00 0.0293 0.54 16.74 0.83 870.28 869.74 BMS

4 J10 4 50 55 0.15 D 853.00 852.26 0.74 877.00 17.48 24.74 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 16.19 0.48 869.74 868.45 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.15 D 852.26 851.52 0.74 877.00 16.93 25.48 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 1.29 15.64 0.48 868.45 867.16 BMS

6 5 P3 35 38.5 0.15 D 851.52 851.00 0.52 877.00 16.16 26.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0397 0.90 15.26 0.48 867.16 866.26 BMS
SCHEME TYPE : Gravity System Pipe Class abbreviation HC Soil CodesGMS OS
SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project MC HR BMS Sheet No. : 4 of 5
Supply Project
NAME : Khodepani SAFE YEILD : 0.86 DI SR MR
LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan CI HS SS Pipe Line Design from CW
. HS Steel Method
PIPE USED Hydraulic Gradient
S. Pipe Line Length Design Direction Reduced Level Level New Total Max. Friction Head Residual Flow Soil
No. Dis. (UL/UR Diff. Static Head Static HDPE G.I. Factor Loss Head Velocity Type
From To Actual Design Q /DL/DR) From To Level Available Pressure O.D. Class I.D. N.B. Class From To Remarks
(m) (m) (lps) (L/R/U/D) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (kg/cm²) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m/s) (m) (m)
[0] [1] [2] [3] 0 [5] (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

J10 TO P7

1 J10 1 50 55 0.80 R 853.00 850.73 2.27 877.00 19.01 26.27 40 10.0 33.50 0.0308 2.14 16.87 0.91 869.74 867.60 BMS

2 1 2 40 44 0.80 R 850.73 848.91 1.82 877.00 18.69 28.09 40 10.0 33.50 0.0308 1.71 16.98 0.91 867.60 865.89 BMS

3 2 J8 20 22 0.80 R 848.91 848.00 0.91 877.00 17.89 29.00 40 10.0 33.50 0.0308 0.85 17.04 0.91 865.89 865.04 BMS

4 J8 4 50 55 0.30 R 848.00 845.88 2.12 877.00 19.16 31.12 32 10.0 26.70 0.0355 1.09 18.07 0.54 865.04 863.95 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.30 R 845.88 843.76 2.12 877.00 20.19 33.24 32 10.0 26.70 0.0355 1.09 19.10 0.54 863.95 862.86 BMS

6 5 6 40 44 0.30 R 843.76 842.06 1.70 877.00 20.80 34.94 32 10.0 26.70 0.0355 0.87 19.93 0.54 862.86 861.99 BMS

7 6 J6 25 27.5 0.30 R 842.06 841.00 1.06 877.00 20.99 36.00 32 10.0 26.70 0.0355 0.54 20.45 0.54 861.99 861.45 BMS

8 J6 8 50 55 0.10 R 841.00 840.17 0.83 877.00 21.28 36.83 20 16.0 14.90 0.0423 2.58 18.70 0.57 861.45 858.87 BMS

9 8 9 50 55 0.10 R 840.17 839.33 0.83 877.00 19.54 37.67 20 16.0 14.90 0.0423 2.58 16.96 0.57 858.87 856.29 BMS

10 9 10 50 55 0.10 R 839.33 838.50 0.83 877.00 17.79 38.50 20 16.0 14.90 0.0423 2.58 15.21 0.57 856.29 853.71 BMS

11 10 P7 30 33 0.10 R 838.50 838.00 0.50 877.00 15.71 39.00 20 16.0 14.90 0.0423 1.55 14.16 0.57 853.71 852.16 BMS

J6 TO P6

1 J6 1 50 55 0.10 D 841.00 839.15 1.85 877.00 22.30 37.85 20 16.0 14.90 0.0423 2.58 19.72 0.57 861.45 858.87 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 0.10 D 839.15 837.30 1.85 877.00 21.57 39.70 20 16.0 14.90 0.0423 2.58 18.99 0.57 858.87 856.29 BMS

3 2 P6 35 38.5 0.10 D 837.30 836.00 1.30 877.00 20.29 41.00 20 16.0 14.90 0.0423 1.81 18.48 0.57 856.29 854.48 BMS

J8 TO P5

1 J8 1 50 55 0.50 D 848.00 847.26 0.74 877.00 17.78 29.74 32 10.0 26.70 0.0330 2.75 15.03 0.89 865.04 862.29 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 0.50 D 847.26 846.52 0.74 877.00 15.77 30.48 32 10.0 26.70 0.0330 2.75 13.02 0.89 862.29 859.54 BMS

3 2 J7 35 38.5 0.50 D 846.52 846.00 0.52 877.00 13.54 31.00 32 10.0 26.70 0.0330 1.92 11.62 0.89 859.54 857.62 BMS

4 J7 4 50 55 0.20 D 846.00 844.16 1.84 877.00 13.46 32.84 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 11.28 0.64 857.62 855.44 BMS

5 4 5 50 55 0.20 D 844.16 842.32 1.84 877.00 13.12 34.68 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 10.94 0.64 855.44 853.26 BMS

6 5 6 50 55 0.20 D 842.32 840.47 1.84 877.00 12.79 36.53 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 10.61 0.64 853.26 851.08 BMS

7 6 P5 40 44 0.20 D 840.47 839.00 1.47 877.00 12.08 38.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 1.75 10.33 0.64 851.08 849.33 BMS
SCHEME TYPE : Gravity System Pipe Class abbreviation HC Soil CodesGMS OS
SCHEME NAME : Rikhe Bazar Water Supply Project MC HR BMS Sheet No. : 5 of 5
Supply Project
NAME : Khodepani SAFE YEILD : 0.86 DI SR MR
LOCATION : WARD NO : 3 RMP : Tribeni DISTRICT : Salyan CI HS SS Pipe Line Design from CW
. HS Steel Method
PIPE USED Hydraulic Gradient
S. Pipe Line Length Design Direction Reduced Level Level New Total Max. Friction Head Residual Flow Soil
No. Dis. (UL/UR Diff. Static Head Static HDPE G.I. Factor Loss Head Velocity Type
From To Actual Design Q /DL/DR) From To Level Available Pressure O.D. Class I.D. N.B. Class From To Remarks
(m) (m) (lps) (L/R/U/D) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (mm) (kg/cm²) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m/s) (m) (m)
[0] [1] [2] [3] 0 [5] (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

J7 TO P4

1 J7 1 50 55 0.20 DR 846.00 842.97 3.03 877.00 14.65 34.03 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 12.47 0.64 857.62 855.44 BMS

2 1 2 50 55 0.20 DR 842.97 839.94 3.03 877.00 15.50 37.06 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 2.18 13.32 0.64 855.44 853.26 BMS

3 2 3 40 44 0.20 DR 839.94 837.52 2.42 877.00 15.74 39.48 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 1.75 13.99 0.64 853.26 851.51 BMS

4 3 P4 25 27.5 0.20 DR 837.52 836.00 1.52 877.00 15.51 41.00 25 12.5 19.90 0.0378 1.09 14.42 0.64 851.51 850.42 BMS
4155 4571
Transmission Distribution
TOTAL LENGTH 905.00 3,250.00
HDP Pipe Length 905.00 3,250.00
GI Pipe Length - -
Total 905.00 3,250.00
Grand Total 4,155.00
Layout, Schematic Diagrams &
Pipeline Profiles
Typical Drawings of Structures

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