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What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is the practice of taking
someone else’s work or idea and passing
them off as one’s own. Plagiarism is an
act of a fraud because it involves both
stealing someone’s work and lying about
if afterward.
First Article: "UP student plagiarizes
prize winning photos"
In what competition did Solis
send in his plagiarized work?
Solis have sent his plagiarized work at the
“Smiles for the World” competition which was
organized by a Chilean ambassador Roberto
Mayorga. The plagiarized work sent by Solis
have won first prize in the competition.
What sanctions did he receive
from the organizing
committee? Describe his
Ambassador Mayorga felt sad after discovering
that Solis have sent a plagiarized work. Mayorga
said that they will conduct an investigation on
the said matter and Solis’ conduct may forfeit
his award. Solis’ action was very wrong
considering the fact that he plagiarized at least 5
times in the competitions he has joined.
Do you think technology and the
internet have made plagiarism easier?
Do you think technology has made
people more or less creative? Explain
your answer by citing examples.

Technology and Internet have made plagiarism easier. For example, if a teacher
instructs the students to make an essay, the students could just easily browse the
internet and download files which are connected to their essay or they could just
copy and paste the passages they have read from different articles and compile
them as their own. However, there are a lot of plagiarism checkers that emerged
in order to address the problem. In terms of creativity, technology and internet
have made humans less creative. It is stated in an article on that
both technology and internet have made the people especially the young ones
passive and less able to deeply focus. In order for creativity to be fully developed
and be maximized, one must spend more time away from the screens to enhance
imagination while reading or playing.
Second Article: "UP grad in photo
plagiarism gets redemption"
According to the article, how
did Solis redeem himself?
What job did he have?
For the past 2 years since the plagiarism
incident, Solis have managed a football club
consisting of eight to twelve year old children in
which the club aims to develop the children’s
character through the sport.
What project did he help?
As part of redeeming himself from the
controversy, he helped ambassador Mayorga in
his Calidad Humana project.
What is there to learn about
the life of Solis?
The life of Solis just simply explains that a
person can change and redeem himself from the
mistakes of the past. After his issue about the
plagiarized photo he submitted that won first
place in The Smiles of World competition, Solis
is now a changed man in two years of
interacting with children shaping their lives to
become better citizens and world class athletes.
It is not impossible to redeem ones’ self and to
change for the better as long as one has the will
and determination to be better.
Plagiarism is both an act of stealing and lying
because you tend to steal somebody’s work or
idea and claim that it is your own even if it is
not. If you’re going to get an idea from the
internet, you must cite your sources. For
instance, you are creating an essay and you
want to get an idea from an author, you could
either cite the author’s name before or after you
stated his work or you could paraphrase it but
even though you have paraphrased and cited
the author’s name always remember to cite the
sources you have used.
What is Cyber bullying?
Cyber bullying is bullying that takes
place over digital devices like cell
phones, computers, and tablets.
What did Carabuena do
that made netizens angry?
Carabuena was caught on camera
slapping MMDA traffic enforcer
Saturnino Fabros after he was pulled over
for a traffic violation.
Describe the acts of cyber
bullying that the netizens did to
Carabuena. Do you think their
actions are justifiable? Defend
your answer.
Netizens called Carabuena "baboy" or that he should be killed. Some even made
Facebook pages dedicatd to him, with names such as "Patayin si Robert Blair
Carabuena", "Like if you want Robert Blair Carabuena to be fired from Philip
Morris", and "Ilechon si Robert Blair Carabuena" among others. Currently,
"Ipakulong si Robert Blair Carabuena" is the top page with 23,215 likes. The
netizens’ actions are not justifiable. Although Carabuena did something cruel,
people should not wish death upon others. Having a crime committed doesn't
mean that everyone automatically has the power to bully and shame him by
posting and editing pictures of him on different social media.
How did the incident affect
Carabuena’s life?
The incident affected Carabuena's life that
it came to the point where he was rushed to the
hospital after feeling discomfort from the
offensive comments that several people gave
him at the Fiscal’s Office. Furthermore, it has
greatly impacted his life and his reputation.
Ever since the video went viral and posted in all
types of media and social media. He said it
would be better for him to stay at home. He
even deactivated all of his social media
Do you think technology and
the Internet have made
bullying easier?
Yes. With the Internet, embarrassing pictures
and information could be uploaded any minute
and ruin a person's life. Bullies can hide their
identities and threaten someone's life.
Give one suggestion to avoid
cyber bullying. Give one
suggestion to avoid being a
To prevent cyber bullying from happening, we
should be cautious on the privacy of our
personal information, what we share in our
social media accounts, and always think before
you click
The internet has made bullying easier since
people can make fake accounts to hide their
identity and threaten someone's life. There are
things we can do to prevent cyber bullying
from happening, we should be careful of what
information we share on our social media and
think before you click.
What is Computer Addiction?
Computer addiction is the excessive use of the
From the research, do boys
and girls share the same
Internet usage? Explain your
answer. Cite statistics or data.
According to the article, it stated that 46%
belonged to the girls, whereas 36% came from
the boys. The poll found that girls spend more
time communicating with their friends while
boys were more into playing computer games.
Cite one real life example in
your school or community of
teenagers who have
experienced computer addiction.
What happened to them? Have
they recovered from their
A childhood friend of mine has experienced computer addiction.
Back then when I go to an Internet Café, I would always see him
playing computer games with his other friends the whole day.
Today, he dropped out of school and is now currently running a
business with his father. I think he has recovered from his addiction
since I usually see him with his father checking out their businesses
here in our place.
Give two pieces of advice from
Tablets for Schools to avoid
computer addiction.
First advice, they should buy an actual alarm
clock instead of using their phone. Second,
there should also be time limits on how
youngsters can use devices with specific times
during the day or week for being ‘unplugged’.
How do you think can you
avoid developing Internet
• Limit the usage of internet. When you say
you'll be on for an hour, and then use the
internet for an hour. Set a timer so you do not
go off track.
• Delete accounts that you really don't need
anymore. Keep those you really need and
helpful to you. If you don't want to delete
your account, just block the pages.
• Lastly, stop wasting your time on the
Internet. It's not that you can't use the
Internet at all, but use the right amount of
time you need to. Live your life; go out with
your friends and family.
What alternative routines on
Internet usage can you
recommend to your peers?
Use the internet only when you need to.
Computer addiction can have a variety of
negative effects on a person that’s why we
should limit ourselves in using social to avoid
getting addicted. If possible we should not use
our phones or computers all the time and spend
time with our friends and family.
What is Digital Divide?
Digital Divide is an economic and social
inequality with regard to access to, use of, or
impact of information and communication
technologies (ICT).
What were the positive effects of
having faster internet speed in
our country?
Faster internet speed help entrepreneurs bring their
business online, streamline their operations,
enabling them to connect better and faster to their
suppliers and their counterparts around the globe.
Faster internet connection lets you browse in
multiple tabs. Also, it supports multiple users; it
doesn’t slow down when there are a lot of people
connected on the internet.
Describe the internet connection
status in the Philippines, in
terms of number of people with
internet connection, the average
internet broadband download
speed compared to other
countries, and the average cost
of monthly Internet services.
According to an article in the Philippine Daily
Inquirer, last 2017 Joel Butuyan stated that The
Philippines can arguably has the slowest internet
connection in the whole world. Philippines internet
connection annually averages 5.5 mpbs, one of the
lowest average of internet connection speed in the
Asia Pacific. The Internet speed of the Philippines
is not even close to the Internet speed of South
Korea; South Korea’s internet speed is at least 28
mbps. Despite the big gap on South Korea’s
internet speed, Philippines is one of the countries
around the globe that offers internet services at a
very cheap rate. Unlike to the western countries
who have a very expensive internet price of at least
60$ or 3,246 pesos, the Philippines internet
connection services only costs at least 1,500 a
How does the Philippines’ slow
internet connection affect the
SMEs? Do you think a faster
Internet connection can promote
better income for them? Explain
your answer.
The slow internet connection blocks the SMEs from interacting
with their costumers online and limits their way of income. A better
internet connection could help them gain more profit because they
would be able to interact with their costumers online without delay.
Also, people from far regions of the Philippines and around the
globe could have access to their shop online thus allowing them to
gain more income in the near future.
Do you think commercial
stores or offices should have
websites? What are the
advantages and
disadvantages that can you
Commercial stores should have websites in
order for them to gain more income because
consumers from other regions of the Philippines
and around the globe have access to your shop.
However, it will be difficult for the store owner
to manage the time in watching over the store
itself and the online store.
Would you support a
campaign that will provide
free Internet to the public?
Why or why not?
No, I will not support a campaign in providing
free internet to the public. It’s good to have free
internet service for free outside each and
everyone’s respective homes. However, with
the people especially the millennials are into the
use of phones, tables and etc, there will be no
more interaction of people because everyone
will be busy using their phones. Also, the free
internet is somewhat useless because just like in
big malls like SM, You’ll be having a hard time
before connecting to their free wi-fi because
there are many people connected on it.
Faster internet connection benefits every single
people in the country who uses the internet
every day. Students for example who needs the
internet in browsing for related literature for
his/her research. Store owners also benefit on
the faster internet connection, they could take
their shop online making it accessible anytime
and anyplace. Also, it attracts more costumers
on the different parts of the world. A faster
internet connection may help in improving the
situation of the country.

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