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Duane Long, Curriculum Vitae

Campus Address
Department of Philosophy
University of Buffalo Dept. Phone (716) 645-2444
122 Park Hall Email:
Buffalo, NY 14260-4150

Areas of Specialization:
Ancient Philosophy
Ethics (esp. agency and moral psychology)

Areas of Competence:
Feminist Philosophy
Philosophy of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Applied Ethics (esp. Biomedical Ethics)

Full-Time Employment:
SUNY Buffalo, Clinical Assistant Professor, 2019-2022

University of Texas at Austin 2009-2017
PhD in Philosophy, 2017
Philosophy/Classics Joint Graduate Program in Ancient Philosophy
University of California, Riverside, 2005-2009
MA in Philosophy, 2006
Iowa State University, 2000-2005
BA Philosophy, BA Psychology, and BS Sociology (all with Honors and
Distinction), 2005 (Triple Degree program with minor in German)

1. On the Necessity of Deliberation in Aristotle, Ancient Philosophy 41 (1), Spring 2021,
2. “Partaking of Reason in a Way”: Aristotle on the Rationality of Desire in Humans,
Apeiron, forthcoming.
3. Desires, Their Objects, and the Things Leading to Pursuit, Inquiry, forthcoming.
4. Review of Aristotle on Shame and Learning to be Good, Marta Jimenez, Bryn Mawr
Classical Review, 2021.
Under Consideration
5. Why Is Deliberation Necessary for Aristotle? An Issue at the Intersection of his Ethics
and Psychology
6. The Relation Between Logos and Thumos in EN 7.6 1149a24-b3
7. Thumos in Animals, Non-Rational and Rational
Under Preparation
8. Deliberation and the Metaphysics of Chosen Action
9. Defaults, Defeasible Generalizations, and Particularism
10. Particularism in Aristotle and the 21st Century
11. Dogmatism About Weakness of Will

Professional Activities/ Service to the Profession
Referee, Apeiron (2019), Ancient Philosophy (2020), The Journal of Value
Inquiry (2020)
Committee Work:
Committee on Undergraduate Affairs, Dept. of Philosophy SUNY Buffalo, 2019-2021
Committee on Women and Minorities, Dept. of Philosophy, SUNY Buffalo, 2020-2021
Conferences Organized
Valentine’s Day Graduate Student Conference on Philosophy of Sex and Love, SUNY
Buffalo, 2020
Royal Ethics Conference, UT Austin, 2011, 2012, 2013
Mentor, UT Austin Intellectual Entrepreneurship Pre-Grad-School Internship.
Mentees: Kelsey Spector (Fall 2011)
Nivathitha Thiagarajan (Spring 2014),
Amanda Eakin (Spring 2015)
Organizer/Lead Translator, Euthyphrones Greek Philosophy Group, Fall '12-Spring '13,
Member, American Philosophical Association
Member, The Aristotelian Society
Member, Iowa Philosophical Society

Invited Professional Presentations
1. Deliberation and Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Chosen Action, The Society for
Ancient Greek Philosophy, October 9, 2021.
2. The Relation Between Logos and Thumos in EN 7.6 1149a24-b3, The Society for
Ancient Greek Philosophy Aristotle Work-in-Progress Group, November 21,
3. The Relation Between Logos and Thumos in EN 7.6 1149a24-b3, The Midwest
Seminar in Ancient Philosophy, Marquette University, October 28, 2020
4. Nightmares of Femininity: Two Approaches to Female-Driven Horror, Austin
Community College's Halloween Humanities Conference, October 26, 2016.
5. Habit and Deliberation in Aristotle’s Ethics, Darrell K Royal Ethics Conference,
University of Texas at Austin, February 5, 2011.
Refereed Professional Presentations
1. On the Necessity of Deliberation in Aristotle, Iowa Philosophical Society, Iowa
State University, November 15, 2014.
2. Pain, Perversion, and Flourishing: A Virtue-Ethical Defense of Sadomasochism,
New Frontiers in Ethics, University of Toronto Centre for Ethics, April 25-26,
3. Standards of Self-Control and Weakness of Will, Inter-Mountain West Student
Philosophy Conference, University of Utah, March 20-22, 2014.
4. Sexuality and Eudaimonia: A Virtue-Ethical Account of Sadomasochism,
Northwest Student Philosophy Conference, Western Washington University, May
26-29, 2006.
5. Defending Incomparability, Berkeley-Stanford-Davis Graduate Student
Philosophy Conference, Stanford University, April 8, 2006.
6. Defending Incomparability, Inter-Mountain West Student Philosophy Conference,
University of Utah, March 30 - April 1, 2006.
7. Sexuality and Eudaimonia: A Virtue-Ethical Account of Sadomasochism, Sex
Matters: Sexualities Across the Disciplines, University of California, Riverside,
February 24-25, 2006.

Teaching Experience
As Lead Instructor (responsible for all aspects of the course, including supervising
teaching assistants)
SUNY Buffalo
Contemporary Ethical Theory, Fall 2022
Ancient Philosophy, Spring 2021
Gender and Philosophy, Spring 2021
Special Topics in Philosophy: Feminist Philosophy of the Body, Spring 2020
Professional Ethics, Spring 2020
Environmental Ethics, (5 times, three online format)
Contemporary Moral Problems, (4 times, two online format)
Medical Ethics: Values in Medicine, (3 times, two online format)
Austin Community College Teaching
Introduction to Philosophy, 6 times
Ethics, 5 times
Ethics (Hybrid Methodology), 1 time
Intro to Philosophy, South University, Fall 2016
Intro to Philosophy, UT Austin, Austin, TX, Fall 2014
Contemporary Moral Problems, College of Liberal Arts Pre-College Experience
Program1, Summer 2014
Mind and Body, UT Austin, Austin, TX Fall 2013
Intro to Law and Society (upper-division pre-law course), UC Riverside, Summer 2009
Philosophy of Sex and Sexuality2, UC Riverside, Spring 2008, Spring 2009
Intro to Philosophy, Riverside Community College, Spring 2009
Intro to Biomedical Ethics, UC Riverside, Summer 2008

As Teaching Assistant
Medicine, Ethics, and Society, UT Austin, Spring 2016
Honors Problems of Knowledge and Valuation, UT Austin, Fall 2015
Existentialism, UT Austin, Spring 2014
Knowledge and Reality, UT Austin, Spring 2013
Medical Ethics, UT Austin, Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2009
Ethical Theories, UT Austin, Summer 2012
Intro to Philosophy of Religion, UT Austin, Spring 2012
Self and Soul, UT Austin, Spring 2011
Philosophy of Law, UT Austin, Fall 2010
Philosophy of Law, UT Austin, Spring 2009
Intro to Law and Society (upper-division pre-law course), UC Riverside, Winter 2009
Intro to Biomedical Ethics, UC Riverside, Fall 2008
Intro to Philosophy, UC Riverside, Spring 2008
Philosophy of Law, UC Riverside, Winter 2008
Intro to Biomedical Ethics, UC Riverside, Fall 2007
Contemporary Moral Problems, UC Riverside, Summer 2007
Contemporary Moral Problems, UC Riverside, Spring 2007
Philosophy of Law, UC Riverside, Winter 2007
Business Ethics, UC Riverside, Fall 2006
Evil, UC Riverside, Summer 2006

Inaugural year of UT Austin's new summer program for gifted high schoolers
Original course designed, submitted, and approved for creation by dept and college

Awards and Fellowships

 ACC Teaching Excellence Award (Nominated) 2017

 Continuing Dissertation Fellowship, Spring 2015.
 Dean's Fellowship, University of California, Riverside (2005-2006)
 Graduated with Honors and Distinction
 Phi Beta Kappa (2005)

Additional Languages
Ancient Greek, German

Graduate Coursework
(* Notes courses not taken for a grade)

Ethics/Value Theory
Hermeneutics of Identity (G. Warnke)
First-Year Proseminar: Moral Reasoning (A. Reath)
Philosophy of Religion and the Meaning of Life (J. Fischer/H. Wettstein)
Justice (A. Reath)
Contemporary Moral Philosophy: Darwall and Korsgaard (G. Watson/A. Reath)
Biomedical Ethics (C. Macnamara)
Moral Theories of Hume and Kant (A. Reath)
Feminist Bioethics* (C. Macnamara)
The Nature and Normativity of Well-Being* (G. Watson)
Contemporary Moral Philosophy: Dancy and Particularism* (G. Watson)
20th Century Metaethics* (J. Deigh)
Particularism in Ethics and Elsewhere (J. Dancy)
Philosophy of the Criminal Law (J. Deigh)

Human Agency/Moral Responsibility

Philosophy of Action* (J. Dancy)
Valuing, Caring and the Will (G. Watson)
Weakness of the Will (G. Watson)
Free Will and Moral Responsibility (J. Fischer)
Pluralistic Approaches to Holding Responsible* (C. Macnamara)
Moral Agency* (J. Deigh)

Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Language

Philosophy of Mind (C. Siewert)
First-Year Proseminar: Content Externalism and Self-Knowledge (P. Graham/C. Siewert)
First-Year Proseminar: Essentialism (M. Nelson)
Philosophy of Language* (R. Jeshion)
First-year Seminar: Semantics (J. Dever)
Contemporary Issues in Metaphysics (A. Pautz)

History of Philosophy
Thomas Reid's Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind (G. Watson)
Seneca* (D. Glidden)
Themes in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (G. Lawrence)
Topics in the History of Philosophy: Early Socratic Dialogues* (C. Siewert)

History of Philosophy (continued)
Pleasure and Philia in Aristotle’s Ethics (S. White)
Aristotle’s De Anima (R.J. Hankinson)
Conference Course: Aristotle on Habit and Deliberation (P. Woodruff)
Conference Course: Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics & Physics II (R.J. Hankinson)
Justice in Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy* (P. Woodruff)
Aristotle’s Metaphysics* (R.J. Hankinson)
Hellenistic Philosophy* (R.J. Hankinson)
Aristotle’s Biology* (L. Dean-Jones)

Formal Logic (E. Reck)
Intermediate Logic (E. Reck)
Core Logic (C. Juhl)


Jonathan Dancy (U Texas at Austin)

R.J. Hankinson (U Texas at Austin)

Paul Woodruff (U Texas at Austin)

James Beebe (SUNY Buffalo) (Teaching Letter)

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