III. Learning Activity: PE11: Physical Fitness and Gymnastics

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PE11: Physical Fitness and Gymnastics

III. Learning Activity

1. How would you define physical education?
 Physical Education refer to the course subject taught in school from basic education
to higher education that focuses on students’ development of skills, physical fitness
and knowledge. Physical Education helps students to become healthy and fit and

2. Discuss at least one historical development of Physical Education that gave the most impact
to you?
 Historical Development of P.E in the Philippines – Physical Education in the
Philippines traces all the way back to primitive period when active work was vital for
endurance, making it essentially for the grown-up to show actual abilities to the
youth. During Pre-Spanish period, without fixed methodology youngsters were
typically taught by their folks and ancestral mentors that was focuses and equipped
more towards skills development in hunting using bow and arrow. Hence, when
Indonesians and Malay migrated in the Philippines, the physical activities of group of
people who settled along the coast or lowland area are comprised of creating food
sources through planting and developing the mountain. Dancing are also developed
during this period which is usually done by religious group to praise, thanks and
asked for something to their Gods. After the Spanish regime, Dancing and games
such as palo sebo and pabitin become part of significant activity among Filipinos
during important events like fiesta, birthday, etc. It is very interesting that as the time
past physical education is continually developing.

3. What is the significance of the legal basis of physical education?

 Article XIV Section 19 of the Philippine Constitution; It states that: 1) The State shall
promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions
and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self-
discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert
citizenry. 2) All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities
throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.
This law will provide a good foundation for students to achieve well developed and
improved physical fitness, healthy positive lifestyle and improved self-esteem and
confidence. This will also help to reduce stress and anxiety.

4. List the five of objectives of Physical Education and explain how it affects your development.

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 Physical Development – Since last year, when pandemic comes, I have tried to
include simple exercise such as jumping jacks, squat and jogging in my daily routine.
Month after of my regular exercise I improved my physical fitness, muscular strength,
flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.
Hence, I also notice that I don’t get tired easily and get sick easily.
 Social Development – Amongst the most significant of social benefits of physical
education is that it can help to improved social life and social skills. When you joined
tournament, team games or group exercises you'll be able to meet new people and
discover new social opportunities that might be a great advantage in your social
 Emotional Development – Physical Education improves mood and reduce stress,
anxiety and sadness. Physical activities become my stress reliever for the past
months. According to study exercise promotes chemicals in the brain that improve
your mood and make you more relaxed. Thus, Physical activity can help lower my
overall stress levels and improve your quality of life.
 Mental Development – Physical Education has a huge potential to develop mental
wellbeing and capacities to understand the health problems and prevention,
acquiring new knowledge of the rules of games, sports and exercise and improving
 Spiritual Development – Physical Education helps developed personality, self-control,
sportsmanship and leadership quality.

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