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Is Math the Language of the Universe? Provide pieces of evidence.

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 Mathematics is the most fundamental tool in the modern world. We might not know it,
but we wouldn't have a radio, a TV, a microwave oven without mathematics. We
couldn't bring astronauts on the moon, unravel the human genome, and we wouldn’t
have an ultrasound for expectant mothers or missing traveler GPS. The best instrument
for explaining scientific mysteries was mathematics. For example, if you take a magnet
and scatter some iron filings around the magnet onto a paper and then shake it, you will
see that those iron fillings will travel around the magnet and create a perfect pattern.
This pattern shows us that the magnet, the magnetic field, has an invisible field of force
around it, and these iron filings visualize the force pattern. In the 1800’s was a
significant era of discovering the laws of how magnets and electricity work and how
they’re interrelated. Michael Faraday was an excellent physicist and tried to understand
the physics behind those magnetic patterns. Although Faraday had some exciting ideas

of the magnetic field, he wasn’t able to explain it mathematically. Then, Scottish

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physicist Maxwell decided to improve Faraday’s work and figured out that calculus was

the perfect tool to describe electric and magnetic fields. He had done a translation from

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physics into the language of mathematics. Then he did more with math and

manipulated his equations. hat was one of the greatest aha moments in human history.

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First Faraday, then Maxwell was learning the language that the universe is speaking.
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That was calculus as a language and system of reasoning. Within a few years, Tesla used
those equations to make the first radio systems and to do the wireless transmission of
energy. Then Marconi sent messages across the Atlantic Ocean. Eventually, people

started having telegraphs, radios, televisions, and of course, wireless. Mathematics was
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the essential apparatus to enter the modern era. That’s why Feynman wanted all
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humans to learn math. He knew that all the discoveries and inventions have been telling
us something about the universe. Mathematics is not a simple language, and it’s a
language that something profound. And a quote from Galileo: “Mathematics is the
alphabet with which God has written the universe”.
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