Department of Education: Learning Activity Sheets P.E. 10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

IN P.E. 10
Name:____________________________ Grade & Section: _____________

Teacher: _______________________ School: _______________________

Activity Worksheets (Quarter 3 – Day 1)

Performance Standard:

➢ The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the

physical activity participation of the community and society.
➢ Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

MELC-Based Learning Competency/ies:

➢ Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least

60 minutes a day in and out of school

I. Topic: Active Recreation (Street and Hip-Hop Dances)


II. Learning Resources/References

➢ Book: P.E. & Health book GRADE 10 pp. 106

➢ THE 21st Century MAPEH in Action 9 pp. 239-240

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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
III. Information Sheets

➢ Is a therapeutic refreshment or relaxation of one’s body and
mind. Activities done for this purpose are called recreational
➢ Its main objective is to revitalize the physical, mental, social
and emotional aspects of a person.
➢ It is an activity that gives you pleasure in which you are not
obliged to do but instead chosen by you to perform to satisfy
your needs. It helps rejuvenates your body, emotions and

In today’s world that is full of stress and pressures, we all need to

engage in recreational activities to relieve our tensions

1. ACTIVE RECREATION refers to activities in which you need to
participate directly or you are required to do the task. Examples are
swimming, dancing, jogging and the like.

2. PASSIVE RECREATION, are activities that require not much of

your energy, or those that only require you to observe such as
watching movies, listening to music and the like.


1. Learn to appreciate more routine activities.
2. Positive effects in your views.
3. Build a strong bond with family and friends.
4. Develop leadership and social skills.
5. It provides you relaxing experience when you participate in
recreational activities.
6. It reduces stress from days of schooling and work.
7. Since stress can be relieved through recreation, it has a great
impact in health and fitness, which is vital for everybody.
8. By practicing your favorite recreational activities, it will surely
sharpen the skills associated with it.

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Examples of recreational activities:
Basketball Volleyball Baseball/softball Soccer/football
Badminton Swimming Cycling Camping
Pop dancing Cheerdancing Contemporary dancing
Ballroom dancing Fishing Playing card games
Playing computer Playing board games Playing musical instruments

IV. Activity 1
➢ Where Do I Belong?

In this activity, you will be asked to group the different recreational

activities according to its type.


Group the different recreational activities according to its type.

Cycling Marathon Swimming Softball Rowing Basketball Computer

Games Card Games
Board Games Volleyball Reading Playing Music Dancing
Internet Surfing


Activity 2

➢ What I usually do….

In this activity, you will be asked as to what type of recreational activity

you usually engage in.


Engage with your favorite recreational activity and take a photo of yourself
while engaging. Answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in a sheet
of paper.

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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
1. How do you feel upon doing your favorite recreational activity?
2. What influences you to choose this favorite recreational activity?
3. How do you benefit from engaging in these activity/ies?
4. How often do you engage in this activity?

5. Students answer will be graded through the following criteria


(4) (3) PROFICIENCY (1)
Content Explained and Explained and Explained Explained
elaborated elaborated thought unclearly
thought thought
concisely and concisely
Effort Went above Put in Effort put in No effort put
and beyond significant only as asked in
effort and effort but not
really took the necessarily
activity above what is
seriously asked

(Print upside-down)

Own personal idea/ varied answers

Activity 2

Internet Surfing
Reading Playing Music
Computer Games Card Games


Volleyball Dancing
Rowing Basketball
Softball Cycling Marathon Swimming


Activity 1

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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Name:____________________________ Grade & Section: _____________

Teacher: _______________________ School: _______________________

Activity Worksheets (Quarter 3 – Day 2)

Performance Standard:

➢ The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the

physical activity participation of the community and society.
➢ Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

MELC-Based Learning Competency/ies:

➢ Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least

60 minutes a day in and out of school

I.Topic: Active Recreation (Street and Hip-Hop Dances)

Sub-Topic: DANCING

II. Learning Resources/References

➢ Book: P.E. & Health book GRADE 10 pp. (121-122, 129)

➢ Online:

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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
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III. Information Sheet

➢ Is a performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences
of human movement.
➢ Is a recreational activity that can develop the physical, mental, social
and emotional health. Dancing is part of a lifestyle can surely sustain
our fitness.

Health Benefits Of Dancing

Dancing as a recreational activity can be a way to stay fit for people of all
ages, shapes and sizes. It has a wide range of physical and metal benefits

➢ Improved condition of your heart and lungs.

➢ Increased muscular strength, endurance, and motor fitness.
➢ Increased aerobic fitness.
➢ Improved muscle tone and strength.
➢ Weight management.
➢ Stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis.
➢ Better coordination, agility, and flexibility.
➢ Improved balance and spatial awareness.
➢ Increased physical confidence.
➢ Improved mental functions.
➢ Improved general and psychological well-being.
➢ Greater self-confidence and self-esteem.
➢ Better social skills.

Ballet dance developed during the Italian Renaissance, before evolving in
France and Russia into a concert dance meant for public performance. This
is in the form of a ballet, in which the dance is choreographed with classical

Ballroom dance is a type of partner dance originating at the end of the
sixteenth century in France. Commonly used as shorthand for any partner
dance, ballroom has today evolved into two main subgenres –
standard/smooth and Latin/rhythm.

Known for its emphasis on strong torso and legwork, contract and release,
fall and recovery and floor work, it is often known for unpredictable and
disordered changes in speed and rhythm throughout a performance. Drawing
on classical, modern and jazz dance styles, contemporary dance has evolved
to incorporate many characteristics of a broader range of dance forms.

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Hip-hop dancing refers to a range of street dances that developed in relation to
hip hop music and culture. Hip-hop dancing dates back to the early 1970s in
New York and California, evolving out of Funk and the development of break
beat. Main styles of hip-hop dancing include Breaking, Locking and Popping,
with derivative styles emerging out of these including Memphis Jookin’, Turfing,
Jerkin’ and Krumping.

Folk Dance
Folk dancing is celebrated worldwide with people of different cultures and
religions using various forms of folk dance to portray emotions, stories, historical
events or even aspects of daily life.

IV. Activity 1

➢ Are you ready to dance?


Perform the following movements with a step close to the right and left
alternately (moving forward or backward) for 10 minutes to a 2/4 time music. After
10 minutes, identify the intensity of the activity based on the Rate of Perceived
Exertion (RPE) chart.


Close and Right and left arms in second position (ct.1), 32 measures
open right and left arms in first position
Arm raise Raise both arms high ( cts. 1,2) 32 measures
Punch Punch right ( ct.1) punch left ( ct.2) 32 measures
Arm Sway Sway both arms high to the right ( cts 1.2) 32 measures
Sway both arms high to the left ( cts 1.2)

RPE (Rate OF Perceived Exertion)

10- MAX EFFORT ACTIVITY feels almost impossible to keep going, completely out
of breath
9- VERY HARD ACTIVITY very difficult to maintain exercise intensity, can barely
breath and speak a single word.
7-8- VIGOROUS ACTIVITY on the verge of becoming uncomfortable, short of breath,
can speak a sentence
4-6- MODERATE ACTIVITY feels like you can exercise for hours, breathing heavily,
can hold a short conversation

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Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
2-3 LIGHT ACTIVITY feels like you can maintain for hours, easy to breathe and
carry on a conversation
1- VERY LIGHT ACTIVITY anything other than sleeping, watching TV, riding a car

Processing Questions:
1. What is your RPE after the activity?
2. What does the result tell you?
3. How do you feel about the result?

Activity 2

➢ What Do I Like?

In this activity, student will be asked his/her own preference on what

dance to engage in.
Answer the following questions?
1. Among all the different types of dances mentioned above, which one do
you prefer on performing? Why?
2. As a student, how can dance affect your life?
3. What are somethings that need to be put into consideration before

(Print upside-down)

varied answers
Own personal idea/

Activity No. 1 and 2

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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Name:____________________________ Grade & Section: _____________

Teacher: _______________________ School: _______________________

Activity Worksheets (Quarter 3 – Day 3)

Performance Standard:

➢ The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the

physical activity participation of the community and society.
➢ Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

MELC-Based Learning Competency/ies:

➢ Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least

60 minutes a day in and out of school

I. Topic: Active Recreation (Street and Hip-Hop Dances)

Sub-Topic: ZUMBA

II. Learning Resources/References

➢ Book: THE 21st Century MAPEH in Action 10 pp. ( 306-307)

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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
III. Information Sheets

It is a new fitness dance that uses the salsa ballroom dance and some
hip-hop dance routines set into salsa-inspired music; it can also be
done in water.

Brief history of Zumba

Zumba was created by the choreographer and fitness instructor Alberto
“Beto” Perez in the mid-1990s. According to the official Zumba website, it
was a result of a “happy accident” – Beto was on his way to teach an
aerobics class and realized he’d forgotten his music. He didn’t have time
to double back and get it, so he improvised; using the salsa and merengue
tapes he happened to have on him. Instead of strict rep-counting, he
ended up improvising a class that was the perfect mix of dance and
aerobics that kept his students moving and having fun!
In 2001, he started teaching his hybrid dance/aerobics in Miami, and
through another “happy accident”, he got in touch with two other Albertos
– Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion. Together, they called the new style
“Zumba”, a word that doesn’t have any specific meaning but has become
synonymous with this great combination of fitness and fun, and brought
it to fitness centers all over the world.

Benefits of Zumba Exercise

1. It’s fun. The more you enjoy your exercise routine, the more likely you
are to stick with it. Many people say they have so much fun dancing that
they forget they are actually exercising.
2. Great for weight loss. Zumba is a powerful exercise with a 600 to
1,000-calorie burn in just an hour.
3. Tones your entire body. Zumba targets lots of different muscle groups
at once for total body toning.
4. Boosts your heart health. You not only get aerobic benefits (it really
gets your heart rate up), you also get anaerobic benefits – the kind that
help you maintain a good cardiovascular respiratory system.
5. Helps you de-stress. Turning your attention to dance, and away from
the daily grind, is a great way to relieve stress.
6. Improves coordination. In Zumba, your arms and legs are generally
moving in different directions so it requires a good deal of coordination
7. Makes you happy. Every time you exercise, you release endorphins,
which trigger positive feelings throughout the body.

Dance Warm-Up
Includes body isolations which can be executed by moving a particular
part of the body without any movement from the rest of the body parts.
This warm-up can last from 15-20 minutes

Importance of Dance Warm-Up

1. Helps avoid physical injuries like in the spine, arms, wrists,
shoulders, ankles and other parts of the body.
2. Helps improve dancer’s balance, coordination, proper alignment,
and awareness of a centered body which affects the dance performance.
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Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
IV. Activity 1

➢ 3, 2, 1 What I Learned…

This self-assessment activity will give you opportunity to reflect and assess
your own learning about Zumba dancing

3 things I learned today about the health benefits of Zumba dancing


2 interesting things about the nature and background of Zumba dancing


1 question I have about Zumba dancing


Activity 2

Let’s Do This!


In this activity, you will observe and execute sample warm-up dance and
zumba exercise using these links. Do not forget to wear proper exercise attire
and observe safety upon performing Zumba.

Warm-up dance Exercise

Zumba Dance Example

Answer the following question:

1. How do you feel after dancing?
2. Do you think Zumba is an effective weight loss strategy?
3. Why do you think Zumba dance is popular in our community?

(Print upside-down)

Own personal idea/ varied answers

Activity No. 1 and 2

All Rights Reserved. No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by means-electronics or
mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Name:____________________________ Grade & Section: _____________

Teacher: _______________________ School: _______________________

Activity Worksheets (Quarter 3 – Day 4)

Performance Standard:

➢ The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the

physical activity participation of the community and society.
➢ Practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

MELC-Based Learning Competency/ies:

➢ Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least

60 minutes a day in and out of school (PE10PF-IIIc-h-

I. Topic: Active Recreation (Street and Hip-Hop Dances)

Sub-Topic : ZUMBA

II. Learning Resources/References

➢ Book: THE 21st Century MAPEH in Action 10 pp. ( 306-307)


All Rights Reserved. No part of these materials may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by means-electronics or
mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
III. Information Sheets

It is a new fitness dance that uses the salsa ballroom dance and some
hip-hop dance routines set into salsa-inspired music; it can also be
done in water.

Brief history of Zumba

Zumba was created by the choreographer and fitness instructor Alberto
“Beto” Perez in the mid-1990s. According to the official Zumba website, it
was a result of a “happy accident” – Beto was on his way to teach an
aerobics class and realized he’d forgotten his music. He didn’t have time
to double back and get it, so he improvised; using the salsa and merengue
tapes he happened to have on him. Instead of strict rep-counting, he
ended up improvising a class that was the perfect mix of dance and
aerobics that kept his students moving and having fun!
In 2001, he started teaching his hybrid dance/aerobics in Miami, and
through another “happy accident”, he got in touch with two other Albertos
– Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion. Together, they called the new style
“Zumba”, a word that doesn’t have any specific meaning but has become
synonymous with this great combination of fitness and fun, and brought
it to fitness centers all over the world.

Benefits of Zumba Exercise

1. It’s fun. The more you enjoy your exercise routine, the more likely you
are to stick with it. Many people say they have so much fun dancing that
they forget they are actually exercising.
2. Great for weight loss. Zumba is a powerful exercise with a 600 to
1,000-calorie burn in just an hour.
3. Tones your entire body. Zumba targets lots of different muscle groups
at once for total body toning.
4. Boosts your heart health. You not only get aerobic benefits (it really
gets your heart rate up), you also get anaerobic benefits – the kind that
help you maintain a good cardiovascular respiratory system.
5. Helps you de-stress. Turning your attention to dance, and away from
the daily grind, is a great way to relieve stress.
6. Improves coordination. In Zumba, your arms and legs are generally
moving in different directions so it requires a good deal of coordination
7. Makes you happy. Every time you exercise, you release endorphins,
which trigger positive feelings throughout the body.

Dance Warm-Up
Includes body isolations which can be executed by moving a particular
part of the body without any movement from the rest of the body parts.
This warm-up can last from 15-20 minutes

Importance of Dance Warm-Up

1. Helps avoid physical injuries like in the spine, arms, wrists,
shoulders, ankles and other parts of the body.
2. Helps improve dancer’s balance, coordination, proper alignment,
and awareness of a centered body which affects the dance performance.
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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020
Activity 3



Students: Individual
Equipment: Music, portable speaker and proper Zumba attire
Area any open space

1. You will create a simple Zumba dancing routine with complete elements of an
➢ warm-up for 2-3 minutes,
➢ workout proper for 10 minutes (minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 music)
student can use the music of their choice
➢ cool down for 2-3 minutes.

2. You will record your Zumba routine and submit through online platform such
as messenger or email.
3. Students output will be graded through the following criteria


(4) (3) PROFICIENCY (1)
Performance Taken Taken Developing; Inadequate/weak
seriously seriously; not taken very performance; not
while having performed seriously taken seriously
fun, very well with
well some
performed mistakes
(no (consider
mistakes) level of
Effort Went above Put in Effort put in No effort put in
and beyond significant only as asked
effort and effort but not
really took necessarily
the activity above what is
seriously asked

Activity 4

What have I observed?

In this activity, students will be asked to describe about his/her

community’s effort when it comes to Zumba engagement as means of recreation.

Zumba has been very popular these days and can be observed almost
everywhere. In your community, describe the efforts exerted by your neighbors when
it comes to Zumba as means of recreation.
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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
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(Print upside-down)

Own personal idea/ varied answers

Activity No. 1 and 2

Evaluated by:


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mechanical including photocopying without written permission from DepEd Ormoc City.
Georgia C. Dichosa/2020

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