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Marvie Joy M.

Torralba BSN II-N21

In a placement during my clinical duty for two weeks, we have been given the obligations to create daily
objectives, Formulate NCPs, and Drug studies, Assess and Interview a patient. My groupmates and I have
been under the supervision of our clinical instructor during the entire rotation. It was not easy as we're only
learning online, but we did our best to attain our goals and continue doing the tasks. During the patient
interview, we asked questions to check and discover issues during the client's experiences in labor. It has led
us to formulate the subjective and objective data to be included in making NCP. We have been assigned to do
reporting on different topics and discussed further insights to be covered. During the final day of duty, we
discussed the issues present during the interview and additionally received greater insights as to what we
have missed.

I was always nervous during meetings and interviews because it was difficult to formulate questions and
answers right away. Making NCPs and Drug Studies is however difficult, and it would take me hours to
complete them. Although we all have the means or equipment to conduct accurate data research, we
must take our time to formulate and study it to obtain what we seek. The time allotted for completing all
requirements was somewhat shorter, which is a good thing because it forces us to be quick and attentive.
We were also having trouble listening to lectures and answering questions. It would have been preferable
if we had studied more. Overall, it was a fantastic experience, and everything was under control. Our
clinical instructor has provided us with many useful insights and has reminded us of things we may have

When reflecting on my experiences during clinical duty, one of the issues that I have encountered is a
lack of communication. I noticed that we were too afraid to speak up, which resulted in us not having the
necessary clarifications for the tasks. I am grateful that during our most recent meeting, we were able to
discuss it again, and this time we were able to participate, even if our answers were insufficient. It has
given us the opportunity to explore and gain insights. Our instructor may have appeared to be scolding
us, but I truly believe and understand that what she did was for our benefit, and the topics discussed
were indeed useful and relevant.

After a few days, I gained the courage to speak up, as did my groupmates. It occurred to me that
communication is essential when dealing with patients. This will help to make the work faster and more
reliable, as well as prevent mistakes. In nursing, multiple communication theories are used to explain
and guide interactions between nurses and patients, as well as between nurses and other health care
professionals. According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Patient Safety, “preventable medical
errors kill up to 440,000 people each year, making them the third leading cause of death in the United
States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Joint Commission
estimates that 80 percent of deaths caused by medical errors are the result of miscommunication.
Excellent communication skills are required to be a successful nurse.’’ This actively illustrates that, the
ability to communicate and connect with patients and health care professionals can aid in the
development of relationships, the prevention of errors, and the provision of a higher level of care.

It is never easy to speak up, but in my experience, it is always better to talk and ask relevant questions
not only to gain knowledge, but also to be effective in dealing with problems during patient care. I am
grateful for this experience, and I will actively learn about it in order to prevent it happening again.

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