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AI Writing Recommendation

Francis A. Caruso

Quail Creations

Your Needs

There is a wide variety of AI writing assisting services on the internet, but you need assistance that will
accommodate all of your needs. Based on the data you provided me, you'll need a multi-functional service
in the different types of documentation aspect, a quick and easy service to put out information at a
reasonable volume, and a service that matches the elements of your current computer. Based on these
three requirements, I have compiled a list of three different AI writing services that could all benefit you. I
will be going over the pros and cons of each and providing my recommendation as to which service
would best suit you.

Writer is more a long-term service, with its ability to set guidelines for all the work you put out. Meaning
if you have a consistent tone of your messages or if you want to avoid specific terminology, you can set
parameters for yourself to help achieve those goals. This system is combined with what is known as the
basics; grammar and spelling correction combined with multiple forms of writing style and format help.
Its best pro is its machine learning system that helps more and more as you register with more or longer
documents to help you create consistent quality work. People, who are very familiar with the system, say
it "reduces the cognitive strain." as it helps you write (Davenport, 2020, para 14). The biggest con of
Writer is that it can be hard to get comfortable with since there are many possibilities within it, and due to
the high-level AI system, it will take time to master its services.

Scrivener is a service known to be better for longer documents, but it includes some exciting features to
help with all different types of writing papers. Its most prominent feature is the array of templates at your
disposal. These templates keep this service very versatile when business writing. Some of the other
features include a library, corkboard, formatting panels, and other menu options. Unfortunately, these
features are also the service's biggest con. One reviewer described them as "distractions from writing
itself" (Duffy, 2020, para 2).

Articoolo is the quickest input to output system out of the three, with exciting assistance features. The AI
system will take your writing, add more information from its database, and rewrite your document,
particularly useful in confusing formatting or content quality situations. Added to its ability to self-check
for readability, it makes it great for some quick turnaround. Articoolo also provides some other exciting
features like summarization, title generation, and starting paragraph help. The service's best feature is the
Essaybuddy; this feature "requires your essay topic only. It utilizes its algorithm to analyze the essay topic
and find the related resources, so it can provide you interesting writing ideas to work on." (Sevilla, 2021,
para 35). This feature can be easily manipulated to help create longer professional documents with its
ability to analyze topics to help carry the importance of the document throughout. The only con of
Articoolo is its lack of development, documents may need more editing after going through its services.
The Best

These AI writing systems would all be solid picks to assist in business writing. They all come with great
features making it come down to their cons for which is best. Writer is all-around great service, but as an
entry-level AI writing service, it may be more overwhelming and harder to get a grasp of in time to
develop all the documents your situation demands. Scrivener has a similar problem; its number of choices
can be distracting and not helpful in getting work done swiftly. Leaving Articoolo, it is the best entry-
level service of the three, and its con is that it might require some review before use, which all services
will need in some form or another. However, with its exciting services, simplicity, and quick output times,
I believe it is the best for you, sir.


Davenport, T. (2020, November 10). The Future Of Work Now: AI-Assisted Writing With And Intuit. Forbes.


Duffy, J. (2020, January 2020). Scrivener Review. PCMAG.

Sevilla, A. (2021, July 12). Best AI writer of 2021. TechRadar.

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