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M Mangapati Pallam Raju

Minister for Human Resource Development (MHRD)
Government of India
Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi, Delhi
Ph: +91 (11) 23782698,23782387 ( Off.)
+91 (11) 23382365 (Fax)
+91 (11) 23385054 ( Res.)
+91 (11) 23385054 (Fax)
E- Mail :



I, Dr. M Mangapati Pallam Raju, a 3 - time Indian National Congress Parliamentarian

from Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh and the newly appointed Minister for Human Resource
Development(MHRD); come in to this special All India Party Meet as a minister of the
ruling UPA alliance with an intention to forge unanimous guidelines in order to make
India a Corruption free nation while setting guidelines in this regard to help realize the
envisaged goals of VISION – 2020: A Developed India.

As a committed parliamentarian and a responsible minister; I have already setup a road

plan for my ministry which is in conformity with the aims of Vision – 2020. I have made
it very clear to my department that, Moral education in school level must assume
importance; for it is this aspect of comprehensive learning that is lacking. At this juncture
recalling the words of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam who had said that, “It is the Moral side of
education that is lacking in the youth of the nation. For only when they know what is
moral and immoral will they be able to choose between the right and wrong.” This
quotation is of prominence when we discuss about corruption too.

As a Minister, I profoundly reject all charges of corruption that have been put on the
Government, for in most of the cases these charges are no act of corruption but could be
termed as “ wrong – timing of policies” while in other cases they are unproven / sub –
judice baseless allegations.

Over the duration of the meet, I intend to indulge in giving as many solutions as possible
to remove this disease called corruption instead of indulging in mudslinging.

Currently the Nation has many Legal and Legislative frameworks to thwart corruption
like, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; Indian Penal Code, 1860; Prosecution Section
of Income Tax Act, 1961; The Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988; Prevention
of Money Laundering Act, 2002 etc.,
Dr. M Mangapati Pallam Raju
Minister for Human Resource Development (MHRD)
Government of India
Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road
New Delhi, Delhi
Ph: +91 (11) 23782698,23782387 ( Off.)
+91 (11) 23382365 (Fax)
+91 (11) 23385054 ( Res.)
+91 (11) 23385054 (Fax)
E- Mail :

Also adding to it is the presence of Vigilante watchdog institutions like CVC, Lokayukta,
CAG etc.., At this juncture I also request all party members to aim at strengthening these
institutions and pass an effective Lok Pal bill at the earliest.

(digital / scanned signature)

Dr. M M Pallam Raju
Minister for HRD

 This Policy Statement is just

a sample one relating to just
one issue which is not
related to your agenda in any
manner. Kindly note, this is
the format that needs to be

 You are to cover the agenda

in a single policy statement
with the word limit being
minimum of 800 words and
maximum of 1200 words
(excluding the header,
footnotes and signature

 2 print outs of your policy

statement must be brought
along during the first session
of the conference.

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