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Part 2

You will hear a radio programme about the life of the singer, Lena Horne. For questions 1-8, complete
the sentences.

The 'talented tenth' was a label given to those African Americans who had good social positions and
were ____________________ .

She left school and began her singing career at the well-known ________________.

Her mother was keen that Lena's singing career would bring about the collapse of

Lena refused to sing for audiences of servicemen and prisoners which were ________________.

When Lena entered Hollywood, black actors were generally only hired to act in the roles of

While she was working for Hollywood, Lena found that, during the ___________________ , much of her
spoken work was removed from the film.

Lena spent a lot of the 1950s working in __________________ due to her being considered a

Most people will remember Lena for her _____________________.

Part 3

You will hear a radio interview with the comedian Brain Conley, who does a considerable amount of
work in panto, a type of family-friendly show which is popular at Christmas. For questions 1-6, choose
the answer which fits best according to what you hear.

Brian likes Birmingham because:

a)It has provided him with a steady income

b) It is where he grew up
c) It was where he first became famous

When they discuss children’s participation in panto, Brian says that

a) he prefers children not to come up on stage

b) it’s important to get the parents’ permission if a child wants to participate
c) he thinks that children’s participation adds a certain quality to the show

According to Brian, the advantage of panto is that

a) All the actors can change their lines to reflect current events.
b) The qualities required in panto match his talents.
c) It gives him the chance to play a comedy character.

Brian became involved in comedy because

a) He had wanted to do it since he was a child.

b) His friends at school encouraged him to do it.
c) He found he could earn more by doing comedy.

What does Brian say about providing comedy for corporate events?

a) It is easy because the audience has had a lot to drink.

b) He has learnt how to respond to comments from the audience.
c) It’s the only way for many comedians to find work.

What does Brian feel with regards to nerves?

a) He agrees with a comment someone made early in his career

b) He no longer feels nervous because he is more experienced
c) The extent of his nerves has changed over the years

Part 4

For questions 1-5, choose from the list the type of holiday the person had.

1. Speaker 1: a) A stay with relatives

2. Speaker 2: b) A cottage holiday
3. Speaker 3: c) A tropical destination
4. Speaker 4: d) A walking holiday
5. Speaker 5: e) A mini break
f) A break at home
g) A camping trip
h) A family wedding

For questions 6-10, choose from the list what each speaker is expressing.

6. Speaker 1: a) it was surprisingly a good place for shopping

7. Speaker 2: b) it was less problematic than last holiday
8. Speaker 3: c) it wasn't as restful as expected
9. Speaker 4: d) it had several unforgettable moments
10. Speaker 5: e) it was a great cultural experience
f) it was a break from the usual routine
g) it was a wonderful achievement
h) it was surprisingly relaxing

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