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Nursing Care for Mrs. M with Diabetes Mellitus in the Airlangga Room, RSUD Kanjuruhan

Background : Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by an increase

in blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is caused by various things, but
hyperglycemia is most often caused by diabetes mellitus. In diabetes mellitus, sugar accumulates in
the blood so that it fails to enter the cells. This failure occurs due to the lack of insulin hormone or
functional defects. The hormone insulin is a hormone that helps the entry of blood sugar. In this
final scientific paper, the case of Mrs. M with a diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. This study aims to
study and understand in depth about nursing care in Ny. M with Diabetes Mellitus in the Airlangga
Room, Kanjuruhan Hospital.

Methods: Writing this final scientific paper for nurses uses a research design with a case study
approach to explore the problem of nursing care for Diabetes Mellitus patients in the Airlangga
Room, RSUD Kanjuruhan. Case studies using nursing care are a series of individual nursing
processes for patients diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus including assessment, data analysis, nursing
interventions, implementation and evaluation. In the assessment process the author uses various
data collection techniques such as history taking, observation, documentation studies and physical
examination to collect various data from patients, namely Mrs. M to complete the data, the author
also conducted interviews with the family of Mrs. M.

Results: After providing nursing care for 2 consecutive days, the authors raised 4 priority nursing
diagnoses, namely acute pain, blood glucose instability, nutritional deficits, and sleep pattern
disturbances. The patient has been hospitalized for 5 days with unstable glucose levels. On the 7 th
day the patient was allowed to go home and had to be regularly monitored with self-administered

Conclusion : Of the four nursing problems, acute pain and blood glucose instability are priority
diagnoses. Interventions that have been applied to patients are insulin administration twice a day,
diabetes mellitus diet, monitoring blood glucose levels before and after meals, and relaxation deep
breathing techniques to reduce pain. The implementation is in accordance with the nursing
intervention plan. The evaluation obtained was that the patient’s blood glucose level was still
unstable and on the 7th day the patient was allowed to go home with independent insulin treatment
and routine control.

Keywords: Nursing Care, Diabetes Mellitus.

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