2nd Quarterly Examination in Values Part1

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2nd Quarterly Examination in Values/Arete 7

Name: ______________________________________________ Score: ____________

Parent’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________
I. Directions: Identify what/who is being defined in the following. Write the letter
of your answer on the space provided before each number.
A. Nonviolence E. Mahatma Gandhi I. Thankfulness
B. Interior F. Dignity J. Exterior
C. Discernment G. Theme K. Nicholas Vujicic
D. Human Rights H. Nelson Mandela

_____1. Two types of freedom.

_____2. .
_____3. He once said that true freedom is to forgive.
_____4. Every October 2, the world celebrates the International Day of __________.
_____5. He is India’s father of the nation.
_____6. Ability to determine what is right or wrong, and choosing the path an
individual has to travel.
_____7. It is the self value or worth of every human being.
_____8. On the 10th of Decembers are the International Day for __________.
_____9. The state of appreciating everything that you have.
_____10. A person who learned to overcome his physical challenge and inspire other
people to uphold their self value and dignity.
II. Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. Write your answer
on the space before each number.
_____11. Dignity can be bought by money.
_____12. Every child has the right to receive proper education.
_____13. A person is free if he does what he wants without thinking of others.
_____14. We have the natural right to life and liberty and are equal in dignity.
_____15. We are all a gift from God.
_____16. True freedom comes from within.
_____17. To be truly free is not a choice, it is your destiny to be free.
_____18. All persons are subjected to receive equal rights provided by the
_____19. The state should promote harmony between its people.
_____20. Nicholas Vujicic inspires others through the challenges that he was able to
II. Directions: Below is The Serenity Prayer to achieve freedom. Fill in the missing words
on the said prayer.

God grant me the serenity Taking, as he did, this sinful world

to _________ the things I cannot change; As it is, not as I would have it;
________ to change the things I can; __________ that he will make
And __________ to know the difference things ________

Living one day at a time; if I surrender to ______ will;

That I may be reasonably _______
Enjoying one moment at a time; in this life
Accepting ____________ as the and supremely happy with Him
Pathway to __________; __________ in the next.

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