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Submitted to English Teaching Department of Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of IAIN Batusangkar

as A Requirement for Thesis Proposal



Reg. No. 1930104026







1. Background of the problem

2. Focus and Quastion of research

3. Objective of research

4. Significance of research


1. Review of Related Theories.

2. Factors that prevent students to taking majoring in English education


1. Research Design

2. Setting of the research

3. Technic of Data Collection



A. Background of the problem

In today's era, education is very important. Education has a role in shaping

the human person. Without education, humans cannot progress, develop, and be
happy in a good life goal. The process of human development and education is not
only influenced by the educational process that exists in the formal education
system, but also depends on education that is outside the formal environment.
Therefore education is very important in people's lives, in shaping a better
generation in the future.

English one of the languages that many people use to

communicate[ CITATION eri16 \l 1033 ].it is position of English as a international
language in this modern era, the students should be able to communicate in
English well .

Not only in Indonesia but education is important all over the world with an
example in the implementation os student exchange activities between countries
in the world, as well as the awereness of every student to go
international.Therefore language education is an important thing to pay attention

Therefore, language education is considered very important in addition to

language as a tool to communicate, language is also a means to deliver education.
And even more so if you want to study abroad, you must master the language of
that country or master an international language. English which is an
international language is considered indispensable in learning at this time..

Because the need for English education is quite high at this time. So
qualified teaching staff is also very much needed to support the development of
English language education. Thus, I feel that there is a need for educational
personnel who can be born through lectures, especially in the field of English
language education.

But what researchers have noticed at this time is that many students are
afraid to continue their studies in the field of English education. They consider
that English language education is a very difficult thing so they are less interested
in continuing their education in the field of English language education in college.

From researcher research by taking a question to several student at senior

high school no. 2 Tanah Datar. That student not ready to taking English education
at school because many reason, one of them is the assumption that English is
difficult for them.

Based on the problem above. Researchers are interested in researching the


B. Focus and Question of Research

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher focuses his
research on the student preseption on English education collageThis research was
conducted on final year students at high school No. 2 Tanah Datar

Therefore, the research question is formulated as followshow are the

perceptions of final year students at high school 2 Tanah Datar

C. Objective of Research

1. To know the concept of the subject Quantitative Research.

2. To know the students' opinions about the lack of interest in continuing

to study English education

D. Significance of the Research

The results of this study can be used as a reference for researchers and all
of English teacher to improve student interest to become an English teacher, by
majoring in English education in lectures.


A. Review of Related Theories.

1. Definition of English education
a. definition

English education is the act or process of importing or acquiring

English knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment,
and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
[ CITATION wil06 \l 1033 ]

Study that discuss about speaking, reading, writing, and listning

skill, and then deliberately practiced or rehearsed to facilitate the
formation of a lasting memory trace[ CITATION hul01 \l 1033 ]

Based on the theories can be conclude that English education is

process transfer component of English education from the teacher or
people to another intend to increase the people education in English.

b. English learning strategy

Oxford (1990) divides strategy learn into two big parts: hands-on
and indirectly. Live strategy then broken down further into three type;
memory, cognitive, and compensation. Indirect strategies are divided into
three: meta-cognitive, effective, and social.Each strategy has its own types
of activities.

1). Memory

Memory learning strategy used by the learner by utilizing

knowledge and learning experience previous. There are many
learning strategies involves memory and processing power learning

2). Cognitive

Cognitive strategy is everything learner behavior in the

learning process teaching related to use of the learner's thinking
3). Compensation

Compensation learning strategies are used by learners who

already have sufficient skills high. This learning strategy is usually
used to overcome some language limitations.

4). d. Meta-cognitive

Meta-cognitive strategy is everything related learner

behavior with the technique or way of the learner to dealing with
and managing study materials teach.

5). Affective

Affective strategy is all behavior learner related to attitudes

and feelings of learners in face the learning process. This strategy
further divided into two: affective positive and negative affective.
Affective strategy Positive is a learner's behavior that shows that
the learner accepts and appreciate the teaching and learning
process. Negative affective strategies are behavior learner who
demonstrates that learner refuses and does not appreciate teaching
and learning process.

6). f. Social

Social strategy is all behavior work-related learner as a

learner with his peers in achieve learning goals.[ CITATION oxf90 \l
1033 ]

2. Factors that prevent students to taking majoring in English


English learning is considered by students to be very difficult

because of many reason that they think will affect their future lectures,
such as the difficullty in doing the assignments given by lecturer, unable to
speak english fluently, to difficulties in compiling theses, so they do not
dare to take majors english education.

Irham and Wiyani[ CITATION Irh13 \l 1033 ] state that learning

difficulties are a condition when students experience obstacles in
participating in the teaching and learning process so as to achieve learning
outcomes that are not optimal. According to Blassic & Jones [ CITATION
Irh13 \l 1033 ], the difficulties experienced by students in learning indicate
that there is a gap between the expected academic achievement and what is
actually achieved by students. Hamalik[ CITATION Ham83 \l 1033 ] also
states that students' difficulties in learning are disorders that can hinder
student learning progress and can also lead to failure of student
achievement. According to Abdurrahman (2003) said that learning
difficulties can be divided into two major groups, namely:

a. Developmental learning disabilities. The subcategories of these

difficulties are: a) developmental learning difficulties including motor
and perceptual disorders, b) language and communication learning
difficulties, and c) learning difficulties in adjusting to social behavior.
b. Academic learning disabilities, namely learning difficulties that
include failures to achieve academic achievement in accordance with
the expected capacity. These failures include mastery of skills in
reading, writing, or speaking.

The factors that cause difficulties in learning English are strongly

influenced by the level of mastery of the language of each student. in the
process of learning English called listening and reading and as receptive
skills, while reading and speaking are productive skills, all of which must
be possessed by students.[ CITATION fik16 \l 1033 ]


A. Research Design
Design of this research qualitative research. This research found
the reason why student afraid to taking English education department in
B. Setting of the research

Setting of the research is in final grade student at senior high

school no. 2 Tanah Datar 2020-2021 academic year. researcher took the
information from different classes exactly in grade 3 students. Each of
them are class 12A, 12B, 12C. the place of the research to did an
observation were in Senior High School no. 2 Tanah Datar, and did the
interview around the school environment, not in class hours. The
informants of this research are final grade student of senior high school
no.2 Tanah Datar 2020 and 2021 academic year.

C. Technic of Data Collection

The main instrument this research is the researcher. According to

Gay (2000:19) in [ CITATION Ert16 \l 1033 ], the resarcher should enter the
setting to get the data, do observation and interview. To get the many
information from informants the researcher interview and recorded it and
field note to take some information.

In this study, researchers as human instruments came to the field to

obtain data by interviewing informants to find out the opinions of final
year students regarding taking English education majors in lectures. Due
to the Covid-19 condition which limits the movement space for teachers
and students, interviews were conducted via smartphones on 11 to 13 June
2021. In this study, researchers took part in several interviews to find out
how students felt about their lack of interest in majoring in English
education. at the educational level.

This data collection technique will be used to obtain direct

information from students at the end of the 2020 academic year and the
2021 school year of high school no. 2 Tanah Datar in their lack of interest
in majoring in English education.

Ertika, S. (2016). factors influencing students reticnce to participate in english classroom.

Hamalik, U. (1983). metodologi belajar dan kesulitan-kesulitan belajar. jakarta: tarsito.

Irham, m. d. (2013). psikologi pendidikan teori dan aplikasi dalam proses pembelajaran.
jurnal bahasa, dan sastra , 253-254.

j.h, h. (2001). a reappraisal of elaboration,rehersal,and automaticity. in cognition and

second language instruction. In p.robinson, intentional and incidential second language
vocabulary learning (pp. 258-256). cambridge university press.

megawati, f. (2016). kesulitan mahasiswa dalam mencapai pembelajaran bahasa inggris

secara efektif. jurnal pedagogia , 148.

oxford, R. (1990). language learning strategies . boston: heinle and heinle publishers.

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