Codification Paramount Land

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Codification – PT Paramount Land

Our Vision
To be a leading property company in Indonesia, by building homes and people across the nation with

Our Mission
To faithfully serve with the highest commitment to our customers and communities, so they can live
holistically and sustainably by developing townships, real estate, large mixed-use development,
infrastructure and high quality living environments, whilst continuously also observing and supporting
education both quantitatively and qualitatively, as Indonesia becomes firmly grounded as a globally
recognized nation of strength, moving into its golden era of development over the next 20-30 years.

Slogan “Building Homes and People with Heart Across the Nation”

Case: custom homes  kluster Malibu Village di Gading Serpong, Tangerang.

1.010 rumah di atas lahan 11 hektare untuk kluster Malibu Village.

 9 gaya rumah yang bisa dipilih konsumen, meliputi gaya Classic, American Scandinavian, Japan,
Mediteranian, Modern, Victorian, Colonial, dan Art Deco.
 3 pilihan warna
 3 jenis fasad bagian depan, baik itu cat, batu alam, atau batu artifisial.
 8 paket spesfikasi perlengkapan rumah
Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI): rekor kluster dengan alternatif desain terbanyak, 1.296 alternatif.

“Biasanya, customization seperti ini hanya bisa terjadi untuk hunian mewah. Tapi, kami memahami
bahwa setiap manusia memiliki keinginan, kebutuhan, dan mimpi yang berbeda. Termasuk untuk
hunian yang ditempatinya,” Aryo Tri Ananto, Direktur Paramount Land.  reflecting its value “Building
Homes and People with Heart.”


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