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Centroids and Center of Gravity

Definition of centroid and center of gravity

The center of gravity (c.g.) of a body is located at the centroid. The center of gravity is the point
where the resultant weight is concentrated.


The analytical location of the center of gravity is simply a variation of the principle of moments;
that is the moment of the resultant is equal to the moment sum of its parts.
Moment of an Area
- The moment of an area about an axis is the product of the area and the distance of its
centroid from the axis.

y Mx = AῩ
= moment about x-axis

My = AႿ
= moment about y-axis

Centroid of lines, areas, and volumes and composite figures

Centroids of Composite Figure
- The moment of the whole area is equal to the algebraic sum of area composing the

When the whole composes of n areas:

AႿ = A1x1 + A2x2 + …. + Anxn AῩ = A1y1 + A2y2 + …. + Anyn
∑ Ax ∑Ay
Ⴟ= Ῡ=
Centroid of Volume: Centroid of Line:
VႿ = v1x1 + v2x2 + …..+ vnxn LႿ = L1x1 + L2x2 + ….+ Lnxn

Centroid of Area: Centroid of an Area by integration:

AႿ = A1x1 + A2x2 + ……+ Anxn AႿ = ∫ x dA
AӮ = ∫ y dA
Centroids for Common Geometric Shapes
(1) Locate the centroid of the area shown.

A = Arectangle – Atriangle
A = 19200 - 3600 = 15,600 mm2
(19, 200)

120 mm

15, 600 Ⴟ = 19,200 (60) – 3,600 [2/3(1200)]


Ⴟ = 55.38 mm

15 600 Ῡ = 19,200 (80) – 3,600 [1/3(60)]

60 mm

100 mm

Ῡ = 93.85 mm

C: (55.38 mm, 93.85 mm)

160 mm
(2) From the rectangular area shown a semicircle of radius 4 cm is removed. Locate the
centroid of the remaining area.

6 cm
6 cm

6 cm



Arec. – Ahalf circle

A = 72 - 8π = 46.867 cm2
4( 4)
46.867 Ⴟ=72 (3 )−8 π

Ⴟ = 3.698 cm

C: (3.698 cm, 0)
Plates No.

Solve the following problems clearly and neatly.

1. The dimensions of the T-section of a cast-iron beam are shown in figure. How far is the
centroid of the area above the base?

2. Determine the coordinates of the centroid of the area shown in figure with respect to
the given axes.

3. Locate the centroid of the shaded area shown.

4. Locate the centroid of the shaded area in figure created by cutting a semicircle of
diameter r from a quarter circle of radius r.

5. Locate the centroid of the shaded area.

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