Dragon #373 - The Ecology of The Sharn

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Ecology of the Sharn

by Brian R. James
illustrations by Eva Widermann

Lyrna could suppress her tears no longer. She wasn’t the only
one overcome by the senseless devastation around her. Others in
the procession openly wept at the blighted sore their homeland
had become. Where once stood rolling hills wreathed in verdant
foliage now stood barren moorland—twisted and inimical to life.
Behind her, the walls of Myth Akherynnar faded away into the
cloying mists. She, the last scion of House Fathomlin, understood
her duty well, yet the young elf knew in her heart it would be the
last time she would set eyes upon the shining capital.

Whispering a prayer to the fey spirits, Lyrna tightened the

grip on her staff and quickened her pace. With the blessing of
the spirits, the elves would reach the Tosofome Caldera by dawn
of the third day. There they would initiate the high magic ritual
that would drive the Killing Storm back from whence it came—to
the boughs of Aryvandaar.

The hiss of acid rain driven hard against her protective

wards drew Lyrna back to the present. Looking around, she was
momentarily shocked to discover she was no longer among the
procession. Eyes widening, she saw that she was standing among
the shattered ruins of Faer’tel’miir, ninety miles to the north. Yet
how could this be?

Shock turned to mute horror as an oily abomination from out

of her nightmares materialized from the wall before her, three
eel-like heads turning to regard her despite their lack of eyes.

“Miyeritar is lost,” intoned three distinct voices. “But through

us your civilization can endure.”

Lyrna found her voice at last, issuing a full-throated scream

as oily black goo seeped up from the ground to engulf her.

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Ecology of the Sharn

Legend and Lore fragment into the heart of the primordial vastness
and planted it there, giving birth to the Abyss. This Evolution of the Sharns
Sharns are an enigma little understood by sages and act awakened the elder primordials to the burgeon- The sharns are the original creation of Ed Greenwood,
rightfully feared by adventurers. Born of the last rem- ing power of the gods, and soon war raged across all and they appear briefly in the acclaimed AD&D® 2nd
nants of a dead world, these timeless beings embody creation. Tharizdun was ultimately imprisoned for Edition adventure boxed set Ruins of Undermountain
raw eldritch might. They might rise to rule the mortal his effrontery, and the gods gained the upper hand in 1991. Subsequent supplements, including Neth-
world, if they cared and could put their minds to it, against the primordials. Since that time, the universe eril: Empire of Magic, paint the sharns as adversaries
but their agenda seems more sophisticated than tem- has enjoyed at least the seeming of an uneasy peace. of the malevolent phaerimm; the sharns’ primary
poral wealth or power. Their motives are alien and motivation was to prevent the abuse of magic and
ever shifting. Some dare claim the sharns are insane. preserve the lore of doomed civilizations. In 2006,
Sharns assert that what others call insanity is actually The End of all Things the sharns were central to the plot of the novel Black-
enlightenment. How different might the world be today if the primor- staff by Steven E. Schend, yet the true genesis of this
dials had won the Dawn War instead of the gods? In enigmatic creature remained elusive. Now, in 2009,
such a world, would Tharizdun have avoided impris- we bring the sharns into the core D&D® universe to
Origin of the Sharns onment to carry out his mad scheme to unmake the share the spotlight with aboleths, illithids, and other
Most aberrant creatures seem to lack coherent expla- universe? Such a universe does exist. On the surface, memorable aberrant creatures.
nation, and the sharns are no exception. Long has it seems little different from our own, but peer a little
their origin been shrouded in mystery, for the sharns more closely, and it quickly becomes apparent that
never speak of it to nonsharns and no divination something has gone horribly wrong. had the mad god become that he shed his divinity in
illuminates the truth. Some scholars cite the aber- All that was remains as a devastated world drift- a grand apotheosis, becoming something beyond a
rant physiology and strange magic of the sharns as ing within a decaying corpse of a universe. Skeletons god—something perverse and outside the known.
evidence of their link to the Far Realm. Yet the truth of buildings, cities, and whole civilizations dot this The sharns remained as the sentient remnant of all
of their creation is more bizarre and complex than a world of dust and twilight. Jagged bolts of lightning Tharizdun had destroyed and abandoned—a collec-
mere link to the Outside. illuminate the gray vault of the sky, born from ink- tive of merged consciousnesses. For a time, forsaken
Here the true origin of the sharns is revealed. Such black clouds that circle the decaying world like and alone on a dying world, this chaotic amalgam
truth is perilous lore indeed. Many have lost their stalking predators. Above the world hangs a feeble, watched and waited. It’s unclear whether curiosity
sanity in an attempt to comprehend matters anath- collapsing sun, ringed by a halo of utter darkness. or boredom drove it to act, but soon the roiling amor-
ema to the mortal psyche. Here Tharizdun’s will is manifest in a world whose phous form of pitch-black “sharnstuff ” began to move
fate is dust and death. Between the booming thunder, across the brittle landscape. Something within drove
the roar of unquenchable fire, and the violent crack- it to explore and catalog the dying world.
The Shattering ing of the brittle earth, ethereal whispers echo from To speed its study, the sharnstuff formed manifes-
Somewhere at the dawn of the cosmos, the elder god the void. These haunting wails emanate from the tations in the likeness of the tripartite Juna, extinct
Tharizdun stretched forth his hand to clutch a shard sharns, the last beings to bear witness to the end of all eel-like beings whose ruined metropolises dotted
of utter evil. This simple act exposed creation to the things in their version of creation. the otherwise lifeless world. Knowing their time to
perverse remains of another universe that evil had be short, these sharns gorged themselves on all the
destroyed. The power-hungry god was doomed to an knowledge they could consume. Within a few short
eternity of madness, his mind shattered and scattered Birthed of Doom years, the sharns had acquired thousands of magic
into other realities. The sharns alone stand sentinel over this world of implements unearthed around the globe. With the
In one reality—the “true” universe known to bones and ruins. Having achieved his ends, Thariz- eldritch artifacts and the latent divine energy infused
mortals today—Tharizdun carried the crystalline dun abandoned this universe eons ago. So mighty in their skin, the sharns attempted a ritual to escape

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Ecology of the Sharn

their doomed universe. They succeeded and arrived The only known method for traveling between the
deep in the Underdark of the known mortal world. world of Sharn and the known world is through Physiology
As the sharns moved into the known world, trans- planar breaches, which occur within the Sharnlands
muted rock sent a blizzard of black sand billowing in the Godless Deeps of the Underdark. Sharns Inquire about the sharns, and any sage on the world
forth from a tear in reality. From within that nimbus create, guard, and maintain such breaches jealously. of Toril describes a bizarre creature with three
of purple light, out poured pools of ebony goo contain- Through similarly great feats of magic, the sharns eel-like heads and peculiar tri-claw arms. Yet this
ing, here and there, bizarre creatures that were black have halted the total dissolution of their home description does not represent the true form of this
with three eyeless heads and odd tri-clawed arms. world. The arcane expenditure necessary to forestall inscrutable being.
Eldritch reactions created towering crystals, lumi- oblivion is immense and ongoing. Sharn arcanists
nous and mysterious. perform the rituals daily. For this reason, most sharns
encountered in the Sharn world are younger sharns. Skin of the Ancient Ones
These scouts acquire magic items and assimilate the In their natural state, sharns exist as amorphous pools
Elder Elemental Eye knowledge of the indigenous population to sustain the of oily black ooze. This semifluid “sharnstuff ” is slimy
From his place of imprisonment, Tharizdun sensed preservation of their world. and cold to the touch. Through a minor act of con-
the arrival of the sharns. He instantly knew these scious thought, a sharn can alter its composition and
beings were of him and yet were not of him, and the viscosity to adopt a physical form. The resultant form
paradox was delicious. With this fortuitous omen, the Sharn Lore has no fine definition and maintains its signature oily
Chained God began a to call to the sharns. If they A character knows the following information with a black appearance.
ever listen, who knows what could befall the world? successful Dungeoneering check. Lacking a pulmonary system, sharns have no need
DC 20: The sharns live in the yawning depths to breathe. If submerged, they can remain underwa-
of the Underdark in a region known as the Godless ter indefinitely. In fact, the sharns have no internal
World of the Sharn Deeps. There in the Sharnlands, the sharns live in organs to speak of whatsoever. Flesh, nerves, and
The world of the sharns, and the universe that great pools of black, amorphous goo. Immense cav- blood are alien to their aberrant composition.
encloses it, exists beyond the known cosmology. erns filled with intricate crystalline formations are Unable to reproduce naturally, sharns require hosts
This universe once held its own Astral Sea, Elemen- common in this region, resembling the interior of a to join with symbiotes. Such assimilated creatures shed
tal Chaos, Feywild, and Shadowfell. After eons of massive geode. their individuality to join with the greater sharn com-
unchallenged dominion by an alternate Tharizdun, DC 25: Most elder sharns have retired to a state munity. Once an individual merges with the sharns,
only the mortal world remains, itself a shadowy hulk of eternal contemplation, leaving younger sharns the process is irreversible except under extremely rare
of its former self. to gather intelligence and defend the Sharnlands. and specific conditions. Typically, the host is a willing
These younger sharns take interest in the activities of participant, but sharns do not shy from forcibly assimi-
mortals. lating an enemy if the threat is dire.
DC 30: Sharns are ancient aberrant creatures Effectively immortal in their natural state, sharns
World of Sharn Traits hailing from an alternate reality outside the known have been known to while away the years without
Type: Mirror world on an alternate mortal world. universe. Despite what most believe, sharns are not ever stirring from their dark pools.
Size and Shape: Spherical world; bounded. from the Far Realm.
Gravity: Normal, with regions of elemental buoyancy DC 35: The sharns take their name from the
where the world has begun to break apart into the dying world of their birth. Their signature tripartite Manifestations
void. form is an imperfect imitation of the Juna, an extinct When a sharn manifests a corporeal form, it typically
Mutability: Normal. species from the world of Sharn. adopts its signature shape—massive tapered forms of
amorphous flesh, jet-black and glistening as if coated
with viscous slime and surrounded by a nimbus of

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Ecology of the Sharn

purple light. Their enormous bodies are studded with A sharn’s heads and arms connect to a single trunk Culture
many tiny eyes that appear and disappear at random. ending in a thick tail. Its streamlined torso can glide
A sharn has three eyeless, eel-like heads, with as effortlessly through water as it does air. Despite its To outside observers, the sharns have a bizarre and
large gaping maws filled with sharp, serrated teeth. fearsome teeth and claws, a sharn prefers to remain at alien culture. Sharn society is organized into subter-
The heads are capable of vocalizing, but sharns prefer range and attack through hex portals. ranean communities called “pools,” with no concept
their limited telepathic capabilities for communicat- The manifestations most likely to be encountered of social classes and no hierarchy to speak of at all.
ing among themselves and seldom have a desire to in the world are known as blackclaws. Other variet- They do not concern themselves with faith or piety,
speak with mortals. Some manner of arcane olfactory ies exist including the phaseblades, hexshadows, and nor do they covet wealth or power.
system grants the sharn a superior sense of smell. the exceedingly powerful and rare shiftshades. As Their society is a bedlam of philosophical argu-
Aside from its three heads, its peculiar limbs are the caretakers of the rituals maintaining their dying ment and social intrigue. Power struggles, based
another signature feature. These snakelike, flexible world, shiftshades are masters of arcane might. These on ideological conflicts, are constant. This inward-
trunks end in an “elbow” where three humanlike sharns appear much the same as blackclaws, though looking focus does not prevent sharns from becoming
forearms split apart from each other. Each arm ends their constant state of temporal flux makes them embroiled in the affairs of other species, even across
in a humanlike hand topped with razor-sharp claws. appear as if they are phasing in and out of reality the planes. Exactly what their agenda might be in
Claws sprout and disappear along each of these (which isn’t far from the truth). such cases is rarely obvious and rarely unified.
bizarre appendages. The sharns all have the same broader world-view
and share a physical appearance, but they can take
different paths to achieve common aims.
When a sharn is slain, however, the individual
consciousnesses, at least three of which each being
possesses, are lost forever.

Despite their homogenous appearance and telepathic
abilities, sharns do not operate as a hive mind. Sharns
share a group consciousness that is as fragmented
as any intelligence can be. Unable to operate with a
single-minded purpose, the goals of the sharn appear
ever changing and often contradictory.
Though they possess a paradoxical nature, sharns
can work together in harmony for short periods of
time, whereupon they strive for the same goal while
anticipating and complementing each other’s actions.
Spawned from a shared community, sharn mani-
festations are independent agents that can act upon
their own desires and carry out their own agen-
das. Each manifestation has at least three entities,
granting the sharns supernatural alacrity for decision-
making. The more advanced a manifestation, the

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Ecology of the Sharn

more personalities it has. Multiple manifestations can Their uniquely peculiar minds prevent attempts at Earth Nodes
act in concert, sharing a peculiar form of short-range mental contact unless the sharn wishes it. Those who All sharns have a heightened ability to detect and
telepathy among them. have made such contact speak of a vast, turbulent activate earth nodes (see Forgotten R ealms® Cam-
A sharn fears little, but it is conscious of its own ocean of consciousness upon which float tiny islands paign Guide page 52 for details), but shiftshades take
mortality. If a shiftshade is threatened with imminent of individuality. this mastery to a whole other level. Knowing exactly
death, it takes all avenues available to it to shift out of where these nodes are gives the sharns the appear-
danger and return to its home pool. Each sharn rep- ance of having at-will teleportation powers. Their
resents the final legacy of a dead civilization, and the Magic propensity for appearing and disappearing wherever
loss of even one sharn is a loss for the entire world. As beings from an alternate reality, sharns command and whenever they like makes sharns difficult foes to
Sharns have speak the language of madness, an strange magic unknown in the world today. The defeat.
inheritance of their origin. They can also speak any eldest sharns also employ unique items of power from
tongue known to their society when the need arises. their dying world—lesser artifacts brimming with
When communicating with others, sharns commonly alien power. Hex Portals
adopt complex multisyllabic names with little regard With fine manipulation of eldritch energy, sharns can
for the other’s ability to pronounce it. create fissures in reality known as hex portals. Each
portal is a small hexagonal window of light 3 feet in
diameter that coalesces out of a swirl of purple motes.
A sharn can maintain up to three of them at once,
breaching nearly any ward or magical barrier. Oppo-
nents cannot attack a sharn through a hex portal.

Orb of Entropy
In addition to earth nodes and hex portals, powerful
sharns have created this item for use by allies and
minions, detailed below.

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Ecology of the Sharn

Sundering. With unbridled magic pounding against The sharns’ enmity against the phaerimm is well
Orb of Entropy Level 28 defensive wards, the mages joined mind and body to documented, driven by the latter’s employment of life
The utter ruin manifest in Tharizdun’s will swirls inside birth the first f haorn’quessir—a giant-sized, tripartite drain magic and the resultant desertification of the
this globe of purest black. When activated, the orb is being of immense power—to walk Toril in millennia. Anauroch.
shrouded in a nimbus of purple light. Yet even as the f haorn’quessir moved to counter
Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp the eldritch bonds of the Killing Storms, something
Implement (Orb) entirely unforeseen occurred. The eldritch bonds Plaguechanged Sharns
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls restricting the transformative magic to the high The Spellplague changed most sharns, magical beings
Critical: +1d8 psychic damage per plus mages of the First Circle unraveled. Unfettered, that they are. Their skin, once silver and black, now
Power (Daily ✦ Psychic, Zone): Free Action. When you
lashing tendrils of wild magic quickly enveloped runs in metallic shades of blue. The typical nimbus
use a power that creates a zone, you can activate this
power to make it so that any enemy that starts its the Second and Third Circles as well. With nary a of purple light now manifests as cerulean plaguefire
turn within the zone is dazed (save ends). The body moment to scream, all ninety souls, the Last Defend- dancing across their spellscarred bodies. The deep
of any creature killed within the zone is immediately ers of Miyeritar, were themselves subsumed into the ebony sharn pools now bubble and writhe with cobalt
destroyed. newborn entity. radiance, agitated by wild magical currents flowing
With no arcane practitioners left to maintain the within them.
ritual, the f haorn’quessir began to dissolve under the Worshiped as Spellplague avatars by a cult of
onslaught of the killing storms. Through fissures in spellscarred zealots, the Order of Blue Fire, these
Sharn of the the limestone bedrock, oily black rivulets converged plague-maddened sharns are on a mad quest. Despite
and flowed, forming deep black pools of amorphous the plague’s nature, the sharns view its chaotic ten-
Forgotten Realms goo in the lightless caverns of the Underdark. There drils as the last remaining strands of the true Weave,
the formless f haorn’quessir waited, its merged con- which is something they are desperate to preserve.
“Hundreds of sharns sloughed off their shimmering black sciousnesses pondering the mystery of its existence as As such, the sharn seek to nurture and spread active
skins, and many Faertelmin stepped from the darkness the centuries passed it by. pockets of Spellplague.
to reclaim their lives as elves, humans, dwarves, centaurs, To achieve this end, the sharns guide the Order of
and others. Know there are yet sharn in the Realms. They Blue Fire—a strained relationship at best. The simple
choose to remain as Rhymanthiin’s defenders as well as Custodians of the Weave truth of the matter is that the sharns don’t play well
defenders against corrupt magic across the Realms.” After slumbering for millennia, a discordant reso- with others. They prefer to follow their own shifting
nance in the Weave awakened the sharns and set agendas at their own chaotic pace.
them to their calling as custodians of the Weave. The
Origin Dark Disaster had burned an instinctive abhorrence
If the dark elves of Rhymanthiin are to be believed, to the abuse of magic into the sharn psyche. Magical Habitat
the first sharns of Faerûn were in fact an inadvertent devastation unleashed in Calimshan during the Shat- Sharn pools are typically underground in the Sharn-
byproduct of the Dark Disaster—great killing storms tering had cemented their resolve. lands and other regions of active Spellplague. A few of
sent against Miyeritar during the Third Crown War. After that time, the sharns sent scouts throughout their kind, the eldest of the sharns alive today, remain
As cloying mists and ichor-choked rains scoured the Faerûn to observe from the shadows, and when neces- as guardians living under the protective mythal of the
Great Sapphire Wood, three high mages led the last sary, to strike out against those who would wield the Hidden City of Hope.
defenders of Miyeritar into the heart of the eldritch Art for mass destruction. When the sharns couldn’t Rhymanthiin: The Hidden City of Hope stands as
maelstrom to counter the dark ritual. prevent such atrocities, they sought to preserve a testament to the fulfillment of Oacenth’s Vow and
Indicative of their desperation, the high mages dying cultures by permitting select individuals of the Dragmar’s Promise—a land where all goodly races
invoked the rare and perilous Ritual of Myriad, doomed civilization to join their collective. of Faerûn can live and work together with common
whispered to be legend even in the days before the cause and unity. Nearly the size of Waterdeep, the

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Ecology of the Sharn

streets and outer walls of Rhymanthiin are orderly,

with clean lines and heavy block constructions. The Sharn Variants Bolt Barrage
great boulevards and defensive walls of the city have Substitute this power for the independent action power.
the black-as-pitch hue of the sharns, from which any “Ye hearken, the three-souled-one shall lead them and the
of the three-mawed defenders can emerge. Rhyman- blasted heath shall impart wonders” Bolt Barrage ✦ Force (see text)
thiin remains firmly anchored to the Feywild and The sharn makes two ranged basic attacks against the
invisible to most outsiders. Those who have not been same target. If both attacks hit, the target and all enemies
welcomed into the city observe only miles of untamed Sharn Blackclaw Powers adjacent to the target are knocked prone.

wilderness where the city should stand. Sharn blackclaws are statistically identical to the
Perhaps surprising to some, Rhymanthiin hosts sharn presented in the Forgotten R ealms Campaign Hex Step
the largest number of redeemed dark elves in all Guide (page 266), but they can command one or more Substitute this power for the threatening reach power.
Faerûn, joining with their fey fellows to relearn the alternative powers. You can choose any of the follow-
ancient traditions of their people. Sharns of Rhyman- ing replacement powers for the sharn presented in Hex Step (move; when adjacent to a hex portal; at-will) ✦
thiin stand apart from their kin in wider Faerûn. the Forgotten R ealms Campaign Guide. Teleportation
The sharn teleports to any unoccupied square adjacent to a
Untouched by the ravages of the Spellplague, they are
hex portal it created.
one with the city, their bodies composing the streets
and walls of the Hidden City of Hope. Plaguefire Maw
The Sharnlands: In the Underdark, about 16 Substitute this power for the leaping plaguefire power. Psychic Displacement
miles below the Gray Vale spreading southeast under Substitute this power for the threatening reach power.
the High Moor, lie the bizarre deeps known as the M Plaguefire Maw (standard; recharge 5 6) ✦ Fire
Sharnlands. These sprawling caverns, home to a great Reach 2; three attacks, each against a different target Psychic Displacement (immediate interrupt, when the sharn
within reach; +18 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage and ongoing 5 is targeted by a melee or ranged attack; recharge @6) ✦
number of magical ley lines and earth nodes, run for
fire damage (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing Teleportation
miles through the deepest part of the Northdark. 5 fire damage and the target takes a –2 penalty to Will The sharn teleports 5 squares.
Undermountain: In the depths of the Sargauth, (save ends both). Second Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing 5
below Halaster’s Halls, lives a mysterious creature fire damage and the target takes a –2 penalty to Will (save
known as the Drowned Queen, an abolethlike being ends both) and target contracts level 11 Halruaan Con- Swarming Hex Portals
sumption (see FRCG page 136).
thought to have unusual magical abilities akin to Substitute this power for the threatening reach power.
those of the sharns. It is whispered that the Drowned
Queen was responsible for the death of a Manshoon Spellfire Aegis Swarming Hex Portals
clone who sought to rule the Underhalls in the years Substitute this power for the second wind power. The sharn gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls against targets
following the Mad Mage’s demise. that are adjacent to at least 2 hex portals.
Plaguewrought Land: From the independent C Column of Spellfire (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦
Fire, Force
city of Ormpetarr, the Order of Blue Fire organizes
Scar Pilgrimages into the Plaguewrought Land. Here,
Close burst 2; +17 vs. Reflex; 3d10 + 5 fire and force
damage. The sharn gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until
Sharn Symbiote
where the Spellplague is most active in all Faerûn, the start of its next turn. The sharn transforms into a Sharn symbiotes are horrifying serpents of black ooze
dozens of sharns dwell. 30-foot-high column of fire. that spend their days within the gooey confines of
Halruaa: Much of the lore and traditions of inky, black pools unless provoked. Symbiotes are the
Halruaa lives on within the few souls assimi- only method of procreation for a sharn colony, though
lated by the sharns before, during, and after that the sharns are usually meticulous when selecting
nation’s destruction. Sharns are actively exploring those deemed worthy to merge with their collective
the ruined capital of Halarahh in search of the consciousness.
Zalathorm’s Clockwork Sceptre.

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Ecology of the Sharn

Sharn Symbiote Level 15 Lurker

Graft: Sharn Symbiote Large aberrant magical beast (blind, ooze) XP 1,200
A sharn symbiote envelops the host from head to foot Initiative +17 Senses Perception +6; blindsight 10, Symbiote
tremorsense 10
in an oily-black second skin, which shifts and writhes Symbiotes invade or join with a host creature’s body,
HP 119; Bloodied 59
when agitated. A graft is a template that introduces AC 29; Fortitude 27, Reflex 27, Will 28 granting the host certain benefits in exchange for
new mechanics onto an existing creature. They func- Immune gaze, petrification, polymorph great protection. In some cases, however, the sym-
tion like templates, but do not alter the creature’s Speed 6 biote is little better than a parasite leaching off a host
level, nor do they make it elite, but they do make the m Slam (standard; at-will) body until the symbiote can locate another.
creature slightly more complicated and a little more +20 vs. AC; 2d10 + 4 damage. When a symbiotic link is established, the sym-
powerful. M Seize Host (standard; at-will) ✦ Psychic biote joins with the base creature. In game terms,
Prerequisite: 10th level +18 (+20 against immobilized creatures) vs. Reflex; ongoing a symbiotic link is a graft, which is a minitemplate
10 psychic damage (save ends) and the target is grabbed. that you add to an NPC or monster (Open Grave
M Assimilate (standard; at-will)
Sharn Symbiote Graft page 216). Not only does a symbiote introduce an
Targets a creature the sharn symbiote has grabbed; +18 vs.
Senses darkvision Will; the target is dominated (save ends).
interesting story and visual element to an NPC,
Languages telepathy 15 M Psychic Feast (standard; at-will) ✦ Psychic but it also grants the NPC an extra attack.
Immune petrification, polymorph Targets the creature the sharn symbiote has grabbed; +18
C Psychic Slam (standard; at-will) ✦ Psychic vs. Will; 3d8 + 9 psychic damage, and the sharn symbiote
Close blast 5; level + 2 vs. Will; the target is regains 10 hit points.
immobilized until the end of the creature’s next turn. C Psychic Slam (standard; at-will)
Close blast 5; +18 vs. Will; the target is immobilized until
the end of the sharn symbiote’s next turn.
Sharn Symbiote Tactics
Host Before Symbiote (immediate interrupt, when targeted by
Sharn symbiotes immobilize prey that stray too close a melee or ranged attack; at-will)
with psychic slam. If other sharns are not nearby to Requires a grabbed creature; the attack that triggered
deal with the intruder, the symbiote uses seize host this interrupt targets a creature the sharn symbiote has
to compel the enemy to withdraw from sharn lands. grabbed instead.
Only as a last resort does a symbiote assimilate its Symbiotic Link
If a creature the sharn symbiote has grabbed is reduced to
host, which risks introducing unfavorable qualities
0 hit points by either the psychic feast power or the ongo-
into the collective. ing damage from seize host, the creature gains the sharn
symbiote graft, regains 10 hit points, and is dominated by
the sharn symbiote (a condition that can be ended only by
Sharn Phaseblade the Remove Affliction ritual).
Sharn phaseblades are lurking horrors that deliver Alignment Unaligned Languages —
precision strikes with their signature black blades; Skills Arcana +17, Insight +11, Religion +17
Str 21 (+12) Dex 23 (+13) Wis 8 (+6)
each blade trails wisps of shadow in its deadly wake.
Con 23 (+13) Int 21 (+12) Cha 24 (+14)

Sharn Phaseblade Tactics

A sharn phaseblade uses phase distortion to keep away
from its enemies and boost its next round’s worth of
attacks while delivering melee attacks through strate-
gically positioned hex portals.

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Ecology of the Sharn

Sharn Phaseblade Level 16 Solo Lurker Sharn Hexshadow Level 19 Solo Skirmisher
Large aberrant magical beast XP 7,000 Large aberrant magical beast XP 12,000
Initiative +18 Senses Perception +12; darkvision Initiative +17 Senses Perception +13; special senses The sharn teleports to any unoccupied square adjacent to a
HP 586; Bloodied 293 HP 682; Bloodied 341 hex portal it created.
Regeneration 10 Regeneration 10 Independent Action (standard; at-will)
AC 30; Fortitude 28, Reflex 28, Will 29 AC 35; Fortitude 31, Reflex 31, Will 34 The sharn makes two melee basic attacks. If a bite and
Immune petrification, polymorph Immune petrification, polymorph claw hit the same target, that target is also dazed (save
Saving Throws +5 (+8 against fear effects, and against conditions Saving Throws +5 (+8 against fear effects, and against condi- ends).
that hinder movement); see also independent consciousness tions that hinder movement) Shadow Hex (minor; not usable when bloodied; encounter) ✦
Speed 4, fly 8 (hover); see also phase distortion Speed 4, fly 8 (hover) Conjuration, Illusion
Action Points 2 Action Points 2 The sharn creates a shadowy illusion of itself, which
m Bite (standard; at-will) m Bite (minor 1/turn; at-will) occupies a space exactly as though it were the sharn hex-
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage. +24 vs. AC; 2d4 + 6 damage. shadow. The sharn and its illusion are considered to both
m Phaseblade (standard; at-will) ✦ Psychic, Weapon m Claw (standard; at-will) be the same creature, sharing the same hit point pool and
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 psychic damage, and ongoing +24 vs. AC; 3d6 + 6 damage, and the sharn shifts 2 squares the same abilities, and each one takes one of the sharn’s
5 psychic damage (save ends). after the attack. turns each round. When a sharn is bloodied, its illusion
R Hex Portal (minor; sustain minor [see text]; at-will) ✦ R Lightning Ball (standard; at-will) ✦ Lightning vanishes immediately.
Conjuration Ranged 5; two attacks, each against different targets; +22 Double Actions
Ranged 5; the sharn creates a hexagonal window of light vs. Reflex; 2d10 + 6 lightning damage. A sharn rolls initiative twice, gets two turns during a
that it can attack through as if it were in that portal’s R Hex Portal (minor; sustain minor [see text]; at-will) ✦ round, and has a full set of actions (standard, move,
space. As a minor action, it can move one portal 4 squares. Conjuration minor) on each turn. Each set of actions corresponds to a
Portals don’t block line of sight, line of effect, or enemy Ranged 5; the sharn creates a hexagonal window of different consciousness. The sharn’s ability to take imme-
movement. A sharn can maintain up to three such portals light that it can attack through as if it were in that por- diate actions refreshes on each of its turns.
at a time with a single minor action; it can close as many as tal’s space. As a minor action, it can move one portal 4 Independent Consciousness
it wishes with a free action. squares. Portals don’t block line of sight, line of effect, or A sharn automatically saves against the dazed and stunned
Independent Action (standard; at-will) enemy movement. A sharn can sustain up to three such conditions, and against charm effects that a save can end.
The sharn makes two melee basic attacks. If a phaseblade and portals at a time with a single minor action; it can close as Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Deep
a bite hit the same target, that target is also dazed (save ends). many as it wishes with a free action. Speech
Phase Distortion (standard; at-will) ✦ Teleportation Hex Step (move; when adjacent to a hex portal; at-will) ✦ Skills Arcana +18, Insight +12, Religion +18
The sharn Phaseblade teleports 10 squares and gains Teleportation Str 21 (+14) Dex 23 (+15) Wis 8 (+8)
insubstantial and phasing until the start of its next turn. Con 23 (+15) Int 21 (+14) Cha 24 (+16)
Additionally, on its next turn the sharn Phaseblade gains a About the Author
+3 bonus to attack rolls. Sharn Hexshadow
Double Actions Sharn hexshadows are masterful tacticians that can Brian R. James is a freelance game designer working exclu-
A sharn rolls initiative twice, gets two turns during a divide their forms to confuse prey and better posi- sively for Wizards of the Coast. His credits include Open
round, and has a full set of actions (standard, move, minor) Grave™, The Grand History of the Realms™, Forgotten R ealms®
tion themselves for delivering deadly killing strikes
on each turn. Each set of actions corresponds to a differ- Campaign Guide, and the forthcoming Underdark™ supple-
ent consciousness. The sharn’s ability to take immediate enhanced by orbs of eldritch might. ment. You can follow Brian’s random thoughts online at
actions refreshes on each of its turns. http://www.twitter.com/brianrjames.
Independent Consciousness
A sharn automatically saves against the dazed and stunned Sharn Hexshadow Tactics
conditions, and against charm effects that a save can end. Sharn hexshadows employ shadow hex to confuse
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Deep Speech while unleashing crackling lightning balls and indepen-
Skills Arcana +18, Insight +12, Religion +18
dent actions against their enemies.
Str 21 (+13) Dex 23 (+14) Wis 8 (+7)
Con 23 (+14) Int 21 (+13) Cha 24 (+15)
Equipment 3 kukris

M a rc h 2 0 0 9 | D r ag o n 37 3

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