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Misconception Check: Agree or Disagree?

Communication is a one-way process.


What if you were asked to speak before an audience, what would your speech be

 If I were given the chance to speak before an audience, my speech would be the
contribution of social media during calamities.


A. Illustrate the communication process through a graphic organizer.





B. Cite a communicative situation where all of the 9 principles of effective

communication are present.

 The national press conference of different cultures started a meeting a while ago.
The entire nation's representatives were present in the meeting, which was
conducted through an online platform called Zoom. The host of the conference is
Mr. Rail, the president of the committee. He was captivating as well as very
creative in catching his audience's attention during the meeting. The participants
felt at ease and contented. The complete information is conveyed with the
correctness and availability to express their selves.

C. Cite a communicative situation where the first principle of ethical communication is


 One morning, Lisa's wallet accidentally fell into the pocket of her jeans. After she
reached home, she kept looking for it. Suddenly, she got a phone call from a man
saying that he had her purse. The man asked her name, the color of the purse,
and the amount of money in it. Lisa felt relieved yet pleasantly surprised to hear
from a person wanting to return her money. Why on earth would an average
person do it? Lisa went to the place where he had found her purse and he
returned it to Lisa. All she could see on the man face was a glow of happiness
after helping someone.



1. Impact of globalization on communication in the society

 Communication is essential when it comes to creating a connection with others.

In today’s era, there are many changes taking place in society, politics, industry,
education and technology as well as many pervasive issues in the world. The
impact of globalization on communication in the society is that helped people
communicate better with each other and discover new things. As well, people are
learning new cultures and heritage and forming a sense of unity. Additionally,
globalization has an impact on global communication since it allows firms to
pursue new and untapped opportunities all over the world. Globalization is
making it easier for businesses to grow. Also, the rise of multinational and
transnational corporations boosts a country's demand and economy.

2. Impact of globalization on communication in the world (15 Points)

 Globalization in communication means a process of interaction and integration

among people, companies, and governments worldwide. As Globalization arises,
it also impacted our way of communicating with other people. Globalization on
communication is helping people as well in the growth and development of the
economy where there is no limit to communication. Globalization has connected
people from all across the world. It's an infinite or a cycle of improving our living
world by the series of business fields, industry, environmental issues, cultural
differences, and our status as a part of our living. This event reminds us, that
we're now living in a world of technology, and we amongst humans must value,
comprehend, and appreciate both globalization and global communication.



1. Challenges in communication in multicultural settings abound, how are you going to

deal with those challenges? What communication strategies are you going to employ?

 We live in a culture that has been passed down from generation to generation.
Everyday communication issues in multicultural environments continue to rise.
Many cultures have their own set of standards, and understanding how they work
is essential for efficient communication. It is easy to overlook the communication
issues that we all face on a daily basis. As a student, I want to approach these
problems in such a way that I retain good etiquette and am mindful in a diverse
group of people from other countries and races. Being mindful means thinking
about what you're saying, understanding your audience, and changing your
message to enhance comprehension. I will use verbal communication strategies
because I feel that discussing or interacting verbally helps me clarify
misconceptions. Furthermore, it assists me in maintaining positive connections
and increasing productivity when working with people from varied origins and

2. In what way can diverse cultures affect communication?

 Every person’s daily life revolves around communication. We cannot share our
thoughts and opinions with others unless we communicate effectively. Cultural
diversity makes communication difficult because people from different cultures
have different attitudes and use different languages, signs, and symbols.
Different cultures affect communication by not being able to understand what the
two of you are saying also, beliefs, race, and characteristics.

1. When can you say that the process of communication in a communicative situation is

 We are all aware of the communication process, which includes sender,

message, encoding, context, decoding, receiver, feedback, and noise. When the
recipient of the communication confirms and understands it, we can infer that the
communicative situation is complete. That is why feedback is significant because
it allows the sender know that the message was received correctly. When the
sender generates an idea to share, communication occurs. The communication
process must be present because if one is missing, there may be some
misinterpretation of the message delivered by the sender. Through
communication process it enables us to share common understanding and ideas
between communicators. Therefore, when the communication process is applied
along with conversation, we can say that the communicative situation is

2. How can abiding by the principles of effective communication contribute to successful


 When we communicate, we must adhere to the principles of effective

communication. It can assist the listener in fully understanding the message you
want them to know. Simultaneously, as the sender of the communication, it
assists you in receiving unambiguous feedback from the receiver.
Communication principles can be applied in a various circumstances, most
notably in business and organization. The message will be communicated and
accurately comprehended or interpreted if the rules of effective communication
are followed. It aids in the elimination of unneeded problems and promotes
improved comprehension and performance. As a result, successful
communication techniques must be applied in all situations.

3. What will happen if the principles of ethical communication are violated?

 To communicate well in our day-to-day lives requires our words and actions
under the principle of morality and a good moral standard. Communication
should be ethical. Truthful, accurate, not deceitful, not manipulative, and taking
responsibility for your own communications. If the principles of ethical
communication are violated, it can lead to a worsening reputation that loses a
business both customers and employees. Ethics can give real and practical
guidance to our lives. We are aware that the choices that we make have
consequences, both for ourselves and others.

4. Why is being able to communicate effectively in a globalized world important?

 Effective communication is essential in today's globalized world. When friends,

families, and colleagues need to communicate with people all over the world, it is
easy to see the importance of global communication. It makes everyone a
stranger in real life, but they are connected in digital life. We can communicate
with all people around the world today, not even by texting but also by video.
Information is easily transferred. The receiver of information is increasing
because the message can be transferred widely.

5. Give and explain 1 communicative situation in which cultural differences are not

 A visitor from other country went to a tourist spot in your area. Since this visitor
doesn't know how to speak English nor your mother tongue language, he
decided to speak with you using their dialect with some sign languages that the
local cannot understand. Instead of helping the foreigner, locals were laughing to
this visitor and didn't try to help. This is I think for me a communicative situation
that cultural differences are not respected.

6. Why must the components of an intercultural event be considered when


 Cultures from across the globe continue to emerge as we live in this world.
People have various beliefs about what they perceive and conduct as they go
about their daily lives. Considering the components of intercultural
communication in any event aids us in being more conscious of cultural
differences. It teaches us to appreciate and break down cultural barriers, as well
as to create relationships with one another. To put it simply, intercultural
communication is communication between people who have diverse cultural
identities, and through this we can foster positive connections and raise
awareness to all the people across the world. To summarize, while we gain self-
awareness, we may also develop ethical awareness. That is why, while we
communicate with others, we must develop self-awareness in order to prevent

1. In relation to communication, describe the following picture in 3 to 5 sentences

A handshake conveys so much more than an initial greeting. It's been around for
thousands of years and is the modern standard greeting for global politics and business.
Today, greetings are done with a handshake. In a business setting, when people are
often meeting with strangers, shaking hands is a highly essential gesture. The
handshake is the most popular form of greeting. Shaking hands has become so
common that we rarely think about why people shake hands or how this greeting came
to be.

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