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Visual Learning Tools

Learning Module Activity Guide

Number Sense 1

Counting 1-100
Addition & Subtraction

Visual Learning Tools

Learning Module Activity Guide

Number Sense 1

Counting 1-100
Addition & Subtraction

Learning Activities developed by

Keys to Learning, LLC

© 2010 Varitronics®, A Brady Business. Brady Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

The purchase of this activity guide entitles the individual school to reproduce copies of the information for use
in a single school only. The reproduction by any means of any part of this activity guide for other schools or an
entire school district, or for commercial use is strictly prohibited. No form of this activity guide may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language in any form by any
means without the written permission of Varitronics and Brady Worldwide, Inc. Any school determined to be
in violation of this limited permission will be subject to a fine per school in addition to all other available legal

Varitronics® and VariQuest® are registered trademarks of Brady Worldwide, Inc. Other brands and trademarks are
the property of their respective owners.

Table of Contents
The Foundation of VariQuest Learning Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Activity 1: Preparing for the 100th Day of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Activity 2: Making 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Activity 3: Counting by Tens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Activity 4: Skip Counting and Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Activity 5: Number Facts Jellybean Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Activity 6: Addition Mat Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Activity 7: Addition Name Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Activity 8: BINGO 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Activity 9: Gone Fishing for 20 Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Activity 10: 100th Day of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Additional Activity Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Rubric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Content List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Work Order Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

The Foundation of
VariQuest Learning Modules

ariQuest supports educators by providing countless opportunities to introduce a variety
of visuals and hands-on manipulatives into their classrooms. The use of visuals in the
classroom helps students understand and retain information, specifically abstract concepts.
Visuals can also help bridge the gap for students who struggle with vocabulary and/or language
barriers. Hands-on manipulatives create learning experiences in which students interact with
knowledge kinesthetically. Research shows that exposing students to a variety of learning
experiences, including visual and kinesthetic, will increase student retention and help students
learn to construct meaningful knowledge from information. The VariQuest Visual Learning Tools
enhance classroom teachers’ ability to provide learning experiences that meet the learning
styles of all students.

The aim of the following Learning Activities is to coordinate the VariQuest Visual Learning Tools
with lessons and activities that incorporate visual and hands-on learning strategies to reinforce
basic skills and provide fun and motivational activities that will supplement your school’s
curriculum. For best practices and additional information on how to customize VariQuest posters,
banners, flashcards, awards, cutouts and manipulatives, review the VariQuest Implementation
Guide prior to use.

For the following learning activities, use construction paper for all cutouts unless otherwise
specified. Pre-laminating construction paper using a cold laminator adds durability to cut out
letters, shapes, numbers and collections.

Number Sense 1 Overview

One of the main challenges for children in the primary grades is to develop an understanding
of numbers 1-100. The key concepts covered in these activities include: counting, comparing
quantities, number names, recognizing patterns, addition and subtraction. The activities in
this VariQuest Learning Module are designed to meet educational standards in innovative and
creative ways and to enhance your curriculum program. Before turning to the learning activities,
familiarize yourself with general information that will guarantee ease of use and flexibility.

Following the learning activities, you will find a rubric that can be used to guide you in making
observational assessments of students’ abilities related to the objectives outlined in the learning
activities. It is recommended that you make a copy for each student to guide your ongoing
informal assessments, making anecdotal notes on the back when appropriate.

VariQuest Content
You will find a complete list of all of the content included in this module between the Rubric
and Work Order template. The content ID #s (ex. VIS001) for content referenced in the learning
activities are listed in the materials section for each activity and are color-coded to help distinguish
between templates for the Poster Maker (red) and Awards Maker (purple) and cutouts and
collections for the Cutout Maker (gold).

Work Orders
You will also find a work order template on the last page of the Activity Guide. This template
can be photocopied and used for placing orders for customized VariQuest posters, banners,
stickers, awards, cutouts and collections. It is designed to be submitted to the primary user of the
VariQuest Visual Learning Tools by those who may not have direct access to them.

A c t ivi t y o n e


100th Day 100 Bulletin

Preparing for the
Board Border 1
BOR171 100th Day of School
Children will name numbers.
100 Bulletin Board 100 Bulletin Board
Border 3 Corner 1 Children will begin counting from 1 to 100.
BOR173 BOR174

Cutout Maker: 100 Window Card 1: CRD110
100th Day Collection: BBD061 100 Window Card 2: CRD111
100 Bulletin 100 Card 100 Bulletin Board Border 1: BOR171 other:
Board Corner 2 CRD112 100 Bulletin Board Border 3: BOR173 Large envelope or shoebox
100 Bulletin Board Corner 1: BOR174 for each child
100 Bulletin Board Corner 2: BOR175
Art materials
100 Card: CRD112

100 Window Card 1 100 Window Preparation

CRD110 Card 2
Cut and display these items on a large bulletin board: 100th Day of
School Collection, 100th Day Bulletin Board Borders, and 100th Day
Bulletin Board Corners.
Cut out five cards for each child. Give them to each child along with
an envelope or shoebox. Tip: cut out cards custom-sized to largest
possible on page to ensure there is plenty of room for students’ writing.
Continue to cut out at least five 100 Cards per child each week so they
can continue adding to their list of 100 accomplishments.

Pr epari n g fo r 100th D ay

Whole Class
On the first full day of school, begin to prepare children for a celebration Modification
marking the 100th day of school. Prepare a 100-Day Bulletin Board, Prepare five 100 Cards for each
child. Lightly, in pencil, write the
incorporating the Bulletin Board collection, borders, and corners. Tell
numbers 1-5 at the top of each of the
children that on this first day of school they will begin to keep track of all of five cards. Have children trace the
the new and exciting things they will learn in the first 100 days of school. numerals and write or draw or dictate
to you at least one thing they know.
Then have them put their cards in
Towards the end of the day, have the children brainstorm something the
order from one to five.
class learned on the first day of school. Call on a couple of volunteers to
share something they learned that day. Extension
Invite children to begin their 100 cards
Center Activity by completing five cards. Encourage
Tell children that they will be keeping track of 100 things they know and/ them to fill in a few cards each day and
to see if they can complete more than
or learned in school. Give each child five 100 Cards. On the first card,
100 cards by the 100th day of school.
have them write the number one and then draw, write, or dictate to you
something they know. For example: I can count to 10. I can say my ABCs.
I know my phone number. Repeat for cards 2-5.

Give children large envelopes or shoeboxes to store their cards in. Let
them decorate envelopes/shoeboxes with art materials.

To help students review new skills, make blank 100 Cards available and
encourage them to add a new card when they’ve mastered a new skill or
fact. Before numbering the new card, have them put their completed cards
in order to determine the number on the new card.

Throughout the first 100 days of school, remind students to continue

keeping track of the new things they have learned. Challenge students to
complete 100 cards before reaching the 100th day of school.

A c t ivi t y Tw o


2 Ways to 3 Ways to 4 Ways to

Making 10
Make 2 Make 3 Make 4
ORG034 ORG035 ORG036
Children will compose and decompose numbers 1-10.
Children will use numerals and symbols to write number facts to 10.

5 Ways to 6 Ways to 7 Ways to

Make 5 Make 6 Make 7 Materials
ORG037 ORG038 ORG039 Poster Maker: 10 Ways to Make 10: ORG042
2 Ways to Make 2: ORG034 Cutout Maker:
3 Ways to Make 3: ORG035 100 Dots Collection: CRF125
4 Ways to Make 4: ORG036 Font Symbol Addition: +
5 Ways to Make 5: ORG037 Font Symbol Equal to: =
8 Ways to 9 Ways to 10 Ways to
Make 8 Make 9 Make 10 6 Ways to Make 6: ORG038 Font Numerals: 0-9
ORG040 ORG041 ORG042 7 Ways to Make 7: ORG039
8 Ways to Make 8: ORG040
Paper cups
9 Ways to Make 9: ORG041

100 Dots Font Symbol Font Symbol Preparation

Collection Addition Equal to Print one poster of each of the following: 2 Ways to Make 2, 3 Ways
CRF125 + =
to Make 3, 4 Ways to Make 4, 5 Ways to Make 5, 6 Ways to Make 6,
7 Ways to Make 7, 8 Ways to Make 8, 9 Ways to Make 9, 10 Ways to
Make 10. Print 8 ½” x 11” copies, one for each child.
Cut out 100 Dots Collection on magnetic material. Display the letters
Font on a magnetic board as a reference. Tip: Cut collection to 13” x 24”.
0-9 Cut out two sets of numbers 1-10 on magnetic material.
Cut out the addition and equal to symbol from your font collection on
Cut 100 Dots Collection out of cardstock,10 dots for each child. Tip:
three sets should give you enough dots, plus some extras for when
dots get lost.
Place 10 dots in each cup.

M aki n g 1 0

Whole Class
Display 2 Ways to Make 2 poster on a magnetic surface. Place the Modification
magnetic font numerals, addition symbol and equal to symbol around the Cut out dots from the 100 Dots
poster. Place one magnetic dot in the top circle. Ask, “How many more Collection, multiple sets of numerals
0-9 from Font, and addition and
dots should we add to make 2?” Have a child place a second magnetic
equal to symbols. Give children art
dot in the circle. Then say, “One dot plus one dot equals 2.” Place the paper and glue. Have them follow oral
magnetic numbers and symbols 1 + 1 = 2 below the dots. directions to show number sentences
for numbers 1-5. For example: Ask
children to find one dot and place it
Then put two dots in the bottom circle. Ask, “How many more dots should
on the paper and write the number
we add to make two?” No more dots are needed, so ask a child to find 1 below it. Then have children find
the number zero, that stands for none. Place the magnetic numbers and two more dots and place them near
symbols 2 + 0 = 2 below the dots. the first, and write the number below
it. Show the addition symbol. Have
children write + between the 1 and 2.
Display the 3 Ways to Make 3 poster. Place three magnetic dots in each Then show the equal to symbol, and
circle. Have a volunteer separate the dots to show one dot and two dots. direct children to write it after the 2.
Have another child use the numbers and symbols to show 1 + 2 = 3, Read the number fact with children:
1 + 2 = . Then ask children to count
2 + 1 = 3, and 3 + 0 = 3.
all the dots (3) and write the number 3
after the equal to symbol. Repeat for
Repeat with other posters, dots, and numbers. other number facts for numbers 1-5
before moving ahead to number facts
for 6-10.
Center Activity
Give children their own copies of 2 Ways to Make 2 and a cup of 10 dots.
Have them write the math sentences in the circles: 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 0 = 2.
Give children large sheets of art paper
to make their own 12 Ways to Make
Then give them 3 Ways to Make 3 and cups with 10 dots. Encourage 12 posters. Also give them 12 cups
them to use the dots to see the different combinations that equal the with 12 dots in each to help them.
Challenge students to find all the
same amount. Repeat for all numbers 1-10.
number facts for numbers 12-20.

A c t ivi t y T h r e e


Seashell Colors & Cloud Colors &

Counting by Tens
Counting Counting
CRF143 CRF142
Children will skip count by tens to 100.

Flower Pot Colors & Fish Bowl Colors
cutout Maker:
Counting & Counting
CRF140 CRF139 Seashell Colors & Counting: CRF143
Cloud Colors & Counting: CRF142
Flower Pot Colors & Counting: CRF140
Fish Bowl Colors & Counting: CRF139


Cut out Seashell Colors & Counting on cardstock for counting by tens.
Cut out Cloud Colors & Counting, Flower Pot Colors & Counting, Fish
Bowl Colors & Counting, enough so that each child has one set. Place
each set of shapes in a separate envelope, label the envelopes. Tip:
Cut all collection sets out at 30” width.

Counting by tens

Whole Class
On ten desks or tables place a bucket cutout from the Seashell Colors & Modification
Counting Collection. Place a different color seashell cutout next to each Pre-sort the shapes in the Cloud,
bucket. Scatter the remaining seashells on the floor. Flower Pot or Fish Bowl Colors &
Counting Collections into groups of
10. Have children count the number
Have children line up. One by one, let them pick up a seashell and find the of shapes in each group, then practice
matching colored bucket to put it in, and then get back in line. counting by 10’s to 100.

When all the seashells have been gathered, assign two or three children Extension
to each table. Have them count their seashells and give them tape to Give children two sets of the Fish Bowl
tape the shells to the bucket. When they are done, have them bring their Colors & Counting collections. Have
them glue 10 fish to each bowl and
buckets to you.
label the bowls in 10’s to 200.

Write “10” on the first bucket and place it on the left side of the chalkboard
tray. On the second bucket brought to you, write “20” and place it next to
the 10 Bucket. Continue to 100. Count out loud to 100 by 10’s pointing to
each bucket as you say the number.

Center Activity
Have children select an envelope with the cutouts from one of the other
Colors & Counting Collections: Cloud, Flower Pot or Fish Bowl. Have
children repeat the sorting and labeling activity from the Whole Class
activity, independently. Once they have sorted all of the cutouts, attached
them in groups of ten and labeled each group, have them count out loud
by 10’s to 100 for you.

A c t ivi t y f o u r


Numbers 1-100 100 Dot Wreath

Skip Counting
CRF124 and Patterns
Children will skip count by 2’s.
Children will notice patterns in the 100 Chart.
Children will recognize and understand odd and even numbers.

Poster Maker:
Numbers 1-100 Chart: VIS070

cutout Maker:
100 Dot Wreath Collection: CRF124

Red and blue dry erase markers
Red and blue crayons or markers

Print, laminate and display Numbers 1-100 Chart. Print 8 ½” x 11”
copies, one for each child.
Edit the Numbers 1-100 Chart so that the odd numbers are in bold.
Repeat with the even numbers in bold. Print one poster of each.

Cut out one 100 Dot Wreath Collection on cardstock for each group.
Place 100 dots in each bowl. Set aside the numbers and wreath.

s kip c o u n t i n g

Whole Class
Display the Numbers 1-100 Chart. Distribute bowls with 100 dots each to Modification
each table. Review even numbers. Explain that an even number is a number Give children 20 dots and an
8 ½” x 11” copy of the Numbers 1 to
that can be divided into two equal groups. Use dots to demonstrate.
100 Chart with all numbers covered
except 1-20. Have them show which
Pick an even number from the chart and have children take out that many numbers are even and which are odd
dots. Have children sort the dots into two groups. Ask: “Are there the same by counting out dots and dividing
them into two equal groups. Have
number of dots in each group? Are there any dots left over? What number
them color the boxes with even
did you pick? Is it an even number?” numbers red and odd numbers blue.
Then uncover the next three rows of
Then have children select another even the chart, 21-50, and give them 30
more dots to repeat the activity. Talk
number from the chart and show that it is
about the pattern they see.
even using dots. Circle the even numbers
they pick with a red marker. Repeat for Extension
odd numbers. Print and display a poster-size
Numbers 101-200 Chart: VIS242 as
Have children pick an odd number from the chart and use dots to divide the a reference. Edit Numbers 101-200
Chart by eliminating 25 random
number into two groups. Ask: “Are there the same number of dots in each
numbers and make 8 ½” x 11” copies
group? Are there any dots left over? What number did you pick? Is it an for each child. Give children red and
even number? Is it an odd number?” Circle the odd numbers they pick with blue crayons. Have children fill in the
a blue marker. missing even numbers in red and the
missing odd numbers in blue.

Display the edited Numbers 1-100 Chart with the even numbers bolded
and lead the class in skip counting by 2’s (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and so on).
Ask children to look down each column of even numbers to see if they can
discover a pattern. (In the 2’s column, every number ends in “2”; in the 4’s
column, every number ends in “4”, and so on.)

Display the edited Numbers 1-100 Chart with the odd numbers bolded and
have children identify the odd numbers on the chart (1, 3, 5, 7, and so on).
What pattern do they see when they look down each vertical column? (In
the 1’s column, every number ends in “1”; in the 3’s column, every number
ends in “3”, and so on.)

Center Activity
Distribute 8 ½” x 11” copies of the Numbers 1-100 Chart to each child.
Have children skip count by two out loud with their partner and circle every
even number in red.

A c t ivi t y F iv e


Numbers 1-10 100 Jellybean Jar

Number Facts
PRE018 Collection
CRF141 Jellybean Puzzles
Children will match numerals to the correct number of shapes.
2 Piece Puzzle
PUZ068 Children will learn number names for numerals 1-10.
Children will match number names to the correct numerals.

Poster Maker:
Numbers 1-10: PRE018

cutout Maker:
100 Jellybean Jar Collection: CRF141
2 Piece Puzzle: PUZ068 (Basic)

Large envelope, enough for one for each child
Crayons or markers

Print Numbers 1-10 poster.
Cut out multiple sets of the 100 Jellybean Jar Collection, enough for
each child to have a total of 55 jellybeans. Set aside the jar cutouts.
Cut out 2 Piece Puzzle custom-sized to 8” on cardstock. Make enough
so each child has 10 sets of puzzle pieces.

n u mb e r fa c t s

Whole Class
Review numerals and number names. Point to the number “1” on the Modification
Numbers 1-10 poster and the number word “one” below it. Explain that Give each child sets of 2 Puzzle Pieces
with the numeral and number word
numbers can be written as numerals (1, 2, 3) or as number words (one,
written on the right side. Have them
two, three). draw or glue the correct number of
jellybeans on the left side.
Write a numeral, 1-10, on the board. Have a volunteer find the numeral
on the chart and spell the number word. After children understand the Extension
concept, reverse the activity: write the number word on the board and Cut out 3 Puzzle Pieces: PUZ001
have children find the numeral on the chart. (Basic) custom-sized to 8”. Have
children create puzzle piece sets for
the numbers 11-20. Have them write
Center Activity the numeral on one puzzle piece, the
Give small groups of children 2 Piece Puzzle (10 sets for each child), a number word on the second puzzle
piece, and glue the correct number of
bowl with jellybeans cutouts from the Jellybean Jar Collection, and glue.
jellybeans to the third puzzle piece.
Display the Numbers 1-10 poster nearby.

Have children choose a number, then glue that number of jellybeans and
write the numeral on one side of the puzzle. Then ask them to write the
number word on the other side of the puzzle. Repeat for all numbers
between 1 and 10. Give each child an envelope for his or her puzzles.

A c t ivi t y s i x


Math Mat Game Circle

Addition Mat Game
Board MTH306
Children will practice counting-on using a 100 number grid.
Children will practice adding in base ten.

Poster Maker:
Math Mat Game Board: VIS272

cutout Maker:
Circle: MTH306 (Basic)

Crayons-assorted colors

Print and laminate Math Mat Game Board posters, one for each group.
Print 8 ½” x 11” copies, one for each child to use as scorecard.
Make the playing pieces. Cut out 10 Circles, custom-sized at 2” in
diameter on cardstock. Write the numbers 1-10 on the circles. Make
several sets of playing pieces so small groups can play at the same
time. Store the playing pieces in separate bags.

A ddi t i o n ma t gam e

Whole Class
Place the Math Mat Game Board on the floor, securing corners as needed Modification
with books or beanbags. Call on a volunteer from the class to model how Use only numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and
to play the game. 10 playing pieces. Have players work
together to count on.

Put the playing pieces, circles with numbers 1-10, in a bag. Instruct the
child to pick a playing piece from the bag, and read the number on it. Then
At the end of 3-5 rounds, challenge
have the child stand back three feet from the game board and toss the children to add up all the points on
game piece onto the board. their scorecards.

Have the child count on, adding the number on

the playing piece to the number it lands on to
find his or her score. The child then colors in the
score, 55, on his or her scorecard.

The child then puts the used playing piece back

in the bag and passes the bag to the next player.
Demonstrate the game several times until all
children understand the rules.

Cooperative Groups
Divide children into groups of three or four and distribute Math Mat Game
Boards (one per group), scorecards (one per child) and crayons. Have
children write their names on the scorecards before beginning play.

Review how to play:

1. Pick a number playing piece from the bag.
2. Stand three feet from the game board.
3. Toss the playing piece on the board.
4. Add (count on) the number on the playing piece to the number on
the board it lands on. The new number is the player’s score.
5. The player colors in the score on his or her scorecard.
Players not tossing numbers can sit on either side of the game board to
help the player count on from the square the playing piece lands on.

Have each player take 3-5 turns. For scores above 100, have children
write their bonus scores on the back of the scorecard. Keep the
scorecards to play later in the week.

A c t ivi t y s e v e n


Name Game Letter Basic 2 Nametag

Addition Name Game
Values NAM004
Children will practice adding in base ten.
Children will add one- and two-digit numbers.

100 Dots Collection

CRF125 Materials
Poster Maker:
Name Game Letter Values: VIS273

Awards Maker:
Basic 2 Nametag: NAM004 (Basic)

cutout Maker:
100 Dots Collection: CRF125


Print and display Name Game Letter Values poster.
Edit Basic 2 Nametag to read “Name” on the top border and “Game”
on the bottom border, then add each child’s name to the center.

Cut out 100 Dots Collection, one set for each pair of children and place
dots only in bowls.

A ddi t i o n Nam e G am e

Whole Class
Using the Name Game Letter Values poster as a reference, explain that each Modification
child will be finding the numeric value of their name. Review the numeric Have children work with partners to
add up the value of their first and last
values for each of the letters A-Z. Then work as a class to add up the value of
the name of a class pet, the school, your town, or a favorite story character.

Partners Have children work independently to
Distribute customized nametags to children and have them work in pairs add up the value of their first and last
to add their name values using the Name Game Letter Values poster
as a reference. Once each child finds the numeric value of their name,
have them write it on their nametag. Place a bowl of dots on the table for
children to use to help them count.

A c t ivi t y Eig h t


100th Day 100 Crown 2
Bingo card MSK075
MTH383 Objectives
Children will recognize numbers 1-100.
Children will write numbers 1-100.

cutout Maker:

100th Day Bingo card: MTH383

100 Crown 2: MSK075

Dry erase markers, one for each child

Scraps of paper

Cut out 100th Day Bingo card on laminated construction paper, one
for each child. Tip: Cut each Bingo card out custom-sized to largest
possible on page.
Cut out multiple 100 Crown 2 crowns, enough to give one to the bingo
winner of each round.
Write the numerals 1-25 on small pieces of scrap paper and place in a

B i n g o 100

Whole Class
Hand out blank 100th Day Bingo cards and one dry erase marker to each Modification
child. Tell children they will each make their own bingo game boards. Give pairs of children prepared game
boards. Write the numbers 1-20 in
random spaces on a game board.
Place the numbers 1-25 in a bag. Pick a number from the bag and read
Draw a star in five spaces, one per
it aloud. Have children write that number on any square on their game row. Have children work together
boards using a dry erase marker. Set the number aside. Continue until to find the numbers on their game
children have filled in the 25 spaces on their game boards. Then put the boards.

numbers back in the bag. Each child’s game board will be different.
Have children work in a small group
to play bingo with numbers 1-100.
Instruct children to use numbers
between 1-100 to fill in their bingo
game boards. Designate one child
as the caller and have that child call
out numbers 1-100. The rest of the
children should mark their numbers off
Once the bingo boards are created, pick a number from the bag and
of their bingo game boards.
read it aloud. Have children circle the number in the space on their
game boards. The first child to complete a row vertically, horizontally,
or diagonally wins. Play bingo until there are three winners. Award each
winner a 100 Crown.

Wipe off the numbers written in dry erase and use the cards to play bingo
with numbers 26-50, 51-75, 76-100 later in the school year.

A c t ivi t y n i n e


I can count to 10 Fish Bowl Colors

Gone Fishing for 20 Fish
Sticker 1 & Counting
PEK007 CRF139
Children will subtract from 20.
Children will understand the concept of zero.

3-D Cube
MTH275 Materials
awards Maker:
I can count to 10 Sticker 1: PEK007

cutout Maker:
Fish Bowl Colors & Counting: CRF139
3-D Cube: MTH275 (Basic)


Cut out multiple sets of the Fish Bowl Colors & Counting Collection on
cardstock, set aside the fish bowls. Cut enough so that you have 20 fish
for each pair of children. Tip: One set of the collection will create enough
fish cutouts for 10 children. Tip: Cut collection set out at 30” width.
Place 20 fish cutouts in a bowl for each pair of children.
Cut out of cardstock and assemble 3-D Cubes for each pair of
children. Write the numbers 0-5 on each side of the 3-D Cube.

Edit the I Can Count to 10 Sticker 1 to read: “I can subtract from 20!”
Note: Be sure to change the “10” inside the circle to a “20”.

Gone F ish ing fo r 20 F ish

Whole Class
Model how to play Gone Fishing with the whole class. Show children the Modification
bowl with 20 fish cutouts in it. Roll the 3-D Cube die. Have a child read the Play Gone Fishing for 20 Fish using
10 fish and a 3-D Cube die with the
number and take that many fish out of the bowl. Then ask, “How many fish
numbers 0, 1, and 2 only (two of each
are left?” Have children count the remaining fish. Example: if the child rolls number). When children understand
a three on the 3-D Cube die, have the child remove three fish out of the subtracting 0, 1, and 2, repeat using a
bowl, then count the remaining fish (17). 3-D Cube die with numbers 0-5.

Practice writing a number sentence that shows the number of fish in the Extension
bowl at the beginning, the number removed and the number left. Cut out Fish Bowl Colors & Counting
Collection: CRF139 on cardstock. Give
children a large bowl with 100 fish
Continue rolling the die and removing fish cutouts. Model play until a child cutouts inside. Make a 3-D Cube die
rolls a zero. Explain that zero means none. To take zero fish from a fish with the numbers 11-16 for children to
bowl means to take no fish. Then have children tell how many fish are left play Gone Fishing for 100 Fish.

after subtracting zero.

Repeat until there are no more fish in the bowl. Have students write
number sentences after each roll.

Give each pair of children a 3-D Cube die and a bowl with 20 fish cutouts.
Have children take turns rolling the number cube and removing that many
fish, recording a number sentence after each roll.

Each pair plays until there are no more fish. Once children are finished
have them show their number sentences and reward them with an I Can
Subtract from 20! sticker.

A c t ivi t y t e n


100th Day of 100 Days 100 Days

100th Day of School
School of School Smarter Light
SCH001 Banner Bulb Sticker
BAN076 STK001 Objectives
Children will count to 100.
Children will name numbers to 100.
Children will review concepts learned during the first 100 days
100 Days 100 Star 100 Stars of school.
Smarter Decoration Decoration
Chalkboard CEL195 CEL196
Sticker Materials
STK002 poster Maker: 100 Window Card 2: CRD111
100th Day of School: SCH001 (completed in Activity One)
100 Days of School Banner: BAN076 100 Crown: MSK044

awards Maker:
100 Crown 1: MSK074

100 Days Smarter Light Bulb 100 Crown 3: MSK075

100th Day 100 Card 100 Card
Sticker: STK001 100 Mask: MSK064
Decoration CRD112 CRD110
CEL197 100 Days Smarter Chalkboard 100 Mask 1: MSK072

Sticker: STK002 100 Glasses: MSK016

100 Glasses 1: MSK073
cutout Maker:
100 Frame 1: FRA103
100 Star Decoration: CEL195
100 Frame 2: FRA104
100 Window 100 Crown 100 Crown 1 100 Stars Decoration: CEL196
MSK044 MSK074 Other:
Card 2 100th Day Decoration: CEL197
CRD111 Camera
100 Card: CRD112
(completed in Activity One) Large paperclips or rubber bands

100 Window Card 1: CRD110 Art Supplies

(completed in Activity One)

100 Crown 3 100 Mask 100 Mask 1
MSK075 MSK064 MSK072
Select and print or cut out room decorations for the 100th Day
Celebration using: 100th Day of School Poster, 100 Days of School
Banner, and 100 Decorations.
Cut out 100 Day Crowns, Masks, or Glasses, one for each child.

1 0 0 t h D ay o f S c h o o l

Cut out 100 Cards, enough extras for students who have lost their
cards from Activity One.
Cut out 100 Frames custom-sized at 9” on cardstock, one for each
child. 100 Glasses 100 Frame 1 100 Glasses
Print I am 100 Days Smarter stickers, attach to cardstock, one for 1 FRA103 MSK016
each child.

Whole Class
Share with students that, after 100 days of learning, it’s time to celebrate!
Have children choose and decorate a 100 crown, mask or glasses with 100 Frame 2
markers, crayons, feathers, glitter or buttons.

While wearing crowns, masks, or glasses, have children sort their 100
Day Cards (created in Activity One) into groups of 10 and paperclip or
Have children find their 100 Cards
put a rubber band around each group of ten (1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc.). numbered 1-10. Have them put the
Have children select 1-2 of their favorites to share with the class. Call on cards in numerical order. Have them
volunteers to read their cards. read, or help them read, the 10 things
they know. Use a large paperclip or
rubber band to group the first ten
When all children have shared, give each child an I am 100 Days Smarter cards. Then have them find cards
sticker. Then photograph the class with their 100th Day decorations, numbered 11-15 or 20 and put them in
cards and stickers. Print copies of the picture for each child, attach to 100 numerical order and read them aloud.
Paperclip these cards together. Repeat
Frames and encourage children to take them home and share them with
for all their cards.
their parents.
Have children share selections from
their cards numbered above 100.

A ddi t i o n al a c t ivi t i e s

Cut out 100 Bookmark 1: BKM129, 100 Bookmark 2: BKM130, 100
Bookmark 4: BKM132 for children to use when reading on the 100th day
of school. Have them write the title of the book and the author on the
bookmark. Propose a class challenge to read over 100 books in one day!

Door Hangers
Cut out 100 Door Hanger 1: HGR047 and 100 Door Hanger 2: HGR048
for children to decorate and take home on the 100th day of school.

number sense 1 RUBRIC Name

Categories Criteria Value

Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced
Recognizes and Student needs assistance Student recognizes and Student can recognize and Student can recognize and
writes numbers to recognize and write writes some numbers, write numbers 1-100 with no write all numbers 1-100 and
numbers 1-100. but with major errors. errors. beyond.
Counts to 100 in Student needs guidance Student can count 1-100 Student counts continuously Student counts continuously,
a variety of ways to count numbers 1-100. with few errors. from 1-100 with no including by skipping numbers,
mistakes, including by 2’s, odds, evens and starting from
5’s and 10’s. a stated number.

Represents Student needs guidance Student can write and Student can write and Student can write and
numbers 1-100 to write and/or represent represent numbers 1-100 represent all numbers 1-100 represent numbers 1-100 and
numbers 1-100. with few errors. in a variety of ways. beyond in a variety of ways.
in a variety of

Orders two-digit Student needs guidance Student can order some Student can order and Student can order and
numbers to order two-digit two-digit numbers. compare two-digit numbers, compare two- and three-digit
numbers. including multiple numbers. numbers, including multiple

Recognizes Student needs assistance Student recognizes some Student can recognize and Student recognizes, describes
patterns in recognizing patterns in patterns in the numbers describe multiple patterns in and draws conclusions about
the numbers 1-100. 1-100. the numbers 1-100. the numbers 1-100 and
and draws
Understands Student has a limited Student can represent Student can apply concepts Student understands the
and applies understanding of addition the concepts of addition of addition and subtraction concepts of addition and
and subtraction. and subtraction using with or without the use of subtraction and transfers this
basic concepts
manipulatives. manipulatives. knowledge to solving story
of addition and
problems and representing
R u bri c

subtraction concepts with number


(Please note that all have permission to reproduce this rubric page.)

c o n t e n t li s t

Number Sense 1 Content List

Poster Maker ID Name Activities
BAN076 100 Days of School Banner 10
BAN078 1-100 Banner
ORG034 2 Ways to Make 2 2
ORG035 3 Ways to Make 3 2
ORG036 4 Ways to Make 4 2
ORG037 5 Ways to Make 5 2
ORG038 6 Ways to Make 6 2
ORG039 7 Ways to Make 7 2
ORG040 8 Ways to Make 8 2
ORG041 9 Ways to Make 9 2
ORG042 10 Ways to Make 10 2
ORG044 Addition Chart
ORG047 Subtraction Chart
PRE018 Numbers 1 to 10 5
SCH001 100th Day of School 10
VIS052 Addition Table
VIS057 Numbers 1-100 Even and Odd
VIS058 Fill in Missing Numbers Chart
VIS070 Numbers 1-100 Chart 4
VIS242 Numbers 101-200 Chart 4
VIS272 Math Mat Game Board 6
VIS273 Name Game Letter Values 7
Awards Maker ID Name Activities
PEK001 I Can Count to 10 Sticker
PEK004 Count to 10 Sticker
PEK005 Count to 20 Sticker
PEK007 I can count to 10 Sticker 1 9
STK001 100 Days Smarter Light bulb Sticker 10
STK002 100 Days Smarter Chalkboard Sticker 10
STK260 I Know How to Count to 10 Sticker
STK265 100th Day 1 Sticker
STK266 100th Day 2 Sticker
STK344 Number Line Sticker
Cutout Maker ID Name Activities
BBD061* 100th Day Collection 1
BKM129 100 Bookmark 1 Additional
BKM130 100 Bookmark 2 Additional
BKM132 100 Bookmark 4 Additional

Content List

Number Sense 1 Content List (cont.)

Cutout Maker ID (cont.) Name Activities
BOR171 100 Bulletin Board Border 1 1
BOR173 100 Bulletin Board Border 3 1
BOR174 100 Bulletin Board Corner 1 1
BOR175 100 Bulletin Board Corner 2 1
CEL195 100 Star Decoration 10
CEL196 100 Stars Decoration 10
CEL197 100th Day Decoration 10
CRD110 100 Window Card 1 1, 10
CRD111 100 Window Card 2 1, 10
CRD112 100 Card 1, 10
*CRF124* 100 Dot Wreath Collection 4
*CRF125* 100 Dots Collection 2, 7
*CRF126* 100 Dot Star Collection
*CRF139* Fish Bowl Colors & Counting 3, 9
*CRF140* Flower Pot Colors & Counting 3
*CRF141* 100 Jellybean Jar Collection 5
*CRF142* Cloud Colors & Counting 3
*CRF143* Seashell Colors & Counting 3
FRA103 100 Frame 1 10
FRA104 100 Frame 2 10
HGR047 100 Door Hanger 1 Additional
HGR048 100 Door Hanger 2 Additional
MSK016 100 Glasses 10
MSK044 100 Crown 10
MSK064 100 Mask 10
MSK072 100 Mask 1 10
MSK073 100 Glasses 1 10
MSK074 100 Crown 1 10
MSK075 100 Crown 2 8, 10
MTH383 100th Day Bingo card 8
PUP063 100th Puppet
PUP064 Day Puppet
STN103 100th Stencil
STN104 Day Stencil
*Indicates Cutout Maker collection

variq u e s t w o rk o rd e r

VariQuest Work Order Template

This template can be photocopied and used for placing orders for customized posters, banners, stickers, awards, cutouts and collections.

Date Order Placed: __________________________________ Order #: _________________________________________

Date Order Needed By: ______________________________ Date Completed: _________________________________

Staff Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Room #: _________________________ Phone #: ___________________________________________________________

E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Special Instructions:

















Visual Learning Tools

For additional resources and

standards alignment visit

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