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Nama : Alvi Haikal Farwiza

Kelas : XI MIPA 1

My Opinion About the video :

Singapore is doing great things to deal with the Corona virus. they shut down their country's
access to people with a fever, then they cleaned all public places and also ordered the military
to produce masks. in my opinion what is done by Singapore needs to be emulated by Indonesia
but this is quite difficult for Indonesia a big country and also our country is not ready to face it
and there are still many people who panic because of corona then buy all goods in
supermarkets. my opinion don't panic about this corona virus, because the death rate is very
low, only 2% of the death rate and your chance of recovery is 98% . but that doesn`t mean this
virus is not dangerous. This virus is very dangerous, because it can spread quickly to people. in
my opinion it is better for us to isolate ourselves at home than to leave the house for something
that is not useful. And and this virus can be cured and prevented by diligently washing hands,
wearing masks, maintaining cleanliness.

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