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Pocket Guide to

Collect Feedback
for Product Success

Do you know how your customers feel about you? How are
your customers advocating your business or products? Find
out before it’s too late. According to Nielsen’s Global Trust
in Advertising Report, 92% of respondents said they trust
advice and recommendations from family and friends more
than any other advertising form. This is so powerful that if
you do everything right from your advertising to sale- one
customer’s bad experience could cost you customer churn
and vice versa.

With social media, your customers can quickly share reviews

with just a button press with the entire network. This makes
collecting and evaluating customer feedback one of the
most crucial tasks for your business; whether you are a B2B
or B2C, customer feedback matters. Feedback helps you
improve and enhance, whether you are an individual, group,
business, or organization. Information received via feedback
enables you to make better-informed decisions, especially
regarding customer satisfaction and retention.


Feedback is a tool for continuous improvement: Investing

time in asking and learning about your products. It is critical
to know what your customers think, what suits the
customers well, their least favorite aspect, and why. Asking
these questions shows that you really care about your
customer and product improvement. Continuous feedback
enables you to align the goals, create strategies, develop
product or service improvements, and much more.

Good feedback intensifies personal recommendations:

Good feedback about your product or service acts as word
of mouth advertising or referral marketing. Personal advice
is one of the top motivations for purchase decisions.
Companies can harness referral marketing’s power by
asking for case studies, testimonials, and online reviews to
advertise their products.

Listening to customer feedback instills a sense of

involvement and customer satisfaction: Asking your
customers to provide feedback makes them believe that

their opinion is truly valued. It instills a sense of involvement
and satisfaction, and they begin to have positive
connotations with your product, which could lead to more


Define a goal before starting to collect feedback:

Don’t jump into collecting feedback with no clear goal.
Define your goal first. It will lead you to choose the right
technique, audience, and tool.

Don’t send the survey too early: Don’t push new

customers to rate their loyalty right away. Send the
survey at the right stage of your user journey.

Customize your survey: Personalize the survey

according to your user location, language, and stage of
the user journey. Use contrasting or eye-catching
design. Always align your survey with representing your
brand, message, and use cases in the right way. Most
importantly, pay attention to the text. Make sure that
your survey associates with your target audience.

A/B testing: To improve your survey performance, test
multiple variants of surveys. Play with different color
schemes and UI elements to try which survey gives you
the best results.

Offer an incentive to your respondents: If your

responses and open rates are too low, offer incentives
to your respondents such as 10% off on the next
purchase or free e-book or free coupons, etc.

Follow a multichannel approach to collect feedback:

Provide your customers with as many ways to share
feedback as possible to gather actionable insights such
as to send surveys in the app, email, or create forums to
collect feedback.

Turn conclusions into decisions: Read every feedback

and comment and identify the root cause of the
feedback. Devise conclusions from your analysis and
implement the relevant recommendation for product


Product Satisfaction Surveys

To better understand what’s working and not working with a

new product or feature, run product satisfaction surveys. In
these surveys, you can ask how satisfied customers are with
the feature and what could be improved.

Ask open-ended questions such as how disappointed users

would be if there is a change in certain features. This is one
of the ways to understand the value of the feature to them.
Always share the product feedback with your product team

to iterate upon the product.


NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a type of user feedback that

measures the user’s loyalty to your product or brand. There
are two NPS questions you can ask your users:

1. How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend

or colleague?

2. What is the reason for your score?

The first question is always measured on a scale from 1-10

and is used to segment users based on answers. The second
question is used to get feedback on the customer’s high or
low scores. Based on the answers from the first question,
your customers are divided into three different segments:

Promoters - Customers who answered the question

with 9-10. This group is more than satisfied with your
product, and they will be pleased to spread the positive
word about it.

Passives - Customers who responded 7-8. This segment

is satisfied enough with your product to use it. Usually,
they will not churn, but they will also not promote it.

Detractors - Customers who replied 0-6. Detractors are

customers who will likely churn and spread negative
words about your product.

How is NPS calculated?

Net Promoter Score is calculated when you subtract the

percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.
A company’s NPS score can vary from -100 to 100.
For example, if you have:

30% detractors
20% passives
50% promoters

So, the formula for calculating NPS would be-

NPS = % of Promoters - % of Detractors
our Net Promoter Score would be 50% - 30% = 20. Dashboard

UPSHOT.AI ADVANTAGE is an enterprise-based omnichannel customer

engagement and gamification platform. Collecting feedback
is one of the best ways to engage customers and improve

your product or service. It helps you determine your
customer’s loyalty towards your brand, predict churn and
retention. Gathering product feedback is essential for
product success. Product managers can use customer
feedback to validate their product at key stages of the
product life cycle.

Designing a survey in the Upshot dashboard takes only a

couple of minutes and can be made to match your brand
fonts and colors. offers you multiple channels to
send surveys such as NPS, opinion polls, rating requests, in-
app surveys, and micro surveys. You can target specific
groups of customers based on demographics or behavior.
Track your survey results and download responses easily

Amway, the world’s largest distributor company, leveraged omnichannel micro surveys as one of the features
in their mobile and web app and was able to observe a 400%
increase in monthly active users.

Zyto leveraged in their iOS app called “Reframe” to

improve user’s perception of personal issues. We sent
rating requests to users to get their feedback and were

able to experience a 43% increase in user engagement.
Schedule a demo today to know how we can help you with
product success and get a personalized walkthrough of our

Trusted by top brands


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