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Nursing Philosophy Reflective Journal

Makenzie D. Helsel

NUR 460-2W1: Nursing Capstone

Delaware Technical Community College

Dr. Karen S. Wagamon

November 6, 2021

Nursing Philosophy Reflective Journal

In 2018, at the start of not only my nursing career, but also my journey towards obtaining

my BSN degree, I developed a nursing philosophy that I believed would guide my future nursing

practice. In reflecting on my nursing philosophy three years later, I support and affirm the core

values I previously established. These values include compassion, empathy, kindness,

continuing education, and patient advocacy. Furthermore, adding the importance of the nursing

code of ethics provisions would be beneficial to my nursing philosophy as they guide safe

nursing practice and optimal patient care.

One of the most important aspects in my nursing philosophy that I had previously

identified is education. I still acknowledge the role of education as being imperative to my

nursing practice. In general, healthcare and particularly the field of nursing, are always changing

and evolving to adapt to evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes. Part of being a

nurse is devoting yourself to lifelong learning and becoming an expert within your field. As I

now complete my BSN degree, I have gained insightful knowledge regarding how dedicating

yourself to lifelong learning is a necessary commitment to not only yourself, but also your

patients. An aspect to my nursing philosophy that I believe is beneficial to include is not only

furthering your own education, but also promoting the education of others. As I chose to

progress my career into the role of nursing leadership, I find that educating young nurses is

imperative to sustaining the nursing field. I hold nurse educators as a high regard and aspire to

further my education in that direction.

Patient advocacy is another essential aspect of my nursing philosophy. I strongly believe

that it is our responsibility as nurses to advocate for our patients, whether that be to support their

decisions, ensure their safety, or simply to promote optimal wellbeing. Advocacy includes

preserving human dignity, promoting patient equality, and preventing patient suffering (Loyola

Chicago ABSN, 2018). Being a patient advocate encourages open communication, optimizes

patient outcomes, and produces an overall culture of safety. Additionally, beneficence is “the

principle that imposes on the practitioner a duty to seek the good for patients under all

circumstances” (Edge & Groves, 2018, p. 291). This is a crucial theme to nursing care. To

further develop on the topic of advocacy, I would modify my nursing philosophy to include the

importance of advocating for the nursing profession. This includes advocating for workplace

concerns, such as safety, staffing ratios, and a positive work environment. By advocating for the

nursing profession, you are concurrently advocating for patients’ wellbeing.

Conflict management is necessary within a workplace, particularly within a leadership

role. It is a process in which disagreements and challenges are resolved. Many different styles

of conflict management exist, each with their own unique characteristics. Previously within my

nursing philosophy, I stated that I would utilize the accommodating style of conflict

management. Accommodating style is where you put others needs before your own (Valamis,

2021). In other words, this style of conflict resolution strives on sustaining peace and harmony

within a group without regards to the cause of the conflict. Reflecting on my conflict resolution

strategies now that I have developed into a leadership position within the nursing field, I would

say my style of conflict management has changed. Although I still place a high emphasis on

keeping peace within an organization, I relate more towards the collaboration style of conflict

management. Collaboration style produces the best long-term results as it focuses on evaluating

the needs of each individual and negotiating a solution together (Valamis, 2021). As I have

gained more insight and experience within a leadership role, I believe that ensuring all involved

are collaborating to develop a solution is the best way to appease everyone while also

guaranteeing a solution is met.

My nursing philosophy has and will continue to guide my nursing practice. A nursing

philosophy can continue to be modified and adapted throughout your career to correlate with

your current beliefs and values. As I continue to move forward within my nursing career, I plan

to continue to build upon my knowledge, further my education, and promote optimal patient

outcomes. I hope to spend my next years within the nursing field utilizing my knowledge to

educate others. Reflecting on my nursing philosophy from a new nurse until now has allowed

me to see how my core values have remained consistent, yet also developed. Education,

advocacy, leadership, teamwork, kindness, and compassion are all vital to my nursing

philosophy. I have utilized this philosophy as I have progressed throughout my BSN degree and

will continue to utilize it as I proceed further into the role of nurse educator.


Edge, R. S. & Groves, J. R. (2018). Ethics of healthcare: A guide for clinical practice (4th ed.).

Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Loyola Chicago ABSN. (2018). The role of the nurse as patient advocate. Loyola University

Chicago. https://absn.luc.edu/blog/role-of-nurse-patient-advocate/

Valamis. (2021). Conflict management styles. https://www.valamis.com/hub/conflict-


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