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Teacher CHERRY D.

SUNGA Grade Level 10

Teaching Dates Quarter FIRST
Week/Day 4 / 1-3 Learning Area PE


The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to
A. Content
promote societal fitness.
The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation
B. Performance of the community and society.
The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

C. Learning
Assesses physical activity, exercise, and eating habits. (PE10PF-Ia-h-39)
• Understand the concept of physical activity, exercise, and eating habits in
relation to having a healthy lifestyle.
• Realize the risk factors to health by analyzing one’s lifestyle practices.
D. Objectives
• Compose a poem that will advocate regular assessment of lifestyle practices
towards having an active healthy lifestyle.


Lifestyle and Weight Management
A. References
1. Teacher's
Physical Education and Health – Grade 10 PP. 7-17
Guide pages
2. Learner's
Physical Education and Health – Grade 10 PP. 5-13
Material pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning • GOOGLE
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Printed Materials

A. Reviewing Activity: READY-SET-GO!

previous lesson
or presenting Direction: Read the following statement and determine what applies to you by putting
the new lesson a check mark (✓).
___ 1. I engage in physical activities for at least 30 minutes several days a week.
___ 2. I assess my physical fitness level and my participation in physical activities.
___ 3. I do warm-up, stretching, and cool-down exercises.
___ 4. I engage in physical activities that challenge my heart rate.
___ 5. I always find time to do leisure activities.
___ 6. I manage my time well, allotting ample time for schoolwork, leisure, and rest.
___ 7. I try to eat vegetables and fruits as much as I can.
___ 8. I take note of what food labels say.
___ 9. I do not easily fall for fads and hypes on TV about fitness, health, and nutrition.
___10. I am conscientious with what I eat.
*Base on the activity, does your lifestyle prove to be beneficial or
harmful to your overall health and why?

The way in which an individual lives is called lifestyle. This includes the patterns
of behavior like everyday routine at home, in school, or at work; eating, sleeping, and
exercise habits, and many others that describe how a person spends their time. It is
very significant because everything you do whether good or bad greatly affects our
health and fitness. Different aspects brought about these effects to our overall health

Direction: List down five (5) information that you can get from the given image and
answer the question that follows.

B. Establishing a
purpose for the

1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

**What is the main idea presented by the different practices shown in

the illustration?

Direction: Carefully observe the image and write down five (5) factors why the child
C. Presenting will likely develop health problems.
instances of
the new

Our lifestyle is very significant because everything you do whether good or bad
greatly affects our health and fitness. Different aspects brought about these effects to
our overall health condition. Your lifestyle involves a lot of aspects like the physical
activities you engage in, the food you eat, the daily habits you observe, the choices
you make as a consumer, and many others.

On the other hand, the concepts of weight gain and weight loss are important in
weight management. How to gain and lose weight are probably some of the more
common issues when it comes to health. Along with this concept is weight
maintenance. To understand it in simple terms, energy expenditure is the amount of
energy you spend through physical activity, while energy consumption is the amount
of energy you take in through food. They both play key roles in weight management.

Here are simple formulas in weight management:

*Weight Gain = energy consumed is greater than energy expended
(more food intake but less physical exertion)
*Weight Loss = energy consumed is less than energy expended
(more physical exertion but less food intake)
*Weight Maintenance = energy consumed equals energy expended
D. Discussing new (physical exertion is the same with food intake)
concepts and
practicing new Modifying your eating habits can aid you in managing your weight. Opting for
skills #1 more nutritious food can help lessen health risks and improve your physique.
Some of the common tips in weight management:
✓ including fruits and vegetables in your meals
✓ reducing intake of sweets
✓ preparing your meals in a healthier way
✓ decreasing portion sizes

Your knowledge of lifestyle and weight management would be beneficial to you

even as you get older. In general, lifestyle should be your focus and knowing your
weight and how to manage it would make you a healthier individual.

Activity 1: ACROSTIC

Direction: List down some practices towards having a healthy lifestyle through
physical activity and weight management. Choose one (1) from the words

A - __________________ W - _____________ H - __________________

C - __________________ E - _____________ E - __________________
T - __________________ I - _____________ A - __________________
I - __________________ G - _____________ L - __________________
V - __________________ H - _____________ T - __________________
E - __________________ T - _____________ Y - __________________
Health Risk Factors and Lifestyle Modification
Managing your lifestyle entails modifying your routine especially in those aspects
that heighten health risks. These modifications should be done gradually, such as
reducing the fat intake, getting up to reach for something instead of asking someone
to get it for you, or walking faster and more often. Lifestyle modification to be healthy
involves altering habits (eating, physical activity, weight management) and sustaining
the new behavior.
Some variables in your lifestyle that can be modified to carry out a healthier life
- nutrition/eating habit, body weight, physical activity, other health habits.
An unhealthy lifestyle brings with its certain diseases, known as non-communicable
diseases (NCDs), that can shorten your lifespan. The four main types of NCDs are
cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such asthma), and
A risk factor is a characteristic, condition or habit that increases a person’s chances
to develop a disease or health disorder. Behavioral risk factors are those that
individuals have the most ability to modify (physical inactivity, poor diet, smoking,
alcohol consumption). Biomedical risk factors are bodily states that are often
influenced by behavioral risk factors (obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
level). For example, physical inactivity may contribute to weight gain, high blood
pressure and high cholesterol levels.
Risk factors to our health should be taken seriously. Being aware of these risk
factors as well as doing something to prevent their effects are important. Engaging in
active recreational activities and modifying eating habits are highly encouraged as
means of promoting a healthy lifestyle. It is important that these risks factors are
addressed even at your teenage years. You could start by being more active, adding
E. Discussing new physical activity sessions to your daily routine, or by being a healthy eater, opting for
concepts and
more nutritious food.
practicing new
skills #2 Activity 2: WHAT IF?

Direction: Analyze the given scenarios of lifestyle practices below. Determine the
specified risk factor on each lifestyle practice given in the table.

Scenario Risk factor

1. Kim is constantly in a hurry meeting
deadlines and due dates.

2. Ben already has flabby belly due to

frequent alcohol consumption.

3. Cath loves eating burgers and fries every

now and then.

Activity 3: CAN YOU HELP?

Direction: Given the risk factor on each lifestyle practice, suggest a way on how you
can address each situation.

What should be done



Activity 4: Healthy?... Unhealthy?...

Direction: Accomplish the table below that shows eating habits and physical activity
engagement. Determine whether each practice is healthy or unhealthy and
briefly state your reason.
Healthy or
Practices Reason/s
1. Eating fruits and vegetables regularly

2. Taking the elevator always

F. Developing
Mastery 3. Skipping meals on a regular basis
(Leads to
Formative 4. Playing active games
Assessment 3)
5. Substituting water for rice

6. Eating meat products always

7. Choosing to eat home cooked meals than

fast food

8. Doing household chores

9. Enjoying the internet during leisure time

10. Drinking beverages, like soft drinks, as the

first option
Activity 5: Positive or Negative?

1. State possible changes in your daily practices necessary to achieve a healthy
lifestyle in terms of physical activity and eating habits.
2. Use the table below to list five (5) practices that can help and five (5) practices
G. Finding practical that you need to avoid.
application of
concepts and Healthy Lifestyle (physical activity and eating habits)
skills in daily Practices that can help Practices to avoid
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.


Direction: Share your insights gained from the lesson by completing the sentences
I realized that…

H. Generalization I learned that…

I intend that…
I. Evaluating Activity 7: COMPLETE THE TABLE
Learning Direction: Complete the table below by supplying the appropriate information or
details about weight management.

How can you relate it with

Weight Management Formula for weight
physical activity and eating
Component management

*weight gain =

*weight loss =

*weight maintenance =

Activity 8: SHOP WISE

Direction: Choose from among the terminologies inside the box the correct answer to
fill-in the blank/s of the following statements.

diabetes active recreation heart illnesses nutrition

obesity cholesterol cancer asthma
chronic diseases Biomedical body weight modified eating habit

1. Non-communicable diseases are also called ___________ diseases.

2. _________ risk factors are often influenced by other risk factors such as
___________, hypertension, and high level of _____________.
3. _____________ and _____________ are two of the lifestyle variables being
modified to have a healthier life.
4. To promote a healthy lifestyle, _______________ and ____________ are
highly encouraged.
5. The four main types of NCDs are __________________,
_____________________, _________________________,

Activity 9: MY ADVOCACY
Direction: Compose a poem that will
advocate regular assessment
of lifestyle practices towards
having an active healthy
lifestyle. (Three (3) stanzas
J. Additional
activities for and four (4) lines each stanza)
application or

Prepared and Submitted by: Reviewed and Checked by:


Teacher II OIC-School Head

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