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 Pop Culture involves the aspects of  Values - commonly accepted

social life most actively involved in by standards of what is considered right
the public. It is widely determined by and wrong, good and evil, fair and
the interactions between people in unfair, etc.
their everyday activities: styles of  Ideal Values - values members
dress, the use of slang, greeting profess to hold
rituals, and the foods that people eat  Real Values - values that guide actual
are all examples of popular culture. behavior
 Certain standards and commonly  Norms – are standards and
beliefs are visible in pop culture. expectations for behaving. There are
With this commonality, pop culture two types of norms:
influences and mirrors people’s  1. Formal norms also called mores
everyday engagement in life. and laws, refer to the standards of
 Along this vein, popular culture may behavior considered the most
be defined as the products and forms important in any society. Ex. Traffic
of expression and identity that are laws, school rules and regulations,
frequently encountered of widely community ordinances, etc.
accepted, commonly liked or  2. Informal norms also called
approved, and characteristic of a folkways and customs refers to the
particular society at a given time standard of behavior that are less
 Culture can be used to refer to ‘a important. But still influence us how
general process of intellectual, we behave. Ex. Table
spiritual and aesthetic development’. manners, phone etiquette, public
 Culture might be to suggest ‘a ride manners, public conversation,
particular way of life, whether of a party etiquette, etc.
people, a period or a group ‘.  Rituals - are established procedures
 Culture can be used to refer to ‘the and ceremonies that often mark
works and practices of intellectual transitions in the life course.
and especially artistic activity. *circumcision for boys in the
 Symbols - stand for something else Philippines
and that often evoke various *Wedding rituals in the Philippines
reactions and emotions. A symbol *Funeral rituals (gambling, death
can be a strong motivator, a show of certificate, wearing of black dress,
status, or even an act of defiance. etc)
Symbols are powerful things that can *House warming rituals
speak a thousand words.
Theoretical Perspective of Culture
 Language - is a key symbol of any
culture. It can be spoken or written.
 Functionalist Perspective is based on ownership and other economic or
the assumption that the society is social gain). It explores the
composed of many interrelated parts conflict between the poor and elite.
that systematically work together to 
serve the needs of the society. It
focuses on the relationship between
parts of society and how they
function for society’s benefit. This
theory was postulated by Emile
 According to functionalism, an
institution only exists because it
serves a vital role in the functioning
of society. If it no longer serves a role,
an institution will die away. When
new needs evolve or emerge, new
institutions will be created to meet
 The Functionalist Perspective
considers society as a complex
system which suggest that the
different social groups are  Symbolic Interactionism the theory
interdependent to each other. If assumes that we are all free to
such group is no longer capable of construct our own sense of morality
doing its role then it should be throughout our engagement in
replaced by another that could everyday social life.
satisfy the demand of a certain
 Symbolic Interactionism focuses on
segment in the society.
face –to-face interactions of people
 Functionalists believes that these and how they interpret each other’s
social groups should possess a actions.
collective action to maintain
 Pop Culture involves the aspects of
solidarity and unity.
social life most actively involved in by
 The different social group includes: the public. It is widely determined by
home, education government, the interactions between people in
religion, economy and media their everyday activities: styles of
 Conflict theory focuses on the dress, the use of slang, greeting
competition among members of the rituals, and the foods that people eat
social group over scarce resources are all examples of popular culture.
(i.e., struggle for power, money,  Certain standards and commonly
fame, protection, control, position, beliefs are visible in pop culture.
With this commonality, pop - Things stay the same for
culture influences and mirrors long periods of time.
people’s everyday engagement in - Folk culture is fading as
life. popular culture is on the
 Along this vein, popular culture may rise
be defined as the products and forms - Comes from small,
of expression and identity that are additional communities
frequently encountered of widely  Pop Culture – Ideas are widespread
accepted, commonly liked or and diffuse quickly
approved, and characteristic of a - Adopts ideas from folk
particular society at a given time. culture and adapts them
 Popular culture consist of the aspects to please the people
of attitude behaviors beliefs customs - Things fade out and come
and tastes that define the people of in quickly as tastes of the
any society. people change.
 Popular culture is a ‘mass culture’. It - Popular culture is
is hopelessly commercial culture. It is overtaking folk culture
mass produced for mass with its fast pace and new
consumption. Its audience is a mass ideas.
of non-discriminating audience.
Global culture and its impact to local
 Popular culture is to suggest that it is culture
the culture which is left over after we
have decided what high culture is. It  Global culture is a set of shared
is a residual category, there to experiences, norms, symbols, and
accommodate cultural texts, and ideas that unite people at the global
practices which fail to meet level.
the required standard to qualify as  Cultures can exist at the global,
high culture. national, regional, city,
 Pop culture is the culture of the neighborhood, subculture and super
common man and high culture is the culture levels. Such cultures are not
culture of the elite. mutually exclusive but overlap in
 High culture is the consumption countless ways.
patterns, mannerisms, Beliefs,
Examples of Global Culture
amusement, leisure activities, and
tastes and preferences of a  Business. Shared business habits,
societies elite. Popular culture is the convention and expectations
same thing; but for the masses.  Sport. Shared sports for enjoyment
 Folklore – Prefers to keep ideas quiet and competition
- New ideas almost always  Holidays and Pastimes. Celebrated
follow custom holidays and events in diverse
manners but with commonalities too  Change the local phenomenon to be
some degree at the global level. more global
Example is Christmas, New Year,  Spread of cultural diversity and the
Lenten season, etc. possibility of people to access any
 Fashion. Trendy styles, designs or culture that they want to know about
materials that quickly spread and become easier.
adopt by people globally.  It may eliminate cultural diversity
 Diplomacy. Shared conventions and  Pluralism in culture will enhance
norms of international diplomacy. peace and understanding between
 Professions. Shared professional nations
culture such as norms, ideas,  Economics creates global market
information, knowledge and symbols because of globalization
that would promote professional  Stronger countries try to inspire the
development language of other countries
 Language. The desire to adopt
common language that could be used Truths about local pop culture
internationally in business,
education, and other engagement  Pop culture is market driven.
across borders.  Pop culture is fluid.
 Travel. Exchanged norms and  Pop culture is entertaining.
conventions for international  Pop culture is unifying.
 Belief. Religious practices and rituals, Benefits of Globalization
philosophies and other beliefs that  It has led to robust and sharp
are shared and practiced by people in economic growth and financial
the global world. exchanges. e.g. free trade policies,
 Arts and Music. Shared various forms speed knowledge sharing and
of arts and music of different genres international cooperation and
and styles making people of varied collaboration.
culture enjoy and appreciate the  Opened the world of finance making
value of commonalities and taste in exchange of capital easier. e.g.
arts, and music. extinguishing mediators and
 Education. Shared educational collapsing barriers in economic
norms and philosophies that would exchange.
develop the full capacities of  Increased human exchanges which
students at an international level. pave the way to cultural exchanges
Influence of global culture to local pop (customs, tradition, habits, etc.) e.g.
culture migration, travelling, expatriation,
education (exchanging of students
and teachers.
 Culture shock is a psychological those differences and even to delight
discomfort when engaging in a new in them.
cultural situation.
Top ten countries impacting global culture
 Acculturation the process of
adjustment to the dominant culture. 1. FRANCE
 Assimilation the process of giving up 2. UNITED STATES
cultural traditions and adopting the 3. JAPAN
social customs of the dominant culture 4. BRAZIL
of a place. 5. AUSTRALIA
 Taboo - Restrictions on behavior 6. ITALY
imposed by social customs 7. SWEDEN
Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity 9. SPAIN
 Cultural Awareness - General term used
 Constant exposure of people to global
to indicate that a person is conscious of
culture can eat away at their local
the similarities and differences within,
between, and among cultures.
 “In an era of global capitalism, cultural
 Cultural Sensitivity - Indicates that a
distinctiveness can become more
person not only has been an awareness
important, not less important. Because
of the nuances of one's own culture as
it’s sort of what people have left.”
well as those of other cultures, but also
that he or she does not assign a negative
or positive value to the differences
within, between, and among cultures-
accepts cultural differences non-
 Tolerance is the recognition of the
universal human rights and freedoms
of others, and is not a passive
Tips for fostering Tolerance

 Live by the “golden rule”: Do unto

others as you would have them do
unto you.
 View differences as positive.
 Don’t blame all people in a particular
ethnic group, religion, etc. for the
cruel actions of a few who happen to
be from the same group.
 Remember, we all share the same
world. To be tolerant is to welcome

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