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Contract for Tutor Services

We ask all tutors to read carefully the Contract for Services before signing.

This agreement is between:

(1) The Tutor Team Ltd (the Company), a private limited company providing an agency service to tutors and registered
at Companies House, number 10861767 with registered business address being Melbourne House, Bratton, Wiltshire
BA13 4RL.

(2.) The Tutor. The Tutor wishes to provide tuition services, in consideration for the Fees received. The Company will
be acting for the Client (this maybe the student, parent or guardian, or other party) and will pay fees to the Tutor on
behalf of the Client

Description of Services:

1.1 This is a Contract for Services. It is not a contract of employment

1.2 The Tutor shall be entirely self-employed and nothing in this Agreement shall constitute an employer/employee
1.3 The Tutor Team Ltd is under no obligation to provide any further paid work or unpaid work in the future.
1.4 In exchange for the agreed fee, the Tutor agrees from the date of acceptance of this Agreement until the termination
hereof to be available to provide the services, at the request of the Client, at such times as are mutually convenient.
1.5 It is understood that the Tutor shall have no obligation to provide the services hereunder, nor shall the Client have
any obligation to provide work for the Tutor.
1.6 It is agreed that the Tutor shall at all times perform the services to the highest standard.

In particular the Tutor shall make every effort to:

a) be punctual
b) be presentable and dressed in an appropriate and respectable manner at all times
c) be polite, diligent and helpful. Never to use profanity or sexual innuendo in front of a Client or Student, or
make derogatory remarks about a Student. Any tutor who does this will be removed from The Tutor Team
d) do all the necessary preparation for each tutoring session
e) not to cancel lessons unless absolutely necessary. It should be noted that tutors who repeatedly cancel lessons
or fail to notify the Client of cancelled lessons may be removed from the Team.

1.7 If for any reason the Tutor shall be delayed due to circumstances beyond his/her control, the Tutor agrees to contact
the Client to let him/her know (even if the Tutor will be as little as five minutes late). The Tutor agrees to make up this
lost time where appropriate by staying longer than the allocated tuition session or by making it up in the following
1.8 The Tutor must keep the Client informed of any issues or problems with each Student taught, as and when they
1.9 The Tutor agrees not to smoke within the vicinity of the tutoring placement.
1.10 The Tutor agrees, so far as is reasonable, to be in ready contact by email and telephone with the Client to enable
the Client to inform him/her of possible hours of Tuition and of any cancellations.
1.11 The Tutor agrees that once s/he has accepted a placement then the Tutor is committed to the specified times and
1.12 The Tutor shall, at the request of the Client, provide any information as to the Student’s performance.
1.13 The Tutor shall keep an up-to-date record and schedule of all hours worked, and regarding the Student’s academic
performance or exam success.

The Tutor Team and Tutor Contract 1


The Company

2.1 The Tutor accepts that the Company is providing an introductory role for the Client in which the Company:

a) negotiates with the Tutor on the Client’s behalf to agree the terms on which the Tutor will provide Services
b) requests feedback from the Tutor to ensure the best Tuition.
c) deals with the administration of the Client’s payment of the Fee to the Tutor; and
d) provides general liaison services on behalf of the Client as between the Client and the Tutor

2.2 The Tutor accepts that in providing the services described above the Company is acting as the agent of the Client
and therefore the Tutor will accept all requests, instructions and communications from the Company that are made on
behalf of the Client as if they came from the Client directly.

2.3 The Tutor also accepts that the Tutor has no direct contractual relationship with the Company and therefore:

a) the Company has no contractual obligations or liability to the Tutor; and

b) the Company is not acting as an agent for the Tutor.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

3.1 For Hourly Tutorials it is agreed that the Tutor shall be paid the Hourly Rate for each hour of Services provided.
For Daily Placements the Tutor shall be paid the Daily Rate for each day of Services provided. For Weekly Placements,
the Tutor shall be paid the Weekly Rate for each week of Services provided. For workshops the Tutor shall be paid the
Daily Rate as arranged with the Company.

3.2 For Hourly Tutorials, it is agreed that the Client may elect to change tutors after the first lesson if in the reasonable
opinion of the Client or Student the Tutor is unsuitable. The Tutor may also elect to decline further lessons at this stage
if in the reasonable opinion of the Tutor the Client’s requests are unreasonable.

3.3 The Company will pay the Tutor the agreed rate at the end of each calendar month provided all tutoring hours have
been appropriately logged in Tutor Cruncher and none of these hours have been challenged by the Client.

3.4 The Company strongly advises Tutors to take a timesheet or diary to every tuition session to be signed (where
applicable) by the Client as confirmation of the date, time and duration of the Tuition Session. Alternately, especially
for online sessions, the Tutor may choose to record the session with the student’s permission. The Company strongly
advises that the Tutor keep a copy of proof of lessons to avoid any potential misunderstanding or dispute with a Client.

3.5 It is agreed that all payment arrangements between the Client and the Tutor shall be handled by the Company

3.6 The Tutor shall not approach the Client directly in relation to payment matters.

3.7 The Tutor agrees that if payment is made directly between themselves and any Client(s), whether they be current or
former Client(s), then any outstanding payments will be withheld from the Tutor by the Company and full monies
owing to the Company will be pursued in full from the Tutor. The Tutor shall be severally liable for any costs incurred
by the Company in this regard.
The Tutor Team and Tutor Contract 2
3.8 The Tutor shall be responsible for all travel expenses. If the tutor wishes to be recompensed for travel expenses by
the Client, then the Company with undertake discussions with the Client to that end but cannot guarantee such

3.9 The Tutor acknowledges that s/he is responsible for payment of all taxes, national insurance and social security
contributions due in respect of payments to be made under this Agreement and that s/he shall fully indemnify and hold
the Client and the Company harmless in this regard.

3.10 The Tutor acknowledges that s/he is in no way covered by the Client or the Company in any matter(s) of insurance
and will take out, should s/he deem appropriate, his/her own insurance policy in respect of any personal and/or third-
party claims. The Company strongly recommends that the Tutor takes out adequate insurance.

3.11 The Company will advise the Tutor if a Client has not paid and is in arrears with their account. In this case, the
Company recommends that the Tutor does not deliver the tutoring session until The Company confirms payment by the
Client. If the Tutor decides to go ahead with the tutorial knowing that the Client has not paid for previous sessions, the
risk of non-payment rests solely with the Tutor. If the Company is unable to secure payment for that session the
Company is not liable for the Tutor’s fee. The Company has a clear payment policy for Clients and will pursue for
monies owing.

Tutor Declaration

4.1 The Tutor warrants that all information given to the Client (via the Company or otherwise) whether prior to or
during the provision of tuition is true and accurate in all respects. The Tutor has represented that s/he is skilled to teach
the subjects as per the Curriculum Vitae provided to the Company and by provision of qualification certificates. Any
breach of this clause shall entitle the Client to terminate the Tutor’s Services immediately.
The Company
Termination of Agreement

5.1 Both parties appreciate the importance of a good understanding and trust between the Tutor and the Student.
Accordingly, if the Client is, in his/her reasonable opinion, not happy with the Tutor the Client must notify the Tutor
and the Company of its dissatisfaction in writing. This Agreement shall then terminate with immediate effect and there
will be no further charges or payments due to the Tutor. If the Tutor, in her/his reasonable opinion, is unhappy with
Client and/or Student behaviour they must inform the Company and the Company may terminate the contract with the
Client or find an alternate Tutor.

5.2 The Tutor hereby agrees that the Company may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect:

a) if the Tutor commits a serious or material breach of any of his or her obligations
b) if the Tutor repeatedly commits minor breaches of obligations under this Agreement
c) if the Tutor acts in such a way so as to discredit the Company
d) if the Tutor shall have been found guilty of any criminal offence (other than any offence not involving a
custodial or suspended custodial sentence under the Road Traffic Act).
e) Breach of conditions under section 1.6 above especially 6.1.C and 6.1.E

5.3 In the event of termination of this Agreement further to any of clauses 7.3 above, the Tutor acknowledges that s/he
will be liable for any costs or expenses directly or indirectly incurred, any liability or damages faced by the Client, and
any action taken by the Client in this regard.

5.4 The Tutor may terminate this agreement at any time with the provision of 2 weeks written notice.

The Tutor Team and Tutor Contract 3

Tutor Declaration

6.1 The Tutor agrees at all times during and after his/her provision of the Services not to disclose to others any
confidential information or knowledge pertaining to the business affairs and operations of the Company, including but
not limited to trade know-how, trade secrets, client lists, information about other tutor(s), information about any
Client(s) and their family/ies, pricing policies, operational methods, marketing plans or strategies, future plans, and
business acquisition and/or expansion plans. This clause is subject to the proviso, however, that any disclosure
compelled by law or legal process does not constitute a breach or violation of this clause, and neither shall any
information be deemed confidential or secret for purposes of this Agreement if it is generally known in the industry.

6.2 The Tutor agrees at all times during and after her/his provision of services to maintain discretion regarding the
Student, Client, their home or family.

Data Protection

7.1 The Company will use the information provided by the Tutor to deal with the administration of the Services and to
assist in placing the Tutor with other suitable Students. The Company may disclose the Tutor’s information for this
purpose to other Clients. Tutor information will not be shared with any outside agency.

7.2 The Company may use the information and profile image provided by the Tutor to advertise services and to attract
Clients to the Tutor. At our discretion we may use references and client testimonials. No personal contact details or
full names will be used and CVs will not be shared.

Contractual Relationship

The Tutor Team acts as an agent on behalf of the Client and the Tutor providing introductions for clients and students
to tutors and vice versa. It also collects fees from the Client on behalf of the Tutor, together with its own fee and VAT
which are payable solely by the Client. Tutors do not collect fees. The Tutor Team is responsible for pursuit of late
payments from clients where the tutor’s timesheet has been received as specified in the ‘Timesheets’ section.

Tutors are free to provide tuition to students or clients not introduced to the Tutor by The Tutor Team. Tutors must not
make private arrangements with clients or students introduced by The Tutor Team as this could put the Client in a
breach of contract situation with The Tutor Team where he or she is liable to pay a fee. If a tutor makes a private
arrangement with a client, The Tutor Team will remove the Tutor from our register and not provide any further
assignments. In the case where clients or students introduced by The Tutor Team refer tutors to other clients or
students, including friends and siblings, Tutors may only provide tuition to these clients or students if they do so
through The Tutor Team. In the event where tutors provide tuition to a student or client introduced by The Tutor Team
and where this student or client is also registered with another agency, the Tutor is not permitted to invoice another
agency for payment for this client in lieu of The Tutor Team, where The Tutor Team is the agency which introduced
the Client or Student to the Tutor. Clients are prohibited by contract by entering into private agreements with
tutors introduced by the Company or referring tutors to other clients or students.

Tutors must not bill or invoice clients directly or accept payments from clients or students introduced by The Tutor
Team. These guidelines together with The Tutor Team’ terms of business and the Tutor’s written confirmation of
assignment details form a part of the Tutor’s contract with The Tutor Team and with the Client.

I have read and agree to The Tutor Team Ltd terms and conditions

Electronic Signature Required

(please click link below)

The Tutor Team and Tutor Contract 4

The Tutor Team and Tutor Contract 5

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