I. State The Null and Alternative Hypothesis

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2. An ice cream machine dispenses 7 ounces of ice cream per serving.

To test whether the machine is

properly working, a sample of 23 servings showed an average amount of 7.28 ounces with a standard
deviation 0f 0.92 ounces. Use 0.05 level of significance.

I. State the Null and Alternative Hypothesis

H o : μ=7 (The ice cream dispenses 7 ounces of ice cream per serving.)

H o : μ>7 (The ice cream dispenses more than 7 ounces of ice cream per serving)

II. Choose the appropriate statistical test

Since n=23 and 23 is less than 30 and the value of the population mean is more than the specified
value, therefore:

Test statistic = t-test (one-tailed)

III. Determine the Level of Significance and the critical value

We use the t-distribution table since our test-statistic is t-test.

Given, α = 0.05
𝑑𝑓=𝑛−1 = 23 – 1 = 22
Refer on the table α = 0.05,
𝑑𝑓=22, one-tailed test
Critical value = ±1.717

IV. Compute for the Computed Value

x́=7.25 s=0.92 n=23 μ=7

(7.25−7) √ 23
t computed =
t computed =1.303

V. Make the Decision and Conclusion

Since t-computed (|1.303|) is greater than the t-critical value (|±1.717|), we reject the null hypothesis
(Ho) and do not reject alternative hypothesis (Ha).

Thus, there is no sufficient evidence that the the ice cream dispenses 7 ounces of ice cream per serving.

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