Periarthritis: of The Shoulder

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Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Park Hospital, Davvhulme; Lecturer in Orthopaedics, University of Manchester

The clinical entity which has come to be known Diagnosis

as ' periarthritis' of the shoulder is of particular The diagnosis of periarthritis can usually be
interest to orthopaedic surgeons because it made by a simple clinical examination. The
presents features which are unique. It is unique conditions from which it has to be distinguished
in that the same pathology does not appear to are (i) spontaneous rupture (or partial rupture) of
affect joints other than the shoulder. It is a the supraspinatus tendon; (2) supraspinatus
constant source of amazement that a ' frozen tendinitis, with or without calcification; (3)
shoulder,' presenting as a virtually complete brachial neuritis; (4) osteoarthritis of the
ankylosis, can spontaneously ' thaw' and leave a acromioclavicular joint and (5) tuberculous arth-
completely normal joint. This is all the more ritis of the shoulder-joint. The conditions in
astonishing because it is usually an isolated incident (I), (2) and (3) can be distinguished because in
in the life of a patient who appears to be perfectly these the shoulder will have a good range of move-
healthy and who continues to remain healthy; ment on passive examination whereas periarthritis
occasionally the opposite shoulder may be affected is characterized by limitation of movement
and occasionally other manifestations of connective affecting all directions. Osteoarthritis of the
tissue disorders such as ' tennis elbow' may be acromio-clavicular joint, (4), can be distinguished
experienced, but none of these lead to permanent from periarthritis by the site of maximum tender-
or progressive changes in the tissues. ness and by the fact that limitation of movement
will be found only in the direction of abduction
Clinical Features while external and internal rotation of the shoulder
Periarthritis is not encountered before middle will be full. The earliest, and most characteristic,
age; but after that period it is more or less evenly direction which suffers limitation in periarthritis
distributed over all age-groups up to the seventies. is external rotation.
It affects the sexes with almost equal frequency Periarthritis can easily be differentiated from
though there may be a slight preponderance of tuberculosis of the shoulder, (5), by the absence
females. The condition usually develops spon- of destructive changes in the X-ray.
taneously as a painful shoulder without any
definite relation to injury, but in 20 to 30 per cent. In a severe case of " frozen shoulder " the
of the cases it may be associated with a very definite complete normality of the radiograph will strike
injury such as a fall on the shoulder or after a the examiner very forcibly when he encounters his
fracture of the wrist. Frequently patients will first example of this condition, because to judge
attribute the start of the pain to injuries which on from the degree of ankylosis and muscular wasting
closer examination will be found to be spontaneous it is quite probable that he would be expecting to
as the result of active movements, such as lifting find advanced radiological changes. There seems
the arm to clean a window, which suggests that the to be no doubt that the ' caries sicca ' of the old
state of the shoulder was not normal at the time surgeons, supposedly a type of tuberculosis en-
of the incident which precipitated the symptoms. countered particularly in the shoulder, was not a
At its onset the pain in the shoulder can some- special form of tuberculosis but was what we now
times be extremely severe and may keep the know as the ' frozen' shoulder of periarthritis.
patient awake for many nights and even require
the use of the strongest analgesics and narcotic Pathology
drugs. After an initial violent onset the pain may There have been few descriptions of the morbid
subside to the level of severe discomfort and anatomy of the tissues in periarthritis because the
patients are not usually referred for the opinion condition is not encountered at autopsies;
of a consultant until it is evident that after eight this fact itself indicates that the condition is
or iz weeks no progress is being made. eventually self-curing because if it were to leave
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July I959 CHARNLEY: Periarthritis of the Shoulder 385

permanent defects it ought to be fairly commonly Psycho-somatic Factors
seen in routine autopsies on elderly subjects. It is a very noticeable clinical fact that, as a
The best descriptions of the appearance of the general rule, patients with ' frozen' shoulders are
interior of the shoulder joint in periarthritis are more than usually apprehensive and have a
those of Neviaser (1945), who explored ten particular distaste for physical discomfort.
patients, and Simmonds (I949), who explored Coventry (I953) has coined the phrase ' peri-
four. The essential feature on naked-eye in- arthritis personality' and believes that an under-
spection is best conveyed in Neviaser's own lying process of collagen degeneration, which is
words: ' there was a conspicuous absence of not an uncommon pathology in the highly stressed
synovial fluid and the redundant capsule, instead tendons of the middle-aged rotator cuff, passes
of showing the normal separation from the into the clinical picture of periarthritis if it is
humeral head, was adherent to it. By means of a associated with disuse. Phlegmatic patients who
suitable elevator the capsule could easily be are able to persist in exercising their painful
separated from the cartilage. No bleeding could shoulders can avert with absolute certainty the full
be detected during this procedure, thus indicating development of a ' frozen' shoulder, but patients
that the adhesion was not due to vascular bands. who 'exercise' only within the comfortable arc,
This adhesion was similar to that of adhesive using mainly scapular movements, will eventually
plaster applied to the bare skin. The capsule be overtaken by extreme stiffness.
could also be separated from the head by rotating In this concept of the development of peri-
the arm. During manipulations the head and the arthritis the actual nature of the process causing
capsule, at first seemingly glued together, were the initial pain is considered to be unimportant-
separated after one or two rotational movements. provided that it lies in some part of the capsule.
Free rotation was then possible.... The capsule Thus a localized patch of degeneration in the
was thicker than normal, as observed in cadaver supraspinatus tendon, with or without calcinosis,
experiments and in operations for recurrent can develop into an adhesive capsulitis in patients
dislocation . . . ' who persistently evade attempts to use the
These findings caused Neviaser to suggest the shoulder through its maximum range of movement.
descriptive term ' adhesive capsulitis ' in pre- Whether the role of disuse in the production of
ference to the very unsatisfactory word ' peri- periarthritis is as simple as it sounds or whether
arthritis' and it is unfortunate that the better it acts through the medium of an obscure ' reflex
term has never achieved popularity. sympathetic dystrophy' is impossible to decide.
Simmonds also chooses highly descriptive The fact stands out that periarthritis can develop in
words to convey the same essential picture: patients of an apprehensive disposition who are
' The tendinous cuff also showed increased suffering from pain, of any kind, felt in the region
vascularity and it seemed abnormally thick and of the shoulder but arising reflexly at a distance.
closely applied to the head. The cuff could be Thus some cases of brachial neuritis, where
likened to a vascular, leathery hood . . . The initially there has been nothing to indicate a
joint itself was normal and there were no intra- lesion of the shoulder joint, will develop im-
articular adhesions.' perceptibly into frozen shoulders as the months go
by. In the same way, patients with pain arising
The feature common to these two descriptions in coronary heart disease will not infrequently
is that there were no vascular intra-articular ad- develop frozen shoulders on the left side.
hesions, in contrast to the picture so commonly The association of adhesive capsulitis of the
conjured up when the subject of manipulation is shoulder with a reflex sympathetic dystrophy is
discussed in the treatment of this condition. seen in its most exaggerated form in the' shoulder-
Microscopy of the bursa and the tendon, as hand syndrome' in which a severe periarthritis is
reported by Neviaser and by Simmonds, showed accompanied by vascular changes, stiffness of all
no specific pathology other than ' chronic inflam- the joints in the hand, and atrophic changes akin
matory reaction with hyperaemia ... and' evidence to Sudek's atrophy.
of degeneration and focal necrosis with marked
increase of vascularity.' Treatment
Simmonds concluded that these changes were Before discussing the treatment of fully estab-
the result of collagen degeneration in the tendinous lished adhesive capsulitis we must not forget the
material which is so intimately part of the capsule importance of prophylaxis. Wherever a suspicion
of the shoulder joint and that the thickening and of shoulder stiffness arises after middle-age it
hyperaemia of the capsule is part of the reactive should be a routine to encourage shoulder
process removing the degenerate collagen pre- exercises. In traumatic surgery, shoulder ex-
paratory to repair. ercise should not be reserved for injuries which
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have fallen primarily and obviously on the Discussion
shoulder when indirect contusions are overlooked, The pathology of periarthritis of the shoulder
such as those which accompany a Colles' fracture is rendered especially intriguing by the widely
of the wrist. Successful rehabilitation depends held view that over-enthusiastic treatment can
more on psychological factors than on any be harmful.
physical technique and apprehension is combated By analogy with the clinical signs of inflam-
by the transference of optimism and encourage- mation and joint 'irritation' it is easy to ap-
ment from the physiotherapist. The application preciate the reaction of surgeons who dislike early
of heat is of value in rendering subsequent manipulation in the presence of pain, but it is
exercises more tolerable rather than from any difficult to understand why the same surgeons will
special virtue in the heat itself. approve of active movements as prophylactic
In the treatment of the established condition treatment in the early stages. What sort of
there is considerable difference of opinion and inflammation is it which can benefit from pro-
therefore it is well to state the orthodox or majority phylactic exercise?
attitude before discussing the points which are Against manipulation it is often said that the
debatable. I am helped in this by a questionnaire total duration of symptoms, before and after the
sent to the Fellows of the British Orthopaedic start of treatment, is about i8 months and is only
Association in 1956, to which replies were obtained rarely reduced by treatment of any kind. It is
in 84 cases. possible that this dictum derives from the state-
In general it is considered that the condition ment of Dickson and Crosby (1932), from a study
always yields to gentle physiotherapeutic treatment of 200 cases, that ' whether the treatment stressed
if pursued long enough, and it is held therefore that was eradication of foci, physical measures, mani-
the greatest danger lies in the possibility of pro- pulation or operation, the time required for
longing the duration of the condition by meddle- recovery and the total duration of symptoms was
some treatment and in particular by too vigorous remarkably constant throughout.' I find it dif-
passive movements. In particular it is considered ficult to understand how they arrive at this
that there is a time during the evolution of the conclusion because they had almost as many cases
condition when passive stretching is specially with a total duration lasting two to four months
harmful. The majority (70 per cent.) of the as those lasting one to two years. If the time
surgeons who replied to the questionnaire went to required for recovery is more or less constant
the extent of stating that manipulation of the (one to six months of treatment, as Dickson and
shoulder under anaesthesia is never advisable, on Crosby state) the total duration of symptoms
the grounds that all cases will cure spontaneously cannot be the same for cases treated early as for
if left long enough, but a few will be definitely cases treated late.
worsened by manipulation. The minority (25 It is probable that in attempting to decide
per cent.) of the surgeons questioned were whether or not to manipulate most surgeons
prepared to contemplate manipulation under hazard a guess at the state of the ' intra-articular
anaesthesia but had difficulty in defining scienti- adhesions' and decide to manipulate if they think
fically the circumstances when manipulation would the adhesions are sufficiently mature to have
be permissible and there was a tendency to fall become avascular. The descriptions of intra-
back on the forlorn phrase that ' every case must articular pathology already quoted show clearly
be considered on its merits ' and that manipulation that isolated intra-articular adhesions, as seen in
should not be used as a routine. Only the other joints after inflammatory processes, do not
vaguest of indications were suggested for the time exist in this condition of the shoulder. Neviaser
when manipulation could be contemplated: states clearly that the stiff and thickened capsule
' never before three months of physiotherapy has could be separated from its close application to the
been tried'; ' never before six months from the articular cartilage of the humeral head without
onset'; ' never when there is still spontaneous any bleeding. Simmonds states that there were
pain at night '; ' not until the patient can lie on the no intra-articular adhesions.
shoulder at night without being wakened up by it.' With a view to testing the idea that the pathology
Even in those who tolerate and practise mani- of periarthritis of the shoulder was unique among
pulation there was no positive recommendation as common joint affections, over a period of six years
to when it should be used. Only about 5 per cent. I have kept careful personal records of the cases
of the surgeons replying to the questionnaire which I myself have manipulated. While initially
appeared to have absolutely no apprehension I never manipulated unless the patient had been
about the possible ill-effects of manipulation and under physiotherapeutic treatment for three
to be prepared to use it almost at any time in the months, progressive experience later led me to
course of the disease. manipulate much earlier because I felt that by so do-
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July 1959 CHARNLEY: Periarthritis of the Shoulder 387

12 volunteered that the shoulder was much looser.

This latter statement is most significant, because
only in a very small minority was there any
objective alteration in the stiffness of the shoulder
at this early stage. Manipulation thus made the
shoulder feel loose because it was less sensitive
and the patient could push it further without
arousing discomfort.
X-4A6 Because psycho-somatic factors play a strong
0 part in the causation of periarthritis a dramatic
incident to initiate cure, such as manipulatioa
under anaesthesia, is not illogical. But the
0 possibility of further harmful psycho-somatic
factors must not be overlooked in the post-
operative care after a manipulation. Thus the
patient must be warned beforehand that the pain
will be worse for two or three days after manipula-
I-I tion. The manipulation must be timed and co-
ordinated with physiotherapy, as for instance on a
Monday, so that the patient can receive treatment
from a physiotherapist daily, or even twice daily,
throughout the first week.
0 A point of extreme importance in the manipula-
1: 6 tion of a shoulder for periarthritis is that
manipulation is to initiate the relief of pain and
not to restore movement. Therefore, after the-
manipulation the patient should be allowed to
have the arm by the side in the most comfortable
position. These patients have abnormally low-
thresholds for pain and, because manipulation
12 only rarely produces an immediate improvement
FIG. I.-Thirty-five cases of periarthritis showing in the true range of movement in the shoulder
duration of pain and stiffness after manipulation in joint, it is foolish to tie the arm above the head so
relation to duration of symptoms before manipula- that the patient recovers from the anaesthetic to
tion. Below the line the cases have been arranged experience the tortures of the damned. I have-
ascending in order of duration of symptoms before
manipulation. Above the line solid black indicates no doubt that with the arm maintained in a painful
duration of pain after manipulation; this coincides position after manipulation for many hours some
with duration of the greater part of the stiffness patients could be made decidedly worse.
except in those cases continued upwards as a line As regards the actual technique of manipulation,
in which stiffness persisted after relief of pain.
the operator must be alive to the fact that the
humerus can be fractured by straining too strongly
ing pain was relieved more consistently and earlier. if resistance is extreme. Therefore, if the head of
While it is impossible to prove that manipulation has the humerus does not slip inside its thick and
significantly shortened the total period of dis- contracted capsule when a reasonable amount of-
ability, the histogram of 35 cases (Fig. i) force has been used it is foolish to persist in an
establishes clearly that early manipulation did not exercise which is not fundamentally essential. In
prolong treatment. This histogram also shows this respect I suggest that, if the surgeon believes
that the duration of symptoms while under treat- in the value of manipulation as a method of
ment was fairly constant and averaged about two initiating rehabilitation, it is wiser to manipulate
and a half months for pain irrespective of the early, before the adhesions are too dense, than to
duration of symptoms prior to manipulation. manipulate too late. It is fascinating to reflect
Stiffness persisted considerably longer than pain. that, in this unique condition, adhesions can be so
The most noticable improvement after manipu- dense that they will resist forces sufficient to
lation was subjective, being evident in the patient's fracture the humerus, yet they will still vanish
morale and happiness when seen two weeks after the completely and leave a mobile joint two or three
manipulation. Four weeks after manipulation a years later.
certain amount of pain was often still present but A technical det4,il of supreme importance during-
it was always much less and the patient often the manipulation of a shoulder for adhesive-
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capsulitis is that external rotation should be The majority of contemporary surgeons hold
secured before any attempt is made to abduct the views on the ' frozen' shoulder which are still
shoulder. If the shoulder is abducted before deeply coloured by the classical management of
external rotation is obtained the shoulder will be bacterial inflammation as taught by Hilton in the
dislocated, because in neutral rotation it is an famous monograph' Rest and Pain' published in
anatomical impossibility to secure full abduction I863. It is probable that the pathological process
even of the normal shoulder. responsible for adhesive capsulitis arises in the
An anecdote may help to emphasise points in obscure condition of ' collagen degeneration'
the treatment of periarthritis by manipulation. affecting one or more of the tendons which are
I remember a zealous female house-surgeon un- intimately fused with the capsule of the shoulder
wittingly dislocating (because she did not first joint. Normal active use of the shoulder, in the
externally rotate) the shoulder of an Irish labourer presence of discomfort, in patients of phlegmatic
(a species prone to psycho-somatic complications), temperament prevents the development of ad-
and sending him home with his arm in full hesions and hastens removal of the products of
abduction, in the dislocated position, on an ab- collagen degeneration. In contrast to this a pain-
duction splint. After a weekend of torture ful focus of collagen degeneration in the rotator
(manipulation on a Friday before physiotherapy cuff of a psychoneurotic patient can apparently
department closed) the subluxated shoulder was result in gross organic changes in the capsule if
reduced by removing the abduction splint. I permitted to remain in disuse. Treatment should
have every reason to believe that the final result thus be dominated by the attempt to overcome
was perfect because the patient knew the con- disuse. While I have not been able to prove my
sternation he had caused, yet never sued the own belief that early manipulation of the shoulder
female house-surgeon or the hospital! speeds up the process of rehabilitation, I consider
In addition to physical treatment the possibility that I have established that the bad reputation of
of shortening the duration of symptoms by using early manipulation is without foundation.
cortisone has been tried, on the supposition that a
derangement of collagen metabolism is the under- Acknowledgment
lying cause of the trouble. Good results for I would like to acknowledge the work of Mr.
treatment by cortisone were claimed by Sigler B. T. Crymble, F.R.C.S., who, during his term
and Ensign (1951), Solomon et al. (195i) and as my clinical assistant, carried out the follow-up
Coventry (I953). On the other hand, Blockey, of the patients and constructed the histogram in
Wright and Kellgren (1954), using oral cortisone Fig. I. I would also like to thank the Fellows of
compared with a dummy preparation administered the British Orthopaedic Association who did their
to two groups by a method of random selection, best to answer the questionnaire.
did not find any statistical significance in the use
of cortisone.
Hydrocortisone has been administered by local BIBLIOGRAPHY
injection, often after manipulation, but no statis- BLOCKEY, N. J., WRIGHT, J. K., and KELLGREN, J. H.
tically significant results have so far been (I954), Brit. med. Yr, i, I455.
COVENTRY, M. B. ('I953), Y. Amer. med. Ass., I5I, 177.
published. DICKSON, J. A., and CROSBY, E. H. (1932), Ibid., CIC., 2252.
NEVIASER, J. S. (I945), Bone Jt Surg., 27a, 2II.
Conclusions SIGLER, J. W., and ENSIGN, D. C. (igs'), Ann. rheum. Dit.,
10, 484.
Periarthritis, more aptly named adhesive cap- SIMMONDS, F. A. (I949), J. Bonejt Surg., 31b, 4z6.
sulitis, is a unique condition of the shoulder whose SOLOMON, M. E., CARP, P., BERKOWITZ, S. S. SPITZER,
N., SILVER, M., and STEINBROCKER, 0. (xgIp), AnI.
clinical picture simulates that of an inflamed joint. rheum. Dis., 10, 485.
Downloaded from on April 7, 2015 - Published by

Periarthritis of the Shoulder

John Charnley

Postgrad Med J 1959 35: 384-388

doi: 10.1136/pgmj.35.405.384

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