Dragon #254 - Giants From The Grave

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theG fflve

combined with human intellþnce in a lethal conrbinati.on tlrat

terrifies PCs and NFCs alike. Clearly strange poweïs were at

o[!rIlEllts work wheu giants were created, liet they often come off as

rnere people writ large, ancl ctie accordingly. Giants have innate
snttld always
magic in their bodies, for they could not support their own in¡eight by

llg l,tjür$g ,,, rnuscle power alone. If hum.ans can spawn many strange forms of

undead beings after they die, then how much sh.anger ¡,r,oulcl be the
they mult| he
forms of undead giants?

unügad, Due to thei¡ i:rnnte magical nâture, (and ensuring that saicl payme¡rt is forth-
undead giants are rfiucll more tha¡r over- corning after the battle) being an advetr-
grorvn human undead, ancl each giant ture in itself.
specieshas its own specific undead form. The PCs might blunder into the realm
The species-specific r,urclead fonrrs frrr of an undead giant urknow.ingly. In
the six originarl AD&D6 giirnts appcar ern addition to the lnorrsterr:s presentecl here,
the following pag*, cleacl giants can hrm into.norrnal urdead
Adr¡enhues involving tl'rese unclcad strdr as giant skeletorrs or zombies, so
giants naturaLly inclucle the standard giant clans might choose to bury their
horrid-monster+ava ges-the<or.urtrysicle clend far alvay from the community.
scenario, but tlrfirgs can becomc much Also, because wizards and priests can
tnore complicatecl. Since theçe creatulac use the anitnate dwd epell to raise giant
are as likcly to attaik their former kin as coÌpses, the sulivors miglrl take care to
anyone else, fhe PCs might actually be en$Lue that the gravr.s of their kin are
approachecl by a lveakened clan ofgiants unmarked anct quite natural in appear-
seekìng help against the assaults of their a-nce. Like everyone else, giants don't
urdeacl fornrel menrlrers. This scenario relisli Lhc thought of a wotrld-be necro.
is especially likely in the case of the mancer mnking thc rounds of the local
llJ good-aligned storrn giants, but if desper- cellleteries.
ate enouglr, giants of atry alignment
ßre[¡ry TllJ, [ettryilsr mightseekheip, "îtì
Roleplayers might appreciate tlrc bar:-
illustrated Lry gairring sessione that erune whcn evil
Stcphen Schwartz giants bcg for help.against their un-deacì Çreg Detwìler lns n ginttt c:ontríhutot' file,
kin, n,ith the dickcring over p.lyment Wheilter it l¡ecan¡cs w¡dand.ottt doy . ,,

9O . Df(:TMßTR ì998
CI"Ih4ATE/'TËRRAIN Any hilis ancl rr-touitâins
OI{GANIZ,{I"ION: Solitary .

Dl81": See belorv
INTIiLLIGI]NCE: L<xv (5-7)
Á.LIGNIvÍENT: Chaotic evil

NO.Alll'lìAlltNG: t--J

DAMAGE/AI*Ii\CK: l-8 .¡7 orbyr.r.eapon (2=1'6+7)

SP,ECiALÄTT¡\CKS: Energ¡* drain, hurling rotks for
2*20 (2d10)
SP,ËCIÄL DIFENiSËS: Hit only by silvcr or +1 or Lrr-tter
nragical n'eapon
M AGIC: I{h,Sf STAr\CE : Seebelorv
5IZË: H (16'tall)
MORÄLË: Iilite (1.1)
Ba¡ro*'es are imnruue kr all mind-affecting spells, as well as
Banowes are unclead hïll giants, el'en uglier than tl'reir living sbe¡t, hottl, poison, paral,vzatiotr, or cold-based attacks. A tnise
cclunte.rpârts. They gcr about ¡rakecl but cìo not seem to be so' rienrl spelì, howevcç irrstantly slays the nroûster' Barrowes a¡c

for tl¡c'i¡ t¡odies sport a thick growth of matted, Jilthv hair' This intoiera¡t of bright sunlight antl aclively avoid it, although it
thickfiui alliccl *'ith the toughnexi of their undeac{ hide, gives cloes flrem no real harnr.
thenr an armor class of 2. Thei¡ cles glitter liì<e those of all
undead, but Lrecarrse the e¡es are small, ancl because the giant HabitatlSocietyr Thase creatu¡es,exist alone or irr small gtoups,
stor)ps o\rer.st) lnuch, it i5 oftcn h¡rcl tc¡ nrake them otrt at a dis- placing no value on the company of others. Theil lairs in c{eath
tance, leacling to tlisasttotts crrurs i¡T ir{errtiiication. are rruch the sa¡¡rc ¡:¡ irr lifc: cavems and nther gloonry hill-
cotrntry lairs, such as decp fortsts'
Con:birt; Biurowes c;¡ì1 tlsc any attâck form lhey did in tifc, Bau'orves have no fondnesr¡ firr tl'rcir lil'ing kin. Tlrcy fi'e-
being sliglrtly strrlrtger irr tr¡rrlcad form. They inllict .ld8 + 7 hp quently go out of their \t¡ay to wi¡re out a fotr¡er famiþ| hÌbe,
clrrtrrage per hit.
"l'hey cause 2dB + 7 hp c{amage lvhen lvieldirrg or raiding band, just for tl're sa.tisfaction of breaking it r:p'
a iì'eilpon; anct boulders lhey hud inflìct 2d20 hp danrrrge. l{emernber, the lrarxrn'e gains no followers rvhen it cltates
'They have a tRaximuttt rar, ge of 25t) ya¡ds when hurling botrl' trrore of its kindl the neu' undeacl sirnply rt'ancler âl{¡ay, Thc
ders. Duc to ¡r loss of Dextetity that comes with uncleath, L'rar- only pìeasure a barrowe knou s comes lron breaking up the
rowes cannot catch httrlecl borrklers. Barroç'es can be struck ftrrmerly close-knit bonrls of its kin, causing then:r to separate
only by lveapons of +l enclrantme¡rt or bettt'r, trnlc'ss ihe non- atld becomc as loneþ as it is'
nrargical rveapt.rn is of silvered steel' They suffer ?c14 hp darnagc
pervial of holy rvater. Erology: Barrou'es cxist as much on tlre Negative Material
AJter a successful meler¡ attack wilh an ruranne'tl fist, bar- Plane as on llre Prirne. Thc ncgative encrtär fro¡'n the ftlf¡ler
ro¡l'es c{rain one experiet'lce level unless the victim sa\''eÞ vs, plane sustains them and providrx; fheir life'clraining abiJities,
cieath magic. Atryone lotatlv clrained in this manne¡ becornes a though they achieve as much satisfaction c{rainilrg a living
mini¡rtnre barrowtt, rn<ìeryr.ring a slrocking transfor:nration' being a-s thev once ¡¡airrcd finm filling an empty sk¡mach, Their
Thc victinr shecls his clothes or sees them rippecl or split off as onl,r impact ein a region's eccrlogy is to ensure that it lras none:
his bocly beco¡nes overly rnttscttlar, htrnchbackecl, ancl apelike. .{nimali sense the unclead PrÊsence ancì flee theârta, whilc thc
llr: also gains all the powers of a lrarrorve except those of glcat local vege,tation slolvly u'ithers and clies lvithi¡r a qr"larter-tnile
Smcngth and boulderhurling, bttt he retains only herlf ol his Hit of the creature's luir. Some sager s¡'rcculaie tlrrnt usirrg the' parts
Dice. (Note: A b¿rrrowc can nrake another tnre barron'e onl¡' b,v of a l:ra¡rolve irr the procluctron of alr otherwise standard prlfron
slayi-ng anotlrt'r giant lvith its energY-drairùrg attack.) Dtre to o.f hilt &innl sfmlgtlr grarrts thc imbiber energy-dlaíning abilitíes

thc str"rpidity of trill giants, lrorvevcr. any batrorves tht¡s created âs l\'cll as i¡rcreased stren¡;tlr, but stl far as is kuown, no ol1ehas

are ïìot cÕntr(ìllccl by their sla;rer, lva-ndedng off to find lairs. treen frxrlharr"{y enough to tr1' ¡1.

l)l?.4(ìöN 25/r ' 91

cll M A'rÊ/ïtiI{RÂ f r.,tr $ulr-h'opical and te.rnperatc
FREQUËNCYI \|ery rare
ORGANIZ¿\'l'fON: fìolitary
DIET: See belclrv
INTELLIGENCI]: Average (&-10)
ALICNMENT: Neutral evil

I.1]TI]ICE: t5
DAMÄC[/ATTACK: 1*10 + I or by !\¡eap{ìn (2-"16 + 8)
SPECIAI.ATTACKS: f'lurling nrcks for ]36 (3e112),
SPECIAT,.Dì]1iËNSES: +? or better n'eapon to hit,
surprised onlv on a 1
S]ZT\: II (i8' tall)
MORALE: Chanrpion (16)
XP VALUË: 14,000

lixcept f<lr their gkru.ing eyes, cairns secrn rÌo diffc¡ent from thenr; eaclr vial inflicts ?-fl hp darnage. Tlre sk¡¡re lo flesh epell
livilrg stone giants, largcly because tl"reir flesh rcvrmhles str.lne, redrrces their anlor class to 0 (as it was in life) for a ft¡tl tum (10
'['h¡"rs,lvhen thê creafurc's eyes arc closed or otherrt'ise not \¡isi. cornbat rounds), u'hile l¡ør¡sr¡l¡ tte :mck to nurl actualìy reduces it
lrle to au observer, it c¿n be virtnally impossiblc to teil the dif- to 7 for thc same period of tinre. Note that rveaporrs of +2 or
ferelrce betrveen a living stone giart ancl an turdead onc. Given better endranhÌrent are still r'¡ceded to dtlnage tl-re c¡ealure.
their appearance and stiff lnor¡ements, caims could be nris- Raìse iend slays a caim instantly, and although sunlight does
taken for large stone golems. Cairns are not mindless rurdeact not harm these crealures, they abhor and actively avoid it,
but bcings lvith as nrrrch intclligcrrcc. irs thcy lracl in life.
Habitalsociety: Caims tlwe-ll in mountain ca\¡erns, just as
Comba* Cairns have a keen tele¡rathicse¡rse that enables them thc¡' dicl in life. 'lihey never dwell in groups of nrorc than th¡ee,
to tell w4ren someone comes near even lvhen that pc,rson is howeveç and evcn these snrall girthering; arc ra¡re. Undeath
silent and/or invisibie. They rruke good use of thisx4ren w¿tit- hrings rtith it a sc¡:rsc of isolntion and desire fo¡: solitude. Sc>me
ing frrr victims in ambush positions, closing tlreir bright, (aifns deliberately distatrce thcr:nselvcs frnm their for¡ner cla¡rs
betra¡iing eyes iu.rd blencling in with the rocky backgound to climinate the possibllity that they will refum and destroy
turtil the i¡rtruders come close enouS;lr to attack. Ilecauseof the their old familìes in a jealous rage at tlre fact tlrat they are st¡ll
¡;iant's strmy appcarance, victinrs have a *5 pcrralty to their sur- alive.
prîse rolls rvhen they encotuìtcr ¿ì c¿rim unclergrouncl. Often the

first hint of trouble is when large boulders start N{riz-zing past Ecologyl Caims have ¡ro effect on the local ecology, for they cat
them,hurled with increclible force i3ctl? hp clamagc instcad of nothing, being sustairred t'lroll}'bl'errergy fronr the Negaliyc
3dt0 for live stone giants) to a rarrge of 350 yards. Caims inflict ivlateri¿l Plane. Animals sense the prcsence of these giant
rnott damage r.r'ith physical blorvs and n eapons than ilrcy ciid urrde¿¡c{ and stay an alå but these err:aturt,s generally choose thc
itr life, causing 1c110 + I or 2d8 + I hp rlornagc respcctir.elr,, bleakest ând môst lifeless regions in r.r'hicÌr to dwcll at1,wây.
Their unclead nafurc penalizus them witlr a los.s of Dexterigl Aìthough anv rag,ctatíorr witlrilr a <luarter-rnile of a caim's lair
lrr:r,r,evct and cil¡.uìs can¡rot catch hurled stoltes and other lar:ge withcrs ir¡ a matter cf mrurth.r, they lair in arr:as with little or ncr
uri*silcs as they did in life. velle¡ation, to begin with. 'I'heir bocly parts arc favorud liy
Cairru are slorv but forrnirJable çr¡rporrerrt$. Asidc frnm their ntages wlro seek to rnakc ¡n¡gicol iteirns connectec'l u'ith pekifi-
cxcellent armor ciass", thcy are imnrr¡ne tr¡ all wcaporn that ¿rc (âtion or stone-based spells, and research is being co¡rducted
not of +2 or better enchantnrcnt. Thcy are ¡rlso imn¡unc tcr ilrto the mysterious inner sen¡e tlrat lcts llrr.rn l<now when
mincf-affccting magic, sleep, Iutld, pctrification, poison. ¡rara- intruders arc approaching, as such a pcrllrcr might be usecl in
lyzation, and cold- and earth-basecl attacks. Holv waicr h¿r¡l¡r-s the conshuclion of ESP-relatetl items clr ¡rotions.

92 . T,Fr:.ËMF,t:lr 1fjl)|l
CLIMATE/TERRATN: Arclic lanrls
FI{EQUI]NCY Vcry ra.re
ACI'IVI]I'YCYCI,I]: See [relolv
DtET: See belon'
¡\LIGNMENT: Chaotic cr,il

t1l't'Dtcü: 15
1]IIACO: 5

DA,MAGü/ÄI"IACK: l-10 + 9 or: by weäpon (2-20 + 9)

SPtiClAl-¿\fiACl(S: Frcezing toue-h, htLrlirrg rocks for
s trËclAl. Dti FIïN$tìs: lrrrper:viotts to coid, +2 or' lretter
weapon to hit
filz[: l't (2f iall)
IvIORALE: Chant¡rion (16)

Ëroslmotuns ¿rru ur,rr-{cacl frost giants wlrclse boclily tissues rvere r:f hoiy rvatc,r splashccl on thc ftostmourrr inflicts 2-3 hp dam-
completely desiccated by the intense colcì clf theit environmetrt. age. A raíse dead s¡retl slays a flostmour¡r i¡rstarrtly.
lihe thirrgs look like giant H'itherec{ corpses with facial hair. l,ike most urcleail, frosLmourns clcfest sturlight and actively
Therir cyep have nn cvil gkranr couullo¡1 to all undcacl, ¡\ frosþ avoid it, eveu though itcauscs tlrcur no hnrrn. In thc cltiìl ntrrth-
nrounl c¿rr'ì turn itsclf into a sn,irli¡¡g rvhite clotrd or miniahrre eÏn envir(tnmerrts tl'rey caìl home, hot\'ever, the sun is 0ftelr
blizzard l'rt¡t can¡t attack in the fonner shape. blottecl otrt in the daytimc by blizzalds or $úck clouri coveq, so
tlìs¡jË cre¿rtrir:c$ c¿ur corìre orrt in the daytìméì on tho$e occa$ion$.
(l¡nrbaÍ lJnrJeath gives frnstmoun1s hoth incteased Strengtlr ln adclition, oflce f;lr e'nough north,tl^rc'surì goes clown l'or
¡nci dccrefls(d l)exter:ity Thus, altl,rough they can hurl bor.rl- ¡nonllts tt
tinìc whc¡r truc n'inter co¡ncs around; PCs u,ho

clcrs to a c'lis¡t¿rnce of X50 y.rrds, inflit:ting 2d l2 hp clarnage, they neglect their research and sit around praying for the sun to
çilr1 r.x) lor,ger catch silrrilar missiles as t]rey could in life. drive off their rrrrcleacl enenries are itr for a disappoirrhrrent.
Grea r:r Shcngtlr also ¡ncans they cause rrtore damage in nrelee
qomb¿ìt, whc'thcr witlr lvcapons (2d20 -r 9 lTp damagei or thc' HabitaVSscietyl Frustrnourns âre largely sol'itary creaturrs,
nakecJ hand (1 r110 + t hp danragr). althouglr â qirnrter of rrll froshnr¡unl lâiÍs havc lwo resiclc¡rts
Some frostrnourns \rear their olel ðrmot but tl-ris is due to i¡r-stead o{ onc, All urrlead tend to hatc corn¡rarriorìshipr and
fu¡ce of h¿rbit ancl notlri.ng more, fot theìr dcsiccaterl flesh is their: innately cl'raotic natr.rre only intensifies this hate. FrosÞ
now $o krugh tlrat tlTey always have n'¡,r ârmol'class c)f 0, ârmol: mourns oftelr seek ottt anrl desttoy tle enemÌcs of theil olc{
()rno ã¡rmor. tribe ol clan, but they r'rrc just as likely to hurt lhcir founer kin.
Themost potcnt attrrck of a froslmounr is its lreezirtg tottch.
ljf the victirn does rrot $ôve vn. cleatl'r magic wlten touchecl by llcology: l.,ife is le'ss abundant in the frigid nofth tl'tan ifl tlìe
the giant, he srrffers an ¡rrlditional 2<120 hp darRngc; rnaking tl'rc war'¡nel lou'lancls. Tirc l¡arren colrditions often rlisgnise the
saving throrv rciluces the clamage by half. In adclition, all de-solation left by a h:ostmt.ru¡rr. Nervc<lrners to tlre artra can
mcrtallic itenrs (lrreapo¡:ìs, ì:rninor', metallic flaslqs, r:r otlrer çon- easily firrr{ themscl¡'ers unknowingly tr:amplirrg through thc
tainers, etc.) rrurst s¡ìve v$, cold or Lrecorne brittle, fallirrg apart lair of thcse dangc'rous monster's. Âs thcy nte srrstaincd by thc
alnrost inrmed,iately, Thosc slain lry n frostrnor¡rn c¿r¡urot be energy of the Negative Material Pla¡re, fr,östnr(rtl¡ïs have ntl
revived r.r,ith a ¡nls.c c/earl spell; a ïes¡ûrectiü¡ spell, however; neecl to eat. l'Vizarcls often use their body pa¡'ts a$ matcrial
wr:rks rrotnrally. conrpurcrrts for colcl-basecl spulls or il1 the cor,ìstructio¡r <¡f cole{
l'hcse crcatures rctailr their inr¡¡ruuitv to cr.rlc'l-based âttú¡ck$, rel¡rted rnagical iter¡s.'Íhcir dcsiccatccl hidcs are uscd in ex¡.rer-
and their uncieacl statr¡s likewise gives them immunity to imelrts to create the cquivalent of magical leather armor that
rnind-affccthrg rnagic, sl t:c¡t, l¡a¡l¡|, paral,vzation, anr{ poisurr. also givcs inrrnunity to colcl-lxsed attacks, btrt r¡o far ¡rs is
Fire-based attacks. ltorvcvcç inflict riouble darrrage, attcl u vial knort'n, no srr(Tesfìe-s lrave beerr achierre<J,

l:)R^ri()Nl 211+ ' 93

CLIMATE/TEIIIìAIN; Any temperate, subtropical,
FRHQUENCY Vcr'y rafe
DIET: See belrlr.\,
AI-IGNN/IJNT: I"arryfirl evil,

ÐAMAGE/A|TACK: 1-10 + 10 orby weapon (2-24 + 10)
SPECTALATTACKS: Btrrning touch, hurlìng rocks ftrr
Sil'lîCl ¡\ l. Dh;Ë ËNSES: Inrperviorrs kr fire, +2 oriiettcr
weapon to'hit
M¡\GIC IIESiST¡\NCEr See belor,r'
SIZE: I-I (18'tatl)
MÕlrAl-ll: Charnpion (16)
XPVÂLUË; 15,000

Êi¡:c{ïaunts arc undear{ firc giants n'ho have'deteriorated spec- Firegauhts a¡e inrrnt¡¡re tc all fiie-bascd attàcks. Wa'tei- and
tacr"rlarþ Their juws jut out in a pronouncecl rnuzzle, giving cold-lrased attacks inflict double dantage, and holy water
them a virguely baboonlike appearance. They also give off a inflicts 2-8 hp damage per vial splashecl on the monstêr, Mirìd-
sulfuric stendr. Their eyes and tongues have- completely rotted affecting magic, hold, sleep, poison, or,rd paralvzation attacks are
away, ar"rcl small portions of flcsh orr their: body ancl linrbs have all useless against these creatu¡es, but rr¡þ dønd slays a fuc-
decomposecl and vanishecl. Out of theseholes pour tongues of gaturt instantly. Sunlight doesnrt bother them, parlialiy þeç¿ut*
flame sevcral t'eetin lerrgth, while r,r'halrenmins uf their pltysi- they arc alrcacìy ada¡rted tQ constant light from tho flanres
cal l¡oclies is coveted with rippling tongues of flame. 'Ihtck shoclting out of them, and partly becausc of the contkruotls
clouds <¡f smt¡ke hang low ¿tl¡ove thc crcattucs. The overall shacte each creature's cloud of smoke provirles. Thus, these
effeet is quite horrifying, Some of these undead gian$ still wean undead can come out ât.any tirne, day or night, though night
fhe same ar:mor they wore in life, thottglr holes havc melted attacks alethe rnost spectaculan
throu¡¡h it in those.places rvhere tongues of flnme erupt from
their cleeayìng bod'ie¡. Habltat/Society: Fircgautts ale lcners, r'r'ithno mo:retlra,n two
of thcsc cr€atures ever dwelling togetht'r. lndeeri, with flaurcs
Combatl With ot lvithout their armot firegaunts are irlwirys in úrci¡ sockets instead of eyes, t.he1' 5s€n'l itrcapable of aclnrit-
ar¡nof class -1. Iheir undead nalutt hás increased their ing familiu or beautiful sighþ nlthotrgh they never have trou-
$trerrgth duc to aninflux of cncrgy* from the Negative Maierìal ble firrdirrg their vlctims cluring an attack. lìire.gaurlt's oftcre g,o
Plane-, while at the sarne time retlucing thcir Dcxterity. Thcy on long, seemingly aimless rar11pãges, burning ancl slaying
can htnl bordrlers to a d,istatrce of 250 yalds that cau.se 2c1'12 hp everything in their ptrth, ineltrding tl'reil forner kinsmen.
damage ¡rer boulcler that hits, but they c¿ln no longer catch
boulders. Their greatstrength also mearu that they inflict 1d10 Êcology: Fhegatu'rts tenct to bum everything in sight''llhouglr
+ 10 hp clanrage rvith their bare hands alone, whilc a weapon initially deskuetive, tltlr burning ofteu plornotcs new gruwth
enables tlì$n to ¡rl{1ict2d12"t 10 hp damagc pel lilow. hr ndcli* in fsrest or grasslands, rvhich in tul'n provides ¡núrte nourish'
tion, their fíery nahue nrearu that any cruatr.rrc they trrucll rvitl't nlcnt to the local herbivores,, upon whom the local cûlinivores
their bare hando rmrst save vs. speJl or elnc suffer 2d20 lç darn- {eect. Firegaunts themselves have ¡to ncer{ of fooct, bering s{rs-
agc fronr.bumirrg Qralf that if the saving th¡ow is made). I'os- tained c¡rtirely by energy ficnr the Negative M¿rteri¿r,l :lllarrc'
sessior,rs of tìre bumed victim mnst saves \¡rì. rnagical fire or lre T'lreir body parts are usefirl in an)' fire-based magical rcsearch.
dcstroyecl. Anyone killec{ by a firegaunt is irnrnolated in flamcs Inrnrersing abottle in a firegar.rnt's intemal firqs for or:t turspcci-
and rec{.trced kr ash; only a r¿s¡ll'r,¿t¡:f¡oit spell or trrott polvetful ficd perit¡ci of ti¡ne is said to be one means of pt'ocluclug an
magic can re,.etorc victirns slain il'r this ntnnneL øersntahtng battla.

9á . ÞECÊMP,ER l9ql8
CLIMr\]'lì /'t'lilìllA I N An1, rnolrntaìns or nratîical clor¡d
III{IQUI]NCY: Vcry rarc
I)ilït: Sea belor+'
Al,lGNlr4iF.Nl': Ner¡tral ev.il

i\¿tOVEMENII: 18, fly 36 (E)
't't1AC(): 5

SI][CIAI.ATTACKS: Energy drain, hurling rocks for
3-30 (3cl 1 0) I

SPI]CTA1,l)EFENSES: +3 t.rr better lveapon to hit

SI7,E,: I"l (24' tatl or:24' radins)
MORALE: Fanatic (.18)
XIT VÀI,UE: 16,000

A spectral cloud h'eqtretrtly ap¡rears ¿ìs a sr /ir1i¡19 mass of Lrril- Spectral clouc'ls are irnnrrme to mincl-afferting spells, ltold.
liant white vâpors, like a regular clorrd lit by the sun. When siec.p, poiso¡r, paralyzation, dcath, a¡,rc1 cold-bascd attacks. Tn
prcparir'rg for combat, it takcs the ftrrm of a gaseous, 24' tall addition, llor:u1al and relafivc'l¡r rvenk magical \4¡eÂpon,$ $ímply
hrrmanoici, revealing its origins a.E an rurdeacl douri giant. In pass through their gaseous Lroclies; lveapons of +3 ench¿rnþ
l'rtunanoir{ form, its gletrming eycs light trp its facc; in cioucl rnent or better are nccded to hat:¡n ihcir airy forrrts. Holy water
fornr, those eyes Çan Lre seen in the exact center of 1Jìe swirlin¡3 iriflictr 2*8 hp clarnage per \¡ial, and a ralie dcad spell ula,ys it
mass. Spcctral cloucls arc capablc of l,light u4lcrr in clor-rd fonn. ouh'ig,ht. A spcctral clor¡clas ôl1ceslry, however, mâkes it
The speecl givcn aborte is how fast they can fly uncler their olvn immrure to sunlight, making it o¡re of the conparatively few
por,"cr; wht:n a .ìtr:orrg 1i ilrd bkrws jr,t the clìrection they want to rurcleacl r,,nho roam about in broad clayliglrt as well as at night. It
go, they can aclricvc evsn ¿;rcatcr speecls, offerr soars anìollg the cloucls at high speed, just one clouct
among many; châracters who or{¡n è cnrpet o-f fying or sirni-lar
Combat: lb Fhysical combat, spechal clouds attack rvith a sin- item should take heed of this phenome-non.
glc blow of tlieil gitscotls, chillirrg hands, irr-flicting 2d8 ltp
danragc. Irr ¿rdditiorr, uulcss tlre victitrt tnakes sartlng HabltatlSociety; Spcctral clouds havc ¡'ro true society, being as
throw v.c. cleath nra¡;ic, tre loses one life level to arl ehergy- solitary as other t¡nclead, They iike to harurt or clestroy their olc'l
drainiug nttack, affecting skills, spells know11, etc. Living crca- clans, c{oing so out of slìesl envy of {lreir kin r,!'ho l'cvel in the
tures rl'ho alc slain by spectrirl clor-tls becotne srntrll spectral pleusr.u:cs of life.
cloucls*only real giants ki.llect by energy-draining attacks
can írctuiìlly become tru€ spectrãl clotrds. $pectral clouds Bcologyr $pectral clouds have r1o trrte fr.rnction in Úre crrvircln-
formecl in this ûl¡ìnner ca¡ì assume eithcr tirc g¿ìscous ment, othc-r tìran to diminish it try siaying evcrything ti-rat
humarroid or cloudlikc form of tlrcir creator, but thcy ïaek thc crosse$ thcir paths. Arrìnrals sense their presence and avoicl
telekinc.tic ability p;iven t¡elolv, Thcse in"rilations are unde r the thom, Lrrrt few aclvenhtrers notice thie phenoftìenon. as spectral
control of their siayer as Ìralf-strength spectral cioucls, in{lict- clouds r¡rake thei¡ lai¡s at thcr very tops of moutttaitl 1:cakr,
ing 1-8 lTp dama¡1e per attar.:k. If theil slayer antl nraster is where little life is to be founci, anyway. TLey clo not eat, though
rieshoyecl, they Lrecome free¡rillect uncleacl monsters in their they enjoy clraining the life f¡om their victims. S¡rectral cloud
orvn ri¡ght. csscrlcc is said to bc uscful ìn nTakirrg a potíon of gaseous þrm,
Spech'al clouds havc a linriicd tclekinctic attack tlrat ensbles while sorrre magcs are trying hr find a wây to enh'ap tl,eseintel-
thcn"r to levitate bolrklcrs alle.{ hurl tl'rcrn at alì cnem)¡ up to 300 ligcnt (if gaseorrs) lmdear{ in l.rotiles, as an interesti:rg substi-
yerrcls away, causing 3c110 hp damage, This prtr'r,et; howevër, h¡te f¡l' the eirest'i buttl(.
c¿rnn(^)t he r,rsed to c¡rtch or cle ..lect large nrissiles,

DlrAC'üN 25/r' 95
CLTMAî'H/I"IiRRATN: Mountain peaks, clÒud islands,
sea ca\¡ems
OltC¡\NIZAI'tON: Solitary'
Dili.N Sccbelow
INTELLIGENCEI Exceptional (16)
ALICNNlENT: Chaoticevil

MOVEMIlN]': 12, srvirn 12, fly 15 (E)

P¡¡W\CI]/u\llIÂCK: 2-20 + 12 or by weapon ($-36 +

SPECIALATTACKSI Energy-draining I ighhring Lrolt
SPUCIAL DEFENSES: Inrpervious to electricity, +3
or better-n'eapcn to hit
MAGICI{liSl$'lANCEr Sccbelow
3;Å7tß: G (26'tall)
MORALE: |anatic (18)
XPVAI,U.E: 21,000
new rcuuits inflicts only 1cì8 llp c{an'rage, while their: Strengt}t
Tcmperametrts are undeacl stotm giants.'lheir skin is the dee¡ is rro greater,tl'ran it was in life. Upon the dcath o-f their "crt'
black of a thuncterhead just befrrre a¡r electrical stonn. Spar*s ator," these new monstet's befôrì1e f¡ee-willecl tmdead who
anc{ lightning bcllts, neon bltte in colt>t; clance along their bod- lvanrlor off tr,¡ find their own iairts,
ics, whilc largcr lightning bolts several yards in length corr- Tenrperaments are im¡nüne ,tr¡ both c<rld- ¿rncl clechicaþ
stantly shoot forth from the cycs anr"{ tnouth. When they are based att¡rcks, as lvell as ¡rritld-affecting magic, s/ec¿ hold, poí.
outside, tlrey carl surnmon at will a miniature' thun<lerheac{ sort, clcath, and paralyzation. I-Ioly water inflich 2-8 hp
at¡ovc tl'rei¡'hcar{s to enshrotrd themitr their onm private thun- danrnge per vial, and a rait¡{. rÍøld spell rrttcrly clesttoys thcrn'
<Jelstonn. It doarsn't i'nflict clamagq in coinbat¡ but,it's friglrt- Nolnral wcalìons, or nragica I orre¡ of less tlran *3 e¡rclranhnent,
fully imprcssive, especìally at nigltt. 'l"hety can also take tire qltl nc¡t Ìralnr thum. Altlroug:h llrey rvear no arllloli thc'il skin i¡
ftrrm of a crackiing thurrr{crhcad, though in thnt case, the'only clesiccatecl to fher poìnt that it has a naturäl ar¡nor class of -6.
attack they can rnake is the lightnirrg slrike listed bclow. Tltc T'lTese uneleacl cr€fltures are im¡tunc kr sunlight and êre not
giant's ntovcnlerìt râte ilr this form is
but all other attriblrtes bothered by it ln thc least. This is partty becattse of their líght-
remain [l¡c samc. prtlduci,r,rg aleçlrical trature but alt¡o bccattse the slnall thundcr'
lrcacl that they invariably strrnnlon rtp rvhe.t:r they go otttside
Combah Temperaments have orre physìcal ¿ìttâck per roulrd: provides tlrenr r,víth arnple'slìâde.
eitlrer a blow from a liglrtning-sheathedfist that inflicLs 2d10 +
1"2 hp <lamage, or a weaptirr t¡lt'ike that inflicts up to 3c{'12't" 12 Habitat/Societ¡ Temperarnents are the most solitary of all
lr¡r clanrage on thc l.oc. Urtrlíke other uncleacl'giarrts, they cantrot undead giants; they are urrly foturd alonc. "[hc otrly cxceplions
hurl bçulclers. ale half-strength creaturcs cnentèd :by the slaying of utJrcr

Once ¡rer rour:tcl, in licu of a physical attack, a tenperament ginnts, and thesc are trot tl'r*re oquals. Ibnçeranrents of'ten
rrà)¡ shoot a n'rassive bolt of blue lightnìng. 'lhis lightning tnake rcvenge attacks on tlreir forn'rer fanrilies, wìping thern
strikc inflicts 4d10 hp clanrage to the victiu'r, or half that if a sar- out so as to cleny thsm the pleastrr,es of life,
ing throw vs. u'andg ìs successful. Making a second save vs'
rteatìr magic prlotects thc victinr Êrom the onergy-clraining Ecnto¡¡n 'lernperarncuLs cat no foocl arrcl ¡tre sustainer{ etìtircly
propcltics of this li hlning bolt, wlrich stcnls one lcvrrt alt'av by energlr from the Negative Material l,'larrc' Trcy clo, lrow-
å'om the target. (Unlike otlrer undcad giånte, tenrpcrnnrents ever, obtain satisfactiotr frorrr dtair, ing the lfe eneÍgy rif living
can only nrake an enelgy clraining attack as ¡rart of a lightrrirrg tlì¡rìgs. Al1 aninrals sense the ptesence of thesc utrclc¡tl trtolt-
strike, not try physically tor.rching the victirn.) Those who ate sters anci shun the areas they callhorne; tetlperamcrrLs dwell in
sìain by thi.s attack become half-strength temperametrls utrdet: the same plnces where sþrm giânts clo, Ten't1:erament boue or
the control t¡f their slayer. (ìiants â11 an cxception to tliis, essence is consiclered. jrut the fhing ftrr tltt-' finest quality ttrnrrls
bccrlrning rcgular tr)t'npcran"tctlls. Tl"re electtlcal attack of thege tt'l/rghlrrrhg, or û rlorltnctallic ring ttf shatkirtg grttsyt.

96 ' l)r-( F-:MBER t1t!JÉ

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