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段考素養題 – 以龍騰 B2 Review 1 為例


Jenny Tung


Taipei Municipal ChengYuan High School

The assessment is designed to test students’ ability in retrieving information. The
text is extracted from LungTeng textbook Review 1. It is an informational text which
introduces the origin and some basic differences of English afternoon tea. Since this
assessment is carried out in midterm exam, the vocabulary words are deliberately
changed into their synonyms and the sentence that has the key pattern is modified. The
assessment contain three questions, and each has different goals, such as identifying the
cause-and-effect relationship, matching the information and finding the key
information. The result is satisfying. Most of the students can identify the cause-and-
effect relationship, about half of the students can find the key information, while few
students can easily find the pictures that match the answer. In conclusion, students can
comprehend the text, find the keywords or key phrases, and make reasonable
assumptions. Some more hints could be provided in the third question so that the
students can be more certain of what to fill in the blanks.

Students’ Level
Class: 9th graders in Cheng Yuan Senior High School
Level: Intermediate to advanced (about 2/3 scored A, while 1/3 scored B on Basic
Competence Test)
Background knowledge: LungTeng textbook B2 L1-3

 Design Rationale
Since the 9th graders apply to the new 108 Curriculum Guidelines, they are taught
one reading strategy, one listening strategy, and two sentence patterns in in each lesson.
Their starting point is LungTeng textbook B1, and they are learning to apply the reading
strategies to any unfamiliar texts that they have never read before.
In our school, there are five English classes a week, and we are supposed to cover
three lessons, one chapter in the pattern book, six units in the vocabulary book, and two
weeks in Live magazine. The Competence section in monthly exam is supposed not to
contain the target vocabulary words and target pattern that will show up in the written
part of the exam.

聽力 口說 閱讀 寫作 思考
□聽出主旨 □簡易溝通 字詞句型 □拼寫字詞 □上下語境
□日常用語 □字詞應用 □故事情節 □基本句構 訊息釐清

□聽懂內容 □介紹描述 文本結構 □體例格式 分析歸納

□辨識語調 □語調提問 上下文意 □正確達意 整合預測

□理解報導 □敘事討論 題材主題 □情節發展 類推原則

□國際議題 □簡短演說 □觀點態度 □組織完整 □規劃任務


 Course Design
Since this assessment was carried out in the Competence section in the midterm
exam, the text was not taught, nor did it have any lesson plan. In addition, in order not
to disclose the target vocabulary in this part, the vocabulary words were deliberated
changed into their synonyms, while the sentence that contain the target pattern is also
modified. The assessment is designed to see if students can identify the cause-and-
effect relationship, find the key information, and find the pictures that match the answer.

Students have to first comprehend the text, then find the keywords or key phrases, and
make reasonable assumptions. This also correspond to the reading strategies, such as
Identifying Basic Information – Five Ws and One H (5W1H) in B2 L1, Identifying
Cause-and-Effect Relationship in B1 L3, and the pattern “(In order) to V” which is
covered in B1 L3. While searching for the answer, students can review the reading
strategies – skimming (B1 L2) and scanning (B1, L1 and L5).

 Assessment and Analysis

題目名稱 龍騰 B2 Review 1
情境範疇 英式下午茶的種類
In England, afternoon tea can typically be regarded as sitting
down for some time between 3 and 6 pm to enjoy not only tea but
also snacks such as sandwiches, scones, and cakes. Some believe
that the English duchess Anna Russell started this pleasant pastime
in the mid-1800s. At the time, members of the upper class normally
had a light lunch and late dinner. However, Lady Russell grew
extremely hungry between meals and had great difficulty making it
to dinnertime. To solve this problem, what she did was to ask for
some snacks and tea at 4 pm. She later started inviting friends over
for the affair, and because of this, her idea soon spread throughout
British high society. Hosts at these engagements served high-quality
teas and exquisite snacks on luxurious, low tables. This explains why
we now refer to the custom as “low tea.” Despite the word “low,”
low tea is clearly characteristic of British high culture.
High tea, in contrast, served as one of the main meals during
the day for the working class in northern England. In the
seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, people mostly worked
in agriculture and ate their biggest meal at lunchtime. This was
followed by a light supper in the evening. After the Industrial
Revolution, however, laborers were working longer hours in
factories, which made eating a big lunch not so convenient. When
they got off work, they were starving. One would therefore often
see workers having high tea right after work, usually between 5 and
7 p.m. This was an energy-packed meal with foods that were as
filling as possible, such as meat, vegetables, fish, and pies. Strong
black tea was served in ordinary teapots, and diners were seated on
high-backed chairs at the dining table, which inspired the term “high

取材自龍騰版一下課文 Review1 How do you make your tea, high
or low? 此題目為段考題閱讀題組。設計用意在使學生的學習應
Why did Lady Russell ask for some snacks and tea at 4 pm? (Copy
down 1 sentence from the passage) (2 points)
However, Lady Russell grew extremely hungry between meals and
had great difficulty making it to dinnertime.
D-IV-3 訊息因果關係的釐清。
學習內容 ◎ D-V-3 藉文字線索,對客觀事實及主觀意見的分辨。
D-V-5 原則的類推、問題解決之道。
9-IV-3 能根據上下文語境釐清不同訊息間的因果關係。
9-V-2 能根據上下文語境釐清兩個訊息間的關係。
3-V-12 能利用字詞結構、上下文意、句型結構及篇章組織推測
題目問的是 why,所以學生要找的是因果關係。而文章中有提
試題概念 到 To solve this problem, what she did was to ask for some snacks
與分析 and tea at 4 pm. 故,學生要能了解 to solve 即 in order to solve,
Prince William and his wife are going to have afternoon tea in their
castle. What might be on their table? (3 points)




答案 B (cake) E (scone) F (sandwich)

D-�-1 依綜合資訊作合理猜測。
* ◎ D-�-4 藉文字線索,對客觀事實及主觀意見的分辨。

D-V-1 多項訊息的比較、歸類、排序。
D-V-7 不同資訊的評估,及合理判斷或建議的提供。
*8-V-8 能融合文化知識與語言能力,解決生活中的實際問題。
9-IV-2 能把二至三項訊息加以比較、歸類、排序。
9-V-5 能將習得的原則類推到新情境中,解決問題。
學習表現 9-V-7 能評估不同資訊,提出合理的判斷或建議。
3-V-12 能利用字詞結構、上下文意、句型結構及篇章組織推測
3-V-14 能從圖畫、圖示或上下文,猜測字義或推論文意。
文章中提到,low tea 包含 sandwiches, scones, and cakes,而 high
試題概念 tea 包含 meat, vegetables, fish, and pies。故,學生需要先判斷
與分析 Prince William 是屬於 upper class 的人,會喝 low tea,並認得
Mr. Smith is a worker. Please find the information that matches his
habit. (1 point/each)
問題三 1. What kind of tea does he drink?
2. What kind of meals does he eat? lunch supper.
3. What time does he drink tea? .
答案 1. High tea 2. Big lunch, light supper 3. Between 5 and 7 p.m.
D-V-1 多項訊息的比較、歸類、排序。
學習內容 ◎ D-V-3 藉文字線索,對客觀事實及主觀意見的分辨。
D-V-7 資訊的評估,及任務的規劃與完成。
7-V-3 能思考及釐清課文內容及找尋相關資料,強化學習成效。
7-V-4 能探索並有效運用各種學習英語文的方法及技巧。
3-V-12 能利用字詞結構、上下文意、句型結構及篇章組織推 測
3-V-13 能熟悉各種閱讀技巧(如擷取大意、推敲文意、預測後
3-V-9 能利用字詞結構、上下文意、句型結構及篇章組織推測字
worker 屬於 working class,並有文章中的 agriculture 互相佐證。
學生只要能判別是 high tea 的段落資訊,就能找到答案。

 Result and Analysis

Text Items 103 (/39) 107 (/38) 108 (/38) Overall (/115)

Q1 Correct 20 (51.2%) 25 (65.7%) 24 (63.1%) 69 (60%)
Wrong 17 12 12 41
2 1 2 5
Q2 Correct 21 (53.8%) 18 (47.3%) 21 (55.2%) 60 (52.1%)
Wrong 15 18 16 49
3 2 1 6
Q3-1 Correct 25 (64.1%) 25 (65.7%) 22 (57.8%) 72 (62.6%)
Wrong 10 12 11 33
4 1 5 10
Q3-2 Correct 18 (46.1%) 13 (34.2 %) 14 (36.8%) 45 (39.1%)
Wrong 11 11 10 32
10 14 14 38
Q3-3 Correct 26 (66.7%) 28 (73.6%) 26 (68.4%) 80 (69.5%)
Wrong 7 7 6 20
6 3 6 15

 Difficulty and Discrimination

In this chart, we can see that most questions are easy, compared to Q3-2. Question
1 is relatively easy, having 60% correct response, while Question 2 is considered neutral,
because only 52.1% people can score it. Question 3-1 is also easy, as 62.6% students
can get the correct answer, but Q3-2 is considered difficult, since only 39.1% students
can get it right. Q3-3, in contrast, is the easiest question, with 69.5% students having
the correct answer.
 Error Analysis
For Question 1, 60% students can get the correct answer, which means that they
can identify the function of “(in order) to V” and thus can find the sentence that shows
the reason why Lady Russell asked for some snacks and tea at 4 pm. Most of the
students who cannot get it write fail to spell the words “dinnertime” (12 entries, 29.2%)
or “difficulty” (10 entries, 24.3%) correctly.

Question 2 refers to picture-matching. Students will have to first recognize that
Prince William belongs to upper class, and thus drinks low tea. Then, they will have to
use their skimming and scanning skills to look for the key information that low tea
includes sandwiches, scones, and cakes, while high tea includes meat, vegetables, fish,
and pies. Once they realize it, they will have to match the food with the pictures, and
eventually get the correct answer. This is considered challenging, since about half
students (49, 42.6%) fail to make the correct judgment that Prince William belongs to
upper class, which leads to the opposite answers.
Question 3 in general is designed for low-achievers, because it aims to see if
students have the ability to identifying basic information – Five Ws and One H (5W1H),
which is taught in B2 L1. Students will have to first identify that a farmer belongs to
working class, which is supported by the word “agriculture,” and make the correct
judgment that a farmer drinks high tea (Q3-1). Then, they will have to skim and scan
for the answer for the rest of the questions 3-2 (he eats big lunch and light supper), and
3-3 (between 5 and7 pm).
Since the answer sheet doesn’t provide a clear hint that limits the answer to high
or low tea, some students (14 entries) put down the answer “strong black tea,” which is
considered correct. Few students (33 entries, 28.6%) put down the wrong answer for
Q3-1, including black tea (23 entries), and low tea (10 entries).
Q3-2 is regarded as the most difficult question, having only 45 students (39.1%)
getting the correct answer, 38 students (33%) leaving blanks, and 32 students (27.8%)
getting the wrong answer. (Notice that the answer “biggest” lunch is also considered
correct.) It is obviously difficult for students to get both blanks correct, and this is
probably because students need to first skim and scan for the keywords “lunch” and
“supper,” then comprehend the sentence “people mostly worked in agriculture and ate
their biggest meal at lunchtime. This was followed by a light supper in the evening,”
and finally transform the information “ate their biggest meal at lunchtime” into the
answer “big (or biggest) lunch.” This also explains why those students who did not
score this question tend to get the first blank wrong (13 entries). Most of the students
who get the second blank wrong (10 entries) fail to simply put the word “light” in the
blank; instead, they often jot down the phrase “by a light supper,” which is seen as a
wrong answer.
As for Q3-3, it is viewed as the easiest question, since most students (80 entries,
69.5%) can get it right. Those who (20 entries, 17.3%) fail to answer Question 3-3

correctly are lacking the word “between” in their answer.

 Overall
From the analysis above, we can see that most students are capable of finding the
simple and direct answer, just like Q1 and Q3-3. However, the more the answers (such
as Q2 and Q3-2) are transformed from the text, the more difficult it is for students to
get the correct answer.

 Reflection and Suggestion

In the future, some more hints could be provided in the third question so that the
students can be more certain of what to fill in the blanks. For example, for Q3-1, we
can provide a choice “high/low” for students and put it next to the answer, so that there
would not be any answers like “strong black tea” or “black tea.” For Q3-2, we can insert
a hint next to the answer “each blank is limited to one word.” That way, students may
be more aware of what to put in in the blanks.
I personally think that next time, I should find another text that is totally irrelevant
to the target vocabulary and the target pattern, so that the text would not have to be
modified at all and I would not have to take the risk that some students have learnt the
text in their cram school. In addition, there are too many choices for Q2, which makes
it quite troublesome for teachers to grade it.
In conclusion, the length and the difficulty of this text is appropriate for 9th graders,
but more hints should be provided for question 3.

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