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Q. Create the document in word on any topic of your choice. Format the
document with various formatting styles and apply the following given:

A. Insert picture using image dialog box

B. Using crop tools

AIM: To create a word document by applying various formatting styles and

perform the following task given.

STEPS: The steps are as follows:

1. Open the word processor and create a word document.

2. Apply various formatting styles such font style, color, font size,, page
color, page border, bullets and numbering according to relevant
3. Applying the given task to the document are:
A. Insert picture using image dialog box
 Choose Insert and then Image from the menu bar
 On the Insert Image dialog box, navigate to the file to be
inserted, and select it.
 Select Preview to view a thumbnail of the selected image.
 Click on Open option.
B. Using crop tools
 Right-Click on the Image and select Crop from the context
 Cropping handles appear at the corner and mid-points of the
sides of the image.
 Drag handle to cut off part of the image.
 Click outside the Image to turn off cropping mode.

Q. Open a Word Processing Software and Prepare letter with invitation card
to invite family and friends for Birthday function using Mail Merge.

AIM: To prepare a letter using Mail Merge in Word Processing Software.

STEPS: The Step to create a letter using Mail Merge is:

1. Type the letter in word document and follow the 6 steps.

2. Step 1: Select Starting Document
 Select Use the Current document and Click Next.
3. Step 2: Select Document Type
 Select Letter and click Next
4. Step 3: Insert Address Block
 Select the address block by clicking Select Address List.
 Click on Create to create a new data source.
 Click on New and enter the data one by one.
 After having formed the address list click on Ok.
 Edit the address block if needed and then click on Next.
5. Step 4: Create Salutation
 Select This Document should contain a salutation to enable the
General salutation list box.
 Select Insert Personalized salutation to enable further salutation
6. Step 5: Adjust Layout
 Adjust the position of the address block and salutation on the
 The salutation is always on the left, but you can move it up and
down the page.
7. Step 6: Edit Document and Insert Extra Fields
 Another opportunity to exclude particular recipients from the
mail merge.
 The merged document can now be saved by selecting Save
Merged document containing all individual letters or a separate
file for each letter.

Q. Create a Table of Content (TOC) in a writer document of your selected


AIM : To prepare Table Of Content in the Writer document.

STEPS: The Step to create and customize table of content in a writer document

1. Click in the document where you want to create the table of contents.
2. Choose Insert -> Indexes and Tables, and then click the Index/Table tab.
The Inset Index/Table dialog box appears on the screen.
3. Enter title in the tittle box and click on type box and select the option.
4. Click Entries tab to format the entries in the table of content. click on a
number in the Level column to select the outline level whose elements you
want to format.
5. Click styles tabs to apply paragraph styles to the table of contents.
6. Click on column Tab to put the table of contents into more than one
7. Click on Background tab to add color or a graphic to all table background.
8. Click Ok. Table of Contents is created.



Q. Create a Word Document and perform the following:

A. Create a Document from the Template Dialog Box

B. Set a Template as the Default
C. Delete the Template

Q. Create a Word Document and perform the following:

A. Insert a Drawing Objects

B. Resizing a Drawing Objects
C. Grouping Drawing Objects


1. Copy down Practical I , II and II in your practical notebook.

2. Practical IV and V will be done by own, by referring the method
to write from practical I and your textbook.
3. For each Practical it’s Mandatory to create the document
based on the topic, take print out and paste on the white
page side of your practical notebook.
4. Use black pen to write questions and heading. Maintain your
practical records neatly and in order.
5. Printouts to be Pasted:
a. PRACTICAL I : Document with any topic containing
paragraph, formatting, pictures, border etc.
b. PRACTICAL II: Document with a formal letter.
c. PRACTICAL III : Document with Table of Content
d. PRACTICAL IV : Document with Template
e. PRACTICAL V : Document with any LOGO created using
drawing objects.

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