Surname1: Depression Disorder

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Depression disordeR



Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis can be The approach is applied in

defined as a form of a situation whereby an
psychotherapy undertaken individual is extremely
based on the understanding depressed. The therapists
of the victim’s unconscious take the patient through the
mental process. The process. For example, it is
treatment of depression common when taking
through this form of therapy something through therapy
will be determined by the after the dead of a close
thoughts of the victim. The person in their life.
approach will also take into
consideration the feelings
and actions of the depressed
persons. The therapy will
help in the identification
and relation of the
unconscious processes to
the person. The form of
treatment is viable when it
comes to the treatment of
the health complication
(McPherson 15).

Behavioral therapy   The state of the depression The applications of the

person is analyzed. treatment include relaxation
According to classical training, virtual reality
conditioning, depression is exposure, response to the
a learn aspects through the prevention techniques
association of specific against depression and
stimuli with the negative systematic sensitizing on

state of emotions. The the same. The other

behavior can be acquired techniques adopted during
through different channels this form of therapy include
including observation, aversion, social skill
imitation as well as training and modeling of the
reinforcement (Thase 3). behavior as well as reversal

Cognitive therapy The treatment helps in Behavioral experimentation

correcting the false feeling is the common example
that leads to negative moods used in this approach. The
and falsehoods. behavior of the person is
studied and the best
approach determined. For
instance, the therapists
determine how a person
behaves in public (Thase 3).

Humanistic therapy The approach is effective The common example

where the depressed person where this approach applies
needs empathy. The is when a person is
approach is common where depressed as a result of
the condition is not breaking up with their loved
extreme. The main focus is ones. The therapist can
on the feelings and thoughts show empathy to the person
of the patient (Thase 3). to make him or her feel
wanted again.

Biomedical therapy The approach focuses on Examples where it is

the reduction of the applied is psychosurgery
symptoms of depression. and electro convulsion

Works cited

McPherson, Susan, Claire Wicks, and Ilaria Tercelli. "Patient experiences of

psychological therapy for depression: a qualitative metasynthesis." BMC psychiatry 20.1
(2020): 1-18.

Thase, Michael E., et al. "Improving cost-effectiveness and access to cognitive behavior
therapy for depression: providing remote-ready, computer-assisted psychotherapy in
times of crisis and beyond." Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (2020): 1-7.

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