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Running header: WASTE DISPOSAL 1

Jaideep Singh

Waste Disposal

Accumulation of waste affects the environment in different ways. The

main sources of waste are domestic, agricultural, commercial, industrial

and municipal. Over the past two decades, waste accumulation has

surpassed the normal levels because of rapid industrial growth. The release

of plastic material and other non-biodegradable material leads to waste

related issues. Waste Disposal has become an issue of major concern in the

modern world. Because of the increase in the population in the world,

waste management is necessary to maintain the environment. World

Nations have partnered with each other to ensure waste management

measures are adopted for sustainability of the ecosystem. The increase in

Waste has been affecting the lives of millions not only in the country but

also the entire world in the recent past. For instance, persons living in slum

areas find life unbearable because of the improper disposal of waste.

Residents of such areas are prone to various diseases because of the poor

waste management systems in place (McDougall et. al, 2018).

Waste Management is the best practice to control disposal of the

same. The process entails recycling of waste from different sources. It is


important to note that waste management needs adoption of the right

techniques for the same. There are different techniques to dispose waste

depending on the policies of the nation in question. The common methods

include composting, landfills and recycling of the same. The above-

mentioned methods are common in management of waste because they do

not lead to harmful effects in the long run.

Composting- Composting is one of the most popular waste management

practices in the world. The process entails. The waste management tends to

increase the fertility of the soil. It is preferred by most of the people

because it benefits the environment in different ways (White et. al, 2017)

Landfills-The method entails burying of waste under the soil. The garbage

decomposes in the soil and adds to the fertility. The process is good for the

elimination of odor and clearance of an area to create more space

(McDougall et. al, 2018).

Recycling: Waste products can be recycled. Recycling of waste entails

putting the same into good use. Different countries have been encouraging

their population to recycle rather than dispose waste in open areas.



White, P., Dranke, M., & Hindle, P. (2017). Integrated solid waste

management: a lifecycle inventory. Springer Science & Business


McDougall, F. R., White, P. R., Franke, M., & Hindle, P. (2018). Integrated

solid waste management: a life cycle inventory. John Wiley & Sons.

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