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jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

tf/fb]jL clwsf/L
ldg' yfkf
?kf vgfn
s';'ds'df/L zdf{
dLgf b]jsf]6f

s'ndfg l3l;ª
sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs
g]kfn ljB't\ k|flws/0f ;Nnfxsf/
hg;Dks{ tyf u'gf;f]
Joj:yfkg zfvf
b/af/dfu{, sf7df8f}+
kmf]g= $!%#)@!
cfGtl/s M @))@, @))#
ˆofS; M $!%#)@@
x/ /fh Gof}kfg] a|he'if0f rf}w/L nf]sxl/ n'O{+6]n
pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs pksfo{sf/L lgb]{zs

;Dkfbg ;ldlt
cn ldl8of ;f]n';g
afuahf/, sf7df8f}+
kmf]g= )!–$@%#(^$

t'nf/fd lu/L a]n k|;fb zdf{ k|jn clwsf/L

;'hn ckm;]6 k|];
afuahf/, sf7df8f}+
kmf]g= )!–$@%@*#$
(*%!!@*#($ lzj s'df/ clwsf/L ljZjgfy zdf{ lnnf s'df/L cof{n
sfo{sf/L ;Dkfbs

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ o; klqsfdf 5flkPsf n]v/rgf n]vssf lghL ljrf/ x'g\ . o;df ;Dkfbg ;ldlt lhDd]jf/ x'g]5}g .
cfj/0f tl:a/ cfj/0f tl:a/
sf7df8f}F pkTosf ljB't ljt/0flgdf{0k|ffwLg
0ffnL e'e"/ldut
LufpF ;j–:6]zg .
tyf ;'b[9Ls/0f z'ef/De sfo{qmdsf] pb\3f6g
ug'{x'Fb} ;DdfggLo k|wfgdGqL s]kL zdf{ cf]nL . jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] cw{jflif{s klqsf …ljB'tÚ jif{ #) cÍ @ kf7s;dIf k|:t't ug{ kfpFbf v'zL nfu]sf] 5 .
k|flws/0fn] kl5Nnf jif{b]lv lgoldt ljB't cfk"lt{, ljB't r'xfj6, afFsL–aS‍of}tf c;'nL, vr{ Joj:yfkg cflbdf pNn]Vo
;kmntf xfl;n ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .
k|flws/0fåf/f lgdf{0f ul/Psf rd]lnof hnljB't\ cfof]hgf -#) d]ufjf6_, dflyNnf] lqz'nL #P hnljB't\ cfof]hgf
-^) d]ufjf6_, s'n]vfgL t];|f] hnljB't cfof]hgf -!$ d]ufjf6_ ;D‍kG‍g eO{ k"0f{ ¿kdf ;~‍rfngdf cfO;s]sf 5g\ .
k|flws/0fsf ljleG‍g ;xfos sDkgLdfkm{t\ lgdf{0f eO/x]sf sl/a @&) d]ufjf6 a/fa/sf cfof]hgf lgdf{0fsf] clGtd
r/0fdf 5g\ . /fli‍6«o uf}/asf] dflyNnf] tfdfsf]zL hnljB't\ cfof]hgf -$%^ d]ufjf6_ oyfzL3| ;DkG‍g ug]{ u/L lgdf{0f
eO/x]sf] 5 eg] cGo ljleG‍g hnljB't\ tyf k|;f/0f nfOg cfof]hgf ;d]t tbf?stf;fy lgdf{0f eO/x]sf 5g\ .
cfufdL lbgdf :jb]zL pTkfbgaf6} d'n'sdf pknAw x'g] pmhf{sf] kl/df0fnfO{ b[il‍6ut u/L tbg'?k cfGtl/s vkt a9fpg
u|fxsn] a9L vkt ubf{ t'ngfTds ¿kdf sd dxz'n ltg{'kg]{ u/L dx;'n lgwf{/0f ul/lbg] Joj:yfsf nflu ljB't dxz'n
lgwf{/0f cfof]u;dIf k|:tfj ul/;lsPsf] 5 eg] ef/tLo Exchange Market dfkm{t\ ljB't vl/blaqmL ug]{ k|lqmof;d]t
cl3 a9fOPsf] 5 .
d'n'ssf] lb3{sfnLg ljB't dfu / k|;f/0f ;~‍hfnsf] cfjZostfnfO{ b[li‍6ut ub}{ k|flws/0fn] g]kfn ;/sf/ tyf bft[
/fi‍6« Pjd\ lgsfosf] ;xof]udf Peaking Run of River k|s[ltsf] !,)^) d]ufjf6sf] ck/ c?0f / ^#% d]ufjf6sf]
hnfzoo'Qm b"wsf]zL hnljB't\ cfof]hgfsf ;fy} k"j{–klZ‍rd, pQ/–blIf0f tyf cGtb]{zLo $)) tyf @@) s]=eL= k|;f/0f
;~‍hfnsf] lgdf{0f ug]{ sfo{nfO{ k|fyldstf;fy cufl8 a9fPsf] 5 .
cfufdL tLg jif{leq k|flws/0f d'n'se/sf hgtfnfO{ lgoldt, e/kbf]{ / u'0f:t/Lo ljB't ;]jf pknAw u/fpg lqmofzLn 5 .
;x/sf] ;f}Gbo{;d]tnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL sf7df8f}F pkTosfsf] ljB't ljt/0f k|0ffnLnfO{ e"ldut u/L ;'b[9Ls/0f;lxt :jrflnt
ug]{ p2]Zon] klxnf] r/0fdf sf7df8f}Fsf] /T‍gkfs{ / dxf/fhu~‍h ljt/0f s]G›cGtu{tsf If]qdf ul/g] sfo{sf] z'ef/De
eO;s]sf] 5 eg] cfufdL lbgdf cGo ;x/df ;d]t o; k|sf/sf sfo{nfO{ qmlds ¿kdf lj:tf/ ul/g]5 .
k|flws/0fn] k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f nfOg Pjd ;j:6]zgsf] lj:tf/ ub}{ Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]{, dxfgu/ tyf pkdxfgu/kflnsfsf]
ljt/0f k|0ffnLnfO{ cfw'lgsLs/0f Pjd\ e"ldut ug]{, lu|8 ;a:6]zg c6f]d]zg ug]{, Battery Storage System h8fg
ug]{ sfo{sf cltl/Qm ERP & Smart Meter/Grid System nfu" ug]{, Online Payment System lj:tf/ ug]{ /
Online E-Application System dfkm{t v'nf k|ltof]lutfsf] cfj]bg ;ª\sng ug]{nufotsf sfo{ eO/x]sf 5g\ .
k|flws/0fsf ;du| sfdsf/afxLnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg g]kfn ;/sf/, bft[ lgsfo, pkef]Qmf, 6«]8 o'lgog, ;Dk"0f{ sd{rf/Lnufot
;Da4 ;a}af6 cfjZos ;xof]u / ;dy{g k|fK‍t eO/xg] ljZjf; lnPsf] 5' . cfufdL lbgdf pTs[i‍6 n]v/rgf;lxt ljB't
klqsf k|sfzg x'g ;sf];\ eG‍g] z'e]R5fsf;fy k|sfzgdf ;+nUg ;a}df xflb{s wGojfb JoQm ub{5' .

-s'ndfg l3l;ª_
#) kmfu'
l cª\ g, s@)&^
@ l kmfu''g @)&^ sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs

;fj{hlgs If]qaf6 /fHosf] cy{tGqdf pNn]Vo of]ubfg k'¥ofpg] x]t'n]

;+:yfut ePsf ;fj{hlgs :f+:yfgsf] e"ldsf kl5Nnf lbgdf ;fy{s
xF'b} cfPsf] cj:yf 5 . æJoj;fodf ;/sf/Æ eGg] dfGotfaf6 ;+:yfg
;+:yfut x'Fb} ljsf;sf] ;+jfxs, /fHosf] gLlt tyf sfo{qmd sfof{Gjogdf
Nofpg] cf}hf/ Pj+ nf]ssNof0fsf/L lgsfosf ¿kdf ;d]t ;fj{hlgs
;+:yfgnfO{ lng yflnPsf] 5 .
;fdflhs hjfkmb]lxtf;lxtsf] pBdzLntf, Joj;flostf, lg0f{odf
nrstf Pjd\ :jfoQtf h:tf dfGotfnfO{ cfTd;f ub}{ cfPsf]] g]kfn
ljB't k|flws/0fn] Oltxf;sf ptf/ r9fj Joj:yfkg ub{} Pp6f ;]jf
k|bfos, e/f];fof]Uo ;kmn ;fa{hlgs ;+:yfgsf ¿kdf :yflkt x'g]
x/;Dej k|of; ul//x]sf] 5 .
sfo{s'zntf, u'0f:t/Lotf, ultzLntf, lbuf]kgaf6 ;'vL / ;d[4 eljZo
agfpg] nIosf ;fy pHofnf] g]kfn cleofgdf cufl8 al9/x]sf] g]kfn
ljB't k|flws/0fsf] cw{jflif{s æljB't klqsfÆ jif{ #) cª\s – @
oxfF;dIf kl:sg ;kmn ePsf 5f}+ . o;df k|:t't n]v÷/rgfnufot
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf ultljlw kf7sju{sf nflu cToGt pkof]uL
x'g] 5g\ eGg] xfd|f] ljZjf; /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} o; klqsfsf] :tl/otfsf
nflu oxfFsf] cd"No /fo, k|ltlqmof / ;'emfjsf] ck]Iff ub{5f}+ .
cGTodf, ;[hgzLntf;lxtsf n]v÷/rgf Pj+ tYok/s ultljlw
;d]l6Psf] of] cª\s k|sfzgdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg' x'g] ;Da4 kIfdf xflb{s
wGojfb 1fkg ub}{ cfufdL cª\sdf ;d]t oxfFsf] o:t} cd"No ;xof]u
k|fKt x'g]5 eGg]df ljZj:t 5f}+ .
;Dkfbs d08n

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^


n kfl/>lds s/ ;+lIfKt ljj]rgf

– z/bk|;fb sf]O/fnf !
n ljt/0f s]Gb|df EPR sf] k|efjsfl/tf
– /~hg/fh u'?ª &
n l;FrfO{ gx/dfly ;f}o{ Kofgn
– lji0f'k|;fb b]jsf]6f !)
n hnljB't cfof]hgfdf ljb]zL nufgL
– k'is//fh e§/fO{ !$
n Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ;+u7g ;'wf/sf] Ps dfWod
– slkn rGb| a:tfsf]6L !*
n g]kfndf hnljB't ljsf;sf nflu x]lhª kmG8
– /ldnf sf]O/fnf @(
n g]kfndf ljB't ;kgf
– /lj lg/f}nf #@
n ;d[4 g]kfn lgdf{0fdf ljB't k|flws/0f
– dg's'df/L k'nfdL du/ #^
n ;jf/L ;'/Iff a9\bf] r'gf}tL
– ;/:jtL a:g]t #(
n Construction Of Surge Shaft in upper Tamakoshi HEP
– Raj Bhai silpakar $!
n Battery Energy Storage System
– Pramod Rijal %$
n Dam Safety Monitoring and Instrumentation in Upper Trishuli 3A Hydroelectric Project
– Satyaram Jyakhwa %&
n Loss Reduction in NEA Opportunities & Challenges
– Sagar Gnawali ^$
n An Overview of Dynamic Wireless Charging for Electric Vehicles
– HariOm Dhungana ^&
n General Overview of Excitation system used in UT3A
– Indra Bahadur Bishwokarma &!
n General Idea on Phasor Measurement Unit Based SCADA and its Scope in INPS
– Deepa Subedi/ Deeksha Sharma &^
n Gearing up for Electricity Consumption in Nepal
– Suresh Kumar Timalsina *!
n Different Technical Problems Faced in Loss Reduction in System
– Beni Nepali *$

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^
kfl/>lds s/
;+lIfKt ljj]rgf
z/bk|;fb sf]O/fnf

ljifo k|j]z l nufgL -Investment_

l cfsl:ds nfe -windfall gain_
JolQm -k|fs[lts jf sfg'gL jf sfg'gL k|aGw_ n]
cfkm\gf] cfoaf6 /fHonfO{ ug'{kg]{ of]ubfgnfO{ cfos/ cfosf zLif{snfO{ cfocfh{gsf] ;|f]tnfO{ cfwf/ dfgL
elgG5 . s/of]Uo cfoaf6 ;fj{hlgs sf]ifdf bflvnf juL{s/0f ul/Psf] 5 . Joj;fodf k'FhL / >dsf] nufgLaf6
ug'{kg]{ c+znfO{ g} cfos/ a'lemG5 . s/sf] ;DaGwdf cfo x'G5 . /f]huf/Ldf >dsf] cfwf/df cfo x'G5 eg]
s/of]Uo cfosf] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . s/of]Uo nufgLdf k'FhLsf] cfwf/df cfo ePsf] x'G5 . cfsl:ds
cfo eGgfn] sfg'gn] cfo dflgg] ;a} cfosf] of]ukmn jf nfedf ljgf cfo k|fKt ePsf] x'G5 . cfsl:ds
Psd'i6 /fzLnfO{ s/of]Uo cfo elgG5 . s/of]Uo cfosf] nfenfO{ nufgL ljgfsf] Pj+ ;f+of]lus k|s[ltsf] cfo
;DaGwdf jf:tljs jf k|ToIf cfo / sfg'gadf]lhd -Contingent nature of income_ dflgG5 . t;y{,
cfo dflgg] k|aGwaf6 sfod x'g] /fzL ;d]t u0fgfof]Uo ;fgf] nufgL eP klg o;sf] cfo lglZrt lsl;dsf]
x'G5 . cfosf] ;DaGwdf s]xL cfo JolQmn] k|fKt u/]sf] gePdf cfsl:ds nfesf] ¿kdf s/ sfg'gn] Jojxf/
x'G5 eg] s]xL cfo sfg'gL k|fjwfgsf] sf/0fn] sfod ug]{ sfg'gL Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 .
ePsf] x'G5 . s'g} k|aGw jf sf/f]af/nfO{ cfos/ sfg'gn] cfosf pk/f]Qm $ k|sf/sf zLif{sdWo] /f]huf/L k|fs[lts
cfosf] ¿kdf lrq0f -Characterization_ u/L JolQm -Natural person_ cyf{t\ dflg;;Fu ;DjlGwt
;f]nfO{ /sddf kl/df0fLs/0f -Quantification_ u/]sf] 5 eg] cfosf cGo # j6f zLif{ssf] cfo k|fs[lts
cj:yfdf o;/L kl/df0fLs/0f x'g] /sd ;d]t s/of]Uo JolQm / sfg'gL lgsfo -Legal entity_ b'j};Fu ;DjlGwt
cfo sfod x'G5 . 5g . kfl/>lds /f]huf/L ug]{ dflg;sf] xsdf cfslif{t
x'G5 . dflg;n] /f]huf/L u/]sf] sf/0fn] k|fKt ug]{ k|ltkmn
ljwdfg cfos/ P]g, @)%* n] cfosf zLif{snfO{
g} /f]huf/Lsf] cfo xf] .
lgDgfg';f/ $ zLif{sdf juL{s/0f u/]sf] 5 .
l Joj;fo -Business_ /f]huf/L
l /f]huf/L -Employeement_ /f]huf/L s] xf] cyf{t\ s] s:tf] sfo{nfO{ /f]huf/ dflgG5

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !

eGg] ;DaGwdf w]/} ts{ljts{ /x]sf] kfOG5 . o;sf] hl6ntfn] /f]huf/Lsf] cfodf ;dfj]z x'g] /sd
g} /f]huf/LnfO{ kl/eflift ug{ / ;j{;Ddt cjwf/0ff sfod
ug{ b'?x ePsf] xf] . sfg'g ;DjGwdf b'O{6f JolQmn] u/]sf] cfos/ sfg'gn] /f]huf/LnfO{ cfosf] Ps ;|f]tsf] ¿kdf
Pp6} sfo{ Pp6fsf] lglDt /f]huf/L / csf{sf] lglDt Joj;fo Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . /f]huf/Lsf] cfosf] /sddf sfg'gdf
x'g ;S5 . Pp6} sfo{ ug]{ OlGhlgo/sf] xsdf, n]vf tf]lsPsf] b/df s/ nfU5 . /f]huf/L cfosf] ;DaGwdf
ljz]if1sf] xsdf s]xLsf] lglDt /f]huf/L / s]xLsf] lglDt ;d]t /f]huf/ ug]{n] k|fKt u/]sf] k|ToIf k|ltkmn -Direct
Return_ Pj+ cfos/ sfg'gn] /f]huf/Lsf] cfo dflgg] s'g}
Joj;fo x'g ;S5 . o; ;DaGwdf s]xL låljwf / k/:k/
k|fjwfgcg';f/ sfod ePsf] /sd ;d]t /f]huf/Lsf] cfo
km/s cjwf/0ff eP tfklg lgDgfg';f/sf] tŒj ePdf To:tf]
dflgG5 . sfg'gdf ePsf] k|fjwfgsf] cfwf/df /f]huf/Lsf]
sfo{nfO{ /f]huf/L dflgG5 .
cfodf lgDgfg';f/ /sd /f]huf/Lsf] cfodf u0fgf x'G5 .
l nufgL gePsf] .
l /f]huf/Lafkt k|fKt e'QmfgL -Payment_
l sfd ug]{ lglZrt ;do ePsf] .
l /f]huf/Lafkt e'QmfgL k|fKt u/]sf] dflgg] /sd
l lgoGq0ffTds Joj:yf ePsf] . -Deemed payment_
l sfd u/]afkt kfl/>lds kfpg] lglZrt ljlw / /sd
pNn]lvt e'QmfgLdWo] klxnf] k|s[ltdf sd{rf/L jf
/x]sf] .
sfdbf/n] k|ToIf e'QmfgL k|fKt u/]sf] x'G5 eg] bf]>f]df
cfos/ P]g, @)%* df /f]huf/LnfO{ zflAbs ¿kdf kl/efiff sfg'gL k|fjwfgsf] cfwf/df sd{rf/L jf sfdbf/n] e'QmfgL
ul/Psf] b]lvFb}g . s:tf] k|s[ltsf] cfocfh{g ug]{ sfo{nfO{ k|fKt u/]sf] dflgG5 .
/f]huf/L ¿kdf a'em\g] egL P]gdf lbOPsf] kl/efiffn] ;3fp cfos/ P]g, @)%* df /f]huf/Lsf] cfodf lgDgfg';f/
k'¥ofpg] b]lvFb}g . P]gdf lbOPsf] kl/efiffn] h'g;'s} ;dosf] zLif{saf6 k|fKt /sd jf ;'ljwf jf kl/df0fLs/0f x'g]
/f]huf/Lafktsf] cfonfO{ s/of]Uo agfpg] sfo{ u/]sf] 5 . /sdnfO{ /f]huf/Lsf] cfo dflgg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
P]gdf /f]huf/L eGgfn] s'g} klg lsl;dsf] ljut, jt{dfg
jf eflj /f]huf/LnfO{ /f]huf/L ;Demg'kb{5 elgPsf] 5 . l Hofnf, tna, ljbfafktsf] /sd, cltl/Qm ;do sfd
o;n] /f]huf/L s] xf] eGg] hfgsf/L lbg] jf k|:6 ug]{ eGbf u/]afktsf] /sd, z'Ns, sldzg, k'/:sf/, pkxf/, af]g;
olt h'g;'s} cjlwsf] /f]huf/LnfO{ /f]huf/ dfg]sf] 5 . o; / cGo ;'ljwfafktsf] e'QmfgL,
Joj:yfn] h'g;'s} cjlwsf] /f]huf/Lsf] cfo s/of]Uo x'g] l dx+uL eQf, hLjglgjf{x vr{, ef8f, dgf]/~hg jf
kl/0ffd pTkGg ub{5 . oftfoft eQfafktsf] /sdnufot s'g} klg JolQmut
;fdfGotof Contract of service n] /f]huf/L a'emfpF5 eQfsf e'QmfgL,
eg] Contract for service n] k/fdz{bftftkm{ O+lut l lgh jf lgh;Da4 JolQmn] JolQmut k|of]hgsf nflu
ub{5 . ;]jfsf] ;Demf}tf jf ;xdltsf] /f]huf/bftf / u/]sf] vr{sf] km5\of}6 jf ;f]wegf{afkt k|fKt ul/Psf]
/f]huf/ ug]{sf] ;DaGw sfod ul/G5 . o;df Joj:yfksLo e'QmfgL,
lgoGq0f x'G5 . /f]huf/L zAbn] sfd ug]{ -Employee_
l /f]huf/Lsf] s'g} zt{df ;xdtL hgfPafkt ul/Psf
tyf sfddf nufpg] -Employer_ aLrsf] ;DaGw v'Ng]
u/L s'g} JolQm jf lgsfodf Joj:yfksLo, ;'k/Lj]If0f,
k|zf;sLo, k|fljlws jf o:t} cGo s'g} sfd u/L ;f] JolQm l /f]huf/Lsf] cGTo, gf]S;fgL jf clgjfo{ cjsfzafkt
jf lgsfosf] lnlvt jf clnlvt sd{rf/L ;]jf zt{ tyf ul/Psf e'QmfgL,
;'ljwf jf o:t} cGo zt{ tyf ;'ljwf;DaGwL k|fjwfg nfu" l cjsfz e'QmfgL / /f]huf/bftfn] ;f] sd{rf/Lsf nflu
x'g] u/L ;f] lgosfaf6 sfd ug]{ JolQmn] tna jf Hofnf jf cjsfz sf]ifdf hDdf u/]sf] /sd ;d]tsf] cjsfz
o:t} cGo e'QmfgL kfpg;Sg] cj:yfnfO{ hgfpF5 . of]ubfg,
s;}sf] lgoGq0fdf lglZrt cjlw;Dd sfd ug]{ / ;f] afkt l /f]huf/Lsf] ;DaGwdf ul/Psf cGo e'QmfgL /
lglZrt k|ltkmn k|fKt ug]{ k|aGwnfO{ /f]huf/ eGg ;lsG5 .
pQm tŒjsf] cnfjf o:tf] k|jGw sfg'g;Ddt x'g'kg]{ x'G5 . l cfos/ sfg'gadf]lhd s/ n]vf+sg / ;do tyf /sdsf]

@ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

kl/df0fLs/0f, jf8kmfF8 / rl/qLs/0f ubf{ ;dfj]z x'g] sf/afxL jf cGo s'g} sf/0fn] /f]huf/Laf6 x6fOPsf] sd{rf/L
/sd . sfg'gL pkrf/ k|fKt u/L ;]jfdf k'g{axfnL ePsf] cj:yfdf
lghn] Ps jif{eGbf a9L cjlwsf] kfl/>ldsnufotsf
/f]huf/L cfo u0fgf ubf{ dfly pNn]lvt ;|f]taf6 k|fKt /sd
cGo ;'ljwf Ps}k6s e'QmfgL k|fKt ug{ ;S5 . o; l:yltdf
lx;fa ul/G5 . sfg'gdf ePsf] Joj:yfg';f/ /f]huf/Lafkt
k|fKt x'g] /sd dfq geO{ /f]huf/Lsf] qmddf k|fKt x'g] e'QmfgL k|fKt u/]sf] Psd'i6 /sddf s/ nufpFbf sd{rf/Ln]
;'ljwf, /f]huf/Lsf] cGt -gf]S;fgL_ afkt k|fKt x'g] /sd s/ nfUg] b/sf] pRr b/df s/ ltg'{kg]{ x'G5 . o;/L ;]jfaf6
Pj+ sfg'gadf]lhd rl/qLs/0f ubf{ sfod x'g] /fzL ;d]t x6fOPsf] sd{rf/L ;]jfdf k'gM:yfkgf x'Fbf x6fOPsf]
kl/>lds cfo x'G5 . ldltb]lv k'g{axfnL x'Fbf;Dd k|fKt ug]{ /sdnfO{ k|To]s
cfly{s jif{cg';f/ 5'6\ofO{ s/ nfUg] x'G5 . o; Joj:yfn]
/f]huf/Lsf] cfo k|fKt x'g] ;do /f]huf/af6 cfo ug]{nfO{ a9L s/ gnfUg] / /fHon] ;d]t
sfg'gsf] k|fjwfg / efjgfg';f/sf] cfo s/ k|fKt ub{5 .
cfos/ P]g, @)%* df JolQmn] k|fKt ug]{ cfo Pj+ vr{ u0fgf
ug]{ cjlw -;do_ lgwf{/0f ug]{÷tf]Sg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . e'QmfgL
o; P]gsf] s/ n]vf+sg / ;docGtu{t s/ nfUg] JolQmsf]
k|s[ltsf] cfwf/df cfo n]vf+sg ug]{ k|0ffnL tf]lsPsf] 5 . cfos/sf] ;DjGwdf e'QmfgL Ps dxŒjk"0f{ kIf xf] . sf/f]af/
o;cGtu{t ePsf] Joj:yfg';f/ lgDgfg';f/ s/ n]vfª\sg -k|f]befjL_ cfwf/df n]vfs+g ug]{ k|4lt -k|0ffnL_ nfu"
ug]{ k|0ffnL /x]sf] 5 . x'g] JolQm jf gub cfwf/df n]vf+sg ug]{ b'j}sf] ;DjGwdf
cfos/sf] bfloTj ;[hgf x'g e'QmfgLsf] e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 .
l gub cfwf/df n]vf+sg n]vf+sg k|of]hgsf nflu e'QmfgL ljrf/0fLo x'G5 .
-Cash basis accounting_
l sf/f]af/÷Pqm'on cfwf/df n]vf+sg o;}u/L s/sf] bfloTj ;[hgf x'g ;d]t e'QmfgLsf] cj:yf
-Accrual basis of accounting_ x'g'kb{5 . cfos/sf] ;DaGwdf e'QmfgL gub /sd, j:t',
;]jf jf ;'ljwf ;d]t x'g ;S5 . sfd ug]{ JolQmnfO{
/f]huf/Lsf] s/ n]vf+sg ;DaGwdf gub cfwf/df n]vf+sg /f]huf/bftfn] gubdf kfl/>lds, eQf, af]g; /sd lbg] sfo{
ug'{kg]{ k|:6 / olsg Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . gub cfwf/df k|ToIf e'QmfgL xf] . /f]huf/bftfn] s'g} j:t', ;]jf, oftfoft
n]vf+sg ug'{kg]{ ePsfn] /f]huf/Lsf] ;DaGwdf e'QmfgL ;'ljwf, 3/axfn, ;'ljwf pknAw u/fPsf] 5 eg] To;nfO{
k|fKt u/]sf] cj:yfdf dfq} cfo k|fKt u/]sf] dflgG5 . ahf/ d"Nodf d"No sfod u/L kl/>ldsdf hf]8\g'kg]{ x'G5 .
cfos/ sfg'gdf /f]huf/Lsf] kl/efiff ubf{ ljut, jt{dfg pQm ;]jf jf ;'ljwfsf] /sddf kl/df0fLs/0f ug]{ Joj:yf
/ eljiosf] /f]huf/LnfO{ /f]huf/L dflgg] Joj:yf u/]sf]
ePsf]df sfg'gdf tf]sLPsf] b/df kl/df0fLs/0f u/L cfodf
5 . o;af6 /f]huf/Lsf] ;DaGwdf h'g;'s} ;dodf sfd
u0fgf ug'{kg]{ x'G5 .
u/]sf] xf];\, e'QmfgL k|fKt u/]sf] avt cfo ePsf] dflgG5 .
o; k|fjwfgn] /f]huf/L lgDgfg';f/ x'g ;Sg] x'G5 t/ s/ cfos/ P]g, @)%*
k|of]hgfy{ cfo e'QmfgL k|fKt u/]sf] avt ePsf] dflgG5 . nfu" x'g'eGbf cl3sf] kfl/>lds
l ljutsf] /f]huf/L, cfos/ P]g, @)%* ldlt @)%*.!@.!( b]lv nfu" ePsf]
l tTsfn ul//x]sf] /f]huf/L / xf] . ;f] eGbf cufl8 cfos/ P]g, @)#! nfu" /x]sf] lyof] .
l eljiodf ug]{ /f]huf/L cfos/ P]g, @)%* nfu" x'ge' Gbf cufl8sf] cfo ;DaGwdf
cfos/ P]g, @)#! adf]lhd g} x'g] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
ljutdf /f]huf/Lafkt ;]jf jf sfo{ ul/Psf] lyof] t/ tTsfn
ljwdfg cfos/ P]g nfu" x'ge' Gbf cufj} cflh{t cfosf]
;f]sf] e'QmfgL gePsf] eP tTsfnLg ;dodf cfo ePsf]
dflgFb}g . ljutsf] /f]huf/L jfkt h'g ;dodf e'QmfgL k|fKt e'QmfgL gePsf] h:t} ;+lrt ljbf, lj/fdL ljbfsf] /sd cfos/
x'G5, ;f]xL ;dodf cfo u/]sf] dflgG5 . To;}u/L eljiodf P]g,@)%* nfu" ePkl5 e'QmfgL x'g] cj:yf /xG5 . ;+lrt
sfd -;]jf_ ug]{ u/L clu|d ¿kdf e'QmfgL k|fKt ePdf cfo h:t} sd{rf/L ;~rosf]if jf cGo cjsfz sf]ifsf]
e'QmfgL k|fKt ePs} avt cfo ePsf] dflgG5 . /sdn] xfnsf] P]g nfu' ePkl5 cfocfh{g;lxt e'QmfgL
x'g ;S5 . o;k|sf/sf] cj:yfnfO{ lgodg ug]{ ;DaGwdf
/f]huf/bftfsf] gLlt, x6fOPsf] sd{rf/L s6f}tL jf ljefuLo cfGtl/s /fhZj ljefun] lgDgfg';f/ k|:6 u/]sf] 5 .

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ #

l ;+lrt ljbfafktsf] /sd, ;+lrt cf}iflw pkrf/afktsf] kfl/>lds kfpg] afx]s cGonfO{ ;jf/L ;fwg pknAw
/sd cfodf ;dfj]z ug'{k5{ . t/ @)%*.!@.!* ;Dd u/fPdf ;jf/L ;fwgsf] d"Nosf] ! k|ltzt x'g] /sd
kfs]sf] ljbfafktsf] /sd cfodf ;dfj]z ug'{ kb}{g . kl/dfl0fs/0f ug'{k5{ .
l @)%*.!@.!* df axfn /x]sf sd{rf/L cjsfz x'Fbf l e'QmfgL kfpg] JolQmnfO{ ejg pknAw u/fOPsf] eP ;f]
kfpg] cf}ifwL pkrf/sf] /sd ?= !,*),))).– ;Dd ;d]tnfO{ kl/dfl0fs/0f ug'{kg]{ Joj:yf /x]sf] 5 . dfl;s
ePdf To:tf] /sd klg cfodf ;dfj]z xF'b}g . ;f] eGbf ¿kdf kfl/>lds k|fKt ug]{ sd{rf/L jf JolQmnfO{ ejg
a9L /sd dfq cfodf ;dfj]z ug'{k5{ . pknAw u/Psf]df vfOkfO{ cfPsf] tnasf] b'O{ -@_
k|ltztn] x'g] /sd cfodf yk ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . dfl;s
l sd{rf/Ln] kfpg] pkbfgsf] xsdf @)%*.!@.!* ;Dd
¿kdf kfl/>lds k|fKt ug]{ afx]s cGo JolQmnfO{ 3/
kfs]sf] pkbfgdf s/ 5'6 x'G5 .
ef8fdf lnO{ ejg pknAw u/fPsf]df e'QmfgL u/]sf]
l cjsfz ePkl5 kfpg] ;~rosf]if /sddWo] @)%*.!@.!* ef8f /sdsf] @%Ü / ef8f ltg'{gkg]{ ejg pknAw
;Dd hDdf ePsf] ;fFjf / Aofhdf s/ 5'6 x'G5 . t/ ;f] u/fPsf] eP k|rlnt 3/ef8fsf] @%Ü x'g] /sd cfodf
ldlt;Dddf hDdf ePsf] /sdaf6 @)%*.!@.!( b]lv u0fgf ug'{kg]{ x'G5 . /f]huf/bftfn] pknAw u/fPsf]
kfSg] JofhnfO{ cfodf hf]8\g' k5{ . ejgdf a;f]af; ubf{ vfO{kfO{ cfPsf] tnasf] b'O{
k|ltzt kl/dfl0fs/0f x'g] t/ 3/ef8fsf] gub pknAw
cfodf kfl/df0fLs/0f x'g] k|aGw u/fpFbf k"/} /sd cfodf ;dfj]z x'g] 3/ef8fsf] /sd
/f]huf/bftfn] sd{rf/LnfO{ gubdf e'QmfgL lbg] kfl/>lds, cfodf ;dfj]z x'g' gkg]{ bfjL ul/Psf] Ps d'2fdf
eQfsf] cltl/Qm cGo ;'ljwf -Fringe Benefit_ 3/ef8fafktsf] /sd e'QmfgL ePsf]df cfos/ P]g,
pknAw u/fPsf] x'G5 . o;k|sf/sf] ;'ljwfnfO{ sfg'gdf @)%* sf] bkmf *-@_-v_ adf]lhd cfodf ;dfj]z
Joj:yf ul/Padf]lhd /sddf kl/dfl0fs/0f u/L /f]huf/ x'g] km};nf ePsf] 5 .
ug]{ JolQmsf] cfodf u0fgf u/L s/ nfUg] Joj:yf ul/Psf]
l /f]huf/bftfn] b]xfosf] ;'ljwf pknAw u/fPsf]df ;f]
5 . sltko ;'ljwf gubdf kl/jt{g -Conversion_ ug{
afkt /f]huf/ ug]{ JolQmn] s'g} of]ubfg u/]sf] /x]5 eg]
sl7g x'G5 eg] gub gkfOFbf / o:tf] ;'ljwf dfg -Status_
pQm of]ubfg s6fO{ afFsL x'g] /sd /f]huf/ ug]{ JolQmsf]
sf] vflt/ lng k/]klg ;f]nfO{ k"/} gubdf kl/j{tg u/L s/
cfodf ;dfj]z ug'{kg]{ x'G5 .
ltg]{ Ifdtf -Ability to pay_ gx'g] klg x'G5 . t;y{, o:tf
l 3/sf] /]vb]vstf{, efG5], ;jf/L rfns, dfnL jf cGo
;'ljwf -Fring benefits_ df s/ nufpg Ps lglZrt
-tf]sLPsf]_ Joj:yf ul/Psf] kfOG5 . cfos/ sfg'gdf 3/]n' ;xfossf] ;]jf,
lgDglnlvt ;'ljwf ;DaGwdf kl/df0fLs/0f ug]{ k|fjwfg l s'g} vfgf, hnkfg jf dgf]/~hg jf

/x]sf] 5 . l e'QmfgL k|fKt ug]{ JolQmsf] lgjf;:yfgdf h8fg ul/Psf]

l sDkgL ;DkQL x:tfGt/0f u/L e'QmfgL ul/Psf]df To:tf] wf/f, lah'nL, 6]lnkmf]g h:tf ;]jfx¿ .
;DkQLsf] ahf/ d"Noa/fa/sf] /sd . l sd{rf/Ln] C0f k|fKt u/]sf]df To:tf] C0fdf ltg'{kg]{
l k"0f{ jf cflz+s ¿kdf lghL k|of]hgsf nflu k|of]u Aofh k|rlnt Aofhb/ eGbf sd b/df Aofh ltg'{kg]{
ul/Psf] jf k|of]usf nflu pknAw u/fOPsf] ;jf/L ePdf lt/]sf] Aofh / k|rlnt Aofhb/df km/s ePsf]
;fwgafkt ;DjlGwt sd{rf/Ln] vfOkfO cfPsf] /sd cfodf kl/dfl0fs/0f ug'{kg]{ x'G5 .
tnasf] z"Go bzdnj kfFr -)=%Ü_ k|ltzt x'g] l s'g} e'QmfgL /f]huf/ ug]{ sd{rf/L jf dfl;s ¿kdf
/sd . ;jf/L ;fwg ;'ljwf lbFbf rfns / OGwg klg kfl/>lds k|fKt ug]{ JolQmeGbf t];|f] JolQmn]
lbg'kg]{ x'Fbf ;jf/L ;fwgafktsf] /sd cfodf ;dfj]z e'QmfgL k|fKt ug]{ ePdf To;af6 x'g] kmfObfsf] d"No
u/L;s]kl5 rfns jf OGwgsf nflu u/]sf] e'QmfgL jf a/fa/sf] /sd sd{rf/Lsf] cfodf ;dfj]z ug'{kb{5 . s'g}
;'ljwfnfO{ cfodf ;dfj]z ug'{kb}{g . olb sd{rf/LnfO{ sd{rf/Ln] sfd u/]afkt lghsf] cfl>t 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{
lghL k|of]hgsf nflu ;jf/L ;fwg ;'ljwf elg s'g} ljBfnodf k9fpg nfUg] z'Ns /f]huf/bftfn]
tf]lsPsf] /sd e'QmfgL ug]{ u/]sf] eP e'QmfgL ePsf] Joxf]/]sf] eP ;f] e'QmfgL sd{rf/Lsf] kfl/>lds yk u/L
k"/} /sd cfodf ;dfj]z ug'{kb{5 . sd{rf/L jf dfl;s cfo sfod ug'{kb{5 .

$ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

l cfos/ P]g, @)%* n] JolQmsf] a;f]af;sf] cfwf/df lgDglnlvt vr{sf] bfjL u/]df pQm vr{ s§L u/L s/of]Uo
JolQmnfO{ n'O{ ju{df juL{s/0f u/]sf] 5 . cfo sfod ul/g] k|fjwfg cfos/ sfg'gdf /x]sf] 5 .
afl;Gbf JolQm -Residential person_ rGbf
lgsfo / k|fs[lts JolQmsf] cfwf/df afl;Gbf dflgg] ljlzi6 cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefuaf6 s/ 5'6 kfPsf ;+:yf¿nfO{
k|fjwfg sfg'gdf ul/Psf] 5 . lgsfosf] xsdf g]kfndf btf{ lbPsf] rGbf cfo u0fgf ubf{ 5'6 kfpF5 . cfos/ k|of]hgfy{
ePsf] jf ljb]zL ;/sf/ jf k|b]z ;/sf/ jf cGt/f{li6«o
JolQmn] Ps nfv ?k}ofF jf ;dfof]lht s/of]Uo cfosf]
lgsfon] g]kfndf s/of]Uo sf/f]af/ u/]df To;nfO{ afl;Gbf
%Ü dWo] h'g 36L x'G5, ;f] xb;Dd 5'6 kfpF5 . s'g} vf;
JolQm dflgG5 . g]kfndf btf{ geP klg ljb]zL ;/sf/ jf
cj:yfdf g]kfn ;/sf/n] /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sflzt u/L
lgsfon] s/of]Uo sf/f]af/ u/]df s/ nufpg] k|of]hgsf]
tf]s]sf] sfo{sf nflu u/]sf] vr{ rGbf lbPsf] k"/} /sd
nflu afl;Gbf elgPsf] xf] . k|fs[lts JolQmsf] xsdf
lgDglnlvt cj:yfdf afl;Gbf JolQm dflgG5 . s/of]Uo cfoaf6 s§L ug{ kfpF5 .

l ;fdfGo a;f]af;sf] :yfg g]kfndf /x]sf], ;Dkbf ;+/If0f / v]ns"b ljsf; vr{

l cljl5Gg #^% lbgsf] cjlwdf !*# lbg jf ;f]eGbf cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefusf] k"j{ :jLs[lt lnO{ g]kfnleq
a9L g]kfndf /x]sf] jf /x]sf] k|flrg, wfld{s tyf ;+:s[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f tyf
;Da4{g / v]ns'bsf] ;fj{hlgs k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f ug{ u/]sf]
l g]kfn ;/sf/af6 cfo jif{sf] s'g} ;dodf ljb]zdf vr{dWo] lgwf{/0fof]Uo cfosf] !)Ü jf bz nfv ?k}ofFdWo]
v6fOPsf] . h'g sd x'G5, ;f] xb;Dd vr{ 36fpg ;S5 . of] k|fjwfg
l u}/jfl;Gbf JolQm -Non residential person_M sDkgLnfO{ dfq} nfu" x'G5 . t;y{, kfl/>lds cfosf]
afl;Gbf JolQm afx]s cGo JolQmnfO{ u}/jfl;Gbf JolQm ;DaGwdf ;fble{s b]lvFb}g .
elgG5 . k|wfgdGqL b}jL k|sf]k p4f/ sf]if / g]kfn ;/sf/n] :yfkgf
lgwf{/0fof]Uo cfo -Assessable Income_ u/]sf] k'g{lgdf{0f sf]if
cfos/sf] ;DaGwdf JolQmsf] s'g s'g cfo s/ lgwf{/0fsf] o; sf]ifdf of]ubfg sd s/of]Uo cfoaf6 36fpg kfOG5 .
lgDtL u0fgf of]Uo x'G5 eGg] Joxf]/f dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 . o;sf]
cjsfz sf]ifM
lgwf{/0f JolQmsf] lsl;dsf] cfwf/df km/s–km/s Joj:yf
/x]sf] 5 . :jLs[t cjsfz sf]ifdf of]ubfg u/]sf] xb;Ddsf] /sd
afl;Gbf JolQmsf] ljZjJofkL cfo -Global Income_ s/of]Uo cfoaf6 36fpg kfOG5 . cjsfz sf]ifdf tLg
df s/ nfUb5 . afl;Gbf JolQmsf] cfosf ;a} ;|f]taf6 nfv jf lgwf{/0fof]Uo cfosf] Ps ltxfOdf h'g 36L x'G5,
ljZjJofkL ¿kdf cflh{t /sd hf]8L lgwf{/0fof]Uo cfo ;f] xb;Dd dfq s/of]Uo cfoaf6 36fpg kfOG5 .
sfod ul/G5 . afl;Gbf JolQmn] g]kfn jf ljb]zdf cfh{g b'u{d eQf
u/]sf] kl/>lds, nufgL, Joj;fo / cfsl:ds cfoaf6
cflh{t lgwf{/0fof]Uo cfo xf] . u}/afl;Gbf JolQmsf] g]kfndf g]kfn ;/sf/n] tf]s]sf] b'u{d If]qdf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lsf]
;|f]t ePsf] cfosf ;a} ;|f]taf6 cfh{g u/]sf] /sd s/of]Uo b'u{d eQfafkt e'QmfgL ul/g] /sddf lgDgfg';f/sf] /sd
cfo dflgG5 . s/of]Uo cfoaf6 36fpg kfOG5 .
lgwf{/0fof]Uo cfodf cfos/ P]g, @)%* sf] bkmf !! l æsÆ ju{sf] If]qdf krf; xhf/ ?k}ofF .
jdf]lhd Joj;flos 5'6 ;'ljwf / bkmf ^$ adf]lhd l ævÆ ju{sf] If]qdf rfnL; xhf/ ?k}ofF .
cjsfz sf]ifsf] cfo ;dfj]z xF'b}g . l æuÆ ju{sf] If]qdf tL; xhf/ ?k}ofF .

s/of]Uo cfo -Taxable Income_ l æ3Æ ju{sf] If]qdf aL; xhf/ ?k}ofF .

l æªÆ ju{sf] If]qdf bz xhf/ ?k}ofF .

lgwf{/0f of]Uo cfoaf6 cfos/ sfg'gdf ePsf] Joj:yfg';f/
s§f u/]kl5 s/of]Uo cfo sfod x'G5 . lgwf{/0fof]Uo cfoaf6 l j}b]lzs eQf

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ %

g]kfnsf] ljb]zl:yt s'6gLlts lgof]udf sfo{/t sd{rf/Lsf] ?=&%).– ;Ddsf] vr{ nfUg] s/af6 s§L ug{ kfpF5 .
j}b]lzs eQfsf] &%Ü /sd s/of]Uo cfoaf6 36fpg pk/f]Qm /sd eGbf a9L vr{ ePdf cfufdL jif{df ;f/L
kfOG5 . ltg'{kg]{ s/af6 s§L ug{ kfpF5 .
lgj[lQe/0f cfo kfl/>lds s/ e'QmfgL
jfl;Gbf k|fs[lts JolQmsf] lgj[lQe/0f cfo ePdf k|fs[lts /f]huf/bftfn] sfdbf/ jf sd{rf/LnfO{ kfl/>lds e'QmfgL
JolQm jf bDklQnfO{ qmdzM Ps nfv jf Ps nfv afx| ubf{ lghn] k|fKt ug]{ kfl/>lds jf kfl/>lds ;dfj]z
xhf/ kfFr ;o ?k}ofF s/of]Uo cfoaf6 36fpg kfpF5 . x'g] cfo / sfg'gadf]lhd cfos/ s§L x'g] /sd lx;fa
u/L kfl/>lds e'QmfgL ubf{ cg';"rL–! df Joj:yf ePsf]
b/df s/s§L u/L kfl/>lds e'QmfgL ug'{kb{5 . lgDglnlvt
ckf+utf ePsf] k|s[lts JolQm jf bDklQn] qmdzM cj:yfdf ;d]t s/s§L ug'{kg]{ /sd 36fpg gkfOg] Joj:yf
?=@,)),))).– / ?=@,@%,))).– s/of]Uo cfoaf6 36fpg 5.
kfOG5 .
l /f]huf/bftfn] kfl/>lds e'QmfgLaf6 cGo s'g} /sd
aLdf s§L ug]{ jf /f]Ssf /fVg] jf 36fpg] clwsf/ jf st{Jo
ePsf]df .
afl;Gbf k|fs[lts JolQmn] nufgL ljdfafkt jflif{s e'QmfgL
u/]sf] kRrL; xhf/df ga9fO{ jf:tljs e'QmfgL u/]sf] l cGo k|rlnt sfg'gadf]lhd sd{rf/L jf sfdbf/sf]
lk|ldod s/of]Uo cfoaf6 s§L ug{ ;S5 . /f]huf/Laf6 ePsf] cfo 36fpg gkfpg] ePsf]df .
s/df 5'6 kfpg] !# s/sf] b/
cfos/ P]g, @)%* df /f]huf/ ug]{ k|fs[lts JolQmn] kfl/>lds cfo ;DaGwdf cf=j=@)&^.)&& -@)&^.$.!
ltg'{kg]{ s/ ;d]tdf 5'6 lbg;Sg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . P]gdf b]vL @)&& ;fn cfiff9 d;fGt_ df lgDgfg';f/ kfl/>ldsdf
lgDgadf]lhd s/ 5'6 kfpg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . s/ nfUg] b/ tf]lsPsf] 5 .

Psn JolQm s/sf] b/ bDkQL s/sf] b/

?=$,)),))).– !Ü ?=$,%),))).– !Ü
?=$,)),))). eGbf a9L ?= %,)),))).– ;Ddsf] !)Ü ?=$,%),))).– eGbf a9L !)Ü
?=!,)),))).– df ?=%,%),))).– ;Dd ?=!,)),))).–
?=%,)),))). eGbf a9L ?= &,)),))).– ;Ddsf] @)Ü ?=%,%),))). eGbf a9L ?= @)Ü
?=@,)),))).– df &,%),))).– ;Ddsf] ?=@,)),))).–
?=&,)),))). eGbf a9L ?=@),)),))).– ;Ddsf] #)Ü ?=&,%),))).– b]vL ?= @),%),))).– #)Ü
?=!#,)),))).– df ;Ddsf] ?=!#,)),))).– df
?=@),)),))).– eGbf a9L sf] cfodf #^Ü ?=@),%),))).– eGbf a9L cfodf #^Ü

l dlxnf M kfl/>lds cfo dfq ug]{ dlxnfnfO{ ltg'{kg]{ Psnf}6L kmd{ btf{ ePsf] JolQmn] lgj[QLe/0f sf]ifdf /
s/df !)Ü 5''6 x'G5 . k|fs[lts JolQmn] of]ubfgdf cfwfl/t ;fdflhs ;'/Iff
sf]if, lgj[QLe/0f sf]ifdf of]ubfg u/]df klxnf] :t/sf] !Ü
l cf}ifwL pkrf/ vr{
s/sf] k|fjwfg nfu" xF'b}g . ;f] xb;Ddsf] cfo s//lxt x'g]
k|fs[lts afl;Gbf JolQmn] cf}ifwL pkrf/ ug'{ k/]sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
cj:yfdf pkrf/ u/fpFbf jf cf}ifwL vl/b ug{ vr{ ePsf]

^ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

ljt/0f s]Gb|df
EPR sf] k|efjsfl/tf
/~hg/fh u'?ª
;xfos k|aGws, sfe|] ljt/0f s]Gb|, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

kl/ro k[i7e"ld
sd{rf/LnfO{ s;/L k|f]T;fxg ug]{ eGg] ljifodf s'g} g]=lj=k|f= sf pTkfbg s]Gb|df ljB't pTkfbg a9fpg /
klg ;+:yfdf ax; x'g] ub{5 . E.E. Lawler n] k|;f/0f lgb]{zgfnodf outage 36fpg ljutb]lv g}
eg]sf 5g\ "Reward systems are one of the EPR sf] Joj:yf ul/P tfklg xfn ljt/0f s]Gb|nfO{
most prominent and frequently discussed klg ljt/0f k|0ffnLsf] outage sd ug]{ u/L ljt/0f
features of organization" . ;a} k|sf/sf nfOg dd{t, 6«fG:kmd{/ dd{t, u|fxssf] u'gf;f] ;dod}
;+:yf -lghL jf ;/sf/L_ cfˆgf sd{rf/Laf6 pRr ;dfwfg ug]{ / ljB't ljqmL u/]jfktsf] dxz'n
txsf] sfo{;Dkfbg rfxG5g\ t/ s;/L k|fKt ug]{ eGg] p7fpg], jSof}{tf, sfnf]kf6L / ljB't r'xfj6 36fpg]
olsg ug{ ;Sb}gg\ . k|foM ;+:yfdf sfo{;Dkfbgsf dfq geO{ ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ ;/n / kf/bzL{ ;]jf pknAw
cfwf/df k|f]T;fxg eQf k|bfg ubf{ sd{rf/Laf6 pRr u/fpg] lhDd]jf/L axg ug{ pRr sfo{;Dkfbg k|bz{g
txsf] sfo{;Dkfbg k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] b[li6sf]0f ug{sf nflu k|f]T;flxt ug]{ x]t'n] @)&^ kf}if dlxgf
/x]sf] kfOG5 . g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fdf klg o;af/] b]lv EPR nfu" ul/Psf] 5 .
g]=lj=k|f= sd{rf/L ;]jf zt{ ljlgodfjnL, @)&%
nfdf] ;do vr]{/ Joj:yfkgn] EPR sf] l8hfOg
sf] ljlgod !@$ -!_ n] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . ;f]
u/L @)&! df3b]lv nfu' ul/P klg ljt/0f s]Gb|df
cg';f/ cfof]hgf tyf sfof{nodf xfl;n ug'{kg]{
sfo{ ljljwtf, EPR u0fgfsf nflu tf]lsPsf
k|ultsf] nIo k|flKt lgwf{l/t cjlwleq ePsf] sfo{
indicator sf] JofVofdf c:ki6tf, u0fgfsf nflu
;Dkfbg / sfd sf/afxLsf] u'0f:t/;d]tsf] d"Nof+sg
cfjZos ljj/0fsf] cefj / u0fgfdf ;d]t hl6ntf
u/L ;ldltn] th'{df u/]sf] lglt tyf k|lqmofcg';f/
dxz'; u/L s]xL afx]s clwsfz+ ljt/0f s]Gb|x¿n]
sd{rf/LnfO{ k|f]T;fxg eQf lbg ;lsg] k|fjwfg 5 .
EPR k|fKt ug{ ;Sg] cj:yf /x]g . Joj:yfkgn]
k|f]T;fxg eQfn] sd{rf/Lx¿sf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg j[l4
s'n sd{rf/Lsf] em08} &% k|ltzt /x]sf] ljt/0f
u5{ eGg] cGtlg{lxt ts{nfO{ cl3 ;fb}{ g]=lj=k|f= sf]
tyf u|fxs ;]jf lgb]{zgfno dftxtsf ljt/0f
ljt/0f tyf u|fxs ;]jf lgb]{zgfnodf klg EPR
s]Gb|, ljefu / k|fb]lzs sfof{nodf EPR nfu"
cyf{t\ Enhanced Performance Reward
ubf{ 7"nf] Jooef/ ylkg] / cf]e/6fOd eQfdf 7"nf]
nfu" ul/Psf] xf] .

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ &

/sd vr{ eO/x]sf] ;Gbe{nfO{ ;d]t dWogh/ ubf{ EPR hfg' :jfefljs} xf] . ;f]xL cg'?k Joj:yfkgn] nIo
nfO{ sfo{;Dkfbg j[l4sf cltl/Qm r'xfj6 lgoGq0f, cfo dfq lgwf{/0f u/]sf] 5}g, 6«]8 o'lgog tyf cfd sd{rf/Lsf]
;+sng / cf]e/6fOd eQf s6f}tLdf cfwfl/t /x]/ nfu" ug]{ dfuadf]lhd ;~rfns ;ldltsf] *!$cf}+ a}7saf6 k'gM
u/L ;~rfns ;ldltsf] ^($cf}+ a}7saf6 :jLs[t u/]sf] @)&^ kf}if dlxgfb]lv nfu" x'g] u/L EPR eQf pknAw
lyof] . Psftkm{ b}lgs !$ 306f;Dd nf]8;]l8Ë v]lk/x]sf] u/fpg] lg0f{o u/]sf] 5 .
k|flws/0fsf] laqmL tyf cfodf sdL x'g] g} eof] . To;}n]
EPR nfu" eOxfn] klg r'xfj6 lgoGq0f / cfo ;+sngdf jt{dfg kl/k|Iodf
j[l4 x'g] cj:yf gePkl5 EPR sfo{ljlw s'lx/f]df x/fPsf] EPR sfo{ljlwsf] ;dLIff
sfuemF} cndndf k¥of] . ljt/0f s]Gb|x¿df tna afx]s cf]e/6fOd eQf lbOFb}
Joj:yfklso kl/jt{g / nf]8;]l8Ësf] cGTo g]=lj=k|f= sf cfPsf] 5 . cf]e/6fOd eQf jf:tjdf k|f]T;fxg eQf eg]
nflu turning point ;fljt eof] . hgtfdfem a9\b} uPsf] xf]Og . s'g} sfo{ lglZrt ;doleq ;Dkfbg ug{ cfjZos
nf]slk|otf, hgljZjf; / cfzfsf ls/0fn] g]=lj=k|f= sf ePsf] cj:yfdf sfof{non] cltl/Qm ;do sfo{ ug{
sd{rf/Ldf 7"nf] k|f]T;fxgsf ¿kdf sfo{ u/]sf] kfOof] . ToxL cfkm\gf sd{rf/LnfO{ v6fpg ;Sg]5 . ljt/0f s]Gb|df k|foM
k|f]T;fxgsf ;fy} Joj:yfksLo s'zntfn] ubf{ ljt/0f b}lgs ¿kdf ;~rfng x'g] sfo{ x'G5 . sfof{no ;dodf
s]Gb|n] r'xfj6 lgoGq0f tyf cfoj[l4df gf6sLo ;'wf/ u|fxssf] rfk x'g', b/aGbLcg';f/ sd{rf/Lsf] Joj:yf
ug{ ;kmn ePsf] xf] eGbf cGoyf gxf]nf . nf]8;]l8Ësf] gx'g' / ljt/0f k|0ffnLnfO{ sd outage x'g]u/L b'?:t
cGTon] ;]jfu|fxLdfem ;+:yfk|ltsf] cfzf / ljZjf;df /fVg cltl/Qm ;do vl6g'kg]{ afWotf 5 . t/ lkmtnf]
dfq geO{ cfodf ;d]t j[l4 u/]sf] 5 . o;k|sf/, EPR Joj:yfkg, sd{rf/Lsf] u}/lhDd]jf/Lkg / sd sfd u/]/
eQf ljt/0f gul/sg} r'xfj6 lgoGq0f / cfo ;+sngdf w]/} cfh{g ug{ rfxg] :jefjn] ubf{ sfof{nodf ;Dkfbg
pNn]Vo k|ult u/]sf] g]=lj=k|f= cem dxŒjfsf+IfL aGb} ug{ ;lsg] sfo{nfO{ cltl/Qm ;dosf nflu yftL /fVg],

* jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

sfof{no k|d'vnfO{ cgfjZos bafa lbO{ cf]e/6fOd eQf k|fKt u/sf] cj:yfdf ca afn'jfdf kfgL xfn];/x vr{
k|fKt ug{ ;lsg] ljutb]lv g} rlncfPsf] rng / sfof{no eO/x]sf] cf]e/6fOd eQf s6f}tLsf nflu dfq EPR nfu"
;donfO{ JolQmut sfo{df vr{g ;lsg] dfgl;stfn] ug{ vf]lhPsf] h:tf] b]lvPsf] 5 .
cf]e/6fOd eQf g} Ps k|sf/sf] k|f]T;fxg eQfsf ?kdf
o;f] b]lvg' lsg klg :jfefljs b]lvPsf] 5 eg] lj=;=
ljt/0f s]Gb|df df}nfpb} uPsf] cj:yf 5 . cfd sd{rf/Lsf]
@)&! sf] sfo{ljlwdf h'g k|sf/sf ;+zf]wg u/L k'gM ;f]xL
dfusf] k|ltlglwTj u/]sf 6«]8 o'lgog / Joj:yfkgaLrsf]
sfo{ljlwcg'?k EPR nfu" ul/Psf] 5, ljt/0f s]Gb|n] tL
Bargaining af6 ljt/0f s]Gb|df xfn EPR nfu" ePsf]
indicators meet u/L EPR k|fKt ug{ emg ufx|f] ePsf]
cj:yfdf Joj:yfkgn] cf]e/6fOd eQf eg] $) k|ltztdf
5 . h:tf] k'/fgf] sfo{ljlwdf gePsf] Global Factor )=#
;Lldt ug]{ u/L lg0f{o ubf{ sd{rf/Ln] Pp6f k|f]T;fxg eQf
eGbf sd x'g cfPdf EPR eQf glbOg], r'xfj6 36fpg
lbg csf]{ k|f]T;fxg eQf -cf]e/6fOd eQf_ sf6]sf] dx;';
lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] k|ltztdf ul/Psf] j[l4 cflbn] klxn]
u/]sf 5g\ . sfo{ljlw eGbf cem hl6n agfOPsf] :ki6 x'G5 . afFsL
lxhf] c;Lldt ¿kdf k|fKt ub}{ cfPsf] cf]e/6fOd eQf aSof}tf / sfnf]kf6L /sd p7fpg] ljifo emg\ kmnfdsf]
?kL k|f]T;fxg eQf xfn cfP/ $) k|ltztdf ;Lldt ul/g' lrp/f rkfpg';/x ePsf] 5 . o;/L EPR eQfn] jt{dfg
/ ptf pRr txsf] sfo{;Dkfbg k|bz{g ub}{ d'lZsnn] ^) kl/k]|Iodf ljt/0f tyf u|fxs ;]jfsf cfd sd{rf/Lsf nflu
k|ltzt;Dd k|fKt ug{ ;lsg] EPR nfu" ul/g'nfO{ cfd pT;fx Nofpg ;Sg] b]lvPsf] 5}g .
sd{rf/Ln] ;du|df k|f]T;fxg eQfsf] s6f}tLsf ¿kdf
lnO/x]sf 5g\ . sfof{non] ;xh ¿kdf k|bfg ub}{ cfO/x]sf]
casf] af6f]
cf]e/6fOd eQf ljljw sf/0fn] cltl/Qm ;dodf a:g x'g t nfdf] cWoog, 5nkmn, ax; / afu]{lgª kl5 xfn
gldNg] sd{rf/Lsf nflu eg] EPR eQf pko'Qm b]lvPsf] @)&^ k'; dlxgfb]lv ljt/0f tyf u|fxs ;]jfdf EPR
5 . t/ cf]e/6fOd eQfsf e/df sfo{ ;Dkfbg ub}{ cfPsf nfu" ePsf] xf] . t/ klg cfd sd{rf/L / Joj:yfkgn]
/ ljt/0f k|0ffnL b'?:t /fVg], r'xfj6 lgoGq0fdf vl6g], EPR eQf nfu" ug]{ jftfj/0f agfpg yk sfo{ ug'{kg]{
u|fxs ;]jfdf vl6g] tyf ld6/ l/l8Ëdf vl6g] sd{rf/L eg] b]lvPsf] 5 .
pT;flxt b]lvFb}gg\ . o;y{ EPR n] sfd ug]{ sd{rf/Lsf]
sd{rf/Ln] cfkm"n] u/sf] x/]s sfo{nfO{ EPR sf]
sfo{;Dkfbg j[l4 ug'{sf ;f6f] emg\ 36fpg] kf] xf] ls eGg]
indicator n] dfuadf]lhdsf] 8f6f pknAw x'g] u/L /]s8{
lrGtf a9]sf] 5 .
/fVg], cl3Nnf] dlxgfsf] jf cl3Nnf] jif{sf] ;f]xL dlxgfsf]
ljt/0f s]Gb|df ljljw k|sf/sf sfo{ t eO{ g} /x]sf x'G5g\ t/ 8f6f;Fu t'ngf ub}{ cfˆgf] sfo{;Dkfbgdf j[l4 ub}{ n}hfg'kg]{
sfof{nodf sfd ul/;s]kl5 /]s8{ /fVg], documentation b]lvG5 . Joj:yfkgn] klg sd{rf/LnfO{ sfo{;Dkfbg ug{
ug]{ / s] slt k|ult xfl;n eof] eg]/ dfkg ug]{ rng ;xh x'g] u/L ;|f]t;fwgsf] Joj:yf tTsfn} ul/lbg'kg]{
lrofukmdf afx]s sfuhdf sd} x'g] u/]sf 5g\ . b]lvG5 .
o;n] ubf{ EPRu0fgfsf nflu lgwf{/0f ul/Psf ef}uf]lns ljs6tf, sd{rf/L cefj, ;jf/L ;fwgsf]
indicator s] slt meet eof] eg]/ dfkg ug{ hl6n cefj, sfof{no pks/0fsf] cefj, ;'wf/ sfo{sf nflu
b]lvG5 . o;n] ubf{ sfd u/] k"/f eQf kfpg ;lsG5 eGg] ah]6sf] cefj cflbnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug]{ u/L Joj:yf eP dfq
s'/fnfO{ ul0ftLo lx;fan] ;f]Rg sd{rf/Ln] g;ls/x]sf] sd{rf/Ln] pRr sfo{;Dkfbg xfl;n ug{ ;S5g\ eGg] a'emfO
cj:yf 5 . Joj:yfkgn] eg] ljutdf h'g # j6f p2]Zosf ;DalGwtdf x'g h?/L 5 . clg dfq EPR eQfn] ljt/0f
;fy EPR nfu' ug]{ lg0f{o u/]sf] lyof], To;dWo] gf6sLo s]Gb|sf sd{rf/LnfO{ pRr sfo{;Dkfbg ug{ k|f]T;flxt ub}{
¿kdf lgoGq0f ePsf] r'xfj6 / nf]8;]l8Ë cGTosf sf/0f cfˆgf] sfo{k|lt ;d]t ;Gt'li6 lbnfpg ;S5 .
j[l4 ePsf] cfo ;+sng EPR eQf glbPsf] cj:yfd}

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ (

l;FrfO{ gx/dfly
;f}o{ Kofgn
lji0f'k|;fb b]jsf]6f
;xfos k|aGws, lu|8 ljsf; ljefu, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

;f/f+z k[i7e"ld
PSsfO;f}+ ztfAbLdf ;f]nf/ /]l8o;gnfO{ ;+;f/sf] g]kfn pQ/df lxdfno;lxt rLgsf] :jzfl;t
;a}eGbf /fd|f] tyf nfut k|efjsf/L j}slNks pmhf{ If]q ltAjt;Fu tyf k"j{, klZrd / blIf0fdf ef/t;Fu
;|f]tsf] ¿kdf dflgPsf] 5 . cf};t $=& lsnf]jf6 hf]l8Psf]] d'n's xf] . o; d'n'ssf] hDdf If]qkmn
cfj/ k|ltju{ ld6/ k|ltlbg ;f]n/ /]l8P;g 3gTj !$&,!*! a= ls= ld= dWo] #),(!) a=ls=ld e'–efu
/x]sf]n] ;f}o{ pmhf{df g]kfnnfO{ /fd|f] ;Defjgf /x]sf] s[lif k|of]hgsf nflu k|of]u ePsf] b]lvG5,! h'g @!Ü
/fi6«sf ¿kdf lnO{G5 . o; n]vdf g]kfnsf l;+rfO{ x'g cfpF5 . pQm hldgdf l;+rfO{sf] ;'ljwf k'¥ofpg
gx/dfly ;f]nf/ Kofgn :yflkt u/L ;f}o{ pmhf{ ljleGg l;+rfO cfof]hgf cfjZos kg]{ b]lvG5 . xfn
pTkfbgsf] ;Defjgf cWoog ug{ vf]lhPsf] 5 . rfn' cj:yfdf /x]sf afUdtL, dxfsfnL, /fgL hd/f
cWoogaf6 !$=)% ls=ld= nDafO{ ePsf] /fgL hd/f s'nl/of, sdnf, u08s, sf]zLnufot lgdf{0ffwLg
s'8l/of l;+rfO{ cfof]hgfsf] gx/n] cf]u6]sf] If]qdf l;S6f, dxfsfnL, e]/L aaO{ 8fOe;{g tyf cWoogdf
jflif{s !!(,*() lsnf]jf6 cfj/ pmhf{ pTkfbg /x]sf ;'gsf]zL dl/g 8fOe;{g, sfnLu08sL ltgfp
x'g] ;Defjgf b]lvG5, h'g ut c=j= @)&%.&^ df 8fOe;{gnufot cGo y'k|} l;+rfO{ cfof]hgfdf w]/}
s'n]vfgL bf];|f] hnljB't s]Gb|af6 pTkfbg ePsf] gx/ /xG5g\ . gx/sf] kfgL v]/ hfg] ljleGg sf/0fdWo]
pmhf{ eGbf a9L xf] . o;/L l;+rfO{ gx/dfly ;f]nf/ Evapotranspiration klg Ps k|d'v sf/0f xf] .
Kofgn /fVbf Evapotranspiration af6 kfgLdf x'g] gx/nfO{ l;wf ;"o{sf] k|sfz kg{af6 /f]Sg ;s]sf]
jfliks/0f hf]luP/ cfly{s art x'g] b]lvG5 . o;/L v08df Evapotranspiration sf] sf/0faf6 v]/
lgisif{df hUuf k|flKtsf] ;d:of, ;fdflhs ;d:of, hfg] kfgL l;+rfOdf k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .
gx/sf] ;+/If0f, kfgL jfliks/0f eP/ x'g] gf]S;fgLsf] ;f}o{ ljls/0fsf] lx;fadf g]kfn k[YjLsf] cg's"n
art tyf Distributed Generation of :yfgdf cjl:yt 5 . oxfF jflif{s #=^ b]lv ^=@
Electricity sf nflu dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg x'g ;Sg] x'Fbf ls=jf=cfj/ k|lt ju{ ld= k|ltlbgsf] pmhf{ pknAw
l;+rfO{ gx/dfly ;f]nf/ Kofgn /flv ljB't pTkfbg x'G5 eg] x/]s jif{ cf};tdf #)) lbg;Dd 3fd nfUg]
ug{ g]kfndf /fd|f] ;Defjgf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . ub{5 .@ g]kfndf Joj;flos lx;fan] lu|8df hf]8\g

!) jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

;lsg] ;f}o{ pmhf{ pTkfbgsf] ;Defjgf @!)) d]ufjf6 /x]sf] pmhf{sf] xfnsf] cj:yf tyf efjL of]hgf
5 .# ;f}o{ Ps gljs/0fLo pmhf{ eP tfklg ;'?cftLsf]
:yfkgf vr{, hUufsf] pknAwtf tyf ;f}o{ ljls/0fs} g]kfnsf] s'n ljB't hl8t Ifdtf rfn' cf=j= @)&^.&&
cj:yf eg] r'gf}tLk"0f{ x'G5 . s]xL jif{ cufl8;Dd nueu sf] df3 cGTo;Dddf !@&% d]ufjf6 k'u]sf] 5 eg] k|;f/0f
!@Ü ;Dd /x]sf] kmf]6f] ef]N6fOssf] bIftf xfn @#Ü ;Dd nfOgdf kx'Fr k'u]sf] hg;+Vof &* k|ltzt / k|ltJolQm
k'u]sf] eP tfklg !*Ü ;Dd Joj;flos ¿kdf pTkfbg ljB't vkt sl/a @$% lsnf]jf6 306f k'u]sf] 5 . ljB't
u/]sf b]lvG5 .$ o;/L lbgfg'lbg ;f}o{;DaGwL cg';Gwfgn] k|;f/0f nfOg lgdf{0f tyf Joj:yfkg / r'xfj6 lgoGq0fdf
Pstkm{ ;'?cftL vr{ 36fPsf] 5 eg] csf]{tkm{ g]kfnsf] ePsf] ;'wf/sf] kmn:j¿k cf=j= @)&@.&# df @)=%
k|s[ltn] klg o;nfO{ ;fy lbPsf] 5 . t;y{, xfd|f;fd' /x]sf] k|ltzt /x]sf] r'xfj6 cf=j= @)&%.&^ df !%=#@
k|d'v r'gf}tL eg]sf] hUufsf] pknAwtf x'g cfpF5 . k|ltztdf em/]sf] 5 .^ lbuf] ljsf;sf] nIo k|flKt ug{ ;g\
@)@* ;Dddf ljB'tsf] kx'Fr ;tk|ltzt tyf k|ltJolQm
gx/dfly ;f}o{ Kofgn /fvL ljB't pTkfbg ubf{ 5'§} hldgsf] ljB't vkt !%)) lsnf]jf6 306f k'¥ofpg] nIo /flvPsf]
cfjZostf g/xg], hldg d'lgsf] kfgL p8]/ hfg gkfO{ 5 . o;sf] ;fy} hDdf ljB't pTkfbg Ifdtf !%))) d]=jf=
kfgLsf] gf]S;fg gx'g] / cGo jfx\o j:t'sf] k|efjaf6 klg / To;df j}slNks pmhf{sf] lx:;f xfnsf] @) eGbf yf]/}
kfgL ;'/lIft /xg'sf ;fy} ;f}o{ Kofgnsf] tfkqmd a9\g glbO{ /x]sf]df ;g\ @)#) ;Dddf %) k'¥ofpg] nIo /flvPsf]
;f}o{af6 ljB'tdf kl/jt{g x'g] k|efjsfl/tf j[l4 x'g] h:tf 5 .&
kmfObfsf sf/0f kl5Nnf] ;do gx/dfly ;f}o{ Kofgn /fVg]
;f]rsf] ljsf; ePsf] 5 . ef/tdf l;+rfO{ gx/dfly ;f}o{ g]kfndf hDdf pmhf{ vkt ;g\ @)!$ df !!,%#$ lsnf]6gsf]
Kofgn /fVg] sfo{ ;g\ @)!@ b]lv g} ;'? ePsf] lyof] eg] o; t]nsf] a/fa/ /x]sf] lyof], h;df xfO8«f]kfj/sf] of]ubfg
cufl8 g} hfkfg tyf l;+ufk'/df kfgLdfly t}l/g] ;f]nf/sf] hDdf #@^ -@=* k|ltzt_ dfq /x]sf] b]lvPsf] lyof] .
;kmntfk"j{s k|of]u ePsf] lyof] . ef/tsf] u'h/ftl:yt pmhf{ vktsf] 9fFrf x]bf{ 3/fo;L k|of]hgdf g} *) k|ltzt
j8f]b/ gbLsf] gx/dfly agfOPsf] !) d]=jf= Ifdtfsf] ;f}o{ eGbf a9L /x]sf] 5 eg] pBf]u If]qdf sl/a ^ k|ltzt /x]sf]
pmhf{ ;fFlRrs} gd"gf / gjLgtd k|of]u ePsf] Ps cfof]hgf lyof] . ;fy} ;g\ @)!$ df g]kfnsf] k|ltJolQm k|fylds
xf] .% g]kfnsf hnljB't s]Gb| kxf8L If]qdf 5g\ eg] pmhf{ vkt (Primary Energy Consumption) )=$!
k|of]ustf{ t/fO{ If]qdf a9L 5g\, h;n] ubf{ Transmission 6g t]n a/fa/ /x]sf] lyof] eg] l5d]sL /fi6« ef/tdf )=^$,
loss tyf Non-distributed generation sf] cj:yf >Ln+sfdf )=%@, leotgfd )=&#, Dofgdf/df )=#^
cfO/x]sf] 5 . o;}n] g]kfnsf l;+rfO{ cfof]hgfdf klg a+unfb]zdf )=@@ / ljZjsf] cf};t !=*( /x]sf] lyof] .
o:tf] k|ljlwsf] k|of]u u/L t/fO{ If]qdf ljB't pTkfbg ug{ o;}ul/ g]kfnsf] pmhf{ OG6]lG;l6 -)=^!_ ljZjsf] cf};t
;s]df pQm k|;f/0f nfOgdf x'g] Iflt Go'lgs/0f x'g'sf ;fy} eGbf rf/ u'0ff a9L /x]sf] lyof], h;af6 pmhf{sf] k|efjsf/L
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] ljtl/t pTkfbg Ifdtf clej[l4 k|of]udf g]kfn k5fl8 /x]sf] :ki6 b]lvG5 .*
x'g] b]lvG5 . g]kfndf ;f}o{ pmhf{sf] ¿kdf cfpg] ;f]nf/ /]l8o;g cf};tdf

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tflnsf g+= ! M /fgL hd/f s'n/Lof l;+rfO{ cfof]hgfsf] d]g Sofgn tyf lkm8/ Sofgn
hDdf nDafO{ gx/sf] rf}8fO{ hDdf pknAw ePsf]
qm=;+= gx/sf] lsl;d s}lkmot
-lsnf]ld6/_ -ld6/_ hUufsf] If]qkmn -a=dL=_
!= k|d'v gx/ !=(% @#=@ $%,@$) j]8 :nf]k !M!=%
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hDdf !#=)% @^@,(@)
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5 . x/]s jif{ cf}iftdf #)) lbgdf @!)) 306f 3fd nfU5 . #=)) ls=ld= nDafOsf] 5 . *=! ls=ld= lkm8/ gx/dWo]
t;y{, gljs/0fLo ;f}o{ pmhf{df g]kfn Pp6f /fd|f] ;Defjgf ! ls=ld= @$ ld= rf}8fOsf] / afFsL !^=* ld6/ rf}8fOsf]
ePsf] b]z xf] .( kGw|f}+ of]hgfsf] cGTo;Dddf ;f}o{ ljB't /x]sf] 5 .!@
k|0ffnLaf6 !@& d]ufjf6 pTkfbg ug]{ nIo /flvPsf] 5 .
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg @)&% cg';f/ l;+rfO gx/df ;f}o{ Kofgn h8fg u/L ljB't pTkfbg
/fli6|o lu|8 k|;f/0fdf hf]l8Psf] ;f}o{ ljB't pmhf{ Hofb} Go"g ;f}o{ pmhf{ ljleGg tTjdf lge{/ ub{5 h:t} M ;f}o{ pmhf{sf]
-!)) ls=jf=_ /x]sf] 5 eg] @% d]=jf Ifdtfsf] b]lj3f6 bIftf, ;f}o{ pmhf{sf] 9NsfO{ sf]0f, e"efusf] k|s[lt, tfkqmd,
;f}o{ KnfG6 lgdf{0fflwg cj:yfdf 5 .!) j}slNks pmhf{ sf] ;f}o{ KofgnaLrsf] cGt/fn, afbn tyf x':;' nfUg]
;xof]udf ;g\ @)!$ sf] h'nfO{ ;Dddf !!=%@ d]=jf= sf] ;dofjlw, xfjfdf /x]sf w'nf]sf s0fsf] lkPd cflb . t;y{,
;f]nf/ xf]d l;:6d, !=#! d]=jf= sf] ;+:yfut tyf klDkË s'g} klg :yfg ljz]ifdf x'g] ;f}o{ pmhf{sf] pTkfbgsf] cg'dfg
k|0ffnLaf6 ljB't pTkfbg ePsf] lyof] .!! t/ oL ;|f]t /fli6«o ug{ lj:t[t lx;fa tyf cWoog÷cg';Gwfgsf] cfjZostf
k|;f/0fdf hf]l8Psf] eg] 5}g . kb{5 . oxfF ;fdfGotof x'g ;Sg] pmhf{ pTkfbgsf] vfsf
cWoog If]q M /fgL hd/f b]vfpg vf]lhPsf] 5 . vfsfnfO{ x]bf{ ;f}o{ KofgnaLrsf]
cGt/fn tyf cGo vfnL efun] cfwf hldg cf]u6\g]
s'nl/of l;+rfO{ cfof]hgf b]lvG5 . o;/L k|efjsf/L hldgdf hDdf ^%,&#) j6f
cfof]hgfsf] kl/ro #@) Ifdtfsf ;f}o{ Kofgn h8fg ug{ ;lsg] b]lvG5,
h;af6 hDdf hl8t Ifdtf @! d]ufjf6 x'g cfpF5 . cf};t
o; n]v tof/ ug{sf lgldQ cWoog If]qsf] ¿kdf /fgL
%=& 306f k|ltlbg sf b/n] b}lgs !!(,*() o'lg6 ljh'nL
hd/f s'nl/of l;+rfO{ cfof]hgfsf] k|d'v gx/ tyf lkm8/
gx/nx¿ lnOPsf] 5 . s}nfnL lhNnfsf] l6sfk'/df pTkfbg x'g] b]lvG5, h'g Ps jif{ -#^% lbg_ df $ s/f]8
cjl:yt cfof]hgf sfof{no tyf cGo On]S6«f]lgs ;|f]taf6 #& nfv o'lg6 x'g cfpF5 . pQm ljB't pmhf{ ut cf=j=
cfjZos tYofÍ lnOPsf] 5 . o; cfof]hgfsf k|d'v gx/ @)&%.&^ df s'n]vfgL bf];|f] hnljB't s]Gb|af6 pTkfbg
/ lkm8/ gx/nfO{ dfq o; cWoogdf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] ePsf] eGbf w]/} xf] . o;af6 jflif{s $) s/f]8 ?k}ofF eGbf
5 . k|d'v gx/dWo] Pp6f @#=$ ld6/ rf}8fO{ tyf !=(% a9L cfDbfgL x'g] b]lvG5 .

tflnsf g+= @ M l;+rfO{ cfof]hgfdf ;f}o{ Kofgn /fvL pTkfbg ug{ ;lsg] ljB'tLo pmhf{sf] Ifdtf
hDdf ljB't
gx/sf] ;f]nf/n] cf]u6\g] h8fg ug{ ;lsg] ;f] hDdf ljB't hl8t
qm=;+= pTkfbg -ls= s}lkmot
lsl;d hldgsf] If]qkmn -a=ld=_ nf/ Kofgnsf] ;+Vof Ifdtf -d]=jf=_
jf=cf= k|ltlbg_
!= k|d'v gx/ %(,*@) @(,(!) (=%& %$,%%%,*$)
@= lkm8/ gx/ &!,^$) #%,*@) !!=$^ ^%,##%,^*)
hDdf !#!,$^) ^%,&#) @!=)# !!(,*(!,%@)

!@ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

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tyf lkm8/ gx/df ;f}o{ Kofgn h8fg u/L ljB't pTkfbg kq, /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u, g]kfn ;/sf/, sf7df8f}F, g]kfn .
ug{ ;s]df jflif{s $ s/f]8 #& nfv ljh'nL pTkfbg x'g] &= /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u, ;g\ @)!&, g]kfndf lbuf] ljsf; nIosf]
tyf o;af6 jflif{s $) s/f]8 ?k}+of eGbf a9L cfDbgL x'g] jt{dfg cj:yf / efjL sfo{of]hgf M @)!^–@)#), /fli6«o
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jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !#

hnljB't\ cfof]hgfdf
ljb]zL nufgL
k'is//fh e§/fO{
;xfos lgb]{zs, ljb]zL ljlgdo Joj:yfkg ljefu, g]kfn /fi6« a}+s

ljifo k|j]z g]kfndf hnljB't pTkfbgsf ;DaGwdf

g]kfn kfgLsf] pknAwtfsf lx;fan] ljZjsf] bf];|f] wgL
/x]sf] sfg'gL, gLltut, ;+:yfut tyf
b]z xf] . kfgLsf] pkof]u s]an lkpg] k|of]hgsf nflu dfq ;/+rgfTds Joj:yf
geP/ cGo k|of]hgsf nflu klg x'g] ub{5 . ljz]ifu/L g]kfnsf] ljB't pTkfbgsf] ofqf lj=;= !(^*
kfgLsf] k|of]u ;j{JofkL ¿kdf ljB't pTkfbgsf nflu b]lv ;'? ePsf] b]lvP tfklg ljQLo pTk|]/0ff;lxtsf]
k|of]u ePsf] b]lvG5 . cfw'lgstfsf] ljsf; ;Fu;Fu} nufgL gLltsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf] cefjsf
dfgj hLjgsf] b}lgsLdf ljB'tsf] Jofks ¿kdf sf/0fn] kof{Kt dfqfdf ljB't pTkfbg gePsf]
k|of]u eO/x]sf] b]lvG5 . o;sf cnjf o;sf] k|of]u cj:yf 5 . g]kfndf hnljB't pTkfbg u/L ;f] sf]
pBf]uwGbf, snsf/vfgf h:tf pTkfbg;Fu ;DalGwt ljt/0fnfO{ k|efjsf/L ¿kn] Joj:yfkg ug{sf nflu
If]q tyf ;]jf If]qdf b}lgs ¿kdf al9/x]sf] b]lvG5 . ljleGg Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/sf] kGw|f}+
g]kfnsf] s"n hnljB't pTkfbg Ifdtf *#))) d]ufj6 of]hgf -cf=j=@)&^.&&–@)*).*!_ sf] cGtdf
ePklg Joj;flos ¿kdf sl/a $#))) d]ufj6 ljB't hDdf ljB't pTkfbgsf] hl8t Ifdtf % xhf/ d]ufj6
pTkfbg ug{ ;lsg] ;+efjgf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . g]kfndf k'Ug], ;a} :yfgLo tx tyf (( k|ltzt 3/kl/jf/df
ljB't pTkfbg, ljt/0f tyf ;f] sf] Joj:yfkg ug]{ ljB't kx'Fr k'Ug] k|If]k0f /x]sf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
p2]Zon] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f P]g, @)$! adf]lhd hgtfsf] hnljB't cfof]hgf sfo{qmddfkm{t hnljB't
lj=;= @)$@ ;fndf g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] cfof]hgfnfO{ ljQLo ;|f]t h'6fpg] sfo{qmd cl3 a9]sf]
5 . g]kfndf hnljB't pTkfbg tyf ljt/0f ;DaGwdf
:yfkgf ePsf] xf] . g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] g]kfndf
ePsf ljleGg Joj:yf lgDgadf]lhd /x]sf 5g\ .
pknAw hn;|f]tsf] pRrtd pkof]u u/L ljB't pTkfbg
u/]/ ljt/0f ug]{ u/]sf] b]lvG5 . o;}u/L lghL If]qsf sfg'gL tyf gLltut Joj:yf
ljB't pTkfbsaf6 klg ljB't pTkfbg xF'b} cfO/x]sf]
g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg @)&@
5 . xfn g]kfndf sl/a !#)) d]ufjf6 hl8t Ifdtfsf]
ljB't pTkfbg eO/x]sf] 5 eg] of] cfFs8f lbgfg'lbg g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f P]g, @)$!
a9g] qmddf /x]sf] 5 . ljB't lgodg cfof]u P]g, @)&$

!$ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

ljB't lgodg cfof]u lgodfjnL, @)&% Psn ljGb' ;]jf s]Gb|
ljB't P]g, @)$( /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u tyf cGo lgodgsf/L lgsfo .
ljB't lgodfjnL, @)%) g]kfnsf] hnljB't pTkfbgdf ljb]zL
hnljB't ljsf; gLlt, @)%*
nufgL / o;sf] jt{dfg cj:yf
g]kfn ljB't pTkfbgsf nflu 7"nf] ;+efjgf ePsf] d'n's
ljB't vl/b laqmL tyf cg'dlt k|fKt JolQmn] kfngf ug'{kg]{
xf] eg] Jofkfl/s b'lgofFsf b'O{ ledsfo l5d]sL b]zn]
zt{;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)&^
ubf{ pTkflbt ljB'tsf] ahf/Ls/0fsf nflu klg cK7]/f]
ljb]zL ljlgdo lgoldt ug]{ P]g, @)!( gkg]{ b]lvG5 . g]kfnsf] ljB't ef/t lgof{t x'g] ;+efjgfnfO{
Jojxf/df ptfg]{ k|of; eO/x]sf 5g\ / ljB't pKtfbgdf
ljb]zL nufgL tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f P]g, @)&%
ljb]zL nufgLstf{sf]] rf;f] klg XjfQ} a9]sf] cj:yf
;fj{hlgs gLlh ;fem]bf/L tyf nufgL P]g, @)&% 5 . ljleGg ;dodf ePsf nufgL ;Dd]ng tyf ljb]zL
nufgL;Fu ;DalGwt sfg'gdf ePsf] Jofks kl/dfh{gsf
ljB't cfof]hgfsf nflu ljb]zL ljlgdo ;'ljwf ;fy} ;Dk"0f{ ;]jf;'ljwf Ps} ynf]af6 lbg] p2]Zon] @)&^
l;kmfl/z;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf, @)&$ h]7 ! b]lv Psn laGb' ;]jf s]Gb| ;~rfngdf NofOPsfn]
ljB't pTkfbg, ljt/0f tyf nufgL lkmtf{ ;DaGwdf ePsf ljb]zL nufgLstf{nfO{ emg ;xh ePsf] b]lvG5 . ljBdfg
cGo gLlt lgod, lgb]{zg tyf sfo{ljlw . sfg'gL, gLltut, ;+:yfut tyf ;+/rgfut ;'wf/sf sf/0faf6
hnljB't If]qdf ljb]zL nufgL a9b} uO/x]sf] cj:yf
;+:yfut tyf ;+/rgfut Joj:yf
5 . pBf]u ljefuaf6 k|sflzt b]xfosf] l/kf]{6cg';f/ pmhf{
g]kfn ;/sf/, phf{, hn;|f]t tyf l;+rfO{ dGqfno If]qdf ljb]zL nufgL a9\b} uO/x]sf] b]lvG5 .
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f tnsf] tflnsfaf6 phf{ If]qdf ljb]zL nufgL a9b} uO/x]sf]
ljB't lgodg cfof]u b]lvg'sf ;fy} ljb]zL nufgLsf] /sddf klg pNn]Vo ¿kdf
j[l4 ePsf] b]lvG5 . lj=;=@)&% ;fndf nfu" ePsf]
ljB't ljsf; ljefu
gofF ljb]zL nufgL tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f P]g tyf g]kfn
g]kfn /fi6« a}+s /fhkqdf ;"rgf k|sfzg u/]/ k|lt ljb]zL nufgLstf{
pBf]u ljefu nufgLsf] ;Ldf Go"gtd % s/f]8 agfPkZrft\ ljb]zL
nufgLstf{sf] ;+Vof 36]sf] b]lvP tfklg ljb]zL nufgLsf]
nufgL af]8{sf] sfof{no /sddf eg] pNn]Vo ¿kdf j[l4 ePsf] b]lvG5 .
sDkgL /lhi6f/sf] sfof{no

No.of Projects Foreign Direct Investment

( million)
Category FY FY 2076/77 FY 2075/76 FY 2076/77
2075/76 (Up to Magh 05) (Up to Magh 05)
Agro and Forestry Based 17 3 403.29 347.40
Energy Based - 5 - 4,978.78
Information Technology Based 25 25 654.48 5,400.09
Manufacturing 62 20 6,769.64 2,688.47
Service 108 40 7,105.78 6,497.00
Tourism 131 60 10,538.09 8073.94
Mineral 2 - 13.16 -
Total 345 153 25,484.44 27,985.68

Source: Department of Indusrty

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !%

ljb]zL nufgLsf hnljB't\ cfof]hgfdf ljb]zL nufgLstf{n] g]kfndf nufgL ug]{ k|of]hgsf nflu
lglxt ljb]zL ljlgdo hf]lvd / o;sf] ljb]zL d'b|f leq\ofpg] ub{5g\ / nufgLsf] k|ltkmn klg
Joj:yfkgsf pkfo ljb]zL d'b|fdf g} lkmtf{ n}hfg] ub{5g\ . g]kfnsf] ljlgdo
b/ w]/} xb;Dd ef/tLo d'b|fsf] cd]l/sL 8n/;Fu sfod
hnljB't\ pTkfbg cfof]hgfsf] lgdf{0f ug{sf nflu 7"nf] x'g] ljlgdo b/df e/ kg]{ ePsfn] ljlgdo b/ hf]lvd
wg/fzLsf] cfjZostf kg]{ tyf nufgL ;Fu;Fu} k|fljlws /xg] ub{5, h;n] ubf{ ljb]zL nufgLstf{ nufgLsf nflu
Ifdtf klg cfjZos kg]{ x'gfn] oL cfof]hgfsf nflu ljb]zL lxlRsrfpg] u/]sf] kfOG5 .
nufgL Ps e/kbf]{ / dxTjk"0f{ ;|f]tsf] ¿kdf b]vfk/]sf]
5 . ljb]zL nufgLstf{n] g]kfnsf hnljB't\ cfof]hgfdf csf]{tkm{ g]kfn cfofltt cy{tGqdf lge{/ b]z ePsfn]
ug]{ nufgL bL3{sfnLg k|s[ltsf] x'gfsf ;fy} nufgLaf6 ;d]t ljb]zL nufgLstf{n] ljlgdo b/sf] hf]lvdsf]
k|fKt x'g] gfkmfsf nflu nfdf] ;do s'g'{kg]{ x'G5 . Psftkm{ Joj:yfkgdf w]/} g} rf;f] /fVg] ub{5g\ . o;y{, hnljB't
nufgLsf] /sd 7"nf] x'g] csf{lt/ gfkmfsf nflu nfdf] ;do cfof]hgfsf nflu e/kbf]{ ;|f]tsf] ¿kdf /x]sf] ljb]zL
kv{g'kg]{ ePsfn] o:tf] k|sf/sf] nufgLdf hf]lvdsf] dfqf nufgL tyf j}b]lzs C0f ;xh ¿kdf g]kfn leq\ofpgsf
klg a9L x'g] ub{5 . nflu ljlgdo b/df x'g] ptf/r9fanfO{ Joj:yfkg ug{sf
nflu s]xL pkfo canDag ug'{kg]{ b]lvG5 .
x]lhËdfkm{t hf]lvd Joj:yfkg
g]kfn ;/sf/n] ldlt @)&%.!!.!# df g]kfn /fhkqdf
k|sfzg u/]/ x]lhË;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)&% sfof{Gjogdf
NofPsf] 5 . o;sf] dfWodaf6 j}b]lzs C0f nufgL x'g]
b]xfosf kl/of]hgfsf nflu x]lhË ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg
;Sg] Joj:yf u/]sf] eP tfklg x]lhË z'Ns lgwf{/0f tyf
o;sf] ;~rfngsf nflu sfo{ljlw gag'Gh]n;Dd o;sf]
k|efjsfl/tf uf}0f /xg] b]lvG5 .
l !)) d]ufj6 jf ;f] eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf hnljB't
l @@) s]=le jf @) lsnf]ld6/ eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf tL;
lsnf]ld6/ eGbf nfdf ljB't k|zf/0f nfOg,
l !) lsnf]ld6/ eGbf nfdf] /]n, d]6«f] tyf df]gf] /]n
l %) lsnf]ld6/ eGbf nfdf] b"|tdfu{ lgdf{0f,
l g]kfn ;/sf/, dlGqkl/ifb\n] tf]s]sf] cGo kl/of]hgf .
ckm;f]/ a08dfkm{t\ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg
ljz]if u/L gsf/fTds Aofhb/ ePsf ljsl;t d'n'sdf
ljleGg dWo:ystf{sf] k|of]uaf6 ckm;f]/ a08 hf/L
ug]{ / ;f] af6 k|fKt ljb]zL d'b|fnfO{ g]kfn leq\ofO{ :jb]zL
d'b|fdf hnljB't kl/of]hgfsf nflu C0f k|bfg ug{ ;s]sf]
v08df g]kfnL cfof]hgfn] ljlgdo b/sf] hf]lvd axg ug'{
gkg]{ ePsfn] kl/of]hgf k|:tfljt ;do;Ldf leq} ;DkGg
eO{ nufgLsf] k|ltkmn ;'lglZrt ug{ ;xh x'G5 . ljb]zL

!^ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

nufgL tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/0f P]g, @)&% sf] bkmf !! lgisif{
adf]lhdsf] Joj:yfsf cfwf/df klg ljb]zL d'b|f leq\ofpg
;lsg] b]lvG5 . g]kfn ;/sf/sf] …;d[4 g]kfn, ;'vL g]kfnLÚsf] gf/fnfO{
d"t{¿k lbgsf nflu tLj| cf}Bf]lus/0f ug]{, nufgLsf
t];|f] kIf aLdfdfkm{t\ hf]lvd Joj:yfkg ;|f]tsf] klxrfg ug]{, lgodgsf/L lgsfoaLrsf] ;dGjonfO{
g]kfn Ps cfoftd'vL cy{tGq ePsf] d'n's x'g'sf ;fy} k|efjsf/L agfpg], PsnljGb' ;]jf s]Gb|nfO{ yk k|efjsf/L
sG6«L /]l6Ë gePsfn] oFxf nufgL ubf{ slt hf]lvd 5 agfpg], ljlgdo b/af6 ;[hgf x'g] hf]lvdsf] Joj:yfkgdf
egL k"j{ d"Nof+sg ug{ g;lsg] cj:yf 5 . h;sf sf/0f Wofg lbg], nufgLaf6 cflh{t /sd lkmtf{ n}hfgsf nflu
ljb]zL nufgLstf{n] nufgL ug'{cl3 cfˆgf] nufgLsf] ckgfpg'kg]{ k|lqmofnfO{ ;/nLs[t ug]{, x/]s sfof{nodf
;'lglZrttfsf nflu t];|f] kIf aLdf klg pko'Qm cf}hf/ km/s–km/s kmfOn a'emfpg'kg]{ kl/kf6Lsf] cGTosf nflu
x'g] lglZrt 5, h;sf nflu g]kfnsf ljleGg lgodgsf/L Integrated Document Management System
lgsfoaLrdf 5nkmn u/L t];|f] kIf aLdfsf nflu cfjZos nfu' ug]{ h:tf sfo{af6 ljb]zL nufgLsf] jftfj/0f aGg'sf
gLltut Joj:yf ug'{ h?/L x'G5 . ;fy} b]zsf] ljsf;df klg yk of]ubfg x'g] s'/f lglZrt
k|foM 5 .
cGo pkfo
ljb]zL nufgLstf{n] nufgL ug'{cl3 pQm nufgLaf6 ;Gbe{ ;"rL
eljiodf k|fKt ug]{ k|ltkmnsf] ;+efjgfnfO{ x]/]/ dfq nufgL
ug]{ ub{5g\ . o;/L cfPsf] ljb]zL nufgLaf6 b]zdf /f]huf/L
;[hgf x'g], b]zsf] /fh:jdf of]ubfg x'g], k|ljlw / ;Lk l;Sg] Annual Report of Nepal Electricity Authority
cj;/ k|fKt x'g] h:tf ljifonfO{ dWogh/ u/]/ nufgLsf kGw|f} of]hgfsf] cfwf/ kq
g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] ljleGg k|sfzg
nflu ;xh jftfj/0fsf] ;[hgf ug]{tkm{ Wofg lbg' h?/L
ljB't lgodg cfof]u / o;sf k|sfzg
b]lvG5 .
ljleGg kqklqsfsf j]a;fO6

g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f, tf}lnxjf ljt/0f s]Gb|, slknj:t'åf/f cfof]lht …:s'nsf ljBfyL{;Fu ljB't;DaGwL hgr]tgf clej[l4 sfo{qmdsf] emns .

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !&

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
;+u7g ;'wf/sf] Ps dfWod
slkn rGb| a:tfsf]6L
k|zf;sLo clws[t, dWo d:of{ª\bL hnljB't s]Gb|, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

ljifo k|j]z k|ljlwsf] k|of]unfO{ ;d]t ;fy;fy} n}hfg ;s]df lgZro

g} >]o:s/ ;fljt x'g]5 . k|:t't n]vdf ERP sf] k|of]u,
s'g} klg ;+u7g÷;+:yfsf] nIo xfl;n ug{ ljleGg o;sf] cfjZostf / ;+u7gdf o;n] s] s:tf] kmfObf
;fwg -ef}lts, cfly{s, dfgjLo / ;"rgf_sf] ;d'lrt k'¥ofpg ;S5, g]=lj=k|f=df o;nfO{ k|of]udf Nofpg s]–
Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'G5 . dfgjLo ;fwg -Human s:tf k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f ug'{ cfjZos 5 eGg] nufotsf
Resource_ oL ;a} ;fwgdWo] pTs[i6 dflgG5 lsgls
ljleGg kIfdf ;fdfGo l6kf]6 ug]{ k|of; ul/Psf] 5 .
o; ;fwgn] g} cGo ;fwgsf] kl/rfng / Joj:yfkg
ub{5 . csf{tkm{ ;+u7g÷;+:yfsf] lgwf{l/t nIo xfl;n ERP s] xf] <
ug{ ;+u7gsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg:t/ /fd|f] x'g' ckl/xfo{ 5 .
sfo{ ;Dkfbg:t/ /fd|f] gePsf] cj:yfdf ;+u7g ;'wf/sf] Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
ck]Iff ug{ ;lsFb}g . To;}n] t ;+u7g÷;+:yfn] lgwf{l/t ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] lqmofsnfknfO{ PsLs[t ug]{ ;"rgf
nIo÷p2]Zo xfl;n ug{ cfˆgf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg:t/ ;'wfg{ k|ljlwdf cfwfl/t Pp6f ;ˆ6a]o/hGo k|0ffnL xf] . of]
rfxG5g\ / o;sf nflu ljleGg tl/sf÷pkfo cjnDag ;+u7gsf] Jofj;flos k|lqmofsf] PsLs[t Joj:yfkg
u/]sf] x'G5g\ . oL ljleGg tl/sf÷pkfodWo] ERP klg ug]{ Pp6f dfWod xf] .
Ps xf] .
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
g]kfndf xfn df}h'bf ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfgdWo] ;a}eGbf w]/} ;+u7gsf] Jofkfl/s k|lqmofsf] Pp6f o:tf] PsLs[t
sd{rf/L -nueu !),)))_ ;+Vof ePsf] ;+:yfg ePsf] Joj:yfkg xf], h;df real time sf] value nfO{
x'gfn] klg g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg ;'wf/ cfwf/ lnOG5 / technology tyf software sf]
/ pkof]u ;DaGwL ljifo ;fx|} g} dxTjk"0f{ / ;f/ule{t ljifo ;zQm ¿kdf k|of]u ul/G5 .
xf] . g]=lj=k|f=sf] sfo{;Dkfbg:t/df x'g'kg]{ hlt ;'wf/
gePsf] egL 5fkfdfWod, gful/s ;dfh, ;/f]sf/jfnf Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
lgsfo cflbaf6 l6Kk0fL ul/Psf] ;d]t kfOG5 . o;/L eGgfn] business management software sf]
Go"g txdf /x]sf] sfo{;Dkfbg:t/nfO{ psf:g tyf Pp6f Plss[t ;d"xnfO{ a'lemG5, h;df integrated
sfo{;Dkfbgdf k|efjsfl/tf Nofpg Enterprise application sf] em'08 -Suite_sf] k|of]u ul/G5, h'g
Resource Planning (ERP) gfds k|ljlw Pp6f lqmofsnfkaf6 ;+u7gn] tYofÍ -data_sf] ;+sng,
;zQm dfWod aGg ;S5 . cGo pkfosf cltl/Qm o; e08f/0f, Joj:yfkg / JofVof ub{5 .

!* jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

ERP at a Glance

oxfF, (Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the

integrated management of main business
SCM : Supply Chain Management
processes, often in real time and mediated by
CRM : Customer Relationship Management software and technology.
HR : Human Resource
ERP is usually referred to as a category of
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ;+u7gn] business management software—typically
cfˆgf] b}lgs lqmofsnfk h:t}M accounting, a suite of integrated applications—that an
procurement, project management, human organization can use to collect, store, manage
resource, manufacturing cflbsf] s'zn Joj:yfkg and interpret data from many business
ug{ k|of]u ug]{ system / software sf] package xf] . activities
ERP n] ;Daf]wg ug]{ oL b}lgs lqmofsnfksf ljifonfO{
modules elgG5 . ERP is business process management software
that manages and integrates a company’s
ERP software n] k"/} ;+u7g e/Lsf] sfo{ k|lqmof / ;"rgf financial, supply chain, operations, reporting,
k|0ffnLnfO{ Pp6} wf/df ;dflxt ug{ ;+u7gsf ljleGg manufacturing and human resource activities.
sfo{¿nfO{ Pp6f complete system df PsLs[t u5{ .
ERP system Pp6f o:tf] ;+o'Qm tYofÍ cfwf/ xf], h;n] At its most basic level, ERP software
;+u7gsf ljleGg business unit åf/f ;Dkfbg ul/g] integrates these various functions into one
multiple function nfO{ ;kf]6{ ub{5 . complete system to streamline processes and

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !(

information across the entire organization. The n ERP system  sf] k|To]s module n] ;dfg real
central feature of all ERP Systems is a shared time database df sfo{ ub{5 .
database that supports multiple functions used
by different business unit.) n ERP system  sf] k|To]s module sf] ;du|
lqmofsnfk g} ;+u7gsf] s]Gb|Lo lqmofsnfk xf] .
ERP sf] ljsf;qmd n ERP o:tf] web-based applications xf], hxfF
ERP sf] k|f/lDes ljsf; ;g\ !(^) sf] bzsaf6 ;'? k|of]ustf{n] hxfF;'s}af6 h'g;'s} ;dodf To;sf]
ePsf] dflgG5 . ;doqmdcg';f/ sDKo'6/sf] xf8{j]o/ / access k|fKt ug{ ;Sb5 .
;ˆ6j]o/ k|0ffnLdf ePsf] ljsf; ;Fu;Fu} ljsl;t x'Fb} x'Fb}
of] cfhsf] cj:yfdf cfPsf] xf] . ERP sf] sfo{ If]q -Functional Areas_ M
ERP sf] df]6fdf]6L ljsf;qmd tnsf] tflnsfadf]lhd ERP system n] ;fdfGotM b]xfosf functional area
ePsf] kfOG5 . ;dfj]z u/]sf] x'G5 . ERP system df oL area nfO{

ljsf; ;do -Timeline_ k|0ffnL -System_ ljsf;sf] cfwf/ -Platform_

Inventory Management Mainframe legacy systems using third generation
and Control software (Cobol, Fortran)
Materials Requirements Mainframe legacy systems using third generation
Planning (MRP) software (Cobol, Fortran)
Materials Requirements Mainframe legacy systems using fourth generation
Planning (MRP II) database software package software
Enterprise Resource Mainframe client-server systems using fourth
Planning (ERP) generation database software and package software
Client-server systems using Web platform, open
source with integration to fifth generation application
2000s Extended ERP or ERP II
like SCM, CRM, SFA (Sales Force Automation), APS
(Advance Planning and Scheduling)
Evolution of ERP

ERP sf ljz]iftf 5'§f5'§} ;d"xdf ;fd"lxs[t ul/Psf] x'G5, h;nfO{ ERP

modules elgG5 .
n of] computer software/application df cfwfl/t Ps
Finance and accounting: 
k|ljlw xf] . .
n of] Pp6f PsLs[t k|0ffnL -integrated system_ o;cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo
xf] . general ledger, fixed assets, payables including
n of] real time base df cfwfl/t x'G5 . ;a} ;"rgf vouchering, matching and
/ tYof+s real time base df ;+sng / ;Dk|]if0f payment,  receivables  and collections,  cash
ul/G5 . management, financial consolidation
n o;df common database sf] k|of]u ul/G5, h;n] Management accounting: 
;a} application nfO{ ;kf]6{ ub{5 . o;cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo
n o;n] ;a} module df lg/Gt/ b[li6 / ;DaGw :yflkt Budgeting, costing, cost management, activity
ub{5 . based costing
n ERP df k|of]u x'g] integrated system sf] Human resources:  
installation ;++u7gsf] s]Gb|Lo txdf /x]sf] IT
Department af6 dfq ul/G5, ;–;fgf OsfO{ / o;cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo
txaf6 o;sf] sfof{Gjog / ;~rfng ul/Fb}g . Recruiting,  training,  rostering,  payroll, 

@) jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

benefits, retirement and pension plans, diversity ;fdfGotM ERP sf] sfo{ If]q -Functional Areas_ leq
management, retirement, separation kg]{ ljifonfO{ g} ERP Modules sf] ¿kdf dflgPsf] 5 .
Manufacturing:  ERP Modules cGtu{t cg]sf}+ ljifo kg]{ eP tfklg oxfF
s]xL d'Vo ljifonfO{ dfq a'Fbfut ¿kdf pNn]v ul/Psf]
o; cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo M 5.
Engineering,  bill of materials, work
Finance and Accounting
orders,  scheduling,  capacity,  workflow
management,  quality control, manufacturing o;leq kg]{ Sub Module
process, manufacturing projects, manufacturing budgeting, accounting, costing, cash flow
flow, product life cycle management management etc.
Order Processing:  Human Resource
o; cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo o;leq kg]{ Sub Module
Order to cash, order entry, credit HR planning, recruiting, training, promoting,
checking,  pricing, available to transferring, employee welfare etc.
promise,  inventory,  shipping, sales analysis
and reporting, sales commissioning Manufacturing/Production
Supply chain management:  o;leq kg]{ Sub Module
product planning, operational planning,
o; cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo
resource planning, quality management,
Supply chain planning, supplier activity management, work scheduling etc.
scheduling,  product configurator,  order
to cash,  purchasing,  inventory, claim Distribution/Supply Chain Management
processing,  warehousing  (receiving, put o;leq kg]{ Sub Module
away, picking and packing)
supply chain planning, distribution planning,
Project management: integrated business planning, warehousing
o; cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo M Project planning,
resource planning, project costing,  work Procurement
breakdown structure, billing, time and expense, Business Intelligence
performance units, activity management Sales and marketing

Customer relationship management o;leq kg]{ Sub Module

(CRM) sales, marketing, service, advertising etc.

o; cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo Inventory

Customer Service
Sales and marketing, commissions, service,
customer contact, call centre support leq kg]{ Sub Module
customer relation,  call centre  support,
Data services: grievances handling etc.
o; cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg ljifo M Various "self–service" Enterprise Asset Management
interfaces for customers, suppliers and/or
o;leq kg]{ Sub Module
assets categorization, maintenance scheduling
Core ERP Modules:  etc.

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ @!

ERP n] s;/L sfd u5{ < dWogh/ u/L cfjZostfcg';f/ tof/ ul/G5, tof/
ug{ nufOG5 . of] ERP software :jrflnt tl/sfn]
n ;+u7g÷Joj;fodf o; k|0ffnLnfO{ k|of]udf Nofpg
(automated system) ;~rfng x'g ;Sg] lsl;dn]
o;sf s]Gb|Lo, k|fb]lzs, zfvf tyf OsfO{ sfof{no;Dd
lgdf{0f ul/Psf] x'G5 .
ljB'tLo ;+hfn (electronic networks) lj:tf/ ug'{
cfjZos x'G5 . ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf x/]s sfof{nodf n tt\kZrft ;+u7gsf nflu tof/ ul/Psf] ERP
/fd|f] OG6/g]6 ;]jf lj:tfl/t ePsf] x'g'kb{5 . o:tf software sf] automated system ;Fu tfbfDotf
sfof{nodf kof{Kt dfqfdf electronics device x'g] u/L tyf real time data k7fpg / k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]
-sDKo'6/, Nofk6k, :Sofg/ cflb_ h8fg ul/Psf] u/L database :yfkgf ul/G5 . x/]s zfvf, sfof{no
x'g'kb{5 . Pp6} sfof{no leq k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] u/L jf OsfOn] lgwf{l/t software application k|of]u
OG6«fg]6 ;~hfn klg lgdf{0f ePsf] x'g'kb{5 . u/]/ cf–cfˆgf zfvf, sfof{no jf OsfOsf ;"rgf tyf
tYofÍ, ljj/0f, k|ltj]bg s]Gb|Lo ;e{/df k7fpF5g\ .
n tt\kZrft ;+u7gsf] ;"rgf k|ljlw ljefun] cyjf ;f]
ljefu ;Ifd geP aflx/L ljz]if1 sDkgLx¿ ef8fdf n database tof/ ubf{ dfly pNn]v ul/P adf]lhdsf
lnP/ ERP software lgdf{0f ul/G5, lgdf{0f ug{ ljleGg Module sf] 5'§f5'§} tof/ ul/G5 . ;+u7gsf]
nufO{G5 . of] software ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] cfsf/, k|s[lt cg';f/ Module klxNo} lglZrt ul/Psf] x'G5 .
k|sf/, :t/, ef}uf]lns If]qsf] lj:tf/ cflbnfO{ Module lkR5] 5'§f 5'§} database tof/ ug{ Module

@@ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

lkR5] sub sector database sf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] ERP Systems Concept
x'G5 .
ERP lsg cfjZos 5 <
n df]km;ndf /x]sf zfvf, sfof{no jf OsfOx¿n]
;DalGwt sub sector database df tt\ tt\ If]qsf] n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] cfGtl/s Jofkfl/s k|lqmofdf
;"rgf tyf tYofÍ, ljj/0f, k|ltj]bgx¿ ;Dk|]if0f ;'wf/ ug{ .
ub{5g\ . n (To improve in internal business process)

n df]km;ndf /x]sf zfvf, sfof{no jf OsfOx¿n] n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] ;du| Jofkfl/s sfo{;Dkfbgdf

k7fPsf sub sector data n] tof/ x'g] sub sector ;'wf/ ug{{ . (To improve in overall business
database sf] Joj:yfkg ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] performance)
tt\ tt\ Module x]g]{ s]Gb|Lo ljefun] ub{5g\ . o;
k|lqmofåf/f ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] ljleGg Module x]g]{ n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] >d nfut tyf ;"rgf k|ljlw
s]Gb|Lo ljefun] sectorial central database tof/ vr{ 36fpg . (To reduce labour cost and IT
ub{5g\ .
n o;/L ;+u7gsf ;a} zfvf, sfof{no jf OsfOaf6 k|fKt n ;+u7g÷Joj;fodf sfo{/t sfdbf/ / sDkgLaLrsf]
x'g cfPsf ;"rgf tyf tYofÍ, ljj/0f, k|ltj]bgsf] ;DaGw÷cGt/lqmofdf ;'wf/ ug{ . (To improve
relation/interaction between staff and
k|of]u u/L s]Gb|Lo ljefun] tof/ u/]sf] sectorial
central database sf] cfwf/df ;+u7gsf] s]Gb|Lo
cflwsf/Ls lgsfo -ljz]iftM IT Department_ n] ERP sf kmfObf s]s] 5g\ <
tf]lsPsf] km/Dof6df cBfjlws central database
tof/ ub{5 . o;/L tof/ ul/Psf] cBfjlws n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] cfGtl/s Jofkfl/s k|lqmofnfO{
central database nfO{ cfwf/ lnP/ s]Gb|Ls[t ¿k pRrtd ljGb'df k'¥ofpg d2t u5{ . (Optimization
(centralized form) df k"/} ;+u7gsf] of]hgf, sfo{qmd of business process)
tyf lqmofsnfk ;~rfng / Joj:yfkg ul/G5g\ . n ;xL, ljZj;gLo / real time ;"rgf k|fKt ug{ / k|jfx

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ @#

ug{ ;lsG5 . (Accurate and timely access to k|flws/0fdf ERP k|of]udf
reliable information) Nofpg' kg]{ cfjZostf
n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] ;a} ljefu tyf PsfOsf] ;"rgf k|flws/0fdf ERP k|of]udf Nofpg' kg]{ cfjZostfnfO{
Ps csf{nfO{ ;xh} k|fKt x'G5 . (The ability to a'Fbfut ¿kdf b]xfoadf]lhd pNn]v ug{ ;lsG5 .
Share information between all components
of the organization) n g]=lj=k|f= sf] cfGtl/s vl/b k|0ffnLnfO{ a9L Jojl:yt
agfpg . -ERP sf] purchasing/procurement,
n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf cgfjZos sfd sf/afxL tyf inventory, costing h:tf module x¿n] g]=lj=k|f=
;"rgf / tYofÍ x6fpg ;lsG5 . (Elimination of sf] cfGtl/s vl/b k|0ffnLnfO{ Jojl:yt agfpg d2t
unnecessary operations and data) u5{ ._
n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] k|efjsfl/tf tyf pTkfbsTj n ;+u7gsf] n]vf k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ ug{ . jt{dfg n]vf
a[l¢ u/fpF5 . (Increase office efficiency and k|0ffnLnfO{ kl/:s[t ug{ . -ERP sf] budgeting,
productivity) accounting, costing, inventory, cash flow
management h:tf module n] g]=lj=k|f=sf] n]vf
n ;+u7g÷Joj;fon] d'2f dfldnfdf vlr{g' kg]{ ;do / k|0ffnLdf ;'wf/ ug{ d2t u5{ ._
nfut 36fpF5 . (Reduction of time and costs
of litigation) n ljZj;gLo / ax'u'0fL tYof+s cfwf/ (reliable and
multifunctional database) lgdf{0f ug{ .
n ;+u7g÷Joj;fodf bf]xf]/f] clen]v x'g] tyf Pp6} sfd
bf]xf]¥ofP/ ;~rfng x'g] ;DefjgfnfO{ Go"g ub{5 . (No n central database :yfkgf u/L k|efjsf/L of]hgf
duplicate records or playback operations) tof/ ug{ .

n ;+u7g÷Joj;fosf] lgoGq0f k|0ffnL tyf Joj:yfksLo n ;+u7gdf tYof+sdf cfwfl/t lg0f{o k|0ffnL (data-
lg0f{onfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpF5 . (Optimize the driven decision system) :yfkgf ug{ .
control and analysis of management n lgo'lQm, kb:yfkg, ;?jf, a9'jfh:tf sd{rf/L
decisions) k|zf;g;DaGwL sfo{nfO{ kf/bzL{ agfpg . ERP
sf] HR planning, recruiting, promoting,
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fdf ERP sf] k|of]u transferring h:tf module n] g]=lj=k|f=sf] lgo'lQm,
;a}nfO{ 1fg ePs} s'/f xf] ls g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f g]kfn kb:yfkg, ;?jf, a9'jfh:tf sfo{nfO{ kf/bzL{ agfpg
;/sf/cGtu{t :yflkt Ps :jfoQ ;fj{hlgs ;+:yfg xf] . d2t u5{ .
g]kfnsf] ljsf;sf] vDjf dflgPsf s]xL ;Lldt If]qdWo] n ;+u7gsf] ;+rfng vr{, sNof0fsf/L vr{, ;"rgf
hnljB't c;fWo} dxŒj af]s]sf] / km/flsnf] cfwf/ /x]sf] k|ljlwdf x'g] vr{ 36fpg .
If]q xf] . xfn;Dd xfdLn] s"n Ifdtfsf] @Ü dfq ljB't
pTkfbg ug{ ;s]sf 5f}+ . n sd{rf/Lsf] right sizing ug{, cgfjZos sd{rf/L
s6f}tL ug{ . -ERP sf] HR planning, recruiting,
b]zdf hnljB't If]qsf] ljsf; ug]{ u/fpg] p2]Zon] separation planning h:tf module n]
:yfkgf ul/Psf] g]=lj=k|f=n] cem} w]/} ug{ afFsL 5 . olt g]=lj=k|f=df sd{rf/Lsf] right sizing ug{, cgfjZos
7"nf] lhDd]jf/L af]s]sf] ;+u7g lbgfg'lbg cem} kl/:s[t, sd{rf/L s6f}tL ug{ d2t u5{ ._
ljsl;t / k|lt:kwL{ aGg' clt g} cfjZos 5 . ;+u7gnfO{
kl/:s[t, ljsl;t / k|lt:kwL{ agfpg g]=lj=k|f=n] gofF gofF n ;+u7gsf] k|lt:kwf{Tds Ifdtf a[l¢ ug{ .
k|ljlwx¿sf] k|of]u / pkof]u ub}{ hfg' kg]{ cfjZostf klg n ;+u7gdf fast tract reporting sf] k|jw{g ug{ .
5 . ERP ;+u7gsf] sfo{;Dkfbgdf ;'wf/ Nofpg] Ps
zzQm dfWod ePsfn] o;sf] k|of]u / pkof]u ug'{ lgZro g} n ;+u7gdf operational risk, managerial risk
g]=lj=k|f= sf] nflu cTo'Qd / lxts/ ;fljt x'g]5 . 36fpg . -ERP sf] supply chain planning,

@$ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

project planning, resource planning, ERP ;DaGwL Road Map sf] th'{df
operational planning, purchasing, activity
ERP k"0f{¿kdf nfu" ug{sf nflu s]xL ;do rflxG5 g} .
management, inventory h:tf module n]
t;y{, cfˆgf] ;+:yfsf] cfsf/, k|sf/ / k|s[ltcg';f/ slt
;+u7gdf operational risk, managerial risk
jif{df ERP k"0f{ ¿kdf nfu" ul/;Sg], ;j{k|yd s'g Module
36fpg d2t u5{ ._
af6 ;'? ug]{, qmdzM s'g s'g Module df nfu" ub}{ hfg]
n ;+u7gdf sfo{/t sfdbf/ / ;+u7gaLrsf] ;DaGwdf / cGtdf s;/L k"/f u/fpg] eGg] af/]df :ki6 time frame
;'wf/ Nofpg . -ERP sf] customer relationship ;lxtsf] lj:t[t Road Map tof/ ug'{ cfjZos 5 .
management, employee welfare planning,
Dedicated ERP Manager
diversity management h:tf module x¿n]
;+u7gdf sfo{/t sfdbf/ / ;+u7gaLrsf] ;DaGwdf g]=lj=k|f=df ERP System nfO{ ;kmntfk"j{s k|of]udf
;'wf/ Nofpg d2t u5{ ._ Nofpg ;an / ;Ifd Joj:yfks -Team Manager_
sf] cfjZostf kb{5 . o;sf nflu ;"rgf k|ljlw (IT)
k|flws/0fdf ERP nfu" df ljz]if1tf xfl;n u/]sf tyf pRr Joj;flos 1fg
ug{ cfjZos kg]{ k"jf{wf/ ePsf JolQmnfO{ ERP Project sf] Manager df 5gf}6 ul/g'
;+u7gsf] :ki6 nIo tyf p2]Zo lgwf{/0f . cfjZos 5 .

;+u7gn] s] ug]{ xf] < slt jif{df sxfF k'Ug] xf] < o;sf] Dedicated Multi-Department ERP Core Team
Core If]q pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f, Jofkf/ cflbsf] ERP System nfO{ ;kmntfdf kl/0ft ug{ s'g} Pshgf
k|To]s jif{sf] target s;/L k"/f ug]{ < / ;+u7gnfO{ s;/L Manager sf] dfq} xft /xFb}g . a? o;sf nflu g]=lj=k|f=sf]
gfkmfd'vL ;+:yfsf] ¿kdf :yflkt ug]{ eGg]tkm{ lgb]{lzt x'g] d'Vo Joj;fo -Core Business_ dflgPsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f,
u/L ;+u7gsf] :ki6 nIo tyf p2]Zo lgwf{/0f ug'{kb{5 . ljt/0fsf] g]t[Tj ug]{ ljefuLo k|d'vnufot ljleGg
cfw'lgs Internet Network sf] :yfkgf . Departmental Chief ;dfj]z ePsf] Pp6f ERP Core Team
tof/ ug'{ / pQm Team sf] sfo{ lhDd]jf/L;lxtsf] ;xeflutf
cfw'lgs ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] k|of]u ljgf ERP nfu' ug{ / sl6a4tf /xg' cToGt} dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 .
;lsFb}g . t;y{ ERP system nfu' ug{sf nflu NEA sf
;a} sfof{nox¿ -ljefu, dxfzfvf, zfvf, OsfO{ cflb_ Data Migration tyf Purification
;+u cGt/;DaGw :yfkgf x'g] u/L ljB'tLo ;~hfn lj:tf/ ljleGg txdf 5l/P/ /x]sf Existing Software nfO{ ERP
ul/g' cfjZos x'G5 . o:tf] ljB'tLo ;~hfn lj:tf/sf System cg's"n agfpg tL Software nfO{ s]Gb|Ls[t 9fFrfdf
nflu ;a} sfof{nodf OG6/g]6 / OG6«fg]6 ;'ljwf hl8t abnL ug'{ cfjZos 5 . To:t} u/L Jojl:yt database
x'g'kb{5 . To;}n] ;"rgf tyf tYofÍsf] alnof] cfwf/ lgdf{0f tof/ ug{ data migration, data purification sfo{sf] t'?Gt
ug{ g]=lj=k|f=n] cfkm"n] Optical Fiber ef8fdf lbPsf yfngL ul/g' klg cfjZos 5 .
kf6L{;+u jf aflx/L OG6/g]6 ;]jf k|bfos;Fu 5'§} ;Demf}tf
u/L ef}lts k"jf{wf/, Data Backup, Data Storage Support Cell sf] :yfkgf
;DaGwL Joj:yf ldnfpg' kb{5 . g]=lj=k|f=sf sfof{no b'/b/fh;Dd km}lnPsf eP tfklg
ljZj;gLo / ax'pkof]uL tYofÍ cfwf/ tL ;a}sf] ljZj;gLo tYofÍfwf/ -Database_ :yfkgfdf
dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /xg] ePsfn] pgLx¿nfO{ Data Migration
ERP ljZj;gLo / Real-time ;"rgf tyf tYofÍsf] nufotsf sfo{df ;xhLs/0f ug{ ljleGg ljefu /
cffwf/df dfq jf:tljs ¿kdf sfof{Gjogdf cfpg ;Sg] k|b]z:t/Lo sfof{nox¿df Support Cell sf] :yfkgf
ePsfn] ;+u7gleq ERP nfu' ug{ ljZj;gLo / ax'pkof]uL ug'{ klg ckl/xfo{ 5 .
tYofÍ cfwf/ lgdf{0f ul/g' cfjZos 5 . ljZj;gLo /
ax'pkof]uL tYofÍ cfwf/ lgdf{0f ug{ measures of Incremental ;'wf/sf] /0fgLltsf] th'{df
dispersion, linear programming, data analysis
Ps k6s ERP nfu" u/]/ dfq k'Ub}g . To;nfO{ bLuf] / e/kbf]{
techniques tyf data migration h:tf k4lt k|of]udf
agfpg To;df ;do kl/l:yltcg';f/ Incremental ;'wf/sf]
Nofpg pko'Qm x'G5 .

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ @%

/0fgLlt cjnDag ub}{ hfg' klg cfjZos 5 . o:tf lg/Gt/ 5gf}6 ug{ cfjZos 5 . d'Vou/L b]xfosf Module rog
tyf kl/l:ylthGo ;'wf/af6 ERP System cem} dha't ug'{ pko'Qm b]lvG5 .
agfpg ;xof]u k'U5 .
n Core Business Jojl:yt ug{ cfjZos kg]{
ERP sf nflu cfjZos cGo Joj:yf Module

ah]6 Joj:yf l ;+rfng of]hgf -Operational Planning_

ERP System nfu" ug{] sfd lgs} vlr{nf] x'G5 . OG6/ l ljt/0f Joj:yfkg -Distribution Management_
g]6, OG6«fg]6 h8fg tyf MIS k|ljlwnfO{ :yfkgf u/L
b'/b/fh;Ddsf sfof{nodf ljB'tLo ;~hfn lj:tf/ u/L l cfof]hgf lgof]hg -Project Planning_
Database :yfkgf u/L sfd ug'{ kg]{ ePsfn] o:tf] sfo{nfO{ l ;|f]t Joj:yfkg -Resource Management_
cufl8 a9fpg ;+u7gn] kof{Kt dfqfdf ah]6 5'6\ofpg'
cfjZos x'G5 . l ljB't Jofkf/ -Electricity Trade_

Electronics System, Networking System, Sector Database, n k|zf;lgs sfo{ Jojl:yt ug{ cfjZos kg]{ Module
Sub-sector Database, :yfkgf ug{ lgs} 7\'nf] cfly{s l dfgj ;+;fwg of]hgf -HR Planning_
;|f]tsf] cfjZostf kb{5 . ERP Project sf] Timeframe
slt jif{ sfod ul/g] xf] Tolt jif{;Dd kl/of]hgfnfO{ l egf{ tyf 5gf}6 -Recruiting_
Smoothly cufl8 a9fpg g]=lj=k|f=n] cfjZos dfqfdf
l ;?jf tyf a9'jf -Transfer and Promotion_
/sd ljlgof]hg ug'{ cfjZos 5 . Computer, Laptop,
Printer, fax h:tf Electronic Devices x¿ vl/b ug{, ;"rgf l sd{rf/L sNof0f -Employee Welfare_
k|ljlwsf ljz]if1 sd{rf/LnfO{ ef8fdf lng tyf df}h'bf
n cfly{s sfo{ Jojl:yt ug{ cfjZos kg]{ Module
sd{rf/LnfO{ pRr:t/Lo tflnd k|bfg ug{ ;d]t ;+u7gn]
7"nf] wg/fzL 5'6\ofpg' kb{5 . l cfDbfgL tyf vr{ -Budgeting_
tflndsf] Joj:yf l n]vf -Accounting_
ERP sf] r/0fa4 nfu" x'g] Module cg';f/ ;f] sfo{;Fu l vl/b -Purchasing_
;DalGwt sd{rf/LnfO{ awareness training sf] Joj:yf
ul/g' cfjZos 5 . ERP nfu' ug{ Sector, Sub-sector l e08f/ -Inventory_
txdf Database :yfkgf ug'{ kg]{ ePsfn] o;sf nflu n cGo cfjZos ;xof]uL Module
k|fljlws 1fg ePsf ;"rgf k|ljlwsf ljz]if1 tyf tYofÍ
clws[tsf] ;d"x cfjZos x'G5 . l cfk"lt{ Joj:yfkg -Supply Chain
g]=lj=k|f=df ljut b]lv Pp6f ;Ifd tflnd s]Gb|sf] Joj:yf
/x]s} x'Fbf To;sf] Ifdtf lj:tf/ u/L To;}dfkm{t\ cfjZos l hg;Dks{ Joj:yfkg -Customer Relationship
sd{rf/LnfO{ ERP System Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL cfw'lgs Management_
tflndsf] Joj:yf ug{ klg ;lsG5 . slt / s:tf sd{rf/L
l of]hgf tyf cg'udg -Planning and
rflxg] xf] ;f] sf] k"0f{ cfFsng u/L v'Nnf lj1fkg u/]/
tyf sfo{/t pTs[i6 sd{rf/L 5gf}6 u/L cfGtl/s tflndsf]
k|fof]hg u/]/ pgLx¿nfO{ ERP sf nflu sfd ug{ ;Ifd / dfly pNn]lvt Module clt cfjZos Module dfq
of]Uo agfpg ;lsg] b]lvG5 . x'g\ . Module olt g} ;+Vofdf x'g'kb{5 eGg] s'g} lgod 5}g .
s:tf] lsl;dsf] ERP System nfu" ug]{ xf], ;+u7gsf]
Core ERP Module sf] rog
tYofÍnfO{ slt ;–;fgf 6'qmfdf ;d"lxs[t u/L Database
/ Database sf] :yfkgf agfpg] xf] ;f] nfO{ ;d]t dWogh/ u/L cfjZostfcg';f/
g]=lj=k|f=sf] xsdf ERP nfu" ug{ s]xL Core Module cGo Module yKg ;lsG5 . log} Module df cfwfl/t

@^ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

eP/ g]=lj=k|f= sf] Sub-Sector, Sectorial / Central eGg] ljifodf cfjZos lgod, sfo{ljlw g} hf/L u/L nfu"
Database :yfkgf ug{ ;lsg] 5 . ug{ pko'Qm b]lvG5 .
k|ltj]bg k|0ffnL (Reporting System) pk;+xf/
dfly pNn]v ul/Pcg';f/ rog ug{ ;'emfOPsf ERP s]Gb|Lo :t/df tof/ ePsf] tYofÍfwf/ -Database_ nfO{
Module df cfwfl/t eP/ g} ERP k|ltj]bg k|0ffnL k|of]u u/]/ g} g]=lj=k|f=sf ;a} sfof{non] cf–cfˆgf] of]hgf
(Reporting System) agfpg pko'Qm b]lvG5 . agfpg], of]hgf k|:tfj ug]{ / sfof{Gjog ug]{nufotsf
sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{5g\ . Central Database df g]=lj=k|f=sf
Sub-Sector Database
;a} sd{rf/Lsf] kx'Fr x'g] 5}g . Pp6f sfof{nodf ! jf @
Dffly pNn]lvt !^ j6} Module cGtu{t kg]{ ljleGg sfo{ hgf d'Vo sd{rf/LnfO{ Central Database vf]Ng] / x]g]{
;Dkfbg ug]{ g]=lj=k|f=sf ;a} ljefu, dxfzfvf, zfvf, clwsf/ lbg' pko'Qm x'g]5 . t/ pgLx¿nfO{ pQm Database
OsfO{ sfof{non] 5'§f5'§} Module cGtu{tsf ;"rgf tyf df yk36 ug]{ jf ;Rofpg] -editing_ clwsf/ eg] /xg]
tYofÍ s]Gb|Lo :t/df :yfkgf ul/g] tt\ tt\ If]qsf] Sub- 5}g .
sector Database df k|lji6 ug]{5g\ . o;/L k|fKt ;"rgf s]Gb|Lo :t/df o;/L tof/ x'g] Central Database g}
tyf tYofÍsf] cfwf/df Sub-sector Database tof/ g]=lj=k|f=sf] cflwsfl/s tYofÍfwf/ x'g]5 . oxL Central
x'g]5 . To:tf] ;"rgf tyf tYofÍ s;n], s;/L, slxn] Database sf cfwf/df g} g]=lj=k|f=sf ;du| s]Gb|Lo gLlt,
k|lji6 ug]{ / k|fKt ;"rgf tyf tYofÍ k|fKt u/L Sub- of]hgf, sfo{gLlt, sfo{qmd tof/ ul/g] 5 . ;fy;fy} o;}sf
sector Database tof/ kfg]{ cflwsfl/s JolQm / cfwf/df g]=lj=k|f=n] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f, ljt/0f tyf Jofkf/
lhDd]jf/ ljefu sf] s] x'g] eGg] ljifodf cfjZos lgod, ;DaGwL cfˆgf ljleGg cfof]hgf tyf ljsf; sfo{qmd
sfo{ljlw g} hf/L u/L nfu" ug{ pko'Qm b]lvG5 . tof/ kf/L sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg] Joj:yf ug{]5 .
Central Database cGtdf,ERP sf] l;4fGtnfO{ k|of]udf NofP/ Real-
time Base df tYofÍfwf/ -Database_ lgdf{0f ug{
dfly -s_ adf]lhd :yflkt Sub-sector Database
;lsof] eg] lgZro g} g]=lj=k|f=n] o;sf] e/k'/ k|of]u ug{
;~rfng ug]{ cflwsfl/s JolQm / lhDd]jf/ tt\tt\ s]Gb|Lo
/ o;af6 k|z:t kmfObf lng ;Sg]5 . dfly ‘k|flws/0fdf
ljefun] cfkm"n] tof/ kf/]sf database df ;+u|lxt ;"rgf
ERP k|of]udf Nofpg' kg]{ cfjZostf’ zLif{sdf pNn]v
tyf tYofÍnfO{ g]=lj=k|f=sf] s]Gb|Lo:t/sf] Database ul/Psf ;a} kmfObf g]=lj=k|f=nfO{ k|fKt x'g]5 . g]=lj=k|f=sf]
tof/ kfg{ lgb]{lzt k4lt cg'z/0f u/L Central Database sfof{;Dkfbg :t/df lg/Gt/ ;'wf/ x'g]5 / ERP n]
df k|lji6 ug]{5g\ . Sub-sector Database ;~rfng ug]{ g]=lj=k|f=sf] ;du| ;++u7gfTds ;'wf/sf] ;zQm dfWodsf
cflwsfl/s JolQm / lhDd]jf/ ljefux¿n] k7fPsf ;"rgf ¿kdf e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{5 .
tyf tYofÍnfO{ s]Gb|Lo:t/sf] Database ;~rfng ug]{
clwsf/ kfPsf] s]Gb|Lo ljefun] Sectorial Database
;|f]t ;fdu|L
sf] ¿kdf 5'§f5'§} ;+u|lxt u/L /fVg]5 . o;/L tof/ ul/Psf]
Sectorial Database nfO{ ;fd"lxs ¿kdf Central
Database elgg]5 . Sub-sector Database sf] ¿kdf
k|fKt ;"rgf tyf tYofÍ k|of]u u/L Sectorial Database
tof/ kfg]{ cflwsfl/s JolQm / lhDd]jf/ lgsfo sf] s] x'g] %= ERP ;DaGwL ljleGg n]v .

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ @&

g]kfndf hnljB't
ljsf;sf nflu x]lhË kmG8
/ldnf sf]O/fnf
k|zf;sLo clws[t, ljB't Jofkf/ ljefu, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

often with complex portfolio-construction

ljifo k|j]z
and risk management techniques." egL
x]lhË eGgfn] kl/of]hgf sfof{Gjogsf nflu kl/eflift ul/Psf] 5 .
nufgLstf{n] ljb]zL C0f nufgL ubf{ h'g ljlgdo
b/df ljb]zL d'b|f a}Ídf hDdf u/]sf] xf] ;f]xL ljlgdo ljb]zL ljlgdo lgoldt ug{] P]g, @)!( sf] bkmf
b/df ;Demf}tfadf]lhd nufgL lkmtf{ n}hfg kfpg] @@ df lgod agfpg] clwsf/sf] Aoj:yfnfO{
u/L ljb]zL d'b|fsf] ljlgdo b/ l:y/ ug{] sfo{nfO{ cfwf/ dflg ldlt @)&%.!!.!# df …x]lhË;DaGwL
a'lemG5 . lgodfjnL, @)&%’ g]kfn ;/sf/n] /fhkqdf
hf/L ul/;s]sf] cj:yf 5 . of] lgodfjnL ljb]zL
hnljB'tsf] If]qsf] ljsf;df ljb]zL nufgL ljlgdo -lgoldt ug]{_ P]g @)!( sf] bkmf @@ n]
leq\ofpg] k|of]hgfy{ ljB't vl/b laqmL ;Demf}tf lbPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] agfPsf]
cg'';f/ e'QmfgL x'g] /sd ljb]zL d'b|f k|fKt ug{ ;6xL xf] . pQm lgodfjnLadf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/n] ljbzL
ug{' kbf{ x'g] hf]lvd Go'lgs/0f ug{ :yfkgf ul/Psf] C0f nufgL x'g] b]xfosf kl/of]hgfsf nflu x]lhË
sf]if x]lhË km08 xf] . ;'ljwf pknJw u/fpg ;Sg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 M
x]lhË km08sf] :yfkgf kZrft ljb]zL d'b|f ljlgdosf] l Ps ;o d]ufjf6 jf ;f] eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf
hf]lvd oxL km08dfkm{t ul/G5 . hnljB't pTkfbg .
l @@) s]=le=jf ;f] eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf tL;
x]lhË km08sf] cjwf/0ff ;g\ !($* df ;dfhzf:qL
Alfred Winslow Jones n] NofPsf] b]lvG5 . lsnf]ld6/ eGbf nfdf] ljB't k|zf/0f nfOg
To;}u/L Wikipedia df "A hedge fund is an lgdf{0f .
investment fund that pools capital from l bz lsnf]ld6/ eGbf nfdf] /]n, d]6«f] tyf df]gf]

accredited investors or institutional /]ndfu{ lgdf{0f

investors and invests in a variety of assets, l krf; lsnf] ld6/eGbf nfdf] b|"tdfu{ lgdf{0f

@* jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

l g]kfn ;/sf/ dlGqkl/ifb\n] lg0f{o u/L tf]s]df cGo o; lgodfjnLadf]lhd k|bfg ul/g]] x]lhËsf] cjlw
kl/of]hgf . kl/of]hgfsf] k|s[ltcg';f/ a9Ldf !) jif{sf] x'g]5 .
pmhf{ hn;|f]t tyf l;FrfO{ dGqfnosf] sfo{ljlwnfO{ xfn;Dd k|flws/0fn] 8n/df ljB't lsGg] ;Demf}tf u/]sf
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] !)) d]=jf= dflysf hnljB't hnljB't cfof]hgfdWo] dflyNnf] lqz'nL–! ;a}eGbf
cfof]hgfsf\] PPA ubf{ ;~rfns ;ldltsf] lg0f{ocg';f/ 7"nf] cfof]hgf xf] . o; cl3 k|flws/0fn] ^) d]=jf= sf]
Hedging ;DjGwL k|fjwfg /flv dflyNnf] lqz'ln ! lvlDt !, $% d]=jf= sf] dflyNnf] ef]6]sf]zL, *@ d]=jf=
-@!^ d]=jf_ / /;'jf ef]6]sf]zL -!@) d]=jf=_ hfnljB't sf] tNnf] ;f]n', %) d]=jf= sf] dflyNnf] d:of{ª\bL P, #&=^
cfof]hgfsf] PPA ;DkGg u/]sf] 5 . tTkZrft Hedging d]=jf= sf] sfj]nL P / !@) d]=jf= sf] /;'jf ef]6]sf]zL
;DaGwL lgltut Joj:yfdf kl/jt{g cfPsf] 5 . g]kfn cfof]hgfnfO{ klg 8n/df e'tmfgL ug{] u/L kLkLP u/]sf]
;/sf/n] /fhkqdf k|sflzt u/]sf] x]lhË ;DaGwL lgodfjnL 5 . oL dWo] lvlDt, ef]6]sf]zL / dflyNnf] d:of{ª\bL P
@)&% adf]lhd x]lhË ;'ljlwf pknAw u/fpg] ;DaGwdf ;~rfngdf cfO;s]sf 5g\ eg] cGo cfof]hgf lgdf{0ffwLg
/fi6« a}+sn] cy{ dGqfno, kl/of]hgf;Fu ;DalGwt dGqfno, cj:yfdf 5g\ . lvlDt ! hnljB't cfof]hgfsf] ljB't
g]kfn ;/sf/sf ;DalGwt lgsfo / nufgLstf{;Fu cfjZos vl/b ;Demf}tfsf] cjlw @)@) h'nfO{ !) af6 ;lsg] x'Fbf
;dGjo Pjd\ k/fdz{ ug'{kg]{ k|fjwfg pNn]v u/]sf] 5 . tTkZrft g]kfnL d'b|fdf cflwfl/t ;Demf}tfsf nflu k|jw{g
pQm lgodfjnL hf/L ePkZrft\ ul/g] !)) d]=jf= jf sDkgL;Fu jftf{ eO/x]sf] 5 .
;f] eGbf dflysf] Ifdtfsf ljb]zL nufgL x'g] ljB't hnljB't ljsf;sf If]qdf
cfof]hgf¿sf] ;Demf}tfdf ;f]xL lgodfjnL cfslif{t x'g]
Joj:yf ;f] lgodfjnLdf :ki6 pNn]v ePsfn] hnljB't
x]lhË;DaGwL ePsf Joj:yf
cfof]hgfdf Hedging sf] ljifo cj cy{ dGqfno g]kfn g]kfndf x]lhË;DaGwL ePsf Joj:yfnfO{ tklznadf]lhd
/fi6« a}+s phf{, hn;|f]t tyf l;+rfO{ dGqfno / k|jw{g pNn]v ug{ ;lsG5 M
sDkgL;Fusf] cfkm\gf] ;xdltdf 6'ª\Uofpg'kg]{ ePsf] 5 .
lqklIfo ;xdltsf cfwf/df cy{ dGqfnon] x]lhË z'Ns l g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f %! df /fHosf] gLltcGtu{t
lgwf{/0f ug'{kg]{ pQm lgwf{l/t z'Ns k|jw{g sDkgLn] g]kfn cy{, pBf]u / jfl0fHo;DaGwL gLltdf /fli6«o lxt
/fi6« a}+sdf a'emfpg' kg]{, x]lhË ;'ljwf :jLs[ltsf nflu cg's"n cfoft k|lt:yfkg, lgof{t k|a4{gsf If]qdf
sDkgLn] g]kfn /fi6« a}+sdf lgj]bg lbg'kg]{ / /fi6« a}+sn] j}b]lzs k'FhL tyf k|ljlwsf] nufgLnfO{ cfslif{t ub{}
;DalGwt k|jw{g sDkgLnfO{ x]lhË ;f]n';g ;l6{lkms]6 k|bfg k"jf{wf/ ljsf;df k|f]T;fxg Pjd\ kl/rfng ug{] pNn]v
ug]{ h:tf k|lqmofut ljifo k"/f ug'{kg]{ Joj:yf lgodfjnLdf 5.
pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 . l pmhf{, hn;|f]t tyf l;+rfO{ If]qsf] jt{dfg cj:yf
;f] lgodfjnL nfu" ePkZrft\ dgfË d:of{ª\bL xfO8«f]kfj/ / efjL dfu{lrq -Zj]tkq_ @)&% df ljB't Jofkf/
k|f=ln=n] k|j4{g ug]{ dgfË d:of{ª\bL hnljB't cfof]hgf zLif{scGtu{t ljB't Jofkf/ ;Demf}tfdf j}b]lzs d'b|f
-!#% d]=jf=_ sf nflu g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fdf ljB't ljlgdo hf]lvd Go"lgs/0f ug{ x]lhË km08sf] :yfkgf
vl/b laqmL ;Demf}tfsf] d:of}bf :jLs[t eO{ k|f/lDes ul/g]5 egL Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
x:tfIf/ ePsf] 5 . pQm cfof]hgf ljb]zL nufgLdf lgdf{0f l x]lhË;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)&% sf] kl/R5]b #
x'g] “FDI” cfof]hgf xf] . cfof]hgfsf] xsdf k|jw{s sDkgL, df g]kfn ;/sf/n] ljb]zL C0f nufgL x'g] ljleGg
pmhf{, hn;|f]t tyf l;+rfO{ dGqfno / g]kfn /fi6« a}+saLr kl/of]hgfsf nflu x]lhË ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg]
;xdlt x'g / ;f]sf cfwf/df cy{ dGqfnon] x]lhË z'Ns Joj:yf ul/Psf]] 5 .
lgwf{/0f ug{ afFsL /x]sfn] ;f] Hedging Liability k|:6
geP;Dd Return on Equity Calculation sf nlfu Financial l pQm lgodfjnLsf] lgod # adf]lhd x]lhË ;'ljwf k|fKt
Assessment ug{ g;lsg] x'Fbf ljB't lgodg cfof]uaf6 ug{ rfxg] kl/of]hgfn] k|rlnt ;ª3Lo sfg'g adf]lhd
;d]t PPA Rate lgwf{/0f ;d]tsf nflu ljlgodfjnL hf/L ljb]zL nufgL ug]{ / ljb]zL d'b|f Nofpg] :jLs[lt lnPsf]
eO{;s]tf klg PPA df cfof]usf] ;xdlt k|fKt ug{ / vl/b x'g'kg]{5 / cfjZos sfuhft;lxt tf]lsPsf] 9fFrfdf
b/ lgwf{/0f ug{ cem} /x]sf] 5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}+s;dIf lgj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ @(

x]lhË km08sf] dxŒj kl/of]hgfnfO{ x]lhË ;f]n'zg k|df0fkq klg k|bfg ug]{
x'Fbf a9L ljZjfl;nf] / e/kbf]{ x'g] .
l x]lhË km08sf] :yfkgfkZrft\ ljb]zL d'b|f ljlgdosf]
hf]lvd oxL km08dfkm{t Aoxf]l/g] x'Fbf o;sf] dxŒj Pj+ l g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] x]lhË;DaGwL sf/f]af/sf] n]vf g]kfn
cfjZostfnfO{ tklznad]flhd pNn]v ug{ ;lsG5 M n]vf dfkb08adf]lhd /fVg] x'Fbf cfly{s cg'zf;g
sfod x'g] .
l ljB't vl/b laqmL;Demf}tfsf sf/0f k|jw{sn] k|fKt
ug]{ /sd j}b]lzs d'b|fdf ;6xL ubf{ x'g cfpg] hf]lvd l /fi6« a}+sn] k|To]s jif{ x]lhË ;'ljwf ;DaGwdf eP
Go"lgs/0f eO{ nufgLsf] jftfj/0f sfod x'g k'Ug]] . u/]sf sfd sf/afxLsf] k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L cfly{s
jif{ ;dfKt ePsf] tLg dlxgfleq cy{ dGqfnodf k]z
l g]kfn ;/sf/, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f / o;sf ;xfos ug'{kg]{ ePsfn] pQ/bfloTj Pj+ hjfkmb]lxtf sfod x'g
sDkgLx¿ lghL If]qaf6 ;d]t u/L cfufld tLg jif{ k'Ug] .
leq #,))) d]ufjf6, kfFr jif{leq %,))) d]ufjf6 /
bz jif{leq cfGtl/s vktsf nflu !),))) d]ufjf6 l ljb]zL nufgL kl/rfngåf/f lghL If]qsf] ;xeflutf
;lxt !%,))) d]ufjf6 Ifdtfsf ljB't cfof]hgfsf] a9fO{ cf}Bf]lusLs/0fnfO{ tLa|tf lbg] .
lgdf{0f ;DkGg u/L ;~rfngdf Nofpg] g]kfn ;/sf/sf] l pbf/ Pj+ v'nf gLltcg's"n gLltut tyf ;+:yfut
lb3{sfnLg nIo k"/f ug{ ;xof]u k'Ug] .
;'wf/ x'g] .
l k|z:t dfqfdf ljB't pTkfbg eO{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf]
l /f]huf/Lsf gofF If]q / tl/sf lj:tf/ eO{ /f]huf/Lsf]
pHofnf] g]kfnsf] cleofg ;fsf/ x'g k'Ug] .
>[hgfdfkm{t\ hLjg:t/ psfl;g] Pj+ ul/jL Go"lgs/0f
l hn;|f]t pTkfbgsf If]qdf a9\bf] hgck]IffnfO{ pknAw x'g] .
;|f]t;fwgaf6 clwstd ;Daf]wg x'g] u/L cfof]hgfsf]
l cfw'lgs k|ljlw lelqg'sf ;fy} cGt/f{li6«o k'FhLsf]
k|fyldsLs/0f x'g] .
ahf/Ls/0f / pkof]u x'g] .
l x]lhË ;'ljwf k|fKt ug{ rfxg] kl/of]hgfn] k|rlnt
l cfly{s ljsf;sf] cfwf/ tof/ ug{sf nflu cfjZos
;ËLo sfg'gadf]lhd ljb]zL nufgL ug]{ / ljb]zL d'b|f
nufgLsf] ;'lglZrttf sfod x'g] .
Nofpg] :jLs[lt lnPsf] x'g'kg]{ x'Fbf j}b]lzs nufgL
/fli6«o ah]6 k|0ffnLdfkm{t\ cfpFbf kf/blz{tf sfod l pTkfbsLo Ifdtfdf clej[l4 x'g] .
x'g] .
l k"jf{wf/ If]qsf] ljsf; / lj:tf/ x'g] .
l g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf] vftfdf hDdf x'g cfPsf] ljb]zL
d'b|fnfO{ /fi6« a}+sn] h'g ljlgod b/df x]/km]/ jf 36a9 l Jofkf/3f6f Go"lgs/0f x'g k'Ug] .
gx'g] u/L l:y/ -ns_ ul/Psf] xf] . ;f]xL ljlgdo b/df x]lhË;DaGwL lgodfjnLdf
;Demf}tfcg';f/ ljb]zL C0fafktsf] /sd lkmtf{ e'QmfgL ePsf k|d'v k|fjwfg
kfpg] u/L /fi6« a}+sn] nufgLstf{nfO{ x]lhË ;'ljwf
pknAw u/fpg] x'Fbf o;af6 nufgLstf{sf ljb]zL d'b|f x]lhË;DaGwL lgodfjnLdf ePsf k|d'v k|fjwfg
ljlgdo;DaGwL cGof}n x6\g] . tkl;nadf]lhd pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 M
l cy{ dGqfnon] ljb]zL ljlgdo b/sf] hf]lvd, d'b|f l pQm lgodfjnLadf]lhd g]kfn ;/sf/n] ljb]zL C0f
l:kmlt hf]lvd, kl/of]hgfsf] k|s[lt :jk'FhL, C0fsf] nufgL x'g] Ps ;o d]ufjf6 jf ;f] eGbf a9L Ifdtfsf
c+z, C0f e'QmfgL ug'{kg]{ cjlw / kl/of]hgfsf] k|s[lt hnljB't pTkfbg / 220 s]=le= jf ;f] eGbf a9L
;d]tsf cfwf/df kl/of]hgf;Fu ;DalGwt dGqfno, Ifdtfsf tL; lsnf]ld6/ eGbf nfdf] ljB't k|zf/0f
/fi6« a}+s / nufgLstf{;Fusf] cfk;L ;xdltdf x]lhË nfOg lgdf{0f ug]{ h:tf kl/of]hgfsf nflu x]lhË
z'Ns lgwf{/0f ug]{ x'Fbf cGt/ lgsfo ;dGjo sfod ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg ;Sg] Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 .
x'g] .
l x]lhË ;'ljwf k|fKt ug{ rfxg] kl/of]hgfn] k|rlnt
l x]lhË z'Ns k|fKt u/]kl5 g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn] ;DalGwt ;‹Lo sfg'gadf]lhd ljb]zL nufgL ug]{ / ljb]zL d'›f

#) jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

Nofpg] :jLs[lt lnPsf] x'g' kg]{ k|fjwfg /x]sf] 5 . ;DalGwt kl/of]hgfnfO{ tf]lsPsf] 9fFrfdf x]lhË
;f]n';g k|df0fkq lbg] / pQm k|df0fkq kl/of]hgfsf]
l x]lhË ;'ljwf k|fKt ug{ rfxg] kl/of]hgfn] tf]lsPsf]
k|s[ltcg';f/ a9Ldf kfFr jif{;Dd gjLs/0f ug{
adf]lhdsf sfuhft ;+nUg u/L g]kfn /fi6« a}+s;dIf
;Sg]5 .
lgj]bg lbg'kg]{5 .
l pQm lgj]bgpk/ g]kfn /fi6« a}Ín] cfjZos ljj/0f / l o; lgodfjnLadf]lhd k|bfg ul/Psf] x]lhËsf] cjlw
sfuhft k"/f gePdf jf s'g} ljifodf yk :ki6 kfg{ kl/of]hgfsf] k|s[ltcg';f/ a9Ldf bz jif{sf] x'g]5 .
cfjZos b]v]df a}+Ín] lgj]bsnfO{ To:tf] ljj/0f jf l a}Ín] ;fj{hlgs ;"rgf k|sfzg u/L tf]s]sf] kl/jt{gLo
sfuhft k]z ug{ jf ;f] ;DjGwdf yk :ki6 ug{ nufpg ljb]zL d'›fsf nflu dfq o; lgodfjnLadf]lhd x]lhË
a9Ldf kG„ lbgsf] Dofb lbO lnlvt ;"rgf lbg'kg]{5 . ;'ljwf k|bfg ug]{5 .
l k|fKt ljj/0f jf sfuhftsf cfwf/df lgj]bg pk/ l x]lhË sf]ifdf /xg] /sdsf] ;Ldf a}Ín] lgwf{/0f
hfFra'em ubf{ g]kfn /fi6« a}Ín] x]lhË ;'ljwf k|bfg ug{ u/]adf]lhd x'g]5 . g]kfn /fi6« a}Ín] sf]ifdf hDdf
g;lsg] b]lvPdf a}Ín] ;f] ;DaGwL lg0f{osf] lnlvt ePsf] /sdsf] nufgL Pjd\ cfjZos Joj:yfkg ug]{
hfgsf/L ;ft lbgleq lgj]bsnfO{ lbg'kg]{5 . / nufgLaf6 k|fKt k|ltkmn h'g d'›fdf k|fKt ePsf] xf],
l x]lhË ;'ljwf lbg dgfl;j b]lvPdf g]kfn /fi6« a}Ín] ;f]xL d'›fdf a}Ín] x]lhË sf]ifdf hDdf ug{'kg]{5 .
lgwf{/0f u/]sf] kl/jt{gLo ljb]zL d'›fdf C0f lng] /
l o; lgodfjnLadf]lhd x]lhË ;'ljwf pknAw
;fy} k|fKt x'g] ljb]zL d'›f a}sn] tf]s]sf] ;dodf a}Í
u/fpg] ;DaGwdf a}Ín] cy{ dGqfno, kl/of]hgf;Fu
vftfdf hDdf ug]{ clwgdf /xL lgj]bsnfO{ x]lhË
;DalGwt dGqfno, g]kfn ;/sf/sf ;DalGwt lgsfo /
;'ljwf k|bfg ug]{ :jLs[lt lbg]5 .
nufgLstf{;Fu cfjZos ;dGjo Pj+ k/fdz{ ug{k' g]{5 .
l g]kfn /fi6« a}Ín] lgj]bsnfO{ ljb]zL d'›f hDdf ug{
pknAw u/fPsf] a}+s vftfdf nufgLstf{n] a}Ín] lgZsif{
tf]s]sf] cjlwleq ljb]zL d'›f hDdf ug{'kg]{5 . g]kfnL d'b|f;Fu 8n/sf] efp 36a9 x'Fbf x'g] ljlgdo hf]lvd
l vftfdf ljb]zL d'›f hDdf ePkl5 a}Ín] To:tf] ljb]zL sd ug{] p2]Zo;lxt x]lhË km08 :yfkgfsf] k|fjwfg
d'›f hDdf ubf{sf] lbg sfod /x]sf] ljlgdo b/cg';f/ /flvPsf] xF'bf km08n] ljb]zL nufgL a9fpg ;xof]u k'Ug]
g]kfnL d'›fdf kl/jt{g u/L kl/of]hgfsf] gfddf /x]sf] ljZjf; ul/Psf] 5 . t;y{, hnljB't pTkfbgsf If]qdf
s'g} jfl0fHo a}Ísf] vftfdf To:tf] kl/jt{g g]kfnL d'›f lghL If]qnfO{ k|f]T;fxg x'g] u/L j}b]zLs nufgL leq\ofpg
hDdf ul/lbg]5 . x]lhË km08;DaGwL lgodfjnLdf pNn]lvt ljifonfO{
l lgodfjnLsf] lgod ( df ljlgdo b/ l:y/ -ns_ ug]{ sfof{Gjog ub{} cufl8 a9\g] qmddf /g ckm l/e/, lklsË /g
Joj:yf u/]sf] 5, h;cg';f/ /fi6« a}+sn] h'g ljlgdo ckm l/e/ tyf hnfzoo'tm u/L ltg lsl;dsf hnljB't\
b/df g]kfnL d'›fdf kl/jt{g u/]sf] xf], ;f] ljlgdo b/df cfof]hgfsf nflu ljB't vl/b laqmL ;Demf}tf (PPA)
x]/km]/ jf 36a9 gx'g] u/L l:y/ -ns_ ug]{ k|fjwfg g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] ug{] xF'bf o;sf] ;kmntfsf]
/x]sf] 5 . ns ul/Psf] ljlgdo b/df ;Demf}tfcg';f/ nflu g]kfn ;/sf/, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f / lghL If]q
ljb]zL C0fafktsf] /sd lkmtf{ e'QmfgL kfpg] u/L a}Ín] h:tf ;a} kIf ldnL cufl8 a9\g' cfhsf] cfjZostf
nufgLstf{nfO{ x]lhË ;'ljwf pknAw u/fpg]5 . b]lvG5 . x]lhË;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)&% sfof{Gjogdf
cfOkg]{ cGof}n x6fpg cy{ dGqfno tyf g]kfn /fi6« a}+sn]
l cy{ dGqfnon] ljb]zL ljlgdo b/sf] hf]lvd, d'›f cfGtl/s sfo{ljlw tof/ ug{ cfjZos 5 .
l:kmlt hf]lvd, kl/of]hgfsf] k|s[lt :jk'FhL, C0fsf]
c+z, C0f e'QmfgL ug{'kg]{ cjlw / kl/of]hgfsf] k|s[lt

;d]tsf cfwf/df kl/of]hgf;Fu ;DalGwt dGqfno, ;Gbe{ ;fdfu|L

/fi6« a+}s / nufgL stf{;Fusf] cfk;L ;xdltdf x]lhË != g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg, @)&@
z'Ns lgwf{/0f ug]{ Joj:yf u/]sf] 5 . @= x]lhË;DaGwL lgodfjnL, @)&%
#= ljb]zL ljlgdo lgoldt ug]{ P]g, @)!(
l lgwf{/0f ePsf] x]lhË z'Ns ;DalGwt kl/of]hgfn] $= g]kfn ;/sf/, phf{, hn;|f]t tyf l;FrfO{ dGqfnon] hf/L u/]sf] Zj]tkq,
a}Ídf a'emfpg' kg]{5 / x]lhË z'Ns k|fKt u/]kl5 a}Ín] @)&%

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ #!

g]kfndf ljB't ;kgf
rGb| Hof]ltb]lv x/ 3/sf]
r'Nxf] / ;jf/L ;fwg;Dd
/lj lg/f}nf
l;lgo/ ld6/ l/8/, uf}zfnf ljt/0f s]]Gb|, dxf]Q/L, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

n;|f]tn] ;DkGg b]z g]kfnsf] ;a}eGbf dxTjk"0f{ klg dx;'; ug{ kfPg . of] Pp6f sfnf] ;do /x\of] .
oflGqs zlQmsf ¿kdf hnljB't /x]sf] 5, h;nfO{ g]kfnsf] ljB'tsf] ljsf;qmd / cfufdL ;kgfnfO{
white dollar, ;]tf] sf]Onfsf ¿kdf ;d]t lnOG5 . oxfF ljleGg r/0fdf ;d]l6Psf] 5 .
ljB't ljsf;sf nflu kxf8L e"–efuaf6 aUg] gbLx¿
g} k|d'v ;|f]t x'g\ . g]kfnsf lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{ x'Fb} ljB'tdf ;"of]{bo
ljleGg efuaf6 sl/a 5 xhf/ gbLgfnfaf6 jflif{s g]kfnsf] hnljB'tdf ;'?cft tTsfnLg /f0ff
@@% cj{ So'ljs ln6/ kfgL aU5 eg] oxfF aUg] tLg k|wfgdGqL rGb|zdz]/n] cfˆgf] dxndf pHofnf] kfg]{
7"nf gbLx¿ sf]zL, u08sL / s0ff{nL gbLx¿sf] x]t'n] lj=;+ !(^* df kmlk{Ë hnljB't\ cfof]hgfsf]
axfj If]q / cGo gbLx¿af6 lqof;L xhf/ d]ufjf6 %)) lsnf]jf6 pTkfbg ;'? ePaf6 xfdL Pl;ofs}
ljB't pTkfbg ug{ ;lsg] s'/f cWoogn] b]vfPsf] bf];|f] ljB't pTkfbg ug]{ /fi6«df ;dflxt eof}F t/
5 . g]kfndf Ps} gbLdf ljleGg 7fpFdf ljB't ljB't pTkfbg t eof] t/ s]xL dxndf dfq Tof]
pTkfbg ug{ ;lsg] ef}uf]lns kl/l:ylt 5 . pmhf{sf] ljt/0f eof] . Tof] kl5sf ofqf eg] pmhf{ ljsf;sf]
If]qdf g]kfn blIf0f Pl;ofnfO{ g} pHofnf] kfg{ ;Sg] If]qdf g]kfnsf] nflu ;'vb\ /x]g . ;g\ !(#$ df
Ifdtf af]s]sf] ljZjsf] bf];|f] 7"nf] hn;|f]tn] ;DkGg ;'Gb/Lhndf :yflkt 5 ;o lsnf]jf6 Ifdtfsf]
d'n's xf] . hnljB't kl/of]hgf / ljB't ljt/0f sfo{nfO{
g]kfndf ljB'tsf] Oltxf;sf] s'/f ug]{ xf] eg] xfdLn] Jojl:yt ug{ :yfkgf ul/Psf] ljh'nL c8\8f afx]s
Pp6f nfdf] ;do latfO;s]sf 5f}F . xfdLn] lj=;+ Tof] sfnv08n] ;Demg nfos 7"nf] 5fk eg] 5f8\g
!(^* df hnljB't pTkfbgdfkm{t\ o; If]qdf ;s]g . g]kfnn] cfkm\gf] ljsf;sf] Pp6f k|d'v
kbfk{0f u/]sf xf}F . g]kfnn] cfkm"n] ljB't pTkfbg d]?b08sf] ;+efjgf af]s]sf] ljB't ljsf;nfO{ Wofg
;'? ul/;Sbf klg l5d]sL /fi6«x¿ 6'lsd} /dfO/x]sf] lbg ;s]g, Tof] lgoltsf] kmn xfdL cfh;Dd klg
xfdL;Fu Oltxf; ;fIfL 5 . g]kfnn] Tof] aLrdf pmhf{ ef]Ub}5f}F . Tof] o'u o:tf] /x\of], xfdLn] To; kl5sf
If]qsf] nfdf] ;dofjlwdf Pp6f s5'jf ultsf] k|ult Ps jif{;Dd Ps xhf/ d]ufjf6 ljh'nL ;d]t pTkfbg

#@ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

ug{ ;s]gf} . ha ls xfdL eGbf lgs} kl5 ljB't pTkfbgdf tLtfdL7f cg'ej a6'Nb} / cljrlnt geO{ …pHofnf] g]kfn
xft xfn]sf d'n's o;}af6 ;d[4 ag] . cleofgÚnfO{ ;fsf/ kfg{ cxf]/fq tlNng b]lvG5 . g]kfn
ljB't k|flws/0fsf] vf;u/L hnljB'tsf] ;du| ljsf;df
;+:yfut ;'¿cft M g]=lj=k|f+ sf] cEo'bo ct'ngLo of]ubfg 5 .
lj=;+ @)!( ;fn efb| ! ut] lah'nL c8\8fsf] gfd km]/]/ ljB'tsf] r/d cefj / ;dfwfg
g]kfn ljB't skf]{/]zg ul/of] eg] To; ;dodf o;sf]
p2]ZonfO{ s]xL dfqfdf kl/dfh{g ;d]t ul/of] . c8\8fnfO{ xfdLn] s'g} ;do pmhf{ cefjsf]] sfnf] ;do klg ef]Uof}+ .
skf]{/]zg agfpg g]kfn ljB't skf]{/]zg P]g @)!( nfu" b]zn] r/d pmhf{ ;ª\s6dfkm{t\ 306f}F nf]8;]l8Ëdf hgtfnfO{
ul/Psf] lyof] . g]kfndf ;+:yfut tj/n] ljB't ljsf;df a:g' kg]{ cj:yf l;h{gf u¥of] . rfx]/ klg ljB't pkef]u
of] ;+:yfnfO{ cl3 ;fl/of] . o; ;+:yfgnfO{ cfTdlge{/ ug{ rfxg] pkef]Qmfn] ljB't clt cfjZos dfqfdf klg
agfpg / ljB't pTkfbgdf lglh If]qsf] klg nufgL k|jb{g kfPgg\ . ;g\ @))% kl5sf] em08} !@ jif{sf]] cjlw xfdL
ug]{ p2]Zon] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f P]g @)$! cGtu{t r/d ljB't cefjaf6 u'lh|of}F . jiff{tdf ljB't cln cln
@)$@ ;fn ebf} ! ut] -;g\ !(*% cu:6 !^_ af6 g]kfn ljt/0f ug{ ;s] klg lxpFbsf] ;do cem ljs/fn ¿kdf
ljB't skf]{/]zgnfO{ g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f agfOPsf] /xGYof] . b]z nf]8;]l8Ën] lynlynf] lyof] . pBf]uwGbf
xf] . g]kfndf hnljB'tsf] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0fsf] k|foM 7Kk;/x lyP . cGo pmhf{sf] pkef]uaf6 pTkflbt
lhDd]jf/L axg ul//x]sf] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] d'Vo j:t' / ;]jf dx+uf] x'GYof] . a]/f]huf/Lsf] ;d:of PsfPs
e"ldsfnfO{ oxfF lrq0f ul/Psf] 5 M a9\g yfNof] . b]zn] ef]u]sf] pmhf{ cefjsf] pTsif{sf a]nf
b]zdf s'g} ;Defjgf gb]Vg]sf] hdft w]/} x'g yfNof] . o'jf
l ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f u/L ljB'tsf] ;xh, ljb]z knfogsf] b/ x\jfQ} a9\g nfUof] . o;sf cGo sf/0f
;'ne / kxF'r of]Uo cfk"lt{ ug]{, ;Fu;Fu} pmhf{ ;+s6 klg k|d'v sf/0f lyof] . nf]8;]l8Ësf]
l ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f tyf ;f] ;Fu ;DalGwt tfnLsf x/ 3/sf] leQfx¿sf] lgolt g} eO;s]sf] lyof] .
ljleGg of]hgf agfpg] / tL of]hgfsf] ;kmntd b]zsf] o:tf] ljs/fn cj:yfaf6 kf/ kfpg d'n's uDeL/
sfof{Gjog ug]{, ;f]rdf tlNng eof] . To;kl5 g]kfn ;/sf/n] pmhf{ ;+s6sf]
3f]if0ff ub}{ pmhf{ cefjaf6 d'Qm x'g pmhf{nfO{ ljz]if Wofg
l ljB't pTkfbg s]Gb|, ?kfGt/ s]Gb|, ljt/0f s]Gb| k|;f/0f
lbg ;'? u¥of] . g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fnufot lghL If]qsf]
/ ljt/0f nfOg tyf ;f] ;DaGwL ;'ljwfsf] lgdf{0f,
Joj:yfkgdf Jofks ;'wf/ ul/of] . ljB't pTkfbgdf hf]8
;~rfng, ;/+If0f / ;Da{4g ug]{,
lbOof] . j}b]lzs nufgL leq\ofpg] jftfj/0f / cj:yfnfO{
l cf}Bf]lus, s[lif ljsf; tyf hgtfsf] ;'ljwfsf nflu ;xh agfOof] . ljB't pTkfbg dfq sd xf]Og, ePs}
cfly{s b[li6n] pko'Qm If]qdf ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljB'tsf] klg ;xL ;b'kof]u geO{ cfwfh;f] ljB't r'xfj6
ljt/0fsf] Joj:yf ug]{, x'GYof]] . ljB't r'xfj6df pNn]Vo ¿kdf Go'gLs/0f NofOof] .
clg dfq nf]8;]l8Ëd'Qm g]kfnsf] sNkgf / ;kgf ;fsf/
l ljB't dx;'n / cGo ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/0f ug]{, kfg]{tkm{ /fi6« cu|;/ b]lvof] . 5f]6f] ;dodfg} /fHosf x/
l ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f ;DaGwdf cfjZos ;+oGqn] Ps eP/ of] If]qdf cfzfnfUbf] cj:yf l;h{gf
cg';Gwfg sfo{ ug]{ u/]/ o;sf] Joj:yfkg ug]{ lhDd]jf/ sfFwnfO{ 9f8;, cfF6
/ xf};nf k|bfg u¥of] .
l ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f ;DaGwdf bIf hgzlQm
tof/ ug]{ . ljB'tdf cfTdlge{/
g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;+:yfgsf] juL{s/0fdf hgpkof]uL ;+:yfgsf]
;kgf, r'gf}tL / cj;/
¿kdf juL{s[t g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f hgpQ/bfoL xF'b} g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] cfkm";Fu kof{Kt lah'nL /x]sf] /
cfkm\gf] ;+:yfsf] eljio klg ;'lglZrt ub}{ cl3 al9/x]sf] o;sf] vkt a9fpgsf nflu cfd cfx\jfg u/];Fu} g]=lj=k|f=
cj:yf 5 . o;n] g]kfndf ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / sf] ;fydf k'/f b]zn] Pp6f ;'vb lbgsf] cg'e"lt ug{ yfn]sf]
ljt/0fsf] sfo{ ug]{ qmddf g]kfnL hgtfsf] k"0f{ ;xof]u 5 . OGwgsf] sf/0f g]kfnLn] ef]u]sf] nfdf] ;dosf] kL8f
kfpFb} cfPsf] 5 . ;doqmd;Fu} o; ;+:yfgn] klg s]xL ca ljB'tsf] cfTdlge{tftkm{sf] sbdsf ;kgf;Fu /dfpg

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ ##

yfn]sf 5g\ . g]kfn ;/sf/ s]xL jif{leq g} ;a} g]kfnLsf] cf}Bf]lus tyf s[lif qmflGtdfkm{t\ cy{tGqdf sfofkn6
3/df ljB't k'¥ofpg] cleofgdf ;dlk{t eO;s]sf] 5, ;fy}
jiff{tsf] ;dodf cfTdlge{/ eO;s]sf] b]z csf]{ ;fnjf6 cfhsf] ljZj cf}Bf]lus o'u xf], b]zsf] cy{tGqdf 5nfË
ljB't lgof{t ug]{ /fi6« aGg]tkm{ pGd'v 5 . rfn' cfly{s nufpg To; /fi6«sf] cf}Bf]lus tyf s[lif If]qsf] cToflws
jif{leq ljB't pTkfbg Ifdtf b'O{ xhf/ d]ufjf6sf] xf/fxf/Ldf k|of]u ePsf] x'g'k5{ . ljB't ljgfsf] cf}Bf]lus / cfw'lgs
k'Ug] lglZrt 5 . g]kfndf ljB'tsf] vkt a9fpgsf nflu s[lif qmflGt k|foM c;Dej 5 . To;}n] g]kfn ;'ud ¿kdf
Uof; r'Nxf]sf] ;f6f] ljB'tLo r'Nxf]sf] k|of]udf hf]8 lbg] kfpg ;Sg] hn pmhf{sf] clwstd nfe lng]tkm{ nfnflot
cjwf/0ffsf] yfngL ePsf] 5 . o;sf nflu ;/sf/n] 5.
Uof; l;lnG8/df lbFb} cfPsf] cg'bfg s6f}tL u/]/ ljB'tLo o'jf /f]huf/df ljb]z knfogdf lgoGq0f
r'Nxf]sf nflu cg'bfg lbg] ;f]r agfPsf] 5 . ca ljB'tLo
;jf/L ;fwgsf] pTkfbg / pkof]usf nflu kxnsf] yfngL xfdL b]zdf ;Defjgf gb]v]/ ljb]zL d'n'sdf ef}tf/Lg afWo
eO;s]sf] 5 . k]6«f]n kDksf] :yfg On]lS6«s rfh{ :6]zgn] 5f}F t/ hnljB'tdfkm{t\ cf}Bf]lusLs/0f / cfw'lgs s[lif
lng] ;kgf xfdLn] lgs6 eljiodf g} ;fsf/ kfb}{5f}F . b]zdf k|0ffnLsf] ljsf;dfkm{t\ b]zsf] cy{tGq dha't aGb} ubf{
ljB't ;d[l4sf] ;+jfxs ag]/ cfPsf] 5 . cj;/sf nfvfF} 9f]sf klg v'Nb} hfg]5 . csf]{ zAbdf eGbf
b]zdf /f]huf/ tyf :j/f]huf/sf] cj:yf l;h{gf x'g]5 .
hnljB'ttkm{sf] cfufdL sbd xfdLn] b]v]sf] ;d[¢ g]kfnleq ;d[¢ pmhf{ If]qsf] ljsf; /
ljB'tLo r'Nxf]dfkm{t\ OGwg Uof; cfoft lg¿T;flxt ug]{ pHofnf] cfTdlge{/ g]kfn /xg' h?/L 5 . t/ of] Tolt ;xh
eg] kSs} 5}g . ljB'tdf cfTdlge{tfsf] sbdsf s]xL d'Vo
g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfofltt OGwgdf lbOFb} cfPsf] cg'bfgsf]
r'gf}tLnfO{ oxFf a'bfFut ¿kdf b]vfOPsf] 5 M
/sd ljB'tsf] vkt a9fpg Uof; r'Nxf]df lbg] cjwf/0fsf]
;'?cft ug{ uO/x]sf] 5 . l b]zdf ljB'tsf] pTkfbg sd eP/ nf]8;]l8ª ug'{kg]{
afWotfaf6 xfdL d'Qm x'g] cj:yfsf] ;3fF/df 5f}F t/
ljB'tLo ;jf/L ;fwgsf] pRrtd
lgs6 eljiodf g} pTkflbt lah'nL /fli6««o tyf cGt/
k|of]uaf6 cfofltt OGwg lj:yflkt ug]{
f{li6«o :t/df ljB't ljt/0f k|0ffnLsf]] lj:tf/df Wofg
g]kfndf cfoftLt OGwgn] ;do;dodf lbPsf] lk8f / glbg] xf] / ljB'tsf] ahf/ gvf]Hg] xf] eg] lah'nL w]/}
;f:tLsf] pQd ljsNksf] ¿kdf /x]sf] hnljB'tdfkm{t\ eP/ v]/ hfg] cj:yf r'gf}tL ag]sf] 5 .
ljB'tLo ;jf/L ;fwgsf] pRrtd k|of]u ug{ k|f]T;fxg lbg
l cfof]hgfsf] :jLs[lt lng] t/ tf]lsPsf] ;dodf sfd
g]kfn ;/sf/n] cfkm\gf gLlt tyf sfo{qmddf o;nfO{
gug]{ x'bfF cfof]hgf xf]N8 /xg] k|j[lQn] csf]{ r'gf}tL
dxŒjsf ;fy ;d]6]sf] 5 . ca /fHon] OGwgdf lgof{t
v8f u/]sf] 5 .
u/]sf] caf}F{ ?k}ofF dfq hf]ufpFb}g, dx+uf ;jf/L ;fwgnfO{
lskmfotL ljB'tLo ;jf/L ;fwgn] lj:yflkt ub}{ nUg]5 . l cfof]hgfsf lgdf{0fsf] qmddf a]nfa]nfdf ljleGg
sf/0fn] kg]{ :yfgLo bjfjn] ubf{ :j:km"t{ ¿kdf sfo{
x/ 3/ x/ ;do cfˆg} ljh'nL
;~rfng ug{ ;s]sf] cj:yf 5}g, h;sf] sf/0f
s]xL jif{b]lv xfdLn] lgjf{w ljB'tsf] k|of]u t u/]sf 5fF} t/ cfof]hgf ;DkGgtfdf l9nfO{ dfq geO{ vlr{nf] ;d]t
xfdL cem} klg b]zsf x/ 3/df ljB'tsf] pHofnf] k'¥ofpg aGg] u/]sf] 5 .
k|of;/t 5f}F . ef/taf6 cfoftLt ljB'tnfO{ lg?T;flxt
l g]kfndf hnljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0fsf] If]qdf sfd
ub}{ /fHosf x/]s If]qdf cfkm\g} pTkflbt ljB't k'u]sf]
ug]{ bIf hgzlQm / pks/0fsf] ;Lldttf 5, h;sf]
cj:yfsf] xfdL lgs} glhs 5fF} .
kmn:j?k ck]Iff u/]cg'?k sfo{ ;~rfng ug{' r'gf}tL
lah'nL lgof{tdfkm{t\ ;d[4 /fi6« lgdf{0f 5.
g]kfnn] cfkm\gf] b]zdf pTkfbg x'g] ;Dk"0f{ ljB't oxfF g} l g]kfn ef}uf]lns ljifdtfn] hsl8Psf] d'n's xf],
pkef]u ug{ ;Dej 5}g . To;sf/0f ;d[4 /fi6« lgdf{0fsf oxfFsf] b''u{d ef}uf]lns cjl:yltsf sf/0f ljB'tsf]
nflu ljB't cfoft h?/L 5, o;n] Jofkf/ 3f6f sd ub}{ pTkfbgdf c;xhtf dfq geO{ To;sf] k|;f/0f / ljt/0f
sfnfGt/df b]z ljsl;t agfpg d2t ub{5 . If]qdf klg vlr{nf] / cK7\of/f] x'g] cj:yf r'gf}tLsf]

#$ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

;d[4 g]kfnsf] Pp6f alnof] vDafsf] l ljb]zL nufgLsf nfuL pj{/ / ;xh ;do 5 . nfdf]
?kdf /x]sf] hnljB'tsf] ljsf;df ;do åGå / /fhgLlts cl:y/tfn] ljb]zL nufgLsf]
nflu c;'/lIft aGb} uPsf] d'n's cfh nufgL
Wofg lbg' h?/L 5 . ;'/lIft d'n'sdf kl/0ft xF'b} hfg' o; If]qsf nflu
nfebfos xf] .
¿kdf /x]sf] 5 . ;fy} k|fs[lts ;Dkbfn] el/k"0f{ b]zdf
ljB'tsf] k|;f/0f tyf pTkfbgdf tL ;Dkbfsf] ;/+If0f l k|lta4 /fHosf] ;o+Gqsf sf/0f /fHon] cfkm\gf]
ub}{ ljsf; lgdf{0fsf sfo{ cl3 a9fpg' r'gf}tLk"0f{ aGb} d'Vo sfo{ef/sf] ¿kdf hnljB''tdfkm{tsf] ;d[l4sf]
cfPsf] 5 . lhDd]jf/L axg ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .

l nfdf] ;do;Dd gf]S;fgL a]xf]/]sf] g]kfn ljB't l s'g} ;do nf]8;]l8Ë lgolt g} xf] h:tf] nfUg] g]kfnL
k|flws/0fn] Ps} ;dodf ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ;dfhsf] xfnsf] pknlAwaf6 yk xf}l;Fb} …ug{ ;lsg]
ljt/0fsf] If]qdf sfofkn6 x'g] u/L nufgL ug{ ;d:of /x]5Ú eGg] cfTdljZjf;df j[l4 ePsf] 5 .
kg]{ b]lvG5 . l ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0fsf] cx+ e"ldsf af]s]sf]
l nufgLstf{sf] cfsif{0f pTkfbgsf] If]qdf dfq b]lvPsf] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] s'zn g]t[Tj / pmhf{zLn
t/ pTkflbt lah'nLn] ahf/ kfpg To;sf] lj:tf/sf sd{rf/L ;+oGqsf sf/0f b]zn] caf}{F ?k}ofFsf] ljB't
nfuL cfjZos kg]{ k|;f/0f nfO{gsf] lgdf{0f, dd{t tyf r'xfj6 lgoGq0f dfq u/]g ls ljB'ttkm{sf] cfTdlge{tfdf
;'wf/sf] If]qdf sd dfqfdf /x]sfn] pQm If]qdf nufgL 7"nf] 6]jf k'¥ofpFb} cfPsf] 5 .
leq\ofpg' r'gf}tLsf] ¿kdf /x]sf] 5 .
l /g ckm l/e/sf] dfWodaf6 pTkflbt ljB't lxpFbdf
sd eO{ ;d:of ef]Ug' kg]{ tyf jiff{df Hofbf pTkfbg g]kfnn] ljB't pTkfbg;Fu ;Fu} o;sf] tLj| la:tf/ tyf
eO{ ahf/ gkfpg] ePsfn] To;sf] ;d'lrt Joj:yfkg km/flsnf] ahf/ vf]Hg h?/L 5 . xfdL Jofkf/3f6fsf
r'gf}tLsf] ¿kdf /x]sf] 5 . sf/0f lynlynf] cj:yfdf cy{tGq rnfpFb} cfPsf
5fF} . ljB'tsf] cGt/f{li6«o ahf/sf nflu xfdLn] l5d]sL
l e"kl/j]li7t /fi6« ePsfn] g]kfnn] pTkflbt ljB't d'n's ef/t, rLgsf] cnfjf blIf0f Pl;of / k"lj{ Pl;ofsf
;xhtfsf] ;fy csf{] d'n's lgof{t ug{' r'gf}tLk"0f{ 5 . au+nfb]z, DofGdf/, kfls:tfgnufotsf d'n's;Fu klg
g]kfn ljB't ljsf;sf] Pp6f :j0f{ o'usf] ;F3f/df 5 . ;xsfo{ ug{ ;S5f}F, h;n] ljB'tsf] lgof{taf6 cfDbfgL dfq
xfdLn] r'gf}tLsf kxf8nfO{ dfq lgofNg] / o;nfO{ l5rf]Ng] ub}{g ls OGwg cfoftnfO{ lj:tf/} sd ub}{ gfkmfsf] Jofkf/
k|of; ;d]t klg gug]{ xf] eg] sltko ;kgf ;kgfdf g} ug{ ;xhtf k|bfg u5{ . s'g} ;do xfdLnfO{ ljB't k'¥ofpg
l;ldt /xg] kSsf 5 t/ of] j]nf r'gf}tLsf kxf8nfO{ wf}F wfF} lyof] t/ ca To:tf] kl/l:ylt 5}g, cfh g]kfnsf x/
cj;/sf vf]N;fn] l5rf]ln/x]sf] eg] kSs} 5 . oxfF To:tf 3/df lah'nL k'¥ofP/ ef]ln xfdLn] To;sf] ljZj ahf/sf
s]xL ;'vb cj;/nfO{ klg ;d]l6Psf] 5 M nflu k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0fdf hf]8 lbg cTofjZos 5 .

l b]zn] nfdf] ;dokl5 /fhgLlts l:y/tf kfPsf] 5, xfdLnfO{ s'g} lbg uj{ dx;'; x'g] 5 M xfdL ljB't lgof{taf6
h;n] ljB't pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0fsf] If]qdf w]/} ;d[4 blIf0f Pl;ofsf] e"–kl/j]li7t d'n's g]kfnsf gful/s
;xhtf ePsf] 5 . ;fy} /fHosf x/]s ;+oGq ljB't xfF} eg]/ . cfof]hgfdf nufgL h'6fpg hlt kxn xfdLn]
ljsf;df tbf?stfsf ;fy nfluk/]sf] 5 . ljutdf u¥ofF} / cfh klg ub}{5f}F . casf] ;do To;sf]
Jofkf/ lj:tf/sf nflu vr{ ug'{kg]{5 . xfdLn] b]Vg yfn]sf]
l alnof] cy{tGqsf] d'Vo vDjf hnljB't lasf; /x]sf] ;kgfdf t'iff/f]kft x'g glbg / km]l/ xfdLn] ef]lu;s]sf] sfnf]
cfTdaf]w x/ g]kfnLnfO{ x'g yfn]sf] 5 . lgolt gef]Ug x/ If]q rgfvf] / ;hu dfq xf]Og, Pstfa4
l ljB't pTkfbgsf] If]qdf dfq geO{ pHofnf] g]kfn eP/ xft]dfnf] ug{ h?/L 5 . g]kfnn] ;d[4 g]kfnsf] Pp6f
cleofgdf lghL If]qsf] pNnf;do ;xeflutf /xFb} alnof] vDafsf] ¿kdf /x]sf] hnljB'tsf] ljsf;df Wofg
cfPsf] 5 . lbg' h?/L 5 . l

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ #%

;d[4 g]kfn lgdf{0fdf
ljB't k|flws/0f
dg's'df/L k'nfdL du/
l;lgo/ ld6/ l/8/, uf}zfnf ljt/0f s]]Gb|, dxf]Q/L, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

n;Dd g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f tyf lghL If]qåf/f hnljB't cfof]hgf $) d]ufjf6, tgx'F hnljB't
sl/a !@&% d]ufjf6 ljB't pTkflbt 5, h;dWo] cfof]hgf !$) d]ufjf6, dflyNnf] lqz'nL y|L la
sl/a ^$) d]ufjf6 hnljB't lghL If]qaf6 #& u]ufjf6 lrlnd] sDkgLsf ;xfos sDkgLx¿
pTkfbg eP klg ;f] sf nflu k|fljlws ;xof]u, /;'jfu9L hnljB't cfof]hgfaf6 !!! d]ufjf6, dWo
lk=lk=P / lghL If]qaf6 pTkflbt ljB't vktsf] ef]6]sf]zL hnljB't cfof]hgfaf6 !@) d]ufjf6, /
ahf/ Aoa:yfkg ;d]t g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] ;fGh]g b'j} hnljB't cfof]hgfaf6 $@=% / !$=^
g} ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . ;g\ !((^ df g]kfnsf] u/L %&=! d]ufjf6 u/L sl/a @&) d]ufj6 / cGo
hnljB't ljsf;df lghL If]qn] k|j]z u/]sf] eP cfof]hgfaf6 ljB't pTkfbg x'g] cj:yfdf 5 .
klg xfn;Dd s;}n] klg ljB't ljsf;sf] !)*
aif]{ Oltxf;df rf;f] gb]vfP tfklg g]kfn ljB't pHofnf] cfofd
k|flws/0fn] pTkfbg, k|;f/0f / ljt/0f;lxtsf]
xfn;Dd sl/j ()=&) k|ltzt kl/jf/df ljB't
Multi-Functional Responsibility lgjf{x ub}{
cfPsf] 5 . xfn !! s]=eL=, ## s]=eL, !#@ s]=eL k'u]sf] 5 . xfn g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] #( nfv
x'b} @@) s]=eL=;Ddsf] k|zf/0f nfOg w]/} :yfgdf !) xhf/ u|fxs /x]sf 5g\ . g]kfnsf] sl7g ef}uf]lns
alg;s]sf] 5 eg] aGb} klg /x]sf] cj:yf 5 . cj:yfsf] afah'b pTkfbg, s]Gb|Lo k|;f/0f / ljt/0f
!%cfF} of]hgf cfwf/kq ;dLIffcg';f/ !! s]=eL= nfOg lj:tf/ u/L xfn;Dd sl/a &* k|ltzt
nfOg $##%@ ls=ld=, ## s]=eL= k|;f/0f nfOg hgtfn] s]Gb|Lo k|;f/0f nfOgsf] ljB't pkef]u ug{
&@&& ;ls{6 lsnf]ld6/ / ^^ s]=eL= tyf ;f] eGbf kfPsf 5g\ . cfly{s jif{ @)&^÷)&& sf] ah]6df
dflysf k|;f/0f nfOg * xhf/ ;ls{6 ls=ld k'¥ofpg] pmhf{;DaGwL ah]6df u/]sf] Joj:yfcg';f/ of]
nIo /x]sf] 5 . $)) s]=eL= qm; af]8{/ k|;f/0f cfly{s jif{df sl/a ! xhf/ d]ufjf6 ljB't /fli6«o
nfOg lgdf{0f ug]{ sfo{ g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0faf6 ljB't k|0ffnLdf yk x'g]5 . xfn g]kfnsf] k|ltJolQm
xF'b} cfPsf] 5 . g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fsf] g]t[Tjdf ljB't vkt @$% lsnf]jf6 306f /x]sf] 5 .
$%^ d]ufjf6sf] dflyNnf] tfdfsf]zL, /3'u+uf cfly{s jif{ @)&^÷)&& sf] ah]6df pmhf{;DaGwL

#^ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

ah]6df u/]sf] Joj:yfcg';f/ #%)) d]ufjf6sf] cfof]hgf cl:tTjdf 5g\ eg] pBf]u tyf snsf/vfgf rn]sf sf/0f
;'? ug]{, k|To]s k|b]zdf @ / @ j6f cfof]hgf lgdf{0fsf] g} /f]huf/Lsf] ;[hgf klg ePsf] 5 .
3f]if0ff ul/Psf] 5 . s'zn Joj:yfkg kfPkl5 nf]8;]l8ª
cGTo ug{ ;kmn ePsf] g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] !%cf}F cfly{s ;d[l4
of]hgf cfwf/kq ;dLIffcg';f/ hnljB'tsf] hl8t Ifdtf g]kfnsf] ;Dd[l4sf nflu hnljB't ;a}eGbf al9 ;+efjgf
%))) d]ufjf6 k'¥ofpg], k|ltJolQm ljB't vkt o'lg6nfO{ & ePsf] If]q dflgG5 . hnljB'tnfO{ g]kfnL cy{tGqsf]
;o lsnf]jf6 306f k'¥ofpg], ;a} :yfgLo tx / (( k|ltzt d]?b08s} ¿kdf lng ;lsG5 . /fi6«sf] ;d[l4 hnljB't
hgtfdf ljB't k'¥ofpg], ljB'tLo k"jf{wf/ k'u]sf] :yfgLo If]qsf] ljsf; / lj:tf/n] ;d]t ;Dej b]lvG5 . cGt/
lgsfo ;a} &%# j6} x'g] / @) k|ltztdf /x]sf] ljB't ;/sf/, ;fj{hlgs, lghL ;fem]bf/Ldf x'g] nufgL o;
r'xfa6 !$ k|ltztdf emfg]{ nIonfO{ ;fsf/ kfg{ yk of]ubfg If]qdf eO/x]sf] 5 tyf xfn g]kfndf ljB'tsf] pRrtd
ug'kg]{ lhDd]jf/L cem} 5 . of] nIo k"/f ePdf b]zdf aFfsL dfu sl/a !#)) d]ufjf6 dfq /x]sf] 5 . & jif{leq !(
/x]sf 3/sf]] kx'Fr ljB'tdf k'Ug'sf ;fy} pHofnf] cfofdsf] hnljB't cfof]hgfaf6 #$&( d]ufjf6 ljB't pTkfbg ug]{
cg'e"lt ;d]t ug{ ;lsg] ck]Iff /fVg ;lsG5 . p2]Zo;lxt @)&% kmfNu'g @ ut]b]lv hgtfsf] hnljB't
/f]huf/L sfo{qmd ;'? ePsf] 5 .
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] cf}Bf]lus tyf s[lif ljsf; tyf …g]kfnsf] kfgL, hgtfsf] nufgL, x/]s g]kfnL ljB'tsf]
hgtfsf] ;'ljwfsf nflu cfly{s b[li6n] pko'Qm If]qdf z]o/ wgLÚ eGg] gf/f;lxtsf] of] sfo{qmdn] ;j{;fwf/0f
pko'Qm :t/sf] ljB't pTkfbg k|zf/0f / lasf;df hf]8 lbb} hgtfnfO{ ;d]t g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f …xfd|f] klg xf]Ú eGg]
cfPsf] 5 . hnljB't ljsf;sf nflu :jb]zL tyf ljb]zL ckgTj hufpg'sf ;fy} ljB't pTkfbgdf ;d]t ;xof]u
nufgL cfsif{s eO/x]sf] 5, h;sf sf/0f d'n'ssf ljleGg k'Ug]5 . b]zsf] ko{6g, a}+s, xjfO;]jf k|ljlw, ;~rf/dfWod
:yfgdf ;~rflnt tyf lgdf{0ffwLg ljleGg hnljB't tyf ljleGg cfly{s lqmofsnfk ;~rfngdf ljB't ;]jfsf]
cfof]hgfx¿ dfkm{t ;d]t :yfgLon] /f]huf/L k|fKt ug]{ dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf /xG5 . pBf]u tyf snsf/vfgfsf] ;xh
cj;/sf] ;[hgf ePsf] 5 . ;~rfngsf sf/0f pTkfbgdf j[l4 tyf pTkflbt j:t'n]
:yfgLob]lv /fli6«o / cGt/f{li6«o :t/;Dd kfPsf] ahf/n]
k|yd cfly{s ;j]{If0f @)&% cg';/f ( nfv @# xhf/
/fi6«sf] cfly{s ;d[l4df d2t k'U5, h;nfO{ cem k|efjsf/L
# ;o %^ cf}Bf]lus k|lti7fgdf #@ nfv @* xhf/ $
agfpg k|fljlws tyf cfly{s b[li6sf]0fn] b]zdf pTkfbg
;o %^ ;lqmo hgzlQm 5g\ . pBf]u snsf/vfgfsf]
ug{ ;Sg] ljB'tsf] pTkfbg ug{'kg]{ cfjZos b]lvG5 . 8fS6/
ljsf; x'Fbf /f]huf/Lsf] ;[hgf eO{ ul/aL Go"lgs/0fdf ;d]t
xl/dfg >]i7n] ;g\ !(^& df tof/ kf/]sf] ;f]wkqcg';f/
;xof]u k'Ub5 . ljB'tsf] k|of]uaf6} pBf]u snsf/vfgfsf]
g]kfndf *# xhf/ d]ufjf6 lah'nL lgsfNg ;lsG5 eg]
ljsf; / ;~rfng eO/x]sf 5g\ . ljB't lagfsf] pBf]u
tyf snsf/vfgfsf] ;xh ;~rfng c;Dea h:t} 5 . cfly{s tyf k|fljlws b[li6sf]0fn] $@ xhf/ xhf/ d]ufj6
g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fs} sf/0f pBf]u tyf snsf/vfgf ljB't pTkfbg ug{ ;lsG5 . t/ xfn;Dd s"n pTkfbgsf]
sl/j !=# k|ltzt dfq ljB't pTkfbg ePsf] kfOG5 .
ljB't cfoft lgof{tsf nflu ef/t;Fu ljB't Jofkf/
;Demf}tf eO;s]sf], a+unfb]zn] ;d]t g]kfn;Fu ljB't
Jofkf/ ug{ OR5's b]lvPsf] sf/0f ljB't Jofkf/af6 b]zs}
cfly{s ;d[l4df 7"nf] of]ubfg k'Ug] ;d]t b]lvG5 . o;sf
;fy} ljB't k|flws/0fn] lgodfg';f/ ljB't dxz'n p7fpg /
cGo ;]jf z'Ns s8fOsf ;fy ;+sng, cgflws[t ljB't
pkef]u lgoGq0f, rf]/L lgoGq0f, 6«fG;kmd{/ ljt/0f nfOg
tyf ;a:6]zg ;'b[9Ls/0f u/L dd{t vr{ tyf k|zf;lgs
vr{Dff lgoGq0f, ljB'tLo k'g{;+/rgfsf] k|efjsf/L
sfof{Gjognufotsf sfo{nfO{ ;d]t k|efjsf/L ¿kdf
oyfjt /fVg ;s] cfly{s jif{ @)&%÷@)&^ df g]kfn

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ #&

ljB't k|flws/0fn] & ca{ @) s/f]8 u/]sf] gfkmfnfO{ lg/Gt/tf @)&% / @)&^ df g]kfn ljB't
lbg ;s]df cfpg]] cfly{s jif{df ;d]t s"n cfDbfgLdf cem
cfly{s cfo j[l4 x'g] ;'lglZRft b]lvG5 .
k|flws/0fn] & ca{ @) s/f]8 u/]sf]
gfkmfnfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg ;s]df cfpg]]
ljB'tLo ;jf/L ;fwgsf] k|aw{gdf hf]8 lbO{ k]6«f]lnod cfly{s jif{df ;d]t s'n cfDbfgLdf cem
kbfy{nfO{ lj:yflkt ug]{ vfnsf ljB'tLo ;jf/L ;fwgsf] cfly{s cfo j[l4 x'g] ;'lglZRft b]lvG5 .
k|of]unfO{ b]zJofkL agfO{ k]6«f]lnod kbf{ysf] k/lge{/tfsf]
cGTo ug]{ u/L b]zJofkL ¿kdf rflh{ª :6]zg lgdf{0f,
Pn=kL= Uof;nfO{ lj:yflkt u/L OG8S;g r'nf]sf] k|of]udf k|flws/0fs} of]ubfgaf6 ;Dej ePsf] xf] .
cfslif{t ug{ ;s]df k]6«f]lnod kbf{y tyf Uof;sf nflu t/ olt xF'bfx'Fb} klg g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn] ljB't
aflxl/g] /sdsf] art eO{ cfly{s ;Da[l4df ;xof]u k'Ug ;]jfnfO{ e/kbf]{, u'0f:t/o'Qm, :t/Lo, ;j{;'ne / ;'/lIft
;Sg] b]lvG5 . o:t} PnkL Uof;sf] ;f6f] OG8S;g r'nf]sf] agfO{{, 7"nf 7"nf cfof]hgfnfO{ k|fyldstfdf /fVg cfjZos
k|of]uaf6 ljB'tsf] vkt a9fpg ljB'tnfO{ lgof{t of]Uo b]lvG5 lsgls dfly pNn]lvt ljljw sf/0f g]kfn ljB't
j:t'sf ¿kdf ljsf; u/L ljb]zL d'b|fsf] cfh{g dfkm{t k|flws/0fsf] of]ubfg pNn]vgLo /x]tfklg ;du| ljB't
b]zdf cy{tGqsf] ljsf; eO{ cfly{s :t/ psf:g] / ljsf;sf] nfdf] Oltxf;df xfn;Dd dfu / cfk"lt{aLr
;Da[4 g]kfnsf] kl/sNkgf ;fsf/ kfg{ ;d]t g]kfn ljB't lxpFbdf ;Gt'ng sfod ug{ sl7g x''g', /fHosf] zf]wfGt/
k|flws/0fsf] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf /xg] b]lvG5 . l:ylt gfh's /xg', xfn;Dd klg ef/taf6 ljB't cfoft
jftfj/0fLo :jR5tf ug'{kg]{ cfj:yf ;xg', s"n]vfgL afx]s cGo hnfzoo'Qm
cfof]hgfsf] lgdf{0f ug{ g;Sg', 7"nf d]3f k|f]h]S6 x'gnfO{
k|b]z g+= # n] ;femf oftfoft;+usf] ;xsfo{df ljB'tLo xfd|f] lj8Dagf g} dfGg'k5{ . o;y{, ljB't k|flws/0fn]
;jf/L ;fwg ;~rfng ug]{ eP;Fu} xfn ljB'tLo ;jf/L cfkm\gf] e"ldsfnfO{ eljiodf cem k|efjsf/L agfpg'
;fwgsf] k|of]usf nflu !# j6f rflh{ª :6]zg ;~rfngdf kg]{ klg cj:yf /x]sf] b]lvG5 . g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0fn]
/x]sf 5g . g]kfn ;/sf/n] ljB'tLo a; vl/bdf ;'? cfkm\gf] e"ldsfnfO{ cem k|efjsf/L agfpg lgDg sfo{ ug'{
u/]sf] kxnaf6 k]6«f]lnod kbf{ynfO{ lj:yflkt ug{ ;xof]u kg]{ b]lvG5 .
k'Ug'sf ;fy} k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf] k/lg{e/tfdf sdL Nofpg
;Sg] cfzf ;d]t ug{ ;lsG5 . ljB'tLo r'nLsf] k|of]udf l eljiodf ljB'tsf] dfu ;Daf]wg x'g] u/L ljB't pTkfbg
j[l4 ug{ ;s]df ;d]t jgh+unsf] ;+/If0f;Fu} jftfj/0fLo ug]{ .
:jR5tfdf ;d]t d2t k'Ug] b]lvG5 . o;sf ;fy} g]kfnsf l ljB'tLo ;+/rgfnfO{ ;'/Iffo'Qm / u'0f:t/Lo agfpg],
;x/ ahf/df ;jf/L ;fwgaf6 lg:sg] ljiffQm w'jfFaf6
d'lQm kfpgsf nflu ;d]t ljB'tsf] k|of]u ug'{ pko'Qm x'g] l ljB't ljt/0f k|0ffnLnfO{ ;/n, kf/bzL{, lgoldt /
b]lvPsfn] klg ljB't k|flws/0fsf] of]ubfg emg} a9\b} e/kbf]{ agfpg],
uPsf] 5 . ;fy} k[YjLdf a9\b} uPsf] tfkqmd Go"lgs/0f ug{, l Go"g nfutdf ljB't pTkfbg a9fO{ lgof{t of]Uo j:t'sf
k]6«f]lnod kbf{ysf] lj:yflkt u/L lu|gxfp; Uof; Go"lgs/0f ¿kdf ljB't ljsf; ug]{ .
ug{ ;d]t ;xof]u k'Ug] ePsfn] jftfj/0fLo :jR5tfdf ;d]]t
hnljB't pTkfbg tyf ;f] sf] pkof]usf]] 7"nf] of]ubfg l ljB't pkef]usf] If]q a9fpg ahf/ Joj:yfkgdf
/xg]5 . ;xof]u ug]{ .

hLjgz}nLdf ;xhtf l ljB't ;'/Iff sfod ug]{ .

ljB'tljgf b}lgs hLjgofkg c;Dej h:t} eO;s]sf] 5 . l oyf]lrt ¿kdf r'xfj6 lgoGq0f ug]{ .
sfof{no, ;+3;+:yfb]lv lnP/ vfgf ksfpg, aQL afNg, k+vf l aSof}{tf /sd p7fpg] / a]?h' /sd zf]wegf{ tyf c;'n
rnfpg, lk|mh rnfpg jf ;~rf/dfWodsf ;fwg ;~rfgn pk/ u/fO{ ;an k|flws/0fsf] cfly{s cj:yf dha't
/ k|of]u ug{ jf cGo sfo{df ;d]t ljB'tsf] cfjZostf kfb}{ n}hfg] .
k5{ . ljB't pknAwtfaf6 k|ljlwd}qL ultljlwdf ;xhtfsf
sf/0f ;dosf] art, hLjgz}nLdf ;xhtf g]kfn ljB't

#* jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

;jf/L ;'/Iff
a9\bf] r'gf}tL
;/:jtL a:g]t
;jf/L rfns, ;jf/L zfvf, g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f

w'lgs ;jf/L ;fwg eGgfn] cfsfzdf p8\g] Pj+ pgLx¿nfO{ ;jf/L ;'/Iff;DaGwL ;r]tgfd"ns
xjfO{hxfhb]lv lnP/ hldgdf u'8\g], kfgLdf t}/]/ lzIff ;do ;dodf lbO /fVg'kg]{, ;j{;fwf/0fdf
lx8\g] 8''Ëf OToflbnfO eGg ;lsG5 . cfw'lgs ;jf/L ;'/Iff;DaGwL hgr]tgf km}nfpg ljleGg
kl/k|]Iodf eGg] xf] eg] dflg;nfO{ hlt ufF;, jf;, dfWod h:t}M /]l8of], l6=eL=, kqklqsfsf]
skf;sf] cfjZostf 5, Tolt g} cfjZostf ;jf/L ;xfotfn] dflg;;Dd k"¥ofpg], h:tf sfo{n]
;fwgsf] /x]sf] 5 . ctM a9\bf] ;jf/L;Fu} j[l4 ;jf/L b'3{6gf Go"gLs/0f x'Fb} hfg] b]lvG5 . ctM
ePsf] ;jf/L b'3{6gf sf/0fn] ubf{ ;jf/L b'3{6gf cfjZostfcg';f/ ;jf/L;DaGwL sfg'gnfO{
Go'"g ug{ ;"/Iff;DaGwL 1fg,hgr]tgf clej[l¢ ub}{ ;docg';f/ kl/dflh{t u/L ;jf/L ;'/IffnfO{ klg
hfg' kg]{ clgjfo{ cfjZostf eO;s]sf] 5 . /fHosf] Pp6f cleGg c+u 7fg]/ To;nfO{ lsg,
s;/L, s:tf] k|j[ltsf] b'3{6gf a9L 5, k|fyldstf
s'g} klg ;jf/L ;fwgsf] ;'/Iffsf nflu ckgfOg] qmddf s] s] ug'{kg]{, s;/L ubf{ k|efjsf/L ¿kdf
tl/sf / ;jf/L ;fwg b'3{6gfaf6 aRgsf nflu ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ;lsG5, To;lt/ Wofg hfg
agfOg] lgod sfg'g cflbnfO{ ;jf/L ;'/Iff eGg cfjZos b]lvG5 .
;lsG5 . ;jf/L b'{36gf jf 36gfsf] k|efjnfO{
Go"lgs/0f ug{ ;8s l8hfOg, lgdf{0f pks/0f / ;/sf/n] klg x/]s txsf] ljBfno kf7\qmddf
lgod sfg'gsf] cWoog / cEof; h?/L 5 . ctM Go"gtd ¿kdf eP klg ;jf/L ;'/Iff;DaGwL
;8s / ;jf/L ;fwg l8hfOgsf] ;'wf/n] ljZjsf] ;fdu|LnfO{ clgjfo{ ¿kdf ;dfj]z u/fpg' kb{5 .
w]/} b]zx¿df rf]6k6s / d[To'sf] b/nfO{ 36fpg ;jf/L ;'/Iff 6«flkms lgod;DaGwL ;r]tgfd"ns
;xof]u k'u]sf] b]lvG5 . /]l8of], l6=le= h:tf ;~rf/dfWodaf6 k|;f/0f
u/fpg], 36gf:yndf g} cfsl:ds pkrf/sf nflu
xfdLn] xfd|f] z/L/nfO{ hlt :jYo / ;'/lIft /fV5f}F, ;jf/L ;fwgdf clgjfo ¿kdf k|fylds pkrf/sf]
To:t}u/L ;jf/L ;fwgsf] klg Tolt g} ;'/lIft x]/rfx ;fdu|L (First Aid Box) /fVg'kg]{ Joj:yf ug'{
/fVg'kg]{ x'G5 . o;sf nflu ;fj{hlgs ;fwgdf k5{, h;sf] Joj:yfn] b'3{6gf eOxfn]df 3fOt]nfO{
;xrfnssf] clgjfo{ Joj:yf ul/g' cltl/Qm ;jf/L cl3 g} t'?Gt ug'{ kg]{ k|flylds pkrf/ u/L x'g ;Sg]
>ldssf]] lhpwgsf] ;'/lIft ul/lbg] sfg'gL Joj:yf clk|o 36gfaf6 arfpg ;lsG5 .

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ #(

;jf/L ;fwgsf] x/]s kf6k"hf{b]lv lnP/ ;Dk"0fF{ k|0ffnLnfO{ nut} cfkm"nfO{ s'zn ;jf/L rfns eP eGg] ;lDemPsf]
;do–;dodf k/LIf0f u/fO/xg' kb{5 . ;8sdf ;jf/L lnP/ a'lemG5 t/ cg'dltkq kfpFb}df pgLx¿df k"0f{ 1fg ePsf]
lg:sg' eGbf klxn] g} ;jf/L ;fwgsf] r]shfr h:t}M kfOFb}g . o;df ;/sf/n] klg rfnsnfO{ k"0f{tf lbg jflif{s
6fo/, kfgL, OGwg, engine oil, nfOl6Ë l;:6d, OlGhgsf] ¿kdf clgjfo{ cled'vLs/0f tflnd Joj:yf ug'{kb{5 .
cj:yf s] s:tf] 5 x]g]{ / ;jf/Ldf cfjZos sfuhkq ;jf/L ;'/Iff;DaGwL 1fg gx'g', k"/f ¿kdf 6«flkms lrGg
;jf/L ;'/Iff r]s ln:6 ;fydf lnP/ lxF8\g'kg]{ x'G5 . lgod ghfGg eg]sf] ;jf/L rfnsdf k"0f{tf gx'g' xf] .
W.H.O. sf] tYof+scg';f/ ljZjsf] ;jf/L b'3{6gfsf] b/ x]bf{ ;fgf] b]lvP klg ug{ s7Lg 5 . ctM o:tf s'/fnfO{
clt pRr /x]sf] / dflg;sf] d[To' x'g] sf/0fdWo] ;8s ;/sf/n] k"0f{ rf;f]sf ;fy x]l/ tflndsf] Joj:yf;lxt
b'3{6gfdf Hofg u'dfpg]sf] qmd cf7f}+ :yfgdf /x]sf] 5 . cfjZostfcg';f/ sfg'g kl/dflh{t u/L ;jf/L rfnsnfO{
ctM a9\bf] ;jf/L ;Fu} ljZjsf] ;jf/L ;'/Iff;DaGwL 1fg k"0f{ bIf agfP/ ;8sdf ;jf/L rnfP/ lx+8\g'kg]{ Joj:yfn]
/ hgr]tgfsf] clej[l4 cTofjZos 5 . ljZjdf ;jf/L ;jf/L b'3{6gf b/ Go"g x'Fb} hfG5 .
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;fwgsf] cj:yf cfkm}Fdf d'Vo /x]sf] b]lvG5 . xfd|f] b]zsf] hyfefjL 5f8f rf}kfof 5f]8\gfn], ;8sdf :i6 ;jf/L
;Gbe{df x]g]{ xf] eg] WHO åf/f k|sflzt cfFs8fcg';f/ ;+s]t gxF'bf klg ;jf/L b'3{6gfsf] a9]sf]] kfOG5 . b'3{6gf
;jf/L b'3{6gf x'g] d'Vo sf/0fdf rfnssf] x]nr]qm\ofOFaf6} kbf{ dfgjLo Iflt gxf];\ eGgsf nflu ;'/Iff j]N6, x]Nd]6
$$ k|ltzt, cf]e/ l:k8 !) k|ltzt, cf]e/6]s !) clgjfo{ nufpg' kg]{, pl5Gg] ubf{ bfofFaf6 dfq ug'{kg]{,
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Construction Of
Surge Shaft in upper
Tamakoshi HEP
Raj Bhai silpakar
Manager Civil, Upper Tamakoshi HEP

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Battery Energy
Storage System
Pramod Rijal
Deputy Manager, "Energy Efficiency and Loss
Reduction Department, NEA"

Introduction produced at one time for use at a later time. It

involves converting energy from the forms that
A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is a are difficult to store, to the more conveniently
technology developed for storing electric charge or economically storable forms. Energy storage
by using specially developed batteries. Energy systems can be in many forms and sizes. The
storage system is a general term for the ability of size, cost, and scalability of an energy storage
a system to store energy using thermal, electro system highly depends on the form of the stored
mechanical or electro chemical solutions. A energy. Energy can be stored as potential, kinetic,
BESS typically utilizes an electro-chemical chemical, electromagnetic, thermal, etc.
solution. BESS is emerging as one of the potential
solutions to increase system flexibility, due to its Historically, Pumped Hydro Energy Storage
unique capability to quickly absorb, hold and (PHES) has been dominating the installed base
then reinject electricity. Battery applications of energy storage projects, but battery energy
are commonly differentiated into two types: storage is now rapidly expanding.
in-front of the meter (FTM) and behind-the-
Battery Technologies
meter (BTM). FTM batteries are connected to
distribution or transmission networks or in This article is focused on Battery Energy Storage
connection with a generation asset. They provide System, that uses a group of  batteries  to store
applications required by system operators, such electrical energy. Representative technologies
as ancillary services or network load relief. BTM include reduction–oxidation (redox) flow,
batteries are interconnected behind the utility sodium–sulfur (Na–S), lead–acid and advanced
meter of commercial, industrial or residential lead–acid, super-capacitor, lithium, and flywheel
customers, primarily aiming at electricity bill batteries. Lithium ion batteries are in common
savings through demand-side management. use today.

Energy storage system is essential to the operation Battery technologies for energy storage devices
of power systems. It ensures continuity of energy can be differentiated on the basis of energy
supply and improves the reliability of the system. density, charge and discharge (round trip)
Energy storage is actually the capture of energy efficiency, life span, and eco-friendliness of the

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devices. Energy density is defined as the amount of in milliseconds. This level of flexibility from a
energy that can be stored in a single system per unit resource is unprecedented.
volume or per unit weight. Lithium ion batteries can
store upto 265 Watt-hours per kilogram (kg) which
is 1.5–2 times more energy than Na–S batteries, two
to three times more than redox flow batteries, and
about five times more than lead storage batteries.

Lithium ion batteries have the highest round-trip

efficiency of 95%, while lead storage batteries are
only at about 60%–70%, and redox flow batteries
at about 70%–75%. Whereas battery technology
Fig: Functional Block Diagram of BESS
is improving day by day for better performance,
reliability and efficiency, the cost of battery is Furthermore, by pairing utility-scale batteries with
also significantly reducing over the recent years. renewables like solar and wind, it is possible to have
According to a report released recently by Bloomberg smooth output from these resources and ensure
New Energy Finance (BNEF), the average market that renewable energy is injected onto the grid at
price for battery packs have fallen from $1,100/kWh the times when it is most needed.
in 2010 by more than 85% to $156/kWh in 2019.
Services offered by utility-scale
Increasing Popularity of BCSS battery storage
Battery energy storage is currently receiving strong Operating Reserve
interest from various stakeholders of power system.
The rapid technological advancement has made Generation must equal demand at all times.
batteries cheaper, safer and more efficient to deploy. Operating reserves can be defined as the additional
Because of this changing business environment, capacity above the capacity needed to meet the
private sector is showing more interest towards actual load demand, which is made available either
BESS. On the other side, grids are becoming more on-line or on-standby to assist in case of load
complex as the use of renewables is increasing. The increase or generation decrease Battery storage is
unpredictable nature of renewables can be largely an ideal resource to provide operating reserves.
offset by BESS. Thus grid operators are also showing
Frequency regulation
interest in implementing this technology for better
quality and reliability of power grid. An imbalance between the power supply and the
power demand can lead to a dip or a rise in grid
The main factors driving the need for battery energy
frequency beyond the specified limits. Utility-scale
storage are as follows:
battery storage systems can provide frequency
l Falling cost and increasing contribution of regulation services. As opposed to conventional
renewables plants that can take several seconds, or even
l Falling cost of batteries and improving minutes to respond for frequency stabilization,
technology battery storage systems can typically respond to
l Great desire for energy independence and such requirements within milliseconds.
l Increasing pressure for decarbonization Flexible ramping

Battery Storage can inherently act like load When variable renewable energy (VRE)
(charging from the grid when electricity prices and penetration, more specifically solar photovoltaic
demand are both low) or like a generator (pushing (PV) penetration, starts to increase, the shape of the
electricity back onto the grid when demand and load curve changes dramatically into the so-called
prices are both high). Whereas power plants may solar duck curve. The duck curve is characterized
take minutes or even hours to turn on, battery by very high ramping requirements. The system is
storage can start injecting electricity onto the grid required to ramp downwards in the morning when

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solar generation increases and ramp upwards in Reduced RE curtailment
the evening when solar generation decreases and
Variable renewable energy (VRE) generators do not
demand increases. Flexible technologies such as
have a controllable fixed output, but a fluctuating,
utility-scale batteries would be suitable to help
non-dispatchable one. This leads to the curtailment
meet these ramping requirements and flatten the
of excess renewable energy generation in times of
duck curve.
high VRE generation and low demand, resulting in a
missed opportunity to integrate clean electricity into
the energy mix. Grid constraints prevent transporting
excess renewable energy generation to other regions
leading to curtailment. Utility-scale battery storage
systems are one of the solutions for reducing renewable
energy curtailment. Excess electricity can be stored
and then used at peak demand, when most needed.

Capacity firming
Fig: Typical “Solar Duck Curve” VRE generation is characterized by variability
Black start services and uncertainty. Power fluctuations in solar PV
generation are mainly caused by cloud movements,
In the event of grid failure, restoration of generation and fluctuations in wind power generation are
plants requires power to start up again (referred to provoked by the variability of wind speed. Coupling a
as “black start”). Typically, this restoration power is specific VRE generation source with a battery reduces
provided by diesel generators, which are co-located the variability of the power output at the point of grid
with the generating plants. Large-scale battery interconnection, thus facilitating better integration of
storage systems can provide black start services in renewables. The battery storage system can smoothen
cases of grid failure. the output of VRE sources and increase the certainty
and availability of round-the-clock power.
Energy shifting and capacity investment deferral

Large-scale battery storage systems are well suited

Relevance of BESS in Nepal:
to serve as capacity reserves as they can discharge For any emerging technology such as battery storage,
during peak hours, displacing peak generators and pilot projects are essential in understanding the
deferring further investment in peaking plants. performance of the technology and producing key
learnings for its successful scale-up. For a country
Transmission and distribution congestion relief
like Nepal without any deployment of utility-scale
During peak demand hours, power flow through battery storage projects it is now time to think
transmission and distribution networks may exceed about establishing pilot programs to evaluate the
the load-carrying capacity of such networks, leading technical performance as well as assess different
to network congestion. One way of addressing this business models for battery storage systems. At
issue is by investing in distribution and transmission present BESS might not seem economically feasible
assets to increase their carrying capacity. However, when we see only in terms of the net cost benefit, but
when congestion occurs only in specific situations is really worth investing when we look at the values
for a very limited period, investments in reinforcing that it adds to the power system such as Deferral
the entire grid might not be the optimal solution. Value, Capacity, Flexibility, Ancillary Services,
Instead of overbuilding transmission and distribution Energy Arbitrage and much more.
systems, energy storage systems located at congestion
points can be used as “virtual power lines” to enhance References:
the performance and reliability of the system. Utility- Information from “International Renewable Energy Agency
scale battery storage systems, as part of infrastructure, Information collected at “Knowledge Exchange on ENERGY
can be used to store energy to address peak demand STORAGE, Singapore Oct 31-Nov1, 2019”
exceeding the network capacity. “Handbook on BESS” by ADB
Information from Wikipedia, Google

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Dam Safety Monitoring
and Instrumentation
in Upper Trishuli 3A
Hydroelectric Project
Satyaram Jyakhwa
Deputy Manager, Upper Trishuli 3A Hydroelectric Project

Background assess groundwater pressure, deformation, total

stress, temperature, seismic events, leakage,
While designing dams, number of factors, and water levels. Total movements as well
parameters is assumed. In most of the cases, the as relative movements between zones of an
materials are tested in laboratories and designs embankment and its foundation may also need
are based on assumptions that the same results to be monitored. A wide variety of instruments
will be met with, during actual construction. As may be utilized in a comprehensive monitoring
there are always large variations in materials, program to ensure that all critical conditions for
their properties, construction methods and a given project are covered sufficiently.
their control, the actual product defers from
the original assumptions. This can be found Instrumentation in dam is necessary for
out by many methods. The engineer must verification of design assumptions, construction
know how the actual constructed dam behaves technique & modifies design. Data collected
against the assumptions made. Necessary help from instrument can be extremely valuable
from various instruments embedded in a dam in determination of specific cause of failure.
body is taken for satisfying structural behavior. By instrumentation constant watch over the
This instruments are devices to measure and/ performance of the structure during service &
or control the variables on each depends the obtain timely warnings in respect of distress spots.
functioning of a structure or a system or the Safety in dam can be assist by instrumentation.
operation of a process. The principal objectives Recent dam failures in various part of world
of a geotechnical instrumentation plan may be inspire significant interest in monitoring various
generally grouped into four categories: first, parameters as a means for ensuring adequate
analytical assessment; second, prediction of margin of safety. As per IS specification basic
future performance; third, legal evaluation; parameters like pore pressure, displacement,
and fourth, development and verification of seepage, strains, stresses, dynamic load, uplift
future designs. Instrumentation achieves these pressure, temperature can study with the help of
objectives by providing quantitative data to instrumentation.

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Dam Safety Monitoring and Instruments that are used for monitoring the
following parameters:
l Leakage or seepage losses:  V-notch weirs,
Dam Safety Monitoring and Instrumentation  is
drainage holes;
a process of monitoring the condition of a dam to
ensure public safety and the ongoing viable service l Deformation (concrete): plumb lines and
of the dam to the community and industry. Dam external reference points;
safety monitoring is a common safety requirement.
The long-term performance of a dam is a necessary l Deformation (embankment): differential
factor in the evaluation of dam safety. Diurnal and settlement gauges and external reference
seasonal effects, changes in hydrostatic pressure points;
and related water seepage affect the health of dams. l Uplift pressure: piezometer
Wall deflection, settlement and heaving, the rate of
water flow, seepage, temperature, vibration, stress, l Earthquake: seismograph
strain and other significant parameters require
The greatest risk of dam failure is during the first
monitoring to detect changes in the performance of
filling of the dam. It is during this period that
the dam.
leakage rate must be monitored and scrutinized
Purpose and Importance continually for abnormal leakage rate.

of Instrumentation and Project Overview

Upper Trishuli 3A is a run-of-river plant to
The purpose of instrumentation and monitoring is generate electricity without other purposes. The 60
to maintain and improve dam safety by providing MW Upper Trishuli -3A HEP is close to the major
information to 1) evaluate whether a dam is load center and generate 490 GWh gross energy
performing as expected and 2) warn of changes that annually. Major Structures of Upper Trishuli 3A
could endanger the safety of a dam. Instrumentation Project consists of a gated weir, side intake on the
and monitoring, combined with vigilant visual right bank, a open channel, two desanding basin,
observation, can provide early warning of many a 4.1 km long headrace tunnel, a surge shaft, a
conditions that could contribute to dam failures penstock, a powerhouse, GIS switchyard and
and incidents. ancillary facilities.

The importance of monitoring for dam safety Layout of Safety Monitoring

is widely accepted. Monitoring provides the
information that is needed to develop a better
Instruments in Upper Trishuli
understanding of the on-going performance of 3A HEP
the dam during the construction, impounding
Safety monitoring instruments provided in the
and operation phases. Therefore, good dam safety
underground powerhouse include multiple point
monitoring should be a key part of every dam owner’s
extensometer, convergence measuring point,
risk management. Instrumentation can be used to
anchor stress meter, pore-water pressure meter,
implement a monitoring system that provides more
joint meter, reinforcement meter whereas that
comprehensive and real time information regarding
for headworks include joint meter, pore-water
the on-going performance of the dam.
pressure meter, electric water gauge, soil settlement
The major areas that require monitoring are, gauge, thermometer, piezometer tube, settlement
inclinometer tube, water gauge, instrument shelter,
l For concrete dams: leakage, deformation, uplift self-recording rainfall meter. Here, we will focus on
and response to earthquakes Headworks monitoring and instrumentation.

l For embankment dams: leakage, deformation, The dam body deformation monitoring items
pore pressure (seepage line) and response to include dam block joint opening and closing

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degree monitoring, settlement monitoring and monitoring and seepage monitoring around the
horizontal displacement monitoring. Eleven one- dam. The 7 pore water pressure gauges are arranged
way joint meters are respectively arranged at 6 at Weir 0+095.00 and 0+074.40 respectively, which
sections of Weir 0+106. 40, 0+084.40, 0+064.40, are used to monitor the dam foundation seepage
0+032.20, 0+000.00 and 0-010.00 to monitor pressure. Four sets of uplift pressure piezometric
dam block joint opening and closing degree. Three pipes are respectively arranged at Weir 0+016.10
soil settlement gauges are arranged at two sections and 0+048.30 sections to monitor the uplift
of Weir 0+086.00 and 0+074.40 respectively to pressure of dam foundation. Three sets of seepage
monitor the settlement displacement of the dam piezometric pipes around the dam are respectively
body. Four sets of settlement inclinometer pipes arranged at the upstream and downstream of
are respectively arranged at Weir 0+016.10 and 0-009.00 and -0-005.00 to monitor the seepage
0+048.30 sections to monitor the settlement around the dam.
displacement and horizontal displacement of the
Vibrating wire thermometers are mainly used to
dam body.
monitor dam body temperature. Three surface
The dam foundation seepage monitoring items thermometers and six in-dam thermometers are
mainly include seepage monitoring, uplift pressure respectively arranged at the upstream facing water

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surface of Weir0+ 008.80 and inside the dam body performance of a dam. The frequency of monitoring
to monitor the concrete temperature. depends upon applicable regulatory requirements
and other factors. The observation frequency of
The reservoir water level monitoring mainly
safety monitoring instruments in Upper Trishuli 3A
adopts electric water gauge and water level ruler.
hydroelectric Project is shown in table below
Two electric water gauges are arranged at 861.00
m elevation of section 0+016.10 upstream of the Calculation and
dam and 856.60 m elevation of section 0+061.40
Analysis of Results
downstream of the dam to monitor the reservoir
water level. Two water level rulers are arranged Joint Meter for Headworks
at the upper and lower reaches of Weir 0+016.10
section to monitor the upper and lower reaches of The joint meter for headworks is provided on the
the water level. longitudinal joint between dam blocks to monitor
opening of dam joints. The opening of the headworks
Environmental monitoring is also designed for the is found between -0.058 mm and 1.989 mm.
dam surface. Leaf boxes and rain gauges are installed
at Weir 0+062.40 and 0+063.40 to monitor the Pore-water Pressure
temperature, humidity and rainfall changes on the Meter for Headworks
dam surface. The pore-water pressure meter for headworks
is arranged on the contact surface between dam
Observation Frequency of bedding and concrete dam to monitor seepage
Safety Monitoring Equipment pressure of the dam. The osmotic pressure measured
by the pore-water pressure meter arranged at
Proper monitoring is imperative in evaluating the
headworks is between -0.002 Mpa and 0.063MPa.

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The values measured by the pore-water pressure the dam. Water level measured by the electric water
meter for headworks are all within the measuring gauges at headworks is between 856.648 m and
range; the variation of seepage pressure of the dam 868.598. The values measured are all within the
foundation is minor and tends to be gentle without measuring range; the water level rises or falls with
abrupt change. dam reservoir impounding or discharging.

Electric Water Gauge for Headworks Soil Settlement Gauge for Headworks

An electric water gauge is arranged in the upstream The soil settlement gauge for headworks is
of headworks and another one is provided in the arranged on the bed rock of the dam to monitor
downstream of headworks to monitor water level of dam settlement. The opening measured by the soil

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ ^!

settlement gauge at headworks is between 0.008 depth of 37.0 m at the bottom is 31.6mm toward
m and -2.315 m. The changes in values of ET3-2 upstream. The maximum displacement between left
is significant and attention shall be paid to it next bank and right bank occurred at the area from tube
month. orifice to the depth of 19.5m, 45.0m and 56.0m at
the bottom and the displacement toward the right
Settlement Inclinometer Tube
bank is 39.6mm, 39.5 mm and 31.9 mm.
ES1-1 inclinometer tube shown the maximum
In ES2-1 inclinometer tube, the maximum
displacement between upstream and downstream
displacement between upstream and downstream
occurred at the area from tube orifice to the depth
occurred at the area from tube orifice to the
of 18.0 m and 42.0 m at the bottom, and the
depth of 34.5 m at the bottom, the displacement
displacement is 27.8 mm and 28.1 mm toward
toward downstream is 26.1mm. The maximum
downstream. The maximum displacement between
displacement between left bank and right bank
left bank and right bank occurred at the area from
occurred at the area from tube orifice to the depth
tube orifice to the depth of 17.0m at the bottom and
of 17.0m at the bottom and the displacement
the displacement toward the left bank is 29.9mm.
toward the right bank is 15.4mm whereas in ES2-2
Similarly, ES1-2 inclinometer tube shown the
inclinometer tube, the maximum displacement
maximum displacement between upstream and
between upstream and downstream occurred at the
downstream occurred at the area from tube orifice
area from tube orifice to the depth of 24.0 m at the
to the depth of 17.5 m at the bottom and the
bottom, the displacement toward downstream is
displacement is 26.2mm towards downstream; the
15.5mm. The maximum displacement between left
displacement for the area from tube orifice to the
bank and right bank occurred at the area from tube

^@ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

orifice to the depth of 1.0 m at the bottom and the Conclusions
displacement toward the left bank is 9.7mm.
The monitoring results show that all the monitoring
Uplift Pressure Piezometer instruments run smoothly and stably without
Tube for Headworks abnormality or sudden change and are in normal
Four uplift pressure measuring pipes are arranged
in the headworks to monitor the uplift pressure of Deformation, seepage/leakage quantity and quality,
the dam. The maximum water level found in UP1-1, uplift pressure, pore water pressure, temperature,
UP1-2, UP-2-1 and UP2-2 are 860.701m in Aug 7, reservoir level and seismicity are the most important
2019, 850.505m in May 2019, 863.773m in Mar 24, parameters to be measured and monitored in dams,
2019 and 860.119 m in Feb 7 ,2019 respectively. whether they are new or existing.

Piezometer tube for Seepage around Dam Each dam is unique. Type and nature of the dam
decides the number of instruments to be used
Three seepage pressure measuring pipes are and at what locations they are to be embedded in
arranged in the headworks to monitor the seepage the dam. Instrumentation Data must be collected
around the dam, and the water level of UPy-1 is periodically and analyzed for assessing the safety
the highest at present. The instrument runs well of dam. Interpretation of the results must be
without abnormality. made carefully and compared with the design
parameters and specialized analysis carried out
Visual Observation
specially for existing dams. Deflections obtained
Visual observation of all structures should be made from measurements of plumb lines and tilt meters
in conjunction with instrumentation monitoring should be well within the safe permissible limits
to adequately assess the safety of a dam. Visual
observation can readily detect indications of poor
performance such as offsets, misalignment, bulges, References:
depressions, seepage, leakage, and cracking. More Yichang Zhengxin Construction Engineering Test Co.
LTD, 2019, Monthly Safety Monitoring Report of Upper
importantly, visual observation can detect variations Trishuli 3A Hydroelectric Project in Nepal, November,
or spatial patterns of these features. 2019, Upper Trishuli 3A HEP EPC Construction By CGGC
In Nepal
Most visual observation provides qualitative rather Bamane P. R., Valunjkar S. S., 2014, Dam Safety
than quantitative information, while instruments Instrumentation, American Journal of Engineering
provide detailed quantitative information. Visual Research (AJER), e-ISSN : 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-
0936 Volume-03, Issue-06, pp-58-62
observation and instrumentation data are natural
Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP),
complements and when used together they provide Central Water Commission, Ministry of Water
the primary means for engineers to evaluate the Resources, Government of India, 2018, Guidelines for
safety of a dam. Instrumentation of Large Dams, Doc. No. CDSO_GUD_
DS_02_v1.0, January 2018.

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Loss Reduction in NEA
& Challenges
Sagar Gnawali
Assistant Manager Reduction Department, NEA

T he Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) is

solely in charge of generation, transmission
and distribution of electricity in Nepal, and so
After load shedding era, a consumer behavior
is changing. An NEA effort on loss reduction is
really making the difference.
its efficiency, or lack of it, has a considerable
impact on the national economy. The state- As per the NEA’s 2018/19 annual report,
owned power utility, which celebrated its 34nd transmission and distribution losses amounted
Anniversary recently, is the largest consumer of to 15.32% percent of output, down from 20.45%
electricity in the country, considering the energy percent in the previous year. In the last fiscal
loss in transmission and distribution.  year, 7551.23 GWh of energy was available in
the national grid, out of which 6381.21 GWh
The distribution loss in Integrated Nepalese was sold. This means 1,170 GWh of energy was
Power System is continuously decreasing lost in transmission and distribution, which is
in recent year. The transmission loss is not worth average of Rs11.70 billion at current tariff
significantly decreasing. It can be tabulated rates which means, NEA could strengthen its
accordingly. financial situation by adopting innovative efforts
The annual growth of available energy in to reduce the power system loss.
2017/2018 was 7057.93 GWh whereas it is To minimize loss
7551.23 GWh in 2018/19. I.e. the available
energy was increased by 7%. The energy demand Still NEA needs to implement serious
is also increasing by similar trend but the peak intervention for distribution system management
power demand is not increasing as forecasted. programs. Implementing DSM programs can

Table 1: System Loss Table in INPS

Fiscal Year Total System Loss (%) Transmission Loss (%) Distribution Loss (%)
2015/16 25.75% 5.26% 20.49%
2016/17 22.90% 5.00% 17.9%
2017/18 20.45% 5.78% 14.67%
2018/19 15.32% 4.35% 10.97%

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greatly contribute on peak clipping (Clip demand capacity building programmes, engagement of local
at peak load periods), conservation (Reduce the groups, third-party monitoring bodies, replacement
overall energy demand), load building(Promotion of defective meters, network strengthening like
of applications requiring E-Vehicle etc) , valley segregation of rural feeders and implementation
filling (Increase load during off-peak hours) and of high voltage distribution system. Likewise, soft
load shifting (Shifting loads to off-peak hours) etc initiatives include consumer communication on
in INPS. Proper energy efficiency program can loss reduction, customer feedback programmes and
contribute in permanent reduction in consumption transformer management systems.
across the load curve with better energy service
The long Transmission and distribution network
with lesser kWh. Similarly, load management
can be reduced by establishing new substations and
practices helps in temporary reduction in
making more nos. of HT lines and reducing LT line.
consumption at times of system peak with shifting
Similarly, by reconfiguration of lines in unbalanced
of consumption from system peak to off peak time.
loading feeders, shunt compensation for power
The intervention like improving HT/LT ratio, use of
factor improvement, conductor up gradation and
efficient transformers, right transformer sizing, re-
feeder bifurcation, adding and shifting transformers
conducting, improving power factor and reducing
in optimum location etc can reduce the distribution
pilferage could greatly save transmission and
loss in great amount. Similarly, in order to cut
distribution loss.
non-technical losses, efforts like better energy
Technical losses (11 kV line losses, Losses due to accounting, replacing old and defective meters with
loose jump connections, short circuit and earth smart meters, spot billing, community campaigns,
fault losses, distribution transformer losses, LT covered cables and remote sensing have been made.
line losses, Losses in service mains and energy The NEA can learn from these effective initiatives to
meters) are related to energy lost as it passes minimise its power losses. 
through transmission lines, transformers and
The double jumpering in 11 kV cut points, Monthly
other equipment. Non-technical losses refer to
tree clearance in fixed day, Installing capacitors in 11
theft by direct tapping, non performing meters,
kV consumers with low PF, bifurcating feeder rather
meters not read, theft by tempering meters, reading
than enhancing the conductor size, installing 33/11
mistakes, failures in CTs and PTs. Technical losses
kV substation at load size etc are some illustrative
can be reduced only to a certain level, but non-
steps to be taken in 11 kV field live. Quarterly tree
technical losses can be brought down sharply
clearance, reducing service cable length, installing
through better management. Some of the steps
capacitors at high value LT consumer’s etc steps can
are creating a dedicated staff, stronger legislation
be taken in LT side to reduce technical loss. Similarly,
to prevent power theft, loss-level based tariff rate,
loading up to 80% capacity, ensure load balancing
loss monitoring and audit committee, employee

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for zero current in neutral, ensure neutral earthing substantially. Solar plants can be installed in the
properly, copper L claps with lugs at LT bushing Kulekhani area where the hydropower plant is not
terminals etc may be some illustrative steps taken operated in the daytime. The water in the reservoir
care in distribution transformer side to reduce the can be saved and power evacuation will be easy. 
technical loss.
Many rural distribution feeders have problems
Nepal’s hydropower plants are located in the associated with high energy losses, voltage
northern region and load centres are mainly located regulation, and frequent interruptions in power
in the southern region. One of the key reasons behind supply and overloading. Optimal placement and
power loss in transmission is low voltage. Research sizing of distributed generation (DG) will reduce
conducted by the Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk system losses, improve the voltage profile within
Campus has shown that optimum utilisation of acceptable limits and increase the system reverse
sugar cogeneration can produce about 100 MW capability. 
during the peak winter season with a 0.05 percent
reduction in transmission losses in the national grid. Recently, the NEA has approved net energy
This means about 5 MW of electricity can be saved metering under which customers will be credited
through interconnection of cogeneration plants in with the price of the extra energy they generate
the national grid, and 5 MW power generations is using solar photovoltaic home systems and feed
equivalent to 5 MW power saving. Power saving or into the grid. The project will be very effective in
efficiency improvement is a less expensive solution densely populated areas. This will also greatly help
compared to building power generation plants. to minimise distribution losses in major load centres
and large cities. Electricity loss is a big economic
Intervention measures loss for the country. Reduction in distribution
losses by a single percentage point can directly
The NEA is installing solar plants with a combined result in savings of millions up rupees annually.
capacity of 25 MW next to some of its hydropower Therefore, it is urgent to implement modern and
plants. There will be losses in transmission when this smart technologies intervention for electricity loss
power is evacuated to major load centers. Such plants minimization in Nepal. 
could be installed near major substations in load
center areas so that power losses can be minimised

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An Overview of
Dynamic Wireless
Charging for Electric
HariOm Dhungana
Senior Engineer, Nepal Telecom

Background energy, geothermal  energy, solar energy,

biomass energy and hydroelectric energy.
Energy is a basic requirement for economic
and social development and improves the There are four major pollutants that
quality of lives of human beings. Energy come from liquid fuels which are carbon
is an essential element for manufacturing monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides
industry, transportation business, and particulate matter. When hydrocarbons
agriculture sector and physical construction. and nitrogen oxides react with each other
Recent survey shows that transportation in sunlight resulting ozone, it is the main
sector is one of the most energy-intensive cause of greenhouse effect to cause
field with consumption of around 30 % of global warming. It is globally realized that
the global energy consumption and it is sustainable energy supply, climatic changes
gradually increasing annually by 2% since and pollution are interrelated terms. Recent
last decade. Furthermore, there is more research has proven that to be very effective
than 50 % consumption of total global in reducing hydrocarbon and carbon
liquid fuels by a single transportation sector monoxide emissions by decreasing fuel
and it is predicted that the percentage of consumption in passenger vehicles in land
liquid fuel consumption will reach up to transportation. From this information, it
87% by the transportation sector till 2035. can be said the main cause of air pollution
The transportation sector builds from the is the transportation sector. From these
several sub-sectors: land transport, sea facts, it can be said that the main point to
transport and air transport. This article protect the environment is reducing the
mainly focuses on the land transportation consumption of liquid fuels particularly
which is the largest and the most important Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, fuel oil, hard
stakeholders in the transportation. The coal and Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in
world has been accelerating towards society. Until the date, electricity is easily
sustainable, environmental friendly realized for land transportation system in
renewable energy source such as wind railway networks and road transportation

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in metropolitan city, However ,scientists are trying mechanical kinetic energy of vehicles in to electric
to build air transportation and sea transportation energy. Wireless energy transferring makes charging
by using electricity either using battery storage by process easier task. For a stationary wireless power
generating electricity from solar panels on airplane transfer system, the electric vehicles must be
or wind turbines on ship. placed above the inductive charging devices, but
in dynamic wireless charging the electric vehicles
The demand and popularity of electric vehicle
could be powered while driving in inductive road
is growing over the past decade because of the
various factor such as economical issues as well
as environmental factors. An improvement in Figure 1: Topside represents the block diagram
battery technology over the last decade has been demonstration the approach to deliver energy
impressive resulting Lithium-ion battery cells. wirelessly to electric vehicles from an electrified
They are cheaper and have higher energy densities road track. Bottom picture represents the physical
than they were just a few years ago. However, the representation of electric car moving in the inductive
current production scale lacks fulfilling the supply road track.
chain in electric vehicles. Battery system design is
Electric road system supports electric power
not easy task in an electric vehicle because of the
transfer to vehicle while in motion and has great
following requirements: high power density, long
potential to decarbonize the road transport sector
cycle life time, affordable cost, high energy density,
and to increase energy efficiency on electric
reliability, and safety factor. As a result, researchers
vehicles. Therefore the on-road dynamic charging
view energy management on transportation in
by wireless power transfer systems reduces need
holistic optimization approaches of parameters,
of battery numbers for the modern electric vehicle.
techniques and resources.
The dynamic wireless charging (DWC) not only
Technology Details reduces the cost of battery needed but also avoids
the payload of vehicle to boost the mileage. The
Beside the environmental benefits, there is DWC system is already tested in many research
important energy utilizing technology opted by institutes in several countries in testing track.
electric vehicles called regenerative braking system. The design of DWC track is carried out under the
The regenerative brakes utilize vehicle's momentum following hypothesis. Electric vehicle must move
to recover energy that to be lost on classical liquid with constant speed in a straight line as assigned
fuel vehicles as heat at the brake discs. The electric on the track with maintaining constant separation
traction motor works as generator by converting distance between two induction coils in the vehicles
and road. The electricity supplied must have
constant magnitude current
with sinusoidal waveform.
The distance traveled by
electric vehicle during one
period supply is much shorter
than the separation distance
between two induction
coils. The functional energy
transferring mechanism and
physical realization of DWC
is shown in Figure 1 below.
Green color signifies the
charging road track and red
color represents the vehicle
side. The road consists of an
array if inductive copper coil
which are connected with the

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electric grid. With the help of intelligent sensor l New technology so lack of sufficient business
the charging controller activates the road coils just analytics
beneath the electric vehicles. A time-variant current
l Functional performance on characteristics of
in a conductor creates the magnetic field around
road situation ( Rain, Snow, Objects)
the conductor, and a secondary loop (receiver coil
located under the vehicle chassis) gets voltage l Driving accuracy to align coil
generated due to time-variant magnetic flux. Based
on the principle of Faraday’s law, Biot–Savart’s Qualcomm had already tested charging electric
law, Ampere’s law and on Lenz’s law complete vehicles even at the speed above 100 kilometer
inductive power transfer happens. The vehicle also per hours with 20 kilowatt power transfer at 85
consists of inductive coli made from copper from kilohertz frequency in 2017. Now the DC to DC
where the induced voltage charges the battery of energy transfer efficiency is growing as high as
electric vehicles. 98% in that same circumstance as tested by the
Qualcomm. The successful testing of prototypes
Until the date, the main stream of researches works unite different stack holders to including vehicle
on the core power electronics part of dynamic user, vehicle manufacturer, electricity supplier,
wireless charging. But It is equally important infrastructure builders, regulators & controllers
to consider the external environment variable. and other concerned authorities. Technology
The weather changes the circumstance of road works already proved but there are lot of things
such as rain, snow and external objects. There is that should be considered like cost, scalability, and
need of further investigation on various probable infrastructure for commercialization. From 13th
incidences. However, the current advantages and November 2019, Smartroad Gotland consortium
challenges faced by the DWC are pointed below : started the installation of world's first commercial
wireless charging road for electric trucks/buses on
the island of Gotland Sweden. This work is carried
l Charging station is not required out by the Israeli company named ElectReon. The
ElectReon had already implemented one kilometer
l Excretes the need for a charging cable that is the first electric road demo in Tel Aviv. As such
prone to damage, may harm safety concerns hopefully we will hear the commercial service
lunching soon after few months.
l Reduces the cost as well as payload of electric
vehicles In the commercial product, there must be clear
technical standard, legal framework, safety and
l Increases driving range
health regulation and transparent billing. The total
l dynamic charging with multiple power tracks charge must include electricity fee and service fee
allows frequent battery charging, that improves considering power loss factor and other hidden
the battery life up to 10 times compare to the costs. Recent research provides the plentiful
stationary wireless charging modalities and competitive business procedure for
fast charging. The fundamental metering should be
l Helps to realize autonomous driving quickly
mutually agreed by two stakeholders particularly
l Extends the durability of service provider and customer. A trustworthy
billing mechanism is presented in Figure 2 below
Challenges where the charging is done through transparency
and mutual agreement between both supplier and
l WPT system requires high power on-road
buyer. The billing system is based on accurate
and on-board windings with a potential for
measurement and it can automatically charge
substantial power loss.
fees for each vehicle. The electric vehicle consists
l Health and safety issues for pedestrians from of on board unit (OBU) and watt-hour meter. The
strong magnetic fields electricity supply consists of equipment/vehicle
identification module, charging software, charging
l Huge investment for building tracks
controller and watt-hour meter.

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Fig 2.

Figure 2: Typical block diagram of metering and management system and modern information and
billing system proposed for dynamic wireless power communication technology. It is hoped that the
transfer. The top left side of block diagram illustrate dynamic wireless charging will be the most useful
the authentication and authorization equipments solution for electric vehicles in congested and
for electric vehicles to allow on charging road; the charging station scary city like Kathmandu. It is the
bottom left diagram shows the accounting system right time to think about building dynamic wireless
for charging; the top right block shows the OBU charging track in major cities in Nepal by electric
on electric vehicle; and the bottom right shows the power entity agency like Nepal Electric Authority.
high frequency power inverters supplying energy to
inductive coils placed on the charging track. References

Ozlem Battal, Erhan Kayabasi, M. Cubuk, Kursat An Overview on

Conclusion Energy Management, Optimization and Saving in Transportation
Industry. 4th International Symposium on Railway Systems
Information and communication technology (ICT) Engineering (ISERSE’18), pp.221-235.
has changed the ways in which we work and behave.
Communication has revolutionized the world we Ahmad, A., Alam, M.S. and Chabaan, R., 2017. A comprehensive
review of wireless charging technologies for electric vehicles.
can communicate with each other in cheaper, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 4(1),
quicker and far more superior than ever before. pp.38-63.
The efficient transportation management system
uses the benefits of modern information technology
Z. Samaras and I. Vouitsis, “Transportation and Energy,” in
smart mobile application (popular in Kathmandu Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats
Tootle and Pathao), internet-based booking and to Essential Resources, vol. 3, Elsevier, 2013, pp. 183–205
ticketing system (Largest bus network in Europe Z. Danping, L. juan, C. Yuchun, L. Yuhang and C. Zhongjian,
"Research on Electric Energy Metering and Charging System
FliXBUS), optimal route selection mechanism and for Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicle," 2019
optimal traffic flow to control fuel efficiency. 4th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation
Engineering (ICITE), Singapore, 2019, pp. 252-255.
It is possible to save energy consumption in electric ,
vehicles by intensive integration of effective energy

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General Overview of
Excitation system
used in UT3A
Indra Bahadur Bishwokarma
Mechanical Engineer, Upper Trishuli 3A Hydroelectric Project


Electricity is generated from generator by rotating it with prime mover. Generator has two
parts, one is rotor another is stator. Rotor has magnetic field and stator has conductor winding,
when the magnetic flux from rotor changes relative to conductor windings, the electricity
generates at the terminal of stators. The magnetic field in rotor is created by various types
of excitation system. The commonly used, modern days, excitation system in hydropower
station is static excitation system. The basic function of excitation system is to provide direct
current to the synchronous field winding and also to control and protect components in
power system. The topic excitation system itself is the huge book; it has many types, many
components and functions. The basic understanding of excitation system is very essential
for all the engineers working in hydro electric stations. This article is prepared to give brief
glimpse of excitation system used in Upper Trishuli 3A (UT3A) hydro electric project.

Introduction system also controls the reactive power and

power factor between generator and system
Generator works on the principle of Faraday’s and also enhances the system stability. The
law of electromagnetic induction. As per excitation system must be able to respond
Faraday’s law, when a conductor is placed rapidly to transient disturbances with field
in varied magnetic field, EMF will produce forcing (increase field current for short
across the conductor terminals and that is duration to solve disturbances).
proportional to rate of change of magnetic
flux. The magnetic flux is produced by There are five basic elements of excitation
sending excitation current to field winding system: exciter; regulator, terminal voltage
of rotor pole. This excitation system controls transducer and load compensator; power
the applied voltage and thus the field current system stabilizer; limiters and protective
to the rotor, which in turn gives control of the circuits. The general connection block
generator terminal voltage. The excitation diagram can be shown as figure 1.

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Types of excitation system It has gross head 144.5m and design discharge
51m3/s. There are two units, each of 36MVA
Excitation systems are broadly classified into 3 rated generation active power capacity with 11KV
categories DC excitation system, AC excitation rated voltage and 1890A rated current. The rated
system and static excitation systems. The excitation excitation current is 635A and voltage is 200V. The
power required for a synchronous generator is of overall schematic diagram of excitation system used
the order of 2 to 3.5 kilo watt per mega watt rating in UT3A HEP single unit can be shown in Fig 6.
of the machine or per MVA rating of the machine
(the detail portion is removed by Author for word Working
When the generator generates electricity, 3-phase
Excitation system used in current through bus duct goes to breaker QF2 at
breaker room as shown in figure 6. From breaker
room it goes to main transformer at switch yard
Upper Trishuli 3A Hydro Electric Project is located area and from that it goes to GIS. GIS has breaker
in border of Rasuwa and Nuwakot district of Nepal. QF0, this connects the generated electricity to

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transmission line. For excitation system, there are also senses exciter current and voltage from field
five cubicles. The main excitation current is tapped circuit breaker cubicle via UT01 and UT02. It also
from output of generator (11KV) through excitation receives manually given commands. The regulator
transformer to electrical braking cubicle. In this processes the entire signal and generates commands
electrical braking cubicle, there are two ABB E1B/ to operate thyrister.
MS 800, interconnected (if one open another closes)
When thyrister gate gets signal from regulator
breaker. One (QS05) operates the current from
cubicle, the processed dc current from the rectifier
excitation transformer (TE01) and another (QS06)
cubicle goes to field circuit breaker cubicle. Field
operates the current from braking transformer
circuit breaker cubicle gives supply to field windings
(TE02). Braking transformer takes input current
of rotor pole via slip rings. Since, the excitation
from station supply transformer as 380V and supply
current is obtained from generator terminal itself,
72V while applying brake on rotor. QS05 is closed
but at initial starting, it needs the extra current
under normal generator operation while QS06 is
source. For this field flashing, dc 110 volt is obtained
closed for putting electrical brake to generator.
from external dc supply. There is a diode VD01,
Four cubicles are located at generator floor, 728m which blocks the back flow of excitation current
elevation. The electricity from braking cubicle goes from field windings. For brief understanding, let us
to rectifier cubicle. There are two rectifier cubicles discuss each cubicle of excitation system in details.
for redundancy. Rectifier cubicle has thyrister
bridge and absorption network. Thyrister Bridge Electrical braking cubicle
converts ac power to dc power. Absorption network (U01+CXE05)
contains resistor, which absorbs the back flow
electricity induced in excitation coil while excitation Electrical braking cubicle is located at cable floor,
supply is cut off in rotor is rotating. The thyrister is 724m elevation. It has dc 110V and ac 220V control
like switch, it is operated from gate. The gate gets power supply. There is ac/dc converter, which
pulses from regulator cubicle. Regulator cubicle converts 220V ac supply to 24V dc and also dc/
gets ac power from electrical braking cubicle, which dc convertor to covert 110V dc supply to 24V dc
is converted to dc by ac/dc converter to required supply for control operation. In the cubicle, there
voltage. It also gets power from station dc power are indicators for following: 110V dc power supply;
supply and dc/dc converts it to required voltage. electrical braking failed; open and close indication
The regulator is the main control unit of excitation of each breaker QS05 and QS06. There are switches
system. It sense terminal voltages of generator via for opening and closing of each breaker QS05 and
PTs TV01 & TV02, terminal current from CTs TA01 QS06, but they are interconnected, operates once
and transmission line voltages from PT TV03. It at a time. There are also a plc, humidity controller,

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heater and maintenance light. There are relays: for board has removal pulse push button (it stops to
close and trip QS05, close and trip QE31, start up send pulse to thyrister, if both regulators’ switch
electric braking signal and failure signal to LCU, are in removal pulse position, no excitation
start up braking by AVR, start up braking from current to excitation system); indicating lamps (all
LCU, quit electrical braking, generator failure signal indication); excitation control unit (it performs all
and dc 24V and dc 110V power supply monitoring. background function like man machine interface,
The excitation transformer is 3 phase dry type with fault recording etc.); main interface (it gives access
450KVA rated capacity and 11KV/385V I/O voltage for changing parameter with password, data display,
with H level insulation. Similarly, the braking system command etc.). T320 series 32 digits high-
transformer is 50KVA capacity with 400V/90V I/O end industrial control DSP chip controls output of
voltage and IP20 Protection grade. Fig 7 shows the switching value and output of various status signals
image of electrical braking cubicle and two excitation and control signals of power cubicle by conversion
transformer.Regulator cubicle (U01+CXE01) and software control operations. For redundancy,
there is dual channel, and each channel gets power
Regulator cubicle is the control unit of excitation from two plug-in, ac 220V and dc 110V. This power
system. It has T320 series 32 digits high-end supply is operated by non-self-resisting switch
industrial control DSP chip; PSS2A module; power (SA); it closes one at a time.
and frequency PSS regulation unit; Dual micro-
computer with dual-voltage regulation channel of Rectifier cubicle
“auto/manual”; Dual-channel for mutually thermal
Rectifier cubicle converts the ac power from electrical
standby, switching without interference; 12′HMI
braking cubicle to dc power for excitation supply.
with intelligent monitoring control unit. Power
The conversion of power in thyrister is controlled
supply system to different unit can be shown to fig
by pulses in thyrister gate from regulator cubicle.
It has 2 parallel Thyrister Bridge containing six
There are data collection board (from CTs and thyrister (KP1000A-2000V), two redundant cooling
PTs); interface board (manual switches and push fans, 1 set peak voltage absorption devices, six pulse
button); pulse power supply (self-excitation output transformer, six fast fuses (RS4-800V/630A, to
is 15V and SCR excitation output is 24V, this pulse protect thyrister from abnormal condition), six sets
mainly operates the gate); control power supply of RC protection device and other control panels,
(to operate control function, 12V and 15V); main switches and indicators. There are two such cubicles
control board in regulator cubicle. Main control for redundancy.

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In fig 13, excitation of braking current from It has high performance de-excitation switch, ZNO
electrical braking cubicle enters to rectifier bridges non linear resistance with insulation more than
via breaker QS11. Here FU11 to FU16 are fast fuse to 200MΩ, dc 110V field flashing device, peak voltage
protect rectifier at abnormal condition. R11 to R16 absorption and rotor over voltage protection device.
and C11 to C16 are protection elements for rectifier Rated current of FCB is 800A and rated voltage of
VT11 to VT16. RS11 measures excitation current FCB is 600V and also fast de-excitation time is less
and R17 absorbs the back flow current while de- than 1 second.
excitation. Breaker QS12 allows the excitation
current to go to field winding. There are similar two Conclusion
rectifier cubicles.
Excitation system not only magnetizes the field
winding for electricity generations but also regulates
Field circuit breaker cubicle
and protects the generator and generator output.
(FCB) UT3A has used static excitation system. It produces
This cubicle is also called de-excitation and rotor 635A, 200V dc current by using thyrister bridge
over voltage protection cubicle. rectifier, operated and control by regulator. It also
takes field flashing 110V dc supply from station
dc supply. Excitation current passes through field
circuit breaker to slip rings. Excitation system is
one of the impotent and sensitive components of
hydropower plant. Thus, the clear understanding of
excitation system is essential for engineer working
at hydropower stations.
Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, I. R. (2012). Selection of
Generators and Excitation Systems.
CGGC. (2019). Manuals, design documents and drawing .
Prof.M.L.Kothari. (2010). Lec-15 Excitation Systems-
Part-2. Retrieved 2019, from
Society, I. P. (2006). IEEE Recommended Practice for
Excitation System Models for Power System Stability
Studies .
Sons, J. W. (2018). Handbook of large turbo-generator
operation and maintenance.

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General Idea on Phasor
Measurement Unit Based SCADA
and its Scope in INPS

Deepa Subedi
Electrical Engineer, Project Management Directorate

Deeksha Sharma
Electrical Engineer, Lekhnath-Damauli 220 kV TL Project

According to IEEE Standard C37.118.1-2011, A simple representation of SCADA system is

Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), is a device shown in the figure.
that produces synchronized phasor, frequency
and rate of change of frequency (ROCOF)
estimates from voltage and/or current signals
and a time synchronized signal. However,
before dealing with the details of PMU, it is
necessary to have an insight of Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) collects data
SCADA from the field devices, processes the data and
the sends the data to master station through
SCADA system is a collection of equipment that the communication system thus assisting
will provide an operator at a remote location in monitoring of the power system. Further,
with sufficient information to determine the RTU receives control commands from the
status of particular equipment and cause master station and transmits these commands
action to take place regarding that equipment to field devices. Back in the days when RTUs
without being physically present. The system where just emerging, it used to be a slave of
operates with the help of collective function of master station, but now RTUs are equipped
four major components viz. Remote Terminal with internal computational and optimization
Unit (RTU), Communication System, Master facilities. RTU itself has several subsystems
Station and Human Machine Interface (HMI). such as communication, logic, termination,

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power supply and test/HMI that enables it to service restoration, network reconfiguration, load
perform the task of monitoring and controlling field management, active and reactive power control,
devices. power factor control, etc. are performed by
The SCADA master station is a collection of
computers, servers, peripherals and I/O systems The operation, control and monitoring of overall
that help the operator to monitor the state of field and electric power system depends upon the availability
initiate control actions at the appropriate moment. of information and decision-making processes at
Master station components can be classified as control centre. A number of measuring instruments
hardware component and software component. The and apparatuses installed at various points in
master station software component can be basic the power system provide a set of measurements
SCADA function and/or advanced application for consisting of conventional data such as real and
specific SCADA implementation such as generation reactive power flows in the network branches,
SCADA, transmission SCADA or distribution real and reactive power injections, magnitude of
SCADA. The main hardware in the master station bus voltages and branch currents. With all these
will be the computer and server systems used for data, SCADA performs state estimation of grid,
executing different tasks to be performed by master which should be done most accurately and fast for
station. smooth operation of power system. However, these
measurements might be unsynchronized and have
Human machine interface (HMI) also known as
low sampling rates i.e. such system cannot capture
User Interface (UI) is the space where interaction
fast and dynamic phenomenon. Another drawback
between human operator and the system occurs.
of SCADA measurement is that they do not include
This interaction causes effective operation and
phase angle of bus voltages and line currents. All
control of the system being monitored and feedback
these drawbacks lead to inaccurate state estimation.
from the system lets the operator in making
To address these issues, Phasor Measurement Unit
operational decisions. In a SCADA system, the HMI
(PMU) were developed which provides real time
components include operator console, operator
and synchronized phasor measurements with the
dialogue, mimic diagram and peripheral devices.
use of Global Positioning System (GPS) only in
SCADA communication refers to the communication microseconds with great measurement accuracy,
channels employed between field equipment and which is faster than the speed of existing SCADA
master station. SCADA communication is analogous technologies. Further, the introduction of PMU
to human nervous system, which runs from the makes state estimation able to be achieved via
brain to every part of the body transporting data linear estimators, significantly increasing efficiency
and signals back and forth continuously i.e. the of solving state estimation problem. Traditionally,
communication channel makes it possible for state estimation is formulated as weighted least
the remote center to access field data in real time square problem due to absence of measurements
and transports control commands from control which can measure phasors.
center to appropriate equipment in the field for
implementation, to keep the power system stable Development of PMU
and secure.
PMU was introduced in 1988 by Arun G. Phadke
SCADA system is responsible for overall operation, and James S. Throp at Virginia Tech as an enhanced
control and monitoring of power system. version of symmetrical component distance relay
In generation, SCADA applications include (SCDR). The concept of SCDR was developed at
automatic generation control, economic dispatch the time of mini computers, in 1970s. During that
calculation, interchange transaction scheduling, period, computer technology had relatively slow
unit commitment, short term load forecasting, instruction execution time and accommodation of
etc. In transmission, its application ranges from required computations for a three phase distance
state estimation to contingency analysis, optimal relay within one cycle of 60 Hz system was difficult.
power flow, fault detection and isolation, etc. In To overcome this problem, a new relaying principle
case of distribution, fault detection, isolation, was developed by Arun G. Phadke, based on using

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symmetrical component voltages and currents element in improving its performance and its
instead of traditional phase quantities. This led to resilience in the face of catastrophic failures, phasor
the principle known as SCDR. The key development measurement technology has gained great attention
in SCDR was the use of a single complex equation to and rapid development all over the world.
cover the protection of all possible faults on a three
North America
phase transmission lines.
In North America, after the installation of PMU, it
Later, when the computational capabilities of
proved that synchronized measurement technology
computers were improved, one could go back
is required to accurately analyze and control the
to traditional relaying algorithms using phase
grid performance both in real time and offline.
quantities rather than symmetrical components.
PMU technology has been beneficial for post
However, it was soon realized that although the
disturbance data analysis and early warning to the
SCDR was no longer needed, there was a great
system for faster system restoration during the time
advantage in salvaging the portion of SCDR which
of disturbances. The PMU data captured during
computed the sequence components of voltages
2003 blackout were used for event analysis to
and currents. Hence, the portion of SCDR up to
deploy wide area phasor network in power grid. In
the computation of positive sequence voltages
parallel, the installed PMU helped in data analysis,
and currents was pulled out as a stand-alone
dynamic stability assessment and data visualization
measurement unit. This unit could measure positive
sequence currents and voltages in one period of
fundamental frequency with great accuracy. This Mexico
standalone unit, with the help of Global Positioning
System (GPS) to synchronize measurement across PMUs have been in use in Mexico since the 1990s.
power system, finally evolved as PMU. Data obtained after the installation of PMU in
Mexico helped in observing
underdamped low frequency
oscillations in the network
and improves the performance
of the protection systems
during the power system
disturbances. PMU also make
possible direct visualization of
the system frequency, voltage,
phase angle, active and reactive
power etc. Mexico is aiming to
implement PMU in offline to
detect risks of instability.

The U.S.-Canadian blackout of August 14, 2003 Brazil

was mainly due to lack of reliable real time data
Since late 2000, Brazil has launched two WAMS
gathering during the time of incident. This prevented
related PMU projects i.e. a phasor recording system
the necessary steps from being taken before the
to record system dynamics during long duration
incident happened, leading to the catastrophic
wide-area disturbances and an application of
blackout affecting fifty million people in eight US
PMU data for real time system operation decision
states and two Canadian provinces. Following that
making for control center real time application.
incident, two major conclusions were drawn:
The main goal for implementation of PMU based
Wide Area Dynamic Monitoring is important technology is to monitor system oscillations with
poor damping, monitor the stresses of the electric
Clustering and aggregation are important
power transmission system, resynchronize islands
In recent years, as the need for best estimate of and to close loops in parts of Brazilian National
power system’s state is recognized to be a crucial Interconnect Power System Network.

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Europe power plants. Till date, INPS has been charged
up to 220 kV voltage level. Due to energy deficit
Europe has PMU installed nearly in every country.
in Nepal, Nepal has been importing power from
The characteristics of PMU installed there have
India through around 12 different active radial
high time resolution (20-100ms), high accuracy
points along Nepal India border. Out of these
of voltage and current (class 0.2) and precise time transmission lines, the Dhalkebar-Muzzafarpur TL
synchronization. Real time phase angle differences is charged at 220 kV. The cross border transmission
of a region with the rest of the country are lines Gandak-Ramnagar TL, Kusaha-Kataiya TL,
monitored at the center. The tie lines of the region Mahendranagar-Tanakpur TL and Pawanipur-
will break off from the rest of the country once angle Raxaul TL are operating at 132 kV. Remaining lines
separation exceeds the limits. Voltage phase angle are of 33 kV, the energy from which are used in the
difference monitoring, line thermal monitoring, areas near Nepal-India border.
voltage stability monitoring, and online monitoring
of the system damping functions are obtained from System Operation Department (SOD) within
installed WAMS technology. Transmission Directorate of Nepal Electricity
Authority (NEA) has the main responsibility of
China managing and controlling reliable and quality of
power from distant generators to various load
China began installation of PMU in its grid in 1995.
centers through Load Dispatch Centre (LDC).
The installed PMU successfully recorded dynamic
In future, NEA has plans to synchronize INPS
processes of low-frequency oscillations in the
with Indian grid. In order to achieve this, NEA
Chinese power grid. Even the Chinese government
is planning to install Special Protection Scheme
began to offer commercial PMUs. Additionally,
(SPS), communication and SCADA system within
PMU helped in the function of state estimation,
the INPS for synchronous operation of INPS and
security assessment, adaptive protection, and
Indian Grid. As of now, LDC has been controlling
emergency control.
the operation of INPS using computer-based
India SCADA. The data from remote generating stations
and transmission substations arrive at LDC with the
With the rapid growth of demand of electricity and help of remote terminal equipment (RTU). The data
development of power grids, it is important to know transmitted are real reactive power flow-injections,
the dynamic state of grid. To achieve this, the central magnitude of bus voltages and line currents. The
transmission utility, initiated the development of data transmission is done through optical fiber. The
an intelligent grid comprising a WAMS, adaptive data at the remote station is converted to optical
islanding, and self-healing aspects. In initial stage, signal and transmitted to LDC via optical fiber. At
few PMUs were installed at critical buses in all LDC, this optical data is converted back to electrical
regional grid. PMUs are being installed in various data with the help of (Optical Line Termination
EHV and HVDC substations in India. Equipment) OLTE. The Terminal Server (TS)
converts the electrical data into IP based data which
Integrated Nepal become available to the operator in SCADA master
Power System station.

In Nepal, the interconnected power system network Requirement of PMU based

known as Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS),
SCADA system in INPS
is responsible for the operation of power system.
It consists of power generation, transmission and With the addition of power through different
distribution network and its primary function mechanism in the network, complexity of INPS
is to smoothly evacuate power from generating is ever increasing. Injection of renewable energy
stations to consumers. INPS is hydro dominated (mainly the solar power) into the system has
system where the base and intermediate demands also been a major subject of concern. To reduce
are supplied by run of river hydropower plants substantial dependency of Nepal on imported
and peak demand by seasonal storage and diesel petroleum products, fossil fuel vehicles are being

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replaced by electric vehicle (EV). Few numbers software structure which supports the power system
of charging stations have already been installed operation. The concept of security control cannot be
and initiatives are being taken to establish several fully realized without complete information of the
charging stations in major highways and cities. system. PMU based state estimation is more reliable
Replacement of cooking gas by electricity is being than conventional SCADA based state estimation
promoted to reduce dependence on imported fuel. since the data captured from PMU based system
The cross-border connection of INPS with India includes both the magnitude and phase angles
allows the bidirectional flow of power. The 400kV of voltage and current. Considering all the future
HVDC transmission project which will interconnect possible developments in INPS and its growing
the Chinese electricity system in INPS is also complexity, that PMU based SCADA system has
progressing. However, in order to be able to achieve become a major requirement in context of INPS.
these visions, NEA must upgrade the existing INPS
and one of the upgradations of system should be the

introduction of PMU based SCADA system. References

Continuous monitoring and controlling of the G. Anderson, P. Donalek, R. Farmer, N. Hatziargyriou, I.

system is required to maintain the quality and Kamwa, P. Kundur, N. Martins, J. Paserba, P. Pourbeik,
reliability of the electricity to its consumers. With J. Sanchez-Gasca, R. Schulz, A. Stankovic, C. Taylor and
V. Vittal, "Causes of the 2003 Major Grid Blackouts in
the introduction of renewables into the system,
North America and Europe, and Recommended Means
the system will be running near the stability limit
to Improve System Dynamic Performance," IEEE
which will make the system more critical. The more Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 1922-
critical the system is, the more will be the necessity 1928, 2005.
of supervision and control in order to prevent the
C. 1. 1.-2. IEEE Std. , "IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor
system from catastrophic effect and blackouts.
Measurements for Power Systems," 2011.
When the country becomes fully dependent upon
electricity, the reliability of the supply should be A. G. Phadke and T. BI, "Phasor Measurement Units,
increased. Failure of the system will leave the system WAMS, and their applications in protection and control
of power systems," Journal of Modern Power System and
with huge loss. With the inter border connection
Clean Energy, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 619-629, 2018.
the electricity system, it necessitates the awareness
about condition of both interconnected system since A. Monticelli, "Electric Power System State Estimation,"
fault in one system may be transferred and affect Proceedings of IEEE, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 262-283, 2000.
the other system leading to the major disturbances R. B. Shrestha, "Power Sector and Hydropower
in the system. Not just the steady state, dynamic Development in Nepal," Hydro Nepal, no. 16, 2015
state of the system must be monitored immediately
M. S. Thomas and J. D. McDonald, Power System SCADA
and most accurately. Whenever there is need of
and Smart Grids, First ed., CRC Press, 2015.
economic load dispatch and optimal power flow,
all the system information must be captured NEA, "A Year in Review 2018/19," 2019.
accurately and transferred to the central system.
S. Dhungel, "Nepal-India Cross-Border Power Trade:
This way, central system can continuously monitor Current Need and Future Scope," 15 April 2018. [Online].
the situation and appropriate action could be taken Available:
whenever necessary. Further, State estimation is cross-border-power-trade-current-need-and-future-
necessary part of the underlying hardware and scope/#. [Accessed 28 01 2020].

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Gearing up for
Consumption in Nepal
Suresh Kumar Timalsina
Engineer , Electrical, Nepalgunj Distribution Centre, NEA

N epal has a huge potential for hydropower

production, its exploitation has been to a
very minimal, and therefore, significant amount
independent power producers (IPPs) with a
combined installed capacity of 48.08 MW and
Trishuli 3A (60 MW) developed by NEA were
of energy supply comes from biomass and fossil commissioned in the FY 2018/19. According to
fuels. Nepal’s total primary energy consumption department of electricity development (DOED),
share was 73.70 % biofuels and waste, 17.32% generation license has been issued to 209
petroleum products, 5.96 % coal, 3% hydro hydropower projects with combined capacity
and less than 1% other renewable sources(EIA, of 7546.141 MW, 40 solar projects of combined
2019). Accordingly, the import bills of petroleum capacity 415.78 MW and 4 wind projects of
products have been substantial. In FY 2017/18, 8 MW. A total of 120 projects to be developed
about 33.41 % of the total major imports were by IPPs, with a combined installed capacity of
accounted by the import of petroleum product 2,613.90 MW and 9 projects to be developed by
(NRB, 2019). This clearly has implication of NEA with combined installed capacity of 957.10
external sector imbalance in addition to the MW are under construction after financial
environmental cost to the economy. closure. Similarly, 137 IPP-owned projects with
a combined installed capacity of 2,869.38 MW
By the end of FY 2018/19, the installed capacity are at various stages of development. With
of the hydroelectricity has reached 1128.705 the commitment of Government of Nepal to
MW. The current demand for electricity during complete the under-construction hydropower
peak hours has been around 1320.28 MW (Nepal projects in the stipulated time, increase electricity
Electricity Authority (NEA) Annual Report for supply and emphasize overall development of
FY 2018/19). Additional power is imported hydropower through the white paper published
from India to meet demand. Despite that by Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and
hydroelectricity is in short supply compared to Irrigation in 2074, the total installed capacity of
demand in recent years, there has been moderate hydropower projects would reach around 5000
progress on the production of hydroelectricity. MW within few years. If the business as usual
A total of 8 new projects developed by the scenario prevails, then it can be anticipated an

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excess supply of hydroelectricity in coming years. Concerns over climate change, energy security and
Therefore the policy interventions have to be made economic impacts of the use of energy have led
and an enabling environment has to be created to many countries to put emphasis towards promotion
change energy consumption pattern, encourage the of efficient use of energy. Excessive dependence
usage of electricity instead of fossil fuels and expand on traditional cooking fuels is considered one of
domestic power market. the leading causes of deforestation and ecosystem
degradation in Nepal. Today’s clean cooking
Per capita electricity consumption of Nepal in FY
fuels are essential for combating the high level of
2018/19 was 245 kWh. Government of Nepal has set
emissions. Even though LPG is an alternative option
a target to achieve per capita electricity consumption
to firewood, kerosene, plants and animal residue,
of 700 kWh by FY 2021/22 and 1500 kWh by FY
it emits greenhouse gases to the environment. As
2026/27 in white paper published by Ministry of
per world energy council report-2019, in 2035,
Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation in 2074.
the demand for LPG in the cooking sector will
The government has set a target of 8.5 percent
have grown enormously, resulting in higher GHG
economic growth rate to make Nepal a middle-
emissions than for any other fuel types. Thus,
income country by 2030 (NRB, 2019). To deliver
one of the best mitigation options to reduce GHG
such a sustained economic growth rate, Nepal
emissions in the cooking sector is the replacement
needs to increase its electricity consumption. Due
of LPG fuel with electricity.
to the insufficient supply of electricity coupled with
low income, households with access to electricity In relation to electricity clean cooking policies, it
often consume it for only lighting purposes. has been observed that electric coil stoves are less
efficient and more power consuming in comparison
In the past, the crisis of electricity had received the
to other electric devices. For this reason electric
most attention from among government and policy
coil stoves are not a good cooking alternative in
makers. However, with several hydropower projects
an efficient cooking. However, induction stoves
nearing its completion and current slow growth
present a few advantages when they are compared to
rate of electricity consumption, attention has now
traditional liquid petroleum gas (LPG), biomass or
turned to increase the electricity consumption
electric coil based stoves, which can be listed below:
exponentially by substituting electricity with other
(i) Increased energy efficiency, as the magnetic field
energy sources. The current status of energy
is induced in the cookware and there is absence of
consumption reveals that residential sector has
calorific focus of high temperature, which reduces
highest share (79.86%) followed by industrial
heat losses to the environment; (ii) a higher speed
sector (8.16%) and transportation sector (7.31%)
in heating, because the ferromagnetic material of
respectively (CBS Nepal, 2019). Given the
the base of the pan has the ability to attract and
importance of the residential sector in the total
pass electricity through the magnetic fields, as
energy consumption, it comes as no surprise that
soon as it flows through the coil, which causes that
this sector has received a lot of attention. Traditional
the cookware is heated directly; (iii) higher safety
fuels such as firewood, agricultural residue, animal
because there is no risk to get burned when using
wastes and other biomass predominate energy
the kitchen, or explosions, as no flame is produced;
consumption in residential sector accounting as
(iv) more hygienic and easy to clean, while having
high as 93.10 % compared to modern biomass 2.99
a smooth surface of vitroceramic; (v) easy to
%, LPG 2.05 %, electricity 1.72%, kerosene 0.13 %
operate with digital controls. On the contrary, the
and other renewables less than 0.01 %. Share of
main disadvantages are: (i) A more sophisticated
electricity in energy consumption of residential
technology than electrical coil and GLP stoves; (ii)
sector is mainly limited to lighting purpose. Most
fragile use, as vitroceramic can get scratches.
of the households in urban area of Nepal use LPG
for cooking and heating. Meanwhile in rural areas, Cooking with LPG is strongly rooted in the habits
mainly traditional biomass is used for cooking. of Nepalese people in urban area, thus effective
Electricity consumption in country can be increased incentives are required to achieve the transition
by replacing LPG and traditional biomass with of this energy source to electricity. Government of
electricity for cooking and heating. Nepal should work in a subsidy substitution of LPG

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for electricity subsidies in residential sector. This then the new demand associated to the induction
can endorse switching to electricity from LPG and stoves is likely to further increase in demand during
traditional energy sources. currently observed peak time. Therefore induction
stoves will have negative impact in the operation of
The foremost criterion to introduce induction stoves the electric grids and eventually large investments
at massive level in residential sector is the availability is required to adapt networks to larger power flows.
of reliable power supply. Realizing the fact that The remedy to this is to adopt a dual-tariff system,
the necessary criteria to have reliable supply is to induce other customer classes to shift their load
existence of adequate generation, transmission and when this causes less impact to the system both
distribution facilities to satisfy customer demand, from the technical and economical points of view.
government has set the target to generate 10,000 If no incentives are adopted, situation can be very
MW electricity within coming five years and connect undesirable, since it implies having no control on
it to the national grid. Likewise, the white paper by the electricity usage period that becomes decided
Ministry of Energy, Water resources and Irrigation only by consumers. Therefore, the replacement of
has come up with the policy to make every Nepali existing energy meters with smart meters especially
citizen a share holder of hydropower projects. The in urban areas is urgent.
government is set to mark the year from 2075 to
2085 BS as the ‘Decade of Energy and Hydropower’ Induction stoves increase the demand for only
so as to realize the dream of ‘Prosperous Nepal, few hours of a day. This will give rise to peaks and
Happy Nepalis’. valleys in daily load curve. NEA has already signed
power purchase agreement in take or pay basis with
In the long term, fuel switching with hydropower run of river (ROR) hydropower plants of installed
is the most flexible option due to country’s huge capacity of 5250 MW. With ROR hydropower
hydropower potential and lower power generation occupying the major part of power generation mix,
costs, which will help cut out LPG subsidies and inflexibility of residential load, and slow growth of
reduce both the economic trade deficit as well as the electricity consumption in other sectors may result
energy import dependency on India. According to into the large amount of hydropower spillage. It
the electricity demand forecast report (2015-2040) finally deteriorates the financial health of NEA. The
by Water and Energy Commission Secretariat large scale application of electric vehicles (EVs) is
(WECS), the total installed capacity requirement of solution to the problem of low growth in electricity
hydropower to fulfill growing electricity demand for consumption and peaks and valleys in demand
cooking and transportation by 2025 is 10803 MW. caused by residential loads.
Economic analysis of saving to government has to
Currently Nepal ranks 107th in global CO2 emission.
be done properly if LPG demand is substituted by
The volume of carbon emitted by Nepal might be
electricity. It could be used to develop large-scale
small, but the rate at which we are increasing it is
hydropower projects in the long term. Substitution
even higher than the industrialized West. Nepal’s
of LPG with electricity is the most flexible option to
Climate Change Policy 2011 and the Environment-
increase the electricity consumption.
friendly Vehicle and Transport Policy 2014 aimed
The transmission and distribution network should to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by steadily
be strengthened and modernized to provide secure reducing imports of petrol, diesel and LPG. Nepal
and reliable services. The electric grid should should immediately declare a peak emission year,
not present problems in its operation regarding pass a policy to gradually replace all government
the behavior of the main parameters such as vehicles with electric ones and impose a tax on fuel
voltage, power factor and harmonics. The electric that can be used to subsidize electric vehicles.
distribution network requires an adjustment,
To sum up, tariff structure, implementation of
especially at the level of distribution transformers,
smart meters, quality and continuity of supply
primary feeders and connections. The highest
play an important role to gear up the electricity
increase in demand of integrated Nepal power
consumption in Nepal.
system (INPS) is observed between 16:00 and
20:00. If we replace LPG with induction stoves,

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Different Technical
Problems Faced in Loss
Reduction in System
Beni Nepali
Supervisior, Tanahu Distribution Centre, NEA

D istribution and Consumer Service

Directorate (DCS) is the largest directorate
of NEA in terms of number of employees
Below given are the few technical problem faced
while working in DCS

and business activities. This directorate Neutral floating and

is responsible for overall management of Neutral shifting
electricity distribution services and networks of
NEA and also deals with planning, expansion, Neutral floating is one of the major problem
operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of occurred in transformer or LT line which is
the electricity distribution networks including caused due to break of neutral conductor or due
substations up to 33 KV voltage level and to poor earthing of neutral conductor
consumer services activities such as new which causes neutral shifting in transformer
consumer connection, meter reading. This is also. Neutral shifting is a problem of unbalanced
one directorate that directly deals with public voltage level at unbalanced load. In neutral
and their problems so it can also be considered floating, voltage shifts in such a way that high
as face of NEA. It is impossible to create an ideal voltage appears in low load line and vice versa.
system where interruption is a null set because During this floating, voltage can reach up to line
occurrence of fault is inevitable but in DCS, it voltage which is 1.73 times the phase voltage
is considered necessary to provide smooth and which can damage the household appliances
good voltage regulated electricity with less that is why neutral floating is considered one of
number of interruption as possible. DCS is also the major and dangerous problem in DCS. Some
responsible for billing and collection of revenue various factor that causes Neutral floating can
so in order to have high collection, large amount be summarized as below.
of unit should be consumed which is possible
a) by increasing rate of unit consumption l Failure of Neutral bushing of transformer.
b) by increasing number of consumers c) by l Broken overhead neutral in LT line.
minimizing the power outage and interruptions.
That is why study of technical problem that arise l Broken of Service neutral conductor.
in the DCS seem mandatory in order to foresee l High earthing resistance of neutral at
the problems and to minimize it. distribution transformer.

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l Overloading or Unbalanced loading. cooker and below certain voltage level, appliances
l Shared neutral. stops working. This problem is called poor voltage
regulation. It is one major problem in DCS because
l Poor maintenance
we are using very lengthy feeder to supply the
This type of problem can be minimized by doing electricity especially to rural area and they are facing
proper earthing of neutral and by keeping load as this problem. This problem can be minimized by
balance as possible which makes less flow of current creating more load center in poor voltage area.
in neutral conductor so protect it from melting and
in case of floating, balance load shares the voltage
equally so phase voltage does not reach up to line Where,
voltage. V.R. = Voltage regulation
VNL = Voltage at no load
Unsatisfactory Sensitivity of
VFL = Voltage at full load
circuit breaker
In DCS, single feeder reach up to very far distance
Unbalanced Load in
because it is not economically viable to build another Transformer
feeder just for less populated area and because of it, a
Transformer operates smoothly with efficient if
problem arises in which circuit breaker in substation
load in all three phases can be made equal which
does not operate satisfactorily. Sensitivity of circuit
means zero neutral current flow and equal voltage
breaker can be changed as per our requirement by
in each phase however balancing load is quite
changing the parameter value in circuit breaker
difficult task due to the sparse nature of load.
panel but not a single current setting can satisfy both
Nepal Electricity Authority has also started to
the long distance problem (does not trip on fault)
use the transformer that trips automatically with
and short distance problem (frequent trip even in
exceeding certain percentage of unbalance. This
small disturbances). If Sensitivity of breaker is made
type of transformer can be implemented in the city
high in order to operate during long distance fault,
area where population density is high. Unbalance
even small disturbance can cause the breaker to
in load cause asymmetry in current flow that results
operate resulting larger number of interruption and
in asymmetrical voltage drop. This increases the
if sensitivity of breaker is made low then breaker
neutral return current which increases the line loss
may not operate even in occurrence of fault in long
so efficiency of transformer decreases. The reason
distance which can cause the accident such as fire,
of unbalanced load are
electrocution to animal, human being. In order to
reduce this problem, HT and LT fuse are kept as l A large single phase load connected to one
rating of transformer and fuses can be installed in phase only.
different branches so that fuse melts in fault leaving l Switching of three phase heavy load can result
the unharmed part completely operational and in current and voltage surges which introduced
faulty part isolated. the unbalance in system.
Due to geographical reasons, people are
Poor voltage regulation l

inhabiting in sparse manner.

According to NEA standard, voltage level for single
phase supply is 230 volts and 400 volts for three Technical Losses
phase supply. Voltage fluctuation can go up to
There always exist some void in supplied energy
10%. Voltage level can go up during neutral floating
and energy received by consumers or the energy
as mentioned earlier likewise Voltage level can go
indicated by energy meters. This difference is known
down due to successive voltage drop and occurs
as losses. This loss can be categorized mainly in two
usually at farthest point in long length feeder line.
types. First type of losses occurred in transmission
As the voltage level goes on decreasing, performance
line, Transformer due to heat production, leakage
of appliances in house goes on decreasing such as
from bush or tree contact, Improper reading from
low intensity of light, take long time to cook in rice
energy meter, transformer loss etc. The second

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type of losses are due to direct hooking which is the most sensitive directorate among other because
illegal. Consumer sometimes bypasses the MCB or of its direct relation to public and major way of
sometimes energy meter also in order to get less collecting revenue. The problems that are seen on
charge of electricity which shows less gross energy DCS is reflected on whole NEA so it will be best if it
consumption which increases the loss. According to is kept healthy and healthy means less interruption,
the Annual report 2018/2019 published by Nepal clean and fast service to consumers. The problems
Electricity Authority, Total System loss of this fiscal described above are most occurring problems so it
year is 15.32% which is improving as compared to will be better if prevention methods are developed
previous year loss but it is still tremendous amount to cope on event of occurrence. We cannot stop such
of loss. problem but we can create an environment of less
occurring and of course less loss after occurrence.
l Some steps to minimize the loss are given
l Proper Bush Cutting.
Grainger, J.J, Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill
l Use of Proper sized conductor, Transformer. Education Private Limited, New Delhi,
l Use of seal on every energy meter to reduce Gupta, B.R., Power System Analysis and Design, S. Chand
bypassing of MCB and Meter. and Company Private Limited, New Delhi, 1998.
l Change of Malfunctioned energy meter. 2018/2019.
Conclusion transformer-three-phase-imbalance
Distribution and Consumer Service Directorate is

g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f pkbfgsf]if

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;]jfaf6 cnu eP klg !)) k|ltzt g} e'QmfgL kfpg]5 .

*^ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

IPPs' Hydro Power Projects (Operation) as of Poush 29, 2076
Installed Commercial
S.N. Developer Projects Location Capacity PPA Date Operation
(kW) Date
1 Himal Power Ltd. Khimti Khola Dolkha 60000 2052.10.01 2057.03.27
Bhotekoshi Power
2 Bhotekoshi Khola Sindhupalchowk 45000 2053.04.06 2057.10.11
Company Ltd.
Syange Electricity
3 Syange Khola Lamjung 183 2058.10.03 2058.10.10
Company Limited
National Hydro Power
4 Indrawati - III Sindhupalchowk 7500 2054.09.15 2059.06.21
Company Ltd.
Chilime Hydro Power
5 Chilime Rasuwa 22100 2054.03.11 2060.05.08
Company Ltd.
Butwal Power Company
6 Jhimruk Khola Pyuthan 12000 2058.03.29 1994
Butwal Power Company
7 Andhi Khola Syangza 9400 2058.03.29 2071.12.22
Arun Valley Hydropower
8 Piluwa Khola Small Sankhuwasabha 3000 2056.10.09 2060.06.01
Development Co. (P.) Ltd.
Rairang Hydro Power
9 Rairang Khola Dhading 500 2059.08.27 2061.08.01
Development Co. (P) Ltd.
Sanima Hydropower (Pvt.)
10 Sunkoshi Small Sindhupalchok 2500 2058.07.28 2061.12.11
Alliance Power Nepal Pvt.
11 Chaku Khola Sindhupalchok 3000 2056.11.03 2062.03.01
12 Khudi Hydropower Ltd. Khudi Khola Lamjung 4000 2058.03.04 2063.09.15
13 Unique Hydel Co. Pvt.Ltd. Baramchi Khola Sindhupalchowk 4200 2058.12.14 2063.09.27
Thoppal Khola Hydro
14 Thoppal Khola Dhading 1650 2059.11.23 2064.07.13
Power Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Gautam Buddha
15 Sisne Khola Small Palpa 750 2061.04.29 2064.06.01
Hydropower (Pvt.) Ltd.
Kathmandu Small
16 Hydropower Systems Pvt. Sali Nadi Kathmandu 250 2062.04.24 2064.08.01
Khoranga Khola
17 Hydropower Dev. Co. Pvt. Pheme Khola Panchtar 995 2057.12.31 2064.08.05

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ *&

Unified Hydropower (P.)
18 Pati Khola Small Parbat 996 2062.10.28 2065.10.27
Task Hydropower
19 Seti-II Kaski 979 2063.06.08 2065.11.14
Company (P.) Ltd.
Ridi Hydropower
20 Ridi Khola Gulmi 2400 2063.05.08 2066.07.10
Development Co. (P.) Ltd.
Centre for Power Dev. And
21 Upper Hadi Khola Sindhupalchowk 991 2064.04.07 2066.07.22
Services (P.) Ltd.
Gandaki Hydro Power Co.
22 Mardi Khola Kaski 4800 2060.07.07 2066.10.08
Pvt. Ltd.
Himal Dolkha Hydropower
23 Mai Khola Ilam 4500 2063.11.19 2067.10.14
Company Ltd.
Baneswor Hydropower
24 Lower Piluwa Small Sankhuwasabha 990 2064.07.21 2068.04.01
Pvt. Ltd.
Barun Hydropower
25 Hewa Khola Sankhuwasabha 4455 2061.04.02 2068.04.17
Development Co. (P.) Ltd.
Bhagawati Hydropower
26 Bijayapur-1 Kaski 4410 2066.03.30 2069.05.04
Development Co. (P.) Ltd.
Kathmandu Upatyaka
27 Khanepani bewasthapan Solar Lalitpur 680.4 2069.06.12 2069.07.15
28 Nyadi Group (P.) Ltd. Siuri Khola Lamjung 4950 2064.04.17 2069.07.30
United Modi Hydropwer
29 Lower Modi 1 Parbat 10000 2065.10.20 2069.08.10
Pvt. Ltd.
Synergy Power
30 Sipring Khola Dolkha 9658 2065.10.20 2069.10.03
Development (P.) Ltd.
Laughing Buddha Power
31 Middle Chaku Sindhupalchowk 1800 2066.11.03 2069.11.15
Nepal (P.) Ltd.
Aadishakti Power Dev. Tadi Khola
32 Nuwakot 5000 2061.12.15 2069.12.14
Company (P.) Ltd. (Thaprek)
Ankhu Khola Jal Bidhyut
33 Ankhu Khola - 1 Dhading 8400 2066.02.22 2070.05.05
Co. (P.) Ltd.
Nepal Hydro Developer
34 Charanawati Khola Dolakha 3520 2067.01.13 2070.02.24
Pvt. Ltd.
Laughing Buddha Power
35 Lower Chaku Khola Sindhupalchowk 1800 2063.07.02 2070.04.24
Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
36 Bhairab Kunda Sindhupalchowk 3000 2065.08.02 2071.02.22
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Radhi Bidyut Company
37 Radhi Khola Lamjung 4400 2066.10.18 2071.02.31
Pashupati Environmental
38 Chhote Khola Gorkha 993 2067.11.09 2071.03.09
Eng. Power Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Mailung Khola Hydro
39 Mailung Khola Rasuwa 5000 2058.04.09 2071.03.19
Power Company (P.) Ltd.
Joshi Hydropower
40 Development Company Upper Puwa -1 Illam 3000 2066.01.23 2071.10.01
Sanima Mai Hydropower
41 Mai Khola Ilam 22000 2067.01.08 2071.10.14
Bojini Company Private
42 Jiri Khola Small Dolkha 2200 2065.10.23 2071.11.01
Ruru Hydropower Project
43 Upper Hugdi Khola Gulmi 5000 2066.04.04 2071.12.09
(P) Ltd.
Prime Hydropower Co.
44 Belkhu Dhading 518 2064.04.04 2071.12.30
Pvt. Ltd.

** jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

Api Power Company Pvt.
45 Naugadh gad Khola Darchula 8500 2067.01.19 2072.05.02
Kutheli Bukhari Small
46 Suspa Bukhari Dolakha 998 2069.04.32 2072.06.03
Hydropower (P).Ltd
Sanima Mai Hydropower
47 Mai Cascade Ilam 7000 2069.10.12 2072.10.29
Chhyangdi Hydropower
48 Chhandi Lamjung 2000 2068.12.23 2072.12.13
Panchakanya Mai
Hydropower Ltd.
49 Upper Mai Khola Ilam 9980 2061.12.19 2073.03.09
(Previously Mai Valley and
prior to that East Nepal)
Sayapatri Hydropower
50 Daram Khola A Baglung 2500 2068.12.19 2073.03.12
Private Limited
Electro-com and Research
51 Jhyadi Khola Sindhupalchowk 2000 2067.01.30 2073.05.31
Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Khani Khola Hydropower
52 Tungun-Thosne Lalitpur 4360 2069.04.05 2073.07.09
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Daraudi Kalika Hydro Pvt.
53 Daraudi Khola A Gorkha 6000 2068.05.19 2073.08.13
Khani Khola Hydropower
54 Khani Khola Lalitpur 2000 2069.04.05 2073.08.20
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Sapsu Kalika Hydropower
55 Miya Khola Khotang 996 2069.08.10 2073.09.03
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sinohydro-Sagarmatha Upper Marsyangdi
56 Lamjung 50000 2067.09.14 2073.09.17
Power Company (P) Ltd. "A"
57 Madi Power Pvt. Ltd. Upper Madi Kaski 25000 2066.05.21 2073.09.25
Panchthar Power
58 Hewa Khola A Panchthar 14900 2068.05.30 2073.10.22
Company Pvt. Ltd.
59 Sanvi Energy pvt. Ltd. Jogmai Ilam 7600 2069.08.07 2074.01.18
Bhugol Energy Dev
60 Dwari Khola Dailekha 3750 2069.12.30 2074.1.23
Compay (P). Ltd
Mai Valley Hydropower
61 Upper Mai C Ilam 5100 2068.12.23 2074.04.09
Private Limited
Dronanchal Hydropower
62 Dhunge-Jiri Dolakha 600 2068.09.25 2074.06.01
Dibyaswari Hydropower
63 Sabha Khola Sankhuwasabha 4000 2068.11.17 2074.06.02
Puwa Khola-1 Hydropower
64 Puwa Khola -1 Ilam 4000 2070.10.09 2074.06.23
P. Ltd.
Shibani Hydropower Co.
65 Phawa Khola Taplejung 4950 2063.12.01 2074.07.14
Pvt. Ltd.
Mount Kailash Energy Pvt.
66 Thapa Khola Myagdi 13600 2067.10.11 2074.08.22
Mandakini Hydropower
67 Sardi Khola Kaski 4000 2068.11.11 2074.08.23
Garjang Upatyaka
68 Chake Khola Ramechhap 2830 2065.11.06 2074.08.28
Hydropower (P.) Ltd.
Union Hydropower Pvt
69 Midim Karapu Lamjung 3000 2069.10.28 2074.10.15
Syauri Bhumey
70 Syauri Bhumey Nuwakot 23 2072.11.16 2074.10.18
Microhydro Project
Molung Hydropower
71 Molung Khola Okhaldhunga 7000 2069.11.21 2074.12.12
Company Pvt. Ltd.

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Sikles Hydropower Pvt.
72 Madkyu Khola Kaski 13000 2066.08.03 2074.12.19
Himal Dolkha Hydropower
73 Mai sana Cascade Ilam 8000 2069.11.14 2074.12.26
Company Ltd.
74 Barahi Hydropower Theule Khola Baglung 1500 2066.12.16 2075.03.24
Leguwa Khola Laghu
75 Jalbidhyut Sahakari Leguwa Khola Dhankuta 40 2072.11.21 2075.03.28
Sastha Ltd.
Super Mai Hydropower
76 Super Mai Illam 7800 2073.12.06 2075.07.11
Pvt. Ltd.
Chimal Gramin Bidhyut Sobuwa Khola-2
77 Taplejung 90 2074.11.15 2075.07.14
Sahakari Sanstha Ltd. MHP
Surya Power Company Pvt. Bishnu Priya Solar
78 Nawalparasi 960 2074.04.08 2075.08.13
Ltd. Farm Project
Deurali Bahuudesiya
79 Midim Khola Lamjung 100 2070.02.20 2075.09.04
Sahakari Sanstha Ltd.
Lamjung and 2069.10.28
80 Hydropower Development Rudi Khola A 8800 2075.12.04
Kaski 2073.02.13
Co. (P.) Ltd.
Bagmati Khola Makawanpur/
81 Mandu Hydropower Ltd. 22000 2069.10.07 2075.12.19
Small Lalitpur
Salmanidevi Hydropower
82 Kapadi Gad Doti 3330 2069.12.11 2076.02.25
(P). Ltd
Eastern Hydropower Pvt.
83 Pikhuwa Khola Bhojpur 5000 2066.07.24 2076.02.27
Mountain Hydro Nepal 2071.04.09
84 Tallo Hewa Khola Panchthar 22100 2076.04.21
Pvt. Ltd. 2075.10.16
Pashupati Environmental Lower Chhote
85 Gorkha 997 2072.08.04 2076.05.15
Power Co. Pvt. Ltd. Khola
Rairang Hydropower
86 Development Company Iwa Khola Taplejung 9900 2070.01.29 2076.06.20
United Idi Mardi and R.B.
87 Upper Mardi Kaski 7000 2073.02.25 2076.06.20
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Api Power Company Pvt.
88 Upper Naugad Gad Darchula 8000 2073.07.12 2076.07.13
89 Arun Kabeli Power Ltd. Kabeli B-1 25000 2069.03.29 2076.07.23
Jeuligad Small
Rangoon Khola
90 Hydropower Bajhang 996 2071.10.20 2076.08.27
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Dolti Power Company Pvt.
91 Padam Khola Dailekh 4800 2074.08.01 2076.09.08
      TOTAL 639,568.40    

() jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

IPPs' Hydropower Projects (Under Construction) as of Poush 29, 2076
(Financial Closure concluded projects)
Installed Required
S.N. Developers Projects Location Capacity PPA Date Commercial
(kW) Operation Date
Upper Tamakoshi 2072.9.10 - 4 Units,
1 Upper Tamakoshi Dolkha 456000 2067.09.14
Hydropower Ltd. 2073.3.30 - 2 Units
Nama Buddha Tinau Khola 2066.11.1 (990kw)
2 Palpa 1665 2065.03.31
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Small 2077.09.15 (675kw)
3 Namarjun Madi Kaski 11800 2066.05.30 2071.4.1
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Jumdi Hydropower
4 Jumdi Khola Gulmi 1750 2066.10.21 2069.10.11
Pvt. Ltd.
Hira Ratna
5 Tadi Khola Nuwakot 5000 2067.01.09 2075.10.01
Energy Engineering
6 Upper Mailung A Rasuwa 6420 2067.03.25 2075.10.01
Pvt. Ltd.
Shiva Shree
7 Upper Chaku A Sindhupalchowk 22200 2067.05.22 2073.01.25
Hydropower (P.) Ltd.
Greenlife Energy Pvt. 2067.06.24 2074.12.17 (25MW)
8 Khani khola-1 Dolakha 40000
Ltd. 2074.02.21 2076.09.03 (15MW)
Himalaya Urja Bikas
9 Upper Khimti Ramechhap 12000 2067.10.09 2075.3.32
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Green Ventures Pvt.
10 Likhu-IV Ramechhap 52400 2067.10.19 2077.06.30
11 Robust Energy Ltd. Mistri Khola Myagdi 42000 2067.10.20 2076.05.14
Manang Trade Link
12 Lower Modi Parbat 20000 2068.05.20 2074.3.31
Pvt. Ltd.
Mathillo Mailung
Khola Jalbidhyut Ltd.
13 Upper Mailun Rasuwa 14300 2068.05.23 2075.10.01
(Prv. Molnia Power
Sanjen Hydropower
14 Upper Sanjen Rasuwa 14800 2068.06.23 2075.10.01
Middle Bhotekoshi
15 Jalbidhyut Company Sindhupalchowk 102000 2068.07.28 2076.12.28

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Chilime Hydro Power
16 Rasuwagadhi Rasuwa 111000 2068.07.28 2075.10.01
Company Ltd.
Water and Energy
17 Badi Gad Baglung 6600 2068.08.13 2072.2.14
Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
Sanjen Hydropower
18 Sanjen Rasuwa 42500 2068.08.19 2075.10.01
Company Limited
Gelun Hydropower
19 Gelun Sindhupalchowk 3200 2068.09.25 2074.06.14
Dariyal Small
20 Upper Belkhu Dhading 750 2068.11.28 2071.7.16
Hydropower Pvt.Ltd
21 Upper Tadi Nuwakot 11000 2068.12.03 2075.10.01
Hydroelectric Pvt. Ltd.
Himalayan Power
22 Dordi Khola Lamjung 27000 2069.03.01 2076.05.14
Partner Pvt. Ltd.
Sasha Engingeering Khani
23 Dolakha 30000 2069.03.25 2074.12.17
Hydropower (P). Ltd Khola(Dolakha)
Rising Hydropower
24 Selang Khola Sindhupalchowk 990 2069.03.31 2071.6.15
Compnay Ltd.
Liberty Hydropower
25 Upper Dordi A Lamjung 25000 2069.06.02 2076.05.14
Pvt. Ltd.
Hydro Innovation Pvt.
26 Tinekhu Khola Dolakha 990 2069.06.08 2074.12.30
Salankhu Khola
27 Salankhu Khola Nuwakot 2500 2069.06.14 2071.11.30
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
28 Balephi A Sindhupalchowk 10600 2069.07.14 2076.12.28
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Middle Modi
29 Middle Modi Parbat 15100 2069.08.21 2077.03.31
Hydropower Ltd.
Reliable Hydropower
30 Khorunga Khola Terhathum 4800 2069.08.26 2077.08.16
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Rara Hydropower
Upper Parajuli
31 Development Co. Pvt. Dailekh 2150 2069.08.28 2071.12.17
Lohore Khola
32 Hydropower Co. Pvt. Lohore Khola Dailekh 4200 2069.09.08 2073.06.20
Beni Hydropower 2073.07.25
33 Upper Solu Solukhumbu 18000 2074.10.01
Project Pvt. Ltd. (PPA
Dudhkoshi Power
34 Rawa Khola Khotang 6500 2069.09.26 2073.05.31
Company Pvt. Ltd.
2074.9.16 (8.26MW)
Universal Power
35 Lower Khare Dolakha 11000 2069.10.22 2076.04.03
Company Ltd.
Madhya Midim
36 Jalbidhyut Company Middle Midim Lamjung 3100 2069.10.23 2072.5.1
P. Ltd.
Volcano Hydropower
37 Teliya Khola Dhankuta 996 2069.10.25 2071.7.24
Pvt. Ltd.
Betrawoti Hydropower
38 Phalankhu Khola Rasuwa 13700 2069.12.06 2075.10.01
Company (P).Ltd

(@ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

Himalaya Urja Bikas
39 Upper Khimti II Ramechhap 7000 2069.12.09 2075.12.01
Co. Ltd.
Dovan Hydropower
40 Junbesi Khola Solukhumbu 5200 2069.12.29 2076.08.30
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Ghalemdi Hydro
Limited (Previously, 2074.07.30 (4MW)
41 Ghalemdi Khola Myagdi 5000 2069.12.30
Cemat Power Dev 2077.05.03(1MW)
Company (P). Ltd.)
Tallo Midim Jalbidhut
42 Lower Midim Lamjung 996 2070.01.19 2071.8.1
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Tangchhar Hydro Pvt.
43 Tangchhahara Mustang 2200 2070.02.20 2073.7.1
Abiral Hydropower Co.
44 Upper Khadam Morang 990 2070.02.21 2071.08.01
Pvt. Ltd.
45 Engineering Ghatte Khola Dolakha 5000 2070.04.28 2075.03.16
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Essel-Clean Solu
46 Lower Solu Solukhumbu 82000 2070.07.15 2076.8.30
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Consortium Power
47 Khare Khola Dolakha 24100 2070.07.15 2075.08.15
Developers Pvt. Ltd.
Upper Solu
48 Hydroelectric Solu Khola Solukhumbu 23500 2070.07.24 2075.4.1
Company Pvt. Ltd
Singati Hydro Energy 2075.05.31 (16MW)
49 Singati Khola Dolakha 25000 2070.07.27
Pvt. Ltd. 2077.04.01 (9MW)
Maya Khola
50 Hydropower Co. Pvt. Maya Khola Sankhuwasabha 14900 2070.08.30 2076.9.1
Idi Hydropower Co.
51 Idi Khola Kaski 975 2070.09.01 2074.09.16
P. Ltd.
Buddha Bhumi Nepal
52 Hydro Power Co. Pvt. Lower Tadi Nuwakot 4993 2070.12.10 2075.10.01
Hydropower Lamjung and
53 Rudi Khola B 6600 2071.4.20 2076.02.32
Development Co. (P.) Kaski
2076.08.16 (10.3
Dordi Khola Jal Bidyut (10.3 MW)
54 Dordi-1 Khola Lamjung 12000 MW) 2077.04.02 (1.7
Company Ltd. 2075.11.21
(1.7 MW)
River Falls
55 Hydropower Down Piluwa Sankhuwasabha 9500 2071.10.18 2076.09.01
Development Pvt. Ltd.
Peoples' Hydropower
56 Super Dordi 'Kha' Lamjung 54000 2071.11.13 2077.03.29
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Hydro Venture Private Solu Khola
57 Solukhumbu 86000 2071.11.13 2077.06.10
Limited (Dudhkoshi)
Global Hydropower Solukhumbu/
58 Likhu-2 33400 2071.11.19 2077.04.01
Associate Pvt. Ltd. Ramechap

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ (#

Paan Himalaya Energy Solukhumbu/
59 Likhu-1 51400 2071.11.19 2077.04.01
Private Limited Ramechap
Numbur Himalaya Solukhumbu/
60 Likhu Khola A 24200 2071.11.22 2077.04.01
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Ramechap
Dipsabha Hydropower
61 Sabha Khola A Sankhuwasabha 9990 2071.12.02 2076.07.15
Pvt. Ltd.
Research and
62 Development Group Rupse Khola Myagdi 4000 2071.12.17 2076.08.02
Pvt. Ltd.
Hydro Empire Pvt.
63 Upper Myagdi Myagdi 20000 2071.12.17 2077.05.30
64 Mahadev Khola MH. Chulepu Khola Ramechhap 8520 2071.12.23 2075.04.15
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Nyadi Hydropower
65 Nyadi Lamjung 30000 2072.02.12 2077.01.06
Suri Khola
66 Suri Khola Dolakha 6400 2072.02.20 2074.12.30
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Bungal Hydro Pvt. Ltd.
67 (Previously Sanigad Upper Sanigad Bajhang 10700 2072.03.15 2076.05.29
Hydro Pvt. Ltd.)
Kalanga Hydro Pvt.
68 Kalangagad Bajhang 15330 2072.03.15 2076.05.29
Sanigad Hydro Pvt. Upper
69 Bajhang 38460 2072.03.15 2077.04.15
Ltd. Kalangagad
Dhaulagiri Kalika
70 Darbang-Myagdi Myagdi 25000 2072.04.28 2075.12.25
Hydro Pvt. Ltd.
Menchhiyam Upper Piluwa
71 Sankhuwasabha 4720 2072.05.11 2076.04.01
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Khola 2
Panchthar and
72 Kabeli Energy Limited Kabeli-A 37600 2072.06.07 2076.11.03
Upper Syange Upper Syange
73 Lamjung 2400 2072.06.14 2075.10.01
Hydropower P. Ltd. Khola
Peoples Energy Ltd.
(Previously Peoples Dolakha and
74 Khimti-2 48800 2072.06.14 2078.04.01
Hydro Co-operative Ramechhap
Kavrepalanchowk, 2072.06.14
Chauri Hydropower Ramechhap, (5 MW) 2075.12.30 (5 MW)
75 Chauri Khola 6000
(P.) Ltd. Sindhupalchowk, 2076.01.06 2078.08.03 (1 MW)
Dolakha (1 MW)
Huaning Development
76 Upper Balephi A Sindhupalchowk 36000 2072.08.29 2075.10.06
Pvt. Ltd.
Upper Hewa Khola
Upper Hewa
77 Hydropower Co. Pvt. Sankhuwasabha 8500 2072.09.23 2076.03.17
Khola Small
Multi Energy 2076.12.30 (10MW)
78 Langtang Khola Rasuwa 20000 2072.09.29
Development Pvt. Ltd. 2078.04.03 (10MW)
Ankhu Hydropower
79 Ankhu Khola Dhading 34000 2073.01.30 2076.12.30
(P.) Ltd.

($ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

2076.08.30 (8.3
Myagdi Hydropower
80 Ghar Khola Myagdi 14000 2073.02.11 MW) 2078.10.17 (5.7
Pvt. Ltd.
Richet Jalbidhyut
81 Richet Khola Gorkha 4980 2073.02.23 2075.07.30
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Rapti Hydro and
82 General Construction Rukumgad Rukum 5000 2073.03.07 2076.09.01
Pvt. Ltd.
Rawa Energy
83 Upper Rawa Khotang 3000 2073.04.24 2076.03.30
Development Pvt. Ltd.
Siddhi Hydropower
84 Siddhi Khola Illam 10000 2074.05.29 2077.03.31
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Terhathum Power
85 Upper Khorunga Terhathum 7500 2073.07.29 2076.09.01
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Nilgiri Khola
86 Nilgiri Khola Myagdi 38000 2073.11.30 2080.08.30
Hydropower Co. Ltd.
Siuri Nyadi Power Pvt.
87 Super Nyadi Lamjung 40270 2074.02.19 2079.04.01
88 Hydropower and Lower Likhu Ramechhap 28100 2073.09.14 2078.08.15
Construction Ltd.
Nilgiri Khola
89 Nilgiri Khola-2 Myagdi 62000 2074.03.05 2081.08.30
Hydropower Co. Ltd.
Sano Milti Khola Ramechhap and
90 Sano Milti 3000 2073.01.13 2075.08.01
Hydropower Ltd. Dolakha
Diamond Hydropower
91 Upper Daraudi-1 Gorkha 10000 2072.08.14 2075.09.17
Pvt. Ltd.
Chhyangdi Upper Chhyangdi
92 Lamjung 4000 2074.03.22 2078.4.05
Hydropower Limited Khola
93 Taksar Pikhuwa Bhojpur 8000 2073.09.01 2076.10.23
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Rasuwa Hydropower
94 Phalanku Khola Rasuwa 5000 2071.08.24 2076.8.01
Pvt. Ltd
Civil Hydropower Pvt. Bijayapur 2 Khola
95 Kaski 4500 2072.09.12 2075.03.32
Ltd. Small
Makari Gad
96 Makarigad Darchula 10000 2072.08.29 2076.02.32
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Super Madi
Hydropower Ltd.
97 (Previously Himal Super Madi Kaski 44000 2073.10.27 2078.02.28
Hydro and General
Construction Ltd.)
Mount Nilgiri
98 Hydropower Company Rurubanchu-1 Kalikot 13500 2074.05.08 2077.11.03
Pvt. Ltd.
Trishuli Jal Vidhyut
99 Upper Trishuli 3B Rasuwa 37000 2074.05.06 2078.11.17
Company Ltd.
Century Energy Pvt. Hadi Khola
100 Sindhupalchowk 997 2074.05.05 2076.11.03
Ltd. Sunkoshi A
101 Upper Nyasem Sindhupalchowk 41400 2073.07.24 2077.03.30
Hydropower Ltd.

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ (%

Samling Power
102 Mai Beni Illam 9510 2073.07.26 2078.08.02
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Energy Venture Pvt.
103 Upper Lapche Dolakha 52000 2073.04.20 2078.12.30
Orbit Energy Pvt. Ltd.
(Previously Pokhari
104 Sabha Khola B Sankhuwasabha 15100 2074.03.26 2078.2.31
Hydropower Company
Pvt. Ltd.)
Eco Power
Mithila Solar PV
105 Development Dhanusha 10000 2075.09.16 2076.01.17
Electric Project
Company Pvt. Ltd
Daram Khola Hydro Baglung and
106 Daram Khola 9600 2073.10.09 2076.09.08
Energy Ltd. Gulmi
107 Jalabidhyut Company Super Mai 'A' Illam 9600 2074.11.14 2077.09.29
Pvt. Ltd.
Sagarmatha Energy
Dhalkebar Solar
108 and Construction Pvt. Dhanusha 3000 2075.06.24 2076.12.23
Gorkha Congenial
Lamahi Solar
109 Energy and Dang 3000 2075.06.24 2076.12.23
Investment Pvt. Ltd.
Global Energy and Duhabi Solar
110 Sunsari 8000 2075.06.25 2076.12.24
Construction Pvt. Ltd. Project
Ridi Hydropower Butwal Solar
111 Rupandehi 8500 2075.06.09 2076.04.08
Development Co. Ltd. Project
Him River Power Pvt.
112 Liping Khola Sindhupalchowk 16260 2073.02.28 2077.01.22
Madhya Tara Khola
Hydropower P. Ltd.
Madhya Tara
113 (Prv. Pahadi Hydro Baglung 1700 2073.10.26 2075.08.29
Khola Small
Power Company (P.)
Nepal Water and
114 Energy Development Upper Trishuli - 1 Rasuwa 216000 2074.10.14 2080.12.18
Company Pvt. Ltd.
Mewa Developers Pvt.
115 Middle Mewa Taplejung 49000 2075.05.04 2080.06.06

TOTAL 2,804,902  

(^ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

IPPs' Hydropower Projects in Different Stages of Development as of Poush 29, 2076
(Without Financial Closure)
S.N. Developers Projects Location Capacity PPA Date
1 Balephi Jalbidhyut Co. Ltd. Balephi Sindhupalchowk 23520 2067.09.08 2077.06.30
Upper Ingwa
2 Ingwa Hydro Power Pvt. Ltd Taplejung 9700 2068.03.10 2073.04.01
Yambling Hydropower Pvt.
3 Yambling Khola Sindhupalchowk 7270 2072.09.29 2077.03.17
4 United Modi Hydropwer Ltd. Lower Modi 2 Parbat 10500 2072.11.14 2076.03.17
5 Salasungi Power Limited Sanjen Khola Rasuwa 78000 2072.12.02 2077.03.08
Nuwakot and
6 Siddhakali Power Limited Trishuli Galchi 75000 2073.02.20 2077.02.01
Chirkhwa Hydropower Pvt.
7 Upper Chirkhwa Bhojpur 4700 2073.03.01 2077.04.01
Sanima Middle Tamor
Hydropower Ltd. (Prv.
8 Middle Tamor Taplejung 73000 2073.09.26 2078.05.28
Tamor Sanima Energy Pvt.
Sisa Hydro Electric Company
9 Sisa Khola A Solukhumbu 2800 2073.10.28 2077.12.12
Pvt. Ltd.
Chirkhwa Hydropower Pvt.
10 Lower Chirkhwa Bhojpur 4060 2074.01.20 2078.04.01
11 Him Consult Pvt. Ltd. Rele Khola Myagdi 6000 2074.01.28 2077.02.19
Himali Rural Electric Co- Leguwa Khola
12 Dhankuta 640 2074.02.08 2075.12.28
operative Ltd. Small
Sabha Pokhari Hydro Power
13 Lankhuwa Khola Sankhuwasabha 5000 2074.02.21 2077.09.14
(P.) Ltd.
United Mewa Khola
14 Mewa Khola Taplejung 50000 2074.02.21 2078.04.01
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Parbat Paiyun Khola
15 Hydropower Company Pvt. Seti Khola Parbat 3500 2074.02.22 2076.12.30

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ (&

16 Sewa Hydro Ltd. Lower Selang Sindhupalchowk 1500 2074.02.22 2075.12.30
Gorakshya Hydropower Pvt. Super Ankhu
17 Dhading 23500 2074.03.15 2080.09.15
Ltd. Khola
Nyam Nyam Hydropower Nyam Nyam
18 Rasuwa 6000 2074.03.27 2077.12.31
Company Pvt. Ltd. Khola
Saptang Hydro Power Pvt.
19 Saptang Khola Nuwakot 2500 2074.04.08 2076.04.12
Jhyamolongma Hydropower
20 Development Company Pvt. Karuwa Seti Kaski 32000 2074.04.20 2079.01.12
21 People's Power Limited Puwa - 2 Illam 4960 2074.05.05 2078.06.11
Bhujung Hydropower Pvt.
22 Upper Midim Lamjung 7500 2074.05.29 2078.04.01
Himalayan Water Resources
23 and Energy Development Co. Upper Chauri Kavrepalanchowk 6000 2074.07.27 2078.04.04
Pvt. Ltd.
24 Nasa Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Lapche Khola Dolakha 99400 2074.07.29 2079.04.14
25 IDS Energy Pvt. Ltd. Lower Khorunga Terhathum 5400 2074.08.24 2078.04.01
Langtang Bhotekoshi
26 Hydropower Company Pvt. Rasuwa 120000 2074.09.07 2078.09.07
Upper Richet Hydropower
27 Upper Richet Gorkha 2000 2074.09.20 2077.04.01
Pvt. Ltd.
28 Him Star Urja Co. Pvt. Ltd. Buku Kapati and 5000 2074.10.11 2077.04.15
Khechereswor Jal Vidhyut
29 Jadari Gad Small Bajhang 1000 2074.10.12 2077.07.30
Pvt. Ltd.
Khechereswor Jal Vidhyut Salubyani Gad
30 Bajhang 233 2074.10.12 2077.09.29
Pvt. Ltd. Small
Gaughar Ujjyalo Sana Ghatte Khola
31 Sindhupalchowk 970 2074.11.11 2077.03.01
Hydropower Co. Pvt. Ltd. Small
Unitech Hydropower Co. Pvt.
32 Upper Phawa Taplejung 5800 2074.11.11 2078.04.16
Seti Khola Hydropower Pvt.
33 Seti Khola Kaski 22000 2074.11.11 2079.04.15
Vision Energy and Power
34 Nupche Likhu Ramechhap 57500 2074.11.28 2080.05.02
Pvt. Ltd.
Omega Energy Developer
35 Sunigad Bajhang 11050 2074.11.30 2080.02.07
Pvt. Ltd.
Mai Khola Hydropower Pvt. Super Mai
36 Illam 3800 2074.12.07 2078.04.01
Ltd. Cascade
37 Asian Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Lower Jogmai Illam 6200 2074.12.07 2078.04.01
Gaurishankar Power Middle Hyongu
38 Solukhumbu 22900 2074.12.08 2079.04.01
Development Pvt. Ltd. Khola B
Upper Lohore Khola
39 Upper Lohore Dailekh 4000 2074.12.08 2077.04.11
Hydropower Co. Pvt. Ltd.

(* jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

Super Hewa Power Company
40 Super Hewa Sankhuwasabha 5000 2074.12.27 2078.04.01
Pvt. Ltd.
Khimti Gramin Bidhyut Jhankre Khola
41 Dolakha 600 2075.02.04 2076.05.14
Sahakari Sanstha Ltd. Small
42 Baraha Multipower Pvt. Ltd. Irkhuwa Khola B Bhojpur 15524 2075.02.14 2079.04.15
Chepe Khola
43 Aashutosh Energy Pvt. Ltd. Lamjung 8630 2075.02.15 2078.11.09
Lower Irkhuwa Hydropower
44 Lower Irkhuwa Bhojpur 13040 2075.02.16 2079.04.03
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Sungava Foundation Pvt.
45 Thulo Khola Myagdi 21300 2075.02.17 2079.04.15
Jhilimili Hydropower Co.
46 Gulangdi Khola Gulmi 980 2075.02.24 2078.01.14
Pvt. Ltd.
North Summit Hydro Pvt.
47 Nyadi Phidi Lamjung 21400 2075.02.24 2079.12.15
48 Himali Hydro Fund Pvt. Ltd. Sona Khola Taplejung 9000 2075.03.14 2080.07.30
49 Tanahun Hydropower Ltd. Tanahun Tanahun 140000 2075.03.15 2080.12.30
Sailung Power Company Pvt.
50 Bhotekoshi-1 Sindhupalchowk 40000 2075.03.15 2079.07.01
Jalshakti Hydro Company
51 Ilep (Tatopani) Dhading 23675 2075.03.25 2081.08.25
Pvt. Ltd.
Three Star Hydropower
52 Sapsup Khola Khotang 6600 2075.03.25 2078.06.31
Company Ltd.
53 Tundi Power Pvt.Ltd Myagdi 35500 2075.03.29 2079.08.29
54 Tundi Power Pvt.Ltd Upper Rahughat Myagdi 48500 2075.03.29 2080.08.29
55 Arati Power Company Ltd. Upper Irkhuwa Bhojpur 14500 2075.04.01 2079.08.01
Mount Everest Power Dudhkunda
56 Solukhumbu 12000 2075.04.01 2079.06.30
Development Pvt. Ltd. Khola
Shaileshwari Power Nepal
57 Upper Gaddigad Doti 1550 2075.04.06 2077.12.19
Pvt. Ltd.
Palun Khola Hydropower
58 Palun Khola Taplejung 21000 2075.04.06 2080.06.21
Pvt. Ltd.
Makar Jitumaya Hydropower
59 Upper Suri Dolakha 7000 2075.04.10 2079.12.30
Pvt. Ltd.
Him Parbat Hydropower Pvt.
60 Sagu Khola-1 Dolakha 5500 2075.04.10 2079.12.30
Him Parbat Hydropower Pvt.
61 Sagu Khola Dolakha 20000 2075.04.10 2079.12.30
Annapurna Bidhyut Bikas
62 Landruk Modi Kaski 86590 2075.04.13 2081.09.15
Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Madame Khola Hydropower
63 Madame Khola Kaski 24000 2075.04.15 2080.12.30
Pvt. Ltd.
Mid Solu Hydropower
64 Mid Solu Khola Solukhumbu 9500 2075.04.21 2079.05.14
Company Pvt. Ltd.
65 Apolo Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Buku Khola Solukhumbu 6000 2075.04.22 2074.04.01

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ ((

Belchautara Solar
66 Solar Farm Pvt. Ltd. Tanahun 5000 2075.04.23 2076.04.03
Thulo Khola Hydropower Upper thulo
67 Myagdi 15000 2075.04.24 2080.06.30
Pvt. Ltd. Khola-A
68 Kalika Energy Ltd. Bhotekoshi-5 Sindhupalchowk 62000 2075.04.25 2080.09.15
69 Api Power Company Ltd. Rautahat 4000 2075.04.27 2076.02.26
Solar Project
Parwanipur Solar
70 Api Power Company Ltd. Parsa 8000 2075.04.27 2076.02.26
Dhalkebar Solar
71 Api Power Company Ltd. Dhanusha 1000 2075.05.03 2076.03.02
Simara Solar
72 Api Power Company Ltd. Bara 1000 2075.05.03 2076.03.02
Super Ghalemdi Hydropower
73 Super Ghalemdi Myagdi 9140 2075.05.05 2080.12.12
Pvt. Ltd.
74 Sanvi Energy Pvt. Ltd. Jogmai Cascade Illam 6000 2075.05.07 2078.04.07
Dibyajyoti Hydropower Pvt.
75 Marsyangdi Besi Lamjung 50000 2075.05.10 2079.06.06
Amar Jyoti Hydro Power Pvt.
76 Istul Khola Gorkha 1506 2075.05.13 2079.10.25
Apex Makalu Hydro Power Middle Hongu
77 Solukhumbu 22000 2075.05.14 2079.04.01
Pvt. Ltd. Khola A
Ichowk Hydropower Pvt.
78 Gohare Khola Sindhupalchowk 950 2075.05.25 2076.07.29
Ramechhap and
79 Pike Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Likhu Khola 30000 2075.05.26 2082.02.17
Sita Hydro Power Co. Pvt.
80 Nyasim Khola Sindhupalchowk 35000 2075.05.26 2080.03.15
81 Sushmit Energy Pvt. Ltd. Kunaban Khola Myagdi 20000 2075.05.29 2080.11.03
Masina Paryatan Sahakari Kaski and
82 Masina 891 2075.06.02 2076.10.29
Sanstha Ltd. Tanahu
83 Hydro Village Pvt. Ltd. Myagdi Khola Myagdi 57300 2075.06.04 2080.05.29
Shikhar Power Development
84 Bhim Khola Baglung 4960 2075.06.10 2078.06.05
Pvt. Ltd.
Indushankar Chini Udhyog
85 Chini Udhyog Sarlahi 3000 2075.06.10 2076.12.09
Dhading Ankhu Khola Hydro
86 Upper Ankhu Dhading 38000 2075.06.14 2079.09.15
Pvt. Ltd.
Everest Sugar
Everest Sugar and Chemical
87 and Chemical Mahottari 3000 2075.06.17 2076.12.30
Industries Ltd.
Industries Ltd.
Phedi Khola Hydropower Phedi Khola
88 Bhojpur 3520 2075.06.21 2079.12.01
Company Pvt. Ltd. (Thumlung)
Dolakha Nirman Company
89 Isuwa Khola Sankhuwasabha 97200 2075.06.26 2080.04.01
Pvt. Ltd.

!)) jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

Bikash Hydropower Upper Machha
90 Gorkha 4550 2075.07.11 2080.03.30
Company Pvt. Ltd. Khola Small
Sita Hydropower Co. Pvt.
91 Dudh Khola Manang 65000 2075.07.11 2080.03.15
Gorkha and
92 Blue Energy Pvt. Ltd. Super Trishuli 70000 2075.07.11 2080.11.17
93 Vision Lumbini Ltd. Seti Nadi Kaski 25000 2075.08.06 2079.04.05
Kalinchowk Hydropower Pvt.
94 Sangu (Sorun) Dolakha 5000 2075.08.09 2079.12.30
Arun Valley Hydropower Kabeli B-1
95 Panchthar 9940 2075.08.09 2078.06.01
Development Company Ltd. Cascade
Kasuwa Khola Hydropower
96 Kasuwa Khola Sankhuwasabha 45000 2075.08.13 2082.04.06
Ruru Hydroelectric Company Rurubanchu
97 Kalikot 12000 2075.08.20 2079.05.25
Pvt. Ltd. Khola-2
Gumu Khola Bhyakure
98 Gumu Khola Dolakha 950 2075.08.21 2078.05.30
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Alliance Energy Solutions
99 Upper Sit Khola Argakhanchi 905 2075.08.23 2077.05.04
Ekikrit Byapar Company Pvt.
100 Brahamayani Sindhupalchowk 35470 2075.08.24 2080.04.13
Integrated Hydro Fund Upper
101 Sindhupalchowk 15150 2075.08.24 2080.04.13
Nepal Pvt. Ltd. Brahamayani
Perfect Energy Development Middle Trishuli
102 Nuwakot 19410 2075.09.03 2080.02.17
Pvt. Ltd Ganga
Kabeli Hydropower
103 Kabeli-3 Taplejung 21930 2075.10.03 2079.09.01
Company Pvt.Ltd.
104 Union Mewa Hydro Ltd. Mewa Khola Taplejung 23000 2075.10.04 2080.09.15
North Summit Hydro Pvt.
105 Hidi Khola Lamjung 6820 2075.10.04 2080.05.15
Sajha Power Development
106 Lower Balephi Sindhupalchowk 20000 2075.10.06 2080.07.18
Pvt. Ltd.
Sindhujwala Hydropower Upper Nyasem
107 Sindhupalchowk 21000 2075.10.06 2079.03.30
Ltd. Khola A
Mount Rasuwa Hydropower
108 Midim 1 Khola Lamjung 13424 2075.10.07 2080.04.04
Pvt. Ltd.
Habitat Power Company Pvt.
109 Hewa Khola “A” Panchthar 5000 2075.10.07 2078.04.01
Ruby Valley Hydropower
110 Menchet Khola Dhading 7000 2075.10.15 2080.02.13
Company Ltd
Dudhpokhari Chepe Dudhpokhari
111 Gorkha 8800 2075.10.15 2080.01.28
Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Chepe
Maa Shakti Engineering &
112 Luja Khola Solukhumbu 23550 2075.10.16 2080.11.14
hydropower Pvt. Ltd.
Sankhuwasabha Power Super Sabha
113 Sankhuwasabha 4100 2075.10.23 2080.06.03
Development Pvt. Ltd. Khola

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !)!

Hilton Hydro Energy Pvt.
114 Super Kabeli Taplejung 12000 2075.11.02 2079.10.04
115 Snow Rivers Pvt. Ltd. Super Kabeli A Taplejung 13500 2075.11.02 2080.01.01
116 Jal Urja Pvt. Ltd. Nuagad Darchula 1000 2075.11.03 2078.10.22
Champawati Hydropower
117 Chepe khola A Lamjung 7000 2075.11.07 2079.04.04
Pvt. Ltd
118 Api Power Company Ltd. Upper Chameliya Darchula 40000 2075.11.15 2079.11.13
Barpak Daruadi Hydropower Middle Super
119 Gorkha 10000 2075.11.23 2080.03.01
Pvt. Ltd. Daraudi
Helambu Construction Pvt.
120 Ksumti khola Sindhupalchowk 683 2075.11.29 2078.03.04
River Side Hydro Energy Pvt.
121 Tamor Khola-5 Taplejung 37520 2075.12.04 2080.04.10
122 Hydro Connection Pvt. Ltd. Rauje Khola Solukhumbu 17712 2075.12.04 2080.10.15
Milke Jaljale Hydropower Upper Piluwa
123 Sankhuwasabha 4990 2075.12.04 2081.04.04
Pvt.Ltd. Hills
124 Ambe Hydropower Pvt. Ltd. Upper Bhurundi Parbat 3750 2075.12.10 2079.04.16
125 Orbit Energy Pvt. Ltd. Sabha Khola C Sankhuwasabha 4196 2075.12.10 2079.04.02
Upper Piluwa
126 Mabilung Energy (P.) Ltd Sankhuwasabha 4950 2075.12.12 2078.11.16
Khola -3
Raghuganga Hydropower
127 Rahughat Myagdi 40000 2075.12.18 2079.10.17
128 Ridge Line Energy Pvt. Ltd. Super Chepe Gorkha Lamjung 9050 2075.12.19 2079.05.20
Dhaulagiri Civil Electrical
Madhya Daram
129 and Mechanical Engineering Baglung 3000 2075.12.26 2077.12.31
Khola A
Pvt. Ltd.
Dhaulagiri Civil Electrical
Madhya Daram
130 and Mechanical Engineering Baglung 4500 2075.12.26 2078.02.31
Khola B
Pvt. Ltd.
Bhalaudi Khola Hydropower
131 Bhalaudi Khola Kaski 2645 2076.01.06 2080.04.16
Pvt. Ltd.
132 Kalika Construction Pvt. Ltd. Upper Daraudi B Gorkha 8300 2076.01.09 2080.09.15
133 Kalika Construction Pvt. Ltd. Upper Daraudi C Gorkha 9820 2076.01.09 2080.09.15
Super Khudi Hydropower
134 Upper Khudi Lamjung 21210 2076.01.11 2080.10.09
Pvt. Ltd.

  Total 2,599,584    

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20 svuw 515 4 kmf]/d]g /fhs"df/ ef/tL 2076.04.15 clgjfo{ lj/f^gu/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
21 wg 7307 5 ;"k/efOh/ o!/fh bxfn 2076.04.15 clgjfo{ t]x|y"d ljt/)f s]Gb|

22 b#ª 5803 5 a=;=÷ld=l/=;"=ef= ;"j)f{/fh lu/L 2076.04.15 clgjfo{ lj/f^gu/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
tdf]/ hnfzoo"Qm hnljB"t
23 %hem`^ 11466 11 lgb]{zs dx]zdfg >]i& 2076.04.16 clgjfo{ cfof]hgf
24 %hem`^& 11525 12 pk-sfo{sf/L lgb]{zs ;"lgns"df/ ("é]n 2076.04.16 clgjfo{ pTkfbg lgb]{zgfno
k|b]z g+=3, k|b]z l*lehg
25 tyb 4609 4 l;=ld=/L= !fgaxfb"/ a"(fyf]sL 2076.04.18 clgjfo{ sfof{no, x]^f}+*f
;xfos k|zf;sLo ljefluo sf/jfxL zfvf, xflh/
26 #ªk 3681 6 clws[t lutfs"df/L ;fksf]^f 2076.04.19 clgjfo{ kmf¤^
;xfos k|zf;lso ;"bg s[i)f /
27 #ªk 3524 6 clws[t fhe)*f/L 2076.04.20 clgjfo{ nugv]n ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos sDKo"^/
28 #ªk 3781 6 clws[t zf]ef u"?é 2076.04.20 clgjfo{ n]vgfy ljt/)f s]Gb|

29 uwg 2798 5 ;"k/efOh/ x/L axfb"/ kf}*]n 2076.04.20 clgjfo{ lqz"nL hnljB"t s]Gb|

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !)&

30 b#ª 5753 5 sDKo"^/ ck/]^/ an/fd rf}nfufO{ 2076.04.21 clgjfo{ ^«fG;kmd{/ js{zk zfvf
31 b#ª 6078 5 n]vfkfn ?s" l/dfn 2076.04.21 clgjfo{ dxf/fhu~h ljt/)f s]Gb|
32 sv 110276 2 x]Nk/ plh/nfn /fhj+zL 2076.04.21 clgjfo{ lj/f^gu/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
33 wgr 6700 6 ;xfos OlGhlgo/ s[i)f axfb"/ tfdfé 2076.04.22 clgjfo{ e/tk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
34 #ªk 3740 6 clws[t j]b k|;fb ;fksf]^f 2076.04.22 clgjfo{ Onfd ljt/)f s]Gb|
35 sv 1548 2 x]Nk/ x]d z+s/ bf; 2076.04.23 clgjfo{ hgsk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
36 svu 366 3 On]lS^«l;og pbo axfb"/ yfkf 2076.04.26 clgjfo{ s"n]vfgL k|yd hnljB"t s]Gb|
37 vuw 1883 4 kmf]/d]g ho/fd a:g]t 2076.04.30 clgjfo{ w"Gr] ljt/)f s]Gb|
38 s 110065 1 h"lgo/ x]Nk/ lbndfof kf]*] 2076.05.01 clgjfo{ sfe|] ljt/)f s]Gb|
39 vuw 1987 4 kmf]/d]g /fd k|;fb e§ 2076.05.02 clgjfo{ b]jL#f^ hnljB"t s]Gb|
40 svu 743 3 On]lS^«l;og bfdf]b/ ;Tofn 2076.05.03 clgjfo{ /+u]nL ljt/)f s]Gb|

41 vuw 1010 4 kmf]/d]g s[i)f axfb"/ yfkf 2076.05.04 clgjfo{ s"n]vfgL k|yd hnljB"t s]Gb|
;"o{ k|;fb zdf{
42 tyb 4845 3 ld^/ l/*/ ;fksf]^f 2076.05.05 clgjfo{ e/tk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
kkmaedo& pk-sfo{sf/L lgb]
43 12776 12 {zs zflGt nIdL zfSo 2076.05.05 clgjfo{ k|zf;g lgb]{zgfno
44 sv 1088 2 x]Nk/ z+s/ kf;jfg 2076.05.06 clgjfo{ lj/f^gu/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
45 #ªk 3572 6 clws[t afnf k|;fb v/]n 2076.05.07 clgjfo{ afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
46 svuw 280 4 kmf]/d]g sf]dnaxfb"/ a:g]t 2076.05.08 clgjfo{ lj/f^gu/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|fljlws
47 uwgr 2357 6 clws[t zlzsfGt rt"j]{bL 2076.05.09 clgjfo{ u)*s hnljB"t s]Gb|

48 svu 1002 3 On]lS^«l;og zflGt/d)f kf}*]n 2076.05.09 clgjfo{ kf]v/f ljt/)f s]Gb|

49 b#ª 6140 5 n]vfkfn OZj/nfn hf]zL 2076.05.10 clgjfo{ nugv]n ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|fljlws
50 wgr 7206 6 clws[t kbdaxfb"/ sfsL{ 2076.05.10 clgjfo{ wgu(L ljt/)f s]Gb|
ck/ tfdfsf]zL xfO*«f]kfj/
51 wgr 7139 6 ;xfos OlGhlgo/ uf]kLk|;fb lzjfsf]^L 2076.05.10 clgjfo{ lnld^]*
52 b#ª 6242 5 n]vfkfn e"k]Gb|axfb"/ a"(fyf]sL 2076.05.11 clgjfo{ ;"gsf]zL hn ljB"t s]Gb|
53 tyb 4729 3 ld^/ l/*/ g/ axfb"/ yfkf 2076.05.11 clgjfo{ d:of{ébL hn ljB"t s]Gb|
54 b#ª 5903 5 n]vfkfn lbks s"df/ >]i& 2076.05.11 clgjfo{ rGb|lgufxk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
55 svu 739 3 On]lS^«l;og ;"/]Gb| s"df/ d)*n 2076.05.12 clgjfo{ s~rgk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
56 vuw 1922 4 kmf]/d]g t"naxfb"/ v*\sf 2076.05.13 clgjfo{ kf]v/f ljt/)f s]Gb|
57 t 310162 1 sfof{no ;xof]uL /fd]Zj/axfb"/ If]qL 2076.05.14 clgjfo{ e}/xjf ljt/)f s]Gb|
58 b#ª 5668 5 n]vfkfn lzj/fdk|;fb kf}*]n 2076.05.15 clgjfo{ afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
59 svu 1207 3 On]lS^«l;og ;"s/fd b/} 2076.05.15 clgjfo{ e/tk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
60 b#ª 5698 5 n]vfkfn g]qaxfb"/ sfsL{ 2076.05.17 clgjfo{ cgf/dgL ljt/)f s]Gb|
61 uw 3617 4 kmf]/d]g ;/nf kf]v\]n 2076.05.18 clgjfo{ b"xjL ljt/)f s]Gb|
62 b#ª 5564 5 n]vfkfn cf]dk|sfz e§/fO{ 2076.05.18 clgjfo{ b"xjL lu|* zfvf
;xfos k|zf;sLo sd{rf/L k|zf;g zfvf,
63 #ªk 3641 6 clws[t xl/s[i)f >]i& 2076.05.18 clgjfo{ lj=u|f=;]=lg=

64 svu 742 3 On]lS^«l;og s[i)faxfb"/ du/ 2076.05.20 clgjfo{ k/f;L ljt/)f s]Gb|
65 sv 629 2 x]Nk/ e/tk|;fb nfn s)f{ 2076.05.20 clgjfo{ /fhlj/fh ljt/)f s]Gb|
66 b#ªkkm5781 7 clws[t /fh"dfg t)*"sf/ 2076.05.20 clgjfo{ ;fdfGo k|zf;g zfvf
67 gr% 7682 7 k|fljlws clws[t /ljGb| >]i& 2076.05.24 clgjfo{ u)*s hnljB"t s]Gb|

68 svu 928 3 O{n]lS^l;og lji)"fxl/ sfsL{ 2076.05.26 clgjfo{ s"n]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|fljlws ck/ tfdfsf]zL xfO*«fkfj/
69 wgr 7202 6 clws[t ;"lgns"df/ e)*f/L 2076.05.26 clgjfo{ lnld^]*
70 sv 110121 2 x]Nk/ Zofd axfb"/ ly+ 2076.05.28 clgjfo{ x]^f}*f lu|* dxfzfvf
71 vwg 1651 5 ;"k/efOh/ afz"b]j sf]O/fnf 2076.05.28 clgjfo{ afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
72 sv 110386 2 x]Nk/ t]hk|;fb k/fh"nL 2076.05.30 clgjfo{ l;Gw"kfNrf]s ljt/)f s]Gb|
73 svu 617 3 O{n]lS^l;og k|]d u"?é 2076.06.01 clgjfo{ Og?jf ljt/)f s]Gb|

!)* jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

74 b#ª 6016 5 n]vfkfn e/ts"df/ b"nfn 2076.06.03 clgjfo{ lj/f^gu/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
75 wg 7331 5 ;"k/efOh/ ofbjaxfb"/ b]phf 2076.06.03 clgjfo{ sfe|] ljt/)f s]Gb|

76 u130017 3 On]lS^«l;og z"egf/fo)f ofbj 2076.06.04 clgjfo{ sGrgk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|

bfgfnfn yfgbf/
77 yb 5240 3 ld^/ l/*/ yf? 2076.06.04 clgjfo{ w/fg ljt/)f s]Gb|
78 vuw 1812 4 kmf]/d]g wf}n rGb 2076.06.04 clgjfo{ a}t*L ljt/)f s]Gb|
?kgL 132 s]=eL= ;j:^]zg
79 uwg 2783 5 ;"k/efOh/ c?)fs"df/ O{z/ 2076.06.05 clgjfo{ cfof]hgf
80 %hem` 11630 10 k|jGws ;"/]zaxfb"/ If]qL 2076.06.06 clgjfo{ r"xfj^ lgoGq)f dxfzfvf
81 gr% 7848 7 OlGhlgo/ -d]sf=+ /d]zs"df/ ltjf/L 2076.06.10 clgjfo{ s"n]vfgL t]>f] hnljB"t
82 svu 777 3 O{n]lS^l;og /jL nfdf l^^"é 2076.06.14 clgjfo{ ndxL ljt/)f s]Gb|
83 tyb 5105 3 ld^/ l/*/ wg axfb"/ yfkf 2076.06.14 clgjfo{ n]vgfy ljt/)f s]Gb|
/fd uf]kfn
84 %hem`^ 11650 11 lgb]{zs lzjfsf]^L 2076.06.14 clgjfo{ pTkfbg ljsfz ljefu
dflyNnf] tfdfsf]zL hnljB't
85 wgr 7176 6 ;xfos OlGhlgo/ /fh]Gb| /fhe)*f/L 2076.06.15 clgjfo{ cfof]hgf
;xfos k|zf;sLo dflyNnf] tfdfsf]zL hnljB"t
86 #ªk 3506 6 clws[t ;/:jtL >]i& 2076.06.16 clgjfo{ cfof]hgf
87 ty 4864 2 sfof{no ;xof]uL wgklt &fs"/ 2076.06.17 clgjfo{ nfxfg ljt/)f s]Gb|
88 tyb 4832 3 ld^/ l/*/ ;"sjxfb"/ lnDa" 2076.06.17 clgjfo{ vf¤bjf/L ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
89 #ªk3655 6 clws[t nId)f ("éfgf 2076.06.17 clgjfo{ /Tgkfs{ ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos n]vf
90 b#ªk 5676 6 clws[t /fh"k|;fb zdf{ 2076.06.18 clgjfo{ lhlG; Joj:yfkg dxfzfvf

91 svu 1368 3 O{n]lS^l;og df]ltk|;fb cfrfo{ 2076.06.20 clgjfo{ ;"v]{t ljt/)f s]Gb|
92 gr% 7857 7 OlGhlgo/-l;len_ cGhnL dfgGw/ 2076.06.20 clgjfo{ lgdf{)f ;xfotf dxfzfvf
93 vuw 1721 4 kmf]/d]g dfwj k|;fb ;"j]bL 2076.06.22 clgjfo{ /Tgkfs{ ljt/)f s]Gb|
94 vuwg 1499 5 ;"k/efOh/ ;fg"efO{ s]=;L= 2076.06.26 clgjfo{ sf&df)*F} u|L* dxfzfvf
95 v 120011 2 x]Nk/ hgs s"df/ >]i& 2076.06.28 clgjfo{ nugv]n ljt/)f s]Gb|
96 %hem 11652 9 pk-k|jGws OGbLj/ l#ld/] 2076.06.29 clgjfo{ lqz"nL hnljB"t sDkgL lnld^]*
;xfos n]vf
97 #ªk 3643 6 clws[t df]xg eut k|wfgfé 2076.07.01 clgjfo{ cy{ dxfzfvf
98 b#ª 6080 5 n]vfkfn ljgf zfSo jh|frfo{ 2076.07.02 clgjfo{ nugv]n ljt/)f s]Gb|
99 b#ª 6332 5 j=;=÷ld=l/=;"=ef= ;"/]Gb|axfb"/ kf)*] 2076.07.03 clgjfo{ cfly{s ljZn]if)f ljefu

100 svu 1252 3 O{n]lS^l;og n]vaxfb"/ lwtfn 2076.07.11 clgjfo{ g"jfsf]^ ljt/)f s]Gb|
pk-sfo{sf/L of]hgf cg"udg tyf ;"rgf
101 %em`^& 11372 12 lgb]{zs hulbZj/ dfg l;+x 2076.07.15 clgjfo{ k|ljlw lgb]{zgfno
102 ªkkmaed 8591 10 ;x-lgb]{zs uf]s"n/fh vqL 2076.07.15 clgjfo{ sd{rf/L sNof)f dxfzfvf
;xfos sDKo"^/ df^f], ("+uf tyf s+qmL^ k|of]
103 #ªk 3788 6 clws[t ;"lgns"df/ sf/l~ht 2076.07.15 clgjfo{ uzfnf
104 vu 2412 3 O{n]lS^l;og lzjnfn ;"j]bL 2076.07.17 clgjfo{ k"jfvf]nf hnljB"t s]Gb|
105 vu 2244 3 O{n]lS^l;og /]jtL/dg l#ld/] 2076.07.17 clgjfo{ sfjf;f]tL ljt/)f s]Gb|
106 b#ª 5609 5 n]vfkfn ;"ldg >]i& 2076.07.17 clgjfo{ dxf/fhu~h ljt/)f s]Gb|
107 s 1807 1 h"lgo/ x]Nk/ k|sfz lu/L 2076.07.18 clgjfo{ eQmk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
108 ty 5054 2 sfof{no ;xof]uL dltdfof yfkf 2076.07.20 clgjfo{ tftf]kfgL ljt/)f s]Gb|
109 uwg 3224 5 ;"k/efOh/ jb|Lk|;fb Gof}kfg] 2076.07.24 clgjfo{ b"xjL dN^Lkm\o'n l*h]n s]Gb|
110 vuw 1808 4 kmf]/d]g dfw]Zj/ l;+x 2076.07.28 clgjfo{ hgsk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
111 tyb 4625 3 ld^/ l/*/ pkfWofo 2076.07.28 clgjfo{ ;fdfGo k|zf;g dxfzfvf
l;lgo/ x]eL
112 uwg 3098 5 OSo"Kd]G^ ck/]^/ /fhg s"df/ yfkf 2076.08.03 clgjfo{ ;jf/L zfvf
113 b#ª 6075 5 n]vfkfn zf]ef /fo d"gsdL{ 2076.08.04 clgjo{ nugv]n ljt/)f s]Gb|
114 wg 7021 5 ;"k/efOh/ d]g]h/ jdf{ 2076.08.06 clgjfo{ u)*s hnljB"t s]Gb|
115 b#ª 5700 5 lsk/ s"df/ sfsL{ 2076.08.07 clgjfo{ cfGtl/s n]vf kl/If)f ljefu
116 svu 19 3 O{n]lS^l;og /fds[i)f vqL 2076.08.07 clgjfo{ s]Gb|Lo ld^/ ^]li^é k|of]uzfnf

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !)(

117 v 120145 2 x]Nk/ lji)f"axfb"/ sfsL{ 2076.08.08 clgjfo{ l;Gw"kfNrf]s ljt/)f s]Gb|
118 uwg 2781 5 ;"k/efOh/ sdfgGb nf}uL 2076.08.13 clgjfo{ sGrgk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
119 vuw 1024 4 kmf]/d]g dfgaxfb"/ yfkf 2076.08.14 clgjfo{ s"n]vfgL k|yd hn ljB"t s]Gb|
120 uwg 2413 5 ;"k/efOh/ af;"b]j #tL{du/ 2076.08.14 clgjfo{ s"n]vfgL k|yd hn ljB"t s]Gb|
121 uwg 2991 5 ;"k/efOh/ nIdLaxfb"/ dxt 2076.08.15 clgjfo{ b"xjL dlN^km\o"n l*h]n s]Gb|
122 wgr 7281 6 ;xfos OlGhlgo/ d"lQmgfy nD;fn 2076.08.15 clgjfo{ u)*sL k|fb]lzs sfof{no kf]v/f
123 b#ª 5774 5 jl/i& ;xfos nIdLk|;fb (sfn 2076.08.16 clgjfo{ bds ljt/)f s]Gb|
124 kkmaedo 12770 11 lgb]{zs ljb"/axfb"/ (+"ufgf 2076.08.16 clgjfo{ cfof]hgf Aoj:yfkg lgb]{zgfno
125 sv 1100 2 x]Nk/ hf]vg d)*n 2076.08.16 clgjfo{ lj/f^gu/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
126 svu 630 3 O{n]lS^l;og e/t /fo e"ldxf/ 2076.08.18 clgjfo{ hn]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
/fdafns dxQf]
127 svuw 472 4 kmf]/d]g g"lgof 2076.08.18 clgjfo{ kf]vl/of ljt/)f s]Gb|
128 uwg 3048 5 ;"k/efOh/ ofdnfn kf}*]n 2076.08.18 clgjfo{ g]kfnu+h ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
129 #ªk 3411 6 clws[t s[i)f rGb| e§/fO{ 2076.08.18 clgjfo{ tgx"¤ xfO*«f]kfj/ lnld^]*
;xfos k|zf;g k|b]z g+=5, k|fb]lzs sfof{no,
130 #ªk 3656 6 clws[t lai)f"x/L !jfnL 2076.08.20 clgjfo{ a"^jn
131 b#ª 6004 5 j=;=÷ld=l/=;"=ef= /fdcf}tf/ l;+x 2076.08.21 clgjfo{ hgsk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
132 sv 1486 2 x]Nk/ t]h axfb"/ a?jfn 2076.08.22 clgjfo{ afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
133 b#ª 5588 5 j=;=÷ld=l/=;"=ef= cDj/ axfb"/ e"h]n 2076.09.01 clgjfo{ l;Gw"nL ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo b"wsf]zL hnfzoo"Qm hnljB"t
134 #ªk 3729 6 clws[t cf]d k|sfz l#ld/] 2076.09.03 clgjfo{ cfof]hgf
135 tyb 5110 3 ld^/ l/*/ Ps axfb"/ u"?é 2076.09.04 clgjfo{ a"^jn lu|* dxfzfvf
136 uwg 2978 5 ;"k/efOh/ s[kfgGb emf 2076.09.04 clgjfo{ dWo d:of{ébL hn ljB"t s]Gb|
phf{ bIftf tyf r"xfj^
137 %hem`^ 11562 11 lgb]{zs lt/k]Zj/ k'j]{ 2076.09.04 clgjfo{ lgoGq)f ljefu
138 gr% 7990 7 O{lGhlgo/ hubLz kf)*]] 2076.09.05 clgjfo{ hn]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
139 b#ª 5894 5 j=;=÷ld=l/=;"=ef= b]j s"df/L >]i& 2076.09.06 clgjfo{ w/fg ljt/)f s]Gb|

140 uwg 3137 5 ;"k/efOh/ k')f{ s"df/ ltdlN;gf 2076.09.09 clgjfo{ ;"gsf]zL hn ljB"t s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
141 #ªk 3758 6 clws[t gu]Gb| k|;fb lu/L 2076.09.09 clgjfo{ #f]/fxL ljt/)f s]Gb|
k|b]z g+=2, k|fb]lzs sfof{no,
142 b#ª 5896 5 n]vfkfn÷:^f]/lsk/ bLk gf/fo)f d)*n 2076.09.10 clgjfo{ hgsk"/
143 svu 640 3 O{n]lS^l;og avtaxfb"/ du/ 2076.09.13 clgjfo{ dnéjf ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos n]vf
144 b#ªk 5634 6 clws[t g/]Gb|axfb"/ s+*]n 2076.09.19 clgjfo{ ;"gsf]zL hn ljB"t s]Gb|
145 uwg 2855 5 ;"k/efOh/ wd{gf/fo)f emf 2076.09.20 clgjfo{ /fhlj/fh ljt/)f s]Gb|
146 tyb 5162 3 ld^/ l/*/ /fhlszf]/ ;fx 2076.09.21 clgjfo{ uf}zfnf ljt/)f s]Gb|
147 b#ª 6229 5 n]vfkfn÷:^f]/lsk/ /fdafa" nfld%fg] 2076.09.21 clgjfo{ afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
148 ty 5385 2 sfof{no ;xof]uL tf]ofgfy lg/f}nf 2076.09.22 clgjfo{ Onfd -k'jfvf]nf_ hnljB"t s]Gb|
149 vuw 1903 4 kmf]/d]g lagf]b kf)*]o 2076.09.22 clgjfo{ hn]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
150 tyb 5273 3 ld^/ l/*/ k')f}{ axfb"/ sfsL{ 2076.09.25 clgjfo{ l;Gw"kfNrf]s ljt/)f s]Gb|
151 svu 1263 3 O{n]lS^l;og a"w} b/fO{ 2076.09.28 clgjfo{ e/tk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
152 uw 3392 4 kmf]/d]g b|f])f{/fh /]UdL 2076.09.29 clgjfo{ b"xjL ljt/)f s]Gb|

!!) jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

:j]lR5s cjsfz k|fKt sd{rf/Lsf] gfdfjnL
l;=g+= qm=;+=g+= tx kb gfd÷y/ cjsfz ldlt ldlt sfof{no
;xfos k|zf;sLo
1 b#ªk 5775 6 clws[t dfwj k|;fb b"nfn 2076.04.05 :j]lR%s sfe|] ljt/)f s]Gb|
2 b#ª 6124 5 jl/i& ;xfos l^sf /fh sfsL{ 2076.04.06 :j]lR%s lu|* ljsf; ljefu
3 uwg 2912 5 ;"k/efOh/ /Tg k|;fb rf}nfuf¤O{ 2076.04.10 :j]lR%s kgf}lt hnljB"t s]Gb|
4 b#ª 6116 5 j=;=÷ld=l/=;"=ef= cf]d s[i)f t)*"sf/ 2076.04.16 :j}lR%s cy{ dxfzfvf
of]hgf tyf k|fljlws ;]
5 tyb 4994 3 ld^/ l/*/ bn axfb"/ du/ 2076.04.24 :j]lR%s jf ljefu
6 svu1555 3 O{n]lS^l;og d"g axfb"/ v*\sf 2076.04.26 :j]lR%s sf&df)*f} lu|* dxfzfvf
8 vuwg 1686 5 ;"k/efOh/ kf/; s"df/ s]=;L= 2076.05.01 :j]lR%s ;"gsf]zL hnljB"t s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
7 #ªk 3332 6 clws[t /fh]zd)fL (sfn 2076.05.01 :j]lR%s b"xjL lu|* zfvf
9 wgr 7081 6 ;xfos O{lGhlgo/ k/z"/fd jfUn] 2076.05.02 :j]lR%s l;Gw"kfNrf]s ljt/)f s]Gb|
10 svu 986 3 O{n]lS^l;og ;"/]z dfg kf+}h" 2076.05.06 :j]lR%s kgf}tL hnljB"t s]Gb|
11 b#ª 5517 5 jl/i& ;xfos x]d nIdL >]i& 2076.05.17 :j]lR%s cy{ dxfzfvf, lj=u|f=;]=lg=
z"idf ltlD;gf -uf}
12 b#ª 6301 5 sDKo"^/ ck/]^/ td_ 2076.05.17 :j]lR%s afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
13 vuwg 1316 5 ;"k/efOh/ ch"{g s"df/ Kofs"/]n 2076.05.17 :j]lR%s l;d/f ljt/)f s]Gb|
14 uwg 2771 5 ;"k/efOh/ ;"jfs/ dn]s" 2076.05.20 :j]lR%s sf&df)*f} lu|* dxfzfvf
15 uwg 2692 5 ;"k/efOh/ /fd ;"Gb/ rf}w/L 2076.05.25 :j]lR%s s~rgk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
b"xjL dlN^km\o'n l*h]n s]
16 vuwg 1167 5 ;"k/efOh/ u+uf/fd s"¤j/ 2076.05.26 :j]lR%s Gb|
k|b]z g+=3, k|fb]lzs
17 ty 4578 2 sfof{no ;xof]uL s]zj k|;fb e§/fO{ 2076.06.01 :j]lR%s sfof{no, sf&df)*F}
18 b#ª 5770 5 n]vfkfn gfgL/fd Gof}kfg] 2076.06.01 :j]lR%s ;+:yfut ljlQo ljefu
;xfos n]vf
19 #ªk 3380 6 clws[t /fh" /Tg >]i& 2076.06.01 :j]lR%s s]Gb|Lo n]vf dxfzfvf
;xfos k|zf;g
20 #ªk 3044 6 clws[t /fwf k/fh"nL 2076.06.01 :j]lR%s afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
sfj]nL sf]l/*f]/ 132
;xfos k|fljlws s]=le= k|zf/)f nfO{g cfof]
22 wgk 7189 6 clws[t /fh]Gb| s"df/ k|;fO{ 2076.06.01 :j]lR%s hgf
gf/fo)f axfb"/ v*\ ljt/)f tyf u|fxs ;]jf
21 #ªkkm 3204 7 k|zf;sLo clws[t sf 2076.06.01 :j]lR%s lgb]{zgfno
;xfos k|zf;sLo g]kfn ef/t ljB"t k|zf/)f
24 #ªk 3421 6 clws[t tg"hf pk|]tL k/fh"nL 2076.06.02 :j]lR%s tyf Jofkf/ cfof]hgf
cjsfz sf]if Joj:yfkg
23 #ªk 3235 7 n]vf clws[t dLgf af:tf]nf (sfn 2076.06.02 :j]lR%s dxfzfvf
25 b#ª 6338 5 n]vfkfn sfGtf s"df/L ("+u]n 2076.06.05 :j]lR%s /Tgkfs{ ljt/)f s]Gb|
26 svu 929 3 O{n]lS^l;og ci^ gf/fo)f dxh{g 2076.06.06 :j]lR%s bf]nvf ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos n]vf k|b]z g+=3, k|fb]lzs
27 #ªk 3452 6 clws[t ;jgd d"lvof 2076.06.13 :j]lR%s sfof{no sf&df)*F}
k|b]z g+=3, k|fb]lzs
28 ªkkm 8685 7 k|zf;sLo clws[t zf/bf df]lxgL *+uf]n 2076.06.15 :j]lR%s sfof{no sf&df)*F}
29 gr% 7878 7 O{lGhlgo/ /égfy kl)*t 2076.06.17 :j]lR%s d:of{ébL hn ljB"t s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
30 #ªk 3721 6 clws[t afn s[i)f >]i& 2076.07.01 :j]lR%s a}t*L ljt/)f s]Gb|
32 vuw 1736 4 kmf]/d]g dg axfb"/ s"dfn 2076.07.03 :j]lR%s g"jfsf]^ ljt/)f s]Gb|
k|b]z g+=1, k|fb]lzs
31 #ªkkm 3260 7 n]vf clws[t /]jtL k|;fb clwsf/L 2076.07.03 :j]lR%s sfof{no lj/f^gu/
33 vwg 1805 5 ;"k/efOh/ z+s/ k|;fb kf]v/]n 2076.07.05 :j]lR%s sf&df)*f} lu|* dxfzfvf

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !!!

;xfos n]vf t"n;L k|;fb
34 #ªk 3561 6 clws[t clwsf/L 2076.07.07 :j]lR%s sLlt{k"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
;xfos k|zf;sLo
35 #ªk 3454 6 clws[t /Tg axfb"/ yfkf 2076.07.13 :j]lR%s dxf/fhu~h ljt/)f s]Gb|
36 svu 37 3 On]lS^«l;og lzjx/L vqL 2076.07.20 :j]lR%s nugv]n ljt/)f s]Gb|
37 uwg 3128 5 ;"k/efOh/ an/fd yfkf 2076.07.26 :j]lR%s afg]Zj/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
38 svu 10 3 O{n]lS^l;og /Tg nfn >]i& 2076.08.01 :j]lR%s ^«fG;kmd{/ js{zk zfvf
43 tyb 4751 3 ld^/ l/*/ dl)f/fh af:tf]nf 2076.08.01 :j]lR%s /fd]%fk ljt/)f s]Gb|
40 vuw 1921 4 kmf]/d]g e/t k|;fb kg]? 2076.08.01 :j]lR%s lqz"nL hn ljB"t s]Gb|
44 vuw 1659 4 kmf]/d]g nId)f vqL 2076.08.01 :j]lR%s sLlt{k"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
l;lgo/ x]eL dflyNnf] df]bL hnljB"t
42 uwg 3105 5 OSo"Kd]G^ ck/]^/ s]zj *+uf]n 2076.08.01 :j]lR%s cfof]hgf
;xfos n]vf tfdfsf]zL hnljB"t sDkgL
39 #ªk 3589 6 clws[t tg"hf k/fh"nL v/]n 2076.08.01 :j]lR%s lnld^]*
cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf)f
41 ªkkm 8811 7 k|zf;sLo clws[t b"uf{ /fO{ 2076.08.01 :j]lR%s ljefu
d:of{ébL sf&df)*F} 220
tyvuw s]=le= k|zf/)f nfO{g cfof]
45 4536 4 kmf]/d]g wd{bQ kGt 2076.08.06 :j]lR%s hgf
s"n]vfgL k|yd hnljB"t
46 wgr 7127 6 ;xfos O{lGhlgo/ k"is/ axfb"/ sfsL{ 2076.08.10 :j]lR%s s]Gb|
47 svu 1046 3 O{n]lS^l;og lht s"df/ Gofs";L 2076.08.25 :j]lR%s lbQm]n ljt/)f s]Gb|
49 tyb 4896 3 ld^/ l/*/ gdL sfsL{ 2076.09.01 :j]lR%s cfof]hgf ljsf; ljefu
;xfos n]vf
48 #ªk 3263 6 clws[t k|df]b ("+u]n 2076.09.01 :j]lR%s sLlt{k"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
50 %hem 11588 9 pk-k|jGws /fh]z /fo 2076.09.01 :j]lR%s k|)ffnL of]hgf ljefu
51 ªkkm 8803 7 k|zf;sLo clws[t b]j/fh e§ 2076.09.11 :j]lR%s sf&df)*F} u|L* dxfzfvf
ljho s"df/ d/ lj:tfl/t ljB"t ljt/)f
52 gr%h 7931 8 ;xfos k|jGws fl;gL 2076.09.16 :j]lR%s cfof]hgf
of]hgf tyf k|fljlws ;]
53 svu 1201 3 O{n]lS^l;og aRr"/fd v*\sf 2076.09.20 :j]lR%s jf ljefu
54 uwg 2776 5 ;"k/efOh/ k"ik /Tg sf]gfhf] 2076.09.20 :j]lR%s l&dL ljt/)f s]Gb|

/fhLgfdf lbPsf sd{rf/Lsf] gfdfjnL

l;=g+= qm=;+=g+= tx kb gfd÷y/ cjsfz ldlt lsld; sfof{no
1 w 140563 4 kmf]/d]g ljho s"df/ zfx 2076.04.12 /flhgfdf ;f]n"v"Dj" ljt/)f s]Gb|
ejg tyf ef}lts ;+/rgf
2 gr% 8235 7 OlGhlgo/ sf}zn eQm >]i& 2076.05.04 /flhgfdf lgdf{)f cfof]hgf
3 340588 4 l;=ld=/L= gljg axfb"/ ad 2076.08.09 /flhgfdf ^Lsfk"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
4 vu 1515 3 O{n]lS^l;og s[i)f axfb"/ jfO{jf 2076.09.01 /flhgfdf x]^F}+*f lu|* dxfzfvf
s]Gb|Lo sd{rf/L k|zf;g zfvf,
5 # 340350 4 l;=ld=/L= /f]ldsf /fO{ 2076.09.01 /flhgfdf clen]v
6 w140272 4 kmf]/d]g h+u axfb"/ zfxL 2076.09.04 /flhgfdf n]vgfy ljt/)f s]Gb|
7 ª 350256 5 ld=l/=;"=ef= cfo{g uf]l*of 2076.09.04 /flhgfdf ndxL ljt/)f s]Gb|
8 # 340361 4 l;=ld=/L= gj/fh v*\sf 2076.09.04 /flhgfdf sfe|] ljt/)f s]Gb|
9 svu 1393 3 O{n]lS^l;og /Tg axfb"/ lyé 2076.09.07 /flhgfdf s"n]vfgL k|yd hnljB"t s]Gb|
10 # 340860 4 l;=ld=/L= /fh]Gb| uf}td 2076.09.09 /flhgfdf sfe|] ljt/)f s]Gb|
11 b 330273 3 ld^/ l/*/ /fh]Gb| k|;fb hf]zL 2076.09.13 /flhgfdf dxf/fhu~h ljt/)f s]]Gb|
gr% /fh]Gb| s"df/
12 7882 7 O{lGhlgo/ >Ljf:tj 2076.09.26 /flhgfdf k/f;L ljt/)f s]Gb|

!!@ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f
hg;fwg ljefu
sd{rf/L sNof0f dxfzfvf
sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf b'3{6gfdf kl/ pkrf/ u/fpFbfsf] pkrf/ vr{ dfu ug]{ sd{rf/L
l;=g+ s=;=g+ kb÷tx gfd y/ sfof{no ldlt s}lkmot
!   Hofnfbf/L >L ;/f]h s'df/ d08n /+u]nL ljt/0f s]Gb| )&^.)$.@#  

sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf b'3{6gfdf k/L d[To' ePsf sd{rf/L

l;=g+ s=;=g+ kb÷tx gfd y/ sfof{no ldlt s}lkmot

! 3!$)!$$ kmf]/d]g÷$ >L lxSdt axfb'/ a'9f bds ljt/0f s]Gb| )&^.)$.@#  
@ u !#)@!( O{=l;÷# >L ;+lht s'df/ ld> lj/u~h ljt/0f s]Gb| )&^.)$.@(  
# b3 ^$^@ ;=n]=kf=÷$ >L ;'lbk/fh kf}8]n tgx'F ljt/0f s]Gb| )&^.)%.)!  

d[To' ePsf sd{rf/Lsf] gfdfjnL

l;=g+= qm=;+=g+= tx kb gfd÷y/ cjsfz ldlt lsld; sfof{no
1 ty 5394 2 sfof{no ;xof]uL g]qaxfb"/ /f]Ssf 2076.04.26 d[To" w/fg ljt/)f s]Gb|
2 w 140144 4 kmf]/d]g lxSdt axfb"/ a"(f 2076.04.27 d[To" bds ljt/)f s]Gb|
3 s110195 1 h"lgo/ x]Nk/ >L/fd uf]tfd] 2076.05.11 d[To" sLlt{k"/ ljt/)f s]Gb|
l;lgo/ x]eL
4 wg 7536 5 OSo"Kd]G^ ck/]^/ /fh]Gb|k|;fb kf}*]n 2076.06.05 d[To" s]Gb|Lo js{zk, x]^f}*f
sfnLu)*sL P
5 ª 8890 5 x]* uf*{ sdf)*/ e"jgaxfb"/ If]qL 2076.07.04 d[To" hnljB"t s]Gb|
6 sv 110067 2 x]Nk/ k|]d clwsf/L 2076.07.09 d[To" dxf/fhu~h ljt/)f s]Gb|
ledaxfb"/ ?rfn s"n]vfgL bf];|f]
7 sv 1825 2 x]Nk/ du/ 2076.07.11 d[To" hnljB"t s]Gb|
8 uwg 3142 5 ;"k/efOh/ s[i)fk|sfz dNn 2076.08.14 d[To" sf&df)*f} lu|* dxfzfvf
9 #ª 3860 5 n]vfkfn ;+lhjs"df/ sfsL{ 2076.08.15 d[To" kfn"ª ljt/)f s]Gb|

yk cfly{s ;xfotf
cf=j= @)&^÷)&& sf] kf}if d;fGt;Dd yk cfly{s ;xof]u lng] sd{rf/Lsf] ljj/0f

l;=g+= kb sd{rf/Lsf] gfd y/ sfo{/t sfo{fno /f]usf] k|sf/

!= O{=l;= kf/; lu/L lj/u+h ljt/0f s]Gb| d[uf}nf k|Tof/f]k0f
@= n]vfkfn ;+lhj s'df/ sfsL{ kfn'Ë ljt/0f s]Gb| a+uf/fdf SofG;/
#= l;=ld=l/= t]h s'df/ >]i7 l7dL ljt/0f s]Gb| SofG;/
$= sf=;= /fw]Zofd t]nL g]kfnu+h lj=s]= d'6'sf] ck/]zg
%= ;=n]=c= k|sfz l3ld/] ;+:yfut ljlQo ljefu luhfsf] SofG;/
^= O{=l;= kml0fGb| 7fs'/ 9Ns]a/ u|L8 zfvf d[uf}nf v/fa
&= l;=x]=O{=c ;Gt axfb'/ tfdfª phf{ bIftf tyf r'xfj6 lgoGq0f ljefu ls8\gLdf kTy/Lsf] ck/]zg

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^ !!#

g]kfn ljB't k|flws/0f
sd{rf/L sNof0f dxfzfvf
@)&^ kf}if d;fGt;Ddsf] cfly{s sfo{ ljj/0f

l;=g+ ljj/0f lsl;d ;+Vof /sd hDdf /sd s}lkmot

! cg'bfg sfhs[of !$( !%,$),))).    
@ cf}ifwL pkrf/   ^$& ,@,%%,$),%%&.    
# ;fjlws ljdf          
    ljdf ;+:yfgaf6 k|fKt e'QmfgL   !,&#,#),)#^.*&  
    g]=lj=k|f= af6 yk e'QmfgL   !*,@(,@#,)%$.))  
$ ;fk6L cf}ifwL pkrf/ ;fk6L !@( !@,(),))).    
    ;fdflhs Jojxf/ ;fk6L !@$ ,@^,*),))).    
    3/ dd{t ;fk6L !$) &),)),))).    
    3/ hUuf vl/b tyf 3/ lgdf{0f !#& %,%$,)),))).    
% ;fk6L ;+sng     !!,)#,)$,((@.    

cf=j= @)&^÷)&& sf] kf}if d;fGt;Dd cfly{s ;xfotf cg'bfg lng] sd{rf/Lsf] ljj/0f

l;=g+= ljj/0f cg'bfg lng] sd{rf/Lx?sf] ljj/0f hDdf /sd ?=

!#( hgf sd{Rff/Lsf] kl/jf/nfO{ !) xhf/sf b/n] / !) hgf
!= sfhlqmof cg'bfg sd{Rff/L :j+dsf] d[To' ePsf]n] !% xhf/sf b/n] u/L hDdf !%,$),))).))
!$( hgfnfO{ sfhlqmof cg'bfg pknQw u/fO{Psf] .

!!$ jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu''g @)&^
jif{ #) l cª\s @ l kmfu'g @)&^

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