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Chapter One



Today most of the industries use DC motors. So, speed controlling of DC motors
plays a very vital role. Therefore our work concentrates on controlling the speed of
DC motor using Android mobile application, with the help of Bluetooth
technology. Smart phones have in-built Bluetooth technology, so and external
Bluetooth module is interfaced with the microcontroller unit (ARDUINO) for
wireless communication. The Bluetooth module receives command from the
mobile phone android application. So, according to the input signal, with the help
of arduino, dc motor driver kit can be used to vary the voltage as well as the speed
of the DC motor using PWM technique. Direction of the DC motor can also be


The main aim of this work is to design a device that controls the speed of a DC
motor using an arduino with android application device.


* Understand the working principle of the dc motor

* Know how to control the speed of a dc motor using android

* Know the importance of controlling a dc motor speed

* Know how to design mobile application


o Bluetooth consumes less power than other devices.

o Android application is user-friendly.

o Technically expert persons are not required.

o Wireless communication is enhanced.

o Programming is simpler.


Usage of Bluetooth module makes the usage only within a short range.

Usage of android app in smart phones consumes battery.


1. Home automation.

2. Many industrial applications require adjustable speed drive and constant

speed for improving the quality product.

3. Intensity of light can also be controlled with the help of android app.


This system DC motor Controller by Android is developed to control the speed

of the DC motor in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction. For this DC motor
is interfaced to the arduino. A Bluetooth modem is used to receive direction
commands and PWM commands. When an Android device sends commands, it is
received by the Bluetooth modem which then sends the commands to the
microcontroller. The microcontroller the controls the DC motor through motor
driver. The entire system is powered by 12V transformer.


The various stages involved in the development of this project have been
properly put into five chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. In
this project thesis, the project is organized sequentially as follows:

Chapter one of this work is on the introduction to this study. In this chapter, the
background, significance, objective limitation and problem of this work was

Chapter two is on literature review of the study. In this chapter, all the literature
pertaining to this work was reviewed.

Chapter three is on design methodology. In this chapter all the method involved
during the design and construction and testing analysis. All testing that result
accurate functionality was analyzed were discussed.

Chapter four is on conclusion, recommendation and references.

Chapter Two

Fundamentals and Principles


Conventional dc motors consist of one or more field windings, an armature

winding with commutator located on a magnetic rotor or armature, and a magnetic
structure forming a stator (referred to as the yoke). Also, there are, in larger size
motors, additional windings that produce flux but that are not involved directly in
the electrical-to-mechanical energy conversion process. These “nonpower”
windings assist in the commutation process [1].


A DC motor (direct current motor) has a lot of applications in today’s field

of engineering and technology. From electric shavers to automobiles – DC motors
are everywhere. To cater to this wide range of applications – different types of DC
motors are used depending on the applicaition.

The types of DC motor include:

 Permanent Magnet DC Motor (PMDC Motor)

 Separately Excited DC Motor

 Self Excited DC Motor

 Shunt Wound DC Motor

 Series Wound DC Motor

 Compound Wound DC Motor

 Short shunt DC Motor

 Long shunt DC Motor

 Differential Compound DC Motor

These types of DC motors shown in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. types of DC motors

 Separately Excited DC Motor

As the name suggests, in case of a separately excited DC motor the

supply is given separately to the field and armature windings. The main
distinguishing fact in these types of DC motor is that, the armature current
does not flow through the field windings, as the field winding is energized
from a separate external source of DC current as shown in the figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Separately Excited DC Motor

 Permanent Magnet DC Motor

The permanent magnet DC motor (also known as a PMDC motor) consists

of an armature winding as in case of an usual motor, but does not necessarily
contain the field windings as shown in figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3. permanent magnet DC motor

 Self Excited DC Motor

In case of self excited DC motor, the field winding is connected either in

series or in parallel or partly in series, partly in parallel to the armature
winding. Based on this, self excited DC Motors can be classified as:

 Shunt wound DC motor

 Series wound DC motor

 Compound wound DC motor


The DC motor is the device which converts the direct current into the
mechanical work. It works on the principle of Lorentz Law, which states that “the
current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic and electric field experience a
force”. The experienced force is called the Lorentz force. The Flemming left-hand
rule gives the direction of the force. [2]

Fleming Left Hand Rule

If the thumb, middle finger and the index finger of the left hand are
displaced from each other by an angle of 90°, the middle finger represents the
direction of the magnetic field. The index finger represents the direction of the
current, and the thumb shows the direction of forces acting on the conductor as
shown in figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4. flaming left hand rule


 DC Motor Parts

In this section, we will be discussing the construction of DC motors.

 DC Motor Diagram

Figure 2.5 DC motor construction parts

 DC Motor Working Explained

In the previous section, we discussed the various components of a DC

motor. Now, using this knowledge let us understand the working of DC motors.

A magnetic field arises in the air gap when the field coil of the DC motor is
energised. The created magnetic field is in the direction of the radii of the
armature. The magnetic field enters the armature from the North pole side of the
field coil and “exits” the armature from the field coil’s South pole side.

Figure 2.6. production of torque in DC motor

The conductors located on the other pole are subjected to a force of the same
intensity but in the opposite direction. These two opposing forces create
a torque that causes the motor armature to rotate.[3]


Designing the Components

The first tool you’ll use is the Component Designer (or just Designer).
Components are the elements you combine to create apps, like ingredients in a
recipe. Some components are very simple, like a Label component, which shows
text on the screen, or a Button component, which you tap to initiate an action.
Other components are more elaborate: a drawing Canvas that can hold still images
or animations; an accelerometer, a motion sensor that works like a Wii controller
and detects when you move or shake the phone; or components that make or send

text messages, play music and video, get information from websites, and so on as
shown in figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7. the app inventor component designer

The Designer is divided into several areas:

• Toward the center is a white area called the Viewer. This is where you
place components and arrange them to map out what you want your app to look
like. The Viewer shows only a rough indication of how the app will look, so, for
example, a line of text might break at a different place in your app than what you
see in the Viewer. To see how your app will really appear, you’ll need to either
download the app to your phone (we’ll go through how to do this a bit later, in the
section “Packaging the App for Downloading”) or view it in the emulator that
comes with App Inventor.

• To the left of the Viewer is the Palette, which is a list of components you
can select from. The Palette is divided into sections; at this point, only the Basic
components are visible, but you can see components in other sections of the Palette
by clicking the headers labeled Media, Animation, and so on.

• To the right of the Viewer is the Components list, which lists the
components in your project. Any component that you drag into the Viewer will
show up in this list. Currently, the project has only one component listed: Screen1,
which represents the phone screen itself.

• Under the Components list is an area that shows the Media (pictures and
sound) in the project. This project doesn’t have any media yet, but you’ll be adding
some soon.

At the far right is a section that shows the Properties of components; when
you click a component in the Viewer, you’ll see its Properties listed here.

Properties are details about each component that you can change. (For
example, when clicking on a Label component, you might see properties related to
color, text, font, and so on.) [4].

 Adding Components to Your New Project

To add components to your application, click the component you want and
drag it onto the Viewer window in Design view. The representation of your phone
is labeled Screen1. Every project starts with a default component called Screen1,
and its Title property or label is set to Screen1. The ink of this default screen
component as the blank sheet of paper on which you will design your application.

All App Inventor components have settings called properties. Properties are set in
the Properties column when a component is selected in the Viewer. The

Block Editor can also be used to change component properties on the fl y

when events occur in your application. (More on that later, in the section called
“Introducing the Block Editor.”) I show you how to replace the default Screen1
title with the title of your application when you get to the Properties column in this
chapter. Your application name shows up where you see the text Screen1 in the
Viewer. As you add components to the screen, the components fi ll in from top to
bottom of the Viewer, not left to right. In Chapter 3, I show you how to arrange
your components across the screen or vertically and how to simulate multiple
screens for your application. For now, open the Basic palette grouping by clicking
on it.

 Adding a Button component

As a demonstration, open the Basic palette and drag and drop a Button
component on to the Viewer. A button shows up not only on the Viewer but also
on your connected Android phone. A button allows you to interact with the users
of your application. The users tap it and things happen. Buttons, as you might well
expect, play a big part in almost all applications. They provide events that you can
tie actions to. Every time you drop any component onto the Viewer, a new
component drawer and new blocks are added to the My Blocks tab in the Block
Editor. The blocks are stored in drawers. The drawers are accessed by clicking the
corresponding button on the left side of the Blocks Editor. Click over to the Blocks
Editor to see the new component drawer and blocks: If you have minimized the
Blocks Editor, it will be in your system taskbar. Click the icon to maximize it. If

the Blocks Editor is closed, you need to open it by clicking the Open the Blocks
Editor button. When you have the Blocks Editor open, you see two tabs labeled
Built-In and My Blocks in the far left column of the Blocks Editor. Click on the
My Blocks tab. All of the components you add to the Design view create a new
component drawer. Click on the Button1 rectangle to open the component drawer
for your new button. All of the blocks for the button you placed on the Design
view are in this drawer as shown in figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8. The drawer for your new Button component and all of its programming blocks

 Adding a Label component

Click on and drag a Label component from the Basic palette onto the Viewer
screen. Once again, you see your new label show up on your connected Android
phone. A label allows you to place text and display information on your screen. It
also places blocks into the Block Editor that allow you change and manipulate the
label properties and text. Just like with the button you placed, you can use blocks
that change the label properties such as size, visibility, or text. Labels can be used
to display information that your application generates.

By default, the label drops below the button you placed on Screen1. You can
drag components around to reorder them on Screen1. Click on the label and drag it
above the button.

As you drag the label, you see a blue place indicator line, like the one you
see in Figure 2.9, indicating where the label will drop when you release it[4].

Figure 2.9. The blue line indicates where component will be placed when it is dropped

Chapter Three



This project has focused on the following steps represented in block diagram
as shown in figure (3.1.)

Arduion UNO
DC motor driver
DC motor Bluetooth
Control LCD shield

Smart phone

Figure 3.1. block diagram of project


In this project, the electronic parts used are described as below

- Arduino UNO: this part considered the main part of circuit design, which

contain the microcontroller to control the input and output.

- Bluetooth HC06: its module computable with Arduino, which used to send
and received data from other connected bluetooth. In our project, the
bluetooth connected to smart phone bluetooth where the first one received
the operation (DC motor speeds and direction).

- LCD keypad shield: This component also computable with Arduino, and
used to display string, this component has keypad used to control output
devices. In our project, this keypad used to control the three speeds besides
control the direction of DC motor.

- DC motor driver: this module connected to Arduino and received PWM to

control the speed of DC motor, also, can control the direction of DC motor.

- DC motor: this motor connected to DC motor driver and work on 12V.

Figure 3.2. Circuit component of proposed work


In this section, the software design of mobile application of our project is

based on MIT application inventor environment. The mobile window design is
shown in figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3. Mobile application design

This block programming steps of our project has been described as following:

- Bluetooth selection: in this command button will search for available

bluetooth in detected range. And can select which bluetooth device. The
name of device should be connected to is HC06 where this one is connected
to Arduino UNO.

- Speed and direction buttons: different flags (values) will be send to HC06

during press on any of these commands. These flags will be translating later
in in Arduino to control the DC motor based on action need.


The project is designed to control DC motor speed and direction. There are
two methods of controls, first method, is by smart phone (Android), and the second
method is by keypad comes with LCD shield. Below described in details these

- Smart phone control method

 Speed 1: in this case, set PWM to 120 (the range of PWM is 1:255)

 Speed 2: in this case, set PWM to 150

 Speed 3: in this case, set PWM to 175

 Speed 4: in this case, set PWM to 200

 Speed 5: in this case, set PWM to 255

 Turn to left: in this case, set PWM to first line of motor and second line to 0.

 Turn right: in this case, set PWM to second line of motor and first line to 0.

 Stop: in this case, set PWM to 0

Figure 3.4. shows the real design during mobile application control

Figure 3.4. smart phone control

- Keypad control method

There five keys available attached with LCD keypad shield. Three of
these keys used to control DC with different speeds, the other two keys used
to control the direction (left and right) as shown in figure 3.5..

Figure 3.5. keypad control method

Chapter Four



There are many applications especially in manufactures and factories need to

control the DC speed and direction for that is considered as an important issue. In
this project, controlling DC motor speed and direction is designed using Arduino
UNO, Bluetooth, DC motor driver, and LCD.


We recommended some issues for developing and enactment of project

designed as following:

- Control multi DC motors.

- Transmission data using Wi-Fi.

- Control robot (Arm or walking).




2. R. K. Rajput; "A textbook of Electrical Technology"; 2005.

3. Uday A. Bakshi، Dr. Mayuresh V. Baksh; "Electric Motors"; 2020.

4. David Wolber, Hal Abelson,llen Spertus & Liz Looney "App Inventor,
Create Your Own Android Apps"; 2011.


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