MCQ Head & Neck

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Temporamandibular joint:

The joint is related medially to the spine of

the sphenoid - TRUE

It posses an articular disc - TRUE

The articular disc is covered with

fibrocartilage - FALSE

Dislocated of the jaw is always posterior -


It is a synovial joint - TRUE

Regarding the cranial fossa:

1. The cribiform plate transmits filaments of the ophthalmic

nerve - FALSE

2. The foramen rotundum leads to the pterygopalatine fossa -


3. The middle meningeal artery enters the middle cranial fossa

through the foramen spinosum - TRUE

4. The groove for the lesser petrosal nerve is medial to the

groove for the greater petrosal nerve - FALSE
5. All the motor nerves to the eyeball enter through the superior
orbital fissure - TRUE

Mengenai meninges:

1. Dura mater kranium terdiri daripada 2 lapisan iaitu dalam &

luar - TRUE

2. Ruang subdura mempunyai cecair serebospina – FALSE

3. Sinus sagital superior terdapat di dalam tepi bebas flaks

serebri – FALSE

4. Pia mater susah dipisahkan daripada permukaan koteks otak –


5. Ruang subarachnoid terletak di antara pia mater & arachnoid –


The cavernous sinus:

1. Extends from the inferior orbital fissure to the apex of the

petrous part of temporal bone - false

2. The third & fourth cranial nerve lies in its lateral wall - true

3. Receives blood from the ophthalmic veins - true

4. Communicate with the pterygoid plexus of veins - true

5. Is tranverse by internal carotid artery - true

The pia mater:

1. Is separated from the spinal sord by a space - false

2. Is very vascular - true

3. Is surrounded by CSF - false

4. Extends into the brain - true

5. Forms ligamenta denticulate - false

Regarding the contents of the digastric


1. Submandibular gland is related inferiorly to the facial vein &

submandibular lymph nodes - false

2. The hypoglossal nerve is superior & medial to the

submandibular duct- false

3. The facial artery groove the gland & then descends between
the gland & the mandible- true
4. On the hypoglossus muscle the lingual nerve is superior to the
submandibular duct - true

5. Postganglionic para fibers reach the submandibular ganglion

which is situated below the lingual nerve & lie on the
hypoglossus- true

Regarding nasal cavity middle ear &


1. Frontal sinus drains into the inferior meatus – FALSE

2. Floor of maxillary sinus is situated at a level above floor of the

nasal cavity -FALSE

3. Enlarged pharyngeal tonsil can cause deafness- TRUE

4. Infection of maxillary sinus can be secondary to infection of

upper molar teeth- TRUE

Concerning orbits & its contents:

1. The roof of the orbit is also the roof of the maxillary sinus-

2. Ophtalmic nerve is purely sensory- true

3. The ciliary ganglion suppies the postganglionic parasympathetic

fibers to the lacrimal gland - false
4. All the extrinsic muscle of the eyeball are from the common
tendinous ring - false

5. The optic disc is situated nasal to the macula- true

The maxillary sinus:

1. Is lined with the stratified squamous epithelium - false

2. Has a floor which is below the level of the floor of the nose -

3. Is roofed by the orbital plate of the frontal bone - false

4. Has an elevation on the floor caused by the canine tooth -


5. Has an orifice which is above the level of the floor of the nose
- true

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